The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 09, 1934, Page 1, Image 1

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llarald I 1)trlliur who full to rutnlvi Uiclr
papev by OiUU p. in. art ratiumlod Co cull (lit
llarald bualnoai office, phone IIMIO, null a
papar will b sent by apodal currier.
Local Forcast
Generally fair, cool.
High 31; Low 21.
Cloudy; mow in moun
Price Five Cents
Number 6011
fit B
On the
Day's News
MILK alrlko hill ClilrnRO. Vlo
lonco flares ovor hundred
mil ro lu dalrymon's war
against low prices.
Milk price below cont of pro
duction aro bud. Out vlulonco
won't mako thorn any bailor.
Only roatoratlon of the bulanco
botwcon supply nd domuud can
do that.
PARAGUAYAN army occupies
thro abandoned Bolivian
(oru following expiration of tbo
Christmas armistice.
The ocoupled foroata are locat
ed In the demo and tracklou
Chaco forest, which lan't worth
ny part of tho fighting that h
been dono over It. Whichever
nation finally wlni It will won.
dor what to do with It
fete It.
Moat wnri are Just ai foollih
ai that.
rjRANCB agrees to
THREEFOLD the quoin, on
American producta aa announced
the firm of the year.
la Prance making friendly gos
turea toward thla country? Not
at all. She merely wanta to tell
more wins In the United Statca.
Whatever the French do baa a
coldly eelflih motive back of R.
nARLOVS tlmaa thoae, for men
of wealth, and everybody
reeognliea It
"If I bad a million dollara," a
young man laid to thla writer
yeaterday. 'I'd worry myaett alck
trying to bold onto It I bavs no
worrlea, became I have nothing
to loie."
Thero'a phlloiophy tor you.
'TJOW'8 tbo potato mnrkot?"
thla writer aeked a potato
buyer yeaterday.
"Ch,- aomewhera from 5
eonta to a dollar." waa tbe an
wer. "Pretty low for January of a
abort crop year, lan't It?" thla
writer put In.
"Yo," waa the anawer, "but
ING at all thla year to bring tho
price up: la spite of the abort
the prloe stave low In aplto
of a ahort erop over the country.
We need to hear speculation
thundered at aa a cures, yot here
we are told that LACK of ipoou
lotlve buying l holding down
prlcea In a ahort erop yoar.
We're reaming a lot thoae
WHAT la epoculallon, arywayt
Why, It Is buying low In tho
hope of selling high. Juat that
and nothing else. rjonornlly
apeaklng, It roproaenta the host
Judgment of ahrowd men who
know conditions of supply and
demand or think thoy do.
Roally, K lan't bnlf as bad aa
domagoguot have boon trying for
years to make aa bellovo.
TN THIS column, a ahort time
back, some cauatlo remark!
were Indulged In about young
mon who habitually talk with a
(Continued on Page Four)
Editor The Evening Horaldi
Poor old Franco and Japan
are about In tho same fix.
Franco doesn't know whothor
It would be bettor to jump on
Germany and lick 'om now
which thoy enn, or "will I alt
horo nnd wnlt till ' they are
ready to pounoe oh ma?"
Japan Is on the tame spot.
Thoy fool thoy can lick Rus
sia now; or, will alio wait till
RusBla la able to come pounc
ing on thorn?
Thla thing of living In nn
ambitious nation la not what
It Is orackod up to be. We
are certnlnly glad Mr. Roose
velt announced that we had
about all the country we
wantod. In foot, he suggested
that If we could got a deoont
offor he would lot some of It
go. Yours,
?U fa 0'
Walter F. Brown, Post
master for Hoover,
Ex-Cabinet Man Accused
of Burning Letters;
Denial Issued.
