April 8, 1034 THE EVENING HER A 1,1). KI.AMATH FAU-fl. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 ttateii. 3c 10 per word pir diy! Insertion. per eeuti discount en ill rnnnlng o a week. per eent discount oo 711 a d running one month. All elisilfled idi are Hurt id 1 both Tbe Klamath Newt nd Evening Herald, at Die bore rate, appearing In Tbe Neri tint Time limit for elaeeltloatlon la tbe following day'i papere la doO P. M. Adi desired In eerted on tbe eame day ae lun rolttod will bare to run "Too Late to Classify." Too-Late-to-Claaalfy ade are put Id one paper only at me eame raw aa quoted above, and elateltled ucceeding insertions. Loal and Foand LOST-Oni mare branded CF on leu inouiuer, one soiuius branded K on left ehoulder, 1 bay mare branded N on lutt blp, one black jsnney. Notify John Ogdon, Box 47,, Algoma, Orason. 888 Ownaral Notice ONE of our fiv lervlcei will solva. your wash-day problem and srive you clean, fresh clothes at less cost, . MEN'S HAND LAUNDRY 911 Klamath Phone 753 WOOL Bought, eontraoted or eonalgned. Market price, lib eral adraneea. People! Wore house. 81(1 FLOOR BANDINO ana rotlnlsh Int. Pkone 86W4. 1041 RADIO aiRVICa at. an kinds, wa LOBI, Pkoaa ISiiJ, 1401 Lookoit St in TRUNKS, furnltnre and houee bold good storage. Peoplei Warehouse. 2160 reraooala READINGS daily. (II Oak St SGo. 244 Transportation Travel By Stag Shortest Routt to PORTLAND 15.00 one way SEATTLE $8.40 one way SPOKANE 112.80 one way MT, HOOD STAGES Via Bend and Mt. Hood Leave Oroybound Dopot nt 12:20 p.m. dnlly. I'liono lsau. Klamath The firms and individuals represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klnmath Falls' most reliable business men and Bicycles Bnlloon and t'nod Blcycloa. POOLE'S BICYCLE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Cafe SARI'S CAFE Borvea the only real Italian, dinner at tbe MID WAY on 8. 6th Bt. Phone 840. Chiropractor P. O. LONU, Tel. 1640. Nerve Speolnliat. 127 8, 7th. Cleaners XL CLEANERS We' olonn suite, drcnHoa, ooats, etc 221 E, Main. Phone 689. Convalescent Homer Oonvoloioont Home for Health Llthla water. "Good Cheer, Good Care, Oood Food".' the slogan. Furniahed cablna to rent. Reduoad ratet, 168 Gran Ha St Aehland, 8178 Drenmaklng DRESSMAKING Alteration! ape clalty Prices reasonable. Win ifred Benton, 160 B. Main, Phone 1229-J, 00167 Drees Shoppe TORGLER'8 UPSTAIRS DRESS BHOPPE, Smart dreases, aults and ooati. Stewart-Drew Bldg, 781 Main, 1180 Classified Index All classifications are num bored and appear In uumor. Icnl order. Following la en elphabetlcal refornnco list oi thu more Impurtunt olasslflca tloue. Automotive It Building Materials ., 10a llualneai Opportuultlna "4 Furnished Ants, to Lot..- IS Furnished Jluuae to Let.... 14 Vurnlaliod Itoomi to Let.. Fluariclul Unnornl Notlcea Ilulp Wanted, Male .... Help Waotod, Female., Livestock ana Kuou I. out and Found ... Miscellaneous (or Sola... 20 I'uraonala 4 Heal Kststi for 8nle.... 17 Iteal Estate for Leuse....- 18 Haul Kaluta Wanted..... 17 lloom and nonrd .. IS) Bltiintlone Wanted D Swaps .. ... 20a To ICxohsngo I He Wanted Miscellaneous.-... 21 9 Sltuatlone Wanted MIDDLR-AOED lady wanta housekeeping In motherless home, Ouod oonk and worker. 1420 Oregon Ave. 397 YOUNQ MAN wanla to mow lawns and fix gardons. Onll at 402 Mich. Ave. 0237 13 Furnished Apartment! TWO-ltOOM anurtmnnt. watnr, HghtB and gus furtilnhod, tit month, Also slnoplng room, 2.