Janunry 25, 19.J4 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREK ARE IMPROVING Tho oonilltlon ot Mr. and Mra. L. 0, Arena inrt tholr two m, Jltnmlo and llllllo, who warn In jur ud In an automobile accident Tuiiadny nliilit, woi reported to bo inuoli Improved Thurnriny, ao oordlng to report from Hillside hcispltul whnro tnoy ara rooulvlnii treatniont. Doiiulil Itolilson, drlvor of tliu mnoliliie which collldnd with tha Arum cur, It revolving treutuiont at Klit inn I li Valley hospital, and In reported to bu resting ounl 1 y. Carlton 1'ortar, olio of ltohliiun'i companions, wu dismissed from tin KliimuUi Valley hoHpltiil Thursday. Tlio crash oocurrud on tha di version, canal brldgo noar the Hemon ranoli aoutli of Klamuth Kail. IIIIihIIiik hiiadllKhta wnro blamad foV llio wreck, according to luvoat Inat Ititf officer. Vital Statistics liiimiH. IIKAN llurn to Mr. and Mra. Jttff Bean, 430 Wnslilnntou street, a noil, January 86, 1834, at Klamath Valley boaplml. Ai'tliU'nt Itrportnd An acci dent luvolvlim automobiles driven by Louie lloaitlund and A. J. Laudla, at Houth Ulxth itruot and tha Midland road, was raportod to tha sheriff Thumday. lUtvoviT Itnpldly Charlaa Farroll, who rucoutly aubmlttud lo an opuratlon at Klamath Val lay hospital, was able to return to hit houio Thumday. Itocolvlnn Trratiiirnt John , ileal, who ha boon a medical - patient at Klamath Valley nos plial, returned to hit home at 1038 Huron ilrool Thumday, Vl.lilnu Frlrnd Mrs. Bnrah llealln of Lakovlow, formerly of Klamath Kail. I apendlm sov eral day visiting friends In till city. How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat I.OKT II Kit PIIOMI.VK.NT HIPS. DOt'llMC C.III.N. HM'tiUIMHNKHH Oalned I'tiyalrnl Vigor A Hlwprly Klirnrs If you're fat rirat remove the cause. Take one half toaspoonful of KRVHCHKN 8 ALTS In a ulase of hot water every morning In 3 week gel on the ca1x and note how many pound of fat have vanished. Notice also that you have gain ed In energy your akin r cloar er you feel younger In body KHUMCHKN will glvo any fat person a joyous aurprUo. (Ml an SGc bottle of. KHU 8CHKN SALTS from Whitman Drug Co., Star Drug Co., or any leading druggist anywhere In Amorloa (last 4 week). If this first buttle doesn't convlnro you this I the easiest, so Tost and surest way to lose ft your monoy, gladly returned. Adv. Society News CMUI (JOMI'MCTHH I'lA.NH I '((It IIIO.VKKIT Kluinuth Kail society I mark ing Haturduy, January the tweu-ty-acvoiith a red-lotter day for tliu outstanding, buuuflt of tha spring months when tho Wo limn' Lllirury olub will enter tain with mi afternoon ot brldgo In tho lllirury olub room for the Dnnrubochor Memorial hos pital fund, ICiiuli your the Library club auliirlulii and souks a It quota lint Ins thun 160,00. Tbl monny I sont to tha chlldrtin' hospltul and goo towurd tho ploilgu made vritl yours ugo by tho Klumuth Kail woinon. Mr. W. L. Qiilna hoad this year' commlttiio assisted by a group of promlnont matrons of tho oily, all membora of tha Li brary club. There will bo both auction and contract brldgo played with thru prises awurdnd In contract and tliroo In auction. Those prlzue, according lo Mr. Qulnn, are eepuclally bouullful and havo boon donated by Library club mom bora. Thoro will also be two door prises donuU'd by the two flow- or shops of tho city, the Klam ath Flower shop and Austin's Klnwor shop. Mra. K. I). Lamb 1 In charge of the punch tablo which will be arranged In tho center ot tha room. llocauee evnry cont de rived from tlio uffulr over ex pense will go toward Doom' bechnr hospital, It la tho plan ot the committee