The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 16, 1934, Page 1, Image 1

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Local Forecast
Fair, moderate.
High 60; Low 43.
Fair tonight, Tuesday '
Cooler in East.
Herald subscribers who fall to rocolve their
impur by OHIO p. m. aro requested to mil tlio
Hornld biiliicM offlco, phono 1000, and
impcr will be sunt bf apodal carrier.
Price if'ivo Cunts
Number 6094
On the
Day's News
51"" OtVm
R1CTUHN1NO from his vuoatlon,
Prosldont Hoonovolt calls on
congress to dispose of theio six.
Important moasuros boforo ad
Journmontl. 1. Monetary legislation.
i. Iloolprocul turlff.
1, Rovouuo bill.
4. Fedurat deposit Insuranco.
f. Municipal bankruptcy bill.
I. Stock exchange control.
Tboso measure, bo says, nre
needed to comploto bli 103 to
cavory program.
MONETARY legislation.
What a wido rang of possi
bilities that covers tree illvor,
groonlmck eurroncy, poylug the
government's bill by starting tho
printing presios; making ovory
body rich without work by tho
almpla procon of stuffing bli
pockota with paper monoy.
' A tONO thlai lino, you know, w
muntn't ovorlook tho ulllmato
possibility of money ao noorly
worthless that you'd hare to haul
a wheelbarrow load of It to tho
postofflce In ordor to buy a port
age ilamp.
There are men In controls who
are riady to volo for the BE
UINNINQ of tho process that
would bring that about.
T1IKHK la alio tho possibility
of legislation that will IlE
value of money which would bo
a poworful allmulua to business
and would go farther, probably,
than anything le to roatoro
RECIPROCAL tariff what !
. lhatT
Woll, It amounti to aaylng to
, other natlona: "Mako tt easy
lor ua to trado with you, and
wo'll mako It oaay for you to
trado with ua."
Jt aounda good on paper, but
lan't aa oaay aa It aounda, bocauao
you and I don't . want torolan
trada made eaay In thoao thing!
that WB ntODUCE.
Wo want admlitod to Hi la coun
try only thoao producta that don't
compoto with Ul.
REVENUE 1)111. How about
Lot's pane that subject over
quickly, for It la painful. A roT
cnuo bill ' mean raiting tbo
AND ME, to pay for all thoao
things wo tnlk ao grnndly about
the govornmont providing for
CEDERAL dopoalt Inauranco.
What ol III
It moani, preaumably, continu
ation of Inauranco by tho fodoral
govornmont, or by aomo ngancy
under tho supervision of tho fod
ral government, that when you
and I put our monoy In the bank
wo'll got It back when wo want
It, or ncoil It.
That, In thoory, la right, and
(Continued on Pago Four)
Editor The Evonlng Horald:
I don't know what tho presi
dent caught, but that Sonate
Just by howling "yos" caught
five hundred million (that
will boar a aocond roadlng
$500,000,000) extra out of a
gentleman cnllod "old man
taxpayer." Thoy woro Just
about to put on tholr hats and
go homo whon thoy happonod
to think of tho' last 110,000,
000. The wny thoy got It now
whon you got all through with
your tnxoa you dtld an oxtrn
10 per oont, that' tho "covor
charge" But thoy oon't do
all thoao thlnga thoy are doing
without paying for 'em. Ai
high prlcod aa It la to live In,
I don't soo anybody loavlng
the country,
Yours, ' ' ., '
Board of Control Action
May Send Commer-
cial Costa Down.
Governor in Touch With
Senator McNaiy On
SALEM, April II, UP) A dot-
Inlto move by the slate of Oregon
to roduce gaaollne prlcea to lta
departments which, It waa de
clared, would llkowlae reflect In
commurclnl prices, waa taken by
the board of control today whon
It authorized William Eluilg,
atate purchaiilng Blunt, to buy
gaaollne outsldo Oregon at lower
guaranteed prtcoa than under the
preaent contract baala.
High Price Complained
Reducod prlcea at Seattle In
the commorclul field, aa well aa
In aomo plnroa In Kuslorn Oregon,
where gusollno waa selling from
four to nine cento under the lu
cent retail price at Salons, com
bined with oonllnucd coraplainta
of blah gaa prlcea. roaullod In
the unanlmoua action by the
board. -
The attempt to lowor gaaollne
prlcea lit Oregon, already, uudor
way In Washington, was lakon
uudor consideration by the atato
otflclnls when tho purchaalng
agent announced probability that
now contract prlcea from on
companlea for tho now year
would not be competitive. The
old contrncta to tho state at a
rule of 13 conta In bulk at Port
land and 10 cents at sorvlco ata
tlnna. Including tax expire an
May 1.
