April fi, 1034 THE RVEfTNO HFRAt.D. KLAMATH FALLS. ORRfJON PAGE NTN3 tlWP ORDERED. . ON SOUTH SIXTH CJIrmn-up nf conditions along R'ltith HUlh alrnnl (innKlo Iho city llinlta linn bncn nnlorrO hv Hoy ...,t WORDS FAMOUS Now many thouiandi of imall boys, entitled (or th errand, hoar rh.i fomoui lail wordi"...ond don't fofQtl-ll'iS&W," Molh.r, ilondlng ol th. door, vole, final Iflilruclloni. Sh Iniltti on S & W M.llow'd Coll.. and Hi reword for hr Inilil.nc. b round, rich flovor, full m.llown.ii and ilr.ngth. S 4 W Coll.. uit naturally l.ndi llitlf to making a cup of eof fo to imooth, lo dollghl ful, to d.licloui that th.i. lomoui Iqit wordi ". , , and don't forgot It'i $ 4 W" or. mor Ihon o reminder- thy or an Iniplroilon. Larson, reprusiuitiitlve of th. of fice o Blutu Voturlnurluii Lytle. Larann. wui nor Tim mil ay and Krlday, , Koud prodtiots coming from -lahllahmetita in (h area hid boon ranenlly condemned by th elty dairy atirt food Inapeotor, J. W, Wnttora, hut th fact th plat-on war outside th city limit mailo It Impossible for him to tak fur ther action. A movsmont la on foot to bring; about aniwuntlon of thla torrl lory, a major purpose being to tii ii liii city sanitary facilities avull-tlilo. IMMWHVKLT I'. T. A. DINNKIt Tho Itnoaiivolt I'arcnt-Touchor Aaaoclutlnn la holding dinner In honor of th opening of th. n.w cafeteria In th. school building on Thursday evening at ' 0:110 o'olock. A splendid program hos boon propard for thla occasion nnd I'lirnnt - Teacher membora from all city nnd county asoocla tlona, n wxll on nny ouo Intsresl od, aro Invited to attend. Roanr vallona may ho mnilo ly crillliiK Mra. Clyde Sherman at 1226-J. MERRILL NEWS MB It MM,, Oro. Tho aoulor olnae of th Morrill hluti achool will give Ha n ii mi nt play Thurs day vonlng. It will bn a throe act oomory, "Amy From Arl aona," - Th oaat will bt Mr. flAinlnwiiy, 1 Albert Wake; Dick Morrow, Casey Anderson; Hklnoy gquoors, Wilbur iluaklna; llnxklnn, Walter Thoina; Lnur nit,' Mary Juno Ilowmnn; Amy Clayton, Mcllaaa llarlliirodo; Mra. Hquoors Kmuia Llsky; Gonlq Malloy, Lola Ferguaon; Cora, l'oarl lloaalny; Coatum Mlatrraa, Mary Galarnrau; Huslnoaa mana ger. It ii or nlalii Prnniptor, Gor nldln Kothnrliighnm; Coach, Mlaa M. Ilrodlu. Karl Jlnnott waa taken sud douly III Thuraday and wna mull ed to tlm hospital In Klamath Folia, where an emergency opera tion waa performed.- At laat r porta h. waa reported In godd condition. Mr. and Mra. Burton King spent th wouk with Mr. King's parents at Hornbrook. Calif. Mra. Klni returned Sunday evening and Mr. King returned to Marab flold wher he la employed. Mlaa May Toll of Klamath Fnlls apont the week end In Mor rill. Mr. and Mra. R. H. Andorion apont Hundiiy In Klamath Palla. Mra. W. K. Prulta Tlaltod In Kin ninth Fall Saturday. Mm. Oorun Off told and Mra. frank llunnlcutt tinned In alalia Thuraday. . , Lithuanian to Brave Atlantic 7 : I 'f 4 & it llm.'kixl by an urKunuutlon n.prcsciUInK ulmuat 1,000,000 Lithuanian In the United MtaUsa. Joe Jainwi, Amerlcun-Llthuanlan aviator, will attempt a fllffht from Ghlceifo to hla homo country early In Augiut. Jamea la pictured above wlien he accepted delivery ol a Lockheed piano In Burbank recently. , Critical Mencken Favors More Hangings in America i $1.00 Bon Kora. 69c 60c Alka Seltzer 49c 40cCastoria 29c 60c Sal Hepatica. ....... 43c $1.50 Petrolager ..... 89c $2.00 S.S. S. Tonic $1.49 25c Ex Lax 19c 50c Rubbing Alcohol 19c $1.50 Agar Agar lib 72c 75c Imported Bay Rum, 16 Oz. 29c 50c Witch Hazel, 16 Oz. ...... 