January 25, 1034 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOE TWO Fight Promoters Busy Effort Made to Revive Wobbling Profession. Max Schmeling Back In Picture With More Attractiveness Than Camera. Miku lak's Team Possesses . Outstanding Basket ball Talent Promoters of pugilism, slum bering these many years, have harkoned to the threat ot ob livion hover In over the pro teuton. They move today to keep the game among the top hats and stiff shirts Instead . ot letting It slide back Into the tank town days before the era ot Tex Rlckard, There has been more activity among matchmakers this month than there was the whole last year. The heavy weight pot Is bubbling with some mark ot enthusiasm and perhaps somewhere, somehow the million dollar gate will be ,.' revived. .' There are a tew promising promotions to stir the heart ot the boxing follower. Prlmo Camera, giant of the big feet and sullen counten ance, has been matched to de : fend his title against veteran ' Tommy Loughran. D1U OtUlumius, tuilllBi vuaui- plon from Germany, however, still Is in the front line and what be does is vastly more interesting than the behemoth from Italy. Bchmeling, smiling European, has outlined tor himself a strenuous campaign which might carry him back to the title. He will meet Steve Hamas,, former Penn State grid star, at Philadelphia, King Levinsky at Chicago, and Max . Baer the Dandy at Los An geles, Any one of Schmellng's three fights promises more . thrills coming scuffle with Loughran. . -..,. ... iJo" one has been ' licking Tommy Loughran recently, and Its not Impossible that he should wear the belt after en gaging the Italian in Florida. But the fight has no real pros pect' ot re-stimulating the flow of gold at the ticket office. ,. Here Is what William Brau efeer, sporting editor tor NEA aervice, says about tbis title match: ' - "Not since Jack Sharkey and Willie Btribllng executed their : terpischorean extravaganxa at Miami several years ago has ' there been snch an opportun ity for plain and fancy ring aide snoring ; as Is -offered by the ' Carnera-Loughran exer cises scheduled tor Feb. ti. "Camera and Loughran should do much to revive the sport ot press row snoring. The Bharkey-Strlbling affair saw the pastime reach Its apex. It was a spirited contest among the scribes, the prise for non ton sonorousness finally be- ; lng awarded to the late Bill Mcueenan wno managed to re main asleep even through the preliminaries. "Camera versus Loughran ' fieamn fn hn the crnwnlnfir mis match, a statement I hope is not too presumptuous In the light of past performances. Ton will have the picture of the venerable Tommy, still fairly Meet 01 fool, evacung me oer serk rushes of big Prlmo. Loughran can be expected to provide a scientific exhibition it he doesn't catch one on the lug, and even if the Phllly Phantom does poke his beak v into one of the monster's punches, it ' will prove just exactly nothing." , Don't doubt the ability of Mike Mlkulak's basketball team. Every member ot this basketball combination, select ed from football talent, has bad experience on the court. ,, Johnny KItzmlller, (or exam- ; pie, could have easily made . the University of Oregon var sity in his undergraduate days. Kits was a star In his prep . school competition in Pennsyl vania, and he was a member of the Webtoot freshman team. Billy Belnbart, Oregon's head coach, looked to Kits to bring 'new life to the slumping Web foots. Only bad luck for two i seasons in a row kept this all American off the first team. . In 1929, the year. Captain John J. McBwan pushed the Webtoots up te more football victories than they had seen in years Kits fractured bis ankle In the Oregon State game at Eugene. It never strength- ' ened sufficiently for him to report tor basketball. The fol lowing year Johnny Injured . the same ankle