The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 14, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    Novomber 14, 11)31
Society News of the Week
.My Kim Photo
Member of the aon and dance revue, pictured above, who will take part In the pro rim sponsored hy the Klamath county
council, P.-T. A. at Iht Fremont auditorium this evening, are Mary l.ou Montgomery, Alice l.ysle, Carolyn Clifton, Alva l.ou Miller,
Barbara Plmonson, Eluubeth Ann Johnson. Be Be Thorn, Jane Thorn. titorla Owens, Helen Moore. Mailne Iepuy, Harharaltp
Jacobs, Elisabeth Rubb, Doniid Summer, Barbara Lavanlrk. Barbara Ann Pvteraon, Elaine Johnson, Nlvl Owena, Kditie Owens, Metvlu
On ens. Virginia Tyrell, Dorothea ElllnKson, Virginia Lee Gilbert. Phillls llaielton, Marylta Albrecht, Genera Hen p. Dean Davis, Mary
Louis Landry, Betty Nlrkeraon. Mary Lou Johnson. Marthella Glover, Elisabeth Mcljueen, Louis Voider, Lola Mayo, Cenesse Uubb,
Dolori Cody, Clancy Davis, Patricia' Woodruff, Elisabeth N. Daag ett, Maxln Liskey, Dolorii Heath, Kathryn Kelly, Mary Gn Sim
mon. Betty Jan Johnson and Ruth Liggett.
Wedding Solemnized
At H. C. Brown Home
Saturday Evening
A pretty horn weddinf took
place Saturday evening. Novem
ber seventh, at the home of Mr.
and Mr. H. C. Brown. 1S
Owens street, when Mlsa Lillian
Woodruff became the bride of
their aon. Donald Brown.
Th ceremony waa performed
by Rev. Melville T. Wire, pastor
of th First Methodist church.
Ernest Brown, brother of the
groom, acted aa beat man and
Miss Dorothy Mill waa maid of
The bride waa charmingly
gowned In creme colored lace,
and carried a large bouquet of
chrysanthemums. The bridea
mald wore pale green chiffon.
Th room waa beautifully
decorated with chrysanthemums.
Guests bidden to the ceremony
were Mrs. Bessie Woodruff,
mother of the bride: Mr. and
Mr. George 6pannana and
daughter. Katherine. Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Crouen, Mr. and
Mr. Clarence Pine. Mr. and Mr.
Clarence (larratt and daughter.
Mr. and Mr. Lauren Palmerton
and daughter. Mr. and Mra.
Harold La due. Mr. and Mr.
Robert Lewi. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Henwood. Mr. and Mr.
Bud Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Pollock, Misses Clarice Croaaen.
Zoe Bailey. Marjorie Brown and
Messrs. Chandler Berry. Charles
Holsten. Kirk Coffenmen and
Donald McUee.
The young couple left Sun
day for San Francisco where they
planned to apend a week. They
will make their home In Klamath
Fall where Mr. Brown, ia em
Merrill P.-T. A.
Has Social Meet
The Merrill P. T. A. held Ita
monthly social meeting in the
high school gym. Thursday eve
ning, November 12. which waa
attended by 60 members. Th
dollar prise waa awarded Mlsa
Variety's room for having the
most members present. ,
The program for the' evening
included two numbera by the
high school glee club, a clever
song by Miss Burke's room, song
by the Hartlerode twins, song
and dance number by Joyce
Whltlach. short talk by Ed Ken
dall of Klamath Falls on the
governor'a welfare committee.
Refreshments were served.
A Thanksgiving dance Is being
planned by the P. T. A.
Jolly Bridge
Club Entertained
Mrs. William Anderson enter
tained the Jolly Bridge club at
her horn, 4S Alameda, Wed
nesday, when two tables were in
High score was received by
Mrs. A. C. Llstoe and low went
to Mrs. Ira B. Morris.
Those present were: Mr. H. E.
Cornell. Mra. H. B. Moss. R. Pay
ette. Ira B. Morris. A. C. Llstoe,
R. Henderson, Charles Yorkland
and the hostess, Mrs. William An
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brown en
tertained at a prettily r.ppolnted
dinner party at their home, 918
Owens, Sunday evening In honor
of their eon and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mra. Donald Brown, who
were married on Saturday eve.
