February , 1934 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NCO Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 it p MM. I Kates i per word pr day's "v Insertion. par oDt discount on in di running on 11 week. pr cent discount on 70 d running on v month. All olnaairtod d arc Inert ,d I both Tilt Klnmilb News ..... flnriitll. at tit above ran, appearing In The Nti rireu Time ItniH for classification 10 tut following day' papan la 6:00 P. M. Ada desired 111 aertad on tba aaroa day a sub mitted will bua to run "Too Lai to Olaaalfy." Too-Late-to-Classify oda ar put In ont papar only at th asms rata aa quoted abort, aod elaultlad (or incceedlng Insertions. General Notlca ' REV. CORA ISABEL WRIGHT. Medium, noadlni dally. Sotla faction guaranteed or monny refunded. "You will find ma different." 1109 1'lne. Pt. 4 MAKE YOUH DATKrl for paper hangers and decorator. Lall Patturaoa I'alut Store. Plume 1646. WRITS for our 1934 8d Cata log, Mark Means Co- Lewis too. Idaho. radio bbrviod or an ktnde, , Long, HOo Lookout Bl. 4 Personal READ1N0B flatly- ill Oak. Ho. Transportation Tirav. By ' Shortest RouU to PORTLAND $5.90 one way SEATTLE ?8.40 one way SPOKANE 12.80 one way Vis Band and Wsplnltla Leav Oraybouod Depot at 11:80 p. m. dally. Phone 1610. 9 Situations Wanted LADY WISHES WORK. Any kind. Callable, oxporlonccd. ltetarencoa. Phone 1176W. ens-Mea - 11 Furniahed Room ftuuuULUluirL.ij ill, i. I. rUKNISHED rooma for man; boat and hot watori prlruto on trnnco. 837 Walnut. 2010 12 Room and Board WANTED Roomers and board ora. Phone 1334-J. 2848 13 Furniahed Apartment ROYAL ARMS APARTMENT8 624 High, Vacancy. Phone 884. 2828 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Of THAT JURY S ( GEE- WHEN WAS BEEN OUT ) TMAT LAWYER I OV6R 1A- HOURS- L HAD MRS.- g THAT'S A BLEEK STAND HOPEFUL ( BESIDE MB, V BION- TO.PROVB HOW N,'J, MUCH W6 LOOKED ALIKE, ga THOUGHT IT fej WA.S ALL OVER- Si J. I tMAA ICDAin OB THlT- VOU SAV THBV UNANIMOUS FROM the PIR9T THEN WHV ON EARTH DID THEY NEED 24. HOURS TO 9AV SO? OH THEY WANTED THE EXTRA DAYS PAY FOR JURY SeRVICE- I 8cB' 13 Furnished Apartments FURNIHHED apartment and Oiiblna. 410 N. llltb. 2841 AitOAUIO APARTMflJNTB - fill) up. I'leutjr bunt, garuiia. I Its' STEAM HKATBD $1660 up. Ilex Anna. KnilZ 14 Furniahed Huuaea Til UK 10 IIOOM home for rant ri'uminithlii, I'Iioiiii 847. 2840 OOMI'LMTKLY fnrnlshnd four room liniinu, l'honii 7H4, 2HII 17 Real Estate For Sale KOIl BALE Oil TRADE Thro hmiHiia, 21 lota, contract on ' 3-rooin bousa on W, Oregon below rout. Phono 847 or 8 l'roai'otl. 2808 ((II! HALE 40-ncro Kood nlfnira fnmi, cheap. Good bulldluga, , Terms, Albort Mlcka, Mull n, tiro. 28 4 2 FARM FOR BALE 80 acres al- falfa, atuck, machinery; good terms, llox 2811. 2811 17a Real Estate Wanted WANTED Pine timber In Klnm nih county. What hnvo vou to sell? (!. It. Llndloy, 1127 Main St., Klamath Fulls, Oro Ku. 2018 18a To Exchange THREE ROOM HOUSE and two Inta on Ori'Kon Avn to ox chniiKo for ucrengu In Alia moot. I'hnnn 847. 2018 19 Automotive PAY A FEW DOLLARS MORE -i to a low priced CAR' and get a oil new all-featttr OLDSMOBILE SIX 20 Miacellaneoua For Sale EXTRA FANCY BEARDLESS HEED RYE Frank Corponlng. Matin. 2818 FOR SALE Pin body wood. 2281 Union. 2818 FOR BALE Red apuda. Phono 18F33, 2617 FOR BALE Twenty band-made violin. Also repair work for gullura and violins. Jens T. Tennofots, 921 Owens. 