V" ' PAGE SIX May 19, 1934 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON CLOSED SHOP ISSUE HOLDS T RUCE (Continued from Page One) trncki, and advanced again. One mora police awung their elubi and several pickets were Injur ed. Their comrades carried them off. A patrol wagon and aeveral squad cars arrived at the market as reinforcements. The crowd ot strikers and bystanders milled about shouting at police. Police in Victory Nearly 600 atrlkera swooped down on the trucks with rocks and clubs. Twelve police cars were rushed to the scene and the tight was on. Strikers were clubbed and returned the police tire with clubs. Ambulances were rushed to the scene. The first battle resulted in Ylctory for the police as two trucks moved out, under police escort, to make their produce deliveries. A second riot broke out at the 0. Thomas stores headquarters, when an army ot nearly 400 strikers Hocked the Thomaa gar age. They atoned two trucks, breaking the windshields and cab windows and mulcting severe laceratlona on the two track drivers. Another riot call sound ed at police headquarters and re serves raced to tne scene, unce more the strikers were beaten back. In one charge police tried to arrest one ot the pickets. When be resisted, be was knocked down, tailing behind a patrol wagon. Quickly his comrades rushed to htm and carried him off before police could lay bands on him again. . .- County Returns (Continued from Page One) Commissioner Dunham . Anderson .1258 -1784 Miller . lwls. , Assessor -1529 -1266 Band Gout -2007 .1550 Judiciary 'Aaharat Duncan . Fletcher Ganong . Irwin Schanpp , -1490 .1891 458 .1437 . 278 .1172 funding Bond Tea 443i No 1612. Ten-man Jry Tea 2621 No 1879.-'. T.B. HospItal--Tes' 2617; Mo 1772. Insane Hospital Tee 2138; No 1162. Sales Tax Tea 1477 No. 2101. Fire Causes Big Loss at Portland PORTLAND, Ore., Hay 1. UP) ' Loss estimated by tbe fire mar- snail at about 8100,000 was cens ed here today when fire ruined the D. N. As B. Walter company building. Portland's heaviest fire fighting equipment fought a los ing battle for two hours. A stock of linoleum, draperies, curtains and Oriental rugs waa lost and only the exterior of the building was left standing. G. O. P. Commission Dunham Anderson X . .... 17 27 2 . 22 27 49 47 4 85 45 B ,, 30 48 86 47 7 51 61 8 42 36 9 48 45 10 26 84 11 .85 35 12 69 55 13 18 16 14 .- 17 28 16 24 29 16 27 26 17 21 81 18 ... 25 15 19 36 88 20 95 84 21 46 62 22 64 47 23 20 24 24 18 24 26 21 14 Algoma 18 22 Altamont 44 88 Beatty . . .. Bast Chiloquln 10 36 West Chiloquln 10 81 Crescent Lake . 4 8 Dairy 8 7 Enterprise ............ 11 18 Hlldebrand. 4 19 Kirk .... 2 2 Klamath Lake 6 7 Langell Valley 24 20 Lost River 9 46 Malln .... 22 64 Merrill 2 61 Midland - 6 17 Mill 20 22 Modoc .... 14 9 Mt. Lakl 22 43 Odell 4 6 Orlndale .. 15 43 Pelican Bay 25 82 Pine Drove 14 84 Plevna ........ 18 28 Poo Valley ........... 17 11 Shasta 18 27 Sprague River ..... 18 26 Swan - 2 6 Topsy .................. 0 2 Tule Lake .... 5 70 Wood River 7 88 Warden . 1 6 Tarsal 18 26 Total 126S 1784 Crowds Flock To Al G. i Barnes Circus (Continued from Page One) ' there has never been anything to compare with it. Through Its ab sorption ot the Qrest Sells-Floto circus, the amalgamation has re sulted In the world's largest trav eling amusement Institution. Its visit constitutes a veritable muni cipal holiday with the schools in terrupting their sessions that pu pils may avail themselves of the unequaled opportunity to study natural history. Each season the enlarged Al O. Barnes circus makes two complete transcontinental trips across the American continent. New York, Chicago and the larger cities are visited by the stupendous enter prise. Its predominating char acteristics of honesty, truth and progress eclipses In magnitude, magnificence