PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON December 30, 1031 Save Dollars Sl!C frticnta0-jScraUi EUOKNai 8. KELTY. published every efternoon except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company at 101-111 South Fifth Street, Klsmsth Fall, Oregon Kntered as ecoud claee matter at Oregon, on August 1(1. 1101. under MAIL KATKS PAYABLE IN ADVA.M'K By Mall Delivered by Cwrier la Onulda la CMj County County Ona Month t at Thraa Month ft 7 i.Ti Three Month 1 la Bli Month . 1. 71 Six Month !.( On Yaar .0 4.0 On Year . .( ASMK JATKH I'KKKS LEASKD IKK MKM11KK AUDIT BUKKAD OK CIRCULATION Represented nationally by M. C. MOGENSEN CO.. INC., 6an Francisco. New York. Detroit, Seattle. Chicago, Portland, Lo Angel. Coplea of tha Nawa and Herald, together with complete Informa tion about the Klamath Falla market, may be obtained (or the asking at any ot thee office. Member ot Mm Aasodated Preee Th Associated Preea I exclusively entitled to the at of npobllca ttoa ot all news dispatcher credited to It or not otherwise credited la thl paper, and alao the local new published therein. All rights of republication of special dltnstchc herein are io reserved. Want Ad Index All eleeslficatlens are number ed and appear In numerical or dr. The follewtn are the num bers for the more Important classifications: Automobile for Sle Buslntss Opportunities Contract Work Wanted 1 -S 1 11 1 11 Ztt Educational Furnished Houses te Let . Famished Rooms te Let , General Notices neip e... -.- Help Wanted. Female , Livestock and Feed Lodcee Bill. Mlscellsnsous for Sale Personals Real Estste for Sale , Real aiais iw T. DA.MI Situations Wanted Stores snd tiii Trsnsportstlon To Eifssast - ' . . Vnfurslshed Housee te Let .1 Wanted. Miscellaneous f' Wanted te Rent . 1 Combination Herald and Nw CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Telephone led Three cents per word per eT. Seme sd run one week. 1 per cent discount. Same ed run one month. t per cent discount. So took charge mad tor Use than S cents. Lodge - .. , v- 1 7 I. O. a, MS taL a a F. buU'dln..t Fifth and Min- Ewauna Encampment No. 41 neat arerT Tuesday night. Crater Canton No. T meet Ind and 4th Wednesdays. Prosperity Rebekth .Lodge No. 104. meet ltt and Ird Thursday. Crater Canton Auxiliary No. meets 2nd and 4U Wednesdays. Darlaa Lodg No. 4, Junior Or der. L O. O. F., meets srery Mon- nlrbt at T:20. Visiting member are cordially Invited to all meetings. KLAMATH LODGE NO It . . Vf Stated" Communication Second and Fourth Mondays. Visiting Brother Welcome LOOM13 BUILDINO Lost and Found FOUND On Klamath svenne, tpecuclet in case. Owner may call at Newa-Herald office and pay for thl ad and receive spectacles. LOST Saturday, black leather envelope purse. Finder please bring to Newt-Htrald office. (2S4 LOST Black Common-8ense fly- book on upper lata, as re ward. Phone 1SW3. . 