The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 17, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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April 17, 1084
Old Marks
Southern Oregon
Northern California
Record of 1932-33
Surveyed. Few Ex
pected to Withstand
Assault of May 12.
Roland Warren Suc
cessful in Northern
- Mat Performance.
Th young athletes ot two
states who bold records In the
Southern Oregon-Northern Cal
lfornls track snd field event
had best prepare to see them
slip suddenly Into discard
next month.
Everything weather, track
conditions, team strength and
Interest Is entirely In favor
of the establishment of marka
pronouncedly bettor than those
of 1932 and 1933. It, too. Is
not Impossible that this Klam-
atu Falls event, now one ot
the largest outside the annual
Oregon championship meet,
may bring out athletes who
will equal or surpass the state
The Modoc field records ot
the previous two years were
made under terrific disadvan
tages. The track and field
were not In the most favor
able condition and the weather
snow, rain and sleet fail
ed to encourage the best per
formances.. -
Here are the records of two
100-yafd dash Haines of
Bend. Time :10.4. Record
set in 1933.
Pole vault D. Denton of
Fort Klamath. Height 10 feet.
3 Inches. Record set in 1932.
High Jump Evans of Dorris,
and Orr ot Grants Pass.
Height 5 feet, 914 Inches.
Record set in 1933.
Discns Fredericks of Grants
Pass. Distance 132 feet, 8
Inches. Record set In 1933.
This Is one of the tew marks
likely to withstand this year's
assault. ,
Shot Put Berry of Klamath
Falls. Distance 15 feet, 11 U
.. Inches. Record set In 1933. n
Half-mile run Maxwell ot
Klamath Falls. Time 2:07.2.
Record set In 1933.
220-yard dash Haines -of
Bend. Time :24 flat. Rec
ord set In 1933. , -
120-yard high hurdles
Miller of Alturas. . Time
:19.4. .Record set In 1933. 1
440-yard dash McMeen of
Bend. Time :55. Record set
in 1933.
... . Javelin Knaass ot Chilo
quln. Distance 169 feet, 2
lqches. Record set in 1933.
.Broad ' Jump H a 1 n es ; of
BSnd.. Distance 20 feet ft,'
' Inches. Record set in 1933.
220-yard low hurdles J.t
Hamilton ' ot Grants ' Pass.
Time : 2 7.8.- 'Record set in
1933. '
Mile rnn A. , Johnson . ot
Klamath Falls. Time 4:58.
Record set in 1932, ...
Half-mile relay Held by
Bend. Time 1:37.1. Record
set in 1933.
"Last year Klamath' Falls
wbn the meet by virtue of alt
' around strength. ' It was' not
.the number of first places that
' decided, the championship,' but
rather the ability to plsce
point winners in- every event
It was the second, third - and
fourth positions ' on which
hinged the title. :'
The results of last year'
team competition: ' .
Klamath Falls 89. ,.. !
Grants Pass 37..'
.rBend 2. . . . . !
"Chiloquln 24. - 1
. Dorris .10.. ..... ,
..,','Altnraa ,; . ." " ,'. .- ,". ., i
Burns 4. ' ' ' !
"," Lakeview. t," ' ' . ', ' ' '' i
Fort Klamath 8. L'
Merrill 1.
"' Gold Hill 1. !
- . . i .-
Roland Warren, ' Klamath
Falls wrestler, has taken time
oft from his engineering Job
to go into professional ath
letics on a large scale. War
ren is wrestling as many as
four times a weeks on cards
in northern Oregon and south
ern Washington.
The most interesting thing
about his tonr, however, Is the
fact that he's winning. The
Klamath athlete, working un
der Virge Hamlin of Portland,
has become one of the most
popular wrestlers among the
scores who enter northwest :
i It may be that Mack Llllard
will have an abundance of
matches for him once he gets
back to Klamath Palls.
