The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 30, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    November 80, Dim
PAGE nra
Mat Visitors Aiuuui Ilia le
Hon In Klmiilh county over the
week-end, iinli Hi the Hull
Hotel, Irom other polnte In lh
etate were V. Ijiwreii.e Manunl,
llraula 1'eeaj re. K.
Crescent; ten Hiiye; A"",'1
Mitchell, f. II. Hi""ll. '
Kaudall, of 1'urllaiidi .
Ilalee, WooUlHirui Mr. tirt Mrs.
J, H. Woodruff and family.
Olendal: Mrs. M.ry Ml,'
and son, Illy; Miss ''
tereon, Uknlw; U M. I'll
lips. Kirk: II. U. Campbell,
Mra. Delia Nichols, dir.
guests at
Hull Among the
the UII Holal over
"iT. -w..rt war H. K. nurrll
Ran Ilernernino, vm.
Carar. Joe llanry. N.
nn Hin rranrlat'O: 11.
son, Sacramento; Fred
Macfloel, vniu.j mr
K. T.
W. Nail-
US. John
It. Blarr,
and Mra.
1.. Ilel'
J, C. Broil. caigery. am..-.
Canada; H. II. rkhmltl. Oakland,
j.mae M. Allan, Yrsks! W. W.
Marlla .MeClcid: J. U. Uohrar.
Montague; William K. Lo.
Wedi'lli la Held Joseph
i .... .ll.min and Mary
.mi. furnaa war united
m.rfl.te Huuday morning
;00 o'clock In th
. Ld r.lhn. IT.
only Iha luimadlet relative of
l.m.i rnunla atara lu al-
t.udance. Both Mr. and Mra.
Calhoun ara wall '' ' !
city wber tbey ipct lo make
Ibalr bom.
lmnd Clly police
have Ihraa unlicensed dogs In
tha ty pound and request thai
Ibalr owuara call lor them Im
mediately and lr 0","
fUT Th. do., will ba agecuted
soon If tba owner do not call
! ... ih. ! la a
m.le wire halrad terrier and the
ih.r two ara laniaia uiu..
' tarn.,,. lmurovedjA. K. VII'
.n i.m.i nu.ineea mau. who un-
j . m.inr operation
tha I), i. Veterans' hospital In
Portland Uat week, la Improv
ing alaadlllf. according to word
refelved bar. by frlende Mar
tini untnreeea compllratlone.
Wilton will ha fully recovered
wlihla a monlh, according lo re
port from bia pbyalcleue.
1 4.e Man-bur Monday ar-
rlvala at tha Hotel Wlllard In
eluded O. A. Crittenden.
Angelea; Thomae II. Clark,
llanrar; k. i. Uanlar, Torlland:
M. O. Kurla .Madlord, and M.
M. fagaa, Portland.
Traiura to Mm Tha Train
ing Hibool lor Church rkluiol
laarliara will bold 111 aaanlon to
morrow availing In Ilia frmhy-
trlan cburih al 7:11(1. Tha laadara
of Ilia lliraa group! ara Mra.
Carman, Ml Dorothy Inilth and
Mra. T. )ala I'rvalon. Tha wor
ship aarvU'a will ba conduutad by
Ilia Junior group, ma acnooi
la opa without charga to all
rhunh ichool laachara and of-flrari.
AiullUrr to Im A manllng
of tha Amarlcan Llnn auilllary
will ba bald at Mamorlal hall.
Tuaaday availing, at 7; JO. Kollow-
lug a bualnaaa availon, tna auiili-
ry inamham hav Daa mvuaa
to an antartalnniant whim will
ba glan by tha legion. All
niamhara ara urgad to ba yraaaut.
M'nl TlwnkagUlnlc Mlaa May
IWad baiama tha brlilga of Kills
Moada, Thankglvlng Day. Tba
young roup! laft rrlday for Wln
dall, Idaho whara thay aipact
to maka thalr hoina. Tliay war
accompanld by Floyd Maada,
broihar of lb bridegroom.
Urenaa laaard Allurt A.