and variety every other tented undertaking. With speed and precision the tents nosed their way into the air soon after the arrival of the first red wagon on the show grounds. Like an army, the circus figura tively moves on its stomach. Geo. Tipton, the circus obef, hsd a pip ing hot breakfast for the first con tingent of the 1,080 employees. SO minutes after the commissary wagons were spotted. Although the Al G. Barnes cir cus is a peculiarly and typically American Institution, more than 90 per cent of Its performers are foreign. In Europe the struggle for existence Is so sharp that peo ple will attempt exploits which Imperil life and limb, and which no American would think ot un dertaking. They have come across the water by scores. There are 400 performers with the show, representing 18 foreign countries. Childhood s dreams promise to be gloriously realised In tbe huge spectacle the "Fiesta ot the Rio Grande" which serves as a pre lude to the main performance. In terpreted by 600 persons, 100 singing and dancing girls, caval cades ot horses, camels and ele phants. It was presented In a series of radiant visions, vast tab leaux and moving spectacles ot irridescent splendor and was by far the most notable achieve ment in spectacular and dramatic amusements in all tbe long his tory of the famous circus. Poodles Hanneford. prince of riding clowns, heads the human personnel. Fresh from a tour year conquering conquest of Eu rope, this famous bareback rider promises to uncork unheard of thrills. The Flying Clarkonians, champions of Europe were pit ted against America s representa tive aerialists, the Ward family. Altogether more than 60 of the world'a celebrated aerialists will be aeen this season. From Italy comes the Canestrellls family of equilibrists whose work on un supported ladders are unequalled. Twenty-four superbly trained stal lions from Soviet Russia were seen here for the first time. Miss Mabel Stark, intrepid qneen ot wild animal trainers, will again be seen this season. In a steel girded arena the mere slip of a girl will battle more than a score of man-slaying royal Ben gal tigers, newly captured in the forest jungles ot the uncivilized world; - Esther Escalante. amazing ser ialise, irom a Hying trapeze in the dome ot the big top, will turn a somersault, only to catch by her heels. While her brother Phil confines his activities on a sway ing wire. Recruited from a small wagon show playing in the Inter ior ot Mexico, they are high-lights among this season's stars. John Casteel's dogs are an im portant feature, along with his back-firing mules, and rumba ponies. Clowns? Sixty funmak ers were on hand to entertain the little folks Including Art Bo- rella. Bozo, Klnko and Milt Tay lor along with 20 European Jes ters. In its menageries the Al G. Barnes circus has excelled for more than 25 years. More than 1,000 specimens of rare wild an imals are on display. Instead of mere "pairs" of the jungle neaste mere are in many in stances scores of them. Twen- ty-one elephants are on dis play and droves of Asiatic and Si berian camels. Doors to the huge double me nagerie will open tonight at 7 p. m., affording an hour to insnaet the world's largest traveling zoo logical collection or to enjoy a concert by Prof. Chas. Redrick's military band. On acount of the length of the performances, thev will begin promptly at 8 p. m. Re- servea and admission tickets are on sale at the Underwood Phar macy, Seventh and Main. On the snow grounds the white ticket wagon will be continuously acces sible for the purchase of reserved seats. General admission tickets will go on sale at the red ticket wagon simultaneously with the opening of the doors. At midnight the last of the cir cus trains will be en route to Eu gene where the big show will ex hibit tomorrow. Victors in Oregon