2603 WALL PAPER sal, 10 to 60 pur corn. Muat move 10,000 rolls to make room tor new stock. Patterson Paint Store. 2840 WOOD. Phone 1606-R, O. M Lawaon. . 2281 20a Swap WILL TAKE light car, Chevro let or Ford preferred, aa part payment on piano. Bbopherd Mualo Co. . 2611 TRADE Oroeerle for potatoes, onions, egga. Gcottl Krult Produce Co. Booth 6tb. 2804 22 Uveatock and Feed TOR SALE Ten Bead of work faoraoa. J, P. Colnhan, Hlldo brand. 2604 22a Poultry For Sale) ORDER Magulr chicks now, llnrrod Plymouth Rooks. H. I. Reds, and Whit . Leghorn. Quality unsurpassed. Stat collogo B. W . 0. tested. Lead ing faying strains. $10100 fropnld. Mngutr Electric Intchery. 2418 N. B. O-egon alreet. Portland. Or. 8480 5L Financial 3 AVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Lowest rto and easiest term Investigate and be ooovlned. MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 10$ SO. 7th. u Ph. 1141 Vate License M-104 WERE Klamath Business Directory Chiropractor P. O. LONU, Tel, 1640. Nerve Bpelallat- 117 8. 7 lb Dross Shoppe T O R 0 L D R'8 Upstairs Drssi Bbopp. Smart drtssts at sav ing. Stewart Draw Bldg. 7S1 Main BL 1177 Furs Wanted Wantad raw ion, Bob Andrews want yoor raw furs it lb Ideal Grocery, loto Baat Main Bt. 1811 HemitlfeMnf HHMBTITOHINO. BUTTONS aov erad, draaamaklng. Mr. 8 M. Allndr. (14 Walnut. 174 Turklah Baths Massage, Colonic Irrlgitlon. Reg latered Nnrs. 127 Ho Seventh 24 Business Opportunities SMALL neighborhood store for rent. Nsws-Hsrald, box 2847. 2847 Work for Necciiitiei YOONU married, man, exporter eed In meat market, or truck driver, wlabea work. Can give local refurence. Writ Rt. 1. Bos 8740. 2820 Woman want work by Day or Hoar, Hamel Apt. Apt. 4, Phone 431W. 2269 MIDDLE-Aged man wants work. 662 Van Nes. 2600 imBnmcnnHaaiKi Legal Notice SUMMONS Equity No. 405S In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Klamath County Ootfred Konxack, also known as Oottfrled Konxack, Plaintiff, vs. Don R. Now bury, Administrator of the Estate of John W. Thomason, deceased; Richard ' Tboinason; Archie Thome soni Robert Thomason. and Bertha May Thomaaon, also known as Bfrtba Rose Thoma son, Defendant. To: Richard Thomason and Archie Thomason. defend- In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are boroby requlr- a to appear ana . answer me comnlalnt filed against von In (the above entitled ault on or be fore the 13rd day of February. 1934, that being the date ot in last publication of summons and th last day within which you ar required to answer, as fixed by th Order for Publication ot thl summons. If you f nil to appear and answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the rellot demanded In aald complaint, to wit: For Judgment against th de fendant Don R. Newbury, aa Ad ministrator ot th Estate of John W. Thomaaon, deceaaed, tor th aura of $300.00 with Intereat at 8 per annum from th 28th day ot Auguat, 1928, until paid: th further sum ot $99.60, paid by plnlnttft aa taxes upon the roal property described In said complaint; th further sum ot $13.60 paid by plaintiff for In surance premium on building on said property; the further sum of $40.00 expended by plaintiff for abstract of title, and $60.00 at torney's fee, together with cost and disbursements herein Incurr ed by plaintiff: For the usual deer foreclos ing th real estate mortgage filed on th 1st day of Septem ber, 1928, In Volum 86, Mort gages, at page 244 thereof, Re cord of Klamath County, Ore gon, aa described In aald