Babe Ruth Fit and Ready
for Season With Yankees
NEW ' YORK, April' 17 (JP)
After all, this -season his 21st
may not be Babe Ruth's last
in . the big leagues as an active
ball player: : ;
The boisterous Babe said so
himself today In bis best bari
tone.' Notwithstanding what he has
said before, the Babe right now
feels that his legs might be
strong enough to carry him
through a 22nd season.
'I'm surprised to find myself
in such good condition," he said.
"In tact I haven't started a sea
son feeling so tit as I do now
in five years.
"There's nothing wrong with
my batting eye or my batting.
Hell, didn't I lead the boys dur
ing the training season? Red
Rolfe gave me a close race but
I nosed him out In the last gam
with Brooklyn. "
"Unless my legs crumple un
dor me, I'll not only play in
more than 100 games .but I'll be
In thore next year, too. Of
course a lot depends on what
Col. Ruppert has to say, but If,
w both have a good year why
Sixteen Clubs Harbor
Hopes for Base
ball Title.
NEW YORK, April 17,
For the 59th time, the National
leaguo plunged into the opening
ot a new baseball season today,
and for the 69th time not one ot
the eight clubs would admit the
possibility ot finishing last
Forecasts of clearing skies in
the east and fair weather in the
middle west Indicated all tour
opening games would be played
with a turnout of some 100.000
baseball-hungry tans who have
spent a long, hard winter study
ing out an unprecedented num
ber of playing shifts which may
turn the pennant race Into a
much more exciting free-for-all
even than those ot recent Nation
al league history.
Klnancinl Success Seen
Whatever the final outcome.
President John Arnold Heydler
and the owners as well confident
ly expected a real financial re
covery after several lean years.
Legalisation ot Sunday ball in
Pennsylvania, the new and Uvller
ball and prospects ot a close.
hard- fought race right down to
the finish in September all fig
ured to produce a heavier play
at the turnstiles.
CHICAGO. Anrll 17. tJP) The
AmoHrAn InnenA lolned In blC
time baseball's rousing opening
chorus today, wnn no less tana
seven ot the eight clubs harbor
ing honest hopes ot making pen
nant music next September.
Deprived by Tain ot opening
the campaign nnder the presiden
tial eye yesterday at Washington,
Rntnn' tinv deal Red Sox. and
the Champion Senators were In
Boston today to start even wuu
the rest of the league.
Wnnrt nnlnfnn flenrea Wash
ington to land the title again,
with the New York Yankees and
perhaps the Red Sox. furnishing
the foremost opposition. Cleve
land nntroit and Chicago rank
as lively possibilities. Owners,
managers ana jajiowers ui iubso
six dabs have declared them In
on the championship battle. , .... ..
Finalists to
Meet in Local
Golf Tourney
Dr. Paul Sharp and Dr. W.
McBride are the two finalists in
the first flight championship
tournament ot the Reamea Golf
and Country club. ; In the second
flight, J. O. Stallings and How
ard Perrin are finalists.
Third flight contenders are
Ernie Hutchlns and H. N. Moe.
F. Fnrber has played otf and
won his fourthN flight match
against Charles Moore. Roy Hall
has also won ' his sixth flight
match . with John Beal. Frank
Tarr and Larry Graham are
matched aa finalists in the tilth
flight..' '
In the noise tournament, two
ball . foursome, played Sunday,
Roy Hall and Mrs. N. H. Jones
were champions. Mrs. Hall and
N. H. Jones were rnnners-up.
Klamath golfers have been in
vited to the Ashland golf course
Sunday, where open day playing
will be held. Lunch will be
served and exhibition matches
Daring the afternoon. Jack
Houston, Medford professional,
Hank Pringle, Southern Oregon
amateur champion, will play. Bill
Hackney, Klamath Falls profes
sional, will be matched with Ben
Bentley, runner-np in the South
ern Oregon championship match.
