PACE TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON NovemDor 80, ivst Upsets Stir Closing Days Of Grid Year Insure-pnts R i to I .Crush the Nation' Mifhtyi Jack Demp say Still Trudging Alonf "The Way Back" tljr JOE I'MiNKY It "Rsd Saturday" OB ths tool ball wr fields. Particularly red, perhaps, be rsuss tha Ktsntcrd Hede con ductsd such a complste wss eeere OB tha Dertmoulh In diana at Harvard stsdlum. Tbe day wss brilliant with the re voluttonsry successes ot under do Insurgents. Tha Army Inundated, sub merged, tank or what ever nu will tha fait trevellng lrUh of Notre Dam. Th rur du Boilermaker!, never In such a atunnlnic Ttclorjr since their chainploiirhlp day ot 112, exploded th hrtofor undefeated Wildcat! ot North ' western. , Yala. pappred th wilted hopes of the Princeton Tigers, 11 0 14. Th victory waa no a inet, but th acor was be yond th moat exaggerated hopea ot Ell. Wiaronain's high powered . bis tan machine blew a tire in -it race with Michigan and loit. 1 to 0. Minnesota, smothered two weak ago by .Northwestern la a last quarter rally, ro again Saturday to win from Ohio Btate. II to 1. Even Kotr Darn' "B" team was tied by Dayton, a a a Surely ther most b scm reaaoa tor the devaetattng Ijeae araoni th nation's "mighty." Notr Dame, weary from It terrific (am with 8onthem California, easily can find an answer to Its loss. It take mor than a week for a team to get back Into mental and physical condition after Its greatest enow ot th year. It waa unlikely that th Iriah ahonld not sutler a let-down, for it la almost lmpoeelbl to "hop" a team for major bat tles battle of th most ter rific sort oa two saeccaslT Baturday'a. Th leading lTna ot th eountxj- most tear alone all seainn at top par. It is ldom a team go through th year without as "oft" Saturday. Perhaps It was lust co-Incidental that so many war "oft" last week. la th ess ot th anderdog tker Is everything U win and very Uttl to lose. Most coaches unanlmoully subscribe to th ballet that th supposedly weak opponent be come th most dangerous. e e If Jack Dam peay has not al ready entered th shadow ot pugilistic old age, h I tot tering pretty clos to th brink. "They Barer coma back!" It is trite, bat It Is Invariably true. Th er-champloa'a road 1 a long, tiresome one. H still has the appearance of th great battler ot yesterday, but his opponents are so far down la th boxing gam, Uttl can be assnmed from Dempaey's fighting. At Phoenix Friday alrht Dempssr, fighting fiercely with both hands, battered three op ponents Into unconsciousness, all la less than three rounds. Rutin Avrs, 20 4-pound Central American who claims the championship of Mexico, and Ernie Mustek, 205-pound fighting msn from Denrer, ware knocked ont in less thaa a round each. Jimmy Long, J08-poundr from Detroit, lost his match in th first round oa a technical knockout. AlTarea scarcely laid a flora ob th ex-champion. He was knocked down early la th first ronnd by a left hook. A few seconds later he fall heavily under th fore of a left book and right croas and was ont for fully tire minutes. Mustek, a rangy fello.r with long, reaching arms, tried hard to make a fight ot his appear ance against Dempsey. Ha rushed in four times, and was knocked to the floor each time. Th lourth tim h didn't get np- Long was hit a score of times but stayed on until th referee stopped th exhibition halfway through th first round. Dempsey, at l2-pounds, was fit He as outweighed by very on of bis rlTsls, Wit Dempsey always has been at his best against bigger men. Ths ex-champ was impressive. Ha hooked viciously with both bsnds, and landed blows at will.. e e It is a long way back, and Dempsey has only taken th tint