(0 weak. 421 Oak. 811 HEX ARMS Steam boat, $16.60 up. AROADB APARTMENTS 220 np. Plenty boat. garai;e. lias FOR RENT Furnlshod apart' ment In duplex; 2 roome and bath; water furnlahod; garage, woodshod; close in, 813 Jt faraon street. Phone 442, or call 627 Lincoln at, 14 Furniahed Houeea FIVE-ROOM partly furnished bouao. Phone 441W. 334 MODKRN DUPLEX Accomo- da tea 4, garage. Pbom 1118. 0881 17 Real Eatate For Sala THE WORLD WAR VETERAN8' STATE AID COMMISSION have repoaaeaaed a nurabor of homes In Klamath Falla which are now for eale on eaay terma. Some of thoae are quite roa aonably priced, Prlcea range from 11460.00 to 23760.00, terme are 10 per cent caab, balance .01 per eent per month, which Includes Intereat at 6 per cent- per annum. For com- rime information see it. u. lale, County Reproaanutlvo, 731 Main Street (upetalra.) Phone 64. 18 Real Eatate For Una 66 ACRES landy loam alfalfa ground near Malln to leaae for potatoes. 217 an acre. Offor elanda until April 7th, Claude (ialnee, Ut. 1, Malln, Ore. 0232 18a To Exchange BEVF.N-ROOM reatdencs; 2 lota; flno garden grown, Allmny, for - residence bore. Walking dis tance; 2 bedrooms, valuation 23,000. Adnle Slavenson, 1237 K. Watnr Wt Allmny. 884 20 Miscellaneous For Sala FOR BALD Par cash and pay - loaa for your Seed grnln. Red and wblto onta, Atlas and Wls conalu 28 barley, Llakey Bros., Malln, Ore. 336 FOR SALE Pure bred throe-ycar-old ahlre atalllon, Ned Bhorlock, Lnkevlow, Oro, 0332 FOR 8ALK Oil TRADE Shonr- lng machlno. , J, D. -Swift, Modoc Point. 0320 Business Directory women. You will find them ready to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction, use this handy guide to the services they offer. Garage ELK Garngo Open All Night Storago, gas, pll, Oomploto Service. Hat Shoppe UPSTAIRS HAT SHOPPE Distinctive Hate at Roasonnble Prlcea. Drew Bldg., 781 Main, Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING. BUTTONS env ered. dreaamaklng. Mre. H H. illender. 614 Walnut. 1 0176 Hoapital Soule' Sanitarium Bus line, 8 blocks. Hotel HOTEL ELK Spoclnl ratos to permanent guests. Moderate prtoed Coffoe Shop. Home Moving Onll R. B, . Hadley, 818 Lag una, ph. 1609W, Household Aids MATTRESS RENOVATING AND RUG CLEANING Klamath Rug and Mattress Co, 8 Main St. Phono 1817M Painting PAINTING, Paperhauglng and Kalsomlntng, Let Roper & Miller estimate your work, Phone 208-W. 8020 Swaps TRADE Groceries for potatoee, onlone, egga, Bcottl Fruit Produce Oo, South 6th, 2804 22 Liveitock and Feed FOR SALE Black percheron atulllon, lo feeder and wi'iiiinr plga. Lang ranch, Wllllutnaon River, 332 FOR SALE Joravy cow and calf, two year old heifer. J. D. Swift, Modoo Point, Box 64, 2182 22a Poultry For Sale OHDlill Mngulre- ohlcka now, liurrod Plymouth Rocka, It, I. Kudu and White Legburna. Quality unaurpaaaed. State college I), W. D. toitcid. Lead, lug laying alrnlna, $10 100 pnipald. Compliance Certifi cate No. 2924. Magulra Blec trlo Hatchery. 2416 N. E. Oregon itreet, Portland, Ore. 2420 BARY CHICKS either day old or alnrted. Satisfaction guaran teed, - Pbone 670-J, LEWIS FARMS. 00191 23 Financial 3 AVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOAN8 AND REFINANCING Loweat ratee and eaateel terme Invoatlgnte and be convinced MOTOR INVESTMENT CO 102 so. 7th. Ph, iu: 3tat Llcaoee M-104 Neceggitieg for Work TWO YOUNO GIRLS want houeework or care of children. IlL 2, Box 62. 2960 Work for Necessities EXPERIENCED COOK. Can give rotorenco. 