1241 LOST Delta Chi fraternity pin. Phone 605. S240 FOUND Folder with keys. Own er may bare same by calling at News-Herald office and pay ing for this ad. 6166 Genera. Notices Luimndfo 16e to SOo for the asm good meals. Special steak and chop dinner 40c and np BnA .C&fe 111 North 7th B Open All Night. FOR THE BEST STOR AGE LN TOWN Rate consistent with times, and courteou service tlwtyt TRY Peoples Warehouse "Bnllt for Storage" FARMER'S hog killing and pork pickling. Phone 16F2, Klam ath Meat Co., Summer! Lane. 6066 FARMER'8 hog killing snd pork pickling. Phone 16F1, Klam ath Meat Co., Summers Lane. S06S FOR SALE Big bandies ot eld newspaper, 15c and 15c. Now TAMALES FREE 1121 Watnnt treat, 4171 -J, is I lla ft .Publish tha poatotflce of Klamath Falla act o( Comraas. March 1, 187. Personal W wish to express our appre ciation ana tnanta to all our friends for their thoughtful kind ness during th Illness and death of our beloved daughter and tit ter, Beatrice Mc Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Martin McAndrewt, Mr. and Mrs. John McAndrewt, Mrs. Kllen Patterson. Esther McAndrews. Veronlra McAndrews. Trip and Tours LADY withe transportation to Lot Angela by J so, 1. P. O. box IK. 116 FOR SALE Half-tare to Lot Angeles, cheap. Phon 111JJ. 5!5S 6 Help Wanted. Male U. 8. GOVERNMENT JOBS 111 to (2i month. Steady. Men, women. 11-1. Paid la cation. Experience usually un necessary. Full particulars witn sample coaching FKKE. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 1S7R, Roches ter, N. T. 4 90S WANTED Experienced time keeper for ranch: -unmarried: references required. Call Apt 4. Linda Vista Aptt. 6238 7 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Married women for apeclal hygiene work. Write care ot Hera Id-News, box 6250. 6250 WANTED Maid for general housework. Must furnish best of reference. Call 1830 Mel rose, moraine, between 11 and 12. 1217 For Immediate response to your cries for "Help," us th Wnt Ads: Situation Wanted WANTED Position as house keeper, aged 40; heat of refer- - ence. Rout 1, box IS, Bon anza. (251 WANTED Practical nursing or housekeeping. 1027 Siskiyou. 6235 PAINTER Experienced, Inside or out. Keasonaoie. can 102SJ. 1440 10 Contract Work Wanted SIGN'S, painting, kaiso mining, how card. Phone- 101 5 J. 1706 11 Furnished Rooms FURNISHED housekeeping room. not sua coia water, fuel, 12 per wees, inquire 601 Plum. 5208 12 Room and Board NICELY furnished room, with Doaro. tvi a. 7tn St. 4S1 FOR RENT Nle front bedroom witn board, at 402 8. 7th. 4141 13 Furnished Apartments COZT l-room furnished apart- uivai, ks, not ana cold water furnished; bath; phone; ga rage. Only no month. 801 Alameda. Phon 1122. S222 FURNISHED APARTMENT, ga rage, gj Jefferson. Call after p. m. 6071 NICELY furnished 1 room In duplex. Phon 44(W or 766. 4361 FOR RENT First class furnlsh- ..... .... l . Dtiu apart ment. Phon 144J. or 200. 4836 FOR RENT Ground loor apart- luvui, ou rraucis Apt., 625 0k. 1197 Apstomtt Htte! Best for th money. . Newly decorated. With or without frlgidelr. Electricity, telephone, (team heated garage, 13S and up. Maid servlcs if desired. 11th snd Walnut Phon 700. FOR RENT Furnished l-room apartment. In duplex, with bath and breakfast nook; ga rage. 816 Jefferson street. Call at 727 Lincoln St., or phone 443. 6158 14 Furnished Houses FIVE ROOMS and bth. 828 Pa- cuic lerrac. 6Z53 FOR RENT 4-room completely furnished house, close In. Phon 784. (257 FOR RENT Partly furnished 4 room house, 10 month. Phone 953J. (241 t-ROOM furnished house. 218 month. Alio twe furnished cabins, 114 month. Include wood, light and water. Inquire 1144 Wantland. 