29c 85c Kruschen Salts ......... 69c $1.50 Germania Tea . 89c 25c Feenamint 19c BnnHnry - Toilet Tissue IOOO Hhi'ct. llpg-uliir 10 Rlao, tig roll Pliro Vanilla Extract Will not Imke or frocao out. 8 Oa. . 29c ' Light Globes O0-Wntt,' Guar- (k ante!, ench Lifebuoy Soap i ltwilniy aold nt 9gt 10 cent,, a unra.... ! '' Perfume Cpliintc'a, Cliypio, Nnrrlaac, Jnainlpe nnd Caalinioro llou- 25C quel. Dram Pure Aspirin Unnxccllrd for V 1 T pnln. 100 TuliloU.... Cigarettes Camela, Cheaterfielda, I ...I.! i Old Golds. II M Package Wings 2 Pkgs 19c I Prince Albert Tobacco 1-Lb. Humidor 75c 15c Tin .... loy2c Copenhagen 2 Tins ..15c Stud -Bag .. .4c Bring your preanlptlona to ua. We carry one of the froaheat and nioat, complete 7 atocka of rroarrlptlon Chom 'lciUa in Southern Oregon. WaggonaeirG Where Drug Dollar) Buy Mora Ninth nnrl Mnln ' NEW YORK, April 1, (U.FD I Munrkon. Ilalllmora flrobrnnd, came back from s proloniced Med Itarrunean crulae Thurailay to an nounce poodoroualy that he 1 In favor of mor hangings In the United State. Bitting bealde a table loaded with od pop lu hla hotnl room, Mencknn eiuded eplitrama and wlaocracka for more than an hour during a cauatle examination In to the atntn of the nation. Conalilrra Krrnn Comedy "The polltlclana," he declared, "aro piling -In on thla recovery bimlneaa and ateallng mllllona. We are Jim about due for the greatoat acandala ever knows to man. I am glad, Indeed, to be back In the boaom of th world' moat comic country, "We've got whole categorle of eomedy never aena anywhere elae on the globe. Where elae In the world could you find an Inaull, a Huoy Long, a Dllllnger or the Illinois eupremo court?" During more than CO days of cruising about, Mencken said be did no work but "Juat stretched out and tried to think what the hall It'a all about." "I'm convinced," ho said, "that th trouble In thla country lies In the judiciary. We have the moat pedantic ayatem of law In the world. It'a Clod awful. In 1111 nnla a murderer, after conviction, haa a 20 to 1 chance that be won't be banged. In England It'a 26 to 1 be will be. Imagine the Imbecility of tending a man like Machine dun Kelly to prison for life! Hang him and have done with him! 1 need only add, as you already know, that th Morons of the eastern shore In my own be loved state of Maryland were measuring oft tho hemp tor me wben they were having thalr troubles with the Blacks. "We'v got to go back to old fashioned banging to get any where. We are developing a tre mendous class of boys who admire gunmen and brntes of various kinds. Such nonsense as women sheriffs! We have no proper civil service for jailers. Three fourths of them are dumber tban their prisoners and just aa crooked." ANNOUNCEMENT HDn?. S. IF. stft GRADUATE CHIROPODIST (Foot Specialist) For the treatment of all forms of foot trouble MODERN EQUIPMENT MODERATE PRICES Room 303 Phone 816 Oregon Bank Building Try Herald and News Ossified Ads WE'RE GOING PLACES AND DOING THINGS . . . COME ALONG WITH US, ALL YOU THRIFTY BUYERS ! This is one Joy-ride where you can't get arrested for speeding ... and another big, unusual feature of it is that the more you spend the more you save! Values for Saturday and Monday, April 7th-9th JELLY r mntinl l' iRw a- I xne popular brand -n A An flavors Jar' TUNA White Star light V Qlp meat Can 2 WALNUTS Medium size, Ore gon soft shells LB HONEY Fancy comb 2 Cp honey