The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 26, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    May 20, 1934
0 DE
(Contlnuod tram Pun Ono)
to oloso Ilia bludoi of small
Detective salil tlioy found th
cut dKo of s can mid pair 9'
tin snipper In llllta'a kuriii.
Theso wer to bo oxuiiilnod cur
fully. 8
Determination lo Blay out un
til wo got ovurytlilim wo waul"
wa ' expressed by ilrlklug long
horomon ut a ocrot uiootlnil
boro todny whllo federal media
tlun bourd mot In further effort
lo bring about ruiuru of 26,000
l'eclflo coohI marlllmo workurn
to their join.
A bulletin olgucd by tho link
ers' publicity coiiiinlttoo olatod
employer hud glvon until noon
toiliiy to "glvo u satisfactory an
wlior" to Uiclr demands, wbluh
I no III do rocoKiillloii of tlia "closed
bop" mid union control of hir
ing holla,
Tho atrlko aprtad, mcanwhllo,
to Include 200 niombora of Oak
land Local No. 10 of tho Abso
elation ot Certified Woldora, who
voted to support tho lon.ahore
inon by not working on any all I pi
worked by non-union man,
Tho Western Milling company,
employing mora tbun 60 uion,
wai forcod to clot today bo
cauio of lbs wulorfront alrlko
at coaal porta. All aluriiKO spaco
hai boon flllud and oporatlono
will not bo resumed until tho ac
cumulated ouppllea can bo moved.
CI.KO IHK.N'U A8KI.NB. for the
post flvo year a resident ot tbli
city panted away Friday. May 26,
1934 at 2:30 p. m following an
Illness of thro woeko. Bho wat
a native of Oravatt, Arkantat, and
at the tlmo of bar death wna aged
2D yeara 2 month and 14 daya.
Burvlvtng am tho huaband, Lloyd
Aiklna, two iona, Cloo Ivan and
I.lnyd Loo Aiklna, all of Klamath
Falli, Oregon; hr mother. Mri.
I.ulu I. Haley of llili city, and
throe alaten, Mra. Lena Donahoo
of Ntplnnawaiee, Calif; Lola Dean
and Mablo Hnloy ot thla city. Tho
romalna real In tho Earl Whlllock
Funoral home, I'lne otrnot at 8th,
whuro frlendt may call. Notlco
of funoral to bo aunouncod later.
Florence O. Moore, a realdgnt
of Altamont Acrea, paaaed away
In thla city tallowing an UlnoM.of
a few daya. Bho waa a natlvo ot
Dcl.ons, Illinois, and at the tlmo
of her death wai aged 20 yeara,
S month! and 26 daya. fine la
aurvlvod by bor huabnnd, Karl A.
Mnore and threo torn, Harold.
Lyle and Jacklo. all of thla city.
Four brothora. Loo, LaVorn, Ar
lean and Lewlo Tucker and threo
altteri, Ituth Dclv and Holen
Tucker, and Olive Whoeler, all
of Uoahon. Oregon. The remalni
will root at tho Klamath Funoral
llnmo, 026 High atroot, where
friend may call. Funoral nr
rnngonioiiU will bo announced
Inter. , , 1
William Wyllo, a rosldcnt of
this city for the lait 16 yeara.
paasod away at nil lato residence
Friday, following an lllnoaa of
aevoral weok. llu waa a natlvo of
Onllnn,! unit at tllO tlmO Of hlS
death was aged 72 yoara 7 months
and 28 noya. no ib '
two tons, Gcargo and William
Wyllo ot Logon, Utah, and one
brothor, Jnmoa Wyllo of Itcaburg
Idaho. The romalna root In tno
gold room at the Earl Whltloek
. ri i,mHi pinn street at Sixth.
whoro frlonda may call. Notice of
funeral to be announcou inior.
F uneral
Mnry Loulaa Ilrown. a rosldcnt
of thla city for tho Inat two
yeara, poaaed away Friday at
8:30 a. m. following an lllnos
of four month. 8ho waa a na
tlv of Atnll&aa, Iowa, and at tho
tlmo of nor death wa ngod 77
year, 8 month and 2D day.
Bho la aurvlvod bj hor dnughtor,
... Mvrtln TPnrmer of till Olty.
Funeral lorvloe will b hold
Bundny at 2 p. m. at me come
tory In Yreka, California, with
the Hov. Mlllor of tho Flrat
' Mothodlst church officiating. Tho
remnlmt will rcBt In tho Rose
. room at tho Earl Whltloek Fu
noral home, Pino atroot at Sixth,
until 0:80 n, m, Sunday, whoro
friends may call.
