January 22, 1932 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALIS. OREGON FACE FIVE CITY BRIEFS llt mi ThurerUy Anions the luaata at I ha Dotal Wlllard Tliuraday wars l(. O. Zuckertnau, Htix kluti; 1'harlne K. Hinds, Huh l a Monica; A. J. Ileiitur, Mr, and Mr.. Iuy W. Cliemhnra. V. N. 1 lol I Ittky. I.ao U 1'owell, J. H. I.emhelie, Portland; llunry Hhaw, W. (,'. Hurt. W. II. rarrall, V. K. Palmer. Han Kranciaco; A. A. Memlce. '. K. Klnley. 1. V, Malorey, Keetlle: Mr. and Mra. W, I,. Vawler, Mr. and Mra. A. I'. Juhnauu, It. K. M.KIIiaae, Medfurd: Harry II. tlle, Clilro; tlscar Culler, Halaru; Mr. and Mra, F. II. Lawrence, Itoaeliurg. Imii Afir VUH Mr. and Mra. II. E. Walker loll Thursday lor their home In Hacremeuto, via Ilia IteUwood highway and Hhii Francleco, after vlellliii at Ilia honia ot Mra. Walkiir'a mother, Mra. N. II. Hcuwerti, aud brother, K. H. It(f. ol Ihla cliy. la Han Francisco tha Walkers will witness a prnfee alunal toutball gam lu which Klmor Hchwarls, brother ot Mra. Walker, will play ou Never'e tniin. Mr. Walker wee formerly depot agent for Ihe Amarlcan Ks ureas agency here. tlnle Mrtlii( Hi lit A group ot mambara o( tha Community Congregational church mat Vad headay at tha botua of Mra. W. T. Ian, toil Whlta avenue, where tbny pieced aud lied quilts lor tba relief committee. Tbo ladlee bava now completed 10 qullia whlrb will ba donated for relief work. Tlioaa prevent Wed nnaday were Meadam.e I. W. Kaylea. r. II. Vance, W. C. Lit tla, William Arnold. ('. I.. Jonea, I'. M. Ileynolila. E. 1.. Mllrball and lha hoateaa. A pot luck luncheon waa aerve4 at noon. Ko'lal Merilna Tha January orlal meeting of tb larilea of tba Community Congregational church will ha held at tha home of Mra. W. T. l'n, Instead of at Mra. l.ee Mutton's botna aa previously announced. Itcfreah niente will ba aerved by ladlra whoa blrthdaya ara In January. Mra. Urania to KnterlaJa Mra. l.eaa llcnnls will antartala mambara of tba University tlulld at bar huma. 101 line street, Friday. January II. Tha pro gram will consist ot a review of tba lJl I'ulltier prlia not. I. "Allaon'a llouaa." by Huaan Campbvll, and a review of lha Ufa of Emily Dickinson. lU-tumln to Hrallle Mra. Jack liar rait, of fieattle. will re- turn to bar homa Haturday after a two weeka tlelt Klamath Falla with bar el.ter. Mra. Jar Ityan. Mra. iiarratl baa been tha gaeat of honor at aeveral Informal functions during bar atay Id tbla city. Wlllard (Juaate Among tha guaaia at lha Hotel Wlllard Tliuraday nl at la t were K. II. Hwan- aou, llurkeley: I). H. I'ulforil, Woodland, Calif ; D. II. Wblta. Tliomua freed, Madfnrd: Mr. and Mra. W. U. Kkland, Oranta I'uas; filarial K. Joluiaon, Italph t. Mi'Murry, Yreke; Lloyd Maglll, llend: U. H. Llndharg, Al Hotb, K. II. Hhraka, Han franclsco; Itoy Parry, I). I.. Hhlrloy. Heat tla; Mr. K. A. Illockllnger, A. r. Hlorkllnitar, Jarkaon I). Ilurka. ('hlloqulu; Nalhan Mariallaa, Lo AniKhia. (Jurata at Hall Among tha gunata at lha Hall Hotal Frldny wnro J. M. M.'dri-Kiir, K. I.. Woodward, Albart Hhafxky. J. P. Hhlpman. Jr., of Han KranrUco; II. W. I.audi-a, I'orlland: Klwood W. Kobarla, A, A, Houihard, likavlaw; John II. Mrt'ulloy. Malln: John Martian, Fort Klam ath; 1. II. Hrouaril, Httla aud Halva J. Ilaup. Aabland. I'Voin rortlanit Among Ilia gueata at lha llotal Wlllard on Tliuraday nlxht from I'orlland wara II. K. Ilrowa, Al Wlhman. r. A. Chrlitophar, K. Ilaflln. W. H. Hhanka. Mr. and Mra. II. II. I'oopar. I,. I). Kalaay, K. I. Kranch, Ulanu L. Hart, M. M. 1'aga. I'lan lllatrlrt MxpiIiik A dla trlrt mi'ailiK of lha LaUlaa' aux iliary of tha Amarban Lai Ion U plannad . for Haturday, January 13. A bauquai will ba bald at :10 p. m . at tha Wlllard botal to ba followed by a bualuaaa maatlng. AM to Irara lloapllal Charlaa Millar, who baa bean aerl oualy 111 of pneumonia at H III alde boapllal for aavaral weeka, waa moved to bla boma In Mllla Addition Tliuraday. Ha la Im proving rapidly, arrordlng to re port. Iliwlraa for Honlli Anyona da airing to maka raaarvatlona for Iba northern alatea' table at tha Htatna' Dinner. January II. at tba Metbodlat Kplaropal rharrh, la aabed to call Mra. E. M. Cbllcote at 10.1. 