The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 16, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    December IB, 1931
ktOHCOW, Dm. II U. Willi
Christendom prepare in cele
brate II great cat holiday, the
liuaalan Society of (Indira la In
tanaifylng II e upalgn durltiic
Hi Cbrlatmaa lo Increase Ilia
outulMr of atheists In lh Com
munist elate from I.OUU.OOO to
Iv.uuu.uOO by Hi end of Ull.
Til elforle of III godless
society will be la noisy and
nor ftctlv than hrlofr.
according to Aleaander T.
arhavaky, nilonl crtry,
who told lh United Via cln
tlflo ducatlon would replace pro
paganda knit damonatrallons,
I'ro grain Outlined
Tli godleee organisation will
ttampl lh following program
durtug lb rhrlatma period, up
lo January 11:
(II rlliorl-lariii rourua lo
prepare anll-Clirlalinaa lecturara
In all parn of lh country.
(I) Meatlnge of aortal or
lanlialloiia In all clllee fur anil
rellglou work lo counteract iha
holiday appnal, especially In Ilia
new tnduairlal renters Tana ut
Ihouaanda of peaeaut from
tb backward villain ar reached
Id Itioa centers.
(31 Th organisation of
' "fodlaaa eliock Iroupa" on I'hrlat
Bia day, pledged lo work hardar
and aarv par aallere for I hair
"uparatltloua fallow workara."
(4) A special drlr tor
woman mom lion of lb society
to an effort lo rala lh percent
age of woman enrolled from 10
to above 40,
() Twanty travelling anil
rellgloua eshlhltlona ant Into lh
Boat remote villagoa.
(II An normoua quantify of
print ad matter, posters, wall
bewapapere, book and laafMa
to b dlatrlbut4 during th
Cbrlatmaa iaaaon. Two of th
book war devoted to entl-re.
Itgloua play suitable for lb
(7) A national radio mad.
Ing organised for Cbrlatmaa v.
to dlarua tb flve-reer plan at
th tlm tb rhurchea will b
epanlnf lb bollday la traditional
fttoapia Adopted
Aa oftlrial aloian baa boon
adopted for tb antl-t'hrletmas
drla. It la "for a llolahavik
greeting of lb a aw yr-r tb
fuurlb year ot tb five-year
Lukarheveky aald many aw
"aml-rellgloua anlvarsltlrs" had
been opened In recent months,
bringing tha "total lo IS. Forty
haw anil-rellglous musoum war
opanad, moit of thorn In aban
doned church.
Lubachevaky vlgoroualr dn1d
forcible method war uad la
closing ehurcbo or propagandl
Ing iilnat religion. II aald a
Tot of tha population alway
decldad wbetbar churches, eyna
gogua and mosque should b
Actress Collapses '
In Picture Studio
(U.PJ l'ola Nogrl, screen atar.
waa III la Hanla Monica hoapltal
tonight altor a rollapa In a
Hollywood atudlo lat today.
Dr. Leo J. Modaon, Mlu Nogrl'
pbyalclaa, doc la rod th artroaa
waa In no grata condition but
would b kapt la th hoapltal
several day for mtnatlon.
Legal Notice!
Nolle la hereby given that tha
landa described bolow, within th
Cratw National Koreat, will bo
open to aottlomont and ontry at
tb United Ktatoa Land Ulflc at
Lakerlow, Oregop, under Iha pro
tfalona of th homo-trad law and
art of Juno -, It Kit (34 flat.,
ID), nn J n no. 1, 1933, by any
Qtiallflod poraon In Iha absence of
entry by persona coming within
either of th two following rlaaa
ea: It) Pereone named after each
trart upon whoa application the
landa wor Hated, If any, who. In
order to avail Ihcmeelvcs of Ihe
preferenra right, muat file Iholr
appllratlon within alsty day prior
to date of opening; 121 K-aervlre
man, who, In order to vnll them
olvea of Ihe prnferenre rlaht con
ferred hy t'ongresa under I'nlilie
Hoeolullon Nn. R6. approved Juno
13. 1II3Q, may flln aptillratlon
within on hundred lea days prior
to data of opening. All audi ap
plications filed within the flrat
twenty dnya 0f Ihla period will he
treated aa simultaneous filed at
a. m. on th ninetieth day prior
to data of opening. Application
hy es-ecrvto men Iheronflor. hut
prior to date of opening, will ha
treated In the order In which filed.