Primaries VV"V v:vv AVf General Martin, democratic cau-joe Dunne, republican candidate Jay Uptou, republican cuudlduto didate for governor tor governor Q1 .Vl 1 L Earl Snell, republican - candidate W. C for secretary ot state ssssBsssssssssssngsBsssMMssI JfLi for cougressniuu from, the secoud distrlt ; f. 1 ..SF -..V Van Emon, republican Judge William M. Duncan, can- candidate for- state representative didate tor circuit judge R. A. Ander son, republi can candidate for county commissioner. Hardin Black mer, republi can candidate tor district attorney. Baseball NATIONAL . . R. H. E. St. Louis 2 6. 1 Boston 18 0 Carleton and V. Davles; Brandt and Hogan. R. H. E. Chicago 6 11 2 Philadelphia 6 13 3 (11 innings). Tlnnln. Mnlnne and Hartnett, Tate; Collins, Han sen, Davis, narrow and Todd. R H E Cincinnati . . k' 11 2 New York 6 10 1 Brennan. Stout and O'Farrall; Schumaker, Luque and Mancuso. R. H. E. Pittsburgh 6 8 1 Brooklyn 8 11 2 Lucas, Hoyt and Grace: Ben Re. Herring and Lopez, Dunne's Comment (Continued from Page One) and old, together with those un known to me, who have by their ballots expressed their faith In my ability to lead, let me pledge anew my faith in Oregon, her people and her future," Dunne Nominated For Governorship By G. O. P- Force (Continued from Page One) publican nomination in the third (Multnomah connty - Portland) congressional district, and Walter B. Gleason bad tne aemocraus nomination well in hand. Either of these candidates will be elected in November to fill the Dlace being vacated by Congress man Martin In nis Tace lor me governorship. Gleason was the democratic nominee for United States senator in the last general election. X k A proposed H4 per cent stats sales tax which would have gone for the relief of the public school system, suffered a terrific defeat. Snell Vote Heavy Speaker of tbe House Earl Snell polled the largest Oregon republican vote in hiB Tace for secretary of state. The young Arlington legislator, on the face of returns from 1,041 precincts out of 1,649, won the nomination over Carl Abrams of Marlon connty by a vote of 64,460 to 35,345. In the democratic contest to oppose Snell In the November election, Horace E. Walter of Corvallis was safely in the lead over Everett Logan of Portland and Joe E. Shelton of Eugene. Walter polled 22,836 votes as against 13,601 for Logan and 11,809 for Shelton in returns from 1,027 precincts. Gram, Martin Safe Labor Commissioner Charles H. Gram, who has been In office four terms, had a safe margin for re-nomlnation on the republi can ticket over Gust Anderson, Portland labor leader. Votes tal lied showed Gram 61,362 and Anderson 35,506. Chief Justice John L. Rand by his heavy majority over George Bagley of Hlllsboro, was elected to another six years on the supreme court bench in Ore gon. Under the non-partisan judi ciary law, a candidate for the bench receiving a majority vote in tbe primary election is auto matically elected and need not run In the November election. Returns from 469 precincts, Including 350 In Multnomah county, on the other four meas ures on the general ballot, show ed the county indebtedness pro posal requiring two-thirds vote to Increase Indebtedness, was de feated, with the other three run ning about two to one in ap proval. These were a proposal for ten out of 12 on juries in criminal cases outside capital punishment offenses sufficient for conviction or acquittal; and au thorizing construction of a tuber culosis hospital and Insane hos pital in Multnomah county, If and when funds are appropriated. Young Man Dies In Road Mishap (Continued from Page One) It failed to negotiate a sharp turn In the highway. Kllbourn received fatal Injur ies about the head. Dr. George Adler, coroner. Lloyd Low, sheriff; Walter Walk er, state police officer, Dale Mat- toon, deputy sheriff, and, T, R. Olllenwaters, district attorney, in vestigated the wreck. The dead man and his injured companion were brought to Klamath Falls in a Klamath Fun eral home ambulance. Kllbourn was visiting in Klam ath county, and had only been here a short time. Relatives live In Colorado, and an effort Is be ing made to get in touch with them. sssssssssssssssssssaisuisisii;S).ssHsaw''ai...l ;' sy - I -'J J - - ' Hi-' :v !IW Roy Taber, democratic candidate for colinty commissioner. DEMOCRATIC COMMISSIONER a 6 12 2 4 3 0 13 .. 