Senate Investigators received tes
timony today that tho postmaster
general In the Hoover adminis
tration, Wullur F. Brown of
Ohio, had awarded aomo airmail
contracts wltiiout oompotltlve
bidding, althouKh ho lacked au
thority, and that portions of his
correspondence had beon de
stroyed just bofuro he loft of
fice. Evidence Presented,
Paul lltmnorson, assistant
poatmamor gunural under Brown,
said contructs covorlug 5.000
miles of air routes were nwardod
from 1U30 to 1032 undor a pro
vision of tho McNary-Wotora act
of 1030, permitting the postmas
ter general to make "extensions
and consolidations" of air linos.
Previously tho cotnmlttoo had
renjved ovldunce from a post-
otrico omploye that Brown's sec
retary had all hie correspond
ence, official and personal, burn
od Just boforo March 4 except
that which Brown took with him.
Closely quoatlonod by moinbcra
of tho spoclnl InvcBtluating com
mittee, Ilondnrsou . said the Mc-Nnry-Watnra
law was drawn In
Drown a offlco, giving him the
r Ik lit to award air mall contrncU
without conipctlllvo bidding, but
thla provlnlon whs stricken from
the bill by congress.
NEW YORK, Jnn. 9. (IPS
Former Postmnstor Uouorul Wal
ter Drown today declared that
no official corroapondonco from
his files had boon destroyed
prior to hla leaving office Inst
March. , ,
At a acsslon today of a aanato
commlttoo Investigating air and
ocean mnll contracts, Jamoa
Muhor tcstlflod that a day or
two boforo Prosldont ltoosovolt's
Inauguration ho had burned, at
the diroctlon of Konnath Mnc
Pherson, Brown's socrotnry, some
correspondence, both official and
personal, from tho postmastor
gonornl'a flics.
Brown aald: "No activities of
tho poHtottlce dopnrtmont during
my four years aa Its head war
rant any criticism.
"All official correspondence In
my flloa waa luft Intact nt the
ond of my tonuro of office."
SALEM, Jan. 9, (AP) Stating
that "the Knox law Bpocltically
provides that tho Offices of tho
Htato liquor commission shall bo
In Sulom," Governor Julius L.
Moier told momhers of a commlt
too from tho chnmbor bf com
morco horo yoBtbrduy that hoiul
quurtors for tho commission
would bo OBtnlilUhod nnd main
tained In Salom.
PORTLAND, Jnn, 9, (AP)
No ono will bo employed In tho
stnto liquor control systoin until
the Oregon Btiproma oourt has
passed on tho validity of the
Knox lnw, It was snld horo by
George SammlB, ndmlnlBtrator of
tho liquor control board.
KABUL, A.'ghnnlntnn,, Jnn. 9.
(AP) Fourteen person. wore
executod today for alleged Impli
cation In a conspiracy resulting
lr tbo. aBBnBBlnntlon ot King
Nndlr Shah Inst November,
The exooutlons took place In
the prosonce of Shah Mahmud,
minister of war. A apodal oourt
onnvlotod the defendants and
tholr HontcucoB were uphold by
King Znhlr Hlmli, who Buoceoded
his slain father,
.'1 ' . . A
..aura's Prince
Flees Writs And Reporters;
Romance Beset By Troubles
k 1$ & f
' V ? ..7? w V i
The palatini honeymoon cruise to Jnpan from San Francisco, planned
by llnrbara Hutton, Wuolworth holrons, and Prince Alexis Mdlvanl,
bus boon charmed because ot California procoss servers seeking her
husband as a witness In hla brothers' oil operations In Los Angeles.
Tho prince left their private car In Reno and set out for Seattle by
plane to catch a b team or for Hawaii in time to connoct with the
Ttusula Maru, on which bla bride bas tbo royal suite engaged.
Prlnco Alexis Mdlvanl reached
Seattle by automobllo and went
to a leading hotel shortly before
noon today. Ho docllnod to re
veal hut plana and It was an
nounced ho was wearied by tho
drive from Cliehalls, halfway be
tween Seattle and Portland.
CHEIIALIS, Wash., Jan. 9.
(AP) Wrathful because a couple
of newspaper photographers wore
haunting the corridors of their
hotel whon thoy awakened here
this muruliig, Prince Alexis Mdl
vanl and bis party left for an un
announced destination toward tbe
Rudy Vallee Sued For
Divorce by Actress;
Answer Pending.
