April 20, 1034 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALfS. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 WaauSLiBaae" nates t If por word per der'l ' norllon. per cert- discount nn If) adl running on W Mik. n pr nt discount on 20 running one " month. All (ItMitltd ids r l"rl d U both Th Klktuklb Nw nd Bvsnlng Hsrald. at w abort rat. PPrll Tn N.-.i II i. Tim limit for lnlflolton ii tb following ' PP?rl it t;o P. M. Ad aHlMd lu rtd on iht lam dy J"' rallied will h lo run "Toe Si. lo Cllfy. too.Ut to-Olsssifr di r pu ptpir only t lb mm ryij m quoud bov. sod oltMlllid (or lUCCMaing Loet md round 10IT BUok BooUb ih.phsrd dog, with bob Ull. at Pen lavaie plio, ft. Klamath. April 7. L.lhrl rowrd. Call f. K. MoHurphy. Tul Lah. LoeT Lidlrt' brown kid glov. Pbon, 116. 411 WIT Ladle' brown lathr , pur, containing drlvr' II Mm ' and other paper and lonii oash, Flndor please nhon I0KW or return to Il.ratd dftloa. Howard. 43 HENT III new Johnson floor "i.ndcr. I'ATTKH.ON fAINT ' ST0H8. KAulo tRRVini .oi, art kiad. Wm. Ubjl 1401 Lookool it. Pkoi III.J. FLOOR lANDtNtt tad Mflnlsh Inf. Phone IIWI. I0l Peroonal READING! dally. 511 0k 6o. 144 Transportation Travel By Slug Shortest Routt to PORTLAND $5.00 one way SEATTLE $8.40 one way SPOKANE $12.30 one way MT. HOOD STAGES Via Bond and ML Hood Leave Greyhound Dopot at 11:30 p.m. dally. Pbon 1630, Klamath The firms and Individual! represent ed In this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Buslneu and Profeiilon at Servlco are known ai Klamath falls' most tollable business men and Auction Houae AUCTION every Bat., 1 P. M Klam. Auction Mart, 820 Klain, Bicycles . Hilloon and Deed Bicycle.. .! PQOLE'S BIOyCLB SHOP 223 g. 7th. Cafe ARI'S OAFH 8r th only real Italian dlnnor at the MID WAY on 8. 6th BU Phon 840, Chiropractor P. O. LONO. Tel. 1640". Narva Bpeolallit. 127 B. 7th. Cleaner XL CLEANERS W olenn iuIIh, drcanoa, eoala, to. 821 U, Muiu, l'lion 600, Convalescent Home Convalescent Homo, facing park nd Lltbln water. Idoal placo to ret and main health, Fur nlihtd oabln to rent, obeup, 151 Oranlte Bt Ashland, Ore. Preumaking DRBB8MAKINO Alterations spe cialty Prle reaionabl. Win ifred Bonton. 110 B, . Main. :. Phone lttt-i. 00167 Dreai Shoppe VOROLEH'S UPSTAIRS DRESS . , BHOPl'B, . Smart dru, suits and cent. Btwart-Drw BldR. 781 Main. 2080 CUuifiod Indes All eleasiflcallone are num. 6ortd and appear In n unmr loul order, Following la n alphabetical rtluruncu .t ol Ihu mora Important classifica tion. Aulomotlv ..... Uulldini Malarial nM llualnam Opportunities MM Furnished Apia, to Lit. Furnished llouaa to Ll.. Furnlihiil Room to Let.. Fluauclul ..,... 19 10a '4 II 14 11 Unnvrnl Notice .... I lot t Wanted, Male llolp Wanted, Female...... e 7 12 Livestock and rod I, nut and round , Mlacollaneou for Suit, Personals llonl KHtnt for Hal Hoal lintolo for Lsale... KqiiI Kmntfl Wnntcd.MN II on tn ud Hoard ........ Hlttiatlout Wanted Nwapa To UolinKo WiUled Mlaoaltanooua... 