Present were Mr. and Mr. Clar
ence Pine, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hen
wood, Mrs. Bessie Woodruff, Miss
Zoe Bailey, Earnest and Marjorie
Brown and the boat and hostesa,
Mr. and Mra. H. C. Brown.
We Carry in Stock the
Moat Complete line of
Radio in Town
(.llfllllan, Clnrlon and Apei
I'rlreil at :tlJO to SI2HJM
complete with the new Pen
tode and Multl-Mu tabes
Matlc reducer New Super
lletrodyne Circnitr Xiuprov
eel Dynamic Speaker Kail
Vision Dial and Automatic
Volume Control nd yoo
must see them beautiful
raliineta to appreciate them.
Ask for a free demonstra
tion. Drop In and see onr
Near Kaitlo Owls turns off
your radio automatically
Wiring FUturc and Sup
plies Service Electric Co,
12A No. 8th. I'hone 76
Homecoming Week
End Draws Local
People to Eugene
Preparations by many of the
younger aet to depart for Eugene
to attend the annual Oregon State
an'. University of Oregon home
coming week end activities, have
rather dulled local social events
during the past week. Few ma
jor events have taken place, with
bridge parties and Informal
venta filling In.
Many entertainments are be
ing planned for pleasure aeekers
at Eugene this week, however,
and many Klamath people will be
there to take part-
Mis Esther Veatch. Mis Betty
Zimmerman, and Misa Hollls
Swingle left Friday evening for
the university city where they
will be guest of Mis Marion
Thompson. From there they will
go to Corrallia wher Mis Veatch
and Misa Swingle will visit at
the Delta Zeta sorority house,
and Misa Zimmerman will be the
guest of Misa Nadine O'Flaherty.
Mrs. George A. Massey and her
daughter. Allsa. will also witness
the homecoming game and other
events. They will visit Mrs. Mas
sey two aon who are attending
the university and Miss Massey
will visit her former classmate.
Mr. and Mrs. Norval Jonea will
be the guesta of their daughter.
Mlsa Helen Jones, a member of
Kappa Delta sorority, at Univers
ity of Oregon, over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers
left the last of the week to at
tend the homecoming game and
other eventa. Both of their
daughters. Mrs. Charles. Scott
Warren and Misa Jean Rogers,
who ia now a atudent at North
western University, Evanston, 111.,
formerly attended the university.
Mimes Marjorie Richardson and
Ruth Cofer departed Thursday
evening for Eugene to attend tbe
Oregon State-Oregon game, and
later to visit at the Alpha XI
Delta home in Corrillls. of which
Misa Cofer Is a member.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schaefers
have departed for Eugene where
they will visit their many friends
and attend numeroue campus ac
tivities. Score of the Klamath Falls
people will travel northward over
the week end.
Mrs. E. 8. Frldley entertain
ed the Rinky Dink five hundred
club at her home Thursday, No
vember 12. Those present were
Mra. P. G. Croft, Mr. Dolly
Nine, Mra. A. W. Ekstrom, Mrs.
A. D. Thompson, Mr. O. R. And
edson, Mrs. Ray Condlt. Mrs.
Craft received the first priie. At
the close of the afternoon the
hostess served a luncheon. The
club will meet Thursday. Novem
ber 1 at the home of Mrs. Dolly
1-4. ,60 " V LYr
Coming Events
Monday, November 1(1
Special meeting, auxiliary
Veterana of Foreign Wars at
the. home of Mrs. H. D. Wil
liamson. 127 Maasanila. Mon
day evening.
Tuesday. November 17
The local chapter of Roycroft
Junto will meet at Hotel Wll
lard at 8 p. m.. for a discussion
of "Peter Cooper."
The W. c. T. U. will meet at
the home of Mr. F. W. Abbey,
939 Lincoln, Tuesday, Novem
ber 17. at S:!0 p. m.
Meeting of Roosevelt P.-T. A.
at t p. m.
St. Ritana to meet with Mra.
W. P. McCauley. 71$ Ninth.
Social and entertainment to
be given at Moose Hall by
member of the Junior Moose.
Wednesday, November 18
Wednesday club meeting at
8 p. m. in parish hall.
Mrs. Mario J. llarnes will en
tertain for members of tbe
Wednesday Bridge club at the
home of Mrs. Brady Narey In
the Marion apartmenta.
Riverside P.-T. A. meeting at
S p. m. in school auditoriam.
Joseph Conger P.-T. A. hard
time social at 7:30 p. m.