An array of startling charites em
bracing Infldullty. vicious tom
per, vllo language, character as
sassination plots and niggardly
financial aettlomonta wore heap
ed upon Iludy Vnlloo today by his
actroBB-wlto. tho former Fay
Wobb. In a suit for separate
Tbe browing marital storm bo
tweon the popular young entor
talnor and tho dnughtor ot the
police chlof of Santa Monica,
Calif., about which warning sig
nals havo been flying latoly,
broke In tho form of a 21-page
oomplnint, which was scaled by
court ordor for a tlmo nftor be
ing filed In tho auporlor court
here yestordny.
At Valloo'a own Insistence, the
nnnin wore hrokon and tho
charges becamo public. After he
had rond thom, mo curiy-noaaoa
singer, actor and orchestra lend
er, a rocent arrival In Hollywood
to innko a motion picture, drop
ped a hint that nn antl-cllmax to
this Initial aonsation was In the
ft, (AP) Edward F. Smith, 61,
retired business man of Altadona,
Calif., today shot and killod his
wlto, Nolllo, nnd fatally wounded
The Bhootlng ocottrred In the
Smith's bedroom In tho home ot
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Wells,
about 7:20 a. m. Mra. Wells,
who was sleeping on tho third
floor, hurrlod downBtnlro, after,i, alinta nii.l fnuiiH tmr nlntnr
lying on the bed, a bullot hole
nbovo hor right onr. Smith was
lying on the floor. Ho bad shot
hlimtolf through the head, Uo
movod to St. EUr.nunth'a boBpltnl,
110 died nt 111 o oiock.
Motorist Killed
in Road Accident
OHEOON CITY, Ore., Jan. 9,
(AP) Leo Shaver, 86, Mnlalla
warehouso operator, was - killod
near Olnlrmont tndny when his
automobile collldod with a trunk
driven by Gus Johnson of Clnlr
mont. Shaver's neck was broken
and hla chest was crushed.
north at 8:20 a. m.
Mombors of the prince's entour
age protested vehemently to the
hotel management when they dis
covered the cameramen, demand
ing that the police bo called to
clear tbe building. -
Alexis and party left Portland
by motor late yesterday, presum
ably for Seattle. They reached
here late Inst night.
The wealthy bride, meanwhile,
was In San Francisco from where
tbo wedding party bad planned to
Bail Thursday on a round-the-world
honeymoon.' She Intimated
nlm inlKht loin tbe Prince at Seat-
' tie.
Efforts Made to Break
Four-Day Blockade
At Metropolis.
CHICAGO, Jan. 9. (AP)
Regular shipments ot milk Into
Chicago by airplane were started
today as tbe fourth day of the
city's milk blockade brought an
acute shortage to the metropolis.
The first shipment, 1,000
quarts, was consigned to the
Wagner Dairy company. Offi
cials announced additional con
signments would arrive hourly.
The Wagner company Is one ot
tho largest Independent dealers
In tbe city.
Hope tor an amicable settle
ment ot differences between
(Continued on Page Three)
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Jnn. 9,
(AP) Plane 10-P-l ot the
Bnundron of six giant seaplanes
which will attempt a non-stop
flight from San Francisco, to
Hawaii took off from San Diego
bay today for San Francisco.
Aboard was Admiral David F.
Sellers, eommander-ln-chlof of
the United States fleet.
The first piano was followed
throo minutes Inter by plane
10-P-6. Plane 10-P-B then took
the air.
Tim rtveln-RtnrmnirrRnh at Un
derwood's Pharmacy shows that
the tinrometrio pressure iook a
alight dip Monday afternoon since
which time there has been no
variation. Dospito cloudy skies
there Ib yet no Indication of any
major change In wentber condi
tions. Aside from possible fog
ani cloudiness k will continue
Tho Tycos recording thermom
otor rcglatored maximum and
minimum temperatures today as
follows ;
High 31; Low 21.