Tho Itndlo Dovotlonul hour
Boxt week will be conductod by
the HuddlcBton musical ovan
" gollata who nro conducting moot
' inga at Altnmont, Mr. and Mr.
Huddloston aro rolatod to tho
Duffs, who woro horo recontly
and broadcasted ovor tho radio
" ao acceptably. Tho devotional
broadcast I at 9 o'olock each
morning ovor KFJI.
MODKIIN 8-nOOM houeo. Ilrenk
fast nook and bath, bullt-lna,
rnngo. 810.00. 818 Prospect.
Phono 1S72-W. 0002
WANTED Second-hand saddle.
Clins. Read Snddlory, South
Sixth-Bast Main. 1012
furnished npnrtmaiit, O a
rnugofl. Utilities paid. Phone
1114-J. 10U
Spring. 1930 Erlo, 1013
WANTED Six 4-horso tonm for
Frosno scrnpor work. Soo mnn
airor ot fair ground, D54
LOST 8-monthB-old mnlo wlvo
, hnlrod torrlor, brown and whlto,
namod Ponny, Phono 2010, 960
Pioneer Passes
Mra, Alleo Itiihortaon, Oregon
plonoor, who dlod May twonty
econd at the family - homo on
the Itaguo Itlvor near Grants
Pass. Mr. Koliartion wa the
molhor of six children, and was
known to many pooplo In all
walk of Ufa. Bho wa born Jun
unry 21, 1866, near Yreka, Cullf
Voting Precinct
Winners Released
(Continued from Pag One)
No, 8 Malcolm Eploy, 68.
No. 7 Lamar Towntend, 2,
No. 8 N. M, Btrootor, 1.
No, 0 Itobort Uiillowny, 76.
Na, 10 Uuwuy l'owoll, 62,
No. 11 A. C. l.lHtoe, 43.
No. 12 J. C. O'NIoll, D2.
No. 13 K. H. Itoblliaon, 26.
No. 16 llarvoy Martin. 42.
No. 18 K. I). Roeder, 1.
No. 19 T. J. Mellon. 00.
No. 20 Loula K Portor, 121.
No. 81 K. V. llllllut, 6
No. 22 K. W. MeCollaugh, ID.
' No. 24 T. It. (illleuwutura, 36.
Altamont Fred Peterson, 3.
Ilintty Frank Bchmltt, 13.
Kant Chlloijuln Walter Zim
merman, 40,
Wont Chlloqulu Arthur Prl
aulx, 32.
Crescent Lake A. Bovendlk,2.
lllldubraud O. Wright, 1; U.
Wandnlcd, 1.
Langull Valley A. E. Oale, 34.
Lost Itlvor A. T. Langell, 6,
Malln John Itober, 66.
Morrill Karl DoLupp, 35.
Mill J. W. Hilton. 4.
Modoc N. Y. Btoddard, 23
Mt. Lakl A. Wabbles, 1;
O'llrlen, 1.
Odell T. D. Deal, 6.
Orlndala C. F. O'Laughlln,
6; Uao. Btavonaon, 0.
Pino Urovcv-U. 8. Balontlno,
Plevna T. J. Prather, 3.
- Topsy Ira Wboolor, 1.
Tulo Lako Geo. Cnrlolun. 57.
Wood Itlvor George Denton,
Worden Bon Gay, 5.
Yulnax U. K. Wolford, 81.
Poo Valley Karl Webber, 2.
Shasta Fred A. Lewis, 3.
Bpruguo Itlvor L. A. ltlch
ardaon, 2.
No. lO. K. Van Klper, 2.
No. 3 A. II, Moore, 4.
No. K. F. Uoddurd, 1; Goo.
Chaatnln, 1.
No. 8 Wullor P. Hannon, 41.
No. 7 Noblo Canter, 80.
No. 9 Mlko Mordoff, 1.
No. 10 K. E. Homier, 40.
No. 11 Florin Flnnoll, 43.
" No. 12 Guy E. Hellant. 48.
No, 14 W. 8. Conkllng, 5.
No. 15 Frod Duko. 2.
No. 16 J. D. Bagloy, 89.
No. 18 Carl D. Matliowa, 1.
No. 18 Orth Blaomoro,-46.
No. 20 Ksthor Voatch, 69.