and that kept him oft the court. Kits was an all-around ath lete but he concentrated only on football at college. His record from the east describes blm as a sprinter and a tal ented baseball player as well as a basketball star. Danger of Flood Passes at Kelso KELSO, Wash., Jan.' 25, (U.R) All Immediate flood danger bad passed from this district today as the Ooweeman, Cowlitz and Lewis rivers receded and fami lies returned to their abandoned homes. The state plans to move equip ment to make repairs to dikes washed out by the disastrous ' December floods which ravaged this community. State promises also were made that breaks would not only be repaired but that dikes would permanently be strengthened.: There are 4840 square yards o an American acre. BOXING ROSS DEFEATS Billy Petrolle Resolves to Quit Fighting After Loss. new YORK. Jan. IS. UP) Once more Uncle Will Petrolle, a sturdy up-standing citUen. was back in the ranks or ins unem ployed today, a former prise fiehter. with nothing to worry about except a bit ot bond clip ping now and then and that cigar store be owns in uuiuiu. The nld fellow folded his dun- colored .Indian blanket and pack- it away for tne last time, ready to aooept as -final the teu round beating Barney Ross, ot Chicago, lightweight champion, gave him in the Bronx coliseum last night. No More FiRnung. "I'm going to send this to the laundry now." he said, which was absolute proof' that ha never in tends to fight again. A dosen years ago. nack in Fargo, and, Petrolle started a ring career that nevsr quite car ried him to cnampionsnip heights but did bring him Into conflict with the greatest light- weiehts of this decade,: as wen as into possession of a 'lot of currency which he still has, in contrast to most ex-prlse fight- He sot bis blanket from some Indian chief almost at the start of his campaign, be never would enter a ring without it, and he never would have it washed tor fear the soap would take out all the luck, as well as the . weird colors. Now he admits that bis need for the blanket Is gone. Boss Brilliant. "Tell them I'm through." he said as he shuffled down the ring steps in the big barn in the Bronx last night, thoroughly beaten by the brilliant little Ross. "I can't fight any more, so I'm not going to try." Against eager, daullng Ross, be was really an old man. lost in the brilliance of a youngster who ranks with the best his di vision ever has . produced, a floudering veteran with the sip gone from his punches and the speed departed -from his legs. He had only bis inexhaustible courage, and that was tar from enough against the master boxer, a sharp, thudding' hitter with either hand. In only one round, the ninth, when Barney obviously was eossttng, was Petrolle able to work his way laboriously to close Quarters and gain the upper hand. Barney beat blm once be fore in Chicago. . Verdict Unanimous. Every other round, and the unanlmons decision ot tbs judges, the referee and the 12,041 of the faithful who journeyed far Into the fastness of the Bronx for the battle, went to Ross. Ross shook the veteran bad ly at times, but never could floor him or bring him close to the knockout stage. His jabs, though, raised two large welts under Billy's eyes. - The fact that Uncle Will was la tbs last mile was correctly guessed by toe betters, who made Barney a 3 to 1 fa vorite, despite Petrolle's weight advantage. Billy weighed 111, Ross 134. - New York hasn't seen such a turnout in several years. Five minutes after the show started every bit of space In the uptown barn was filled and at least 6,000 struggled with mounted police outside to get at ticket windows already closed. After expenses and the fight ers are paid, the net profits on the $36,638 receipts will be turn ed over to a Christmas fund charity. Officials ot Madison Square Garden, in the heart of the fight district downtown, gazed In awe at the assemblage. Oarden fight shows recently have been draw ing an average of about t8,000 each. Karasick Wins at Pendleton PENDLETON, Jan. .25, (P)-r Al Karasick, 192 pounds, of Port land, defeated Jack Kogut, 208, of Toronto, in ! a main event wrestling exhibition here last O O WOOD BE SURE your fuel supply is adequate, a cold home 1b never cozy. Id- in. body wood, dry pine ............ 