Forecast for next 24 bours:
Generally fair and Cool,
Thfl United Htntnn wrmthor hu-
roau reports no precipitation for
tne 24 nours enaing tuonany at
5 p. in.; 4.16 for the season to
date: ' 6.09 normal; 2.66 last
yoar.' ,
Marshall Dana, Regional
Director, Visits
City Wednesday.
Discussion of Klamath's
Public Work's Pro
gram Set.
By Malcolm Epley .
A busy day ot speech-making
and interviews lies ahead ot
Marshall Dana, regional public
works advisor, when he comes to
Klamath Falls Wednesday.
Both before and after bis ad
dress at tbe chamber ot com
merce forum, scheduled for noon
at tbe Willard hotel, Dana will
confer with various groups and
individuals regarding public
works attain affecting tbe Klam
ath country.
Conferences Kunierous
At thla time, bis program for
the day looks like this:
7:00 a. m. arrive and break
fast arranged by chamber.
9:00 a. m. Conference with
Klamath county armory commit
tee on armory project.
9:30 a. m. Conference with
representatives of Southern Ore
gon railroad on Bonanza railroad
12:00 m. Chamber of com
merce forum speech.
. 1:90, p. m.'"" Conference with
regard to releasing funds from
PWA for continuing Tulelake rec
lamation development.
2:00 p. m. Conference wltb
League of Women Voters on ca
nal coverage.
3:00 p. m. Conference with
city council regarding proposed
municipal water system.
6:00 p. m. Dinner with city
council and Mayor Mnhoney.
7:00 p. m. Radio address.
This program, indicative of the
extent of Klamath's varied Inter
ests in the public works admin
istration, may be adjusted and
filled in by tho time Dana arrives.
At any rate, it appears that the
public works advisor, president
of the reclamation congress, and
associate editor of tbe Oregon
Journal, isn't going to have a
great deal ot time to himself on
his Klamath visit.
Hockloy Expected
C. C. Hockley, engineer for the
(Continued on Page Three)
J. C. Cleghorn, Klamath engi
neer, bas bapn appointed district
engineer tor CWA nnd PWA
projects In Klamath and Lake
Cleghorn's appointment was
announced by C. C. Hockley,
PWA engineer, but It Is under
stood his instructions call for
weekly visits at all CWA proj
ects in the two counties.
Numerous additional projects
are expected to be proposed at
Wednesday's meeting of the
county relief committee. . B. E.
Hayden, superintendent ot the
reclamation project, may have
proposals for work on the Klam
ath Irrigation district, In addi
tion to others already announced.
President Roosevelt today by
executive order continued tho 15
per cent reduction ot pay of fed
eral employees lor anotnor biz
In bis budget messngo, the
president asked that the author
ity to out bo changed from 16 to
10 per cent, thus congresB will
ing assuring restoration ot one
third ot the pay cut beginning
July 1, tbe Btnrt of the fiscal
The president acted today upon
tho findings ot tho department ot
labor on the local cost of living,
as provided by law.
(AP) MIbb Alice French, au
thor, who wrote many novels
undor the pen name of "Octave
Thanet," died at her home today
nftor a long Illness. She would
have been 84 in March,
Stavisky's Death
Signal For Riots
In Paris Streets
PARIS, Jan. 9, (JP) Royalists,
swinging canes as weapons, at
tacked police repeatedly today for
over a square mile area around
the chamber of deputies In a
domonstratlon against the gov
ernment because of the alleged
suicide of Serge Stavisky. pawn
shop bond operator.
Police Accused
The royalist newspaper Action
Francaise has called for a pop
ular demonstration, asserting
Stavisky had not died by bis own
band, but bad been shot down by
police In order to keep him from
testifying as to what he knew of
speculations which cost tbe pub
lic 40.000.000.
Lamposts were broken from
their foundations and strewn
across the streets, blocking traf
fic; iron grills were torn from
tbe trees which they protected.