com plaint, which said mortgage cov or the tollowlnl deeoribed real property, to-wlt: Lots men (7) and eight (8), Block Twonty (20), In the By Harold Gray ( HELLO- HELLO-") YES THB JURY HAS COMB IN? I'LL v ' VES- ! BET CO ON- OUICK-J THE .. WHAT IS THB f I .r,?i?Avl APPEAL WMV DADDY I SHOULD .TH! L INTELLIGENT tlAVg TO PEOPLE: BE BOUND STP-MX? Bv THB DECISION ' TiiJII6 J OP TWELVE YOKELS iBLBBKS? LIKB THAT -rvSlF THAT'S JUSTICB if ft Q.'y NAPOLEON- J HospiUl Soul Sanitarium Pbon 180, Typewriters Adding Maoblne and Typewriter Service Co- 630 Main St., Klam ath Falls, Ora, Phone 843. Bales Rentals Repairs 1920 to 1927 Inspector (Mechani cal Expert) for Ourrougha Ad ding Machine Co., manufacturer of Adding, Subtracting, Calculat ing. Typewriter Billing and Book keeping machines, 1927 to date her In tbla city. Expert per sonal service by C. O. Moore. We will gladly repair or overhaul any machine at your premises. TYPEWRITER ADDINO MA CHINE, Guaranteed sorvle and repair. Two mochonics factory trained. 26 years' experience. Most comnlet service shoo In southern Oregon. OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. Ph. 2067. Wood BOUND WOOD. Pin and Fir. Full Cord guaranteed Bob Brown. 2482 Whit. Phone 1391R. 2478 Legal Notice town of Merrill, Klamath County, Oregon. That the real estate mortgage hereinbefore mentioned be de clared a first, prior and superior lien on the aforementioned real Siroporty,. superior to tbe claims, lomands, right, title, Interest, equity and estat whatsoever of any or either of tbe defendants herein) that the said mortgaged property be sold upon execution to satisfy any Judgment entered In aald suit and that you, and each of yon, and all ot the other defendants In this suit and all persons claiming by, through or under you and each of you and all other defendants In this suit, bo barred and foreclosed of all right, title, Interest or estate In said real property aforesaid. In cluding any equity of redemption which you or any of tbe other de fendants herein may have, except tbe statutory right of redemption; that the sheriff execute a deed to th purchaser; that tba plain tiff or any other party to tbla ault may bo a purchaser at said sale and that the said purchaser be let into possession of the pre mises on the production of a sherlft'a certificate of aale; And for auch other and fur ther relief aa to th Court may aeem meet and equitable. Tbi aummons la published one week for four succesalv and consecutive week In the P.venlna Herald, a dally newspa per ot general circulation, print ed and published In Klamath Falls, Kfamnth County. Oregon, by order of the Honorable W. M. Duncan, Judge, dated the 23rd day of January, 1934. the first publication to be made on the gum aay or January, igav, ana the last publication on the 23rd day of February. 1934. T. R. Olllenwatera ft L. Orth Slsemore, Attorneya for Plaintiff. 203-6 Underwood Bldg. Klamath Fall. Oregon. J 26 F 2,9.16.23 IS NOTICE OP SETTLEMUXI OF FINAL ACCOUNT In The County Court of th State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Klnmnth. In the Matter of the estate of Marv Anita Lawrence. Deceased. Nolle Is hereby given ' that Otto H. Langalot. Administrator ot the aald estate, having filed In aald Court his final account of administration ot tbe said estate, the hearing ot the tame hag been fixed bv said Court for tbe 16th day of March, 1934. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the court room of said Court, in the Court House at Klamath Falls. Oregon, and all perrons Interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any there, be, why the said account ahoold not be settled and allow ed. Dated February the 7th, 1934. . OTTO H. LANGSLET. Administrator of said Estate. Feb. H. 9, 16. 23. M. 2, 9 16 In Nebraska, It Is against the law to allow tumbleweeds, which blow around spreading seeds, to grow on a farm. This Curious tv felts FURNISH! THB NATIVES f f OF TIBET WITH MEAT, MILK, BUTTER, y J f ' j CLOTHES, ROPB, TRANSPORTATION, SM Y FUEL, AND BOATS. F W . -1 il CAME FROM HOOWAfOO, J M tl A LIQUOR AAAPa fjy A l.X 4. TRIBE OF ALASKAN Af t INDIANS. i 11 National and NEW SHORTAGE 6IVES BOOST FOR PRODUCE PORTLAND, Feb. , (fly Continued shortage In th output both here and generally along the Paciric slope has created strength In the butter trade and surprise to creamery operators. No changes In the price list were shown for butter on, th opon market during the day,. but butter fat was firmer and In spots an additional premium of lc per pound was suggested. Trading In the egg market showed llttlo change for the day. Market for live chickens re mained firm. Prices while stout ly held, were . practically un changed (or the day, although more wer paying the extreme values. Movement of turkeya Into con suming channels was continued on a seasonably liberal basis, with demand even In excess of current nupply, while price was firmly held at the recent ad vance. All country killed meals were now In favor with buyers, ven batf moving well. Late In the day tbe price of veil reached 10c per lb. for country killed offerlnga bare. This waa the highest mark for more than two year. At tha same time hogs moved to 9o to 9)e per lb for top light blockers. Extreme dullness continued In the potato and onion trade local ly and tbrnugh th country as a result of filled up condition of speculators. The extreme cold weather In lb East may be some ald.: There was an acute shortage of small sized California head lettuce here, especially the 6s. which were practically unobtain able. Construction Of Giant Divisible Planned For U. S. DETROIT, Feb. . (U.PJ Plans for the construction of a giant all metal dirigible, to be used by the U. S. department of com merce to open aerial trade routes to South America, have been presented to the PWA at Wash ington for approval. It waa an nounced her today. If approved, th sblp, which would cost $4,600,000, would be built with PWA funds at the Ford Airplane factory at Dear born. Mich. President Carl B. fFrltsche of the Metalciad Air ship Corporation, who announced the proposal, said that the Ford Company has offered Its faclll tie for the fabrication and sub assembly work. The proposal was made. Frltscbe aald, at the Invitation of the department ot eommerne. The dirigible would be 660 feet long and 119 feet in diame ter, comparable In sis to the Graf Zeppelin. Eight hundred skilled mechanics would be em ployed for tbree year In its construction- Valuable Jewels - Stolen On Liner HONOLULU, Feb. 9. (U.B Mr. and Mrs. B. A. walllngford, Jr., ot Blue Abo, 0 passengers on the liner Malolo who report. ed today that $30,009 worth ot Jewels wer missing from their luggage, were believed by Bono- lulu authorities - to - hare been robbed at Wilmington,- Calif. , The WallfngfOrds wore passen gers on the Panama Pacific liner California from tbe ' Catial kone to Los Angeles, were In Wilming ton, then took th Malolo to Honolulu, They missed th Jew els when they were -two days at sea. They said they did not check on transferring from the California to the Malolo whether tbe Jewels were In their place then. World ?2T. STOCK AVERAGES (Copyright, 1934, Standard Statistic Oompany) Friday Prsvlous day Week ago .... Year aao Three yeara aao . Seven year ago High, 1934 Low, 1934 .. High. 1981 Low, 1981 ' High, 1931 Low, 1981 BOND AVERAGES (Copyright. 