Neighbor of Woodcraft to
meet In I. O. O. F. west hall at
8 p. m. Special program.
Miss Daisy Park and Mlsa
Goldie Lewin to entertain at
bldge party at Park home on
Pacific Terrace.
Installation of Auxiliary of
Veterana of Foreign War offi
cers at Library club. State
president to visit.
Thursday. November 10
Mt. Laki Ladles' Aid will
meet at the home of Mra. J. R.
Elliott, at 2 p. m.
Kinky Dink Five Hundred
club to meet at home 'of Mrs.
Dolly Nine.
Prosperity Rebekah lodge to
hold regular meeting at 7:30
p. m.
Annual grade school . teach
ers banquet in Pelican grille at
:30 p. m.
Friday. November 20
Ladles of the Community
Congregational Circle will meet
at the home of Mrs. E. L.
French. 1302 East Main for sil
ver tea and aocial hour. Mrs.
J. W. Parent. Mra. Nichols.
Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. Piles
in charge.
Pioneer School Girla to hold
Thanksgiving pot luck dinner
at the home of Mrs. Charles De
Lap, 635 Alameda.
Saturday, November 21
Klamath chapter A. A. U. W.
to hold luncheon at the home
of Mra. Clarence A. Humble.
L a R)
ti . i
Professor Sykes
Will Give Organ
Concert in City
Klamath society ia looking for
ward with anticipation to the
concert of professor Laurin B.
Sykea who will present an organ
recital her November 23. Two
of th city' outstanding musl
clana, who were among th many
who heard 6yke perform here
last year, have written the fol
lowing appreciation of hla work:
Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt "It la
gratifying to learn that Laurin
B. Sykea ia to give us a return
pipe organ recital her on No
vember 23 in the Presbyterian
church. The pipe organ, with ita
wide scope of ton color perbapa
appeals to most of us more
strongly than doe the piano, and
Mr. Sykea last March proved
himself able to reach hia lis
teners, whatever their musical
taste. His technique ia brilliant,
and to those numbers which de
manded It. he brought a clarity
and sparkle thoroughly delight
ful: while those selections of a
quieter mood were given sympa
thetic and artistic Interpretation.
His program waa varied, and
well arranged. Sykea possesses
musicianship of a high order, and
to all who love to hear good
music excellently and enjoyably
Interpretated. I would aay, do
not miss hearing thla. We are
fortunate In having such an
artist com to Klamath Falls."
Llllle E. Darby, music super
visor of th Klamath Falls pub
lic schools, speaks highly of the
coming concert
"As a fitting prologue to the
concert season which waa suc
cessfully launched In our city
this year, will be the organ re
cital presented by Mr. Laurin R.
Sykes. of Portland. Oregon. No
vember 23. For those who heard
Mr. Sykea In bia last recital here,
there la no need to extal his
work. All who heard blm then
are most eager to again have
this privilege. In keeping with
the music appreciation work
in the public schools. Mr. Sykes
lectures to bis audience regard
ing the numbera he la playing.
This adds greatly to the intereat
and attention of bla Ilstenera.
thereby increasing the value of
the concert."
Dr. C. B. Cassel. baritone, and
Lawrence Davis, flutist, will as
sist Sykea In rendition of hla pro
The Sacred Heart parish hall
was the acene for Tuesday after
noon's meeting of the St. Rita
club when Mrs. Collier presided
aa hostesa. Mrs. Colwell won
high acore and Mr. Kunts con
solation. The next meeting will
be at the horn of Mrs. W. P.
McCauley, 716 North Eleventh
atreet. Tuesday. November 16.
It's the HOSIERY
that pays and PAYS
and PAYS
Kayser HOSIERY cays
if wears .
it's particularly beautiful
its colors are right .
it combines style and
quality at the lowest price
for which both can be pur
chased .... 1 (JO and up
Dance Rovue Today
Outstanding Lvent
On WiM'k's Program
Oulttaiidlng on thla week's ao
cial calendar Is th dance re-
i vue, sponsored by tit Klamatti
County P.-T. A. council, which
will be given at seven-thirty this
evening In th Fremont school
Pupils of grade school will
lake part. Little HarlMralee
Jacoba will be the start of tit
allow and John Mcl'owu, Jr., will
act a master of reienionlra. Tbe
program Includes a girla' lap en
semble. Mickey Mouse revue, bal
let ensemble, amateur dancing
content and various drills.
