April ,13, 1034 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON CITY BRIEFS Olrl Nioiit I'lny Ulrl Bcnuta of Mullii umlur Ilia dlrnotloii of Mra, Avo Weir, lender, Will pruaunt a one-net iility , ' Oruay lo Itmiuoo, at thti llronclwiiy thmttra In Mil lln on Krlduy mid Baturilny, April 13 ami 14. Tin piny will be Klvon In connection Willi tha rogulur thonlro program, (I. N. Mnkra Hcllli'incnt An order aecentliiK llm auni (if I a K7 6 (rum llm (Irout Niirtliurn Hull way, aa puyiniint In full for tho "wroiiKful dinlli" i)t Uuorifo Cur Halo, bua been algnctl by l'ro buto JiiiIko Urltalo In Curllalua eatutu, Hon' Niiiiio Aiiiimmretl Mr. and Mi. (1. 10. Alumlmll, Jr.. nf 142 Himlli Hlxth alritut, have named tlmlr baby ami Uuoiko Ed ward, 111. according to an an nouncement from Hlllalde hoa pltal wburo (lis baby waa burn Tliuradny, Theft llriiiirlwl Thott of gaa- ollno from alx auli lillrn liu- liuiKlnK lo ocmipunts of tho cnlilna of llrnlton'a aloro on Ore gon avoiiuo, wna reported to police alalton, Friday. Hunt Htoton Norman White reported to police bureau Krlduy the thoft of a row bot from, the Hhtppli'Kton boat Iniullntc where he tied It. The cruft wus 14 feet Ioiik. - Arrratrd Tliureiluy Mlaa HII lle Ilulton wua fluod 15 In pollco court Friday when he nppanrod to nnawur to charges of drunk enneaa. Uhe waa nrrettod Mon day nlkht. Itli hard I'rlra CoiiiIiik Klohard l'rlco. manager of the conoea slona at Crater Lake, l expected here, Monday. It la understood the park lodge may ho opened eome tlmo In May this year. , Leave IIwltnl Mra. W. B. lUeaonntto and baby daughter loft Hlllalde hoapltal Friday to return to their homo at til? Ad dlaon atreet. Inra HoaplUI Mra. It. Buf fnrd of Lakevlew loft Hlllalde hoapltal Friday to ralurn to hor homo at Lukovlow eftnr recuper ating from a major operation. Hcnlllo Vl.ltor S. P. Maple, sgont for the Woalorn Fruit Kx preaa company, from Bonttlo, wna a bualnoaa vlallor In Klam ath Falla, Thuraday. Called by Illnrnt J. V. Fnr rell, employe of the Croat North ern, left Friday for Bkyhomlah. Waah., whore he waa called by the icrloue lllne.a of hla fathor. Injure Arm Donald Stlerlng of. Merrill la a patient at lllllalile hoapltal. where ho la rocclYlug treatmont for an Injured arm. CnrtTHM'e Operation Ray mond M. ltoach of 1114 Dolorea iroet underwent a major oper ation at Hlllalde hoapltal Friday. Ilaby Named Allen Evorott la tho name aelcotod by Mr. and Mra. Jack Marshall for tholr Infiiut on born Thuraday night at 11111 aide hoapltal. Order of Vau The Order of Y will preaont an eutvrtnln ment Saturday .renins', at 8:00 o'clock at the Vaaa ball. Hofrcih menti will be served aud tho pub llo la Inrltod. ' Train Ijito Tho Southorn Pa clflo train Caacado, No. 18, from the north waa two hour a Into Friday morning, arriving here at 8:40 o'clock. t Una Oix-rntlon Frank Mnorn of 1300 lllohn atroet, aubmltted to an appuufllcllla opornllou Fri day at lllllaldo hoapltnl. Hponnor Halo Womon of tho Bnlvatlon Army will aponaor a fancy work and food aula on Sat urday, April 14, at 10 o'clock at Seventh and Main atrecta. Iavea HoKpf.nl Mra. Charloa Axel of Morrill left lllllaldo hoa pltal Friday nftor recuperating from a recent mnjor operation. Pelican P.-T. A. The Pelican P.