The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 12, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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Novombrr 12,
A Ma to lara llnapltal Joe
Wblta, who aa accidentally
hot two weeka n at Itaa Dal
niar homa aat of Maconel, Calif.,
when gun dlechariea, la ahla
to leae Ilia hoapliel and will
rainalii at lb home ol bla
mill liar, Mra. Victor Oleun III
Klamath ralla until recororr la
complete. Tba bulla!, which
nternd tbu brain, will Dot b re
moved, Hon la Horn Mr. and Mn. W.
L. Welch of Dairy, Oregon, hat
received word from HI, llolan'a
hoepltal, Chehalle, Waehlngtou.
that aon waa burn November
I, to Mra. Ilallla K. Walrh,
widow of Claranra L. Walcb who
waa drowned In Hnaka rlvar,
Idaho, leal aumtnar. Tha aon
weighed (hi pounda, and wa
named Cbarlaa Leroy Walrb.
Ilualnea VUllor Mr. and
Mra. Thomaa r. Kobartaon,
former realilanta of Klamath
Kill! who now llv In Walla
Walla. Wb., apant Artnlatlr
day In Klamath telle. Whlla
bar they transacted builnaaa and
lafl leal evening for Lo Angela.
I'atlnraon to Move A. Karl
l'ailaraon, conalrucllon engineer
fur tha government on Klamath 'a
federal building, who haa made
bla homa In Ihia city for tha paat
year haa completed bla work her
and will ba tratwterred to Aalorla
bjr tha government. II waa an
Dounrad today.
Mother to Meet The Mother'
Btudr club of tha Jneaph t.'oniar
erhool will meet Krlday at I p. m.
"Ouedleuc of Children" la tha
topic to ba dlaruaaed and Mra.
John Anderaon la ledr of tha
group. Hevorel nothara will pre
sent pa para.
Whitlock fctprrted Hawk
Earl Whttlork la eipected to re
turn thla evening from i'ortland
and Oregon City whara ba eon
ductad final commltmant .ilce
for tha lata Kutua . r.
pioneer Klamath lumbarman who
died Friday morning.
Junto la Mm Madam da
Rtael rhaptar of Hoyrmfi Junto
will haia a remlar maallng int
Tueeday evening. November 17,
at llotal Wlllard. Tb topla for
dlacuaalon will ba "Palar Coo par."
All mom bam and honorary manv
bar ara urged to b praaant.
P-T.A. Will Meet Th Mar-
rill P.-T.A. will hold an ara
nlng meeting Thuraday, Novem
bar li. In tba high acbool gvnf
naalura. Hefreebraent will ba
erved and a program will ba
given. Tha publlo la cordially
Invited to altand.
Vlaltlng (iraailnareala -Trtu-my.
tha amall aon of Mr. and
Mr. Jaraee Good of Klamath
Falla, la vlaltlng bla grand
paranla, Mr. and Mra. T. P.
Mlchaal of tllldebraud.
Traaafrrnvi to 1ly Mlaa Dor
othaa Klddal. formerly of Mad-
ford, baa bmn traaaTarratt la tba
Klamath otflra of tba California
Oregon Powar company from tha
Medford braarb.
Ilrlnra to Lkcvli - Mr. and
Mra. Dan Chandlar ratnrnad to homa In Lakevlew Wednee
day, aflar apendlng eevoral dart
letting thalr daughtar. Mra. Hart
Thompklna at bar homa on Law la
Cooked Food Half Tha Preo
bytarlan lad Ira will hold a cook ad
food aala, Saturday. November
II, at tha (Unitary markat, cor
Bar of Seventh and Main.
Motored to Tula l.ak Mr.
and Mra. Kvercti Hardenhrook
and Mr. and Mra. Ilyron Taad
and danghty, Dorothy, motorad
to Tula Lake Armlatlca day.
fiueata at Among tha
Tlaltora In Klamath Falla Thura
day, reglatered at tha llotal Klk
war Loulg Zeiea, Baiam and O.