10 1 li- !0a Ha II 0 Holp Wanted!, Male ; UIKSHl, NKW8 i; Mon now blK teleetod' to t rnln far Illeael JCiiKlu"rin Kor full Information mid datra of allowing free motion picture, null or wrlta C. V. It'y bur laon, Kuril If I. 0411 7 Help Wanted, Fomala WANTKI Mld'llft-aS'd liotnv ki'pr pinet no nonfat and fMJnt. APP'X lu penop. 220 No. 3rd. ' . WANTKD Mlddlo-aged woman for bouanwork In moUirlai homo. 1712 Portland. 04S0 Situation Wanted VOItNO WOMAN wlalto work. Hoi 403.. 0403 NUIIBK, tor-hnlclan, exparionrvd alenoMrnpliar, wlabe poaltloa In doctor' or dantlit'a office, Nuwa-llerald, box 461. 411 YQUNO MAN want la now lawn and III garden. Call at 401 Mlb. Ave. Ollf 11 Furnlehed Rooawt UAH OB front room. 117 I. Tth. 461 rtuiNiHiticn apt. 8ipin( ronnn. 0r) l.liifnln. 13 Roam and Board ooon noAno and room, mi Onk. 0408 IS FurnUhed Apartmanlt OLUAN 1-room Apt. Ill Tin. 441 LA It OH l-room Apt., vrythln tlni iced 4jj riirniinen nut l reouc ronu hit jerraraon. roil ' RBNT -room furnlibd apartment. Thon 4H-J. LA HOB l-room aparlmenl, Cor, 1'lna and Cedar. OIK HBX AHMS ilm hMtTill.ll tip, AHCADS APAKTMBNTa - 110 njfijiiljIiwnnieMHJ 14 FurnUhad Houiaa THREE-ROOM lu,rnllidr bouai, wntor furulnhed, 117.00 mo. 803 Calltorula. 345 rintNIHHED npartmont and cnlilni, Renionubl. ill N, llllh. nt 14 F Mwilahad Houmi DllPLKX Acrommodnt l'lion Ull. lour, 117 ELEVEN-llOOM homo, noar city ball, 126 por month. Phono mw, 4J Business Directory women. . You will find them ready to servo you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis, faction, use this handy guide to the services they offer. Garage ELK Gams Qncn All Night. Storage, gna, oil, Complot Sorvloa. Hat Shoppe UPSTAIRS HAT SHOPPE Distinctive lints at Hoaaonabl Prlo. Drw Bldg., 711 Main, Hematite hing HEM8TIT0H1NU. BUTTONS aof red, drmakln, Mrs. H M. Allonder. 114 Walnut. 6l4 HecpiUl 8oula' Sonltnrlum Put line, I blooki. 4 Hotels HOTEL ELK Rpoclal ratos to permanent guests. Moderate priced Coffee Shop. THE OLAIIEMONT 228 N. 4th St. All outnkle modern rooms. Nowly ilocorntcd, now low prices. Large froe parking lot. House Moving . 011 H, B. Hndley, 111 Laguna, Ph. 1600W. .Household Atdi MATTRESS RBNOVAT1NQ ' AND RUO OLBANINO Klamath Ru and Mattress Co. I Main St. Phon 1I17M Lenses Bye tests. Soul Ban. 10-11, 1-4. 7-8. 17 Real CaUl Fotu SaU IIOMHHKRKR11B INVESTORS ATTENTION II l0 ciih, lo- , tut price, buye boinn at 114 Duty atrect, clly. NW-Hr-aid. !" 0300. 0608 KOR 8ALB OH nKNT 110 acrna Kond abonp rani In Hcctlun 30 Towiinlilp 40 Houth rnim 14 Knnt. About 10 inline oet of th Duncan rnnoh, l.aniell Valler, Klam ath county. Hprlnn with plen ty wuter. Wrlta Uutto Vlly Htau llullk, Dorrle, Calltornla, for price and torma. 410 KOIl BALE fayln bulnn property, ply. Oro. Kcaaon ablu, itiair aown payment. Tul. 032-J. 0417 18a To Eachame KOIl EXCHANOB Klamath Kulls roaldnc for unimproved acrouxii In Arlxona. O. K. Itee, 302 Kaat Van Duron Bt., I'bo nix, Arlr.ona. 0018 19 Automotive 1033 Choir. Coach. Radio . ciittlppnd, 7-lube ZMiltli. Look tbla over for a HKAL nUY, Vory cloan and look llko now 6 1031 DcLux Chov. Coach: wlro wboela and tlroa. A loud car and a real buy..4l W ha: flnlck, Oakland. D rnnt., Dodt, Chov.., Hlar. Old, Hup. Kaax, Btude. juet about anythlni you could want. Com In and look thorn over. It wo haven't t wlll you want, wo oan let It. Uied Car Exchange t Walnut Bt. Phon 814 20 MicellaneouFor Sale i ONLY Davonporta and chnlra covrd In llomoHDiin, mado np In three cushion bai-ka. IIpku lar prlco, 107.60. Kni-clnl pur cIioho price. 