833 calliornla Ave. 886 WOMAN wlahea plain aewlng, 610 N. 7 tb. ' 340 MAN AND WIFE wlah position on ranch. Exparlonced In Block raining and farming. Ex- collont cook. Ht. I. Box 208 - 283 LADY wanta work at once. Box 320, Nowa-Herald. 220 WOMAN will work In exchange for rent of email bouie or room for lelf and buabend. Apply 417 ML Whitney. 8162 OIRL wanta houeeworg or care of children. Karorencee. Fbone 602J. 2084 WANT to haul garaen dirt, fer- miior, grnrei or cinuere. mono 1768. - 267 Woman wanta work by Day or nour, namei apia. apt. l, Pbone 42IW. 2282 Legal Notices NOTICE Notice li neroby given that the following WARRANTS are called for payment: FlltB FUND Proteated to and Including February 9, 1924. STHEKT FUND Proteated up to and including February 9, 11134. Thcao Warrants, with Intereat, will bo paid whan presented at tho office of the CITY TREAS UUBR, THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK or tho AMERICAN NA TIONAL BANK, Klamath Falla, urngon, Interoat will ceaae on thli date. Dated at KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, tkla 2nd day of April, RUTH O. BATHIANY, City Treaaurer, HA 2.3 N8 33 Specialized Repairs DERBY'S Musical Instrument! Repair ed In the only Completely Equipped Shop In Southern Oregon. Also lawn mower sharpening service and ten nis racket stringing, 1408 Dlflsl'.n. Ph. 1891M. 8126 Tax! Service EAGLE TAXI 24 nr. Service Ph. 1020. Stnnd at 7th A Main, Turkish Bathe Massage, Oolonlo Irrlgitlon. Reg Istored Nurse. 127 So, Seventh Typewriters Typowrltors Adding Machines Salos Servioe Supplies Faotor Agent for Royal. Oregon Equipment Oo, Ph. 8067 Used Furniture CASH PAID for used furniture, stovoB and ranges, O, L, Hem broo, 223 S, 8th. 3126 Wood FJR AND PINE Sound wood, Full Cords guaranteed Bob Brown. 2482 White. Phone 1 1301 K. 2478 The News-Herald Olaaalfled's efficient, systematic form in creases the value of your ai, 20a Legal Notice! NOTICE OF SHEniTF'S BALE By virtue of an execution and order of isle duly Issued by tho Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Klamath, State of Oro gon, dated the 18th day of March, 1934, In a certain suit In the Circuit Court for said County and Slate, wherein Emlle Egert as plaintiff recovered decree against Gust and Margie Soder tund for the sum of twelve bun drod fifty-two and 64100 dollars and firty dollars attorney fees and costs and disbursements taxed at thirty-three and 70100 dollars and for tbe sale of the premises hereinafter described, on tbe 12th day of March, 1934. Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 12th day of April, 1984, it the front door of the Court House of the County of Klamath, In Klamath Falla, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Bald day, sell at public auction to the lilt hint bidder, for cash, tho following described property, to wlt: Tbe northwest quarter of the southeast qnnrtor and Lot 2 of Section 28 In Township 39 aoiith of Range 8 east of the Willamette Meridian, In Klam ath County, Oregon, eavo and oxcept the following described tract, to-wlt: beginning at the quarter Section cornor on line botween Sections 23 and 24 of sold Township; thence west 6.30 .chains; tbonce south 10.30 chains to the Inside meander line of tbe right bank of Klamath River; thence north 46 degrees east . to meander cornor on right bank of said Klamath River between Sec- lions 28 and 24 In said Town ship; thence north 4 chains to the placo of beginning, con talnlng 4.6 