TmS EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON April 18, ltyif PAGE SIX CRATER LAKE AUTO VICTIMS BROUGHT HERE (Continued tram Psg One) snornlng after part of three Crater Lake park ranter, head- ad by Chief Ranter David Can' (told, etopped their automobile to examine peculiar skid-marks id the loosely graveled euriaee of the eait entrance road, about aeven miles west at the Junction with The Dalles-Calltornln High' way. Sight Car In Creek In the bed of the canyon, lying In the creek, the coupe was sight' ed by Bernle Hushes, one ot the rangers, alter c. 11. simson, an other of the party, had found a piece of glass and a bit of mirror near tho canyon Drum. That was about 7:20 a. m. By :20, the rangers had climbed down Into the deep canyon, lo cated the bodies of the two Hol lywood Cosmeticians, and sad driven to Fort Klamath where Klamath county authorities and state police were notified. Recover Bodice It waa not until well In the afternoon that the battered and partially decomposed bodies ot the women had been recover ed from the - canyon together with their personal effects found in and near the demolished car, It was not ditticnlt to recon struct the tragedy. The young women. It was recalled were last seen at Crescent at mld-mornlng on November 12. They1 drove south on The Dalles-California highway toward Klamath Falls, where Mlsa Har dens (Irene Streeter) was to visit her father, N. M. Streeter, before continuing Into California. Girls Left Highway Probably hopint for a chance to see Crater lake. - they turned off the main highway at the Junction with the east entrance road, driving around sign not ing that the road was closed by snow. They drove eight or nine miles toward the lake before de ciding to turn back. The road drops rapidly along the edge of Eand Creek canyon. Undoubtedly drifting along at a high speed, their car suddenly went out of control, probably be cause of a flat tire. Skids Over Cliff They skidded 160 feet before going over the canyon rim. the marks on the road plainly show. First they skidded away from the canyon for 50 feet, reaching a distance 7 feet from the center ot the road. Then suddenly the machine careened across the road, and struck a ledge not ten feet from the end of a heavy log guard. The car bounced down a steep Incline to the edge ot a sheer cliff. It glanced off a pinnacle. and Into a sort ot groove on the canyon rim. Then came a sheer drop of perhaps (0 feet, and a tumble down a lane between the trees. The battered machine came to rest upside down In the creek. Believe Death Instant Both women were undoubtedly Silled instantly. Both were thrown free of tho car. The body of Miss Mardelle rolled to a atop Bout 3D feet up the canyon aide above the car. That ot Miss Sparks probably slid on down after the ear. It slid un der the front of the machine, and when found was lying under the radiator and between the car and the bumper. The accident occurred at Inst after 12 o'clock noon, investigat ors believed, A watch on Miss Hardelle's wrist had stopped at f ft -.-.. 4 - When you serve coffee that Is smooth and delicious, your family and your guests always crave a second cup. "I am a cronk about good coffee," writes a Weitem woman. "I use nothing except S&W. My guests always ask for a second cup." SAW Mellow'd Coffee, with its round rich flavor, full mellowness and full strength, li sure to awaken a greater appreciation for your coffee-making skill. Have your grocer supply yov now. I HAPPY? LAMP THESE WAMPAS SMILES AND GUESS! 8 M) W f 4 U ft. I I4! I? f) ktVs Is if o'W I It's the famous Wampes smile that these IS happy damsels are flashing, as they line p to show why the Judges chose them from a Held of li nominees for the Junior Urn honor ot 13. Lett to right, the baby stars are Betty Bryson, Hollywood! Dorothy Drake, Santa Monica, Calif.: Ann Hovey, Mt. Vernon, Ind.: Jean Carmen, Portland, Ore.; Lu Anne Meredith, Dallas, Tex.! Helen Cohan, New York City; Jacqueline Wells, Denver; Olgl Parrish, Cambridge, Maes,; Judith Arlen, Hollywood; Lucille Lund, Buckley, Wash.; Katharine Williams, Beattle; Jean Gale, 8an Francisco; and liasel Hayes, La Crosse, Kan, ' Win Table Tennis Crowns fiSaviV? The new king and gueen ot table tennis, crowned at the finish of the national tournament at Cleveland, Ohio, are Jimmy McClure, In- , dianapolis store clerk, and Ruth A axons of New York. The two new-; title solders are abown above after winning their trophies. They unseated Jimmy Jacobson ot New York and Miss Jay Purvea of Dea PlainearUl. 