steps. He still is that same colorful fighter who built th gam up to its spectacular fas cination from 1920 nntil tbe last Dempsey-Tunney match at Cuicego. But there always Is the ebsnt, "They never com back" LOCKE'S VSED CARS rw Best la Quality and I Lowest In Price Tie Possible In Coast Conference Race I HUSKIES WILL PLAY TROJANS nrj QATiiRnnv Ull UM I UIIUJII . SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. M Odda and nds of a thrill filled far weatern football aeason will be cleaned up this week-end with the final Pacific Coaat con ference gam and two Intsreec tlonal struggles to b plsyed. Southern California's Trojans winners of six confererlc con teats to date snd potentlsl fham- .1 ma rt )t . hl arMl.rn elernil. will face YYaehlogton's Huskies, St Los Angeles. Whll ther Is nothing la tl'.ahln ti.n' Mmrtt 1A far this season to lndicat It has th material to cop with Southern California' knows power, Coach Howard Jones is not taking th gam lightly. His Trojsns will bar had two weens to rest from th hard engagement with Notr Dam whll practic has font on steadily. la th nsm of charity. South era Methodist's Mustangs and St. Mary's Gaels will meet at San Francisco and on th earn day and in th sam cans. Utah will line ap agalnat Oregon Stat at Portland. BnnthM UathndUt tllaved to a scoreless tie with Texas Christ- Ian, laat Saturday, to finish its .i 1 . . nnM,fMlA and win th southwest conference till. After a sensational early aeason start. St. Mary's lost two gsmes within four days, but showed a return to form Thanks giving Day with as impressive victory over th I'ulvenstty ot ft - Tho, 1'. . I . nnaiiMt the season with a stunning 11-7, win ovr Southsrn California a wees later, downed California n-v. Konr other victories wr chalked ap la as many week. Utan lnvaaea mo some ivrii n nr ommr with a remark- -hi wtA TTnilep Coach lk Armstrong's leadership, the t'tes this season won ineir win. roo secntlv Rocky Mountain eonfer- m-a hamnlnnahln. OlIIOI 8tat's coast confenoe activities wer not impreesiTe, mm victory, three defeats and a tie. tt.i. -1 m-A ha. aamnled coast conference competition, losing a 7-S gam to vtasomgion earu la th season. Oa the strength ..... h utaa nro fe ebly will ba Uvoritbs over Ore gon state. Tha Washington-Southern Cali fornia encounter offers th possi bility of a technical tt. Unex pected victory for Washington would pat Southern California In th class ot being defeated once, a position now held by Cali fornia. ' It has been th custom to award tha conference title oa a "games won and loaf basis. But Inasmuch as Southern Cali fornia played a seven-gam sche dule, compared to five gam for California, and It also de feated California, .-. it would have the strongest claim to the title. A similar sltustlon between th asm teams existed a few years ago and California wsivsd Its claim. Another Invading threat was turned back yesterday when th University of Baa Frsoclsco over whelmed D Psul University ot Chicago by a St to 1 acor. I06IE 8AJT FRANCISCO, Not. SO. V0 P) Th Manchnrtan war threat will have to be cleared away be fore local Japanese and Chinese plsy their snnusl footbsll gams. Committees representing tbe two nationalities met her and voted to postpone th gem scheduled for Dee. II between th Japanese Shows eleven snd th Chinese Tok Cboy stars. The gam mar be played at the atart of th Chinese new year, ahould tha Msnchurlan crisis be settled by that time. Last year the oriental teams drew 75.000 persons. Proceeds of th rsm went to the Chinese hospltsl; this year they were to go to th Japanese Catholic mission. Oregon State, Utah Tickets Sell Slowly PULLMAN, Wash., Nor. 30 (JPt Th Washington Btate college