Mlnar, la, inlll workar, and
llalan llanrlatta Ooddard, Ik.
aludanl. both of Klamath Fallt,
wara laauad a marrlaga llranaa
by County Clark Da Lap Bttur-
VUlHng la likmlnr Mlaa
Vada Hpalh. taachar of tba Kano
blah achool. la apandlng tba
and In Lakarlaw as a guaat at
tha horn of Judga and Mra. L.
r. Coun.
Uiarat M Mo Iloma Mlaa
Allra llowman ot Talrnt. Ura.,
la a auaat at tba homa of Mr.
and Mr. H. N. Mo on Waih-
Horn from lengthy Vlalt
Mra. Uraca Btawart baa raturnad
to Klamath Kill altar apandlng
thra montha vUltlng In Ok la
homa, Tu and California.
Wrod VUli"" Mr. L. Caulkatt
of Waad, Calif., apvnt Iha Thanka-
Irlnc holldara tha noma guaat
of Mra. H. O. Vlncant of Kano
Point, Klamath Falla.
(Irrla to Meat Tha Slalarhood
rirrln ot tha rirat Methodlat
church will mt In tba church
parlor.. Tnaaday, Dacambar 1, at
1 p. m.
tft for Portland .Mr. and
Mra. oaorg Blahn hara gona to
Portland to apand aararal day
on bualnea and plaaiura.
rWka John llMlora John Ba
dora, loggnr, la ankad lo gat lo
luuih with Hugh W. Murphy,
0I H Klghlh airaat, lliiqulaui,
Waih., In a lallar racalrad I rum
Murphy by Clilaf of Colic (luy
Mnnlll. In tha Inttar Murphy
lataa Miat ha naada an alflriavlt
from iladur that ha knaw Mur
phy In Mlunaaola bafur Iha Mpan-Uh-Amarlcau
war lo ntlti Mur
phy to a data bun in.
U'llUrd Oarata Among lb
(uaata at tha llotal Wlltard
ii. nahtj war. A. VI
h... Ran rranclaco: 11. K. Palalwr Vtaltor Wllbaf han.
Ituhlnaon, Oakland, and liar- I non of palalay. Or., I Tlillor
kart P. Walch. altornay st In Klamath rail. rglitard at
lkatlaw. tha Wlllard hotaU
Jury kVliwtnl A lury wa aa-
lactad, and oponlng atatamanta
mada bafora noon Monday In tha
rasa of l.awia U. Fayua varaua
t,. Parklm, whlrh rama lo
trial In clrcuKlcouit. Tha plalu
tiff la aulng fur 1710 on rhargaa
of aaaaull and battary. Payna la
rapraavulad by fcdward rl
Aahurat, whll tha dafandant la
rapraaautad by Hanry K. 1'arklni
Kngagm la Mining Jark Hal-
ay, who wai formnrly alflllalad
with tha ofllcaa of Momyar Mo
myar of thla clly. plana to apand
tha wlnlar proapactlng and min
ing In Kailarn Oragoa. Ho will
maka bis baadquartars la Pralrla
I'adrn Oun-atloa Mrs.
Olan Kant, TIT i'aelfle Tarrara,
undarwant major oparatlon
Monday morning at lllllalda hos
pital. Har condition was raporl-
ad to b satisfactory.
RvtnrnMl to Han PranrUro J.
Ashaby Hliupaon baa raturnad to
Han rrancuco auar apuaing
tha Thanksgiving waak and with
hla daughtar, Mra. J. Lawranca
UraauM aVrared A marrlaga
llranaa waa amurM Haturday by
Albort At wood Mlnar, IS. and
Halan H'nlii-tla Onddard, 1.
both of Klamath Palls.
Hix-nt Wrrh Knd llrre Mr,
and Mra. Jasa Humphray of Uuna
mulr, Calif., wara waak and visit
or In Klamath Palls.
Hrr for ttx-k-rwt Visa Allra
Kos, taarhar at t ryatal, Or , was
waak-and visitor In Klamath
High grhool district No. It,
Chlloqulo, ba fllad with tha
county clark Us budgat ot as-
pandlluraa tor Jun II, 1I3Z,
to Jun II, llll, showing that
111,111 will ba naadod to run
th district (or nest yaar with
estimated raralpta of 1I,I2I.T4
laavlug 111,1112.11 to b raised
by taxation.