to kcoo ex pondlluro a low aa possible All price will be douated and no refreshment, with tho ex ception of punch from tho pret tily appointed tablo, wlH be orv. od. Ruaervatlnn are to bo made early with Mr. W. L. Qulnn or any membor of bor committee. O. K. BOCIKTY TO INHTALL OI'KKKItH Officers (or the young people' society of Christian Endeavor of tho First Presbyterian church were oloctod at a special meet ing hold last Sunday evening. This society waa formed whon the old senior group divided In- WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Ririn' to Go If you (asl toar and nmk and tha rart4 look tMink, don't (mallow a lot of tail a, rain aval wafer, oil, lataUvaeandy or chawing rum ttil pert Ibato lo maka you auddaaly avast Uoj buoyant at4 (uJI ot eunshlns. For ttty can't do It Thr only mm tha boarwta and a nr roovmwnt docaa't t at tha nuaa. Tha rwaaoo lor your dowond-out Mint u your llvar. It ahould pour out two pouit da o( liquid bit Into your bowala dally. It thla blla la ttot flowtm (rtdy, your food doaan'1 dlgoau It uat dsraya to tha bowata. Oaa bleat up your atomacb. You bava thick bad UHa and your braaUi la fouL akin ottm breaks out In blamlabaa. Your hsad. rbc and you Im4 tluwo aod oak Your wbola yataytn la polaooad ll lahM tho,. o), old CARTER'S littix li v tit rnxS la ft lb. in CUDds g( bits dowlng trly snd Duks you 4 "up sod up." Thav cunuUl wonoWlttl, harmlvM, ffMill tnfrisbW ilmrU, smsclo bM It cooms to msklss tht bllo flow ftMly. Ilul dos'l st (or llvor pills. Ak (or Csruv's Utllo Utror Tills. Look (or tbo nAmm Csrtor's Ullla U nils on lbs rod Ubrt. Onl s sulUluU.Ioosl dni lions. 01U1C.U. Co. to young people and Intermodl- ate-aenlor. Helen Bwurts waa elected provident; Loreta Farley, vie president; Nettle Tompkins, oo rotury; and Hill Colt, treasurer. Installation of these officer will bo held during the rogulur evening church snrvlco noxt Hun day evening, Itav. A. T. Smith will be installation chairman, JUNTO TO IIAVK 'ilflCATHIC I'AItTV The Madume do Btaol ohaptar of tho Itoycroft Junto waa en tertained Tuoaday evening by Miss Murlol Moore at hor apart ment In tho Ilotol Karley when a discussion was held on "Rosa lionhour" and painting. Membor of tho Junto and their friends are Invited to a no- hoites theatre party at the I'ellcan theatre next Tuesday eve ning, January 81. Those at tending ur requested to meet In the lobby at seven o'clock. The next regular mooting of the Junto will be held on the evening ot February 6 at the homo of Ml Vera Thompson on Walnut avenue. "Empress Jose phine" will bo the topic. HWIAI, OOMMITTKK OL'TLI.VKH FUNCTIONS Social actlvltlo for the oom Ing months wore planned by the social committee ot the Young People' Christian Endeavor so ciety of the First Christian church, when a special meeting was bold at tha church on Wed nesday evening. Tha social committee la made up of Krnost Hondrlck, In charge of social, gurno and recreation; Veda Hondrlck, In charge of flowers, decoration and visita tions; rtuth Esgate, In charge of refreshments and publicity. Tho social calondnr ha beon made up and submitted to Thel ma Parrlsh, president, X Ping Pong party has been announced for Friday evening In the basement of the Christian church at 7:30 o'clock. e Ft Kf IKK AH IlltlLL TKAM TO MKKT TONIGHT Member of the Robekah drill teum are asked to meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock tor practice at the I. O. O. F. kail. All are urged to be present, Mr. and Mr. Hobert Newlln of Medford were gucsta In Klam th Falls on Tuesday when they Good News for Kidney Sufferers! Il.r Is M last tfm niM