footbsll team wss en ronte to New Orleans today, where It Is scheduled to meet Tulsne uni versity, champion of the Southern conference, next Saturday. A brief workout at St. Louis Wednesdsy will b the only stop, according to Coach O. E. Holllng berr. Thirty-four men, Including coaches and players, comprise th psrty. Mustek Will March To Wedding Music LOS A NO ELKS. Nov. SO. OJ.PJ Jim Mustek, plunging lulver- slly ot Southern California foot ball stsr. Is engsgvd to be mar ried next summer to Miss Mar tha Atlanta of Santa Ana, it be came known lodsv. Ths engagement was confirmed by th girl s mother, Mrs. A. D. Shephsrd ot Long Beach, who aald th couple would b married ss soon as Mustek graduatss from th Trojan school. ill! DEFEATS DE PAUL PAN TRANCISCO, Nov. 0, W) Dominating play .from the atart, th green and gold garbed war rlons ot San Francisco university charged out a SS to T victory over De Paul university ot Chtcsgo her yesterday betor a crowd of about 6.000 spectatora. After making touchdowns In the first, second and third peri ods, th San Franclscons opened up In the last Quarter with two long runs for two mor touch downs. Ia th last few minutes of plsy, Kleckner, halfback, ran 43 yards to cross th De Paul line, and Mc Storkter, substitute quarterback, took th ball for a seventy yard gallop to th same pise. Earlier la th flusrtsr th green and gold had scored. De Paul made Ita only acor la th aerond period on a long pass thst netted seven ysrds and put the pigskin tea yards from th San Francisco goal. After two line bucks, Steffen crashed through. H also mads th try tor point with a plsc kick. Leaders For Grid Scoring Honors Named By Associated Press With tha football echsdulea ot th nation practically closed, ao rlral Is within threatening dts tance of Bob Camplgllo ot West Liberty (W. V.) Teacher college and Bob Moanett ot Mlchlgaa Stat, holder ot th first two places on th national Individual scoring list. Last week a games oroagnt ao change la th order of th lead ers la th major groups. Th toul ot Christensen ot Utah. Rocky Mountain conference lead er, roe to 100 points, 4t behind Camplgllo and 17 behind Mon uett. Others showed smaller In creases. The leaders la aeh of th na tion's nin major group or con ference follow: East Camplgllo. Wast Liberty, halfback. 14 points. Midwest Monnett, Mlchlgaa Stat, halfback, 1S7 point. Rocky Mountain Christensen, Utah, halfback. 10 points. South Felts. Tulane, fallback, 17 points. Pacific Shaver, Soothers Cal ifornia, quarterback, 70 points. Big Six Graham. K ansae 8tat. halfback, 41 points. Big Ten Pardonner, Pardn, quarterback. 4i polnta. Southwest Ledbetter, Arkan sas, fullback, 41 polnta. Missouri Valley Duncan, Grin nel, and, S7 point. Washington State Leaves for South PORTLAND, Nov. SO. CAP) Aaron M. Frank, chairman of th civic football committee sponsor ing th Oregon State College-University ot Utah gama her Satur day, aald today that only (S00 of th 28.000 reserved seats bar been sold. Profits from the gam will go for relief of th needy. 1 I I'm not mustering ap anything, or mussing ap anything either. Jisyor Cermsck of Chicago. SEVEN TITLES SETTLED FOR GI SEASON By HKRItKRT W. IUKKFR (Aeeorlated 1'reas Mparts Writer) NEW YOltK. Nov. SO, MV Sectional chetnplonshlps In seren of the country eight major groups or conferences bsve been settled but ths 1931 season de clines to call It a year. A score of games, moat of thstn for charity, will bs plsyed next Saturday snd ther will be In termittent tiring thsreafter uulll the Roe Bowl gam Nsw Year's Day. National Winner Unknown Out ot th Roa Bowl gam probably will smergs th winner ot tbe mythical national cham pionship. Southsrn