The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 26, 1934, Page 12, Image 12

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April 20, 1934
His Highness
i.t mm mm mm mm mm mw mm m sw m' m m m m m m m m mm k- m mm mm m .aaw r aw gasr m m mw ssr r i
The spring lower show given
Wednesday In the largo club
rooms of the city' library by the
Woman's Library club, proved to
be the most gorgeous, as well as
the moat successful event of Its
kind ever- sponsored by a local
eivlo organisation. . .
Mora than EO entries of spring
flowers,' as. well ; as commercial
displays ot garden ornaments, fix-
tares and furniture, were attrac
tive displayed ' In the spacious
rooms ot the library, ..
i Mrs. J. P. Wells was general
chairman tor the flower show,
daring which a silver tea was
held . The show waa also open
to the public Wednesday evening.
O. R. Moeller, florist, acted as
Judge of tulips submitted for
quality ot bloom, and a committee
ot five, Mrs. R. R. Macartney,
Mrs. C. B. Harding, Mrs. Hugh
Campbell, Mrs. H. R. Harrison
and Mrs. W. S. Lamm, judged ar
tistic arnangements.
Mrs. George TJlrlch took first
prise for the tulips of best qual
ity, with a display ot five blooms
of tho variety, "City ot Harlem."
Sweepstakes tor the most out
standing entries in the show were
awarded by the Judges as follows:
first, Mrs. George Ulrich. for an
exhibit of wistaria; second. Mrs.
W. O. Smith for an arrangement
of purple iris; and third, Mrs. K.
G. Cummings tor an exhibit of
Fantasy tulips.
. Results ot Judging ot artistic
entries - were announced as fol
lows: In the first clasa, tulips,
any number of blooms in the ar
rangement: first, Mrs. Will Bald
win, red tulips: second, Mrs. A.
E. Stonehouse, arrangement of
James Smith tulips; third, Mrs.
Junior Daggett.
In thn Mans fnr lnv kind of
flowers or combination of flow
ers, Mrs. E. G. Wlsecarver, first
place; second, Mrs. K. G. Cum
mings with a basket of flowers;
and third, Mrs. W. O. 8mlth, for
an arrangement of iris.
Members ot the flower show
committee expressed their thanks
to the following persons who
contributed to the success ot the
event: Charles Thomas, for Kar
den decorations consisting ot a
bird bath and Jardinler; Robert
Sproat ot the Klamath Furniture
company, who exhibited large
garden vases; Fred Murphy, of
til Murphy 8eed company, tor
garden decorations; and Earl
Whltlock tor a grass rug to be
need la the garden.
Commercial displays were en
tered by Murphy's seed store,
the Klamath Flower Shop and
Mrs. Mary Lewis of Crescent
avenue, wbo presented a huge
basket of tulips which she grows
! nea!
His Imperial highness. Crown
Prince Aklhito Tsugunomlya, In
the first official pbotograpli taken
ot Japan's heir apparent The
imperial chrysanthemum crest
may be seen on the sleeves of bis
' . robe.
for the market. Mrs. Lewis also
specialties in fine bulbs.
Two tiny youngsters, a boy and
girl ot tour and five, appeared
at the library early Wednesday
with tight little bunches ot short
stemmed Iris clutched In their
grubby hands. They wished to
enter their bouquets, and at the
close ot the show two shiny, new
dimes each in an envelope tied
on the flowers awaited the young
sters as rewards for their efforts.
The chlldrens' names . were not
Little George Underwood, son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Underwood,
also entered an exhibit, and re
ceived a prise.
Mahoney Returns
Deeded Property
to Ex-Chief Shaw
A warranty deed conveying lot
24, block 30, Hot Springs addi
tion to the city of Klamath Falls
from W. E. and Frances C. Ma
money, husband and wife, to J. R.
Shaw and Dolly Shaw, was filed
in the county clerk's office Wed
nesday forenoon. The considera
tion was for st sum of less than
$100, and a mortgage of S3.000
in favor of the Veterans' State
Aid commission, stands against
the property.
Although the deed was wit
nessed and executed on February
24, 1933, it was not filed until
This lot was deeded to Mahoney
by Shaw at the beginning ot the
former's mayorality campaign,
September 13, 1932, and was
deeded back to Shaw by Mahoney,
one month and 24 days after he
took office as mayor ot this city.
Ban Game Announced The
East Klamath Improvement club
baseball team will play the
Lamm's mill team on Sunday at
the East Side diamond at South
Sixth street and Washburn Way.
The game Is called at 2 o'clock.
H. E. Nelson, former used car
operator ot this district, has re
turned lo Klamath Falls and is
re-entering the used car business
In this city. H. E. Nolson, Jr.,
now employed as sales manager
bv a San Francisco concern, will
arrive within the next tew days
and will take an active part in
the management..
Nelson. Sr., has made a care
ful survey, ot business conditions
on the Pacific coast aud is more
than pleased with the outlook in
Klamath Fans.
"There is more activity here
than in other coast cities five
and six times as large as Klam
ath Falls," he noted..
"I have chosen to return to
this city because I feel that no
other place shows as much prom
ise ot development or, at tho
present time, offers as good an
opportunity to a man wishing to
establish a business." Nelson was
particularly impressed ' by the
number of new, buildings which
have arisen since the time ot his
former residence here.
Nelson will be located at his
old stand, 630 Klamath avenue,
where he will be pleased to see
his friends end former custom-era.