Kinxld Sccka Autliorly
Undar the new coda gaaollne
companlea may enter compollllvo
(Continued on rage inrooj .
TAIT1MA Anrll 18. fAPl
John M. Btadlg. 26-ycar-old San
Frnnciaco countorfoltor, was back
In McNeil Island fodoral prison
todav. nftor only about 30 hours
of froadont.
lfMI, In l.n iinHrtrhrllflh but
unwounded by . bullets . which
mowed down a companion whon
tho two mado o dash to free-
Am In n nrl.nn truck. Stadia
was reenpturod Saturday night.
Ho surrenuoroa witnoui reac
MnnV Rmlih. SO. Chovonne.
Wyo., hnd boon shot through tho
log and roenpturod wnon mo
broak was nttomptod, but Stadlg
rnn ,i nnfntv In lhft tiaarhv tlm-
bor. Ho was unahlo, howovor, to
got oil tne laiana.
ram's chief
nriAg Annlrln Anrll 1 8. TAP)
To the titles accorded Aus,ji rllnuintf Ivn chancellor. En-
golhnrt Dolltims, was addod by
popular consent loony uiui 01
olmmplon egg dodger,
Othors at a mass, meeting the
ohnncolior nddroasod yesterday
woro spintiorou iy ovor-ripo eggs
for whloh Dnllfuss hlmsolt was
tho tnrgot, Ho osonpod.
Two Boys Injured
in Gun Accident
ASTORIA, April 10. UP)
Stanloy Simmons, IB, of Astoria,
Ma I'lirli fc arm. and
Kiirston Joll, 14, Biifforod tho
loss of Ills index flngor and part
1.1.. nlfrli lintitl nfl tllfl rnnillt
tt nntl1nntnl (llflnhnriro nf n'ahot-
iriin whlln tllA hnvn wera huut-
lng noar lioro Saturday.
Moves To Cut
White Russians
Force Trotzky
Into New Flight
Recall Started
Against LaGrande
County Officials
SALEM. April 1. (AP) At
tcmptod recall of Carl U. Holm,
district attorney of Union coun
ty, was officially alarted by the
Union County Uoltorment Lea
gue today whon It filed Us pre
liminary copy of tho rocall pe
tition with the aecrotary of stato.
The petition charged that Helm
waa not working for the beat In
tereata of the people; waa dere
lict In hla duties; lot poraonal
matters Intorfore with the diiliea
of hla office; abowed prejudices
and proforoncea and was "incom
petent and negligent." It was
signed by Itoy Kruts of La
Grande, prosldont of the league,
and Harrison J. Anderson, sec
retary, of Union.
Over Two Millions Need
ed To Run System For
. ..Coming Year. :.
PORTLAND. April 10. UP) A
balanced budget of slightly mora
than two million dollars on which
to run Oregon'B hlghor education
al Inatitutlona for the coming th
en I year wns adopted by the atato
board of hleliar education at a
regular meeting hore today. This
is within two thousand dollars of
the budget adopted a year ago.
Facing a heavy dockot of busi
ness the board covorod tho finan
cial Items and approved soma Im
portant administrative changos on
the various campuses, recessing
until afternoon to take up tho
controversial etudont fee problem
and other remaining Itoms.
Two Given Title
Acting presidents GeorRO W.
Poavy of the Stato collcgo and C.
V. Boyer of tho University were
accorded tho full tltloa of presi
dent In one of tho administrative
adjustmonte recommended by
Chancellor W. J. Kerr. The bud
gela adopted provide for a aalary
adjustment for each to a baso of
$6500 and roducod rate or. liti&u.
Another adjustment reestablish
ed the dogroe work In muslo at
the Unlvorslty of Oregon as a so
parate school Instead of a depart
ment In tho School of Flno Arts,
with J. J. Landsbury restored as
(Continued on .pago unroo
wiontKn. Anrll 16. (AP)
Prosldont Roosevelt today
algnod the bill authorising funds
... n An tliA fnilnral DOWor
bu innj ' -
oommlBslon Investigation of elec
tric rate onorges.
The prosldont also approvod
). kill ftiithnrlxlnir tho ROVCrn-
mont to employ Frank Nobeker,
former asslstnnt attorney goni
al, aa special oounsol In tho case
against the Welrton Stool com
pany- . . .. , u.