The exhibition matches will all
be return matches, as the players
met in their first game recently
at Medford. -
Klamath golfers deBirlng to go
to Ashland Sunday are requested
to get In touch with either James
Bwansen or Bill Hackney.
there shonldn't be any contract
trouble." ,
, The Babe not only anticipates
a good season for himself,, but
the Yankees as well. He figures
the Yanks the best ball club In
the American league far better
than last season's pennant-winning
Washington Senators and
hasn't a doubt they'll wind up
with the banner.
"We can't have any worse
pitching than we bad last year,"
he mumbled. "Oosh, the law
of averages ought to favor us
this season and our pitchers
should do a whole lot better.
If they do, and it Rolfe and Don
Heftner are as good as- they
seem to be we should breese
home easy winners."
The big belter can't see Man
ager Bill Terry's world champion
New York Giants repeating this
season. In fact, on his dope
sheet he has figured them for
fourth place. He llkos the Chi
cago Cubs for the National
league pennant and thinks the
Pittsburgh Pirates will finish
An Iron Man Fr
A football warrior from Ore
gon State college, Don Wagner,
will strive for the favor ot
Klamath Falls wrestling follow
ers at the Legion hall, Friday
night Wagner, member ot the
Beaver varsity last season, will
meet John Freeberg.
nagner won fame last autumn
as a linesman on Lon Stlner's
'iron men" who held the Uni
versity ot Southern California
to a tie and lost only one con
ference game to Oregon. Wag
Kid Chocolate
Threat for
(P) Kid Chocolate's dream ot
regaining the featherweight
championship was a step closer
to reality today,. .'.".
' With flashes of the old time
form that won him title, recogni
tion from the. New York State
Boxing commission, the slender
Cuban negro came on tm
porary retirement to box his way
to a ten-round decision over
Frankle Wallace . ot Cleveland
here last night
Three monthB ont of the ring
and considerably over the weight
ot his best fighting days, "The
Keed'' nevertheless put on a show
that had 3,500 fans cheering in
several rounds. -
During the rounds he really
"put on the steam" he easily out
classed Wallace. He slowed up
occasionally, however, and dur
ing those times the sturdy Cleve
land boy kept plugging along to
make the battle fairly close.
There was no question as to
the decision but the consensus of
ringsiders was that Chocolate
SEATTLE, April 17, (UP)
University of Washington's cham
pion varsity and frosh crews will
be sent to Poughkeepsie regatta
in June at a cost of $8,000,
should university officials ap
prove a recommendation made
by the board ot rowing stewards
Monday. The funds would be
raised by popular subscription.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April
17, (UP) The 1934 dog racing
season at the Vancouver kennel
club gets' under way Thursday
night with many familiar grey
hounds and numerous new ones
competing. - The public will be
admitted free to schooling races
to be held' Tuesday and Wednes
day nights.
Chinese Wrestler
Stops Robin Reed
PORTLAND Ore., April 17
(P) Walter Achiu, 160, Dayton,
Ohio, took the deciding fall when
Robin Reed, 158, Reedsport,
mlBsed a flying bead scissors
and crashed to the floor in their
wrestling match here last night.
Two straight falls were award
ed on fouls to Don Sugal, 160,
Salem, ' against Cowboy . Heinz,
161, Burns. Sailor Trout, 162,
San Pedro, took two of three
rails from Joe Kirk, 159,
Cuyler Out of
Cubs Lineup
CINCINNATI, April 17, (UP)
An Infected finger will pre
vent Klkl Cuyler from starting
in centerfield for the ' Chicago
Cubs in .the opening- game
against Cincinnati.
George (Tuck) Stalnback, 21-year-old
rookie from the Los An
geles Pacific coast league club,
will replace Cuyler. Klein will
bat third Instead of fourth, with
Babe Herman hitting in the
cleanup position and Stalnback
batting fifth.
ttimiw in mi in iiimiiiiii wig minium tm
NV?N f,fV '"'W I '
s i : . ' " Sv . i.i'
- -..
fcM 1 1 nil iw im iiti rnf-i
om Oregon State
ner was In the Beaver llnenp
when Fordham was crushed at
New York.