The genernl public may tile ap-
r Mentions within twenty dnya prior
o opening data. Thcae will be
treated aa alniultnneoualy filed at
S a. m. nn date nf opening, but no
application will he allowed prior
thereto. NRi NKU HRH.NRli
RV(4 NKH BEV4, K '4 NW4
NK'4 8K(4, NH FIC4 NKH,
HK4. Hoc. . Ni4 NVt NWVi
RWt4 NK4 NWU BW'xi, HB
NWtt NK"4 HW'4, 8S NW'H
NH 8V NW V'i, Sec. 10,
T. II 8 R, I K., W. !.. contain
ing II. SO acrna, 1-2114. ll-t-ed
upon th application of II. H.
Han-berry, Morky I'nlnt, Orenon.
Kntry nf th land will be allowed
only upon exocullon of a perpet
ual flowag and aeopaxe eaanment
contract In favor of the United
Rlntna. D. K. I'ARUOTT, Acting
Aaalatant Commlaaloner.
II 1)11. 2.1. 30-JI lit
Lorraine School of
Beauty Culture
Stewart-Drew Pullillng
TBI Mnln Ht.
Enroll Now for Special Low
Tuition Itntoa
Permanent 12.06
Lorr,ln Oil Wavo
Heat Mntarlnli I'ned
Scene Of Winter Olympic Games
llr ar lh (conn In which lea ma of aportainen rapraaantlng a acor of nation will compel
In lh Third Olympl Winter Cma. At top la an aerial view of lb atadlum at Lak Placid, N. Y.,
whor apaed abating race and 10011 of lb hockey game will b held. Balow, left to right: A four
man bob team rounding a deeply banked turn at mlla-a-mlnut aped; a akl-iumper taking off for
a leap of nearly 100 ft oo th Intervale bUl; a general view of tha akl hill, flanked by elanda for
ioso alienator.
Th l'nllcd Htate civil rvtc
commlaaloo baa announced open
competltlv uamlnatlon a fol
lowa: Aaaoclala phyalrlat (aound, or
any other apeclallied branrh of
phyalral, 13,200 a year, aaalalanl
phyalclat (any epeclallaed branch
of phyalc), 13.100 a year, varloui
ervkoa. Cloelng dal. February
t. 1131.
Aele:ant latitude obaerrer,
12,(00 a year, lee I4O0 a year tor
dwelling. Coaal and Geodetic Sur
vey. Cloelng date, January I,
Illndary opratlv (hand'or ma
chine operational, government
printing office. Cloalng data,
January 1. 112.
All atate eicept Dalawart,
Iowa. Main. Maryland, New
Hampablr. Vermont. Virginia
and the Plat rlrt of Columbia have
received leaa than their ahare of
appolntraenta In th apportioned
departmental aervlc at Washing
ton. II. C.
rail Information may b ob
tained from l.ulu H Hutrhlna,
crtary of th United Htate
Civil Service hoard of xamlnri
at tha poet offlca.
Church Night 1$
' Set for Thursday
Tlie Community Congregational
C'hurrh will hold Church Night
oa Thuraday at th Community
building of th church at Garden
and Martin atreew.
A pot lurk auppor will b r
ed at I o'rlork followed by a
program. Iter. C. H. Harrlaon,
D. II., of Portland. nprlntendent
of th Congregational Conference
of Oregon, will be preaent and
peak. Moving picture will b
ahow n and a rehoaraal ot th
Cbrlatmaa pageant "At th Door
of tb Inn" will ha held. ThU
pagant la to b given In th
church on Sunday 20and 17.
Navy Grid Coaches
Re Hired For 1932
ANNAPOLIS. Xld., Dm. II, (0
P) Kdgar (Rlp Miller, head
football coach at th naval acad
emy, and other navy coach
have been reengaged for th
11S3 aeaaon. Captain John D.
Wllroi. jr., director ot athletic,
announced today.
Chrla Klanagan will remain
aa bnrkfleld coach, and Johnny
O'llrlen a Una coach.
