w EATHER FACTS HERALD SERVICE I OIlhf lST UmiiIi I inrlllrd. t aviiralil lor mm. Ilalnfalli III hour. ending- A p. in. Iliure., .01, aniMin In dale, ft.niii minimi, U.im last tear In date '" I KM I'. Mill. Iiial night, Hl mat, Tliiin., Ml ... Herald auliarrllirra who (all la receive their paper by :Hl) p. n. an requested to rail the Herald bualneaa office, phone IfMMK ami paper will be arm at oar by apacUl carrier. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1932 Prion Five CenU Number 6787 ( B 9 tub !(( ''.l.-iHOll'-l . ,. ., . Tam A,,v",,n "p rn 0) U uu Editorials OH tht Days News 11 rrUVK JtNklMi jr YOU acan tha papers with rsonabl rara, you hara probably aarn plcluraa recently of Mayor Daniel V. Hoau. at Mllntuke. Witcontln, abos city bai aihlevad lama by having luaay enough on band lo par til lit bills, with a ralhar tidy turn lall over. tndar Iba picture appears I h I a iliiimtni: "Mayor Hoaa baa baan besiegsd br requesti (ram II over tha country (or Iba for mula (or bla city financial auc reae." a eyHB formula (or Mtlaaukeea financial aurcaaa la srrd tagly umpla. It bat spent par ststently LESS thin Ita Income, a a -"HAHLtS DICKENS loni aio rut Into tha mouth of bit air. Mlcawbar thaaa lapproxl matai word,: "Income Jo shillings; ouiio II shillings supine raault, aapplnrsa. Info ma to shillings, outgo to abllllmi tlxpenco ra ault. Biliary. " That loll tha whnl atorr. a a a pvll KI'.NS. at you know If you hara read at ranch of hit writing! at you abould. wat a ahrewd atudanl o( human natura. Co II 1 characteristic a( him that ba put Ihraa worda o( sound II ranclal wltdom In Iba moulb of Mr. Mlrawber, who wa thlftleat. Irreepontlble and parpatnally overwhelmed la debt. Tboaa who lira tha bait ad vle. mora oftan than not. ara tboaa who ara LEAPT qualified by experience, praetlr aa4 to HnatloB. ' Motbara ot (mall children, (or exsmple, will tall you that tboaa who ara freest with dvlc about lha raising of bablaa ara child lama woman. a a a TT WAS parhapa with Ibla thought la mind that tha groat government of tha Vnltad Rtataa, whan among Ita multifold othar activities It established a chll (Cnnttnnad 0 Paga Nine) Flora M. Harden. :i High airaot, Friday took out patlllont to ba signed to placa bar nama en tba May primary alactlon bal lot aa candidate (or tha r publlraa Domination (or county traaaurar and algnad notlflratlon to that party that If nomlnatad ba would ba candldata lot lection. Clara Calklnt OaVaul, Incum bent, republican, announrad her Iniantlon to again ba candl data on Thuraday. R. A. Lsl-onrle, city pollre man appointed In January, 11)1, nd released from duty by Chief Nardil th la month whan the force waa reduced, filed hit In iantlon to ba g randldnta for tha democratic nomination (or county iharlff. LaLonda llvaa It (13 Uphtm Itraet. Lloyd L. Low, republican. Incumbent, bat declared kit Intention of again being rtsdldata (or the office. WASHINGTON. Fab. 5. (ZD Frank Knoz, publisher of the Thlrago Pally Nawt, waa appoint ed today by President Hoover to head a national organisation In a drive agaln( hoarding money, Tha praaldent'a announremant am on the ere of a White House conference of national or ganisations to devla meant o( relcaalng 11,1110,000,000 of hid den money. Knox will come to tha capital toon to dlicust plant for a de finite orgtnttatlon, tha preatdent aid. It ta possible, he addad. that headqutrtere may ba eatab llahed In Chicago. Salem Ordinance 1$ Under Attack PORTLAND, Feb. t. (PI The riinatltiillonallly of an ordinance authorlilng the clly of Ha lam to laaua bondt for tho purrhaae of Me water lyatrm or (or the build ing of a new mnnlrlpal ayatem, waa niti-atlnnrd n a nil It (Had In federal dlatrlct court here hy Die Oiegon-S aahlngton Walor Herv Ire company. The clly of Hnlem la defendant. IlIRO S FLARE UP AT SjiauklinK AssailH Devenr, $1,000,000 Bond Issue Is Authorized. Monoy Needed to Tide Work Over Until