16-in. bodywood, dry fir 16-ln. bodywood, green fir ....... 84-ln, bodywood, green fir ............ $5.00 $5oo $5.50 $5-50 ' ALSO ' ' Fuel Oils and Coal . AT rOTJR SERVICE ' Peyton & Co. 1 " "Wood to Burn" 120 S. Ttb ; Phone 508 FARGO EXPRESS Sporting BASKETBALL A Pair of Leu Yandle, left, and Odd Hughes, right, will be in the line up tor the Southern Oregon Elephants here Friday and Saturday night when they tackle the Multnomah club ot Portland on the high school floor Yandle la leading scorer for Howard Hobson's team. Hughes, a promising star. Is brother ot Bernte Hughes, co-captain and all-coast center ot the University of Oregon football team last season. ,, KLAMATHTO LOSE CENTER Coach French Reports . Miller Handicapped by Injury. Some doubt hovered today In the mind of Dwight French, L'l.m.th f, I vh Rhnnl h&sketball coach, whether Darrell Miller, first string center, wouia oe aom to enter the Ashland series open Ins in the valley Friday night and . transferring to Klamath Falls on Saturday. Millar handirnnned with S bruised heel for several weeks, injured his ankle in ' practice early this week. Although the sprain was noi a severe one, 11 was sufficient to keep him out ot scrimmage work in prepara tion : for the drizzly contests. No Change Announced " French wsb ready' to shift bis Beavers Come From Idaho MOSCOW,' Idaho, Jan. 25, UP) Oregon State's Beavers, with a 82-23 victory over Idaho here last night, were in a tie with Oregon for second place In the nmihim division Pacific coast conference hoop race today. The Vandals and wasningiou 0110 kept each other company in the cellar.. ' a ftp rirnnnlns Tueadav nlebt s tussle 81-25, the Beavers . got revenge last nignt ny putting on the pressure tor a last period -i- r..... VT1hhni(1 fnrward. fiiu, www.ftw , ' dropping in five shots from the floor and a trio 01 tree tooora for 13 of his team's counters. The Vandals led at the half 13 12. After a week of Idleness, tne night, Kogut took the first fall with a flying tackle. Karasick applied a crab hold for the .sec ond, and Kogut was easily 'dis posed of by s slam for the third.' Multnomah Five Beats Linfield in Fast Battle PORTLAND, Jan. 25, VP) Spectators witnessed, an unusual ly fast basketball game here last night when Multnomah Athletic 'SOSW 'WOULOWT IT , BE "TERRIBtl If "THIS J COUNTRY NEEDED SAVING fcOMfc TIME , MTWfcBN ElECTIONS1 Elect the OLD FORT DAIRY to furnish your family's milk supply and we know we'll remain in office. Klamatb County Products of known purity, and quulity. . 1 OtD FORT DAICV HH.MAUOMy.Prop f PH0N6 1749 f 74-3 Oregon ave. i fa you Can Whip Ov Chchm - outjou ccatt beat OurltlUlc' 1 ejiajt: HUNTING Elephants combination should Mtllor be un able to 'play Since the matter ot selecting a lineup was so un certain, he refused to make anj definite announcement. Howard Scrogglu, French an nounced Thursday morning, will be back in competition this week. Scrogglu has been out for al most a mouth with tonsllltls and his high scoring ability and de fensive strength has been notice ably missing. Nello Glovanlnl, Carl Egelhoft and Johnny Pastega and - Ed Wakeinan were battling for the other starring positions. Pelicans Vnbcnten Klamath enters the Ashland series with Its Interscholastte record still untarnished. Yreka, Dunsmiiir, Bend and Medtord had fallen before the avalanche ot Pelican baskets, and the team appears well on Its way