8 .. 7 . 3 9 ..45 ..10 .. 6 ..10 - 4 6 2 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 6 24 6 25 . 2 Algoma .- 1 Altamont 7 Beatty East Chiloquln . . 63 West Chiloquln , 10 Crescent Lake ....... ...... 0 Dairy ............. ... :. . 6 Enterprise ......... 2 Hlldebrand 1 Kirk 4 Klamath Lake . ...............24 Langell Valley Lost River ..... Malln '. Merrill Midland Mill Modoc Mt. Lakl .. Odel Orlndale ........ 1 Pelican Bay .......-....................... 8 Pine Grove 1 Plevna . ......................................... 1 Poe Valley 1 Shasta ..... 4 Sprague River .......... 2 Swan 0 Topsy .......................... .......... . 0 Tule Lake .......................................... 2 Wood River ......................................... 6 Worden ......,............... 0 Yalnnx 2 TOTAL 332 2 14 16 21 14 29 38 16 29 18 19 22 9 24 16 20 14 13 23 18 31 6 19 14 20 5 20 4 7 1 6 14 8 0 1 11 14 6 4 6 24 11 7 0 3 6 6 4 1 15 6 0 0 4 6 0 6 22 11 11 6 19 12 15 17 10 10 16 15 28 44 40 14 9 13 18 6 16 12 17 11 15 6 0 3 14 .1 1 1 4 8 10 2 7 6 1 12 0 9 8 12 8 1 18 3 1 0 2 6 0 8 629 9 6 13 11 12 8 27 9 16 15 4 13 18 14 11 11 11 22 2. 1 11 3 1 17 12 7 7 7 9 4 4 2 16 17 23 19 8 16 6 7 0 6 6 4 7 2 12 7 1 3 32 7 0 7 541 11 14 20 17 13 21 20 46 22 20 10 27 20 15 16 28 16 16 27 19 11 15 6 10 19 23 20 13 16 4 13 4 8 6 9 10 26 26 11 32 4 18 5 15 12 16 9 . 3 13 23 0 4 18 16 2 23 869 Japanese Search For River Steamer TSITSIHAR, May 19. VP) Tho Japanese air squadron based hero was ordered out today to search the rlvor Amur for the steamer Chllislon which reported May 12 that it had boon fired on from tho Russian frontier. The ordor for the search camo when the ship failed to arrive at Holho on schedule. District Attorney 50 to 3 I 8 DANG 1 .... 16 1 t 26 4 . ! 1 0 6 . 19 6 17 7 28 8 10 9 33 10 13 11 .16 12 . . 8 IS 7 14 19 15 20 16 13 17 81 18 11 19 17 80 ... 39 21 63 23 18 23 15 24 15 25 9 Algoma .............. 4 Altamont ...10 lleatty 35 East Chtlouuln ..20 West CliHotmln 13 Crcscout Luko .. 2 Dairy 3 Kntoi'prlso 9 Uiltlebraud 13 Kirk 8 Klamath Luko .. 3 Ungell Valloy ..21 Lost River 14 Malln 24 Morrill 10 Midland ... ..... 6 Mill 17 Modoc ................ 2 Mt. Lakl 34 Otloll 3 Orlndale 21 pelican Day ....1U Pino Grovo 33 Kono 7 l'oo Valloy 13 Shasta 15 Spraguo Itlver .. 8 Swan - 3 Topsy 1 Tulo Lako 17 Wood River . 21 Wordon 1 Yulnax 8 TOTAL 873 16 21 84 25 ' 86 31 36 27 24 13 38 86 13 13 14 25 23 13 21 25 40 34 rs 32 22 16 17 62 26 14 2 7 7 3 0 6 8 23 32 21 4 13 9 28 0 24 23 13 18 1 20 8 0 0 28 17 4 8 1069 14 6 10 14 21 30 16 30 16 24 11 38 25 31 11 34 27 29 16 20 12 13 44 42 8 16 11 12 13 14 18 7 16 9 16 7 16 92 21 33 27 69 91 36 14 31 10 11 8 11 33 37 4 3 1 1 6 6 1 3 7 7 6 11 10 16 13 6 3 9 3 1 2 9 13 13 6 6 8 12 8 6 2 7 3 3 8 S3 16 19 6 11 5 10 8 3 8 14 12 24 9 1 0 1 13 15 6 2 1 6 12 24 681 893 tu Martin's Comment (Continued from Pago One) nnlirn lincnuiio 1 was unable to bo on the ground, but the outcomn proves tunc tno puonio nro wuu aware ot tho activities ot their representatives In v asiiingion. Whlln without nrimurv oliuosl- Unn in hi own district. Repre sentative Pierce, who also Is state democratic chairman, ex pressed appreciation ot tho "voto nf confidence" liven him by dem ocratic votors. "The democratic party now m,,at tinltn