Li censes Come In. POKTLA.VD. Tab. S. t, Hot worda Ilarad acroat tha board a1, tha afternoon teealnn of tba atata blibaay cnmmlaalnn hara today, whan Commlatlonar Cbarlaa K. Ppaulding look eacaptton to the purrhaae of a park In Clataop county and than turned on J. . Iievera, attorney lor the commit alon. with the actuation that "you are not econoinlrel you are ei penaltr V over ripauldlng'a negative vote the romniUalou derided lo rum plele the purrhaae of the land, to be known aa Kmla park. Half of tha alia waa donated and the rom muaioa will pay 1 17, too (or tha rait "Thla It a wane of public mon ev," pptulding abouted. "It It a crime, whan ihouaanda of per aona are going hungry. It la lime you consider the poor Innead ol the rich. POHTLANO. reb. I. igi De mand that the mUllon dollar bond tatue. which tba atete highway rommtatlon announced todav would be nereetary to tide It over nnttl automobile llcenaa fundi earn In. be void to Oregon people, lo that interest money he retain ed In the atat waa made by Com mtaeioner rberle K. Ppauldlng ol Chairman J. C. Alnawerth Tha bond lame diecuealnn waa one of the nialor roetdrratlona when the highway commlaalnn returned Ita aoaiiona here today. The conflict between KpauMIng and Alnaworth, which flared up during the eeeelon late yeaterday. waa reaumed immediately upon opening of the eeeelon. when Ppaulding naked to he recorded ai opnoalng the propoeal for nine mllefnf to-foot highway north of Halem. aa announrad byAlnawnrth aa the policy of the commlrelon. The word battle came to the front later during the dtecuaalon of bor rowing money for emergency ute. "iMri It In mate" "Why not ralia th million dol lar. or even more, lo ute on eec ondary highway work In Oregon by leaning tmall denomination bondi." 5pauldlng aiked the chilrn-n. "Tbla would keep SlO.non or more In Oregon, In- lead of paying tha big hank err In tha Rait. Let people in Oregon who have taved np tome money get In on thla big Intereat going out of the atate every year." Alnaworth replied they had that opportunity, but a turrey of bank! la Oregon revealed It would be Impoailble to ralia that much money here, or even IS per cent (Continued on Page Seven) With tha landing of the Sltt United State Infantry In Shang hai. China, from the Philippine lalandt, teveral Kltmatb Fall men tat font In th Orient to join American troop In protecting American Interetta In fh far eaat. i Recruiting Rergt. Jennlnge D. Lowman, alatloned here, Thura day euhmltted an Incomplete Hat of the Klamatb Falla men. Namea of g or 10 ntheri were unavailable at the preaent lime. They are: Clarence Bldgood and Molae Penning, former em ployee of lb Montgomery Ward alore; Darwin V. Huck. Robert R. Runt, llandnll A. Clement, John I). Price, Robert B. Chetty, J. C. Jenklna. Frederick L. Mc Cann, John Wilbur Short, Harold C Rellowt, Jeff Thomaa, Stan ley L. Mann, Arthur liepp, Ly man C. Jonea, Cbarlea Reee, Kenneth Mulkey and George .Miller. New Business In Pine Has Gains PORTLAND, Feb. I (i-Nlne-ty-fniir of th 121 tawmlllt re porting to the Wealern Pine ai- oolatlon for the week ending January So, were cloaed, the aaan elation an lil today. The 87 nillla which were operating rnn at an veragn ( 14.4 per cont of rapne lly. Current new bualneaa Increaaed 2,709,000 feet, or S.t per rent over the prevloua week. Hhlp menta Increaaed 1.475,000 feet, and unfilled nrderi Increaaed 70I.0UU feel, production for the week wna 1 1 ,t fiO.IMKl feet; alilp menla 34,2Kr,,(iiio feet, and or dera 34,980,000 feet. R0ADMEET1NG I Horses Starve, Buckaroos Will Round Them Up Keportt of teveral bandt o( honea which are atarvlng along the roaditdea. with nothing to 1 eat but the topa of eaga bruin I and what weedi they ran un cover, have lad Hherlff Lloyd l,ow to notify Harry Poole of tha humane torlety and a ' burkaroo bat bean hired lo round up the bora and lake ; them to the neareat point where' they may