1914, Standard Statistics Company) Frldav Prevlou day Week ago Year ago .. Three years ago High, 1934 Low. 1984 High. 1932 Low, 1982 High, 1981 Low, 1981 . Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Feb, 9, (JPf Selling waves swept through the stock market today, reducing quoted values one to five or more polnta at the extreme. The reac tion was generally attributed to nervousness In advance ot publi cation of the administrations new proposals for the control of ipec 'ulstlon. Many losses ware pared In a late rally, but tbe close was heavy. Transfers approximated 3,250,000 shares. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 102 Alaska Juneau 221 Allied Chein. & Dye .. 1601 American Can 101 American Coml. Alcohol .... 54 American A Foreign Power 111 American Smelt 4 Ref. 47 A. T. T. : mi American Tob. B 78 Anaconda Copper ,, , 161 Atchison, T. & S. F. 68J Atlantic Refining 33 Baltimore & Ohio 321 Bendlx Aviation .. 201 Bethlehem Steel 45 Borden Co. 26 Burr. Adding Machine 171 California Pack 241 Case, J. I. i 788 Caterpillar Tractor 28J Chrysler Motor - 66 Col. Oaa at Electric .... ,, 17 Commercial Solvent 31 Continental Can 79 Corn Products 78j Curtlsa Wright 4 Dupont t De N. ... "981 Eastman Kodak 87 Electric Auto Light 26 General Electric 22 General Foods . 86 General Motors , 38 Gillette Raxor ll Gold Dust 20 Homestaks Mining 321 International Harvester 431 International Nickel 22 I. T. at T. .. 15 John Manvllle 62 Kennecott Con, Cop. , 20 Llbbey-O-Ford 19 Liggett : Myer B 91 Liquid Carbide , , 29 Lorlllard Tob. Co. 18 Monty Ward ..... 821 Nash Motor 28 National Biscuit 43 National Dairy Product 16 National Distillers 28 New York Central 40 North America 121 Pacific Gas 4 Electric HI Packahr Motor 4 Park Utah 41 Penney. J. 0. ........ 621 Penn R. R. .. 35 J Phillips Pet. 161 Public Service New Jersey 42 Pullman Co. 65 Radio Corp. 8 Sears Roebuck 47! Shell Union log Southern Pacific .. 80 Standard Brands 22 Standard Oil California .. 40 Standard OJ1 New Jersey 47 8tudebaker' Co. 6 Texas Corp ,,. 261 Trans-America , 7 Union Carbide 46) Union Pacific 128 United Aircraft 29 United Corp .. 78 United Gas Imp 18 U. S. Indus. Alcobol 61 U. S. Rubber '20 U. S. Bteel 66 West. Eleo. tb Mfg. 42 Woolworth 60 f Closlns Curb Quotations Cities Service 3 Electric Bond & Share 9n Swift & Co 1011 Portland Produce PORTLAND, Feb. 9, (VP) Butter, prints, extra, 26Jo; stan dard, 25o per lb, - Buttorfat, Portland delivery: A grade, 22o to 23o per lb.; farmer's door delivery, 19 to 20c per lb.; sweet oroam, 6o higher. Egga, Paclflo Poultry- Produc ers' selling prices: Fresh extras, 17o: standards, 16o: mediums, 15a per doien. Buy tog prices by wholesalers: Fresh extras, 16o per dosen; firsts, 14o: mediums, Ho; undergrade, lOo; pullets, lOo per dosen. ' Country meats, soiling price to rtallers: Country-killed hogs, best butcher, under 150 lbs., 9o to 9o; vealers, 90 to 100 lbs., 9o to lOo; light and