fn rarrv on to vlc- In tliA fnlt nlnrtlon ." PlcrcO said. "Any wounds mndo during this campaign musi o uuuiuu and the members of our party at nrfluont a solid front to carry on to victory in support of the now aoui. Welder Hunted As Suspect . in Robles Kidnap TUCSON, Ariz., May 18. (UP) in expert welder was hunted to ilglit In the slrango kidnaping of 6-yoar-old Juno Uoblos, wno was rescued from a desert tor- ure chamber 19 days auer ncr bductlon. Tbe weldor or mechanic, po ke bellovod, will be an Impor n,n link in thn evidence gath ered against Juno's ktdnnpors, and he may possibly bs Indicted himself. Suspicions of tho sutnoritics flra worn firnilRnd when BI1 OX- amlnatlon of the corrugntcd Iron "casket snowea it was con structed by someone vorsod In welding. Tho metal box was ex pertly and strongly built, with tho sheet Iron cut to fit the sides and ends and tho nails poundod deeply Into tho Junc tions with a ball hammer. Board Wars on All Beer Signs PORTLAND, May 18. (UP) Tho "you mustn't say tho naugh ty word" detail of the state liquor commission today began inspection of beer establishments in Oregon In an effort to dclota the words "ale," "beer," and "wine" from liquor advertising In shop windows. Under a recent ruling by the commission no beer dispenser can emblazon by name tho pro duct be is selling. The five In spectors in tho dotal I wero told reports had been recolvod many dispensers failed to abide by tho regulation, TINY HON DIES SPOKANE, Wash., May 18. (UP) The two-pound, five ounce son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Itooks died here today aftor eight days' oxlBtonco In Incubators. The child was perfectly formed and no taller than an ordinary quart milk bottle. The diminutive baby fallod to rally after ' a slight illness. After considering every avail able actor in Hollywood, New York and London, Cecil B Do Mllle ended his search for a Julius Caesar tor his next Para mount spectacle, "Cloopalra," by signing Warren William to play the role. Murphy's Barber & Beauty Shop MOVED To New Location Main St. 511 IN ENGLAND s CI DUG y (Continued from l'ugo Ono) tnrnntlonnl program to giinrnnloo thn security of nations." Tho forolitn secretary vigor ously iloiuni ni-oil this Interpreta tion of policy. Grunt llritnln will tnke no net Ion iignliiHt -my trinity violator, ho snld, without tho full cooperation of tho Hulled Htntus, adding: "11 rent Britain bus never sign ed any treaty to preserve tho territorial Integrity ot China." Vigorous Fights Waged for Favor Of County Voters (Contlnuod from Page One) Charles Mack for tho democrntlo auHtwior nomination. Murk ilo funleit the votornn l.eo by a com fortable miiritin, and will run II off In tho full with Hum Miller, who defeated Alva Lewis, 1639 to 1266, lii tho republican as BuBor ruco. Illtickmrr Nominated Hardin C. Ulnckmer rams through with I generous lead over others In tho crowded ro publican district attorney fluid. With only one small precinct uncounted, 1. O. O'Neill and U, H, Uulentins wore only throe votes apart In the race for second plnco. Kay Morris was fourth, but not a wenk ono. Ulnckmer will meet Goorgo Chas tain, who look tho democrnlla nomination on a down-hill sllilo without opposition. W. C. Van Emon and C. R. Williams wero nominated on the republican ticket for state rep resentative with B. 8. (irlgsby giving (hem a run for It. Wil liams' triumph was an outstand ing feature of the election re sults, because the lanky county commissioner mndo little if any campaign. He did not appear at candidates' meetings, and at the time he announced was under recall fire. Van Kmnn and Williams will opposo Harry liolvln and Henry Scnion, chosen without opposi tion on tho democratic tlckut Iloivln polled 1895 votes and Bomon 1732. Tnbcr, Anderson Win Roy Taber of Morrill led