146.00. Lui-a Kurnlturo. 19B Kaat Main Street. 46' TWO t.OQQINQ TKAMB for hire or eale. V- H. Darbour, Kern Hot. I. 0641 WINDOW SCREEN WIRE. II meili, I cent, miiara foot. Lu ca rurnlture, 116 Kaat Main treat. 06TT KOIl BALK Wallnhouea auto matic range, lnqulr 201 Comnierolal. 0411 rina Quality Twin Bed Room Suite, Chiffonier, 14 Inobea hllh, 40 Inchea wide. Larie la Vanity and Hunch, liol. value for only 117,10. Lure Furniture. 0671 rOR - BAI.R Uinora fryer, ona mil from Miller Paoklni Plant, on Hound Lak road. Ohloken Rancb. 431 BLOCK WOOP at th bin, 11.10 per enrd, HKILIIRONNF.R RIA Pbon IIV-W. 0310 TOR 8 A LB NETTED OEM BEED BATTAULIA DUHUER 101 William Uldi. Phon 1405 Klauialb rail. Ill rOR BALK Pay caib and pay leaa lor your d train. Red and whlto oata, Alia and Wl. eomln II barly. Ukov IJron., Mulln, Ore. 331 SLACK COAL FOR HOQ TONIC 60 per 100 lb. ack at Klamap) rail and Merrill, Oregon. - HKILUHONNEIl & REA 0491 LAROE RI.E DHE8SER. Bod and Chiffonier. You must sea theso threo plocca to appreciate them. Shop around, then you ronllzo the valuo for only 100.50. Lucaa Furniture, IBs Kt Mnln stroet. pyi Painting PAINTINO, Papcrhanilni and Kaliomlnlng, Let J, H Roper stimat your work, l'lion J63-W, 1080 Tailoring Bull tailored In our shop by ex part tailors. Flno Woolom Lt ct Stylo Price Rllht. Satlataa Hon luarontoed. OUHKS TAIL ORS, 418 Main Bt. Taxi Servlco BAQLB TAXI 14 hr, Berrlc Ph, 1010, Bland at tth & Main, Turklah Bath Maaaai. Oolonlo Irrigation. Reg latarnT Nurse. 127 Bo. 8evntb Typewriter Typewriter Adding Machine . Sales Service Supplies Faotory Agent lor Royal. Orogon Equipment Co. Ph. 2067 Uied Furniture OABH PAID for mod furnltnr, tov and range. O. U Hem br, III S. lib. 1121 Wood FIR AND PINE Sound wood. . Full cord guaranteed, Bob Drown, 8482 Wlllt. Phone 1801-R. 0668 Radio Service Call Wm. Long, 1408 Lookout Phone 1825-J, 20 Miacallaoeou For Sale v'fvvva''' KLECTRIC VACUUM and hand vacuum, complete. Ifaeon i able.' Inquire Horvlei Electric i Co. 814 Main. 0564 I'OMUIIANIAN PUPI'IEH, orange culor. l'hon vun, 1161. 0613 FOR SALE Good family cows Your pick. 186.00 each. Ouy Unrton, Ulene, FOB SALE Profelonl 6 airing . banjo. Qrlglnil coal, 160, Prlre, 20, Addru Dog Its, Malln, Or. 0468 SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY Lead and oil paint, IS, 14 per i gnuon. uuaranteea. Odd lot of paint at 60c qt. PATTERBON PAINT STORE 04S1 20 Swap TRADE Orooorle and maal for potato, egg or what bva vu, rwimi annnNii w. Sixth Street, 0890 21 Wanted MUcellaneoui WANTED Camping ontflt: camp itovi, bed tc. Phone 1111. toil WOOL AND PELTS WANTED Why nd way on condgn ment wben ch Is waiting lor! you? Our truck will call and plok up your Pelt, Hides. Wool. Junk. Used wool sacks for salo. Iloneat dcallnKs our motto. M & S BAG CO. -Some place sine 1921, 634 Market Bt. Phon 1I89W 22a PouUryJFor Sale GARRETT BROS. HATCHERY For Whit Leghorn Chicks Prom solected hens and Brownell cockerels with dams' trapneit rccorda of 260 to 826. May ohlcki, 9a each delivered. 