As a apeelat feature of the
how the grade school hand, un
der the direction of Mlie l.lllle
Darby, will preaetit a group of
Those who will take part In the
ensemble number are:
Itarhare Bean. Carolyn Collier.
Phyllia Collier, Agnes Crawford.
Elisabeth Ann Daggett, Clancy
Dean Davis, Barbara Jane tiraf
ton, Marthella (Hover, Carolyn
Clifton, Virginia Lee Gilbert.
Phyllia Mnxltie llaielton, Klaln
Johnson, Katherine Kelly, Doro
thy Keslerson. It ll I h Liggett, Alice
l.yle. Kliiabeth McQueen. Mary
Lucille Montgomery, Helen
Moore. Alva 1-ou Miller. Gloria
Owens. Hetty Jean Reynolds.
Mary Alice Serruys. Mary Jean
Simmons. Barbara Simlnson, Vir
ginia Tyrell, Jane Thorn, Hebe
Thorn. Patricia Woodruff, Jollene
Woodruff, June Mcknight.
Members of the Mickey Mome
revue are:
Maxtne Llsky, Mary Barbara
Peterson. Ruth Rogers. Lois
Mayo, Lewis Volger. Dean Davis.
Mary Louise ljinilry, Mores
Heath, Nathan Heath. Genevieve
Heap. Dorothy Klllngson, !e
lores Cody. Merlin Albrecht. Vlr
glnia Bubb. Janice Bubb. Richard
Mayo. Lillian O'Mahandro, Col
lene Graham, Betty Jean John
son. Pauline Sweeney.
Mra. Arthur Porter
Entertains Club
Mr. Arthur W. Porter enter
tained member of the Eaatern
Star bridge club at her home on
North Eighth atreet, Tuesday
High scores were awarded to
Mra. H. W. Bathlany and J. F.
Pen rod and low to Mrs. R. U
Braden and C. L. Harvey.
Following the bridge game the
hostesa aerved refreshments.
Guesta were Mr. and Mra. C
L. Harvey, Mr. and Mra. K. L.
Brasen. Mr. and Mra. N. H
Jonea. Mr. and Mra. A. M
Thomaa. Mt. and Mra. J. F. Pen-
rod. Mrs. H. W. Bathlany and
Mr. and Mra. A. W. Porter.
The next meeting will be held
In December at the home of Mra.
C. L. Harvey.
Mrs. Stella Mani
Honors Californians
Mrs. Stella sheets Manl of
South Riverside, entertained at
a whist and bridge party In honor
of Mr. and Mr. Charles payot
of Yreka. California. Wednes
day evening.
Guesta were Messrs. and Mea
ds mt- s W. Paul Johnson, Kd
Propst. W. E. Berk. Hurry Rich
ardson, and Dr. and Mrs. C. P.
Mason. Mr. R. A. Emmitt. Mr.
K. L. Myers and Mia Vivian
Bridge score were won by
Mrs. Paul Johnson, high, K. L.
Myers, second, and Dr. Mason,
consolstlon. Mrs. Charles Payot
won first, W. E. Beck, second.
and Charles Payot consolation In
e e
Lioness Club At
Winetrout Home
Monday evening waa th oc
casion for an informal party at
the home of Mra. Karl Winetrout
when she entertained members
of the Lioness club. Mra. Cecil
Adams and Mrs. Lloyd Ooble
were assistant hostesses.
Five tablea of bridge were In
play with score going to Mrs.
Cheslelgh Moore, high, and Mrs.
J. O. Johnson, consolation.
The next meeting will be held
the second Monday In December
when Mra. Claude Davis, presi
dent, Mra. O. O. Nichols and
Mra. Theodore Case will enter
tain tbe member at th Davis
Prosperity Rt'bckahs
St'iul Delegation to
Ashland Conference
The twenty-fourth dl-trlct run
volition of HuhvkMh loilava of
southern Oregon u held In Ash
land Tuesduy, November tenth,
with 2u attendance, Including a
large reprvnentatlnn from Klam
ath Falls, president.
Mra. Kthel Meldrunt. president
of lite Kelieknh Assembly of Ore
gon, presided at the conference.
Ill her atate officials altendi'd.
