March 0, 1034 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRE3 Knlph Carlson, field roproson-. tntlvo for (ho Hod Cross, has ir rlvod In Klamath Valla to con duct classes for foremen employ ed by tlio civil work). Tlio work will bo undurlttkun In cooper ation Willi ilutord Murrli ami 1211a nuilkoy, chairmen of local Itod Oro coinmlttuoe. '. ! The first oluss will bo hol.J next Moiiiluy iiliilit, 7:80 o'clock, at the courthouse, CIuhios wll) bo oondualed at tlio lamo hour tlio romalndiir of the week, and by tlio vnil of tlio course tlio stu dent will hnvo raculvail IS hours of training In first aid and life larlnn. CarUon baa nulnoil ItulolKli Taylor and Dr. Paul W. Sharp a limlruolori. , Tlio purpose of tho olaiuoi, , Carlton inlil, will bo to touch foremen tho principle of first ' aid In oaso of acoldonta and In jury among CWA workers. The program li of national ecope, and already BU.OUO nion are porltolpal Ipk In tho liintriiotlon. Carlson In from tho Ban Fran cisco hondquartom of tho Hod Cross. Do you know that Snow ,' Flakes are the moat popular toda wafer in the Wcit? Yea, they are! Bo cauie they're, io wonder fully crisp and freib, and go full of true wheat flavor. Snow Flikct come to you oven-fresh became thore'i Unecda Bikeri bakery wlthlo a ihort dliuoce of your home. And then, too, each package li double wax-wrapped... ever notice ' that? Atk your grocer for aome Snow Flakes today. Every package It a thrift purchase.' Don't ask for crackers say NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I ll.f ? ?. 1. 1 1-I.IIJ i'J I qi.i-i-iq wi i.m:-ii HI Si Well, They TRY to Get Along - ' wax I - f V '; A : nr. .- :w; r A private too at aiendnle, Cal., proscnUi thU raccoon and young wild vat aa Uio oddest pair of cage mated. They got along amicably tor a llttlo while after ono U put In the other'i cage then aome tort of on argument starts, and they arc separated, spitting defiance at each other. AMUSEMENTS Vox Now playing. "I Like It That Way." wllh Gloria Hluarl aim Roger Pryor. Pollcan Now playing, vauda- vlllo and Wall Oulluway'a band; and on tho icrami, "Tho Narrow Coruur," with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Pino Troe Now playing, "Wo mun'a Mnu," with Marguorlto Do La Motto. Hnlnbow Now playing, "Song of the Kngle," with Itlchard Ar lon and Mary Ilrlan. 3i.OR.IA yTOAktlT - - . Vj AS li- -3- The three branches of motion pictures, coined), drama and mu sic havo boon skillfully combined and blended to mako entertain ment In Unlvorsaia new screen production, "I Llka It That Wax," now at tho Now Vox tboater un til Saturday. Following- tho success Unlver- sal bad with lla last summer a 'mualcol hit, "Moonlight and Pret- lols," tho studio sought to dupll- calo this dollghtful treatment on tho scroon of handling a comedy' drama with music, song and dance. Gloria Stuart and Roger Pryor head an exceptional cast which Includea Marian Marsh, Lucille Uleason, Shirley Groy, Noel Madl son,, Morns Kennedy and 14 dancing girls. AT THE l'KLICAN. Allco Boo, Scattlo nlsht-olub entorlnlnor, offering a whirlwind tap from dancing Dlxloland, and the Norton Bister, In a aorloi of songs of tho rnngo, accompanlod by tho Cow-hnuds Hand, aro prominent on tho Pollcan then tor's vaudovlllo bill for Frl day night. Tho featured num bar on this show la the grand finale, A Dream of Chlnalnnd with tho eight boautlful Slug' Song Dancing Girls and tho Threo Cherry lllossoma In apodal song and dnnco prosontaliont. Tho Ton llnppy Hand Boys are of forcd In two foaturo numbers and furnish a muslcnl background for tho ontlro show. On tho scroon, "Tho Narrow Cornor," another excollont atory by tho author of "Rain," glvos nniiiflna Vnlrhnlllcs. Jr.. an onDor- tunlty to oxplolt his talents! AT TUB VOX. amidst a soiling of aoutb-aea romance, spiced with much ex citement and adventure. The scroon bill also Includea a Wal tor Donaldson musical novelty, fouturliii this wall known com poser ol popular musle In a pre sentation of many of his most popuhlr numbers Including "My liluo Heaven," "Carolina In toe Morning," "Mammy," and "Llt tlo White Lies." A cartoon, nowa and "Hollywood oil Parade" com- ploto this program ot entertain ment. AT THK I'ISB TItKE. "Wnmmi'i Man." starrier