Csllfornlk will represent the far went la this annual classic and thsre have rSea strong Indications thst the Trojans opponent will be the green wave of Tulsne, undefeat ed snd untied winner of th southern conference title. In sddltlon to th southsrn conference race, all other section al championships hsv been set' tied. Barkaell Leads Kaat Southern Methodlat baa dls- plseed Texas as th southwsst champion: Nebraska, Utah and Drake bare repeated aa football king ot th Big Six. Rocky Mountain and Missouri Valley conference respectively; and Burknall has th only unbeaten record la th eaet wher a gen erally recognised champion ah mixt never emerges. The only big sectional rare still in doubt Is In ths Pacific Coast conference wher Csllfornis yet must conquer Washington this Ssturday to gain undisputed pos session of tbe title. Th Trslans. who snapped Notr Dams's long victory string tsn dsys ago, are heavy favorite. Cxmcars Face Twlaa Whll Southern California la tangling with Washington, Tulsa will try to clinch an invitation to ths Ro Bowl by turning buck Wsshlngton Stat at New Orleans. To such othsr regularly sche duled games this week as Navy Psnn. Western Maryland-Maryland. Kentucky, Florida. Haakell Tulsa and Drake-Loyola Calif., charity has addsd a dosen others. Ia th east, Tennessee andefeat ad aoutharn conference sqnsd will tangla with New York University, Csrnegl and Duquean will play at Pittsburgh and Yale, Holy Cross, Brown and Dartmouth will participate in a round-robin In th Roa Bowl. Mid-West OatiMw : Mid-Western contributions to th cans will lnclud th mset lngs of Kansas and Washbnra. Oklshoms and unbeaten Okla homa City. Ksnsss Stat and Wichita, and Missouri and St. Louis. In th south. South Carolina will clash with Csntr and Ala bama plsy Chattanooga wbll a picked team from Duk and'North Carolina will battle anotner se lected squad drawn from North Carolina Stat, Davidson and Lak Forest. Nebraska will travel to Denver to play tha Colorado Agglea and TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE The best pine body wood $4.60. Phon 1(44. 4185 Red Ball Stage Line On Stag Daily for Lalceview, Oregon Terminal Stage Depot . i oju niaixMiix I Leave K.1 F. 18:30 a. fail i PHON S9 ' RADIOS We Carry ia Stock the Moat Complete line of Radioi in Town GllfJIlIaa, Clarion and Apes Priced at SUOO to 12U.W complete with tbe new Pen tode and MolrJ-Mo tube Static reducer New Super Ratrodyas Circuits-Improved Dynamic Speaker Fall Vision Dial and Automatic Volume Control and you most so these beautiful cabinets to appreciate them, CONVENIENT TERMS Ask for a free demonstra tion. Drop In and see our New Radio Owls turns off your radio automatically Wiring Fixtures and Sup plies Service Electric Co. 125 No. 8th. Phon 76 further weat, Southern Mslhodlat will bsttl St. Mary' ut Oak laud and L'tah will inset Oregon. Itt'NiHliilitK t.aniiw After this week, the oulalsnd lug gsmus atlll reuislulug ou ths card will Include: Dec. I At Now York, round robin among C olumbia, Cornell, Princeton aud Pennaylvania. Dec. II At New York, Army vs. Nsvy; (ioorgla at Southern California; Oklahoma vs Tulsa. Dec. It California at Georgia Tech. New Year's Tay Rosa Bowl gam at I'assdsua. STATE POLICEMEN PI I'sclflo International and equal thus of th National LlreMock show which Is held III Chicago. "This will b Hi last allowing of DKA rattle tills year," Alex auder stats. Ths cattle will b Judged Monday or Tuesday and suctioned mi Thursday. Alexander announces that h has plsi'ed Jim (lllibnns In chargs of bis show herd tor nxt yssr. Til war continues. It hss taken an economic form so seri ous that it may tueau the snd ot an era certainly rlttallm la on