February 10, 1932 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus BULDEHS TO FORM CHAPTER OF CONGRESS Tht committee of II builders and Bierbanlra, appointed Tuee day nlalit. Wednesday derided lo formulate Klmib Falls chep Ur of the Oregon Hullders Con ri nd will conduct an open noting ut the city council cham bers at o'rlwk Friday evening. All Inlaraatad lo building con alrurllou work In Klamath Fa Hi ara ashed lo atland tha maatlng. Permanent nfflrere and dlrertore of tha building congraaa will ba alerted. Tha commltlaa cohelals of How ard Parrln, errlillertural dmlgner, Archie Itlra, building trade coun cil representative; II. Mux, rar pener; Charlaa Within, general contractor: Illan llout, lumhor Dian; It. M. O'Nalll, mill operat or; F. ft. Ilaugar, building nia tarlala dealer; M. A. Ilolllnge wnrlb, palmar; H. W. Mmllh, brU-k yard oparator: Charlaa llarralon. etettrlrlan; W. M. Loreua. pluniliar: l,eo Hula, rep raeentatlve of tba llulldlng aaeo elation, and It. i. Lorens. tem porary secretary of tba organisation. Woman of Klamath Falla and trinity ara Invited to attand a maatlng of Tha Womea'e Creat or Oregoa Aaaorlatloa to ba bald In tba auditorium of tha city librarr. Thuredajr. aftarnoon. February II, at I 09 o'clock. Tba Womea'e Oraatar Oragon Aaaoclallon, a volunteer orgaol atlon having mambarablp of mora than to.ooa woman throsgboat tha atata who ara la taraatad In building ap Oragoa'a payrolls. Tbara ara no duaa and Bo mambarablp fees. paabara at tba Klamath Falla maatlng will ba Mra. Kaada M. Iralaad, atata praaldant: Mra. 1. Oaorga Keller, atata chairman, and Mra. Charlaa H. Runrell. Examiner Strettet Knowledge of Code Ward McRernolds, antomoblla driving aiamlnar for tba secretary of atata'a office, emphaelsed tba Importaaca of eppllranta' study ing tba traffic coda bafora taking tba aiamlnatlon. "Tba lawa hava baan rbangad a good deal, and ovaa If paraona hava drlvaa tor a long time, they may not ba acquainted with tba praaant rag ulatlona." aald htc Heynold. "Tba Important rulea hava been eoadenaed In a book let, which can ha had from tba atata pollra or by writing tha aacratary of atata. It la aaientlal that tbaaa ba atudlad bafora tak ing tha aiamlnatlon." xkw Bin vxr.n Tha Klamath Bna company hat added another carrier to tha pacific Terrace route. Tha new machine, built on a narrow ehaaala, waa particularly designed for the leea than average width of Pacific Terrace. Tboee who contult tha Classi fied Ads regularly ara bound to profit many times. nu-innn-rinu-ity,n I 1 bui luteal tod I Beaallfal BI.I.SMJ HOSalTKn, arte vefc by ear ea a aaUaalrl Sm aarrUy'a leeMeal aiwr. Ivea with feev eaetaev, BKU-Lf MoaalTEM, Set (lln MIMA, aeg kv IB-reee-elS brelber, SUHBL Kllee'e im4 e Iaav. aeaeaef aea la a tllWS SCea Uk laanir. (ell a eeaHerlable Sevlaae le fvovl4e Set kla ele aea IMree. Irreeeeesltie Hells Meeeliev eeea weal Ibreaab Iba lerleae aea elaee fbe the eea- at Ike IbmIIv be SevelveS area hev IP aeeselcra. Mellr feellablr eeveSa Ibe re ateea reel aieaer le bap aeeaeee eer elelaee lev alia, At be eielber'a eesaeeflea gjlea Seeleec le wetS al Mlafcl aa a aeeee ball bealeee aalll Iba aea le aa See eeea la Hreawlaee aea ' lervlewe JAroH lll.tiaos VfUe eSera bee a feb ea eeeeillee Ibel ebe eeaelf be mmm eveelea S.eeeee. aba baa aa eveeles Sreee. Hllterly eieeeelele. ebe breaba a alere rale aea tela pbeee Ibe sewa le bea eetSee. m BeHtl.at, eeteee at tba aeaerlaivel eleve, aee br la ba leleheee beelh aea ehe bea le eeee le ble efe. S.tlea la re be laleatfa la gieebarae bet. ROW 00 OH WITH TUB) STOHI CIUPTCR III pU.IN bad her feet planted trnv ly la her email world by the lima the bad eeated herself. She had eeea other girls pay the swift penalty for some Inconsequential fault, (be waa prepared to pay It kereelf la dignity and la pride. She thought dimly that the Important thing waa ta maintain bar awa courage. Never bafora