be fed. j tine hand of 17 borax waa reported atamng near WorUen ' and another large band waa re ported betweea Klamath I'alla and Keno. t'nder the atate law the horaea will be rounded up. advertiied fr r aala tor In dava and aold by tha therlff to the blgheat b;ddr Sheriff Low requettt that any one knowing of atamng horiet notify either bimialf or Harry Pon'.e. There are alto tome atarvlng cattle, with one berd reported In th territory of th Zurker (t'ontlnued on Page Two) Flakes Corhe Down Stead ily friday; Lake Catiins Fall In. 8n5 which (ell relen'.leuly throufhout Ih day Frldav, added three Inch of new fall to the total for the vear, which hat already outatnppcd the five fool mark, according to ttatlatlct com piled by the I. 8. weather bu reau. Three Inrhea of anow wai alio reported aa the fall (or Thuraday, netting . ot an Inch ot moiaiure. All main bighwaya in the Klam ath dlatrlct are open, according to the dally road report taeued by the chamber .of rommerre. hut ear muat be eirrriied In driving, and chains are a neceaaity. Ten inrhea of new anow on the Hay den mountain aection ot the Green Spring highway waa re ported Friday morning, and 14 (Continued on Page Seven) STATE OFFICIALS Suit (or IK. 000 d.imagea hat been (lied In circuit court by Henry Mtgnuiaen. local meat market proprietor agalnat Dr. W. H. Lylle, ttnt velerlnarltn. and Thoa. R. Hill, bla deputy. The plalntIK allege that the charge o( operating an unclean market; whirh vat (lied agalnat him on December 22. 131. by the defendanta, haa permanently Injured hit bualneaa, credit, repu tation and general atanrltni:, and aaka damage, on the (allowing nusri ot anion: 13.000 (or ac tual loan and damage to trade: 15.000 (or damage to bla char acter and mental angulab: 3.000 (or permanent Injury to butlnett tnd tradev and 15,000 punitive damage. Magnutaen vent to trial In jnatlre court on the charge of operating an unaunltary market on January t. 1932. The raae waa taken under adrlaement by Juatire of tho Peare W. B. Harnea, and waa iRter dlamiaaed for lark o( evidence. J. C. O'Neill, local attorney, la acting aa counael (or the plaintiff. E GONE AFTER Si CRASH NKW YORK, Feb. 5. I,! Twenty-one members o( the crew tit the (lahlng schooner Eleanor Nlrkeraon o( Boston were report ed missing following a collision with th steamer .lean Jarrlot 165 mile eaat o( Hnllfax today. A radio meaange from the Jean Jardot to the t.loyd Royal Bel gian line aald the fishing achoon er waa etink and that tlx mem hern of the crew ot 27 were rescued, 12 Planes Burn In Chicago Fire CHICACO, Feb. 5, (!) Twelve airplanes were destroyed today In a (ire that leveled a 175,0m) hnngar o( the Continental Air ways, Inc., nt the mtinlrlpnl air port. Offlrlnla rt II ma led the damage at 1175,000. SEASON SHI FALL PISSES ; 5-FOOT H Japan Rises to High Place in 75 Years, Has AH But Foreign Trade EDITORS NOTE: Tail I the firet of tlx timely ttoriea on Japan of todav. and tha laland empire t amailngly rapid rite (rom a primitive land to a llnt-cltit world power la tba abort apaa of 0-odd yeart. ...... Br ROBERT TALLEY t.A Kervtre Writer (Copyright. l3t. NEA Service, Inc. ACROSS the map of the Orient falls the menacing; shadow of a race of little brown men the Japanese. There are about 60,000.000 of them in Japan proper. On the average they are only five feet three inches tall. They have almond-ehaped eyes, coarse black hair and very little, if any, beards. About 220,000 are Christians the rest are mostly Buddhists or Shinto ancestor-womhiper. Thetra Is aa Mind mpln, for rnpondtns to Asia Just at Eng land corrpsyon-li to Kuropt. Thtjr are prn(rtiir, agreai.v, tmtrt, cll tdurated and tniplred vtth a prida of rar that btcomN a laml-fanatkal form of patrtotum. The taaehlnia of canturlea bare ma da them ao. Thar hare tha third largest navy in the world, being excelled only hr Kn aland and Amrrlca. They hare one of the largiit and ht