1 . P. Mew Here T. J. Foley, aaatalant division auparlntandenL J. A. (ilvan. division engineer. both of Dunamulr, and Jark Blew art. Alturaa madmeeter. all of tba Rout hern Pa-lfle, were la Klam alb Falla on bualnaaa Friday, IJrraara laaoed- Marrlaga II eanaea wara laeued Tbaraday to Theodora Walker. II, farmer, nd Vernelta Itlddle, 17. both f lleally, and to David Henry . Henlamln. II. and Clara Vclda lienny. II, both of Klamath -alla. oatpnne Mrrtlng Tha rhlld welfare group of lha Mllla H.-T. T a. poatponed In Wedneaday meeting until a later data, to ba announced later. Tba meeting waa postponed barauae of the 111 eaa of lha chairman. Mra. Frad llellbronner. Ilaeinraa VMlure Mr. and ' Mra. Harold Waterman of Che ' balls. Wash., apenl aeveral days of this week In Klamath Kails transacting business. Water Diana ara former realdenti of tbla city. Manilla to Return C. A. Man tha, aaalatant auprrlntendent ot tha Klamath division of tha Ureal Northern, la eipected to return tonight from Hend wbere ba haa been for tha past aeveral day on business. Knlhee la IMkmI Krlenda of Mr. , and Mra. Wealey Garrett . here havo rocelved word of tha dilh of Mra. Oarrott'a father In Everett. Wash, llnth Mr. and Mra. tlarrett ara In that city. IVnrt Vlaltor l.loyd Maglll. of Mend, la a business vlaltor In Klamnlh Falls. Inapecllng tha Mi (111 Drug store, of thla city. Mra. Ilaaa Imnrovlna Mra. Anna Ilaaa la Improving at har homa from a broken arm, aua talned whan aha fell recently on the Icy pavement. flailed By leat! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, of San Fran- rlaco. Homer Smith of Bacra memo and Koy Smith, of Rose- burg, bava arrived In Klamath Falla to attend tba funeral of their mother, Mra. Cora Smith I ft for Mrdford Mra. Haver- aga who haa bean visiting with bar aou-lii-law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. Henry Allen, left last week for Medford where aha will remain lor some time. Returned Home Charles Mil ler, who baa been a patient at tha Hillside hospital receiving treat meiit tor pneumonia, was moved to bla home In Mllla ad dition Thursday. Ilia condition la much Improved. Taken Hiiiiu Tliureflay Mra. It. K. Hooker, who haa recovered from a major operation which aha underwent lunt work, was moved from the lllllslil boapllal to her home on Eldorado Thura-day. .Mrs. IHmkhnKT III Mrs. A. F. Illot klluner, prominent Chllo- qnlu matron, la a patient at tha Klamath Valley boapllal where aha la recovering from a major operation. Public Tard Tarty Memheri of tha Tli I in hle club ara aponsor- Ing a public card party to be held In tha I. O. O. K. ball, Fri day, January II. urrhaaea Htork Marvin Shep herd of tha Hhepherd Mualc company haa pun-huaed the piano and radio atwk of tha winters Music company. Fjilerlalnrd MH-lel The I'ree byterlan Missionary Hix-leiy was entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mra. K. 11. Drew, 3t North Ninth. Leaving for WWkrniV Mrs. C. C. Ilnldrlch. and daughter Jana, will epend the weekend at the Heldrlcb homo at Hpragne Itlver. Krturuesl I'm! Fort Unit E. II. flke, general manager for tha I'ellcan May Lumber com paay, baa returned from I'ort laud whera ha apenl a abort time. Bute New? tier Announcement of the Durrbaee of a new Vir month aedaa by tba