This former football man turn
ed to wrestling last winter and
Immediately became a star. His
match with Freeberg will be for
30 minutes.
Billy Edwards, Kansas City,
will meet Bob Kruse, Portland,
In the one-hour main event.
Walter Strois. France, has
been signed against Paul Mur
dock, Oklahoma, in the curtain
Again Offers
Feather Crown
could have won by a more one
sided margin. Opinions on the
round count wore at variance,
Chocolate's score running from
five to; nine rounds an,n, Wallace
from one to fonr. ( 1 ! .
Chocolate provided the main
thrill In the third round when he
floored Wallace with a right to
the Jaw. The Cleveland boy pulled
his opponent over with him and
both scrambled around on ilie
canvas. Wallace was np before a
count could be started and suf
fered no damage from the punch.
The dark-skinned youngster
from Cuba bad the fight all to
himself from the sixth and
when he. belted Wallace, around
the ring with a two fisted body
attack, Jabbed the - latter's nose
until the claret flowed and in
flicted a cut under the right eye.
Wallace was dangerous with a
right cross and scored frequent
ly with this punch. He whacked
Chocolate with a right to the
Jaw in the second and sgaln In
the tenth and each time the Cuban
negro's rushes were halted.
Henley Batters
; Defeat Bonanza
4 Henley high school moved a
step forward in the county base
ball league by defeating Bonanza
Monday, V to 8. The game was
played at Henley.
Teddy Green, Henley catcher,
was the outstanding player of
the contest, He scored three ot
bis team's runs . and bit safely
Henley will play Merrill at
Henley in Its next game.
Ewauna Crushes
Chiloquin Team
Ewauna's baseball team open
ed the season' Sunday with a 10
game marked the start of a sched
ule ot stiff competition. Oehr
man, Ewauna hurler, struckout
16 batters. . ' ' '
. Summary: . " ', . R. H. E.
Ewauna ..:.................10 12 1
Chiloquln 14 4
Batterlos: Oehrman and Bar
rows; Barkley, Ray and Matt.
Washington High
Leading League
PORTLAND, .' April 17 UP)
The Washington, high baseball
team is leading the Portland prep
league, thanks to Second BaBe
man Smith's freak catch which
brought the Colonials a 5 to 4
win over Franklin in yesterday's
In second place are Roosevelt
high, which defeated Benson 5 to
4, and Commerce high, which
drubbed Lincoln 4 to 1.. Grant
gained by Jilting Jofforson 6 to 3.
Georges Carpentier
Returns to Boxing
PARIS, April 17, (UP)
Georges Carpentier, idol of the
French boxing ring, returned to
the' boxing wars when he went
through a four round exhibition
match 1 with Georges Fumo, an
Algerian middleweight. . .
PARIS, April 17 (U.R) Panama
At Brown, world's bantamweight
champion, outpointed Kid Francis
of France In a 10 round non
title bout. Brown weighed 121
and Francis 120,
Portland Season Opens
Against Missions
This Afternoon.
PORTLAND, April 17, (P) A
festive' air flourished hero today
as the sun pourod Ideal baseball
weather on the ceremonial open
ing ot Portland's 1934 homo base
ball season.
Jack Wllion, a Portland youth
will toe the slab (or the Denver-
Ducks, who face Manager Gabby
Streot's mighty Missions. Bruce
Cunningham Is slated to pitch tor
the San Francisco team.
Governor to Attend '
The day's schedule includoi a
parade, official welcome ot the
Portland players and a bit ot
ball handling by Govornor Julius
L. Meier and Mayor Joseph Car
son ot Portland. H. L. Baggurly,
President of the Pacific Const
league, was here talking enthu
siastically about baseball's ex
pected comeback this season.
Walter McCredle, Portland
manager again after soreral years
ot separation from the club, ex
pressed satisfaction with the do
volopment ot several of bis young
pitchers, and rejoiced that Out
fielder Bill Lawrence has recov
ered from an attack ot the
grippe. ,
Natives on Team
"I consider him one of the beat
players In the league," said Mc
credle ot Lawrence, who regained
his' old form sufficiently last
week to do some timely hitting
ror the ducks.