had sbt eschaaged word with bar employer. la her alg years of aarvlce aha had aaea him so more thaa half a dosen tlmea, Btevea Barclay spent only two or three months a year la the store which bora his name; the other months be wandered reftJeea ly about Europe adding la his cot lectloa of jades. But Ellea had as sumed, aa her working mataa bad aaaumed. that be waa raaponalble for the etrlctaeea of the store, the eountleea, fretting rulea. the rigid dlerlpllna. She had youthfully bated him for that. "I hope," be began almost apolo getically, "that you won't thick I'm Interfering la eomethlng which doae not concern me. I am, of course. But perhaps you'll forgive me wbea I tall yon that I caa not bear la aea an employe to aea eomeoee oo young aa yoa are la such trouble without attempting to leara It there la eomethlng I caa do. Borne way that I eaa help. Ellea had aaea prepared tor dte mlaaaL She waa aot prepared for sympathy. For a moment revulaloa ef feeling made her actually dluy. Her heart waa suffocating her aad she felt aba could hardly breathe. But abe forced herself to answer aim. "It's It's nothing Important," aha managed at length. "I waa afraid yoa'd ear that It probably would ba nothing to ma. Obvloualy It a not that to yoa. But I do think It'a nothing that caa't be solved. Weal yoa tell mar eaa AT any other time Ellea would hava withdrawn Into tha faat teeeea of the Roaaltar pride. Just thea aha had each aa overwhelm ing need for aympathy, such as overwhelming need for the advloe of someone alder, someone raapon alble, that the whole atory waa out bafora aba could check the ruth of worda. Myra and Bert; her mother and her dlea.it roue ahopplng tours: Mike, delightful baby Mike, whe should bare hit chance; the Brook lya apartment aad the eountleea. harasalng worrlea that beeet two glrla trying to balance oa their slim ahenldera tha burden ef family. t'- i Ah Shi tnctg ahs had found htr Jrtu. all that aad more she poured forth. he stopped at last la conateraa Hon. What bad ahe aald. lured by tbla man's Intent Inter eat? What bad poeaeaeed barf "Bo yoa aea It's really nothing." ahe coorluded stiffly, "Only the lack of aa evening dreee. I'm afraid I've drawa a dreadful picture. It's aot a fair or truthful one. We have lota of fua. We love each other. Anyone would any that aa evening drees waao't Important. 1 wasn't going to say that No, I waist going to say that ha repeated. l waa going to tell yoa eomethlng about myeelf, eome thlng that might help yon, or I hope It WILL Are yea bored r Elian quickly ensured him shs waa aot Bha felt again aad aa alUlagly kla quiet epell. fait bis lack of eoBdaaceaalon. baa almple aaaumptloa that tbay were equals and. aa equals, could solve bar prob lem. But bowf What poaalble help could she accept from bImT "Don't think of ma aa a rich maa." ha waa saying. "Think of me as I waa at your age, trying to support a young wife and a young baby oa ftl a weak la the days whaa 111 a weak meant mora thaa It doaa now but not enough more. My wife wanted a drees toe. She wanted a pink drees with ribbons. Sbe looked a little like yoa. bad that same quick way of turning her head. And tbay ware wearing pink and ribbons when ahe wanted tha dreee." pLtEN forgot Jenny Ilklns la the beeemeot Bbe had not knows that Barclay bad bean poor. It was bard to Imagine that distinguished, graying maa who wore clothes so carefully rat no Indicative of wealth. In auch a role. But ahe could vliuallie clearly the young wife who bad wanted a pink drees with pink ribbons. "No one offered to give her that dress, Barclay continued. "If any- eaa had I'm eura we both would have refuaed It We were proud. 