4281 By Reading The Herald And 13 Furnished Apartment FOR RENT Modern l-room horn on High street, completely furnished. f6t per month. Chilcote & Smith T31 Main l'hone ( FURNISHED Clean l-room motiern house. Rreak'nat nook and gang, l'hone 1241W, 47( 15 Unfurnished House l-ROOM unfurnished apartment cheap. Phone UJ4M. (241 OOOD (-room bona; Phono 11(1 7 J. adults. 4914 FOR RENT-Modern unfurnished nouse, (to. inquire 1401 Orch ard, (lit NEW 4-room house, foil base ment, room for two car. Hot bprlng addition. Phone 171, 1101 FOR KENT l-room modern an. mrnianca nouse, 114. in Hire itns Orchard. 4SS0 15a Store and Office OFFICE FCITE 1 Looml Bldt 18 17 Real Estate For Sale GIVE TOl'RSELr a New Teara present ot a brand new 6-rootn bouse, hardwood floors, ga rage, uniy tiuu It you me personally. Ills' Mitchell atreet. 18a To Exchange TRADE New electric Surge mincing macnine, two units. tost lor carload V. 8. No. 1 potatoes. 0. S. Avery, uorris. Ltnu 1251 TO TRADE For Kltmath Fllt property or ranch. 14.400 equi ty in aiv.vvv (.amoral bom. Give particulars In first letter. i. l.. its s. Lnester street, Compton. Calif. 1244 HAVE A 121 Pontlan sedan will giro aa first payment on a t-room nouse, closa In, and must have basement. Phon in. Give price and lor. tlon. 6i2 19 Automotive WANTED Cheap Chevrolet or Ford coupe, trad or cash. Csll 1121 Mala St. S247 WANTED Best car can buy for saw casn. UAsllli Grocery. Phon 111. mi STAR chassis suitable for 4 wneei trailer.; 6 good tire ana inn, cneap. pnon 44 J. 1101 FOR SALE Star coupe, cheap. s 1 e fine su aois 20 MlscelUneoos For Sale SHETLAND PONT for tale or trad. Call 2211 Union Ave. (261 FOR 8ALE - - Good violin and 1004 Main. 1201 case, (IS.. FOR SALE Dandy hunch- of 'ring nens. corner Lowell snd Blehn. (0gi FOR SALE Big Bundle of old newspapers. 15c snd 25c News nd Herald office. 4423 WOOD FOR SALE W cut th best and satisfy. Phone 1014-J. 4776 NEWSPAPER matrix for sal. 60c a hundred. Fin for heat Insulation purposes In houses, farms, garages, etc. Good tor protection of young trees. plnu. etc. See Mr. Keen. Herald-New office. 2291 FOR SALE Big bundle of old newspapers, 15c and 25c News and Herald office. 4421 PINE BODT WOOD. 15 and 15.60 cord. Phon 2 387-J. (124 Coal! Coal! Coal! HARDEST. HOTEST ROCK SPMNG8 No ashes, no soot. Young Coal Co. 444 Spring or Phone 1097 OUT OUR WAY PI WELU.WOO CAKiV EXPECT viCCL AT teT A Umoosim..! aui could ee. loaoeoI -re:u- cww a coupon V a Little, neateq OAmtV uttve. Packages if The limcusime) AM I MAFTA CAOR m' 1 ,s -foo a.A'ErW ePOOS AM USi F AVI' -R) CAORV a4W h AU-Tv4' LOvnBPsON STUFF-I OP IT. J SHE POPffcS ALONGr UlKE YtTrV" " " A UMoosiKje .-tovna bc, s I-AIGM HAT. VJVTH A "rrVSVJE.F? 0S . txasifilf-a 1 , T" , ta 1 avsts.Me. ( J 21 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Small truck or Dodge touring car. Must b cheap. l 8. lh. 4114 22 Liveatock and Feed WANTED TO BUY Chickens, white leghorn pullets or one-year-old good layers. Phon evening after T o'clock, 8:J1. (207 TRADK FOR GRAIN 36 weaned nlua Jim W t n . 1 1 - kA. 1,1 Dorrl. 