acres moro or less. subject to an 'easement for a wagon road . twenty-four feet wide from the northwest corner from the first above described tract along tbe east side of the northwest quarter of said Section 23 to county road heretofore granted to one Chas. C, Whitmore, and subject also to easement and license and privilege heretofore given to one H. A. Talbot as men' tloned and described in that certain deed from said Soder lunds Ho one Chas. C. Whit- more, recorded in Book 67 at page 219, Klamath County Deed records, and excepting also that certain 2.45 acres conveyed to Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., as more fully de scribed In deed recorded In Vol. 78 on page 620, record of ooeda ror Kinmutn county Oregon: tbe Irrigation pump now installed or Installed on January 81, 1920, Is included and Is considered a part of tbe realty. Taken and levied upon as the property of aald defendants or as much thereof as may be necea sary to satisfy tbe said decree In favor of the plaintiff against said defendants with Intereat thereon. together with all coats and dls bursements that have or may ac crue. Datod at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, March 18th 1934, L. L. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. By ANNE PRICE, Deputy. H M 13,20,27 A 827 SUMMONS FOR 'PUBLICATION Law No. 4182 In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, tor the County of Klamath. Sanlfonl and Company. Inc. a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Chin ucon lJoy, Doieminni. To Chlu Deen Poy. Defendant In the namo of the State of Orogou: You are hereby required to itnuenr ana answer me com' nlalnt filed attainst you in the nbove-eutitled action on or be fore the 8th day of May, 1934, and If you tall to so answer, or otherwise appear, for want thoreof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief orayoa for Inlts complaint, to-wlU For JudKuient aRainet you tor the sum of Flftythree and 76 1000 ($63.76) Dollars, together with Intereat from June 6. 1933. at the rate of eight per cent per annum, until paid, Interest at the date of this action being Four and 06-100 ($4.06) Doi- 1.. . mnA n. ,1,. of Fifteen and 00-100 ($15.00) Dollars attorney's fees, upon Plaintiff's first couse of action heroin: and for the sum of Twonty-slx and 75-100 (26.76) Dollars, together with interest rrom September 9. 11133. until paid, at the rate of eight per eent per annum, intereat at tho dnte of this action being Two and 91-100 ($2.91) Dollars, nnd for the furtlior sum of Fifteen and 00-100 ($16 00) Dollars at torneys fees, upon plaintiff'! socond csuse of action herein; and for Its costs and disburse ments horoln, and that any property attached or gnrnlsheed be sold, to satisfy said judg ment; You are further notified that plaintiff 1ms attached the fol lowing described real property: SMi of SW!4. nnd EU of 8Bf4 nnd BM of NE4 of See tlon 9, Township 41 South of luuiKo . in ninBt 01 (Willamette Morldlan. Klnmath Cobntv. State of Oregon. Hint the same Is held as se curity and . will be taken and applied in satisfaction of the judgment recovered herein. Tina summons is served unon you by publication,' pursuant to ordor of Hon, W. M. Duncan, jmlga In tho obove-entltled Court, made and entered the 2nd dny of April, 1934. Date of first niibllcatlnn here of, 3rd dny of April, 1034, . WM. KUYKBNDALL, Attorney for Plaintiff, Ad dress: 14 Loomla Building, Klnmath