70a aadarataad proud aa yoa are proud. I wea going to become a rich maa going to buy her doeens upon dosans of dreeeea. He hesi tated and added almost roughly, "Bha waa dead dead with my young bob bafora aha ever had a pink dreee." Elian gave a dUtreaeed little cry. "We had fua too he told bar. "Much the aame eort of fua yoa and your brother, Mike, aad your liter, Myra, are having bow. But If we'd only bean leea at IS necked, tees afraid of the motlvee of other people, how much easier It would have been. "Afraid r The heavy Roaaltar brows rose la twla peaks. "Touag people haveat changed mack In spite ef all the shouting," Barclay obeerved obliquely. "They're atlll afraid, aren't they, to accept a favor to do a greater favort They're Juet aa auspicious. )nat aa conven tional and ovary bit aa proud. Ton, I'm aura, would sever allow ma to give yoa a lift Ton wouldn't al low me, would yoa, to give yoa one dreea from a store which hat hun dreds of them? Tou'd rather bug your troubles to yourself, worry yourself sick, wouldn't yout Toa d rather be aelflth. "I'm afraid I would." Ellea ad mitted. Barclay'a smile waa rueful. Be made one mora attempt "Yoa know, of course, that you ara depriving ma of a great pleas ure. Ara you sura yoa hava that right?" Ellen fait confused. Waa It pos sible that she was too stiff-necked, aa he had accased her of being, too conventional, too careful entirely Thaa she decided, as quickly that there waa aim oat so pause before she aaswsred, that area If aha were It was too late to change, "I'm aura I hava that right ahe aald. Her tone waa resolute bat sbe softened It with a glance of shy merriment. Tha man considered s moment His face cleared and wban ha smiled so many years dropped away from blra that Elian felt ba must look almoat aa be bad looked to hie young wife, Bhe bad thought aim handsome ang distinguished bafora but separated from her by ml lee of spiritual distance, sepa rated from ber by many years and by great wealth. For the Drat time abe saw blm aot as bar employer but as a maa. "Wall, If yea won't yoa woa'tt ha aald decisively. "It may be that young girls should be suspicious of older mas bearing gifts I don't know. But I've thought of a com promise. Burely yoa can't refuse to borrow a drees. "Borrow a dress!" Certainly. Don't look so as tounded. We seldom sell the gowns that the msdela wear. Tou'U bor row one of them aad retura It ahea yoar eagagameat la over. a e e rTUKINO bar consent for granted. A be turned at once to ring a ball. Ellen had neither the heart aor the wlah to demur. Indeed, she felt her iplrlta riling. By so simple aa act aa ringing a ball. Btevea Barclay bad aattlad tba problem of where the Roaelter rant was to come from. With the help of a borrowed dress It waa coming from Dream land. A few minutes later a saleswoman arrived with a lovely cargo ef eve ning dreeeea. Steven Barclay bad lipped away. Ellea was alone la the offlca. Shs appreciated the de partment store owner's tact and hie wladota. Barclay's was notoriously a hotbed of gossip. Tbs tiniest In cident that Involved Steven Barclay waa always of abnormal Interact to bla employ aea. Fortunately tbs aaleawomaa who brought tha gowns waa placidly Incurious. Tbs neit li minutes vera sheer heaven for Ellas. Bhe had sever owaed an avealag gowa. evening gowna being one of the Items In variably missing from Aunt Myra's boxes. Bbe had aot known It would ba sack fua to select a gowa only becauea It made bar beautiful. Bha stood before a lone mirror aad bald ap before herself, one by one. gowna that sbe waa convinced were the loveliest la the world. It was pure bliss to see that although Una aad color seamed slmost to change her personality as they did change her appearance, aot area tha trying burnt orange or the deep petunia could down the triumphant luah at her clear akia ar daadea her bright hair. Whaa ahe came apoa tha gowa el Tory USrU aha knew ahe had foand her dreea. It did aot make her aa Ingenue. It did not make ber a duchess. It did aot make bar mysterious. It only mads her Ellea Roaaltar, a girl of to, dear, eyed and claar-aklnncd. a girl with slander bands