-T. A. will moot noxt Wodnoe day at 3:00 o'clock. Fermlor Hero Clark Fenalor, Tulolnko fnrmor, waa a Klamath Falls visitor, Friday. CiiiitllilntiV Hull A cundldntea, bull la tu be held ut Algutiiu tho ovuiiIiik of April 28, It, la to bo apoiiaorud by the Alumna com munity, and ull cnmlhlntce fur county and alate offlcua have boon Invited, llcliirn from Alm'tlng George Walton and C. IC. IJonnls aro hack from atute Mnaonlo inoot Inga hold at Aatorlu, Two Officials Dragged From Court House POTTS VILI.B, Pa., April 13, (U.R) rcnrnged by Incrouaoa In county tinea, a mob of more f1in.ii 1000 proporty ownera from Weat Mnhonoy township Thuraday stormed the Schuylkill courthouae and forcibly dragged two county commlailonura from their office. Order waa reatored by alalo troopura, aided by Pottavllle and TamuquB police aflor thero bad been threnta by lynching. Orrii'liile Hunted A commllteo flrat waa aont to tho courthoiiao aaklng that tho oummlialonora appour before the crowd und explain tho reason for the tax Incrvusoa. iJofora any action could bo tnken, tho mob got out of control and aurgod In to the building. The commlaalnnora refuaod to leave their office aud the crowd began whooping and hooting. Tlmy gathored'ln a aecond floor court room. "Mnko 'em Come!" aeveral men auoulod. "Drag'em up herol" Tho mob moved toward the couimlaalnnore' office. ltofuaed admlaalon, they amoahed down throe doora. Seising Commlaalnnera Hoy Ilruwnmlllor and William Adam aon, they forced them to go with them to tho upper courtroom. The two fflclnla attempted to explain tho nocoialty for Incrnaaoa In the general township nssosa mimta. They worn hootod down. 1'rovloualy Minority Commla aloner Jumna 11. Klrchner apoke to the crowd from tho courthouae atepa and gave aaeuranco that he hnd not voted for tho Increaaea. Ho waa choered. RVDNHY. Auatrnlla, April 13. (fp) Talca of tha dlaeovery of hurled Peruvian tronaurea valued at IDO, ooo.ooo sprang up today coincident wllh tho roturn of an Anglo-French achooncr expedition to tho Tunmotu archipelago In tha Bouth Pacific. Tho lender of the expedition denied gold had been found, but aid tho party had located the auhmorxed Island aought. On tills lalnnd, according to a plrate'a mnp now In safekeeping In a Tahiti bank, la a gold trove burled many years ago, .The lenders of the expedition are planning to return to the alto In June, 1935. COX norn to Mr. and Mra Alva Cox of Yamaoy, a eon weigh ing nlno pounds, on Thuraday morning. Tho child waa bodn at 1808 Lcroy atreet. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NOT1CK I will not bo responsi ble for dobta contracted by nnyono other than myself after this date April 13, 1034. Signed: Uergo L. Hand. 0549 LOST lllllfold: has drlvor'a, hunting and fishing licenses. A. L. Stninpor, Swauaon'a Barber Shop, 0663 WANTED Maid for general housework. Koforoncoa requir ed.' Phono 418. 1E0S Cnnby. 0547 lt's, Fish the President Is Off to Investigate f ' 1," ' i , ? N rr ' -"vtgr r'S Xl , . . r rpH Thore wora no politicians not evon a aocretary on board when Prealdont Rooaevelt left on Vincent Aator'a yacht Nourmnhal for an erlght-dny "Invoatlgatlon Into tho hablU of the Florida barracuda and tha Cuban bono flah". He la ahown on dock with Vincent Astor (left) and hla eon Jamea (right) juat bofore the trim yacht left Jacksonville, Fla., for polnta eouth. Puzzle: Where's the Junction? Clinton Junction, Okla., la only a apeck on the map at Ita beat, but evon that apeck waa bard to And after alx