100 per oent trnng. live oblck guaranteed. BOX 113, GRANTS PASS, ORB. Compliance Certificate 7666. ORDER Magulra eblek now. Barred.' Plymouth Rocks, R. I. Red and Wblt Leghorn. Quality nnaurpasaed. State college B. W, D, tested, Lead ing laying Urals, 10 100 1 prepaid, Compliant Certifi cate No. 1914, Magulr Elec tric Hatchery. 8415- N. B. Oreann etreet, Portland. Ore. IS Financial JAVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Lowest rate and aaaleat term. luvMtlgat and b eoovlnced. MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 101 Bo. tin, - Ph. iioi 3tt Ucen M-104 - WANTED To borrow 11400. Will ftlve 4 to 1 aeeurlty- L. tR, Bonbam, Talent, Or. 494 aaBBaaaaaaBaavBaaasi ulin JPPrnlt'c FOR BALE Reitaqrant and equipment Phone l4j4l4 Necenitlei for Work TWO- TOUNO GIRLS want housework or care of children. Rt, 2. Bog (2. 2960 Work for Neceaaitiaa WANTED Men's laundry. Will call for an deliver. Phone 602J. 411 Wiu. work By day or hour. 833 California Ave, 106 WOMAN wants work by day or nour. ureaoa. vaei WANTED Man or woman to care for Invalid person, Pearl's Store, Keno Rt, 147 EXPERIENCED COOK. Can tit refereno. Ill California Avg WOMAN wishes plain sewing. 610 N. 7th. . 140 OIRL wants housework or ear of children. Roferencea. Phon 502J. 4 WANT to haul garaen dirt, fer tilizer, gravel or cinders. Phone 1763. - I7 Woman want work by Day or : Hour. Hamel Apt. Apt. 4, Phone 431W. - 2389 Legal Notice 'NOTICB ,, 4 Notice Is hereby given that Protosted Warrants, on all City Funds are cnllod for payment. ,. Theae warrants with Interest, Will be paid when presented at the office of the City Treaauror. The First National Bank or the American National Bank, Klam th Falls, Oregon. Interest will cease on this data. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, mis lam any ot April, ins. RUTH 0. DATHIANY. City Treaiurar, II A 19,20 NA20-4l NOTICE OF SALE Itontl OIIIiir Equipment Sealed proposals will be recelv. ed by tlio County Court of Klnm ath County, Oregon, at 2 o'clock R. in. on Thursday, th 3rd day of lay, 1934, at. the County Court Chambers in the Court House at Xlnmnth Falls, Oregon, for the piirehnso nf the following Items Of Kquipmont. 1 1,000-gnl. Etnyre Distributor. 1 Gerllnger Retort, '1 Cornlih Boiler. Attachments for hand spray, eta. Proposers must be prepared to ninKe a fifty tiou.uoi dollar inl tint onsh payment. Term for uhseguent and final payments shall be contained - in the pro. nnsal.' , Equipment offered (or tale may bo Impeded at any tlm during Shop hours at th County Shops noar the Fair, around. The Coun ty court rsrvn til right to re ject any and nil proposals. KLAMATH COUNTY COURT. Tly JOS. Jenaon,' County Englnoer. HA 20,21,27,2842 National and EGG SUPPLIES I PORTLAND, April 10, (VP) Btrengtn was continued IB tb market for butter with a general cleanup of dtalera' floor itoek suiie.ted locally. All along th coait steady to firmer and n hliher price w.r ruling (or butter. In California th weath er baa continued igilnat produc tion, while In th Pacific North, weit condition ar Ideal. Ban rrsineleeo market ha con tinued tb alrongut of th eoa.t trad recently, a ritult of lack of normal offerings, Butterfat wa held at lb late advance her. Market for aggi continued of ralhar good character with de creasing stipplle. and a demand in exce.s of offering of onailty good. No change wa luggeiud In th pries for th day. mtrken iwmanii aooa Demand (or chicken, wa hold ing well, and price wore gener ally upheld for the day. Broil er, alone Indicated some easiness, and this waa reflected mostly In small atuff. Better quality and excellent weather were combination that tend to uphold the price on good strawberries here for th flay, oven with liberal offering. Little local stock was arriving. Two carloads of asparagus were being loaded at mid-Columbia point today for shipment to Chi cago. Bala wa reported at 82,26 pyramid f.o.b. car, while the local market wa aa low as II. t i. New Potato Weak Market ' for country killed meat wa without general change for th day. Good iambs , were selling well at the recently lower price and quantity vealers were eteitdy.. ' Regular offering of groan pa from The Dalles wa dil In Port land during the coming, week, with suggestion of quick follow ing by some of the Colombia lough grower. California stock was held firm at the .moment. New potatoes ware weak (or Texan and Florida, Steady for California Garnets. Groan beans were generally weaker and lower, down to 81.00 for hamper. PRICE OF WHEAT CHICAGO. April t0. Ufil With a conference scheduled for tomorrow between President Roosevelt and senate advocate of silver lei a at on. wheat prlcea showed advance during lat transactions today. Renewed reports were current among grain traders that the con aresslonal enactment of silver measures would result. The bills proposed were generally regarded aa or an Inflationary character. Wheat closed unsottied, 54-le higher compared with yesterday's finish. May 754-c, corn - lc advanced, oata S-me up, and provision varying from 2 cents decline to a rs of II oenU- SUPPLY IS LIGHT D.D.n 1tnni1iA ln4 alvlvetv1lt carloads ot potatoes wera load ed yesterday, Oregon supplied II, Washington n and Idaho 119. Maine shipped 194 ears, At finn Prnncfacn. snnnllea of old potatoes were light and th margei anil, no. t uregoa mm sold to jobbers at 11.00 to $1,10 a hundred, sacked. Th. Pliln.pA mflrbal wa fthfiul steady on old potatoes, with de- mana ana trading ramer siow, No. 1 Idnho Russets were quot ed at 1.50 to $1.56 a hundred, sacked, track tales carlots qut weight. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, April 20. (IP) (U, S. Dept. Agr.) Hagst Receipt! io.OOOi about ateaayi rairiy a. live; 170-280 lbs,, $3.90-4.00) top, 14.001 sows, 13.00-1.20. . CATTLE: Receipt 2000. Very yearlings steady - to weak, lower grade light steers lo-ioc lower 1213-1476 lb. steers $7.65 to shipper: yearlings $5.76-6.25: stockers and feeders In narrow country domnnd: slaughter she stock weak to 15o lower, cows showing maximum deellne; veal ers zo-OUo tower, tt.DU-D.iSD. SHEEP: Receipts 15,000. Fat lambs slow, Indications steady, asking higher; good to choice wooled Inmbs held $9.75 upward; paokera bids below 19,00) practi cally nothing dona on small sup ply led euppea lamnsi ineep teaay to strong tew morn. we $3. 