Clirltm Program -The ladle
auxiliary. F. O. K.. I holding It
t'hlco, llutte Co, Calif.
Winter Ilnte
Nor, 15, l3t to Mar. It, 1131
Hotel Room
Upper floor, 16.00 per day
Lower floor. $4.00 par day
Including; dining room aorvlce,
tenin and mineral bath.
Hniiaekeeplng cottage reduced
40 per cent for thl winter
on. Bummer rat for 1231
materially reduced. For folder
1KB niCHAltDSON, Managar
That favorite cook stove
. and heater fuel
not only the best but
also the cheapest fuel.
You snvo by ordering
Double Load
Fuel Oils, Coal Oil
' Burners.
"Wood :o Burn"
ISA ft. 7th. Phone AAII.
regular meeting Friday evening.
Dec. II. A Chrlatmt tree will be
held and pot luck aupper eerved.
Toy and candy will be distrib
uted to th children. Each mam
bar attending th meeting la
aked to bring a toy and aleo
om donation for th pot lock
It I fortunat that w can rid
to tha poorboua la luch Die u
tomobllea. Corigreumaa Cyrra
lu Col of Iowa.
or D OTS
William O. Iloualoa and Man
Kern ar two good eamarlUn
who cam to th relief nf th
Klamath Fall fir department
by offering window apace Id
whlrh to display toy lb firs
man bav bean collecting and
repairing for lh past three
Th firemen are aatlariod that
they bav enough doll, doll bog
gle, wagons, skooters, bicycles
and all kinds ot other toy to
take car of at least 400 needy
children. In fact their toy re
pairing program so far eiceeded
expectations and they bav so
many toy that two display
window wore needed.
Klremrn Huay
Tuesday two trurkload of
article war taken to th vacant
etor at 623 Mala, next to
Houston's sho ator, and mor
will b taken Wedaeeday. Toy
will also be placed la th die
play wlndowa at 107 Klamath
avenue Wedneaday.
Another trurkload of toys to
be repaired before Chrlatma was
gathered by tbelremea Tuesday,
and work oa them was begun at
one. Donatlona ar tlll com
ing In, arrordlag to rir Chief
Taylor, and those who still hv
toy to turn over to th fire
men ar asked to do ao a soon
as poaslbl Id order to give the
toy-doctor ampl tlm to repair
Aid Needed
Any Individual or organization
knowing ot any child In want
of Chrlatma toy t asked to
call th fir department at 47.
Names, age and addreuea of
thee children will b lake
down and lh caae will b In
veattgated. Kir Chief Taylor report that
lb firemen will prolohly need
Id In delivering th article lb
day before Cnrlatmaa.
A vol of appreciation was
voiced hy lh firemen for th
splendid cooperation they hay
received la their charily pro
gram. Tha earn method of pro
viding children with tors will b
carried out neit year.
Everett Marshall
Defeats Coleman
Everett Marshall, La Junta, Colo,
heavyweight wrestler, dofeated
Aba Colemsn. Lo Angela, In
two out of tbr fall here last
Marshall woo th first fall
with an alrplan spin In II min
ute 10 seconds and tb third
with a flying tackle In fonr min
ute, 41 aaconda. Coleman took
the second fall la 11:20 with a
body flam.
Jackie Sharkey
Beats Wiseman
ST. PAUL. Minn, Dee. 11, (UB
Jsrkl Sharkey. Minneapolis.
123 H. defeated Hymle Wiseman,
Dm Molne. 122 la their 10
round match last night.
Paul Wangley, Minneapolis.
123, knocked out Johnny Hyan,
Milwaukee, 124. la th seventh
round of their scheduled 10
round, match.
BOSTONTDee. 15. (CP) Th
Boaton Bruin nd Nw Tork
Hanger battled through aa ever
time period to a 2-2 tl at Boa
ton Garden tonight In a national
hockey league gam marked hy
fierce body-checking oa both
I never wor a sleeveless night
gown la my lit. Kstell Taylor,
divorced wif of Jack Wmpey.
Editorials on News
(Continued from Pag On)
th Colled State a a whole was
JN Oregon, la 1230, th avarag
number of parson per family
was I.I. In Washington, It wss
I.T. In California, It waa I I.
la Idaho, It wa 1.1.