Tha district plana no new
ronatrurtlon thta romjsig year
but baa aat aside 4.!uutu apply
on Ita total bond-id InrWHwI-
nesa of 140,000 and 15.000 has
lieen plared In th emergency
fund of tha dlatrlrt.
Jark Almatar la chairman of
th board of dlractora of the
district. Arrordlng to tha rec
ords tha dlatrlrt raised 115,-
46I.IT by taiatlon last year
showing an Increase In 1111-33
ot 13,173.89.
Newspaper Staff
Invited to Dinner
As climax to a day of bunting
la which b brought down tba
limit ot birds, Albert Austin, own
er of tha Hotel Wlllard, entertain
ed employee ot the editorial ataff
of tha Herald and News at a duck
dinner at th hotel, Saturday o-
Th mall banquet room was
need for th occasion and covers
war laid for Mr. and Mra. Eu
gene 8. Kelly. Mleaee Vivian Me-
Cauler and Joy Kvana. Jo Pig'
nay. Boh Ualloway. Arundel
Keen.. Miss Williams, Val Aua-
tla and tba boat.
Headline: Alabama Toasts
Ohio. My goah. la 11 atlll hot In
No Meeting of
Council Tonight
No maorlng of lh city council
Will lie held thla evening, as Ihls
la the fifth Monday la November,
and lb clly ordinance provides
for only four regular meatlnga a
monlh on Monday nights.
Mayor r'rud Cofcr stated Mon
day that ha will not call a aperlal
m-ilng to consider th bins of
fered on fir bos to be purchas
ed by lh clly, and they will be
taken up at tha first meeting in
Decern bar.
City pollra arrested only four
persons over th week nd, al
though th officers of the Bout ti
er n Pacific arrested II vsgranta
Sunday and lodged tbam In tha
city jail.
O. c. Chapman was arrested at
Ninth and High atraete, and waa
fined IIP for driving while Intns
Iratad. Norrla Rlrkman was ar
rested at th earn place, and
posted 111 fin for being drunk
and disorderly. C. O. Wilson wss
arrested at Plflh and Mala, and
posted lis ball on a drunk charge
bile Kd Ray, arrested at soutn
Rlith and Martin streets, on
chsrg of being drunk, wss given
a 10-day auspended aentence.
The twelve vsgrsnts were gtr.
enilnea of 1100 and aentences of
30 days each, suspended on con
dition that they leave th city.
Editorials on News
Three minor arrldenla war re
ported to city police Monday.
Car driven by cai t raws, not,
Lookout street, and Oeorge
Wright, 41T Spring, hit at Ninth
and Main atraets Baturday when
Wright waa unable to see because
of frost on the wind shield.
Marlon Uree, II Mill afreet.
and L. L. Lambert, Klamath
Cleaning and Dye Works, were In
an accident at Fourth and Main
Wedneeday evening when their
ram akldded Into each other.
damaging earn slightly.
Hornier Radcllff, Esplanade
Court Apartments, reported that
hla car was run Into by a car
bearing Oregon license l-86
at the Intersection of Oak and
Commercial atreeu Baturday af
ternoon. Radrllffe stated ha waa
going north on Oak street and
thought the Intersection waa clear
but th other car, whlrh could
not atop aoon enough, hit hla.
2 Heifers Stolen
From Burton Place
Clayton Barton of MrCollum's
mill has reported to city police
olflrers that two heifers hav
been atolea from him.
On la a black Holetetn and tba
other a red heifer. Both are
branded with a TH brand In th
sham of a small letter h with a
cross on toiwVt the iu
(Conttnasd Prom Pais One)
that day, awaatlng and atralnlng
and groaning, driven to their
labors nnder tha lash.
If thay dropped nnder th lash,
dying from exhaustion, their
bodies war kicked aside and
Thar waa no newspaper In
those daya to raise a hue and
cry and demand Justice. If any
one bad BOUGHT to rals n hue
and cry and demand Justice, he.
too, would ha been lashed In
to submission.
e e
K10THINO, In these days, for
the common, ordinary per
son to b thankful forT
the day fo th common, or
dinary person to b thankful for.