Legislation wns requireu uo
cause Nehoker has represented
firms having claims against the
' LOS ANGELES, April 10
Karl Dnno, who onrnod and npont
S1.G00 a wook whon ho was a
film Btnr In tho silent plctnro
days, may bo burled In a pauper's
Surroundod by sevon-yenr old
photographs nnd pross clippings
of the days whon ho was famous,
Dane shot himself through the
head Saturday night, Hla body
lay In the county morgno todny,
dostlnod for tho Pottor's flold un
ion frlonds who kept him alive
In recent mouths claim It.
BARBIZON, France, April 16.
(AP) Loon Trotxky, fearing an
attack on hla life by White Rus
sians, fled today from bis newly
uncovered hiding place In Bar
btzon. Neighbors said the communist
leader, an exile from Soviet Rus
sia, and bis wife left the se
cluded villa here where they bad
been In hiding for three months
shortly after daybreak In a black
automobile. Their destination
waa not revealed. . '
IK-parture S'ot Known.
Tho surote generate started a
hunt for the fugitive aovlet exile
aa soon aa bla disappearance be
camo known.
His flight, after auspicious
rural policemen bad blundered
Into bis foreat refuge, waa so
sudden that tho officials who bad
authorized his stay In the neigh
borhood were not aware of bis
Secret police said they doubt
ed If he had gone far and haz
arded the gacss that be la aeek
lug a similar haven In a nearby
town since a permit to live In
Franco restricts resident to thai
. Foars for Life.
"He is a man who fears great
ly for hla life," said a auret de
tective. -
The villa bad a. deserted atr
behind Its barbed wire fence bat
the house was still occupied by
part of Trotzky'a rettnue. These
persons, however, refused to talk
on tbo telophone.
Trouky, toiling behind heavy
locka and barbed-wire with two
guna In easy reach and police
(Continued on Page Six)
SALEM. April 16, fn Deputy
firo wardens oporatlng under the
s'ate foreatry department in
westorn Oregon were In confer
ence hero today with State For
oster Lynn F..Cronemlller, to dis
cuss the new legislative act(whlcb
give the forestry dopartment the
right to - close Industrial opera
tions within forest areas during
fire hazard conditions.
About 35 wardens were pre
sent Following the conference
these officials will advise logging
oporatora what equipment to pre
vont and to fight forest fires will
be required to comply with tho
new act, -
Crescent Railroad I
Project Endorsed
SANTA ROSA, Cal.. April 16,
(Pi Proposed construction of a
railroad connecting Crescent City,
California, with Grants Pass,
Ore., was endorsed at a mooting
of business nnd civic leaders of
northorn California and southern
Orecon boro Saturday night.
The meotlng adopted a resolu
tion supporting applications to
the Interstate commerce commis
sion and tho public works admin
istration for construction of the
line. It would be built with pub
Ho worka funds under the pro
posal. ,
Irrelevant and Immaterial
Horace Manning, slumped' In
his chair at the defense table,
looks exactly as he has looked
countless times at nearly the
same pines In the circuit court
room. He is somewhat paler,
howovor, probably duo to Mb
two mouths' confinement In the
county jnll. His chlldron, James
Manning of Sllverton, and Ellztt
both Manning Robertson of New
York, resemble him strikingly.
Kjcryono seated at the L
Bhapod tables, comprising .the
prosecution, the dotense, and the
defendant, wenva glnssoa with
tho exception of Dofonso Attor
ney Roborta. Porhnpa he'll put
on gliiBaea whon- ho wonts to
Two large and weighty Indian
women secured early seats In the
oourt room. Thoy fnllod to return
after tho 11 o'olock rocess, prob
ably bored with tbo, process of
soloctlng a jury.
. Manning and Attorney Woath
ertord are the only men nt the
centor tables who do not keep
Congressional Leaders
Hear Outline Of
Imperative Legislation Is
Pointed Out At
Immediate passage of -sliver
legislation waa demanded unani
mously today by the special sen
ate silver committee.
Senator , King (D., Utah),
chairman of the group aaid it
waa "the unanlmouB view that
silver must be lifted from. Its
status as a commodity and made
a primary money."
The senator aaid be planned
to arrange an immediate con
ference with the president on
the question as It waa believed
wise to get the execntlve's view
point.. 1
WA8HUK5TOK.. Anrll 16V VP)
President Roosevelt has let
congress know In a aeries of
week-end conferences just what
be wants it to do, what not to
do, and when to go home.
He told congressional leaders
ovor Sunday, among other
things, that ho Bhortly would
band them a new request tor one
and a half billion dollars for re
lief purposes.