Falls, Oregon, (April 8, 10, 17, 24 H-84) - In the first known automobile race In 1894, from Paris to Rouen, Franco, 102 'cars attompted to ex oeed the minimum qunllfyllng speed of 7 8-4 miles an hour. National and BUTTER PRICE GIVEN BOOST AT PORTLAND, April . ' The differential between 91 and 92 Bcnre butter was Increased c pound with an advance of that amount on the hlxher scoring: dur. Ing the late session of the pro duce exchange. No other price enanxee were mane. Recent catting of butter prices hero suggested that the trade had lost Its reason and that the de clines were more or loss uncalled for. Argument In the trade has been that the price was too high previously bat that the severe cuts recently made were out of line with conditions. Since then there bos been a keener demand for butter, which has cleaned up quickly all floor offerings and In fact created a temporary shortage. The fact that buttorfat was previously cut severely when but ter dropped and that no change was officially made with the ad vance In buttor, caused more than passing comment among produc ers. Most buyers here did not make the two-cent official cat previously announced but shaded their buying price only one-cent. Trading In the egg market was considered steady for the day and without general price changes. Sales of storage rejects continued and offer the only drawback against the price. Market for cheese was ruling weak, with a recent cut of one cent In the price along tbe coast and with eastern values generally tending lower. Production con tinued to Increase at all points. There was a shortage of lire hens In the local trade, . report market leaders. Both light and heavy- bens were scarce at the moment. There was an ample sup ply of broilers which were being absorbed as a result of moderate price. Fairly active trading tone was showing for onions here snd In the country but at continned very low prices. Some carload business was reported around 60c to 60c net to grower. Continued drag was reflected In the market for potatoes at prac tically all Pacific northwest pri mary points. Most growers were trying to peddle a few lots here and there and were over-supplying wants. Tbe recent cold weather has greatly retarded asparagus growth at practically all Pacific north west points. Offerings Here for the day were almost too scant to consldor. ' Callfornlan was held fully steady. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, April 8, (AP) (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Hogs: 19,000; 10-15o lower; 210-240 lbs. (4.16 25; top $4.26; sows $3.00-26. Cattle: 7000: market delayed by heavy rain storms, few sales fed steers and yearlings steady, small supply cows and butcher heifers Belling steady; vealers 25-500 lower: steers 86. 50-7.00; yearlings $7.00; fat cows $3.26 4.00; bulls $3.30; vealers up to $6.60. Sheep: 8000; fat lambs slow, bids and indications weak to 25c lower, sellers asking $9.25 up ward for desirable fat- lambs; mostly $7.00-8.60; clipped lambs In Increased numbers; native Bprlng lambs tew sales weak to lower; sheep weak; good native ewes, $6.00, choice lots held higher. Legal Notice SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of the State Of Oregon, for the County 01 Klamath. The Union -Central Life Insur ance Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. C. A. SarBon, et al. Defendants. To: C. A. Sarson and A. Helene Snrson, his wife, C. A. Assar son and Jn'ne