THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAUS. OREGON Februnry 8, 1932 FOUR-HCLUB MEETS WITH FRANK SEXTON Frank Krtlon. county 4-11 eluh leader, conducted a council meet ing of club leadcra la Ih Kr monl school auditorium Saturday ati'Tnoon. Similar meetings are h''ld every two montha. H. 1 Khllltnc. president of th group, was rhslrmsn o( Saturday's meeting . Club leaders present war Mr. Katherlne Hulme. Miss Kather ln Mollter. Mrs. Helga Lott. Miss Helen O'Jolls. Miss Marian Bunrh and Lot Hsrker. C'hllo quln: Mna Carolina Vaeretti. Merrill; Mrs. Francee Savage. Dalrr; 1. 15. Myers. Mla Mildred Kleger, Mslln; Mlaa Ethel Fen wlck. Mrs. Winifred Hall. Mrs. Josephine Penrod. Mls Bernice Griffin. Altemont: Mrs. Elsie Burton. Mra. Melvln. Modoc Point: H. L. Shilling. Mra. H. L. Shilling. Klamath Agency; Mr. Nye, Baatty. Louise Fatherlnghnm and Mai fna Hatlerode. member of the Merrill 4-H club, far a sewing demonstration. Mra. Francea arsge Dairy (are a lS-min-nta talk on how the meetings can be made Interesting and in structive by the local leader plsnnlng programs ao the pro jects atudled In the club work can be Joined with the school work. Mr. Nye of Beatty gava a ahort talk en club handicraft work and Loy Barker of Chllo quin. leader of the boys' eooking club, rare a talk on his work. Lucy May Shannon and Jack Melrtn of the Modoc Point club took part In a cooking demon stration. A model 4-H club meeting waa conducted by Mra. Lotta. assisted by the girls' cook ing elnb members of Chlloquln. Deer Driven F rom Hills In Search of Food, Shelter Large herds of dear, driran from the hills into the lowlands to seek food and shelter from the heavy snows, are to be seen In the vicinity of Malln. particularly In the district between Malln and Peret. Score of Interested people hare made the trip to the lands beyond Malln for a sight of the herds of deer, roaming near the Harter ranch on The Dalla California highway. 1. T. Kamrad. mail car rier, reported seeing hundreds of deer almost dally between Malin and Perei. The animal hare become ao tame that they permit the Tlsitors to advance close enough to take enapshoia, and some excellent pictures hare been secured by the Melin people. One particularly good picture shows a large buck with one antler shed and the other ao heaTy that ita weight dragged the animals head to one tide. Warship Row, at Shanghai, Where World Fleets Assembling t j -.. : rt- -'rmr . :vf - - r Nf FEOERAL AGENTS Americana Removed From Nanking Zone WAHIUNtlTON', Feb. I, (U.PJ The navy department waa ad vised by raillo dispatch tuday from the destroyer tilmpenu al Nanking that ta Americans, mostly women and children, had been avacuatad from the threat ened clly almard a merchant Tea sel. The rllmpson dispatch, limed 4:1a K. . T . aald that launches from Anterlt-aii warshtpe had aid ed In Ilia evaiuailon. Here la Hie ohji-ottv tor warhli or several nalioua, now speeding towatd t'tiina, the euithlp authoiage in tUe Wiaug-roo river at Shanghai, where naval detachmenta under various flags will alertly await developments In connection with the Japanese bombardment and occupation of Shanghai. By DAX BOYVEIIMAX SEATTLE. Feb. 8. U.R Final chapter In the weird story of the Japanese freighter Tamoho Mara apparently had been arrltten to day. The veesel. which Ita crew left for their Uvea In an 80-mile gale on the high Pacific, waa found floating aerenly, and taken In tow more than a month after she was believed on the bottom. The misadventures of the Ta moho began when sha sailed from Vancouver. B. C. on De cant oer is, tor in urieui vim a cargo valued at a million yea. 61 ere Storm Sha atrnck a nightmare of a storm th worst In year. Th staunch ship , Lesson-Sermon In all Church Chinese Student Boycotts Japanese In Strong Manner PALLAS'. Teb. 8. OJ.R) When Jo Kind. Chinese stu dent, saw the label, "made In Japan." on dlshe In a tea room in the Chinese qusrtar here, he smashed the dishes to hits. Then he revealed Chinese her are enforcing a strict boycott of everything Japaneae. much like the nationwide boy cott which Japan haa blamed for th attarka on Shanghai. "We're enforcing thla boy cott." Kind explained as h stood In th midst of th shat tered china. POTATO RTHtHU, TO MF.FT I The potato school, being con ! ductod for potato growers at Merrill high e hool, will meet on i Thursday evening of this week. J. R. Steel of a Klamsth Falla hardware rompany will present a Spirit" Subject of Lesson-Sermon 'Spirit" waa th subject at the On th high seas end alone. 1.008 miles from Seattle and too from th Russian coast, she seemed doomed. Her steering gear was smsshed. Her engtn rooms wer awash. So intense waa th storm that great passenger liners could not fight through it to answer the Tamoho's frantic pleas for aid. Pear For Crew Her crew of 41 waa feared doomed. Then th Retye Mam got through th storm to th crip pled Tamoho, two dsys after. (n Cor. 8:17) aid nad Been assed. tb storm still raged. Towing efforts failed. The ship seemed doomed. In a dangerous rescue, the Retro took the Tamoho's crew aboard. of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday. February T. Th Golden Text was. "We hav received, not th spirit of th world, but th spirit which Is of God: that w might know th things that are freely given to us of God" (I Cor. 1:11). Among th citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from