More Control Wanted
He told them be wants a stock
market regulation measure with
teeth, and not the kind of teeth
tho much modified Fletcher-Ray-,
burn measure now carries.
He indicated his willingness to
sidetrack, if necessary, some of
the less Important items of the
administration program in order
to obtain adjournment by mid
May, but that there would be so
(Continued on Page Six)
nnPTT.AVTl Anrll 18. TIP1
R. Wayne Stevens of Portland
waa nlfMitAil nre.qldent of the
young democrats of Oregon at the
annual convention here Saturday.
Vlta niJaMpntH fllPCteri WerO
Kenneth Bach of Bend, Raymond
L. Jenkins ol Toieuo, ituta Wil
liams of The Dalles, and Elsie
Schroeder of Eugene.
Miss Nadlne Strayer of Baker
was named national committee
tvAman nn.1 Vtllnrri Walter Of
Corvallis, national committee
man. The theory of the Knox, Jaw
was approved by the convention,
Bnl ..Hx.Hnn nf Hnitnr - t.rl-os
was urged. The group refused to
endorse a proposed resolution op
posing the sales tax.
their elbows on the table. Man
ning keeps one hand on his ohln
moat of the time.
. . . . oi.n.n i...
ft UlftUll UL DMUKIUK. uu uu,u
spot, occasionally using both
, i
I Ul. - . . ... t,a I. n 1 rl
Clroult Judge Frod Wilson Is
nn enthusinstlo student of Indian
history. He and his sister, Mrs.
F. P. Mnyea of Portland, took- ad
vantage of tholr presence In the
Klamath country Sunday, and
drove to the Modoc War scenes
In tho lava bod country.
Jtidgo Wilson is tho newspap
ermen's Idea of a swell fellow.
The judge took as much Interost
as tbo scribes themselves. In mak
ing sure there were press facili
ties at the trial.
Tnillnnltvn nt Aiilnldn IntnrftHt In
the case, tho leading Portland
nowspnpors have their correspon
dents hore for tno Manning trial.
.fnmna AlnHnnl will write the trial
yarns tor tho Oregonlnn, and
Larry Smyth will do the job for
the Oregon journal. ,.
Horace M. Manning, noted
Klamath Falls attorney, who
went - on trial here today on
charges of slaying his former law
partner, Ralph W. Horan, state
Bulwinkle Withdraws
Tale of Imprisonment
In War Times.
In a speech to tho house. Repre
sentative Bulwinkle, (D., N.C.)
today retracted' and apologized
for bis previous statement that
Dr. William A. Wirt, author of
the "brain trust revolution" alle
gations, had been confined to jail
during the war because of pro-
German activities. .
Story Held Unfair -Meanwhile,
Robert W. Bruere,
a guest at the Virginia dinner at
which Wirt testified he obtained
his views as to what he termed
the "revolution," told reporters
the Indiana educator s account
(Continued on Page Three)
VJ. men Tot'. Anrll lg. I API
Funeral- services for Jolly Gar
ner, brother of Vice-President
John N. Garner, will be held at
Detroit, Tex., probably Wednes
day. nnnA' whn fiad haan Curv
ing in the United States mount
ed customs service nere, was is
years old.
TfnlnHvaa nttrthlltcrl nnrner'S
act to despondency over 111
health. - He Killed nimseu jusi
a few minutes after he had been
talking with friends ana mem
bers of the family. His father-in-law,
A. G. Ash, Bald Garner
linJ "nnl ItDflll htmAPlf" for tWO
weeks because of bad health.
Vice-President Garner said in
Washington that he did not plan
to attend the funeral.
SEDALIA, Mo., Aprlf 18. (AP)
The death of Mrs. Vollle
Moore. 0, brought to Beven to
day the number of persons fa
tally Injured In the explosion of
an Improvlsod steam table at a
railroad banquet.
The victims, all women, were
showored with hot water and
scalding Bteam here last Wed
nesday . night while thoy wore
preparing a dinner for 1,600
guests at a Missouri Pacific cele
bration. Five other women are
in a critical condition.
. , " TmWMsaMHsaW
Horace Manning
Goes On Trial;
Panel Examined
Five Men Quickly Seated Without Chal
lenges for Cause at Start of the
Horan Murder Casa
Six prospective jurors were examined and five passed
without challenge for cause as the first degree msrder
trial of Horace M. Manning got under way more rapidly
than was anticipated at the courthouse this morning.
At noon, after two hours of tedious questioning, the
12 original jurymen were still in the box. In the morn
ing session, Harry Goeller, C. H. Pyles, Horace R. Dun
lap and Arthur W. Jolly went over the first hurdle
and will probably sit on the case unless later eliminated
by preemptory challenge.