With seven native Orogonlans
on the club rostor Intorost In the
team has Intensified in many sec
tions of the Btato.
Jack Wilson and Hnl Turnln.
two ot the club's moat effective
pitchers so far this season, are
from Portland and Yoncnlla re
spectively. Rudy Kalllo. pitcher
and coach. Is another natlvo Port
land player-
Manager McCredle said Andy
Peterson of McMlnnvillo and Wil
lamette university, would take his
regular turn on the mound hence
forth. Bob Houtchons ot Klam
ath Falls Is still anothor Oregon-
bred pitcher.
Charlos Hoag ot Hillsboro and
University ot Oregon, Is alter
nate catcher and Bob Oarrotson
of Portland and University of
Oregon la alternate first sacksr.
Texas Governor
Enters Dispute
Over Ross Fight
AUSTIN, Tex., April 17, (UP)
Governor Miriam A. Ferguson
Monday entered the controversy
over Barney Ross schedulod
fight with Tony Horrors when
she telegraphed E. O. Foster,
president of the national boxing
association, that she Is backing
Charles Poe, state boxing com
missioner. In his demand that the
fight be held at Fort Worth on
April 20, as scheduled. Foster
is in Providence, R. I.
Poe was notified Monday by
Dick Griffin, promoter, who
matched Ross and Herrora, that
a physician named by three dis
interested persons would report
on Ross claim that an ear In-
Jury makes his appearance In
Texas impossible.
Previously Ross had aBked to
be released from the contract on
the ground that bis match with
Jimmy McLarnln In New York
on May 28 was arranged with
the understanding he would not
fight anyone else before then.
fUtf AfUMlA,GA.,
Mu&WfeR Or
ASStftrNWr S6CV.
Or TrieTRE AW,
trlE l33C U.S.
ayMPic suwa TsAM,.
M& THE 195Z
Lostt oar iw ccwetiUbrJ
DUe To.LLNK$.......
v. - F
I'rimo Camera, heavyweight
I 7r
rrlvVUs Jt
hunting eye, for ho is going gunning torilJitcr of tlio Muxlo
speclos-bvforo long. The poudcrous one stopped off at Boston,
on his way to his training silo lu Maine, to vlow the sportsmsn
show thero. Here he is lining up the slshts ot a ride.
Bison Downed
The tlnnle to California's only buffalo hunt ot recent years Is shown
above. Emery Whllton, owner of a Tulare county, California, field
museum, purchased tho bison after county officials tired of paying lu
upkeep. He freed It In a largo grovo and then staged a modern buffalo
bunt After the killing, friends feasted an buffalo steaks.
Pelican Nine
Meets Bonanza
On Saturday
The Klamath Pelican baseball
team will be back In competition
Saturday afternoon at iionansa.
The contost will make tho sec
ond encounter for tbe I'sllcans
who last week downed Molla In
the opening gome of the season.
A week ot practice and seasoning
should make tbe team a favorite
over the Bonanza rivals.
Bonansa lost to Henley, Mon
day afternoon and already had
been defeated by Malln.
Race Candidates
Train in Rain
April 17, (UP) Mrs. John Hay
Whitney's Singing Wood headed
W Ml..: -M.
( rm
champion. Is sharpening up his .
in 'Last Roundup'
tho list of Kontuck darby can
didates which worked out over
a slnppy track here today. In a
heavy downpour of rain, trainer
Jim Ilualy sent tho . Belmont
futurity winner flvo furlongs In
1:01 2-5. The Immortal II, the
two year old champion of Ire
land last year, which was also
nominated for the Kontucky
classlo by Mrs. Whitnay, accom
panied tho royal minstrel colt
In his speed trial. He was
clocked In the same tlmo as his
:'t-Ji IjJ
ir itniTitijLintii-sin mm J3
Wedding March'
9 Composer of the
12 Type standard.
14 Loose earth.
15 Gaelic.
16 To exist.
17 His best
known given
1 name was
Answer to
19 Alleged force.
ZOSoventh note, 87 Coin slit,
21 Deity.- 89 To barter.
12 Spain (abbr,), 41 Minor note.
23 Little stream. 43 Behold.
25 Turkish cap. 44 Rumanian
26 Charts. coins.
' '"raid publicity.