For torn reason, they seem
to run to (lightly larger famlllea
over la Idaho.
JOWN bar la Southern Oregon,
w m to rna pretty do
to th general average for the
state. ,
la Klamath Fall, th average
number of person poT famUy la
1.1, slightly ever th avrag for
th (tat a a whole. Ia Mad
ford. It la slightly under th
general average, or I.I persona
pr family.
' Th figure for Jtoaeburg and
Grants Pas ar aot rt avallabl.
bat for Douglae eounty tb aver
age par family la 1.4 persons and
for Josepbln county It Is t.t
TN 1120, according to th cnn
bureau, th total number of
famllle la Oragoa was 101,10.
Ia 131, th total somber of
families was 2IT.tif.
That la aa Increase la number
I of famlllea (mounting to II per
i cent la 19 years, whlrh Ian t any
thing to be ashamed of la the
wy of growth.
TIIILB w ar making com.
parlson between 121 aad
120. lef gat down to Southara
In th four Southern Oregoa
rountle of Jackaoa. Joaophln.
Klamath and Douglas. Iher war
11.117 famllle la 1220, whll I a.
130 lb number of famllle la
thee four eountlee had Increased
to 11,104 a growth of I. I par
JOW let's iua np:
Whll th number of famlll
In lh stat of Oregoa as a whole
wa Increasing by 31 pr cent,
th nnmher ot families In the
fonr Southern Oregoa count! In
creased by 11.4 per cent.
In other words. In th tea
years between 12 and 1(8
Southern Oragon grew TWICE Al
FAST a th stat of Oregon as
a whole.
e e e
JJERB I soma sound advice!
neap your eye on noutnera
Oregoa la th NEXT ta year.
(JlJrjaM. I gllU lam tXeiel 04 l4.(C
r- -a. ., fkMg4 -
Bk m -1 -itB' TiUeelfcee Bmf f
71 X J.f m ttrmmmL. Ak Sim W
FCn TtTTrM BfkM9W9
, Jj.Ss-JiJe rilXat, law !, I,, lt
M Bsktt, Haewt. Rer.aUav Mavar I
Red Ball Stage
One SUf Daily for
LaJcewiew, Oregon
Stage Depot
830 Klamath
Leave K. F. 8:30 a, m.
Hi '. lW- . f i --
,: jw-V. K
t .
(DaB!E1L twe never' parcBted or to tasted
There is of course a sound reason why the Camel Humidor Pack
can deliver to Camel smokers a cigarette that is genuinely rwft.
Camels are made fresh to start yrith, fresh with natural moisture
blended of the choicest, delicately mild, full-mellow, sun-ripened
tobaccos that money can buy.
' The full natural goodness of these fine tobaccos is safeguarded at
every step in their handling they are never parched or toasted the
Reynolds method of scientifically applying heat guarantees against that.
That's why we can My with every assurance that Camels are truly
fresh. They're made fresh not parched or toasted and then they're
kept fresh in the Camel Humidor Pack.
The delights of a genuinely fresh cigarette are so rare and desirable
that Camel popularity continue to mount daily to new highs.
Test these delights for yourself see what true freshness means In
cool, slow-burning, delicate mildness switch to Camels for just one
day, then leave them if you can.
"Are you LUtenin'?9 ' ', '
' Caull quarts Botn. Morton Downey, Tony
Wona, and Camel Orchestra, direction Jacques
Renard, every night except Sunday, Columbia
Broadcasting System
raiNCt albest quaitei Boua. Alice Joy, "Old
Hunch," and Prioee Albert Orchestra, direction
Psul Van Loan, every night except Sunday,
N.KC Red Network
e radio pag of local aempaaer for time
Made lltESII Kept FRESH
Q Dsa'l remove A moltturproof wrapping from four peclMge of Camels ater yea
epea U, Tito Camel Humidor Pack is protection arainsi porfumo mod powdor oeters,
dust nd germs. In ogim mod homes, even in tho dry otmoiphtro of artificial Aeot, A
Cual Humidor Fads can b itpondtd apoa) te dsUvar fink CssmIi
111. B. J. tsyaokh Tgbana C