into u (rrtutod kjdoy u llsddr owns so quickly, you emo ettuUyHKlSnoults nUdusfrriotir. llialui out praftona, nautrallns burnjns sdda, brioa prompt aoothin oomlort. No mora sefalog baes ecali bladdar, sora painlul iolnu UrmUrk el kidoay activity. Aak druuitt lor folay pillar Uasoooihar. Moiiay raKSsuanatsa. Oltftt spent the day here and attended the regular meeting of tho local chapter ot the National Associa tion of Letter Carrier held at tha homo at Mra. Robert Cald well. Mr. Newlln la atato president of tha N. A. L. C, and Mrs. Newlln I state vice president. Officer for the association and Do You Drive a Wind Streamer or Wind Fighter? Anyway fill It here today with Now Aasociated Flying A. Alwaya Open Walt for tha New Airflow Chrysler Armstrong Motors, Inc. 1M Main Wt. Its auxiliary, wore Installed at the Tuesday evening meeting. Court House Records (Wednesday) Sulla Filed. E. L. Myers, under the as sumed name of Pacific Protec- Flying A Tetraethyl Latest greasing equipment Just installed As modorn aa Fly ing A Gasoline. FILL UP HERE Silver Leaf Service Station John fjerllnirs, Prop. tlv Bureau, verau D. O. Wil liams, operating under the as sumed nam of Pelican Grill, Amount involved, iro and ITS attorney fee. Order Blgneti. ' Dismissal: Snnttord company versus Herbort Stuvor. Tb present typo of bTp ha been In use since 1810. Flying A with Tetraethyl NO EXTRA OHAItaa , ' And the kind of sorvlc thai brings a amllo at Buick Garage Bee and ride to the ' Now Bnlck vjBBBSBSraJBasysbBBaseBBygaBsa2aSXrvgEBSBBV 4 SALE Pumps, Straps and Ties in j brown and J-C f black kidskin If and Faille ' crepes, High or I Cuban heels. I Former values 0 to $5.00. yi When you see vt 1 1 them you'll i ii want several pAl pairs at such -Ti , , y wonderful val ues. Buy now ,; for later. , ' All sizes in !a the group (not ' all sizes in evry style, but plenty ft A of styles to .. f choose from) 1 d Ml Beautiful Shoes 525 Main a a MfflMW A enmczpza : ; ; FLYING A AERO-TYPE Cssolim. Not, hmiUrity of bo4j liZ7Zcar7l9U. M X" A I ! first to add , Ml witk TETRAETHYL HAD TETRAETHYL LEAD Mvjfa If V r. mm ' TO A NON-PREMIUM GASOLIOT t pr.fiin.an ra Two years ago Associated refined the gasoline for the car of today. It then recognized aero-dynamics as the keynote of auto motive progress. Associated identified the new principle of this gasoline with the name FLYING A AERO-TYPE Gasoline. The air-smooth power of this fuel was no chance discovery. FLYING A was just one logical step forward in a policy of prog ressa policy that regarded the essence of leadership to be doing things, not claiming them. As evidence of that leadership t ON THE PACIFIC COAST... ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY WAS Tint to introduce Ethyl Gasoline; Pint to recognize a need for equi-fractionatmgthe proper bal anc ui tdl performance qualitim; Pint to market a gasolhte climatically correct far each hcuBtjn First to feature octane stability; First to add TETRAETHYL LEAD to a non-premium gasotim. What that means to you we'll leave to the motorists who nsc FLYING A. Ask any one of them. Whether he drives a new wind-borer, a wind-streamer, or an old wind-fighter, he's sure to say, "FLYING A is certainly smoother and quieter than any other gasoline I've ever tried.' Try it yourself. There's 1934 air-smooth performance for every car with the smoother, quieter flowing power of FLYING A. Sea what h means to your car when TETRAETHYL LEAD is added to a gasoline as good as FLYING A. ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY FOR wwiy-fliM. MOTORING 4 SEE YOUR Shu0ihj ASSOCIATED DEALER inutfcviy