Early in the afternoon session W. E. Wiesendanger
was eliminated by the state for cause. It developed that
WiesendajDger, . a clerk, was a partner in a grocery
firm where the defendant had an account.
Frank Howard, laborer, was called to the box to
replace Wiesendanger. He was passed for cause by
the state and defense. The state passed him despite his
remarks that he opposed capital punishment.
Remaining to be questioned were Arthur B. Eeenan,
William Lorenz, Claude H. Davis, Jesse Hanks, Carl
Schubert, H, H. Jenkins and John H. Martin.
Manning, on trialxfor the alleged murder of State
Legislator Ralph W. Horan, on February 12, slouched
silently beside his lawyers as the questioning proceeded.
In a row of seats' inside the bar and behind him .were
members tvt his family and ft. friend, -nd outside the
bar the spectators' section was nearly filled with
veniremen ana spectators.
A few hints as to what
may be expected in the
legal conflict ahead were
thrown out as defense and
state attorneys subjected
the prospective jurors to a
barrage of close question
ing. The defense emphasized
(its queries as to the venire-
mens knowledge ot and
agreement with the rules of
self defense. The state was
consistently careful to de
termine the jurors' attitude
on circumstantial evidence.
At the afternoon recess nine
prospective Jurors had been
passed for cause by both state
and defense attorneys. .
The manner of selecting a
. Jury was moving with greater
speed than trial officials bad
expected. '
Likewise, it sought
termine , whether any
jurors had scruples - against the
death penalty in cases where
the evidence would warrant.
Heinrich Central Point
That there may be a Bplrtted
fight qver the testimony of E.
O. Heinrich, Berkeley crimipolo
(Continuea on Page Six)
ASUNCION, Paraguay, April
18, (jP) The Paraguayan minis
try of defense announced today:
. 'On Sunday our forces advanc
ed 10 kilometers (6 miles) to
ward Fort Dallivian."
Fort Balllvlan is tho main Bo
livian stronghold In the soutH
west Chnco.
Death estimates mounted today
with reports of a major engage
ment that may provo the turning
point In tho long Gran Chaco
warfare between Bolivia and Par
aguay. LATE
THE DALLES, Ore., April 10,
UP) Tho body of an unidentified
man wns sought today in the Des
chutes lived by Wasco and Slier
mnn county officers, who were
told by two boys that they hnd
scon the man drown. The acci
dent occurred ten miles below
Shcn rnr.
WW VOIIK. A m il 1A. fl
Ainrrlrnn Tnlnnlimie and Tele
graph Co. today reported net In-
coino or 4Ui.i,t)iin,iun tor me urnc
quarter of 10.14, compared with
$:i!i,:tS.1,187 in the correspond
ing period of last year.
Will Baldwin to Serve 'Af
Disbursing Agent
For County.
Will Baldwin, former CWA
manager, received notice ot his
appointment aa . local manager
and assistant special disbursing
agent for the state emergency
re-employment administration for
Klamath coanty Monday morn
ing, and the general staff work
ing with Baldwin was announc
ed as follows: . -
H. C. Melaas, purchasing agent
and auditor, and John A. Cars-
tensen, accountant. Th; ap
pointments were announced
through the offices ot Ivan
(Continued on Page Six)
EUGENE, Oro., April 18, UP)
When the car in which ahe
was riding skidded in loose
gravel and crashed Into a tele
phone pole on the Paclfie high
way six miles north ot hero Sun
day, Mrs. D. C. Wilson, 2 a of
Roseburg, Ore., was Instantly
THE DALLES. Ore., April 18,
UPyK. Tokaroskl of Bend, Ore.,
died In a hospital here Sunday
from injuries received Saturday
night when a wheel came oti a
car he was driving near Criterion,
Ore. The car overturned, and
Tokaroskl received a fractured
skull. The Injured man was
treated at Maupln and brought tc
The Dalles by ambulance.
S. S. EXILONA, at Sea, April
10, UPy Samuel Insull denied to
day that his wife would Join him
at (Cnntnnln, Sicily, tomorrow,
and return with him to the Unit
ed States, where tho aged Chi
cagoon faces criminal trial. , ,(r -
' BIO DB JANEIRO, April 10,
ypymviln Vernon Morgan, fll,
former United States ambassador
to Brazil, died suddenly at SiBO
a. m., todny, at his rosldonre In
I'ctrololls, the Brazilian anmnwr
capital. -
, .. .si.