For mr CORN Great Northern Golden 3 Med. fffp Bantam Can 15c 59c HEINZ SOUP Prepared, just heat and eat FANCY PEAS San Wan, salt air flavor They are tender PANCAKE FLOUR, Max-I-Mura Tall Can No. 2 Cans extra quality Lge. 40-ox. Pkg. MOTHER'S OATS With premium Lff auick or regular Pb 14c 15c 17c 22c 10c 15c PEANUTS Fresh roasted Lb. fancy Pkg. TOMATOES BagleyV 2 Tall standard Cans MACARONI Rose City 41b. m g curve cut Pkg. mr SNOWDRIFT The popular 3-lb 44 p shortening Can"tAv SYRUP Max-I-Mum cane and Quart maple Jar RAISINS Fancy seedless SALE OF PRODUCTS Peaches . Libby's fancy Lge. halves or Cans sliced. 4-lb. Pkg. 22c AIRWAY COFFEE Pure Brazilian blend, full flavor reason Airway is so popular 3-lb Package ... TOILET TISSUE Zee, each roll individually wrapped NOB HILL COFFEE The Deluxe Wend coffee, ace ' high in every respect - is the e.20C 57c Rol13C PW.25C MOTOR OIL Penn Champ, 100 pure Pennsylvania KLAMATH CHEESE Properly aged, buy this home product .. JL. - " PEERLESS BREAD White or wholewheat, the quality loaf. We guarantee 2 you'll like it Loaves 2 S $1.29 2t,.29c 15c NUCOA or Holiday 2 Oleo JELLWELL A.11 fruit '3 flavors Pkgs. CRACKERS Snowflakes Lb. are fresh Pkg. GRAPENUTS Children love them Pkg. lUSc 14c 15c 16c FELS NAPTHA The original yellow bars MAYONNAISE Best Foods . double whip -PINT JAR Bar 5C fffV Jar1 ..24c DOG FOOD Strongheart dog and cat food OLD DUTCH Chases dirt, cleans quickly Cans 25C Can 7C MILK Max-I-Mum extra 6. tall quality Cans SPAGHETTI Van Camp's pre- 2 Med. 4Ep pared Cans X3V SWANSDOWN Insures cake baking Lge. success Pkg. BRAN FLAKES Post's the crispy A Pkg. TV 24c - cereal Pay'n Tatdt Features Quality Meats Only FOR THAT LUNCH Chickens ,b Jc . 9S BoiIed Ham Steaks Lr tu 9c W V Spiced Ham m.w Jgd Lb. :WC ' lblC " , . Beei Cufces . Jflc WeUierS OA Lean and Wer ! ALBS. W Bologna ) 2 Lbs. Up . Liver sausage v Shortening A ItEc Minced Ham : Your Choice Swift's vegetable 4 LBS. sVaV Everything Is Priced Low at Pay' n Tahit PINEAPPLE Libby's, just the whole center m Lge. slices, eight of them m Cans APPLE BUTTER Libby's, delicious old Quart fashioned flavor Jars 3? Libby's Fancy Halves , , , PEARS Lge.! Cans KRAUT Ltbby's Fancy - Lg. Shred . Cans MUSTARD Libby's Tasty 7 Spread OLIVES Libby's v r Taney Green' PICKLES Roaedale Fancy Whole Sweets f-oi. Jars 18c 15c 7ic Bottle 9c Jars 29c APRICOTS Fancy Tree " Lge. ffgt Ripened Fruit Cana GRAPEFRUIT Llbny'e Florida . 'j Tree No. t 4 far Ripened Cana Pineapple Juice 225 Libby's Genuine TOMATO JUICE Lfbby' ' , No. 2 ( Red Ripe "Cans FRUIT SALAD Delicious Tall Mixed Fruits Cana 5 Lunch Tongue Try It, So Different Can VEAL LOAF Extra Good for 2 .JCaT a Quick Lunch Cans'9 Vienna Sausage . Variety lor the , ' 1 ' Fisherman's Lunch Cm" 3 CORN BEEF .The Great American DlBh and So No. 1 1 Mf Economical Can J V NATIONALLY KNOWN QUALITY FOODS FRUITS 8 VEGETABLES YT&Lv) Ready to Serve jpigMEATS FRESH -STRAWBERRIES Sweet Good Flavor 3 CUPS 27' ORANGES Sunkiat, Sweet. Large Size. DOZ. RHUBARB RADISHES ONIONS Valley Grown Crisp, Green 2 BUNCHES ... 5- Valley Grown 3 LBS- ASPARAGUS Critp, Green Stalk 3 LBS. 1. BANANAS Firm, Golden Yellow 3 LBS........... 2 Many Other Spring Appetizer on Display PARK FREE! at tho Central Parking lot be tween Till nnd 8th on Pino. Parking tickets stamped nt tlino of purchase, Use tills de pendable aervlce. Low every day prices are a feature at Pay'n Takit, Klamath's most modem food store, jut shop and save. Phone ft