00-3.00. t. Captain Alcook add Llenttn. ant Brown, with two black cat. were the llrst human being lo pan in Atmntic . oy itr, in Although elephants i ar ; of great use to man, as Work ani mals, they cannot bo cnllod do mostla animals. It takes so long for a young one to grow up that It la cheaper to catch wild ones. DECREASING PORTLAND MAR STOCK (Copyright, 1114, Standard Statistic Friday Prevlou day Week no .. Tea. aaa eieaa i is fbr yrs no aeren y.srs ago Hlih, 1984 LOW, 114 ., Hlih, 1931 Low, llll High, 1911 Low, llll (llll Av.rag Equal 100) BOND AVERAGES (Copyright, llll, atandard Itatlatlcs Company) .A A A Friday .........., Prevlou day M Wk ! ... Year ago Three year ago High, 1984 LOW, 1114 High, llll Lew, lilt High, llll Low, llll Nw 1114 high. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, April tO, VP) Stocks and Maple rallied briskly lat tody. . Th upturn after arly Irregularity apparently wa due partly, to a mild revival of Inflationary psychology coinci dent with th wsaknes of Inter national dollar rates. Aircratt Issues led the recovery in equi ties, and ttnal gains ranged from ona to two or more paint. The close .we firm. Transfer approx imated 1.85O.000 shares. Today closing prices Air Reduction .181 301 152 1041 50 101 91 431 list 73! 171 711 191 30 101 431 . 26 111 89 71 323 541 16 II II 761 41 M 15! 17! 131 II 9 111 211 Alaska Juneau ... ... Allied Chemical 4 Dye , American can American Coml. Alcohol .... American Foreign Power American Power Light .. American Smelt, t Ret. .... A. T. ft T. American Tob. B Anaconda Copper ....... ... Atchison, T. 8. F, Atlantic Refining ...... . Baltimore ft Ohio .. llendlx Aviation -,...... Bethlehem Steel .. Borden Co Burr. Adding Machine California Pack Case, J. I. Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Motor Col, Oas ft Electric Commercial Solvents Continental Can corn Product Curtis Wright Dupont ft De N. uaaiman noaai Electric Auto Light General Electric .- General Foods . General Motor ., Olllett Rasor Gold Dust Haraestaka Mining International Harvester International Nickel I. T. ft'T. 164 Johns Manvllle Kenoecott Con, Cop. LlbbejsO.Ford Liggett & Myers B 671 21 371 91 31 "I 311 241 441 171 301 351 20 191 351 H 6T 31 201 39 69 U 111 HI Liquid Carbide Lorillard Tob. Co. Monty Ward .. Mean motor National BUcult ........... National Dairy Products National Distilleries ... New York Central North America .,..,.- Pacific Gas Electrlo pacific Lighting Packard Motor Park Utah Penney, J, C, renn R. R. Phillies Pet. .. Public iervlee New Jersey.. I'ullmsn Co, Radio Corp, Rem. Rand Reynold Tob. B Rears Roebuck ............ Shell Union LITTLE ORPHAN . ' ' .... , "7rr!!7irrili.. anvils iw r ( m'uos im corrbmcv- I THIHI fAUIEK.NOW, rl L jp I ADVISED THE 6VMK I I SSSuiSS'M T' - ESi THlUt WA.3 NO TROOLII ) ' p r . . ' ' ' ' ' f BUT - MIRE'S WHERE "H I C TWENTY MINUTES- IP A I POOL THAT WISE QQV, - . I HE WA.NT SUCH A. AP I BLEEK- HE'S WATCHIKIO H 1 , , I I'D THINK HB'D CROSSED I ! A.T THB SIDE DOOR- if I- , I MB- BUT WHAT CAN M I ME FOR THE-FRONT h ' I KiBPlKIOJ HIM IN .THAT I DOOR AND A TMU TO I J . I BANK I'LL GIVi, HIM I V THI PLVIN HULD- JO 9 1 ANOTHER "IVB MINUTM I vfrf I BEFORE I GO IN AND j y ' im LO f OBy . rw l! PM IW ,Crrlill. WM M Tkw CWr. Tr4aw. t ) . yrft,, m m ! r- ll'u' Local Markets AVERAGES Company) 80 Ufa 77,0 75,7 75.0 79.8 176.1 109.8 10,1 64.1 111.0 61.1 101. 1 II 10 to II Total 81.1 87.7 87.0 68.1 116,7 118.8 93 1 77.6 78.9 86.0 144,1 10.1 IndP 100.1 99.4 98.6 68.0 112.5 116.2 106.0 89.1 72.1 16.1 1401 51.9 61.8 60.8 89.9 88.1 114,1 64.8 41.1 39.1 13.1 108,8 10.1 I0. to 10 10 10 Indl'a IS. 9 18.8 18.1 11.9 16.6 13.9 726 RR' 90.0 89.6 89.3 67.5 99,7 90.0 74.1 78. C 47.4 105.7 Ct'l 90.4 90.1 III 74.4 100,7 90.4 772 81.2 70.1 101,6 Total 88.1 87.7 87.1 65.1 ' ' 15.1 : 88.1 74.1 78.1 17.1 1.7 18.1 100) 718 II I 04 III 62.1 10.2 (llll Averai Iqnala louthem Pacific .,, J til 12) 171 46 li I7t 71 45 133 251 6 16 64 23 611 Standard Brand ... Standard Oil California Standard Oil New Jersey., Studebaker Co . Texas Corp.' Trans-America Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corp. .. United Gas Imp, V, t. Indus. Alcohol V, B. Rubber ! U. 8. Steel ... West. Electrli- & Mtr 411 64 Woclworth .. Closing Curb Quotations Cities Service , ' Electric Bond & fihnra kii Swift ft CO. . 1044 Portland Livestock PORTLAND, April 20, (JPy Cttle, receipts, H; calves, 60! oiuers. Kooa entnmnn nH ma A lorn. S3.E0 tn tcm. t..n... common and medium, ij.qo to es.sa; cows. good, common and meqium z.7o to $4.60: low cut ter and cotter, $1.50 to $2.78; ouns, cm'.er, common and mod turn, $2.6J to $3.60; vealers good and choice. IS fin tn ti en CttU, common and medium, $2.50 tO $5.50: calves. mnnA anA choice, $4.'0 to S5.501 common ana meamm, 11,0V to 14.50. Hog, receipt. 250; market lor reaer ana stocker pigs, good and choice, 1,5 to 13.69. Lightweight, good and choice, j.uv to 13.65; medium weight Anil Atlri nhnfft S9 QK ... ,9 CR. heavywelcht. a-aad anil ikAi' i-ou to 3, 8; packing sows, Ood. 12.16 to 11.10: feeder ni sucker pigs, good and choice. 1100 to $1 50, . Sheep, receipt. 150: market Iteady. . , Spring lamb, good and choice, 11.00 to 11.80; medium. $6.10 to 18.00: lambs, cood and chnlcn. 17.75 (o $8.75; common and medium, IS.TB to ,00; yearling wether, 5.oo to 17.00; ewes, good end choice, $1.60 to $4.60; common and medium., $2,00 to 11-75. PORTLAND QRAIN MARKET, PORTLAND, April 20. (ff) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close May ......63 64 63 64 July 64 64 64 Sept. 64 H 64 H 14 V, 64 H Cash: Big Bend bluestem, 6c; dark hard winter, 13 pet,, 70Hc; 11 net., 65 He; soft white, wesu ern white, hard winter, northern spring and western red, 64c. . Oats: No. white, $18.00. Oorn: No. I B yellow, 811,71. MHlrun standard, $15.50. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 74. flour 10, ANNIE LIVESTOCK MARKET STEADY THURSDAY SO. BAN FRANCISQO, Anrll 10 (UP) Hos: 125, all direct. Oood-cholce 615-110 lb, ))utchrt quoted around 3,9Q to $4.00, witn aortonis at ooo under top; packing sowi eligible, $1,71 to 13.00. Lato yesterday, steady 175-200 lb. butchers, 13.10 to 84.00, sortout 1.40 to 3.IOi rjw 16 lb. slaughtsr pig, $3,61; few local-fed truckln. 1.80 to 13.71. oatt t 76. nraet oaur no canr action, market quotable atendy; load fed California s'.cys and car cows avallahl, two ear reported back; good 14 steers and year lings under 1100 lb. nominally ? noted around 6.50 to possibly 6; good young fed range caws eligible, 13.75 to 14.00. possibly above, low-eutterr quotable down to $i.zo; odd good bulla cold, 11.75. . , Calves: 26, all direct, - Good choice lightweight veSlers quot able around 11.00 lo 17.80. Bbeep; 175. All direct, Medium-good spring lambs nominal ly quoted smuI 17-75 to 8,, possibly fl.80. Portland Produce PORTI.ANTV Anrll 0 ID Butter, prints. "A" grade, it nflr I h ' ttarrhtnAn, wrnnnova . - - ""-. ""Mr 4""Lr piiruilttittta. I per io. less; "a- grade, parch ment wrappers, 21c; cartons, ( per lb. Butterfat: Pytland dellveryi A grade 19c lb.; B grade, lci 0 grade 18c; Farmar'l door dally, ery, 15c per lb. - Rri! riA.fu. knllM DmIh. cers' selling prices: Oversize, He, u resa extras, 17a) standards, 1J0 InaHlnma 1 Ki. rinvnn tftovtnnm higher). Buying price ot whole salers; fresh specials, , 17c: es ira iaq; nrsi noj meqiqme 15c: nulleta 12c: nnderaradM lfla dozen. ' Cheese: 93 score, Oregon trip lets, 10'c; loaf, llVc lb.-, brok ers will pay hie below quotation. Milk: Contract prlo 4 act,, Portland delivery, ll.lt ewtt B grade cream I7H lb. Country menu Selling price to retailer: country killed hogs, best butchers, under 10 lb., Styt to 901 vealers, 10-10,0 lbs,, 8 1 to e Ib.i light and thin, 6 to le lb; heavy calves, 5 to 6c lb; year ling lambs, 14e to 16c; spring lambs, 14c to lo per lb.; canaer cows, 3 to 4c b,; cutter eowi, C Cm IK. K,.lt K 11 .a A- 1W W ly, uutiv u ya "f V IV ' Mohair: 1934 buying prc, 18c per lb. ( C3car bark: Buying. pr , 1934 peel, m to lo lb. . Hop, 1931 clusters, 10c to 111 per lb. fugglss, 40c per lb, - Live poultry) Portland deliv ery, colored fowls, 14o to 16o Leghorn lie to lis: broilers, 14 to 11c; tags, 9c; roiteri, '-; kin duck, 12e- eo d Id; g-C 10c lb. Onions: Oregon, $1.00 to 11.11, Potatoes: Local white and rsd, $1.10 to $1.1 cental; Yaklm. 11.35to 11.35; Deaehutes, 11.10 to 11.36) bakers, $1.60. '. .New potatoes Hawaii, 1, to $1.35 21 lb. best Texas Tri umph, 11.75 to 12.21 50-lbsaek. . gtrawberrlei Fresno 30s, 11.00; Sacramento, 11.10 to (1,11 per crate, ; Wool 1934 clip, nominal i Willamette valley, 98 to 28c lb. Hay: Buying price from pro ducer! Alfalfa No. 1, new crop, $14 to $16; Eastern Oregon tim othy. 117, . Timothy . grassee, blended, $15; oat $17.50 teal Vetch. 114; Willamette ''all timothy, $15. . v It' been discovered that hall of your body's energy Is radiat ed in waves. Tbat'a what yoo get for listening to crooners over tba air. Ram.1 anlantfattt kiM BU A. oeedet! in cultivating a nicotin free tobacco. Now they should llnd a way to keep the smoke out oi yonr eyes. By Harold Gray