J. Hill, Aahland.
Hnmt Armlatlm Hay Mra. Ma
bla I'ogua of Madford apant Arm
latlra Day In Klam ath Kalla vlalt
lng with frlenda. '
Dorrla VUltora Mr. and Mra.
Pearl Wlaa of Dorrla wars Klam
ath Falla Tlaltora Thuraday.
Kwp Hair Youthful Shade,
Fret) of Gray Hairs
Here and There
"I wag only twenty-one year old
when my hair darted turning gray
and in three yearn tha gray hair
on my trmplea and forehead allow
ed plainly, and in theaa day gray
hair la held agalnat one getting or
holding poailion," declared Mr.
Wayne Barber, aalealady tiring
t S10" South Hoover Street, Loa
Angelea, Calif.
'Tpon tha recommendation of a
neighbor who had uaed Lea' Hair
Tonic for two year. I gay It a
trial and It turned my gray hair
back to their youthful color and
I now look my right age. After
luch aplendid reautt I gladly rec
ommend Lea' Hair Tonic,' con.
tinned Mr. Barber,
Thoueand of people, both old
and young, highly recommend
Le' llair Tonic and no young per
aon ahould ha worried about look
ing old juat on account of a few
I ray hair, when Lea'a flair Tonic
o eaay to uae. Your dniiglat
haa Lea'a Hair Tonic and will re
fund your money If you arc not de
lighted with reaulte. Get a bottle
from your drugglat, or pin dollar
bill, atampa, check ar money order
to thla ad and aond to I Tonle
Co.. Brentwood, Mri., and regular
dollnr aiie bottle will he arnt you1
la plain wrapper by return mailt
Mueate at Hall Oueate at tha
Hall hotel Armlatlca liay Includ
ed John A. Andaraon, Taeomai
Harry Lela. Portland; Mr. and
Mra. J. II. Hmlth, Alturaa; P. B.
Hlblay, Portland; U. A. Wllaoa,
Davenport, Iowa; W. B. Hhepherd,
tlraat Northern railway; II. O.
llrowu, Creecent 1-aae; Mr. and
Mra. J. K. Wllllama, Beattla;
Claude Oalnaa, Malln; L. J. Good
man, Ogden. Utah, and Fred
Blarr, Mecdnel, Calif.
Prom Heatllo Baattl vlallora
In Klamath ralla who reglatered
at tha Hotel Wlllard Wadaaaday
Included Colonel p. . Maara, Mr.
and Mra. W. Holland, A. (I. Oak
ley, Mr. and Mra. W. Holland, A.
O. Oaklay, Mr. and Mra. J. illa
lerk, J, T. Downt and Edward 1.
Leek man.
Htatn Vlalliira Vlaltor In
Klamath ralla from other cltlaa
of Ih Btata Wadnaaday who ware
regletered at Ih Hotel Wlllard
wara S. W. Kllla. B. K. Poolay, C.
C. page, Kugena; H. C, Powere,
Oranta I'aaa; Hobart It. Hoyl, W.
P. tmhke. Medford; Mr. and
Mr. J. 0. Duff, Vend.
from lortUiul Portland tlal
tora In K lameon Falla o'er Ar
mlatlca iay, raglatared at the
Hotel Wlllard Included: L W.
Campbell, pat Lonargaa, O. (1.
(Ireuory, R. O. Btlneon, C. (1.
Corbran, J. C. Hoatatler, Mr. and
Mr. H. r. Donahue, Koy Black
burn. Arrive TharaiUy Thuraday ar
arrlvala at tha Hotel Wlllard In
cluded II. E. and K. H. Beaah.
Nllea, Calif.; II. U Potter, Port
land; C. It. White, Madford, and
C. D. Terwllllger, A. D. Oaborn
and S. M. Taylor, all of Loyalton,
ftlwarda VUtta grotty Ed
warda, former piano player at the
old Marahall Houae. la a tialtor
la Klamath ralla today from bla
present bom eoutb of Dorrla,
Mlaa rhriatopheraoa III Vial
Lucille Chrlalopharaoa. who un
derwent a major operation at tha
Klamath Valley Taeeday, I Im
proving rapidly, according to hos
pital authorltlaa.