Women Arretted
The police, massed in the
Place Bourbon held their ground,
taking into custody scores of
demonstrators, Including women,
whom they loaded into busses
and carried to police stations, af
ter which they were released.
All streets leading to the
chamber were blocked oft by
massed patrol wagons.
Tbe socialist newspaper. Popu
late, and the communist Human
lte were other newspapers at
tacking the police version.
Cabinet Revamped
Premier Chautemps lost no
time In revamping bis endan
gered cabinet as a result ot the
midnight resignation of Colonial
Minister Albert Dalimier, accused
by police of Indirect Implication
in tbe Bayonne scandal.-
He named Lucien Lamoureux.
minister of labor, to replace Dal
imier, Merchant Marine Minister
Eugene Frot going to labor, and
Under-Secretary William Ber--trand
ot tbe ministry ot.tho in
terior moving into Frot's posi
tion. Thus, with Stavisky dead and
Dalimier out ot the cabinet with
a "certificate of good conduct,"
Chautemps hoped parliamentary
and public Indignation would
Meanwhile, the reorganized
cabinet was pressing measures to
investigate the whole affair and
punish the guilty.
Administration officials today
hailed privately as a constitu
tional victory for the national
recovery legislation a close but
decisive supreme court decision
upholding the validity ot the
Minnesota mortgage moratorium
By a vote ot 6 to 4 the high
tribunal ruiea in tavor oi mo
ftot nmortrpnev statute nassed
either in the state or nation, de
fending in broad principle the
right of a state to suspenu cou
tracts in an emergency.
NANKING, China, Jnn. 9.
kt M o t 1 n n a 1 crnvprnmnnt
forces. In a sweeping advance
over Fukien province reDeis,
fought their way today within
OR n.4Taa nf PnnfhnW. Clinltnl Ot
the province, Nanking military
leaders ciaunea.
All of the rebel ohlefs were in
flight, It was said, with the ex
ception ot General Tsai Ting
Kal, commander of the 19th
route army and chairman of the
Fukien military council,
Ellsworth Reaches
Bay of Whales to
Find Byrd Quarters
WELLINGTON, New Zealand,
Jan. 9 (AP) Dr. Lincoln Ells
worth, leader of a proposed
trans-Atlantic flight expedition
has arrived at the Bay of
Whales, Antarctica, to find In
tact the Richard E. Byrd expe
dition headquarters established
in 1930.
Tbe report ot bis find was re
ceived here In a wireless mes
sage to the Boar, supply ship ot
the prosent Byrd expedition to
the Antarctic
REDWOOD CITY, Cnllf., Jan.
9, (AP) Twelve nurses nnd oth
er employes of the Canyon eanl
tnrlum escaped when fire of un
determined origin destroyed the
nurses' quarters early today.
Oregon's PWA
Program Gets
New Set-Back
PORTLAND. Jnn. 9, (JP)
A special dispatch today to
the Journal from Washington
said: "Senator McNary'a of
fice was advised Monday that
there will be no further an
nouncement of allotments for
non-federal public works In
Oregon in the near future,
which is understood to mean
until additional funds are
provided, if they are."
"From public works head
quarters," the dispatch con
tinued, "a circular letter is
going out to disappointed ap
plicants, advising them they
were not reached In time, but
If found eligible and it fur
ther appropriations are made,
they will be considered."
Rumors of Differences
With President Re-
Lewis Douglas, director of tbe
budget, made clear today be in
tends to remain In his present
office despite rumors that budg
etary' differences with President
Roosevelt and a recent curtail
ment of bis authorities might
cause him to resign. '
Tbe budget director told news
men he' plans to "remain on the
job as long as I can render
Tbe president yesterday trim
med powers only recently hand
ed to Douglas for checking on
emergency expenditures. He
modified a previous order, mak
ing budget estimates a prereq
uisite for emergency spending,
to require in the future only
weekly reports to the budget di
rector. T
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 9.
(AP) In what promised to be
a protracted controversy, all
subjects of contention between
the Oregon public utilities com
missioner and the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph company
were gathered here today Into
one consolidated hearing.