etjtilpped irmki in the world. Thlr Initiwtrtal avfttm 1 a man?). ihtr grtat mer chant flt-etn ma il eviry aa, Ihflr ratlroadn carry a larje part o( Al a rommerre, fb'ir mills and farturlri ire va modern and ai eiteiikii mv in th world. They hate everything that any rution could want, except one tiling. Foreign trade. Thr mnt have foreign trade tn r. Without tt ihev will tarre. S'o mnitrr what the cost, thla tMaitd empire of rommerre and Indumy mutt hava tonrrea of raw material for Ita factories and foreign markets aa an out let fr the "d It makea. True, the choice part of this Inland empire m crowded, but there ta still lota of room In the undertloprd htoterUcda. It dra t from. (eda en and sella to the rant. ak land that 4a China.- Th Chinese, foarful of being gobbled ap by th It mod ern and afcrennlte Utile netgh--or, declared an economic Hor rott acair-t Japan's goods. That art rut at the very ItfeMood of Contmned on Pag Threei R. F. C. SHAPES UP Us e of All Credit Facil ities of Government Planned. WASHINGTON, Tb. 5, (Pi The reconstruction finance cor poration hat adopted a policy of ! derentrllltatlon. and will endeav or to ute all tb prefent credit (acilltlet ot the federal govern ment. The backbone of the corpora tion preliminary eet-up will be the federal narve tyttem. Dlitrlct federal reterve bank and their branchea will he used at much at pciilhl at they al-1 ready have credit organization!, and know Intimately the varioua local altuatlona. In addition, the old war finance ' corporation ttill haa a akeleton i organization which will be used j wherever ponltile. The board of director confer red today with M. J. Fleming, deputy governor of the federal reaerv dlitrlct having headquar ters at Cleveland, giving particu lar attention to the Ohio bank ing tltuttion. The board bat no railroad p (Contlnued on Page Seven)' NKW YORK. 'Feb. ' 5. UP A definite reparation of bis, state ment to th Associated Press Wednesday . that he will retire from polltlra at th expiration ot his preaent term, was made last nleht by Governor Julius L. Meier of Orexon. The governor was told his statement hsd caused consider able 'comment In his home state. He declared he had been quoted correctly and that when bis pres ent term as governor expires In 19S5. he will retire from poll tlra and retur,t to private busi ness. "I'll be through at the end of the term," he said, "and I'll tell anybody that who asks me. And 1 won't renege on It, either." Governor Meier will leave Sat urday for Oregon. BOY MAY DIE CORVAI.I.IS. Feh. i (Tl Physicians todny held alight hope for the recovery of Lawrence Clark, U, -of Philomath, who waa shot through the body Run day when ha fell and hit ahot gun discharged. International Police Force To Guarantee Security Urged By French at Disarm Conclave GENEVA. Switzerland, Feb. 5. , tented with a tudden gesture OPi Concrete proposal lor es which took the assembled dele taelltbment of an international ! gates by turprise, dealt at great police force to guarantee the te- lenetb with technical detsila of curity of the world were present- ; armament and national defense, ed formally to the world disarma- Tardien pairtlcularly outlined ment conference today by Anare I tbe wishes of France with regard Tardieu. French minister of Tar I to reduction of airplanes, tanks, and bead of his country's delrga- j big guns and other Instruments lion to the conference. i of aggressive warfare. Although tod? t meeting wit It wtt at tbe end of the day's orltinally called telely for the brief session thtt Tardieu sprang election of officers. President Ar- his surprise by asking (or the thur Henderson did not stand oa technicalities. He accepted depo sition of the French document at "in order." although general de bate wis not scheduled before tbe conference until next week. "The bureau of the confereuce having been constituted." Mr. Tardieu began, "1 have the honor on