20 Condition. 47 (nr
11 Crooksd tree. 8 Hn ,.
it His greatest . tain,
works are the 60 starfish.
, oratorios, g3 jyoni
and "St, Paul." 54 low tide,
34 Native of f6 Ascends,
Samoa. 87 Pastries.
n u u m 1 11 1 iv i& - w
55-- sssrir
Butte Valley, Lnkevlew
First to Accept
Track Bid.
Tho first entries In the third
annual Southern Oregon-Northern
California Track and Field meal
were received by Bam Itltcliey,
chairman, this wsuk.
Two schools, Lukovlow and
Butte Valley ot Dorris, won the
distinction of the first to list
their names with tho officials,
Both have competed In formor
moots on Modoc field.
Evans to Compote
I.akevlew'i entranco acceptance
was sent In by Miller Nicholson,
head coach. The Lakevlow tsam
will have the backing of tu
city's 10-30 club which Is co
operating with the Klamath
Fulls' organisation In sponsoring
Urn erunu
Butte Valley will place a
small hut strong team In tbi
fluid. The - Invitation was ac
cepted by W. T. Atkins, the
principal. J. Evans, the school's
outstanding athlete, will agnln
compete In the high Jump. H '
tied for first place last year.
Klamath Falls will be Ilia de
fending champion. The Pellrsn
track team has won both pre
vious Southern Or'ion-Northurn
('iillfornla moats with tirants
Pans and llond pffrrlnc ths u.oi
serious competition. Klamath
nosed out the Cavemen by two
points In 133.
Officials of tin Klamath 10-10
club havo been active In prepar
ing for ths meet, invitations
have been printed and snt out
to major high schools In two
slates. Weather conditions and
Increased Interest In track un
doubtedly will make the event
the most outstanding In Its his
tory. British Launch
New Yacht for.
U.S. Competition
OOSPOHT, Eng.. April 17A
(UP) The yacht Endeavor, with
which (treat Britain hopes to re
capture the America's cup after
83 years, was launched Monday
In the calm waters of Portsmouth
harbor, home of the British
The trim, all steel, stream
lined racing cutter glided out
from the shipyard where five
Shamrocks were b It 1 1 1 for the
late Sir Thomas Ltpton In his
fruitless attempts to capture
"the old mug."
"Tommy ' Kopwlth, for whom
tho raring yacht was built, stood
proudly by while his wife com
pleted the launching cereinonlos
by breaking a bottle ot cham
pagne over the bow.
"1 name you Endeavor," she
said, "and with all my heart I
wish you a cup run 01 luck.
It was announced that Mrs.
flopwlth would holp sail En
deavor In tho cup raco the first
woman to be in a crew for the
Amorlrn cup contest.
Previous Fasate
tral Caocaroa.
10 Back of tho
11 He was direc
tor of concerts
Ih .
11 To Interpose.
16 Ball player.
24 Osms.
25 Deadly.
27 Quiet.
28 To reprove,
ao Feather. paljnaV
31 To daub.
13 Preposition,'' d
85 Like.
16 To resound,
13 Plsster ot
40 Drags.
At A .It 1
3811e was a
Changes from u 8l0ulMi ; ,
worse to better 45New,pllp,r
3 To redact. . : strsgrsph,
4 Kernels water 47 Nobleman.
40 Nominal value
5 Doctor,
7 Bouthoait.
51 Ssa eagle,
52 Snako.
58 Falsehood.
55 Afternoon.
3 Senior,
D Person of oen-57 Postscript
-j .y
I u