thin, 6o to 7o; heavy calves, Bo to 6c; lambs, 140' to 15o; heavy ewes, 4o to 7c; medium cows 14o to 16a; canner cows, 2 so to 8c i bulls, 4 la to Bo per lb. Cheese, 91 soor Ore Ton trip Local Markets 60 10 10 10 Total 18.1 91.4 90.9 68.7 184.7 106.1 93.8 77.6 78.9 16.0 144.1 10.1 Indl'a 98.9 101.7 102.1 61.0 180.7 108.7 106.0 89.1 72.8 86.1 1401 60.0 RR'a 61.4 61.6 62.6 29.7 108.6 109.0 64.8 41.8 89.1 18.1 106,1 10.1 Ot'e 83.1 86.1 81.7 88.1 177.B 102.1 90.1 (4.1 111.0 11.1 103.1 tl.t 20 20 10 60 Total 83.4 83.6 83.3 70.8 97.9 84.4 74.8 78.1 67.6 18.7 18.1 Indl'a 79.1 79.4 79.1 63.3 19.7 80.2 72.8 718 68.2 90.4 (2.1 RR'a 86.0 86.1 86.0 66.6 104.8 86.1 74.1 78.0 47.4 106.7 62.1 Ut's 88.1 86.3 86.7 82.7 99.8 86.9 77.1 16.1 70.1 101,6 10.1 let. 10 le lost, 13s per lb. Brok ers will pay c below quotations. miis. contract price 4, Port land delivery, $1.96 per cwt,: B grade cream, 871c per lb. Mohair, buying pnoa, nominal. Cascara bark, bnvlna nriea. 1932 peel, 3o per lb. Hops. 1933 clusters. 25c to 30c per lb. Live poultry, Portland delivery. nnying price: Colored fowls, un der 6 lbs., 12c to 13c: over F lbs., lie to 12c: soring Dullela. 2 to 2 lb.. 13o to 14c: roasters. over 3 lbs.. 13c to 14c: Leghorn rowis. over 21 lbs. 9c to 10: un der 1 lbs., 8s to 8c; springs, 13c to ic; stags, so; roosters, 6c; poain cocks. 15c; geese. 10a lb. Onions. Yakima, $1.40 to $1.50 percental: Oregon $2.00 to $2.26 par cental. Potatoes, local white and red, $1.25 to $1.35 per cental: Yaki ma. $1.45; Deacbntes, $1.65 to 11.76; baker. $2.00. per cental. WooL 1933 clip, nominal; Wil lamette Valley, 22c to 25 per lb.; Eastern Oregon, 20c to 26o per lb.; Southern Idaho. 16c to 2e per lb. Hay, buying price from' produc er: Alfalfa, No. 1, new crop, $15.60 to $16.00; retch. $15.00; Willamette Valley timothy. $16.00; Eastern Oregon timothy, $17.00; timothy grasses, blend ed, 116.00: oats. 116.00 per ton. PORTLAND GRAIN TABLE. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. . UP) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close May 74 74 74 . ' 74 July ,744 74H 7414 74 Cash: Big Bend blueatem, 7314c: dark hard winter 12 pet. 79c; 11 pet., 7314c; soft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring and western red. 70 He OATS: No. 2 white, $23.00. CORN: No. 1 E yellow, $22.75. Millrun standard, $13.00. Today's car receipts: Wheat 121, flour 11, corn 2, oats 1, hay 1. CHICAGO WHEAT. CHICAGO, Feb. 1. (P) Wheat: No. 1 hard, 11 e. Corn: No. 1, mixed, 4914c; No. t yellow, 4914-Kc; No. 1 yellow, 4814 4914c; No. 1 white, 60c; old corn: No. 1 yellow, 5014c; No. 1 white, 6114o. Oats: No. 1 white, 8714c. Rye: No sales. Barley: 50-Slc. Timothy seed: $7.25 7.60 cwt. Clover seed: $11.00 14.85 cwt. Lard, $6.15; loose lard. $5.51: bellies 87.5U A Scandinavian HORIZONTAL I Who Is tb king to. th . picture? . I He la the oa ofKIng II 12 Hodgepodge. IS Before. 14 Couple. 15 Little devtl. 16 Peg. 17 Inventory. 18 South Carolina Answer to TORI 19 Toward. 10 Bun. 21 Young horse. 22 Devoured 23 Proffer 24 To walk heavily. 26 Fence bar. 27 A th ahar of each. 29 Boundary. 31 Hellenic 32 Evergreen tree 33 Organ of hearing. 34 Stopl 36 Alleged force. 17 Chaos. 18 Ream (abbr.). 39 Droo bee. 40 Inconspicuous. 44 Sanskrit dialect 41 Box 47 Turkish chief officer. 48 Furnishes - heat to. 49 Edge of a root. 50 Zygospore. 