behnlf of the French delega tion to place on the table ot the conference a concrete and con structive proposal of the French government bearing on disarma ment." After the French plan bad bees presented today's plenary tectlog adjourned at 5 05 p. m. Move Vnevpected Tbe French declaration; pre- Mixed Marriage Restrictions To Be More Severe VATICAN CITY. Feb. S. P .Marriage between Catholics and non-t'al holies hereafter will be considered Illegal nnleas the chil dren actually are educated as Catholics, a new and stricter ruling Issued today by th cojt gregatlon ot the sacred office de clared. The ruling tightening mixed marriage restrictions was Issued because of a belief that parties to such marriages often have dis regarded promises that the chil dren should be reared at Cath olics. The congregation decided that henceforth those who obtain the dispensation of tha church (or mixed marriage must take those promisee seriously and that the church no longer will accept the plea that the laws of the coun tries where such persons reside prevent proper Catholic education ol the children. Fall Into Bucket Of Water Is Fatal PORTLAND, Feb. t. (Rob ert Raunian. 1 3-mnntha-old. died here last night from burns suf fered two weeks ago when he fell Into a bucket of boiling water at hie bom. ' . a- 'jL.r fnenmooVire Perry fca ihoea at the apper HaTbt axl. at tb lower left, aw a Japaneae aittel aaw hint ta 1H.MI. The old prist portrmye Ilia rail Bpoa the emperor. , Below, modem Toklo a it appeared oa the .raf Keppelln'a eiael. ', floor for a brief declaration. The French plan, it was under stood, made reduction of arma .mentR conditional upon creation ot effective guarantees of Inter national security, and embodied "In a practical manner" the main points of a French memo randum in like vein submitted to the league last August. The memorandum waa tbe re sult of several months prepara tion by the French cabinet and the superior council of national defense in cooperation with Gen erals Wevgand and Petain. It was understood also that me aeciarauon toaay large- j 17 lernnicai witn political lac tContinued on Pig Seven) E, LOS ANGELES. Feb. 5, VP) j Misting since last Friday on a flight - from Bakerstield to Los Angeles, a century Pacific air liner waa found yesterday after noon in the mountains on the Tejnn ranch, a mass of wreckage which held the bodie of Its pilot and seven passengers. The discovery of the wrecked and burned plane was made by Paul Apodaca, an Indian rider on the ranch, three miles west of Fort Tejon and almost at the summit of the ridge route. Th location is approximately 80 mile northwest of Los Angeles, Those aboard the plane which disappeared in laat Friday's rag ing mountain snowstorm, besides the pilot, J. V. Ssndblom. were Frnnk liewar, chief deputy sher iff ot Los Angeles county; J. H. Polhemua, coffee Importer of San Francisco: W. H. Smith, retired business man. San Francisco; Mlaa Nils MrC.ralh. Berkeley. Calif.: Mrs. Margaret Fkkelaen, Ran Diego; Miss Marl Comhs. llollvwood; Spencer Swan, retired busineti man. ot Pomona, Calif, -. e jft- rfV . gr- Jury Brings in Verdict at 1 :30 in Appleby Death Case. A circuit court Jury brousht ir a verdict at '1:30 o'clock Fri day afternoon, finding Raiph Ji bnson guilty of reckless drlv irg in connection with tha death of Sidney Appleby. 0. The rase was aa aftermath ot an accident on August i, 1931. On that date Johnson a car crashed Into an automobile ! driven by Mrs. Lena Smith. Mrs. Smith, and occupants ot her car, anstarned -injuries, and Appleby, .who waa riding with Johnson, died at a local hospital a week after the accident occurred. The Johnson case went to the Jury at 10:00- o'clock Friday morning, after brief closing argu (Contlnued on Page Seven) I Grand Old Sachem Of Tammany Dead, Aged 102 Years NEW - YORK. Feb. 5. OP) John R. Voorhis. 