the full field In the democratic coun ty commissioner contest. Emll Uroher, W. II. Hawkins and George Of field were bunched closo behind, with Jack Almotur trailing. Tho fall commissioner contest will be ot particular Interest at Merrill, for another reildent ol that community, R. II. Ander son, won the republican nomin ation. Ho defeated Ed Dunhnin of Klamath Falls by about 600 votes. Klnmnth county wont with the rest of tho slnto In defeating tho snlos tax, although the vote for the tax was heavier here than ii most counties of the state. Klamath voters wero against the funding bond bill, for th ton man Jury, against tho TU and lnsnno hospitals. Upton Margin II envy Jay Upton received a gratify ing support In Klutnath county in his contest with David Gra ham for second district con gressman. He led three to one. Likowlso Karl Snell, republi can, and II. Walter, democrat, candidates for secretary of state, got fine leads over their respec tive opponents. Klamath county gave Loonhardt a slight lead over Duntan for democratic nom ination for state school superin tendent. The county went strong for Rand against Uagley for supremo bench. Already thero Is aomo talk of Indepondunt candidacies for somo of thn positions to bo filled next rail, Burring such developments, the Novum bor fights will bo wag ed botweon the mon selected by the voters Friday. Indicating tho size of tbe vote, a total of alt ballots cast for circuit judgo was 6719. Democrat Governor Mahonuy Martin 1 7 811 I 17 88 8 mi 64 4 80 81 8 27 82 0 , 31 80 7 54 63 8 2 82 n 66 69 10 46 98 11 36 89 13 34 S3 13 60 84 14 63 23 15 45 34 16 43 66 17 ' l 18 40 22 19 38 27 20 37 46 21 47 61 22 12 18 23 30 81 24 .. . ..........39 20 95 38 18 Algoma 24 86 Altamont 85 69 llcntty 0 0 East Chiloquln ...66 37 West Chiloquln ...26 15 Crescont Lako 12 17 Dairy 15 4 Kuterprlse 44 16 lllldubramt 8 10 Kirk 8 6 Klninitth Lake 3 7 l.augoll Valley ....84 - 17' Lost Itlver 21 14 Malln 43 28 Morrill . 30 ' 23 Midland 26 9 Mill 63 29 Modoc ...........14 , 8 Mt. Lakl . 27 17 Odell 2 3 Orlndale 8 15 Pelican liny 39 10 Plus Grovo ...... 24 18 Pluvna 8 18 Poo Valley 4 3 Shasta 63 19 Hprugue Itlver 15 23 Hwan 0 1 Topsy 1 " I" Tulo Lake 30 83 Wood -Itlver 12 27 Worden 1 0 Yalnax 15 23 TOTAL ...1719 1396 State Returns (Continued from Pago One) MICAHl'HKS Complete Returns From 4119 of 1U4U Prerlnlt In the Htulo County Debt Yes ..45.627 No 63.101 Jury of Ten Verdict Yes 66.049 No . 42,489 T. II. Hospital Yes 66.118 No 44,273 Insane Hospital Yos ...61.203 No .48,716 Sales Tax Yes ...50,446 No 123,551 Alaskan Aviator Denies Charges SEATTLE, May 19. (UP) Frank Dorbandt, woll-known Al aska flier, denied charges sworn to by a 19-yoar-old girl he was the father of hor 15-month-old baby as he prepared to Inaugu rate air froighl and passenger service In Alaska with bis take off from here tomorrow. A hearing on the charge was set for next week, which sues Dorbandt for support of the In fant. Dorbandt said he knew "the girl In a friendly way In Alaska four years ago when she was Just a kid," but disclaimed parenthood. Pelican Tuesday lOOKINO FOB TAOUOIE USED CAR SALE 1933 DODGE SEDAN Run less than 10,000 miles, TCA cannot bo told from new $)v 1930 HUPMOBILE CENTURY 6 SEDAN Six wire wheels, well fenders, 11 C loads of extras 94) 1931 FORD COUPE CI OC New paint, new tires yltfj 1930 FORD COUPE Cf CC A good clean car 1930 CHEV. SPT. COUPE Rumble seat, wire wheels, original paint good spa I 1927 BUICK STD. 6 SEDAN 11 A Four-door, new tires 1926 DODGE SEDAN aa New tires ,........... 09 '26 AND '25 MODEL T FORD COUPES MAKE AN OFFER These cars sold on the Dodge Easy Payment plan. Your old car accepted at its full value as part or all of down payment. Qstendort Motor Co. Dodge & Plymouth, Distributor 424 S. 6th St. Phone 272 Consider Service First