4797' FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. nest siu rule lake. B. T Thacker. Merrill. Ore. 4471 23 Financial $ $ $ Yuletide Money $ $ $ NO PAYMENT! UNTIL NEXT YEAR Secured and Unsecured Loan Mad to Employed Mea and Women STATE LOAN CO. 102 Or. Bank Hl.lg. Licensed by Stat FOR SALE Big bundle ot old newspapers. lSc and 26c News and Herald oldce, 4921 REFINANCING Finance your ear through Dlnty Moor and pay legal charge only tor each day our service I ased. Cdfidlafiil amdl . Mote I3S Main St. Phon 1144 Licensed by state. No M104 24 Butineu Opportunities FOR LEASE Filling ttatlon. utile store and auto camp. Party muat be responsible with reference. See owner. Shady pin Auto Camp, route 1. box 656. Sill Legal Notices RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FOREST. (List 1-2114 "C'Mam. 1433079). Notice I hereby given tht th lands described below, within the Crater National Forest, will be open to settlement snd entry at the United State Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, under th or en visions of th homestead lw snd set ot June -, 1901 (34 Stat., 233). on June 1. 1932. by any qualified person In the absence of entry by person coming within either of the two following class es: (1) Persons named after each tract upon whose application the anas were listed. If any. who. In order to avail themselves of the preference right, must file their ppllcatlon within alxtv dara nrlor to date of opening: (2) F.i-servke men. who, in order to avail them selves or tne preference right con ferred by Congress under Public Resolution No. 85. spproved June 12. 1930, msy file application within on hundred ten days prior te date of opening. All inch ap plications filed within th first twenty days ot this period will be treated at simultaneously filed at 9 a. m. on th ninetieth day prior to date of opening. Applications by ex-service men thereafter, but prior to dste of opening, will be treated In the order In which filed. The general public may file ap plication within twenty days prior to opening date. These will be treated s simultaneously filed at 9 a. m. on date of opening, but no application will be allowed prior thereto. HE NEK SB1, NE14 SWH NE"4 SE4, E, NW14 NE4 SE, NH 8E NB"4, SEtt. Sec. 9, NK NV NWfc SWH, NH NWH NE SWH. SWH NEH NWH 8WH, 8R H NWH NEH SWH, SH NWH NWH SWH. NEH NEH SWH. N'4 SWH ffW' SWH. Sec. 10, SALLIES Ralls nd rod art reported bHicked by snow, making ua realise how ty it would he to paralyse commerce by atorrua. Snow plows r ased to clear the roads Perhan your financi al affair have been I in-. 6eded by the atnrme ot ard time. In that case, I atlggeat that you use News and Herald classi fied ada aa your plow bark to prosperity. Mr. Walter West. 204 S. Riverside, ran a classified ad to obtain magaalne aiibacriptlona. ' It was only a small ad. but It brought manv dol lars to th advertiser. With an example before you. a word to th wis (and needy) ought to be sufficient. Your for RESULTS. SALLY. Lefal Notices T. 1 8.. R. 1 E., W. M . contain ing tl 00 acre. List 4-2 144. list ed upon th application of H. E Hansberry. Rockv Point. Oregon Entry of th land will be allowed only upon execution of a perpet ual flowag and aeepage easement contract In favor of the United Stniee. D. K. PARHOTT, Acting Assistant Commissioner. H D14.13.JO-J4 lit OlSMrS. 4 -4Mb XOTU K rtK I'l 111.11' ATIOX Department of th Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, December 11, 1931 Notice t hereby given that John W. Welch, of Klamath Falla, Oregon, who. on January I, 1917, made Homestead Entry, act 4-8-14, No. 011902. for lota 1. 