102-year-old grand sachem of Tammany hall, died today at his home. Desnite his advanced age. Mr. 1 Voorhis had continued his work aa president of the city board of elections until October of last year, when he was retired by the hoard of estimate at his full ssl ary of SB. 000 a year. He made his request for retirement on Oc torher S. the leglslsture of last September hsving enacted a law permitting bis retirement on full salary for life. LATE WA9HIS6TOX, Feb. 8 (P- Andrew Mellon waa coallrmed to day aa ambassador to England. tT'PROX, Arts., Feb. 5 (ionlon H. Sawyer, Tnraiw banker who waa kidnaped last night, was (onnd today at the bottom of a 7.1 foot well mar the Oracle rood, four miloa from Tucson. He waa weak but phyalclana an 111 he would recover. NKW YORK, Feb. 5 IIP) Harney Dre(nsa. president of flie rlltahuritli I'lrnlra of the National llnaehall league died t.xlav In Mt. Hlnal hospital at 11:40 a. mM following an operation (or glandular trouble. He would have been 67 year old bla next birth SAX KRAVCIHCO, Feh. IP) I'aclfle Telephone and Telegraph company and Ita associated rompeailr reported Klay leleilion nMratiti revenues for the final IIISI quarter of 21.K.M.'i1l. mm- pared Willi a7,ti!i,7Ma (or the. like ltin period. et Income foe lib quarter sat 4,2HS,KSM afoiuet H.ima.t.K) la the lvu quarter. CHINESE WIN SLIGHT EDGE Planes Play Important Part In Engagement at Shanghai. Nippon Aeril Squadron Bombs Chinese Train, Killing Many, WARFtrVrlTOV. Tm. u la The C sited State waa adrlaed by Japan today of Ra intention to ad to Shanghai on army dlriaioa probably totaling 1,009 SHANGHAI. China. (fatal day). Feb. (Jp) gumming ap th results of tb paat 24 boon" fighting, (oreiga military ob aervara agreed today that tba Chine holding Chapel had puabed back tba Japan a little. Improving ihelr potltloa tilrhlly. Th (uriont bombardment with machine gun and heavy artil lery not oa without interrup tion early tbla morning oa front which etretched (rom tb north elation In Chapei and era tiered along th Whangpoo rtvr clear down to the Woo. anng (art. H mile (rom town. PktBe Beey Airplane wer playing as Im portant part la th ogagemnL On Jaoaneea thip bombed B Chinee troop train moving into Cbapei, killing an ndtermlned number of. men. On bomb wrecked Meet ear, arattering., tha bodtea of at least IS Chinese'' acldler along th track. Be fore that they had bombed Cbenla university, wrecking on large building and Betting (ira to two other. Tb master of s British steamer aaid he had Been Japanese plane down In tba Yangta river, beyond tha Woo aung forta. The pilot In th cockpit waa badly wounded. It waa thought thla plan might be tb on th Chines said they shot down two day ago from th Woosung forts. Along about 1 a. m. th fir ing subsided although soma of the machine gunners sent ont a burst every now and then. Thla haa happened every morning (or the pstt eeveral day, aa though the belligerent wer working on a regular ached ul. SHANGHAI. Feb. I OP) Japanese airplanea bombed B Chinese troop train moving Into Chapel today, taking heavy toll. Flying high over th Chapel area, th planes apotted the train (Continued on Page Seven) HARBIN. Manchuria, Feb. S. lip) General Jiro Tamon finally achieved tb occupation ot Har bin, last important atand of th Chinese In Manchuria, today after almost a week of aangulnary bat tles with tha troopt ot General Ting Chao. Although the Chines stubborn ly resisted tbe advance of Ganeral Tamon'a brigade np to th last minnte. th headqurtera of Gen eral Ting were deserted whet th Japanese (Inally occupied tha clly. Harbin la the headquarter o( the Chinese Eastern Hallway, Jointly owned by Russia and China. The last stage of th Japan attack was a terrific artillery bombardment last night in which several Japanese shells exploded near the headquarters building of the Chinese F.aatern and caus ed Soviet Ruslsn officials ot th railroad to hold an emergency meeting lo consider the situation. NEWS IN FIGHTING