No. 22 J. H. Shaw, 2.
No. 230. C. Porcoll, 1.
No. 24 Frod Jonoa, 34
No. 26 A. F. Graham, 38.
Altamont A. F. Croup, 86.
Croacont Lake Loo llughey 2.
Lost Itlvor Lcstor Uoggs, 1.
Mnlln A. M. Thomaa, 86..
Morrill lloy Tabor, 1.
Mill W. O. Crawford, 67.
Mt. Lakl Enrl Mack, 86.
Pino Grovo U. W. Short, 4.
Topsy W. L. Frnln, 0.
Tulo Lnko Mile Moore, 1.
Wood Itlvor Geo. Denton, 2.
Charles Bernard Oswald, 24,
block settor ot Klamath Fulla to
Loola Knthryn Long, 20.
Kiigeno D, Willlnma, 21, clerk,
ot Klumiith Falls to Wyllo Loa
Wnlker, 21, olork ot Klamath
I wouldn't
be without
I ' raja
my account at the
American National Bankl
"HOUSEWIVES know that running a house is a
business in itself and requires constant watch
fulness of expenditures. My Chocking Account
i holps me koep an accurate record of every ex
penditure, a'nd my cancelled checks give me re
ceipts for all payments, I know that the money I
deposit in my account is absolutely safe, and I like
the friendly treatment of the people in the bank
who are always ready to answer my many ques
tions!" I
For service, safety, and coinpleto
satisfaction, you too arc Invited
to make till modern bunk XOUK ,
American National Bank
Klamath Falls, Ore.
(Continued from Pago Ono)
ard when It travelled 401 miles
In 304 minute for an averago of
7D.1 miles an hour,
Tho previous record, held by
HiiKland'e Itoyu) Scot on a run
between London and Edinburgh,
waa 66 miles an hour over tho
sumo dlataneo.
Muklng Its record, the Zcph; r,
engaged In a projected non-stop
run of 1017 in 1 1 us from Denver
to Chicago, rouchod a top speed
of 112.6 miles, mi hour for throe
mill's In eastern Colorado, bat
tering It own previous mark by
threo miles an hour.
It BiiiuBhod every Amorlcan
train record with that mark save
ono of 116.20 miles an hour sot
by tho Philadelphia and Beading
over 4.8 miles of track b-twocn
HrlKuntlno Junction and Egg
iiuriior in July. 1904.
Thousand of Nebraska!! lined
tho Burlington truck to watch
the train speed by. Motorists
inanugud lo koep abroast of the
train for threo miles at 80 miles
an hour and an airplane passed
mo gepnyr alter rollowlng It for
60 miles across eastern Colo
When tho train reachad hliih
speed, Zupb. a burro which Is
anonrd, collnpaod a tho Zephyr
lid around a curve and the ani
mal waa rovivod with difficulty.
Memorial Service
Announced Today
(Continued from Page One)
lalka will follow by Lcstor Flnd-
loy, American Legion; Noblo Can-
lor, veioran of Forolun Wars
Frank Superior, Spanish War
vetorans. VandenborK will then
glvo tho muln Memorial day ad-
K. M. Wlnotrout I general
chairman of tho Memorial day
Use of tho Pelican theatre for
tho Memorial day sorvlccs waa
glvon by H. W. Poole, propriotor.
Mombors of the committee
pressed their appreciation of this
C O. P. of Oregon
Hold Huge Rally
(Continued from Page One)
tenia, Its grant ot patenta and
Tho spenker pointed out that
to the extent that tho now deal
codes and regulatory acts "woro
emergency measures to meet Im
mcdlute critical conditions, tho
republican members ot congress
joined In their enactmont, and re
publicans over the country have
rosponded loyally to president
lloosevoll'i appeal for their ac
He did criticize what he de
scribed is "the fundamental phll
osophy of the brain trust which
looks to mnklng pormanent aomo
of these emergency mensures.
Summer Prices
T $5.00
W. $3-75
Earn $2.25
Block at Ynrd
. Per Con). $2.(10
roal that wna so satisfactory
last year l
IOO-lb. Rack OOo
tflO-lb. Your sack SSo
Fuel Oil. Dlesal Oil, Furnace
OH, Stove Oil. The moat com
plete line or Fuel Oils In the
tale at bottom prices.
Peyton V Co.