3. and SS NWH. Section I. Township 40 8.. Range E . Willamette Me ridian, ha filed notice of Inten tion to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to th land above described, before C. R. DeLay. crelk of th County Court, t Klamath Falla. Oregon, oa th (th day of February, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Alfred Lilly, of Hllderhrsnd. Ore. Hsrold H. Oil, ot Klsmsth Falls. Ore. Arthur Dunn, ot Klamath Falls, Ore. Ivtn Welch, of Hllderhrsnd. Or. Non-coal. F. P. LIGHT, Register. D23.20 J. 13. 20 116. Comforters Made By Ladies' Club For Relief Work MERRILL. Or.-Ldle of th club mat Thursday at the home of Mr. R. H. Aoderso when two comforter ware tied, nd work wa done on layette and dolls. Mr. P. McNeil donated a quilt which wa told at th date Friday evening for $14. Mr, rred Bloke! and Mrs. F. W. Brown are on th committee to fill boxes for th needy. The P.-T. A. committee la composed of Mr. Ivy Stukel and Mrs. Otto Ellis. Thos present Thurtdty wer Meadamea J. 8. Johnson. H. O. Cox. F. W. Brown. Ray Merrill, M. A. and L. Bowman, P. Mc Neil. Crawford, R. H. and R. C. Anderson, W. Wslker. . L. A. Bilk. V. r. Myers. R. L. Da Hon, H. Heaton, J. C. Stevenson. K. C. Stukel, Ted Nelson, R. W. and J. R. 8111. Scott McKendfe. DeLap, charle Snyder and Miss Wylle Walker. By J. R. William. Klamath Empire News MERRILL, Or. At a meeting or th Merrill grange held Tues day evening at th I. O. O. F. hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hatklns were Initiated. After th meeting th follow ing program waa given: "An Old Maids' Te Parly," with Mr 11. N. Bogus, Mr. W. C. llalley nd Mrs. J. 8. Johnson In th cast: Mra. Turnhaugh enter tained with a vocal number ahd th ladlea' rhorua sang on num ber. Visitors were present from Henley snd Illy. Th women will be guests at banquet In the near future. The meeting dates hav been changed from Ihe first and third Tuesdays to th second and fourth Mondaya. Th Merrill grng will entertain Pomona grange. Saturday. January 9. Officer elected ay th grange for th coming year Include: Master, Walter Strauss; overseer. J. I,. Pope; steward. Arthur Frasler; aecretary, J. L. Fother- Ingham; treasurer, Mra. Arthur Frasler: chaplain. Mrs, J. I,. Futheringhsm; assistant atewsrd. Myron Hssklns; Pomons, Doro thy Hssklns; Flora. Franrea Uul nion; Ora , Murkea. Ceres; L. Andrieu, gatekeeper; lady aa- alstant. Annabel Fntherlngham: lecturer. Mra. J. W. Taylor; mu- alclan, Vern Hssklns: executive committee. C. N. Haaklna. Dance Held At Community Hall MERRILL. Or. An old-fash ioned danc given t th Com munity hall, Friday evening, as get-together for th Merrill people wss well attended. Music was furnished by th Klger or chestra. Doughnuts snd rider wer served later In th evening Amusements Pelican Now playing. Seth Parker, In "Wy Back Horn." Vox Now playing. Joan Craw ford and Clark Gable. In "Pos sessed." Rainbow Richard Bsrtbslmees la "Th Lash." Pin Tree Coming Thursday: Chic 81 and Walter Huston In Th 8lr Witness." TFI.ICAX S.T .ei" r ... rt. ' 5 -fS One ef Ihe many thrills In IL - II tl , , t. - uil. whit III III WOW MS MID ITIITSJ1. Combining a wistful, rural simplicity with a stern drama at rugged aa th Main eost, Seth Psrker, of broadcast fame. md an ausplclou screen debut at the Pelican theater la HKO Radlo Picture' "Wy Back Home." Th film I a pleating diver sion