Mar guorlto Da La Motte, which plays at tbo fine iroo ineaier 10 ,inv nrnm.nla an lntoreatlnx atory ot tbo making of a star. llfo bemnu tno scenes, ana now tho difficulties encountered In the making of a plcturo aro over come. AT Tllf IIAIVHOW. nirhirii Arlnn nd Mnrv Drlan havo tho romantic leads In Para- mount's atory of two nramatic docades In American llfo, "Song f thx vnirli." nloA-lnr today at tho Rainbow theator. Charles Blckford la cast at a tough Boor racketoer and Joan Hersholt as M,nM - nt k natlonillv browery. Louise Dresser, Andy Dorlno and Qeorgo E. Blono are Importantly cast ' Treasury Favors New Amendment WASHINGTON. March S. OJ.R) Tho treasury department favors a constitutional amendment to eliminate tax exempt securities and thus add an estimated IH5, 000.000 In annual rovenuet, Se cretary Morgenthau . told the bouse Judiciary eommltteo today. At the close of 1033. bo said, thera wero $11,610,000,000 In wholly tax exempt aocurltlct and 113.500.000,000 In partly exempt aocurltlct. Political Heads In Administration Drop From Party (Copyright lull I by United Press) WASHINGTON, March . (U.PJ Political head) aro dropping Into tho basket to rapidly these days that thero aro those who bollove Postmaster General James A, Farlny will aurrendor his Domocrntla National eommltteo chairmanship sooner than previ ously expectod. Threo members of tho commit- too have surrondor party offices this week. Arthur V. Mullen resigned after a battle which be gan at private conferences In October and was intensified In mid-January when President Itoosovolt first publicly insisted that party office be not confused with federal offlco or tho prac tice of law In Washington. Mul len was Nebraska's National com mitteeman and an eminent law yer bore and In Omaha. Mrs. Nome Tayloe Host, direc tor ot the mint and former gov ernor of Wyoming, stepped out of tho nalonal committee right behind Mullen. Jed C. Adams' resignation at national commltteoman from Tex as was announced today. He It a mouibor of the United States board of tax arlpealt and did not think It desirable to have party offlco toml-JudlcloJ responsibili ties. Flax Industry Loan Approved By Roosevelt SALEM, Ore., March . (U.FD A 13,000,000 public works ad' ministration loan for development of tho Willamette Valley flax Industry hat boon approved by .'resident Rootevolt and tbo mon ey tuntatlvely earmarked. J. M Dovors, atalo highway commis sion attorney, was notified today. Tho loan was sought by Will II. Llpman of Portland, who pro posed a series of flax scutching plants throughout tho Willamette Valley, with a large linen mill probably to bo locatod at Salem. Devert laid ho had beon as CHOOSE from these QUALITY FOODS at SAVING PRICES SATURDAY & MONDAY, MARCH 10 and 12 SUGAR foB.. 49c SALMON Llbby'a Alaska Red. - BEER . 2 11 Acme, Snowcap, Olympia. . BUTTER Local Creamery. TOMATO JUICE Llbby't. No. 1 cans COFFEE Golden West, Glass Jar. PEACHES Royal Club. No. 2tt cant. LUX FLAKES Fine for washing. EGGS 2 Doz 27c FLOUR 49 lb. Bag Fresh Extra. Local" Ranch. . Anchor. ; - SHRIMP JgwjJ'-eiM :35 c PEANUT ' BUTTER nr 1 Lb. Glass Jar.... C Armour't Carnation MILK 35c SATURDAY BAKERY Southern Custard Cokei, Banana Eclairs, Special, Smelt 25c 6 lbs. .... UuSj tall ,l3 cana . Pot Roast - sured by officials at Washington,1 D. C, that the President Is In favor of tho project, toeing a way to develop a new Industry and remove agricultural land from competition In the present chan nels, Mr, Roosevelt asked opin ion of tho attorney general on the loan. It was said, and was In formed It legally could bo made. Devon told Llpman showed the President available orders for processed - flax from foreign countries, notably Scotland and Italy, sufficient to keep tho pro posed Oregon plants busy for two years. Professors Seek Higher Salaries SEATTLE, March 0. (U.R) Tho University of Washington may lose tome of itt outstanding protestors unlass salaries are substantially Increased, It wat learned today. Dr. Donald O. Barnes of the university history department, announced he was "seriously considering" an offer from West ern Reserve university. Clove land, O., at nearly double bit present salary. Other professors are reported to be considering more