Doo Assarson, his wife, Defendants. In the Name ot the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs Complaint on or before four weeks from the data ot the first publication hereof, or plaintiff will take judgment against you aB prnyed for therein, ' to-wit, $72.80 with interest m from May 1, 1933, $316.62 with interest nt 10 from Nov. 1, 1933, $4176.18 with Interest at 7 from Nov. 1, i33, 1450.00 attorney's fees, $6.00 for contin uation ot abstract, for plaintiff b costs and disbursements horetn. That the mortgage described In said Complaint be declared to be the first lien upon the prop erty therein described and which . 1 - .1 .. J ,.. t, ! ,0 page 549, Mortgage Records of Klamath County, Oregon, and which mortgage was executed by C. A, Sarson and A. Helens Sar son to the plaintiff. , '-. That said mortgage bs fore closed according to law; said proporty 1 to be sold to satisfy plaintiff's judgment; that you. and all persons or parties claim ing through you, be barred and foreclosed of all your Interest therein. For such other and fur ther relief as may be equitable. This summons is served upon you by ordor of Hon. W. M. Dun can, Judgo ot the above entitled Court, Data of first publication, April 3rd, 1984. Date of last publication. May 1, 1984. PHILLIP HAMMOND, Attorney for Plaintiff. McIntyVe Building, Oregon City, PORTLAND Oregon. H A 8,10,17,24 M 13,5 STOCK AVERAGES (Copyright, 1134, Standard Statistics , Previous day weeg ago Year ago , Three years ago , Seven yean ago , High, 1934 Low, 1934 Hlgb, 1932 Low, 1922 High, 1921 Low. 1931 (1926 Average Eqnalg 100) BOND AVERAGES (Copyright, 1934, Standard Statistics Company) Tuesday ... Previous day Wsok ago Year ago ... Three years ago High. 1934 Low, 1934 . Hlgb. 1933 Low. 1932 High. 1931 Low. 1931 (1926 Average Equals 100) Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, April 2. (IP) Stocks generally moved within a restricted .range today and trad lng was rather dull during most of the session. A few rails, oils, metals and scattered specialties came back In a mild last-minute rally, but the list, as g whole, was Inclined to mark time. The close was steady to firm. Transfers ap proximated 1.250,000 shares. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction ..... ... 98 Alaska Juneau . 221 Allied Chem. & Dye 1511 American Can . 1001 American Coml Alcohol 601 American Foreign Power 101 American Power & Light 8 American Smelting & Ref. ... 451 A. T. & T. . 1201 American Tobacco B 69 Anaconda 161 671 30 Atchison Atlantic Ret. Baltimore ft Ohio . 291 Bendix Aviation 195 43 22! 18 721 31 659 161 291 78 731 41 Bethlehem Steel Borden Burroughs Adding Machine Case (J. I.) . Caterpillar Tractor ; Chrysler . Col. Gas & Elec. Coml. Solv Continental Can Corn Products . Curtiss Wright Du Pont Eastman Electric Auto Light General Electric General Foods .. General Motors Gillette Gold Dust Homestake Mining ...380 International Harvester 411 International Nickel ... I. T. 4 T. Johns Mans. 281 151 581 201 371 89! 28 171 82 261 42! 16! 29 361 18! 19! 841 6! Kennecott Llbby-O-Ford Liggett & Myers B Liquid Carbide ........ Lorlllard Montgomery Ward Nash Motors National Biscuit . National Dairy Products National DlatlUery N. Y. Central North American Pacific Gns & Electric Pacific Lighting Packard Motor .1 Pork Utah 61 Penny (J. C.) ... Pennsylvania R. R. Phillips Petroleum Public Service N. J. Pullman Radio Corp Rem. Rand Reynolds Tob. B 64 34 191 37! 