62 He Is the king. 53 Per Albm. i Is premier ot his country. u, il Ui r "5r""1"" " 55- -ss"" " " ---- 9 SO. SAN FRANCISCO, FabJ 9. (U,R llogai 760, Including 400 direct . Active, light) and, butchers around 15-lSe hlghtrM top 183 lb. California butcher $6.05; 245 lb. aversgea and m dlum undar 200 lb., 14.75; two- cars, 173-113 lb. Colorado $4.60, aortod 20 head, $4.10ji packing sows at advance, 100-179, lb. averages, $1.60; , 450 IbJ $3.85, medium, $3. ,i Cattle: iuu. ateers aotiv. trong to 15o or mora higher!) two cars low-good, 91)0-1141 lb,' ted Nebraska steers, $5.65; good; under 1000 lb. ted steer and yearlings quotable above $6.7 5 ji load 942 lb. Oregons, $1.40; car largely medium 1077 IV $5.95; few low-medium, 14.25; good young range cowa quoted, $1.60, to $3.75. Fleshy dairy typ ail' glble, $3. euttsra $l,5O-$l.S0t good bulls to $8.50. j Calves: 20, all direct. 3 Sheep: 600. Active, around teady although clipped lambs only 26 higher then week ago. in comparison with 50-750 ad- fence on wooled; four deck 76- 71b. fed clipped Washington! $7.75 straight; good-chae wool-: ed 90 lb. down quoted sroana $8.25-18.76, possibly ahov. , s Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Feb. 9, (flV j Cattle, receipts, 60; calves, 60 ; medium, $2.60 to $5.50; calves, market for vealers 60c higher. Steers, good, common and mel dlum, $3.25-6.00; belters, -com4 mon and medium, $3.50-4.76 Jj cowa, good, common and me-4 dlum, $2.50-3.75; low cutter and cutter $1.60-2.60; bulls, cutter,) common and medium, $2.25-; 3.00; vealera. good and choice,! $6.00 to $7.60; cull, common and medium. $3.00 to $6.00; calve,; good and choice, $4.50 to $5.60;, common and medium,' $2.00 to; $4.60. Hogs, receipts, 400; market 30c lower for butchers. Lightweight, good and choice,! $4.00 to $6.60; medium weight, good and choice. $4.65 to $5.00; heavyweight, good and choice $4.00 to $4.76; packing sows, good, $2.90 to $3.35: slaughter pigs, medium, $3.50 to $1.10; feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice. $3.50 to 14.00. j Lambs, good and choice. 17.60-i $8.25; common and . medium,, $5.60-7.50; yearling wethers.; $3-75-5.75; ewes, good and choice. $2.75-3.60; common and; medium, 11.75-1.00. i Governor Appeals j To Secretary Ickes SALEM, Ore., Feb. 9. (U.F9-H Despite constitutional limitations,' Governor Julius L. Meier late to-j day appealed to Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes, Nation-j al Publl- Work Administrator,! for approval ot the $l,600,000j Oregon state building program. J Authorised by the legislature. the program tentatively wa re-; Jected by C. C. Hockley. PWAj engineer for Oregon, on grounds! the state constitution prohibits Indebtedness over $60,000 wlth-J out rote ot the people. The governor asked Icke's In-j dulgence on grounds that an emergency exists, the state need ing buildings and its cltlsens needing Jobs. ' i Prevkma Panic plunder. 11 Seed bag. 17 Behold. 1$ I th capital of his country, 20 Mud In rai ning water. 22 On tha led ' 23 Litter for the' dead. 14 Breakwater. 21 In th middle of. 11 Baby earrbr-, 30 Pointed. - i VERTICAL 12 Body of asen 1 Enlargement prepared tor of the thyroid ' action. gland. 85 Prayer. ,; 2 Chilean tltaber 37 Famous. tree. 39 Challenges. 3 To drink 40 Hub of a slowly. wheel. 4 Toward. 41 Strok with ' 6 Face covering, a whip. 1 Coffee pot 43 Self. 7 Southeast. . 8 Hops kiln. 9 To perch. 10 Credit. 11 To ebb. 14 Those who 48 Obi. ' 44 Puts aa par. 46 Uncooked. 48 Was Victorious 60 Exist. 61 Father. ' I I is is iio"T"Ti