The first phase of the work
will be established ot a rate base
valuation for telephone proper
ties used by the company in the
conduct of its Oregon business,
as distinguished from Interstate
City Officials
Not to Attend
Liquor Hearings
Neither Mayor Mnhoney nor
nitv Attnrnnv T,navitt will at
tend the hearing in Salem Wed
nesday on the main issues or. too
Knox law controversy.
A(tninAv T.onvlt.f hRn been' 111
and Mayor Mnhoney will remain
here to confer with ftiarsnati
Dana, regional PWA advisor.
The circuit court hearing will
be featured by oral arguments,
In which Elton Watklns will
represent Klamath Falls. Judge
T.nnvltt will submit a brief to
Circuit Jadge Lewelllng on the
THE DALLES, Ore., Jan. 9.
(AP) Petitions were being pre
pared here today under the di
rection of tho Inland Empire
Maritime conference, for circula
tion throughout the Pacific
northwest, requesting sea-locks
at the Bonnevlllo dnm large
enough to permit passage of
ocean-going vessels.
NEW YORK, Jan. . (AP)
Directors of J. O. Penney Co.,
today declared an extra dlvi.
dend of $1 a share, payable Jan.
BO to etock of record Jan. 20.
Petition Seeks $132,000
to Build 18-Mile -Line.
Economic Advantage
Cited in Formal Bid
For Approval.
Application for S132.600 loan
from the public works adminis
tration for construction ot an 18
mile railroad from Dairy through
Bonanza to a point near the Ger
ber reservoir, has been prepared,
and will be filed immediately
with the PWA.
The Southern Oregon Rail
road company, a private corpor
ation of which R. H. Hovey ot
Klamath Falls is president, is
making the application on a non
grant basis as a self-sustaining
Would Provide 225 Jobs '
Total cost ot the railroad con
struction project would be $265,-
813, and It Is estimated it would
provide work for 225 men for
five months. It is offered "aa
an aid to the conservation and
sustained production ot natural
and manufactured forest pro
ducts and the products of agri
culture" in the application pre
pared by R. E. Bradbury, who la
agent of the company.
The proposed railroad would
connect with the O. C & E. at
Dairy, and extending through
Bonanza would provide railroad
facilities for the agricultural area
surrounding that community. It
would then continue into the
heavily timbered country beyond,
tapping area estimated to have
enough standing timber to per
mit harvest of from 19 to IE
years duration.
Rednced Cost Wanted
The application points out that
75 per cent of the raw material
consisting ot logs in the Klam
ath district is transported from
the forest to sawmills over rail
roads owned either wholly or In
part by individual lumber man
ufacturing companies. About 25
per cent are dependent upon
sources ot log supply from ter
ritory without railroad facilities,
which entails in many instances
long truck hauls, intermittent
supply and higher costs.
The proposed project, it is
pointed out, would provide a de
pendable source of log supply for
a considerable portion of the raw
material requirements of that
portion - ot the lumber manu
facturing plants that are without
their own timber and transporta
tion facilities.
As to the nnemployment re
lief feature, the railroad project
is believed to be particularly de
sirable at this time. The appli
cation gives an exhaustive report
on unemployment conditions hare
which would be partially relieved
by the labor made available
through tbe railroad construc
tion. Preliminary Steps Taken
It is understood- the gootfcecn
Oregon Railroad company has al
ready taken preliminary step
(Continued on Paga Three)
A slight earthquake was felt at
6:11 a. m, today In Southern
California. There were no re
ports of damage. Tho ahock waa
felt in a general direction from
Lob Angeles to San Bernardino.
SAXEM, Jan. 0. (AP) With
drawal of recall petitions against
Governor Julius I. Meier wai
announced today by letter to the
secretary of state from F. W.
Stevens, of Goldson, Oregon,
sponsor of the movement, '
NEW YORK, Jon. O. (AP)
The wholesale price of popular
brands of clgarcttea was ad
vanced 60 oenta a thousand to
$0.10 a thouaand by leading
manufacturers today,, . ,