Florence M r v r eni-e. Past
Noble lira nit. Jacksonville, was
chairman of the convention anil
Mr, tllllmore of tlianta I'aaa
vice-chairman. Grants pass waa
aelected aa I list place for the neit
district convention.
IMegate from Manhfleld.
Klamath Kalis. Ilrooklna, Med
ford, Ashland and Grants Pass
attended the meeting.
Klamath Falls waa repreeented
by Mrs. Herbert I.. Lalldla. Mr.
I.. Ilelder. Mra. Hernil Foater.
Mra. Addle Walker and Mra. W.
Paul Johnson. Othere a ho motor
ed to Ashland to attend Hie eve
ning session were Mra. William
I.. Samlera. Mlsa Mary Walker
and Mra. W. K. Ilean, Mrs. Guy
Satterle former meitihera of the
local rlub who now makes her
home In Med turd. Joined the local
Auxiliary Will
Install Officers
Newly elected offlrere of tbe
tadlee auxiliary. Veterana of For
eign Wars, will ha Installed at a
meeting U edneatlay evening, No
vember 16, In the library rlub
rooms. Mra. Ceclle Porter, atate
president, will visit the Klamath
organisation at thla 'lime.
Mra. Porter will be honored
with a dinner, and following In
stallation of ofllcera a banquet
will b served to meuihera and
guests. A delegation from the
Medford auxiliary la expected to
attend the eventa.
Offlrere to he Installed Include
president, Kosella ('line: vice
president. Rose Patterson: Junior
vice president, Huth Khtirtaeu;
secretary. Mary McKlnnon; treas
urer. Irma Badger; chaplain.
Iielta Abbey; guard, Noy Mc
Danlela; trustee. Jeasie Ussiin;
color bearers. Ida Moore. Mary
llardell. Annie Wenalry and
Delpha llovt: historian, Shsrley
Rousseau, and patriotic Instruc
tor, Euta Williamson.
Annual Banquet
Set for Nov. 19
Grade school teacher of the
city are looking forward to their
annual banquet which will lake
place In the Pelican ('rill at six
thirty Thursday evening, Novem
ber 19. M las Mae Phlnney la In
charge of arrangements.
A varied program all! be given
under the direction of Mlsa Llllle
Darby. This will consist of vocal
selections by Mrs. Earl C. Rey
nolds. Mrs. O. G. Crawford and
Mlsa Darby, accompanied by Mrs.
Madge Hampton, vocal solo by
Mlsa Aagodt Frlgaard. piano se
lection by Mlsa Elaine Johnon
and violin aolo by Mlsa Ida Mae
Stauffer, accompanied by Mrs.
Don Zumwalt.
Close to 75 teachers are ex
pelled to attend.
Campbells Entertain
Informally for Guest
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell
entertained informally In honor
of their niece, Mlsa Luc lie Fox of
Marshall. Indiana, at their home
Thursday evening.
Invited gueata were Misses
Wllma Dawson, Georgia Dawson,
Mildred Hamilton. Neva Hamil
ton. Ruth Campbell, Alysse Hec
tor, Gertrude Hllyard, Audrey
Kelger, Marjorie Keeder. Jane
Bowen, Carrie Kucera, Bonnie
Short, and Messrs. Osrar liar
hurst, Charlea Hess, Vernon Dur
ant, Francis Bowen, Jerry Short,
Junior Drew, Hill Marshall.
George Billing, Wilbur Billing.
Lawrence Campbell, Irwin Camp- i
bell, Mrs. George Hllyard. Mra. I
E. N. Bubb and th honor guest.
Miss Luclle Fox.
Another Exclusive Feature
at Your Rexall Store!
Toilet Goods Specialist Here
During the Week of Nov. 16th to 22nd
Every woman in
Klamath Falls is cor
dially invited to visit
our store during this
period and to receive
from this especially
trained young lady,
The proper care of the Bkin is most essential and we heartily;
recommend the -
Cava Nome
as being absolutely f,ree from all impurities. No finer line of
toilet articles is prepared.
Make Your Appointment Early You Can then Choose the Time Motf
Convenient for You
Star Drug Store 5th
The REXALL Store
Meeting of Riverside
I'arent-Teachers Set
For Wednesday, Nov. IS
The next meeting of Hi River
side Parent. Tcicliers association
will be hold Wedimndny, Novum
bur U, wheu Mis. Kmhel Hood
will deliver an addresa on "An
Kducatlon Killed to Kvary Child "
Au executive meeting of th
group was held Friday, Novem
ber 13, prealded over by Mra. L.