12:05 p. m. That checked with the time the girls stopped at Crescent . Injuries Fatal Miss Sparks, according to Dr. George Adler, county coroner. sustained a broken neck, crushed skull, multiple fractures of the legs, and crushing injuries of the chest and abdomen. Miss Mar delle sustained multiple fractures of the arms and legs and her back waa broken." The clothes had been partially torn from the bodies of both women. Miss Mardelle' body was partially buried in snow. Inability ot rangers to sight the lookout house on the peak ot Mt Scott led .to the discovery ot the bodies of the women, Just three days after the east entrance road was opened. - Find Tire Harks Canfleld, Simeon and Hughes left government camp about 5:20 a. m. Thursday to get a closer view of the top of Mt. Scott. They drove to Fort Klamath, up The Dalles-California highway and Into the east entrance. Go ing up, they noticed peculiar marks in the road and decided to investigate on their way back. From farther up the road they could see through field glasses that the Mt., Scott lookout was intact. Returning, they stopped their machine and began examin ing the skid marks In the highway. There were only slight marks at the edge ot the road where the car went over. SImson, re connotterlng along the canyon edge, found the bits ot glass, and Hughes cautiously crept to the cliff rim. He peered over the side and shouted that be had sighted the car. plainly visible In' the creek bed about 125 feet below. To get to the wrecked car It was necessary to to up tb road about half a mile. At that point It was possible to climb down the steep slope of the canyon, and they returned along its bed to the automobile. Certain of their discovery, they climbed back to the road and went to Fort Klam ath. Summon Officer! State Police Officers Marion Barnes, Jeff Bean and W. S. Walker, Sheriff Lloyd Low and Deputy Rex McMillan. Deputy R. D. Davis, and 'the park rangers headed by Canfleld. army offi cers from Wineglass C. C. C. camp, and others gathered at the scene of the tragedy. Dr. George H. Adler, county coroner, and Mr. Ward of the Klamath Funeral home arrived. Bodies Palled Up Several of the party went Into the canyon, and others stayed on the rim to man ropes that were let down. After three hours' work, the bodies were pulled np the cllff-slde with the aid of block . and tackle. A guy rope was stretched to a tree top where one helper was stationed. It was vTHneire Even You Go This Week-end ? Fishing ? Picnicking ? Stock Vp On These First, Goggles Visors Sun Caps Paper Plates Paper Cups Paper Napkins Paper Towels Waxed Paper Thermos Bottles and KODAK FILM P. S. When you return, com in and let a tub of "Burnease." used to keep the bodies from dragging against the cliff on their way np. The scene In the bed ot the canyon waa a gruesome one. A suitcase, flung from tho car In Its fall, lay In the bed ot the stream. Scattered about were cans ot the cosmetics the women demonstrated. A spare wheel lay several feet upstream. Glove In Tree -' A women's glove waa hung In, a tree up the canyon aide. It had apparently been flung there as the car passed by on its tumble. On the canyon side was a mem orandum book, the writing faded by the melted snow. In it was written the words to the song. "1 Lore Ton. California," ending with the line: "When I die I ahall breathe my last sigh for Sunny Califor nia.1 Recover Spltcase A second suitcase was recov ered from the Inside ot the car with considerable difficulty. Little water had penetrated Its leather cover. In9ide were cloth ing and other personal effects, believed those ot Miss Sparks. Included in the contents were several pieces ot sheet music. On some were written the name Doris Blenklron. Miss Sparks was an entertained. Apparently, her tastes ran to the bettor class and sacred music. 