And there will b mor la th
Th best thought ot the world
1 being directed toward making
pleasantar th lot ot tba common
Bailer It cr not. But, wheth-
CIIICAOO, Not. 10, (Jf) John
Aleasl, It, a barber and reputed
bootlegger, waa ahot to death to
day and hla body tossed from an
Har Beca Redaced
fas Prkw
That favorite cook stove
and beater fuel
not only the best but
also the cheapest fuel.
You save by ordering
Double) Loads
Fuel Oils, Coal Oil
Wood Jo Barn"
iae S. 7th. Phone 685.
er or not yon bellev It, It Is
trus. Great stride fear been
mada already la Ihls direction,
and STILL OREATER strides
will ba made In th future,
e e e
TTKRB in this country ot oars,
th greatest country on earth,
wa apand tor EDUCATION ap
proilmately 10 cents ot every dot
tar collected la taxes. Thsra ara
many who complain ot thla, as
serting that w ara running hog
wild on tha subject ot education.
This writer doesn't complain,
and hopes never to complain of
such a thing. It la education,
which la another word tor know
ledge, one th privilege ot th
favored few, that mor than any
thing else ba enabled tba com
mon, ordinary parson to tat out
from under tba cynical brutality
of tbos ancient daya when a
king might bar an ordinary Tar
let shot by bis men-at-arms so
that hi eoortiera might laugh at
Beat Bound ta Towa
5osr Playlnc End Wediseeday
k - ,jffi$J PLCS
sap ssl sa.J , 1jSvtT
&&ZX J
CttesSesO 04e4ceeeaV S
Special Added Ataractic
Salinas Rodeo
th spectacle ot the dead body
rolling clumsily dowa from tha
roof and thudding apa th has)
ground. '
I mill..
Of course, you remember
,;th attractive valuaa in
"Christmas GuTta whlsh
, vera sff crest ta you her
-rlast year. Thla pa a
; they're better thaa ever
)4efor. Electrical appUV
K a ares, teilat foods, choco.
e.Luiiiii;, nuoureaa
f" practical rift annree-
'tKros axe near o displsp
at new Wm arlcea. You'll
Sad aa early visit well
worth matsr whll.
- A
in. I
eh susd Mai?
10th aad Hale) 4 i
Briniing Nw Era of Entertalnmant to you at thla theatre! New, big !
date picturws one right after another everyone a good onj her) we to folks
with the laugh hit of the yearcome along bring the family lets all have
fun and lota of it with
a a a ki. " :
V ; . ' ' "ts'ae;-.
', I
t Ta.
: AW J1 Tv - M
I Joy . Reeling with mirth
V ... lxMuled to the merry gills
W . . 1 , , .
with good lauKhal Pun!
Laurel & Hardy
"Chickens Come Homo"
Sport I.lRl't "Hunting Thrills"
1,'nT Vn.l
Iat Tlmea Today
Warner Baxter
"Doctore" Wives"
kruJa?; " John Boles, Lupe Velez "Resurrection"
, 1 ' '
l J j do more and more
I 1 ;J smokers say:'
MfMeldq i
T"IEVRE SHLDER. It's the tobanrn! The best tobaccos the
smoothest and mildest that money can buy go Into
Chesterfield. Ripened and sweetened In the sunshine . . .
cured by the farmer . . . then aged for two years la wooden
hogsheads. No wonder you say,They're so much milder 1
THEY TASTE BETTER, These mild smooth tobaccos are put to
getherexsctly righcThat'sChesterfield's secret but millions
of smokers agree that the job couldn't be Improredl Rich
aromaofTurkishand meUowswetnessofDomejtic,blended
and tnst-bltndtd to Chesterfield's own BETTER TASTE.
THEY'RE PURE. Cleanliness and purity, always! Everything that
goes Into Chesterfield is tested by expert chemists . . . tested
thoroughly. The purest cigarette paper made, burning with
out taste or odor. Sanitary manufacture ... no hands touch
your Chesterfields. They're as pure as the water you drink!
THEY SATISFY. You break open a clean, right-sealed package.
Vou light op a well-filled cigarette. Yes, sir . . . you're
going to like ibis cigarette you know that with yourrery
first puff. And right there's where many a smoker changes
to Chesterfield. Tbj Satiifjl
C i9M, loiaa a Ktsu Touccq Co
a.J. aaipia.t