Gordon Taxi company waa made by Al Long- mlre, aalaaman for tha uatenanri Motor company, local dealers. Friday. KIHd fillet Here W. 8. Shanks, chief of tbo field division of tha Internal revenue depart ment for the district of Oregon, la In Klamath Falla conferring with W. W. Alllngham. deputy collector loeated here. Vlaltxl lu l-akrvlear City At i llarrv ll llolvtn anent Thursday In Lakevlew attending to bualnaaa matiera. Dobruaky Case To Start February 29 Judge W. M. Duncan Thura day eel the data for tha trial ot the alata versua R. C. Dobruaky tor February 10. Tha rasa was originally acheduled for next week, but poatponed because of tba lllneee ot the defense attor ney. Sylvia Seward Gett 60-Day Jail Term Sylvia Seward, convicted at a Jury trial In Merrill early thla week" of poaaeealon of Intoxicat ing liquor, waa sentenced Thura day to eerve (0 days In tha county Jail and pay a fine of IJ00. She waa erreeted at tha Midway hotel aeveral weeka ago. IN 'ERA' PICTURE A full page picture of a aee llnn of the main canal of tha Klamath project ot tha United Htateg Itoclamatlon Service oo ruplne the front cover nt Tha lleclainallon Era, January num ber, ot lha Iluraau of Haclame lloo. Klamath la mentioned In two other placea In tha Issue which alatea; "During several recent months a great number of cattle and sheep have been ablpped or driv en to the Klamath project, and It la estimated that HI, ODD head of beef callle, 7,000 of which are feeders, 70,000 lam ha, and 2:s, 000 head of awea, are being fed on project farma and Tula l-ake leaaa landa." The second mention la a pic ture of the concrete flume on "C" canal, Klamath project. W. O. Ida, for nine years man ager of the Oregon State cham ber of commerce, la mentioned aa fnllowa: "W. O. Ide, for nine yeara manager of the Oregon Htate chamber of commerce, has resinn ed and will engage Independently In colonisation work. The results of his efforts In bringing Into Oregon bundreda of new families will stand aa a monument to bis devotion to thla constructive work. The Bureau of Reclama tion extends to Mr. Ida Ita beat wlabea for bla continued succesa. The retirement of Mr. Ide la re gretted by tbe Oregon State cham ber, but tha land settlement work will be continued where It la deemed neceeaary or advtae able. Thla work la regarded aa particularly dealrable on all reclamation projecta." PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 21. UP) Saniael 8. Eveland, 3, rhemlat and Inventor, was found shot to death today In bla Overbrook home. Police announced It a ' suicide. 1 Circulars Announce Bailey Candidacy For Supreme Court Clrculara announcing the can didacy of J. O. Ilalley at tha May 10 primary for position number three on the Oregon State Hu preme Court have been mailed from tha office of Ihe Ilalley for Supreme Court Judge committee In Portland. Halley la II yeara of age, a member of the firm of Perkins and Ilalley In I'orlland. and baa served two terma aa aut repre aontatlve and one as state aenatnr from Multnomah county. He la a former assistant attorney gen eral of Oregon. He aerved aa a director of the Public Hchoola la Portland from 1027 to 130. He Is a gruduatea of the Har vard school of law and has prac ticed aln'o 107. Floy B. Hilton Asks For Divorce Suit for divorce baa been filed In circuit court by Floy B. Hilton, aralnst Raymond A. Hilton, whom aha married on May 4, Cruel and Inhuman tieatment la given as cause of action, and the plaintiff aks that her maiden name, Floy B. Conroy be reatored to ber. Maka money first then make It laat by buying tha Classified way. TO EUGENE MEET Veterans of tha World War who aerved In the United States heavy artillery from Oregon ara Invited by Willamette