'The D'ay'i Begun," "Homing", "W h o Knows," 'With the Wind and the Rain In Your Hair" and Samuel Llddle'a "How Lovely are Tby Dwellings" were tomo ot the selections in the collection. N. M. Streeter, father of Miss Mardelle, arrived at the canyon rim In the afternoon. Streeter said he had been along the road at this point several times in bis search for his daughter. Can field said the rangers skied along the road last winter when hunt ing for the girls, but the marks and probably the bodies were covered with snow at that time. The bodies were taken to the Klamath Funeral home, where funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. Streeter said his daughter was born In Boise, Ida., 12 years ago. She attended school In Seat tle. She was an airplane pilot He aald he believed aha must have been driving the car at the time of the accident. Survivors ot Miss Mardelle In' elude her father, her mother, .Mrs. Hallle B. Ware ot Berkeley; a sister, Ethel Baldwin of Sacra- monto; a sister, Neva Streeter, of Sacramento. 8, M. 8treeter of Klamath county la an uncle. Streeter has engaged In a widespread bunt for hla daughter. With the aid ot Klamath county authorities, he has enlisted the support of the U. S. secret service and department of Justice, and pictures of the missing women were sent throughout the coun try. Until Thursday's tragic so lution ot the mystery, Btroetor clung to a belief the two women had been kidnaped. Miss Sparks Is survived by her mother, Mrs. Demloo of San Fran cisco; a sister Mrs. Vlrlnn Boener of San Francisco, and a brother, Vernon Rllenkerson of South Date, Calif. Special Venire May Be Called - (Contlnood from Page One) venire Is resorted to are the following names: J. J. Justin. W. E. Wlesen danger, Clyde Thompson, Charles Ager, O. L. Williams. Paul J. Dalton, Chnrlcs Spldell, B. F. LoftFRaard, Dan Savage, Hugh D. O'Connor, Otto Balln, A. C. Edsall, Stanley Hajlcek, Carl Shubert, Howard Barnhlsol, Arthur B. Keenan, John H. Mar tin. Arthur W. Jolly, C. H Pylcs. Clyde H. Dnvls, Jesse Hanks, Harry Goellar, Mrs, Viola Dunbar. Frank Howard, II. II. Jenkins, Walter Zetsman, W. C. Ezell, Horace R. Dunlap, J. Y. Tipton. Walter Donart, Karl C. Cummings, William Lorens, Fred H. Cofer. Estimates vary as to bow long It wilt require, to get a Jury for the trial, from two days to a week. The defense In such a N 0 N FATTE N)N G "Enjoy your beer. . and fj have your W figure too! mi Acme Beer smells fresh j f and tempting and tastes 7 I t 4 heavenly. Its supremacy j JLr .1 is doe to the skillful brew- I .Av ing of superior products I ...such as its malt... Jv ' ?tI wnicn ' ou' & Buy Acme and an- ' oy tha difference I frijm CAtlFORNIA BREWING ASSN. I yJASon franclico ' loiAnaelsijT I i trial Is parmittod IS peremptory chulleiiKes and the prosecution six. An Indefinite uumber at Jurors can be excused (or cause. I onion Hero tmiiiiay Indicating that the dotense Is keeping a careful chock on tha record, Dcfeuso Attorney George M. Huberts Thursday presented an order denying the motion of defense attorneys for permission to "view and Inspeat articles ot furniture tnkun from the Mantilua law office alter tho death there of Slate Legislator llaluh W. Horan. Judge Duu- can signed tho order. The (luteins made such a mo tion early In the case. Judge Duncan thou Indicated that un less defense attorneys could alto authorities supporting lliolr por tion, he would deny the motion. The authorities were not cited In the time sot. but apparently tho Judge did uot aotuully sls.ii an order over-ruling the motion. Finally tha defense lawyers themselves prepurod such an or der, Guy Cordon, Douglas county district attorney - who will he special prosecutor lu the Man ning case, will arrive bore Hun day. K. O, HulurUtli, apodal state Invostlgntur who Is expect ed to be a wituoss In tho cuso, la not expected until Monday, A report bus lienn milking (ho rounds that possibly Judge Wil son will favor moving Hie Man ning trial to some building whuro a lamor crowd will he nccoui nioduted thun cun be bundled In tho circuit court room. Thero 1ms boou nothing dotlntto to this of fset, and nttuchos at the