Wlllard Ouoeta Among gueat
at Ih Hotal Wlllard Wadnaaday
alght wara J. R. W. Davla, B. .
Da Oear, Bt. Paul, Minn.; Mr.
Otto Macbln, Bt. John, Waah.j B.
P. Oeaellebeu, Oaorg H. Colllna,
H. A. Item, of Baa Pranclaco;
W. D. Kant, Berkeley; 0. C. How
ard, Barramanlo; L. W. Hardy,
llolae, Ida.) Mr. and Mra. John
M. Coj, Banta Crui, Calif.; Mr.
and Mra. D. Oaugherliaugb, M.
Worllngar, Richard Welly, Ed
ward C. Dalfa, of Lo Angelea;
O. I). Lotna. Peoria, III.; 0.
Kaungneaa, MrCloud, Calif., and
r. N. and Howard Blagan of Cal
plna, Calif.
Wllaon IIHurna Ed Wllaon.
Klamath Falla reproaentatlre of
tha Clyde Egulpment company,
relumed tha flrat of thla week
from Harkeley, Calif., whara ba
recently apant a ten-day vacation.
Many Railroaders
Visiting Klamath
H. A.' Buck, general agent of
tb Union Pacific railroad. In tha
paaaenger department, with bead
quartera In Ban Franrlaro la
among the railroad men In Klam
ath ralla today.
Hurk highly complimented tha
Waatarn Pacific and tha Oraat
Northern for Ihe manner In which
tha Blebar golden aplka celebra
tion waa bandied.
Other railroad men In the city
Included Roy Hlarkburn. travel
ing freight and paaaenger agent
of tba Mlaaourl, Kanaaa and
Teiaa; J. T. Downe, traffic repre
aenlatlv of the Nickel Plata rail
road, both of whom have office
In Heat tie and L. E. Bt. John,
traffic manager of tha Pacific
Motor Transport company, aub
aldlary of tb Southern Pacific,
Vital Statistics
Clem Pehrney Irenbtre to Cor
nelia Margaret Van Mater, No
vember 11. till, by Melville T.
Wire of tb Methodlat church.
TRUMAN Born, to Mr. and
Mra. E. E. Truman of Kennet.
Calif., a daughter, weight aevea
pounde ten ouncea, at HllUlda
hoepltal. November 11, till.
Pinal rite for Chrlallne Mil
dred Dennlaon wer conducted In
Ih cbapel of tb Earl Whltlo-k
Funeral Horn at 1:10 Wadnaa
day afternoon with Rev. A. Theo
dore Bmlth of the Flrat Preahy
tarlan church' officiating, itver
ment followed In Llnkvllle) cem
etery. Tba chapel wa crowded to
rapacity end a large floral tri
bute waa In evidence,
Altamonl claaamatea who acted
aa pallbearer were Robert Zim
merman, Vera Kobertaon. Viola
Pearaon, Mary Burnett, Dorothy
Parent. Marie Weaver, honorary,
and Boyla Zimmerman. Gerald
Zimmerman, Mark Hanchett,
Uena kohluaon, Victor Reglnato,
and Richard Morrla, active.
Vocal aelartlona were given by
Mra. Wleas and Mr. Kayee. ac
companied by Mr. M. Helena
Chiiatln. who died November
I, la aurvlved by her paranta, Mr.
and Mra. Trace E. Dennlaon and
one alatar, Loula and a brother,
Prlanda ar rsapectfully Invited
lo attend tba funeral aervlrea for
the lata Frank Flatter to ba bald
Friday afternoon at I o'clock at
Ih Karl Whitlock funeral home,
Pine evenue at With, with Rev.
Melville T, Wlr paator of the
Methodlat church officiating. In
terment will ba mad In Llnkvllle
Frlenda ar reepectfully Invited
lo attend th funeral aervlrea for
tha lata Daniel Clifford Bbaeffer,
to be held Friday afternoon at 1
o'clock at th Karl Whitlock fun
eral homa. Pin avenue at Birth,
with Rev, Fred Hornerhuh, paator
of the Klamath Temple, officiat
ing, bitarment will ba mad la
Linkfflla cemetery.