Poat No. I3, Vattrans of Foreign Wara to attend a reunion at tha Eugene Armory on Saturday evening, January 10, at 1:10 p. m. Tha reunion went over eo well laat year that It waa decided to make It an annual affair and all Oregonlane who aerved In tha heavy artillery, particularly tha (5th and (Kth regiments, ara Invited to attend. A feed for which a charge of fifty cents will ba made and an entertainment and general good time Is planned. Major Walter W. Abbey of Klamath Falls Is In charge of Klamath and aska that any vet eran wanting further Information communicate with him at the Motor Inn garage. Major Abbey alatea that already a number of veterans In Klamath have signi fied their Intentions of attend ing. Membera of tha reunion com mittee ara ('apt. Pat Keopke. chairman, E. N. Robertson. Vinal Randall and Barney Miller. Work Pictures To Be Seen at Church Moving pictures to Illustrate tha auhjert Tha Values to ba Found lo Work will ba ahown Suaday evening at tha Commun ity Congregational church. TMa Is Ihe fourth of the series of services given this month under the general title True Valuea. Tha picture Illustrating the sub ject will ba The Farmer which picture showing diversified farm ing and the Industrialist which ahowa the value ot education In the conduct of Industry. Rev. T. Davis Preston an nounced that John Hellenlua, em ployment manager of the Weyer haeuser company will speak In conjunction with tha Industrial film. It la expected a prominent local farmer will speak on tba subject of the valuee to ba found on tha land. Mlaa Lenore King will be tha guest piano soloist. Hymns will ba eung from lha screen. Book Report For Month Shows ISO Visitors a Day Tba annual report ot the Klam ath county library ahowa that 77.1(1 booka were circulated dur ing 19.11, arrordlng to Mlaa Mar garet Nye, librarian. Thla number includea 11.000 bonks circulated by county branch libraries, of which there are It In the county. Two book van routes ara also operated by Mlaa Nye. A total of 1.911 new booka were added to the shelves of the county library during tha yenr, and an average of 1(0 vtnltnra per day la ahown In tha report. OBITUARY ftpturae With Oust Mra. Merwln Donelaon drove to Med ford Thursday and returned later In lha evening with Mra. William Sweat and daughter Yvette. who will be her guests tor aeveral daya. lava for Vacation Dr. and Mra. Oeorge H. Merryman and Mr. and Mra. R. R. Macartney left Friday morning for Cali fornia, whera they will spend a two weeka' vacation. They ex pect to apend most of tha time In San Diego. Ketunta From Kouth C. T. O'Loughlln has returned to Klam ath Falls after a business trip to Loa Angelrn, and Downey. Calif., where ba vlslled Mr. and Mra. Paul Dogardus. norovrra From OiHrtJoa Mra. K. K. Hooker, who under went a major operation at Hill side hospital laat week, waa mov ed to her home on Eldorado street Thurtday. Out After lllneee Mrs. Lynn Zimmerman waa able to ba out Friday tor tha first time after an attack of pneumonia. FANMK MINKRVA IOKI Fannie Minerva Lord, a resi dent of thla city for the paat 10 yeara, paaaed away at ber lata home In 1931 Melrose atreet. Fri day morning al 8 o'clock, folio Ing an Illness of two months. She waa born la Merco county, Illl- note. January I. llto. and aged 71 yeara 11 months and II daya at tha time of death. She la sur vived bv her husband. Harry C. Lord, five daughtera. Mra. Doro thy Burke, Mra. Walter Heifer, and Mra. Allda Clarke, all of thla city, Mlaa Jessie Love of Arkanaaa City. Kanaaa. and Mra. Edith Mur phey of Oakland. Calif.; tlx grandchildren. Illllle and Raya llurke, Mlnnn Heifer, Marie Mur phay, Lacllle and Ephram Love, and one great-grandchild, Mary Lou Walsh. Tbe remains are In