aad alender feet beautiful, but mors than that a girl whe was genuine aad secure la her swa personality. There wars no ornaments, as frills oa Elite s drees. It was only whits taffeta falling to tha floor. But It bad been made la France by a great couturier whe called his creation "Jess Fine." Barclay returned after Ellas had eeea tha other gowna carried away. He glanced at the Ivory Ufleta over her arm. He hesitated and thea said: "I'm glad yoa selected that one." As Ellen looked Into his eyes shs saw with a little shock, half of tear aad half of strange pride, that life was suddenly becoming eicltlng. (To Ba Coatiaoed) Question on Spain 4 " in ii i i ii i 11 i f Issaaf .tT l-a-'fa,1-.! II INm IT IIAJLI ICIALLtlKl IMmiMOCTAle TKrfTrlRMY'"; AKMWfCR a le aewv, M Edge ef a roof It Oas whs do ll vera money to another la trost UTo degress. 14 Licit II Mais sheep. III June flower, II Olfts of char ity. K Incarnation of VlahauL tt Sen red. II I) pen. U Needy. tl Auiterlty. II Thlwat really 41 To let dowa. 14 Thin metal loved. 44 Mob. plats, 14 Matched. vu-nnnAi. 14 Type measure. Monkey. VKRTIOAI, II Humble pros- Bird's horns. Brute. tratlon. 17 Wanders shout I To relieve. t Defeating. II Inaplrss rev or- J Held IT Blsck flies. encs, 4 Second note. II Purple, Bower- Donkey-like I Vehement Ing shrub, beset ( Limestone, tl After what 40 Mother. 7 Sick. city la ktpala 41 Bird. 1 I First Bote. waa a line 41 Most I moor- I Changeable. sword named tanl river la 11 Under., U To entangle. Brasll. II What country eepplles mora then half ths hides Imported by U. a Af Long spar.' Divine word. Last word of praysr. Important min eral found la Brasll. Duplicate. Asaeeament amount Streets. Fenced. Bent the knee. Homes sf bees Ungual. Tardier. Poeme. Blackbird. Oppoalts ol closed. Engine. Judgment. To demolish. In a line. Stomach. Cry of a dors. Missouri. Pair. . 8 irp (r r--!s-p- ar f(T -npr zi It r ST i k" y y 5T scr -mST "TpT 5tr -b? -jW ws y n 4i wtt : Hp r pT rAD -CAIN GUIDE GOOD CUSTOMERS! YOUR WAV- PHONE IT TO 1900 i j Flapper Fanny Say$ Blk mi es ' .Moit people who get to the top of the ladder still have to work. Classified Ads pilot good cus tomers through doors of scores of progressive stores. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS y7 fA -TOOacf-rwH ZOO I A III) z J I I IWTHrtt BARKTMiv I I Y a7a 1 ii' J vDOGcrMACGit '? r V (7 I 1 7 7 C'J l TH6 fONMlt-iT- ill Y77Z;l JIM i mm 1 a! I EAT MtAVTJMSt SMtH L I l Ov. a" I XJ' ' j "T!jU' x2j I J WASH TUBBS By Crane ' ' 1 1 lilKUa Th AUOFUU emu no t6 TM-Bk, IS FtUAU-Y BROKE U 1 A HOISC LIKE THC busty wiiMBMitL. rif ft tXiHTS jO OX rVM" H Rtt COW. TK6 Ft6HX& fOO,, MS MSUttgYS TUt WUfcVAM OIRECKr-tlp WITW See iHH, or COrAVVeTci L'TiTfclV. "W3o&i; x bwoes ) .a 1 M3cm: r : ; x 1 f WVt, WMTl N I At6 flMT WCAfC-VHdl J I 6ttSTR e-tF THfiT I rOCs GOT if OC vveoe 1 am. voo iuiP f naiC UUD 4VET m. HO 0 VO TM UVAO T AE BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES sower.!! J caarteMs. two v. By Martin WW m rr-- l -iaaC y 1 i.mgilM' boe1. 00 v. r- 'VUiiV'Sn V ;)Vsj VAST 1 TVOuaXT VJt'O MCMtA evvr vses r , werr X VMvo MPOMO 1 u ft. M&SMOk par. orr. imw aei j yfy 1? .at n i u mt- 1 oBtf?9 too w UR9 TO "Ml By Blosier A MR. RDRSJ.WS TRoUBte 13 THAT MS MAS SlrAPiy 5IVS.M UP..AVJO THATS VepSS TMajJ AWV llUJCSS-rJlca FBLLOW, "TOO W VHO IS TUB OU MasI vf & tU'06 ffOliJiS lb 66 OJtO. W Jv. IM VtaiUcTTtoWM, tSocTOH VHATS lUt VATTBaY r 1 mm r rr s- 1 CAR IS TW' POODLS Jfuf'V I h VWH FBgCM-ESJ U SEE A SICK -t 'I --Cl W FBU.A-. c'mou. ti yC-'' aTWe,,' AST (SO 'LOK3, K&ZlX ate, it SV.6U.S STaoUatOf M6DICIKIE im rieoe, poeaJT it!' VJOULONT POCTOH'S CAB TO SmBU. oft cVADEUlAS, YA? vjuv noes uc viajt ow.kwwbbw him to see a J m6 -re -rootj 6CK AAJ, I POMM A BIDS? IU A SuiSU. CAA IJttfi 1US. 1 HOPS!-', JMS eoCTDHS CAA tJCARS KHIM45T&MU. AM AOUACSUT SUBURB OP SHA0y5iOeT... aea. a eevce. J "V- f ar ats awKS. wa . I