A. Varnadore. Plana for a dan
cing party lo ha held In the
a liuol aviutiasliim fur people of
Hlvi-ratdu addition and their
friends, were discussed. Music,
cards and refreshments will fea
lur the rly which has beau
aet ror Hecemlier fourth,
The first meeting of the group
waa held late In October with
l lie new president, Mra. Varna
dore In charge. After two songs
by els lull grade pupils, a ahurt
business nieetlng waa conducted.
Following announceinenla con
cerning the week day llltile
acliool by Her. T. Davla Preston.
Mlsa Virginia West, of the high
arhool faculty, gave an entertain
ing talk oil Mexico, Ita people
and customs. Her talk waa en
riched by a display of beautllnl
Mexican potiiiry, haaketa and
blatlketa. Mlaa West wore a
Mexican costume.
Joseph Conger P. T. A. will
hold a hard-tlmea aocial, Wed
nesday evetilllK. November la, at
the echool, alien a program, fol
lowed by gatnea and contests,
will atari at 7:30. Those who
do not appear In hard-time roe
t nines will he fined. An admla-
alon rharge of 16 rente will he
made, and will Include refresh
ments. Roosevelt P. T. A. meeting
will be held Tuesday, November
17. at Ihre o'clock in th school
auditorium. Mra. Twyla Fergu
son will give a talk on the eco
nomic situation. Group singing
and a social hour will ronclude
the program, after which lea will
be served in the art room. Mrs.
Collier, president, will he In
rharge of the meeting.
We wi.ih sinrervly to express our appreciation to the
people of Klamath Fall, not only for your excellent
patronage, but aluo for the many compliments you
have given ui regarding our food and lenrlee.
llor you will alway find a well-balanced
menu la a delightful atmosphere.
Phone 2334
1111 Main St.
You May Have A
In Your Own
' Appointment
Free of Charge
WiMppl'-rs Entortnin
At Ririlulay Party
Mr. and Mr. Albert Wampler
of Odessa entertained lltelr neigh,
bora wlih a very enjoyable party
In honor of Mra. Judd Short s
lilrtliduy last Monday veiling.
Ham lug and whist were enjoyed,
with scores going lo Jack It van,
h h, and Frank Hodge, consola
tion. At midnight refreshment were
served lu Hie dining room which
ns tastefully decorated In gut
unit! colors.
Those attending wore Mra.
Judd Hliorl, gueal of honor, Mr,
ami Mrs. A. K. llakansnn, Mr.
and Mra. II. Hlevenann. Mr. and
Mra. K. K. Smith of Kagl Midge.
A. It. I.eavltl, Jark Ryan of
Itoeky Point, Henry Ho worth,
Fred McTlmmonda. Mr. Hoy
Howard, Mr. and Mra. Harry Tel
ford, Frank Dodg and th host
and hostesa.
O'Neils Honored
At Informal Dinner
Mr. M. I). O'Nell a com.
pllmeiiled at the Wright home
Monduy evening, th occasion be
ing her birthday anniversary.
Mrs Charles Wright and Mlsa
Auilrev O'Nell were hostess.
( overs were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph C. O'Nell, Mr. and
Mrs. M. I). O'Nell. Mr. and Mra.
Jack Franey. Mr. and Mra. Cbaa.
Wright, Ham O'Nell and Miss
Audrey O'Nell.
Allison Barnes
Honored Saturday
r,,p the blaasur of their
rfsueiiter Allison's birthday. Mr.
and Mra. Marlon J. llama enter
tained at dinner party at their
home In the Marlon apartment
Saturday evening,
Giii.sia were Mra. Carmel II ar
il n, Mlsa Allison Uaraea, Mr, and
Mra. Marlon J. Herns. Miss
Marls Huffy. Frederick Harlla
and Janiea Harnea.
see the cost of tvwrytravej ia coming dossa
rsowodoyi So or trt rotes for very ast
of the :so room...ALL WITH BATR
rvc DrAiiTirin
Daily Luncheon 35o ancf 50c
Dinner J5e
Sunday Dinner - $1.00
Expert Women Cooks,
IS to a p m. ft: "JO to ):SO p, aa.
helpful information;
and advice on the cor
rect care of the com
plexion. This service is per
sonal, private, and
without cost to you.
and Main