Iaaae Jackeoa familiarly known
lo hundred of realdent of thla
county aa Ik Jackaon, paeaed
away at tha family realdenre
near Bpragu River Wadnaaday
evening about 7:90, bla demlaa
terminating a brief lllneaa. Mr.
Jackaon waa born In thla county
and waa about 11 yeara of age
when railed. He waa well and
favorably known to tha Indian
peopl of aouthera Oregon and
northern California, la 120 h
waa tha delegate to Waahlngtnn,
D. C. tot tha California Indiana,
in addition to hie wife Bailie, the
following children ara left to
mourn bla paaalng, Boyd Jackaon
of Arcadia. Calif., Mra. Kdltb
Col of Chlloquln, Or., Mra.
Wlnnl Robblna of Hpragua River.
McKlnley and Ted Jackaon ' of
Bpragus River, Ore., twenty-two
giandchlldren, and three great
grandchildren, ae well aa a broth
er, William Turner Jackaon.
Bpragua River, Ore. The remaina
ara at hla lata realdenra at
Bpragua River, Ore, entruated to
the care of Towey and Maraba'a
Klamath Funeral Horn. Fnaaral
aervlrea will be held at 1:10 p.
m. Baturday at Bpragua Rlvar
church and vault entombment
will follow. In Chief Bcbonchln
Editors To Ban
Word 'Depression
From Newspapers
LOB A.VGELEB. Nov. 11, (JPi
Amerlca'a peeelmlata, In the
eyea of tha natlon'a newapaper
puhllaher. awoke today to find
their favorite word "depreaalon"
bad been routed by tba atlff arm
of auppreealon.
Aa far aa aom of Ih lift edit
ors attending tba American Newa
paper puhliahera aaeoelallon con
tention ara concerned, th word
doean't eilat any more, aprlally
In reference to bualneaa.
They decided It wa high-hat
word Invented lo aubatltut tbe
worda "bard time" and even
"panic," now conaldered too
barab for ordinary uae.
Copco Employes
To Aid Milk Fund
Th Phaee Relation club, com
poaed of tha California-Oregon
Power company, haa offered to
Chief of Police Our Merrill 1100
The H. W. Poole Theatres
The Pine Tree
Laat Showing Today -Maarlc CnevaUev
Laat Showing Today of th Scree' Supreme Adileroaaest
"All Quiet on the Western Front"
Tomorrow Greta Garbo In "IX8PIRATIOV"
for tha milk fund at any time
that th money I needed.
Th money may ba had at any
time, the chief waa told. Tha
club decided to give tha money
to the milk fund became they
conaldered It th moat worthy
form of charity and on of Ih
moat needed forma, they told th
Piles Go Quick
Xo Balvee Xs (wiling
Thouaanda of aufferer from
Itching, bleeding or protruding
pile have learned that quirk
and laatlng relief can only be
acrompllehed with aa Internal
medicine. Neither aalve nor cut
ting remove tbe cua.
Bad circulation of the blood In
the lower bowel rauaee pile. The
velna ara flabby, tba bowel walla
weak tb parte almoet dead. To
end Pllea an Internal medicine
ahould be uaed to ettmulate the
circulation, heal and reator th
affected part.
Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt waa tha
flrat to dlacovar a real Internal
Pile remedy. He called bla pre
emption HEM-ROID, end pre
ecribed It for 1000 patient with
th marvelona nc6rii of aucceaa
in 0 eaaea, and then decided
every pile aufferer ahould b able
to get HEM-ROID tab I eta from
their own drugglat with a rigid
money back guarantee.
Dr. Leonhardt'a preecrlptlon
haa a wonderful record of auc
ceaa right In thla city and Under
wood 'a Pharmacy Invites every
Pile (offerer to try a bottle of
HEM-ROID and guarantee to re
fund tb purchaee price If they
do not and Pile In any form.
Beet Hound In Town
I jo'vVI J"14 w,,h
LVvm Cemerfy Thrill
Tack hoit haw 0RAVl5
Med bury in Death Valley
Zann Pitta TWma Todd
1 profled1 my voice
"It's that delightful taite
after a cup of coffee that makes Luckies
a hit with me. And naturally I protect
my voice with Luckies. No harsh Irritants
for me ... I reach for a Lucky instead.