court housu wore scratching their heuds In a search for such a building that would be available for this purpose. GREAT THRONG GREETS F. D. R. UPON E (Continued (Cram Page One) Wirt." This also brought a laugh from the crowd. "Nowspapermon on the train coming up,", Mr. Roosevelt said. have Been trying to get me 10 say that I hoped congress would soon adjourn. "But I wouldn't say It, because I hope you can slay Just as long as you like to. "To you younger men I want to point out from yours ot exper ience In Washington the advan tages ot tho Washington climate, in July and August It raroly gets abovo 110 degrops and there is absolutely no humidity." This Ironical statement also brought a laugh. The presldont added that "I don't mind If I stay all sum mor." He said that ha was coming back "with all sorts of lessons I learned from barracudas and sharks and I'm tough guy." Be sure to get a pscksge of Snow Flakes the light, fliky soda wafers you like wilh fruit or milk. They're in the red pscksge, you know snd they're vmjmht Esch pscksge hss a wax wrap ping, inside snd outside, 10 keep out moisture snd keep in the delicious true wheat flavor. Besides char, Snow Flakes sre sure to be oven-fresh because there's s Uneeds Bskers bakery nearby. (It's ust a little dis tance from oven to grocery store. And that counts!) You'll find the thrifty family- size pscxage 01 Snow Flakes a V, real 193-lvslue wj' u your grocers. J 8 ' Don't ask for crackers say NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY" BAND T GANG RO FOLIC E 111 INDIANA (Continued from Pg Ons) a few dnys aftor the delivery ot Dllllugor from Jail at Lima, Ohio, (luring which Shorlff Jess Barber was shot and killed. For that slaying Hurry Plerpont and I'hurlos Mukloy await electrocu tion , In the Ohio state prison, while ltussoll Clark Is under Ills suiiteiice, ' CKOWN POINT, Ind., April 19, (fl) Jmlgo William J. Murray to day, purgod of contempt the six grn'nd Jurors who criticised him lu their report on John Ulllln Kiir's break from the Crown Point Jull. The contempt citation was dis missed by Judge Murray after the six men had filed an answer In which limy disavowed any inten tion ot casting aspnrslons ou the court. School Dispute t Takes Two Lives CHAItl.HBTON, W. Va., April IS ()) lllslng from the faculty table In Iba dining hall, Janius L. Hill, aupsrintendeut of tin state school tor negro deaf and blind, today draw a revolver aud kllliMl oue faculty uiembor, wounded three others aud Ibou shot himself. All arc negroes. Texas is more than five times as large as Hngland propsr. SERVE. THEM JSP Youa fasntV llrod of winter foods. Clve them a breakfast treat crisp Kellogg' Cora Flakes, ven-freeh, (Widow. It' lima to f fangs I eriapaessf FOR CRISPNISS Features at Emirs for Saturday and Monday Bacon Homo Cured 17 LB. BeeS Roasts Steer Beef ttfc H Vy Hens Fancy Dry ricked c LB. 1 Pork Roast Shoulder Cut TULIPS all color DOZ , LEMONS Fancy Sunklst DOZ JTRAWBER RIES, fancy ripe, 3 FOR GREEN ONIONS and RADISHES S BUNCHES Hot Houae CUCUMBERS Fancy Urge 1SC 25c ASPARAGUS extra fancy long green S LBS. .. If SNOW DRIFT 8-LB. PAIL PORK & BEANS Van Camp' I- LB II- OZ. TIN HO PEAS, Island Bell, extra standard NO. 303 TIN 10' CORN, Flag brand, fancy whole kernel 11-OZ. TIN 10 BEANS lgt pride of farm! I 1 1 NO. 2 TIN.... V CORN, Del Mont Golden fflpl Bantam No. 2 JrtFfi tin, 2 FOR.... ssaV RAISINS, od bleached fancy 4-LB. BAG NUCOA OR TROCO 2 LBS 25 15' SHRIMP fancy gulfkiit TALL TIN 1? SALMON, Dodge brand, finest A A red, tall tin afeaffcl 2 FOR eJfeaV SUGAR, C&H pure cane in 28-lb. cloth Sack JELLO ass't. flavor PK.G. MIRACLE WHIP QT. JAR PINT JAR 17 29 PINEAPPLE, Jay Be Dole, broken No."2Vi Tin 2 FOR ndridr S. A W. COFFEE 1- LB. TIN . 2- LB. TIN 28' 85c COFFEE, Economy Blend, fresh aft 'ground II H POUND .... sV COCOA Rockwood' 2-LB. CAN.. 20' EGGS fresh extra in carton 2 DOZ AMMONIA Pariont, 16 oi. b't'l, 2 for CLOROX quart bottle 1 FOR 29c 29c PAR, perfect concentrated Soap LGE. PKG. HARMONY SOAP 10 BARS .... 27C 27C FLOUR, Drifted Snow or PilUbury 49-LB. BAG MILK, Morning or Libby' tall tin 6 FOR .... a 817 Main St Mailt llosurved To Mmlt. Qiinntltles Phone 841