reminiscent v. the vigor, tha apontaneou humor nd homey rustic Btmospher ot th Immor tal "Way Down East." In It th currently popular Parker brings to th screen for the first time the tlmple philosophies, th nobility and uncompromising valor of country people In timet of ttrest. VOX Those feminise movie-goer who take a apeclal Intereat In th clothe worn by th atart of their tex will find an extraordi narily ample feast for their eyea In "Possessed," Joan Crawford'a new starring vehicle now playing at ths Vox theater. RAINHOW There Isn't tuch a thing at a tynthetlc cattle ttampede, even In th movies. When severs! thousand long-horn, bld-fac Texan (tear were (Umpeded through th ttreett of a village tt ptrt of a sequence in "The Lssh." Richard Barthelmes' latest picture, at th Rainbow theater, It took 14 cowboys th reel of th day to collect them from the hill of th Mallbu Rancho, th locale ot thl First Nation! production. riNK TRKE Manager Pool of th Rainbow theater It pleased to announce tomorrow at th opening riat of "Tho Star witness," the Warner Brot. production featuring Charlet (Chic) Sale and Walter Hpston. When you tee Chic Sale In "The Star Witness" you will he meeting an old friend, for h play his Grandpa Siimmerlll the man who knew Lincoln a part which he has played all over the country, Iiester Htehhln Better Lester Stehlilna, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stebhlna of Klamath Falls, who was seriously Injured In an automobile accident In Grants Pass the last of the week, la Im proving, according to word ' re reived here. He It still confined to a Grants Past hospital, how ever, and examinations revealed that he hat a slight concussion ot tbs brsln. 11 V- ..-X, News Classified ladie,' Aid Will Assist With Relief Work at Merrill MERIMI.L, Ore. Wednesday afternoon th Ladle' Aid met l th church annex when way and meant wer dlsruaaed to provide aid for needy persons. A eomnuttve composed of Mrs. Thomas A. lllake, Mrs. J. W. acogglnt and Mra. E. C. Stuksl was appointed lo work with com mittees from other organisations, lo fill bnxe. Mr. Jlnnatl wss la chsrg of th short program which fol lowed th buslnes aeaaloa and Included a reading by Mra. Le Dickson, and aonis by I'suls lllsutoa aud Ivy Jan llasklua. Thos present wsra Meadamea J. W. Hrotglna, W, F. Jlnnette, T. A. lllake. W. F. Frulta, K. C. Stukel, Anlc Anderson. II. J. Ilearilsley. II. P. Illsnlon. M. A. and t'. Bowman, J. L. Hssklns. . Dickson. II. F. Toll snd P. I). Lewis, Taxpayers Hold Meet at Merrill MERRILL, Or. A meeting of th Taxpayers' league waa held at th city hall Tueadsr evening, when number of points lu regsrd to tsxatloa were discussed. Th email sis of the crowd hi believed due lo the fart that th meeting waa not well advertised, since th ranch ers of this district r keenly In- terestea in taxation. la Hospital Mrs. Nellie Her- rich of Fort Klamath la a patient In th Klamath Valley hospital where h will undergo a major operation within a few days Mrs. Ilerrlrh wss tsken aaddenlr III on Christmas v. A-B-C of Specialized Business and Professional Service BOARD ALLEN'S HOME COOKED MEALS Breakfast, 15: Lunch. 16c: iilnnir, (0c. Special Chicken Dinner on Sunday. 4 to 7, He, 111 Pin. Phon 1(17. MRS. LONO'S HOME LOOKED MEALS Board 17.00 a week three ne Is. Brwskfist, 7-9; lua :heon, 12-1; dinner, 1:10 to 9:00. 