th Bible: "Now th Lord Is that Spirit: and where th Elplrtt of th Lord is. ther la liberty" Th Lesson-Sermon also In cluded the following passag from th Christian Science text book. "Science and Health with kev to the Scriptures." bv Msry Tk.t" ... kn.,.ht . .v. Baker Eddy: "Man walks In the last of the Tamoho Maru. 6h.dlr,tlo toward which he looks, was seen no more in th ocean !nd whr nl treasure Is. there Men Await Chance For Army Service Trouble in the Orient bss kindled the spirit of national de fense and patriotism in Klamath Falla and a watting list of over 11 men attend drills of battery D, 149th C. A. C. each Monday night. Captain D. E. VanVactor announced Saturday. The battery has its full quota of 74 active enlisted men and the three officers. Captain Van Vector, First . Lieutenant Ted Case and Second Lieutenant Dewey Powell. As a vacancy oc curs the msn at the head of the waiting list will be allowed first chsnce to enlist In the battery, the captain stated. Battery D la now preparing for Its annual federal Inspection, which will be held on March 14. Wheels msd of laminated wood are being tried out In Lon don aubways to lessen nols and reduc weight. lanes. Ride Peacefully But as th Nippon Tusen Ksl sha passed the other day, the lookout saw a ghostly craft, with no signs of 11 le aboard, riding peacefully. It waa the aban doned Tsmoha. Captain T. Ideno of the Tuaen Kaisha wanted that rich salvage. but his ship, on a, rigid tnai schedule, could not take the Ta moho In town. Captain Ideno radioed Japan. Aa his ship docked In Seattle today. Captain Ideno heard that the Junyo Maru had Just taken VATICAN1 CITY. Feb. 8. U. For the first time aince 1870 an Italian premier will visit the pope when Benito Mussolini calla at the Vatican next week for a the Tamoho in tow aud was haul- j significant meeting that will Ing the ahlp valued at 700,000 mark the final aettlement of the yen, and lis million-yen cargo church-state dispute In Italy. 400 miles to Japan. Book Club to Meet Mrs, P. C. Long will entertain members of Book Group Two of th Business and Professional Women's clnb, at her home, 117 South Seventh, Thursday evening, February 11. Mrs. Gwendolyn Wright will re view "The Praying Monkey" by Gatain Holt, and lead a discus sion of detective and crime fic tion. Mrs. M. J, Young is leader of the group. More than 150 breakfasts, lunches and dinners are served to various members of the royal retinue of Buckingham Palace, ondon. every day. The Indian State railways are uting Diesel-electric locomotives to cut expenses for short distances. Th meeting will Involve a brilliant ceremony such aa that accorded the brav "condottie ros" who visited th pontiff In th mlddl ages. Old at 40? Beware Kidney Acidity If you fel old and run-down from 0ttinir Vp Night Bekch, 1C Palni, Btfffnni, Nerouinfii. Clrclfi under E)i, Hdcha, Burning nrj BladoVr Weakness, caused by Ktd- y Acidity, I want you to quit Buf fering right now. Coma In and gt what I think la th greateit 1714 trina f hsaVA tVttinrl. It often give big Improvement In 54 hours. Just aik ma for Cyatex fRlna-t. Ita only 75c and I guarmnte It to quickly eombit theia condition! and tat. fy completely, or return ampty ackag a tud get your mooay. back Star Drug Co. NOW ONLY StelJO 9 m M W mi GENUINE EASY WASEIEE Greatest Washer Value Ever Offered Phone or Free Demonstration THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY "Yur Paiiatrs firOS5 la PrMrut" motion picture, "Pour Sons" showing th newest type of farm machinery la us in th country. Ther are about 40 different varletie of bananss grows In tarlous parta of Ih world "pedal V. R. Imllsn Officer l.ouls C. Muoller and Drpuiy Kpeclal Indian Officer V. (I. klook. returned Haturday from rortland where they wer called to testify in federal court In the rase of the I tilled Rlalea versue William Tanner, charged with possession of liquor and sale of Inlnilcattng lluuur to Indiana. Tanner was arrested on De cember II, at Ih corner or Main and Spring atreota. According to offlcera h brnk a gallon Jug on Ih pavement al th time of rrest, and a pint of liquor was found on his person. At the recent trial. Klock said Saturday, Tanner testified that th Jug which h brok on the street contained only coffee. The trial waa continued until Monday afternoon, when closing arguments will be msde. 8u prem Judg McNsry Is hearing the rase. FOR SALE STORE FIXTURES FLOOR CASES FLOOR CABINETS SHOW CASES TABLES ONE LARGE SAFE CASH REGISTER LADDERS MAW Tlli:n liKtillUIIIJC HXTI RK Vf.RY KKANONAIII.K K. SUGARMAN will his heart be also. It our hopes and affections are spirit-' ual. they com from above, not from beneath, and they bear as of old th fruit of th Spirit" (P. 4(1). Medieval Splendor Prepared for Visit F apper raitiiny Says: Watch for Me Every Day in The Klamath News S1C (fftcnltuj $cralD v - "... . ,J CtDriTsi'jicf- It isn't always fun for a worn q to put on a new coat. Cm m ! A p? LA .... Now' th tins to shop, look A girl basketball player' g" la to ba courted and not a bus as 111 I 1 M 'ssf 1 i irvf s It'a mutiny a retiring girl who pull her shade down. .4 1 -l' -,v is FLAPPER FANNY and her creator GLADYS PARKER It'a tough aledillng for th on who' contented Just to 'on"' emu Kven a book-keeper sometime feel no account. A person who throws snowball doesn't always make a hit. A ring on her finger puts a belle on her toes, j ftflTP!