feet of water rushed ovor tha town wben the Washita river went on a rampage aa ahown bore. Tho rail elation kept Ita equilibrium, bnt other build Inge toppled bofore the torroota. Tbe Sood took more than a doion Uvea down etroara. Obituaries fiKORGE WILLIAM H IZA George William Luiia. for the last aevon years a resident of the Blowart addition, passed away auddonly Thursday. Ho waa a native of Ruaala, and at tho time of his death wna aged 36 years, 11 months and 20 days. Surviv ing aro tho wlfo, Mra. Elsie Lulux, and two sons. George Ttiomaa mid Itlihard William Lulza, all of Kluiuutu Falls. Ore.; two brothora, Joo and Walter Lulia; also two alslora, Mra. Anna Vort achall and Mra. Maggie Patapaa, all of C'lovcland, Ohio. The re mains roat In the gold room at tha Earl Whitlock funeral home, Pine atreet at Sixth, whore frionda may call. Notice of funoral to be announced later. . MAIWKLLK AND SPARKS Tbe remains of Audrea Mar dello and Doris Sparks, the two young women who have been mlaslug alnco lost November, and who mot death when their car overturned on tho road to Crater Lake National park, are at the Klnmath Funoral Homo, 925 High Btreot. Benefit Dance for tho KwnunA llnsobnlt Tenm Moose Hall Friday Night EDDIE FARGO and his "RHYTHM VKXDORS" Admm.sion 40o Man Injured in Auto Accident Sam O. Cornea, 2001 Reclama tion atreet, waa taken to Hlllalde hospital Wednesday afternoon Buffering from a fractured knee, auatalned when an automobile backod out of Ita parking place and struck him. No report of the accident waa filed at police bureau, and hoapl tal attondanta were nnablo to tell particulars. The man'a Injury la reported to bs aerloua. Mnhoncy Htill Away Mayor Willis E. Mahoney wag still out of town on hla campaign tour Friday. Persons at bis office said they did not know where be was. Suspect Denies Connection In , Lindbergh Plot LE HAVRE. France, April 13, (U.R) Stewart Connolly, wanted In the United States on ehargea of awlndllng, denied here today that he ever bad bad any of the bank notua paid by "Jafsle" In tbe Lindbergh kidnaping case. Donnelly la being held here for American detectives on their way to take him back to New York. He Is reglitered In the local Jail as "Frank Eaton." ' The French pOllce llkowlae de nied rumors from America that Donnelly had some of the bank notes In question In his posses sion when arrested last August. Tho notes he was rumorod to havo had were part of a bundle of 850,000 paid kidnapers In the Lindbergh case through Dr. John F. Condon, the "Jafsle" of that unsolved crime. Donnelly's extradition also bad been requested by Canada. Court House Roof Makes Lunch Room A roof-garden picnic, minus tbe garden, but with all other prerequisites for a successful pic nic was enjoyed on the roof of the Klamath county courthouse Thursday noon when five girl clerks from the tax collector's office took their lnncb to the top of the building and enjoyed tbe warm spring sunshine. The noon hour was spent on the roof, and what with the abundance of good eata and the hot sunshine absorbed daring that time, the clerks were badly in need of a siesta before begin ning their afternoon duties. Specials for Saturday Salt Rising Bread Lof ..... 