toward its third state tournament in suc cession. French announced tht Pelicans would return to Klamath Falls to play the second game Satur day night at 8:00 o'clock as a preliminary to the Multnomah Club of Portland and Southern Oregon Normal of Ashland . con test at 9:00 o'clock. The team will leave early Fri day afternoon for Ashland. This will be the first away-from-home game of the season. . Back to Win Vandals,, 32-23 league-leading Washington Husk ies will go into action again to morrow night, meeting Oregon in the first ot a two-game ser ies, .while the Beavers will shitt across' . the state . line to Pull man for a pair ot contests with Washington State. It will be the first meeting this. season between the Huskies and the Webfeet. Oregon has split even on its four games thus far, dropping one to Oregon State and another to Washington State. , Washington is as yet un defeated. . - The Cougars and- Beavers will take the court all even, having divided their series on Oregon State's floor at the start ot the season: Idaho will be idle dur ing the week-end. club defeated Linfield College 40 to 23 In a rule test game. Only fouls committed on a player In the act ot shooting were called, and playing time was divided In three 15-minute peri ods. , , . CnnnAn hnn lnM fined for titles than., a pig has for skates. Agnes MacPliall, Canadian m. Jr. WEESTTLUN FRIDAY NIGHT LEGION ARENA Phone for, Ticket Reservations to ; THE SMOKE Ph. 175 WAGGONER'S DRUG Pb. 9 THE WALDORF Ph. 840 Bouts Start 8:80 P. M. x COSTS NO -?9tW'. id ' l-!:mWocs ' bef 1.50 COLF COACHES NAME P Elephants, Club Muster Combinations For Series Here. Coaches ot the Southern Ore- v,tn lOl.mhiitiiH nml Multnomah club Thursday nniiouuccd start ing lineups for the tirst game 01 their series In Klamath Falls Friday night. Too two visiting teams were ready to ssnd their strongest combinations Into tho battlu to resume a rivalry tradi tional In the northwest. The Winged "M" outfit from Portland holds the edge over Howard Hobson's Elephants from Ashland this your and has cap tured three games In a row. 1 10 club was successful In rovorslng the outcome of tho series last year when the Ashland athletes took throe out of four. Suttlo Dispute The games here Friday and ci,,r.i. win Hnflnllelv settle tho dispute carried over from ldfct season. nniv i.nmn IfMIn niece of Hnalrnrhl.il tlvnilltlltA who tOrrOr- lied the northern division ot the coast conference while ue was a member ot Billy Helnhart's Ore- .,,. wnhfnnia will head the Multnomuh offensive. He will be supported by King nancy at the other forward: Jim Wlech- n.nnn at ennlnr And RaV Smith and Dick Applogate at guards. Houson, concuins uuo uk boat college teams In the north- n.i win atnrr rhnrlna Patter son 'and Ward Howell at for wards; Harold Bradway at cen ter, and Len Yanaio ana urn Courtney at guards. Yandle . Keen Yandle,-star ot the Elephants' victory over Waldorf here two weeks ago, probably will be as signed to the task of stopping Kaenan. While an outstanding defensive man, Yandle has been able to lead bis team In scoring, too. The first game Friday has boon scheduled for 8:00 o'clock at the Klamath high school gym nasium. On Saturday the Mult-nomah-Southern Oregon . clash will start at 8:00 o'clook follow ing a preliminary between Ash land and Klamath high schools. " - ;. ':-J ' MalinTownies . Crush Dorris Alumni Squad The Mnlln Townles defeated the Dorris Alumni at Mallp 73 to 84. 8core at half time wss 44 to 16. LaClalr and Parks were outstanding stars ot the evening, Marshall was the outstanding player for Dorris. Mnlln Townles Pos. Dorris Alu. LaClalr, 23 T 0. Dennis Parks. 