8hort orders. 401 8. Seventh St. Phon 1171-J. CAFE SUNNYSIOB INN tl Main St. Meala lie to 40 Board, family etyl. 11.00 per day. Mr. and Mra. Chat. I.lnd. Prop. BOOKBINDING BOOKBINDINO All kind of new nd reblnd Inge. ' Bible. National Geo graphic. Law book and Sheet Muilc Spsclal loo leaf ytem. And special ruled form. Call W. A. W a m s 1 s y. Bookbinder at smith-Bat Pig. Co. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Paul C. Long Chiropractor snd Nerve Specie Hat , 111 South 8vnth Street Phon 1140 DENTISTS DR. ERNEST IL HALL S iccaasor to Or. E. O. WlMcarvar 101 Oregon Bank Bldf. Phon 145 PORTLAND PAINLESS DENTISTS DR. D. D. HAVENS, Mgr. Bvenlntt by Appointment Kntrtnc Mart Hotel, eomar Eleventh and Main St. Klamath Falls, Ore, DENTISTS DR. J. E. CLANAHAN 107 Oregon Bank Phone 836 Retldtnc Phon 22 21-J. - DRESSMAKING BESS MERANDA ' Drsttratklng Coat rtllnlng. Alteration. 20 8tewart-Drw llldg. Phon 1496J. 721 Main GARAGES Klamath Garage moved to 820 Klamath Ave. DAMAGE LEFT lV WAKE OF STORM AI.OOMA. Ore, Th sever wind storm which hit th Klam ath basin Saturday caused con siders hie damage t Alioma. A saver si plosion occurred In th electric sub-stsllon nesr Hsgel. ateln'a dairy, tnallerlng light globe In building st L'hrmaa a ttatlon. On or th Urge, old trees near a ranch bout owned by th Aigoma i.umoer company, and now occupied by Conroya and Barretts, waa blown down. Th roof of th planing mill wa tlto blowa off. Th community hat received s heavy anowfall and chains are neceaaary. Services Held By Light of Candles MKIMIIl.l.. Or. The candle light aervlrea held at th Pres byterian church. Sunday, under the direction of Rev. I. H. Jw ell. waa Impressive. 'Th program aiarted with th early prophesies sad continued down through th Bias 10 the birth of Christ. crnl wer aunt by rsndle light. Th rhorua vl th Junior. Intermedial and Senior Christian Endeavor waa composed of aearly 110 voices Muale waa provided by a atrlaaad orrheatra of eight place. Don't forget th second aaaual New Year's Eve Mssqus Ball, Merrill. Oregon, sponsored bv Tul Lk Americas Legioa Pest No. 144 Adv. FROZEN PIPES FROZEN PIPES Day and Night Service THAWED BT ELECTRICITY ALSO SHARPEN IC1 SKATES Brtt Battery and Electric 111 S. (th. Phon (44-W. HATTER THl MOROAN BAT SHOP Loos t your hut TiTbody ' ?- brlaf yoar hsta lo a Hatter. y Early, proa, lit Xlataata Ave. Phon III HOSPITALS "KLAMATH'S EMEXOENOT HOSPITAL" TIIE VALLEY HOSPITAL Cor. Fourth sad Pta Bta. LAUNDRY New City Laundry 4th at Klamath Phon ll( Bar 11 cak and Carry. OPTOMETRISTS DR. GOBLE OPTOMETRIST By Examined. Ola Fitted No Drop Used Phon 1(1. 701 Mala St, RADIOS LONG'S RADIO SHOP Repairing, building, IntUllIng, any make radio, by icotory and laboratory trained sirrlcs mn. Tubes, parts, ta. Ph. 1414-M 1011 Donald at. HULBERT'8 RADIO SERVICE "For Better Rtciptlon" Equipped and tiprtncd to tsrvic or reptlr ;our rtdlo. Phons 719-M. 1041 Owtat St, UPHOfJTERING Upholtttrlni and Rspslrln ot Furnltor. Rasonabl prices. THURMAN . (Formerly with Klsmsth '1 Furniture Co.) .. I 111 Commercial, Phon' ' WATCH JEWEj Watch and Jewelry Paul Wsltt. form Wtlst t, Jaok now moved to 711 Onr Work 0usr. FOR 8ALB Big oil nawtpaperi, ISo a 1 RT elesstfini rTrt 01 Kson lsnt 1 m A anp. - wis 1 snd Herald office