65 7J 121 41 481 9i 28i 21! Sears Roebuck Shell Union Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Oil ot California 37 Standard Oil of New Jersey.. 458. i ... 971 89 28! 9.9t I 391 IZZZI 2ii LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE f WHY, BORIS- ( HAPPENED! ; WHAT IN THE - HE'S OONB P WORLD HAS IT- THE - I HAPPENED? OLD FOOL L- 11 BUT NO- HE'S T wampus' HA'.HMHA! j I HOMBST - 'couldn't sbb I WIDOWS AND ORPHANS I C ROBBED- HB TOLD THE V. SYNDICATE NO- HB Jy II THREW A BILLION DOLLARsSV HT OOTTENDW Local Markets Company) 20 Ut's 76.0 74.8 74.7 61.8 182.7 105.7 90.3 64.3 111.0 61.8 803.9 92.8 60 20 10 Total 86.1 85.4 83.8 48.6 180.6 109.6 98.8 77.6 78.9 86 0 144.8 (0.8 Indl'l 97.6 98.6 93.0 47.7 126.8 111.8 105.0 80.1 72.3 86.1 1408 RR'l 60.0 49.5 48.1 25.0 91.7 112.7 64.8 41.8 89.G 13.2 105.8 80.6 60.0 20 20 20 60 Indl's RR's Ut's Total 81.0 86.2 88.8 85.1 80.7 85.8 88.2 84.9 80.8 85.4 88.8 84.8 59.6 68.8 ' 74.4 64.2 : 87.2 100.7 , 100.8 96.2 81.2 87.8 88.5 86.8 72.6 74.1 . 77.8 , 74.8 718 , 78.C 86.3 78.1 63. 2 47.4 70.8 57.6 90 4 105.7 101,6 98.7 (2.3 (2.3 80.2 (8.8 Btudebaker Corp. ,, ", Texas Corp. . . 271 Union Carbide 44) Union - Pacific . 128 United Aircraft 23 United Corp . 6J united Gas Imp ;;. U. 8. Industrial Alcohol U. 8. Rubber : U. 8. Steel West. Elec. Ic Mfg. . Woolworth PORTLAND GRAIN ' PORTLAND, Apm 3. VP) Wheat: Open High Low Close May 72H 7254 72 72 July 72 72 72 72 Sept. 12 72 72 72 Cash: Big Bend bluestem, 74; dark hard winter, 12 percent, 78, do 11 per cent, 73 soft white, western white, hard win ter northern spring and western red. 72. Oats: No. white, $19.00; Corn: No. 2 E yellow, $22.75. Millrun standard, $14.60. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 70; barley, 1; flour, 6. , BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, April -8, (AP) (0. 8. Dept. Agr.) Very little greasy combing domestic wool was sold today. Some trade took place with woolen manufacturers, but their purchases were very light although relatively larger than purchases by the worsted manu facturers. The wool bonght by woolen mills consisted largely of scoured wools at prices . mostly about steady to slightly lower than during the past few weeks. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, April 8. ( Cattle: Receipts, 135, calves, 30; fully steady to strong. Steers, good, common and medium, $3.66 to $6.15; heifers, common and medium, $3.25 to $5.25; cows, good, common and malnn. 1 Aft ,A SI K fl InW cutter and cutter, $1.60 to $3.00; nulls, cutter, common ana meu li,m t9 KA tn i3.SE- rattlers. .good tod choice, $6.50 to $8.00; call, common and medium, $3.00 to to. do, calves, goon ana caoice, $5.00 to $6.00; common and medium, $2.60 to $5.00. Hogs: Receipts, 250; slow. Lightweight, good and choice, $4.00 to $4.65; medium weight, .. a 1 -kntMB A OS ,n t i sc. heavyweight, good and choice, $3.75 to $4.36; packing sows, good, $2.85 to $3.50; feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice, S3. 2D 10 3.B. Sheep: Receipts, 60; steady. ' finHntf lnmha. ffnnri ttnrl choice. $9.26 to $10.26; medium, $8.00 to $9.25; lambs, good and choice, $3.00 to $9.25; common yearling - wethers, $5.00 to $7.00; ewes, gooa ana cnoice, $3.75 to $4.50; common and medium, 32. ou to se.ou. MUAT isi 53 20 62! 