trial, Jumea W. (israril, former embaaasdor to Usrntany. J LOCKE'S USED CARS Are Really Reeon ditioned. SALEM, Nov. SO, 8lat Pollc Offlcr W. I. Mulksy, Jr., hss been promoted to lb rsnk ot sergeant snd transfarrsd from th Salem dlatrtet to Kugene; aud Corporal W. W. Yaurcy ot On tario wss promoted to sergeant and transferred to llsker. It was announcsd her tints y by Charles P. Pray, superintendent ot th slat police. t Pray announced th two men wer promoted In recognition of their psrformsnc in th stats pollc. Severs! chsnges wsre mad In th plain clothe staff ot the atate police and la the prohibition department, ss wslt as In the uniformed staff. Pray said. All chsnges will b St fectiv December 1, ' Other snnounced transfer la tha uniformed fore include the asslgnmsnt of Bsrgssnt t. B. Houston of llsker to Pendleton, with the asm rsnk. Officer W. W. Willlsms of Burna was trana ferred to Ontario, whll W. H. Ellenbnrg of Eugen has been tranafsrred to th Salam district. DEA STEERS SENT D. K. Alexander, owner ot Rock Cresk rsnch and breeder ot th famous DKA Aberdeen Angus cat tle which hav won many cham pionship at livestock shows.' an nouncsd Saturday that h has snt a carload of show steer to Los Angela for th Greet West ern Livestock Show and Rod opening la Los Angeles. Th Lo Angeles show la be coming on of th outstsndlng ot Its kind. Alexander aald., and th premium rival those of the Piles All Gone Wlthoat Ralvea or Catting Itching, bleeding, protruding pile go quickly and doa't come bark, it yoa remove th caua. Bad blood circulation In the hemmorrhoidal vein cause piles by making th affected paru weak, flabby, aim oat dead. Salves and cutting fall kecaus only an Internal medicine can actually correct thee conditions. Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt dlscovsrsd a real In ternal Pile remedy. After pre scribing It for 1.000 patients with success la 110 rasas be named It HEM-ROID. Underwood' Pharm acy ssys on bottl of HEM ROID Tablsts must and jour Pll misery or monsy back. "CONTRACT BRIDGE BLUE BOOK" By Ely Culbertson $2.00 post paid "A Complete Synopsis and Bidding Charts for the Culbertson System' By Spencer S. Kapp 50c post paid WimamM. Hitt &Co. 640 No Windsor Rlvd. Lo Angelee, Calif. TKCBSARDS mi CO PAIN. - An old ChltiAM Proverb 7. "Mm n 10 iufsir from pllea," but th pain Snd Itch in jr of blind, protruding or lading pllea uauallr r aUavlat.4 within a few minutes by oothlnfr. sbeallnrr Dr. Ntxon'a Chlnarold, forlt lied with rare), imported Chinee sHtrb. having a mnit rig power to re dure awollen tlas-nee. Iff th new em and ffiateat acting treatment out. Toti cun work and enjoy life rlitiit from the etart while It continues Its hfnling action. Don't delar. Act In ?ime to avoid dangerous aud cost operation. Try Dr. Nixon's China rold under our guarantee to aattefy omplfttelir md M worth 100 timet; tUe amali coal or yout monej; btvek. Bur Drue bUre) For Coughs Too Deep To Risk A Lesser Help TreaaiumcoHIras"insds to deal with sought sad eolds wUca Bang oa. A threVday coogb Is dsnger sigasi There the utmost should bs dons. But a trifling oough Buy develop la. to something deep sad difficult. Don't yoa think M wiae to as tbe trtmoet kelp, even if a lesser help might do? L.reomuiaioa combines seven maior helps la aa. Th seres best helps knows to atari leal scisae. One Is best for one typ of enogh, on for nners. nooody can tall in advsacs. So the beat wsy ssessa to bs to com bins all In one prescription. Creosote stsnds ins. Hers it I blended, arauUiaed and Ustv. For sooth ing BMcnbranes and wssbstiug sold germ a, ths wstU know aothinf bettor. Sat mm eosfhs best yieb) M whils pine tar, soms to wild cherry hark, sons to