12 F 8, Haawics; Johnson, 9 0 0, Brown Kaltna, 0 O 4, McOlnnls Rajnus, 4 0 4, Olsen Potnmpa, 10 S 2, A. Mllllgan Hulousek, 10 S 14, Marshall Replk, 6 B 2, C. Mllllgan Keteres, aicuomo. Relieves Wont Cough . In Juit 30 Seconds One dose of Bronchullne Emulsion will fix that Z! couzh of yours. Oivss IN STANT RELIEF! Another dose or two an hour apart will prob ably end It for good and all. It you have to take more than half a bottle to get rid of It, you can have your money back. Star Drug Co., and all . other good irnL'frlflta ffuarantea It. Contains no dope and won't upset your stomach, Brnncnuune Emulsion INSTANT RELIEF from COUGHS. Adv. 4,.. yovf W "til :' LINEUPS llWSSinBUli Tr,J.I :,;;covout; i8. 1.50'du? -V , -iart News FOOTBALL Indian! W 1 4t, V "A i ;A1l .ji ., v.- 1 1 w- $M -ps4iiW'aiiM'V;J Cherokee Frank Clemens, full blooded Indian, will make his do but In Klamath Falls Friday night In a 45-mtnuio . match against Billy Newman ot Denver and Seattle. The Indian comes here with a bright reputation for mat ability. Every family should dedicate at least one son to aviation. Oen. Oulseppe Valle, Italy's un dersecretary ot air, OVERCOAT CLEARANCE (TiT dur special low clearance sale of hlgfi gra'do ;i VO'Coats and Top Coats must close Saturday evening 1 . . You can make a real saving here by taking advantage of these low prices FrI- , day and Saturday . . . All Btylcs and fabrics , represented in two unusual price groups. - Two Price Groups 0)85 an(j THE Other Shoes and Oxfords In Clearance at wi so out rma $3.65 .a $4.65' FISHING WOLFE SEEKS C Texas Wrestler Aspires to Honors Vacated by DeVora. The Klunmth county wrestling title vacated by Dr. Nap DeVora will lie, otfurud lo the winner of tho Leslie Wolfo-ltocky Urooki main event nt tho Legion hall Friday.. DeVora, holding Joint undefeated honors bore along with Al Karasick of I'orllunil, left this week for Tulsa, Okla. Wolfe was a first lino favorite toduy to ascend to a position ot superiority. Ills ability was demonstrated last week In a fast draw with DeVora snd a tw weeks ago be wrestled Karasick almost to a standstill. Itivniutrh liooms If Wollo etui down the rough athluto from Vlcturla. II. C It Is possible Mark Llllard, pro PRESIDENT'S LEGION ROWN For the Warm Springs Foundation ,' ": . .. Endowment IS TUESDAY, JANUARY THE 30TH It's Your Duty to Buy a Ticket FINAL CLEARANCE Saturday Last Day A real opportunity to select Shoos nnrl r. fbrds from the largest store between Portland and San Francisco. In cluded In this clearance aro FLORSHEIMS . , , All the new styles. $85 U One group of FlorsheimB In-broken slzo rango. Here's splendid value if you 'can J MAr find your size, Bettor l).iu;ry though yO V WREST LING moter, will offer lilm another opportunity to test bis strength against tho iorioluully t"0 eessful Russian Lion. . no., n. iiin niHiiliiiiluter of lliu rolling' body solssors, was expected lo uavo 11 11 esi'iuna - nlng In downing uroum. iuu has oppourod here only once In ,1.. .... ami wallmil frolU tllS mi -. - imnin with a stirring victory over Hub Htono or tMiirugo. ii the mulch ending lu a brawl and reiiulrlni tho presence of the Klamath Falls police doparlinont before It was terminated, Brooks Hough llrooks, porhaps, la the rough sst miitmaii to appear on a Muck Llllard program. Wolfe sup porters, howevor, were confident their man could match his tac tics. Two prollmlnarlns will etillveu the cord. Hilly Nnwuiou. who rivals ovou Urooks lu roughness, will return to the Legion hall to move against Frank demons In a 45-mlniuu encounter. Clemens, making his first appoaraiico, Is a Cherokee Indian who comes high ly rocouimomlcd by both pro moters snd sthletts. Bailor Frnns. tatooed seaman from Ban DI-go. will tnokle Heine Olson of Portland In the preliminary. This bout, sche duled for a half-hour or un ths first fall, promises S full quote of wild skirmishing. Have You Bought Your Ticket to tho PRESIDENT'S BALL? BALL wa so oua Nurr SHOE and finest mon's shoe ; "V - 7 " " f m 4 I fit MlMSIt Jf .1 ' i