89 501 A MAN TO THROW AWAY A CAN'T HELP BUT ADMIRE . HIM- i -llr H 'oco esij STEER MARKET UP NSIFRin SO. BAN FRANCISCO, April 8, (U.PJ Hogs, 1,200, Including 420 direct. Slow, lights and butchers steady to 6c higher than last week's : oloss; tour losds Idahos, 191 lb. down $4.90; two decks Btralght, two decks sort ed $4.80; about 185 head 1(8 lb. Idaho light lights $4.45; soma In first hands; most good pack ing SOWS $4. tt Cattle: 700, i including 86 di rect, 50 holdovers. Moderately aotlvs early, later very slow; early sales all classei about steady with last week's close; bulk steers medlum-f airly good, topp-good scarce; soms late bids medium weak to lower; five oars fairly good-good 819-1039 lb. fed Intermountaln steers $5.60 $5.75; load stood 1117 lb. $6.76: car 1170 lb. ,5.60; top-good fed steers and yearlings eligible up to around $6; few good rang cows bid $4-$4.25, medium Bold $3. 25-13. 75, fleshy dairy type $3.26, cutters $1.60-2.76; good bulls eligible up to .83.75; about . 11 loads steers In first hands. Sheep: 900. Small . supply spring lambs steady considering quality; fed wooled, old crop, sharply lower; deck common medium 68 Jb. spring Iambi, car rying very small good-top $8.60; four decks 85-86 lb. ted wooled Nevada Iambi $7.40 straight; no action In ewes. Portland Produce , PORTLAND, April 3. (JP) Butter extras, 23c lb; stand ards 22c lb. , - ' ' i ... Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade, 20-21c lb; farme,' door delivery, 17-J9o lb. - Eggs Pacific poultry produc ers' selling prices: oversize-, 18c; fresh extras, 1.6c. standards 15c: mediums 15e dozen (cartons lo higher). Buying price of whole salers: fresh extras, . 16c; ) first! 11c; mediums 14c; pullets lOo; undergrade!, .10c dozen. - ;. i Milk Contract price, ;4" 'per eent, Portland delivery, - '$1.98 cr.'t; B grade cream, 31.e lb. Country meats Selling price to retailers: -country killed; hogs, best butchers, nnder 60 lbs, 9 9c; vealers, 90-100 lbs.'IOc lb; light and thin, , 6-8c . U; , heavy calves 6-8c lb; yearling lambs, 10-14c; spring lambs 18-20c lb. ewes, 3-(c lb; canner cows 3-4e lb; cutter cows, 6-(c lb; bull 6-6c lb. Mohair 1934 buying price, 10 Csscara Bark Buying ' price, 1(34 peels, 2-3o lb. r- ' Hops 1932 cluters, 14-280 lb. .Live Poultry Portland deliv ery, eolored fowls, 13-14c; leg horn fowls, 10-llc. broilers, 14c; stags, 9c; roosters, 6c; Fekln ducks, 12c; eolored 10c; geese, 10c lb. Onions Oregon (1.00-1.85. Potatoes Local white and red, $1.10-1.15 cental; Yakima, 1.25 1.36; Deschutes, $1.80-1.85; bak ers, $1.66-1.70. New Florida triumphs, $2.15 per (0 lbs., 6o lb: Hawaii.. 81.50 ner 21-lb. box; Texas triumphs, (2.60 per SO lb. sack. . . ' - Strawberries Sacramento (1 . per 24-box crate. Wool 1934 dip, nominal; Eastern Oregon, ( ) lb; South ern Idaho ( ) lb. Hay Buying- price front pro ducer: Alfalfa No. 1 new crop, $14-15; Eastern Oregon timothy, $17; timothy grasses, blended, $15; oats, $37.50 ton. vetch. $14; Willamette vauey umoiny. $16. ' - Paul Montz. Los Angeles pilot, recently made what he claims to be a new world speed record for an International flight He flew from Balboa to Los Angeles, a dis tance ot 3600 miles, In 21 hours, 40 minutes actual flying time. It has been estimated that In one year Americas motorist! travel 180 billion milei oa high ways. By Harold Gray THAT BIG SYNDICATE HI TOLD US OF- THEY WOULD HAVE SOLD STOCK AND MADE HIM BILLIONS--WHAT IF HIS BUSINESS IS , BUSTED? THEY'D HAVE MADE IT LEGAL- NO ONE , COULD HAVE TOUCHED HIM- " UfUMO f v nni i. YOU WMAT T HIM? NIT-WIT V why Yoy- YOO" YOU.'.'.'