menthol, boobs to ipacao, etc S w eotnbin all thass lactors at their best la a tingle formula. For some coughs Creomulaloa I better than yoa need. One of it factors might do. But don't rou feel safer when a minor cough is trested in th almost way? If so, get Creomulaloa. It costs little more than lesser helps. But your druggist guarantees it, H re turns vour money II yoa an diesp. pointed. Yoa will feel safer ia any oough if this master help combats it. Use it promptly. CMIEOMULSION m4 CM. I 1 Ton Oct ! - I Ihlck 1 . Whipping Cream witil th Milk 1 Cream Top Bottlea Lost River Dairy IMPROVED METHOD OF ROASTING COFFEE IMPRESSES CRITICS Controlled Roasting Creates Definitely Superior Flavor in Ullls Bros. Coffee Critical people, who search for a Mrfeet cods, usually corns to their Journey's end when they taste Hills Bros. Coffee! It bas a flavor no other coffee has flavor Don can quail This Is because of Controlled Roasting Hilli Bros.' patented process. It keeps Bills Bros. Coffee free from th unsatisfactory flavor results so often secured with ordl nary, bulk methods. Aa th accuracy of tha hour-glass denands noon an vsn, continuous tow ... a iittl at a tim . . . so ths Satcilsss, unvarying- flavor of Hills roa. Coffee ia produced by this pstented process that roasts vsnly, continuously ... a IMU at e time. Here's what bappansi every berry is roastsd to ths right degree. None Is underdone, none is overdone. A a result. Hills Bros. Coffs hss the perfect flavor that never varlssl Drink Hills Bros, today. You'll delis-lit In its savory flavor. And that flavor is alwayg tha asm it never varletl Hills Bros. Coffee ia packed In vacuum cans. Air, which destroys tha flavor of coffee, hi removed and kept out of thesa can. Ordinary, "air-tight" cans won't keep coffe fresh. But Hills Bros. Coffee Is always fresh I Order some today. Ask for it by nam, and look for th Arab trade-mark on th can. Hills Bros. Coffee. Ine., Baa liii Stop and Sec the Christmas Kodaks The Christmas Kodaks are as colorful, as smart, aa any accessory a woman carries. Some are small enough to fit her pocketbook. We have styles that are just as appropriate fur men . . . for youngsters, too. You can fill any gift need at our Kodak counter. Just stop in and Inspect our complete stock. Prices are rcannnabie. There's an at tractive Eastman'camera at just about whatever you want to pay. Mor Fun for Your Boy with a BROWNIE For a growing boy with an active mind, we suggest a Brownie camera this Christmas ' It will double his fun . . . enable him and you too to enjoy good times again and again. Brownie cameras are easy to use and inexpensive. Some of them cost as little aa 92. Stop in and let us show you. And Don't Forget Our Special Eight-Hour KRYSTAL KOTE Finishing Service U's! KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ttSv I I PuiT v) WHEC avtstTKULAft PtOL( BUY ThtlK DRUGS ir7 m What A Wonderful Gift gEVERAL million people in the United States own electric refrigerators. More than a million were sold last year. You have been considering an electric refrigerator. Why not make it a Christmas gift for all the family? Don't go through another year without the economy and convenience of electric refrigeration. It will save food, time and money. An electric refrigerator will save more thqn it costs . . . and what a won-, derfu! gift it will make- . ... THE CALIFORNIA OSECON POVVCT COMFXNT Tsar Ssrtaen "TSirssa '1 - mm EJ LOCAL DfiALER Jav6 P1 complete displays of electrical gift. 1 s Jf0r your cnvcnln:e. An electrical gift may be found to f t every purse and every need. Your dealer .will be glad to assist you in making suitable selections. Francisco, California, o I'll