"Wood to Burn"
Phone 635 126 8. 7th Bu
Mild Winter
Brings Menace
(Continued trom Pago One)
Hon that the Hosts are sometimes
fastiniod lo the underside of car
or lo railroad curs, and thus are
curried from on section to an
other, Tho neat contain many
okks and aomo ot them are be
ginning to hateh. -
Children Cautioned.
"Chlldron should bo cautioned
not to put thulr hands in holes
and between rocks," said Cblt-
wood. Orown-upa should bo on
thulr guard. Thore aro scorpions
also In tho rock horo, and we
liuvo three kind of rnttlotnakot
horo thut 1 know of. Whllo they
aro nut so numerous, ono la like
ly to run onto thorn unexpect
County Agont Hnndoraon said
that tho female spider, which Is
murked on the underside with
red, la reputed to bo moro dnn-
goroua tliun tho male. This has
led to tho use of tho term "black
widow." '
Ilandorson advise - spraying
I . Si r
w - i a a Zitur.toise'.nt.v " 'amiii
m r mm :-r - t is . i-"
I rar VI ,. S?
m i
W m ill ' 11 fMV
' ' - mm m 'J : I . . I --
t" '. -
-J i '
v llj'l ill4
t r--'--riify l -!!
522 S. 6th St.
Your Chevrolet dealer Invites you to write the best
1934 Chevrolet Sedan. Open to everyone. O et entry
promises with ono pound of
chlorldo of lime to five gallons
of water. This will destroy both
okks and tho adult spider, bo
The agent said It Is posslblo
Iho mild winter may be respon
sible for the prevalence of tho
spiders this year. Long and In
tense freozlng period In past
winter may havo restricted them
to small number,
i There are also frequent re
port of ticks tins year. Ticks
sometime carry spotted fever,
Henderson aald the granshop
por plague thla year la tho worst
in several seasons. An extensive1
control program la now under
way. Casualty Lists
Grow As Strike
Fight Continues
(Continued from Pago One)
and more gaa bombs from sol
dier whllo a union mas meet
ing wa In progres a few blocks
away last night, plana woro
made to eontlnuo the peace
- f
08 Tff
Modoc Indian
Fighter Dies
ALTUIM8, Cat.. Moy 26. (UP)
Col. William Thompson, the col
orful plonoor who watched Cap
tain Jack and it Indian braves
hold off six companies of federal
troops and an Oregon regiment for
72 hours, died at his homo here
late Thursday night.
Col. Thompson was a survivor
of the ' Captain Jack and othor
Indian war In Southern Oregon
and Northern California. During
one engagement he watched
through field glasses the Indian
chief strutting behind his line ot
braves In the uniform and equip
ment of General Can by, who waa
lain In the uprising.
Col. Thompson was a pioneer
publisher. He wa born In
Springfield, Mo., In 1846 and
crossed the plain with hi par
ent In 1852.
The Thompsons settled at En-
U J5 .
gone, Ore., when the now thriving
city was an outpost. Later he was
employed by Joaquin Miller, later
known as the poet of the Blorrai.
Col. Thompson published a
newspaper at Eugene and one at
Women everywhere
now Jinow that
and a
can't be equalled
il i MT!
In the Vnr-price notor car field
para with ChevaoletS famous B
other car at Chevrolet's prioe has any of the vital feat ares pictured hen.. Ami
without these re tares, sf hnposeible to equal Chewole' rtdel Yoa-can't get
Kuee-AotieD imiiAu with anything less than a genuine Knee-Action ear. Yew
can't get sk-cylnder economy with more than Mx nor can yon get vdve-hvfaaact
perfornoce with aarthing inferior to ralve-in-head dii. And the same thing
applies to the Fisher body, the brakes, the steering. Chevrolet offeas one fea
ture after another that makes a tremendous difference in the way the oar
feels, performs and save. One feature after another that puts Chevrolet tmt
ahead in value ... farther ahead every day In sates!
Cunpmn OxWes'i low dcUuxrd pricm mini eary C. M. A. C. term. A General Motors Yakte
essay of fifty words
blank from nearest
Salnm. Atter a split In tha dem
ocrat; -ivnks he went tn Klamath,
cou: , :.nd enlisted to fight Cap
tain J !i. In 1884 he en me to
Modr county and ealabllshed a
nowai jar here.
Klamath Ice & Storage Co.
601 Hprlng 8t. Phono M
'fit- Hi.
there nothing that eamt ccmmJ
- mile side. The Mason 1m Ba
Phon 49
or less and win a
Chevrolet dealer.