tba gold room of tbe Earl Whit lock funeral borne. Pine avenue at Sixth, where frlenda may call. Announcement ot funeral ar- rangemenla will be made later. The H. W. Poole Theatres Pine Tree Tonight la AMATEUR SHOW! Cnmo und ere tlio "try outa" and pick your favorite On the Screen Tom Keene Tha new he-man atar In a rodeo of speed and a round-' up ot thrills! "Freighters of Destiny" LOOK OUT! Frankenstein Is Coming! Rainbow The Utile Honae With Tha Big Pictures Today and Tomorrow MARION DAVIKS JAMKH (il.KASON POLLY MORAN MAR1K I'RRVOST In "It's a Wise Child" II Rocked Broadway- with Laughter for Solid Year) Coming Sunday Jack Holt In "Fifty Fathoms Deep" Prices 10c and 25c NOW PLAYING ATLAST- A diMi al low In which lh kauband gett j kre.k! 1 mm 21t Annual MASK BALL At Malin Saturday, Feb. 6th. Benefit Malin Library V6X Beat Bound la Town Sow Playing and Fads Bat. The Big Parade In Sound Sun. Mon. Tuea. Wed. Private Lives with Norma Shearer RobL Montgomery 1932'a Beat Comedy 3 V C. 1 t) jjj s! TwVt if Thret't CaaapiBT Not a ttt Crowd PLUS Sjiecliil Request Program MARIE OBENCHAIN At tlieWurlltxor and "Romantic Journey" Comedy New Fri., Sat., Sun. ROCKNB SIX STARTLES AMERICA Meets todayjs conditions'mTli the finest cars ever of feredin the low-priced field rpHE ROCKNE SIX b id at e low. JL est price ever placed on exx-cyfciKjrx SUtotoobtle ha the hittory of tiawMaduatry cocukkring tut, quality end atmdotd equipmeaat offered wicboa extra charge. It m not jue one car bat Hue of caw the "65" of 110-mcfc wtsee&ase and ix body atytea the "75" of 114-each wbetlbaae mmd fee boerr atrlea. The sensation of 1932 Both Rockne can are the very bft wotd in aound construction and fu& equip ment. Beth bring you, without extra charge, such supreme achievements as Free Wheeling with Fall Synchronized Shift, New Switch-Key Starting and 4 Point Cosiooed Povaer. Beth kawe the factory coffiapietrry engineered with ewery other ckaared mAvmcrmmt of the day glaafrmooth electro pUed fristoaa Cfuadrupfy coonterweighted crank- hafts easy pressure, solid -gripping brakes finger-tip steering silent car- burefJon self-adjusting spring shackles hydraulic shock abaorbers to men tion but a few. With big dimensions and tremendous power, with daring new styling and superb corutruction, the Rockne Six b frankly the achievement of a manufacturer intent on producing the very finest cars ever offered in the price field where more than two-thirds of all cars are sold. You must see to bcBeve To aypreciatt how advanced it is, bow cKffenMt it ia, hw superior in cfaaVff it is, you must see the Rockne Six in all its aerodynamic beauty. You Mist com pare the Rockne Six part by part and fea by feature with comfjetitively priced Yoa must dm Out Kockoe bix. Above aO, the Rockne She baa the apoosoeebip, and carries the dVperjdaWe warranty of Stadefcaker, Borrder of Chaaipic3S and Pioneer of Free heel bg the world's oldest vehicle manu facturer in business continually and successfully for 80 years! Vital Spochtertion. EmLoagWlii a-wra 1M' IK IavoeMotots Ztateafcatanentf 14W 20T VCafT POJPe5rful aMeVe&VCS eror Js. 66 72 Extra Laree Brakes bndrxMgmtrfac M3.e,e tSleaa. McbondriocKa Coupe,2paas. pSS 68S Coach, 5 p.. 593 Coupe with tumble seat, 4 paaa. 620 720 Sedan, four door, pass. 6)5 735 Convertible Roadvtrt. dpem. 673 77S Convertible Sedan, Spaas. 695 793 jjtfE WHEELING AND FULL SYNCHRONIZED SHIFT ' NEW SWITCH-KEY STARTING ' 4-POINT CUSHIONED POWER -allatnoextracW rge JpCINE "65" mmdmpf. e. a.siry 110 mcb wheelbsse 66 horaepower JpCJKNESm mimff. a. kftitmy 114 inch wUctbsac 72 but at power WJjf UKflHAM AUTO C. 401 S. Sixth. Phone 52-W. ROCKNB MOTORS CORPORATION (A SluJebaker subsidiary Company) t DETROIT, MICHIGAN '