lucrative offers from different tchools. Mother of 13 . Given Divorce SEATTLE, March 9. (U.FD Mra. Nora M. O'Brien, mother of 13 children, decided tho had "had enough," when her street car operator-husband threw a pot of hot alphabet soup at her, she said today In getting a di vorce from bey spouse. The court awarded her custody of the children, $30 monthly ali mony and $60 a month for the children. rin.rar.KTTKut susim BKAftl FILLS, h4erc-jkaowe W BM Sale. lUlliM. Bar 9fv I tu it paucsuit grtaVwouu 2 tall cans (Q oi. bottles ,b 30c each 10c 3lb-'ar85c 2can$33c large pkg. CARNATION-ALBER'S VARIETY CEREAL SALE1 New large package The better granulated wneat cereal. . Your SPECIALS Each 27c 4 for 25c FRESH MEATS BEEF BOILING Sc LB. HAMBURGER 3 LBS 20C HEARTS and TONGUES, LB, 10c California Boneleta v; BEEF 40 ROAST LB. Restrictions On Oil Operations Get Modification WASHINGTON. March . (U.R) The department of Justice con sented today to modification of a court order restricting operations of California oil companies, a movo considered necessary before tho Pacific coast oil cartel can operate effectively. Tho department, through tho United States attorney of the southern district of California, consented to modlflcaton, how ovcr, only if the now order speci fically restraint the oil companies from unfair and monopolistic practices, and protects the public from unreasonable prices. The department also Insisted upon regulations to prevent discrimin ate nagalnst small enterprises. The chief concession to the cartel and the oil companies lies In granting tbem the right to purchase on non-dlscrlmlnatory basis "such amounts of turplut gasoline "from small Independent reflnors or marketers at may be necessary to effectuate tho pur pose of tblt agreement" Kiwanis Discuss Relief Program Klwanls work for under-privileged children wat tho subject of the club's Thursday meeting, with Lou Arena, chairman of the under-privileged child committee, at the chief speaker. K. Sugar man wat chairman. Arena outlined tome of the committee's objectlvei for the year and declared there it much to be accomplished in this com munity for youngsters who need help. Paul T. Jackson and Dr. O. A. Jiassey made short talks. DINNER DANCE Friday, March 9 Swedish Music, Dancing at 9:00, admission 25c CHICKEN COOP Pelican City CAULIFLOWER Large white ' m heads each 4C ASPARAGUS Tender stalks 2 13 c LETTUCE Large solid 5c crisp . - Head ORANGES Juice 2o. 35c BANANAS ripe v 4 lbB- I9C POTATOES u. s. V0-I9c No. Energy st 'low 19 Choice Pull weight 111 lh CSt Pkg.. SPECIAL FOUNTAIN LUNCH 'Jloast Klamath Turkey, 35c Ch'clcen .with Home Made Noodles, 30c ?r:ers..z5c Swift's Picnics LB. Hocklesg HIT 1128 Halo Acrose from Elk Hotel 2.00 Orders Delivered FItKE. Try the Olympia Many Specials and Low Prices Saturday, Sunday & Monday COFFEE EGGS Chase Sanborn Local Strictly Fresh Maxwell House and Emraa large Golden West SAT. ONLY 2 lb. cans Dozen 55c I Uc BUTTEK Fresh Creamery Batter 20c Pound Jvlj RINSO-Large MAZOLA OIL Quart Size 33c SALT Fruit Salad, Cocktail Tall Cans 3 Salad OU la Balk. Gallon 75c f"oaJoasaa Free Goose , L'wung Balloon With IikfOfl trtj 2-;kBs- mm CHEESE Brookfleld, American Giant. Fall cream. Pound , WINE Burgundy, Zinfondel, Claret, Mealing, Sauterne 85c Bottle Sauterne in bulk Gallon r S3 WHEAT OB OATS. Carna tion. No Prem. lauge Pkgs. 19c BAKIXG POWDER 4Q. eyal. 12 ea. can 3" WALNUTS Oregon Franquettes, Soft Shell. -Oa 2 lba. . ......-. CAULIFLOWER Oregon. White C0 large 1. ORANGES Sunklst. Large. DOZEN . NEW POTATOES and Peas. S . LBS. 25c If you don't need a" SELL IT! V 0 ' ' and if you Want Something SAY SO! For a few pennlea ; anyone can make News & Herald WANT ADS Bring Real Results, . O PHONE 1900 IP HA rhone MS Plenty Parking Space MILK Morning, Llbby s. -Tall Cans . 0 for pkg. 19c XUCO.V or TBOCO a u. 15c BACON Swift's Premium ' Sliced , Saturday lOnly Vz lb. pkgs. 12ic Chocolate, GhlrardclH'a Sweet. Ground 9,OsT Pound can ......f"' jr Artichoke Hearts B cana 25c 25c BEER 5 per cent. Saturday Only 6 bottles TOILET TISSUE, Northern, Highest quality. 4 Rolls 29c PIGS FEET, Highest Quality 2QC Quart Jar , FLOUR Pillsbury -t 1- $1.39 LETTUCE solid 5c Imperial 25c ASPARAGUS Green Fresh pound . 5c