E. K. I. Club to Meet The
East Klamath Improvement club
and auxiliary will meet Wednes
day evening. May 2, in the East
Main street club rooms.'. A pot
luck dinner will - be served at
6:30 o'clock, at which members
of ths elnb ball team will , be
guests. Entertainment ' and
dancing will be enjoyed after
dinner. - I
Fish Market
111 N. 7th SU Ph. 2168
Halibut Trent
Salmon Ling Cod
Black Cod San dabs
Rock Cod Silver Smelts
Crabs Oysters
Red Snappers
Clams in Shell
Shrimps in Shell
Salt and Pickled Fish
Complete Line Home
Made Cooked Meats)
and Bauds.
It It Swims We Have It.
55 to620 lower
than last year !
Finer than the finest Studebakers
ever built before
ALMOST every other car on the
i market is selling at substantially
higher prices today than last year.
But Studebaker prices are 155 to
620 lower! And the new 1934 Stu
debaters axe finer can in every way
than the finest that Studebaker
offered in former years.
They're niagnificendy streamlined.
Built like battleships of seamless
steel reinforced by steel. They're so
roomy that six grown-ups are easily
accommodated in the sedans.
' Studebaker' own million-dollar
development, Quadripoise Suspen
; aion, cradles the action of all four
wheel at all speeds and on all roads.
sWisT price ml factory. Bwmpert,
Could vehicles talk, this meeting of the Union Pacific's new 110
. mile-an-hour train and a new skyway style Studebaker would
undoubtedly sound tike a session of a mutual admiration society.
. . $685 1 I
' 920 I
Checked by Western Union officials at start, en route; and at finish, the
- Studebaker Dictator pictured covered 26 miles at a 30-mile per hour aver
age speed. Only one gallon of gasoline was given -car at outset of trip.
410 S. 6th St
. a.'' S
mom Tut frrnwAV court tmui ttmiMif
Phone 680
, ,. .... ;
-fi-h-- ( --? a ii ji. jtsfti r
Tennis Racket
proof silk
strings. . Well
per fU
Manila Rope
gowsst Prieet lit Ssves Yeovs
Waterproofl r
100 pore ma
nils. 3-8 in. lc ft
7-8 in. 4c ft
Barbed WfW
Galvanized! Wound to pre
vent tansjlinc HO-rod
14 Ga. Spool
De Luxe
With Balloon Tires!
Also sold on easy
Fully equipped. Air
cushion balloon tires.
Sillc Line
Hard braided
cover, evenly
twisted center
Beit-Fly Rod
Ailitoblt 39" H V
Tabular steel
telescope. Re
versible cork
grip handle.
Tennis Ball
Wards "Championship"
Approved b f '
V. 8. 1j. T. A.
No better ball
made. ,
Bike Tire
i Files Under the Tread
Built of now. .
vitalized rub.
ber. Full m ,
in. diameter.
cully 7 Dotvim .Delivers
ATN7hoIe''Kooinni- D6 Pieces
Tie Id
8-Pc Suite, choice of van
ity or dresser. All In
walnut veneer .................. R3D.0J.
Comfortable OO-coll spring 7.05
SO-Lb. Felted cotton mat-
Mattrera pad
Two Pillows, 21x27 In.
Bed Lamp complete with
Full-slae jarquard Bed
spread Marquisette Curtains, pr.
Axmlnster Rug, 23s3A In.
2 Sheets, SlxUO In. lr...
2 Pillow Cases. 42x84 In.
Complete, Nothing Else to Buy I
TOTAL 888.40
What a value I , Bed, chest, and choice
of vanity or aresser all in rich wal
nut veneer. 90-coil spring, and felted
cotton mattress. Two standard-size,
feather-filled pillows. Heavy sheeting
mattress cover. Two sheets, two pil
low cases, and beautiful jacquard bed
spread. Ruffled marquisette Prise ilia
curtains. Non-skid Axmmster rug.
And bed lamp complete with cord.
You may buy the pieces separately.
But yoir'Yave more at this special
group price. Cornel See itl
You Save Over 10
M ''" 'j '(WHS inli
wit fl;i I'i?
Int I tm lt. ' f,
J !': HIU. $r.)
Imitr ! p li'l';
jiilili :':iii
mtH unit -iw!j Jk
Spanish Net
Cv mimU MNMif
It's very new
very smart
and Wards
price is low. -
Boys9 Skips
otu re
Light in weight, yet stronel Non-skid
tire tread soles I Bumper toes I Sanl- f
tary insoiesi
Man'f Sklpt pair, 79c
' Spring Hats
PopoJar snap
brim model in
shades of gray
Men's Shirts
Snutxt weaves
Also Moe or
white brood'
sfawMMwrfi--Xii4H awOg Ml iff III Ilk "
; Wash Suits '
19 c mnA
111 I Y'H
White jean Mouse,
linens trim and
linene shorts wkh
side pockets, belt.
urn mMWmmtM
it Blouses ij
lyorcly stitch Mouses,
High ncckllno or with
collar. Light colors.
Plain color. Low priced I
Pastl longsjash I f
wearing qunl-l M -4- C '
Ity, 80 inches lata 2
wide. . . yd1,;
This year, smartest sports frocks are
fashioned of crinkly print seersucker
and that goes for sleeping and about-,
the-house pajamas too 1 Make yours
now and save on the material at
Wards I Exceptional valuel
Silk Crepe
Printed tint crepe
Weighted, 118
Inches wide,
in wldo ranao
rJ 211-220 Main St.
of designs, yd.
Phone) 384