2 Loaves 15c 25c Short Calces EACH 10c Short Cake Biscuits 2 for 5c Orange Prune Pies EACH 27c Better Baking Comp any Phone 621 Don't Say Bread Say BETTER BREAD 121 North Seventh SNAPSHOTS ....AT NIGHT 1 "cheap" coffee. GOLDEN WjjJi clout cups per pound. with Eastman's Remarkable New "SS" Film They're SO easy to make now. All you need is a Kodak or other camera, with an f.6.3 (or faster) lens, two or three Mazda Photofloods - that crew into any socket, and Kodak Super Sensitive Panchromatic Film Kodak "SS" for short It has three times the speed of ordinary film under artificial light Full information on indoor pictures here. Come in and let us explain. We Make the Best Prints Let us have your next roll of film for developing and print ing with our exclusive KRYSTAL. KOTE finishing on prints that do not curl or crack. Try a few enlarged prints from your favorite negatives. You'll really be amazed at the added beauty and extra detail that an en largement brings out . Samples of the various sizes and styles are on display at our photo finishing counter. , OB IpurtTyI KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tttSw WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR ORUCS UcCUrVtCYI We will remain open all night Saturday Remember the Olympla 'or your Beer, Wine and Lunch Meats. Hyflmjpto"' 1128 Main St Delivery Service Phone 943 Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIALS BUTTER . . . Lb. 25c Local fresh creamery batter. Pigs Feet Eggs The beat you can buy. Local frcflh medium. Qt. Size 29c 2 Doz. . ... .25c Coffee, C 8 D, Can 221c Vacuum packed. Money back guarantee. Coffee ' Coffee Hills Broa. Red can. M. J. B. Lb. . . ... . . 30c 3 Lb. cans. 75c 2 Lbs 59c Coffee Coffee Cbaae ft Sanborn. ' 8. W. 2 Lbs. . .... .50C 2 Lb. Cans, ,50c Beer. 5, 7 bottles $1.00 All brands. Ice cold. 30c In trade for 24 empties. ' White King Soap Granulated Soap. Camay Toilet Soap. Lge. Pkg. ..27c 6 Bars .25c Wines. Qt. bottles $1.00 Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscatel, quality vines. Peanut Batter Tomato Juice , . . Del Monte. Real Highest quality. Valne B,g Lb. ...... 12i2c Each ...... 10c Wine. Sauterne, Gal. $3. 15 years old. Sample It before you buy. Oleo Shrimp Nucoa, Troco and Gem Nut Dunbar. Large Shrimp. Lb. ...... .IViC 3 Cans 35c Sugar ... 10 lbs. 53c C & H pure cane, ine Very best fine granulated' . . In sanitary cloth bags. Snowdrift Wesson Oil 3 Lb. Cans . . 39c Half CaL . . 59c Pineapple . big can 16c Broken slice. Quality. Big ralue. v Sugar Carnation Powdered or brown. Wheat Or OatS 3 Lbs. . . ". . 19c Lge. Pkg. ;,, . 17c Milk, tall cans, 6 cans 3Sc Soap Brooms Crystal White or P. & G. ' 39c brooms. Bar .22c Each ......29c Flour Anchor lbs . $1.35 Kitchen Queen Drifted Snow iS.'Wmj. Pillsbury Gold Medal 49 Lbs. . . $1.85 49 Lbs. . . .$1.95 Oats ... lge.Plcg.Z2c Mother's,' Quick or glow. With China, ' " Sunbright . Cleanser Light Globes 3 CanS 10C 40, B0 and 0 Watts Toilet Tissue , Gauae. LInenized. 15C . . .2 SOr Z3C 6 Rolls ...,25c Bread . . loaf 8c Local sliced. Whole wheat or white. Saturday only. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Always at the Olympla " Oranges ....... .2 Dozen 45c Sunklst. Sweet, nice and Juicy. . Potatoes, U. S. No. 1 ... 15 Lbs. 25c In shopping hasn. Lettuce ....Each 5c Nice, solid heads. Large, ' Fresh Peas .Lb. 5c Nice, green. -' Lemons ... .Dozen 20c Sunklst. Juicy. Asparagus .............. .Lb. 5 Nice, green. . Tomatoes ......... ... . .Lb. 15c Fresh, nice, ripe, Strawberries . . . . . ....3 Cups 25c