Congratulations on your improved
Cellophane wrapper. I can open it."
Who con forget Idmund low at "Ser-
i n . . . . . b.i
geam uuin in nmt rnw 'v, j
That mighty role mode Eddie famout In film
land and he'f more than held hi own In
a long line of talkie triumph. We hope you
law him in "Tho Spldor." And ba t or to ee
him In the fox thriller, "The) Clo Kid."
Mada of tha finest tobaccos -Tha
Cream of many Crops-LUCKY STRIKE
alone offers the throat protection of the
exclusive "TOASTING" Process which in
cludes the use of modern Ultra Violet Rays
the process which expels certain harsh,
biting irritants naturally present in every
tobacco leaf. These expelled irritants are
not present In your LUCKY STRIKE. "They're
out-to they can't be in" No wonder LUCKIES
are always Kind to your throat.
It's toasted
Your Threat f rof ctloti-ooolntt Irrltotlen-ogolntt eoujh
And MoUturs-Proot Cellophane Keeps
that "Toasted" Flavor Ever Freh
TUNB IN ON LUCKY 1TP. IKF. 0 m-atr. . . ik. wetU'a ' eW.
WelWT Whtck.ll, eM. fMie l
t I Tk-Mia. mmd SMmrlmy ei"f ' r. . w.
? ,
t i
n J8 1
J J Sr M'- Lew'
j Statement PaM rerT
f t f f Yeeieoybelelereatadlehiew
f t v. ' tog Ikalnel eee eeet waa paid
f laMr.tewetoewkerlieabev
JF K ataNjiAL Mr. tow hot bee
f . a aateker tUCKY STRIKE
jf: cigarettee fer 4 yeara. We
f , 1 bop rhe e6liciiy bewwi
f . , evae wi ba ea benencial re
l J- 1 Vhaj., aiei and to roa. kia prac-
t v V , era. oa hi eedaraeai.nt of
Tve Ammrieem
Sealed Tight Ever RlgM
Th Unique) Humidor Package
Zip A nd it' open!
See th now notched tab en the top of tho
package. Hold down on half with your
thumb. Tear off tha other half.- Simple. Quick. Zip I
That' all. Unique I Wrapped In dust-proof, molatu re
proof, germ-proof Cellophane. Clean, protected, neat,
fRESHI what could bo more modern than LUCKIES
Improved Humidor package - o ay to openl Ladies
the LUCKY TAB Is-your finger nail protection.
To the People of Klamath Falla:
Throagti Special AiraaoW-meat the Pelksa Theatre la
Pleaacd to Anaoaaea) a Delate Thongli Limited S-Dar ffeoag.
meat la AddiUoa to It' Regalar Program of the Baaaete
Prod actios t
Am HI Father ha
"Under , the Black Flag"
Tha Oal Tree Poetraral of Jeaee Jaaaea Ufa
The Oraat at Raad Show Flam eat Toaw ,
See the oU,
DiapUr of Life 81 Waa Flcwra. Gas. Fheto. etc eel Di
pUj at th PeUcaa Theatre aad ea Mala and ath Street
Parking Lot.
Alike Win XbJof thla TMUiag Trmo aery
Continuous Shows
Today Friday Saturday f.
1:30 p. m. to 11 p. m.
Bargain Matinee All Seats, 25 j
Ereningi 1,000 Seat 35c ROO SeaA. tU S
Kiddie a Dime Anytime
To Our Regular Show
Today: William Boyd in
Friday and Saturday la Addition to
.. jf :
I a, i i-mm t .
?y J
Cilrlat Girls! Glrla!
Do Von Keermhle
Elissa Landi?
Read Today 'a paper for
Detalla f .
8e Picture of Ellaea Landl
In Our Lohby
Bee Her Latnt Picture
"Body and Soul"
Start Sunday
... - -j .: V-S -
"Ai.wAyg a ma hill a rkttkr khow"