PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH VWJS. OREGON Novpmbrr 10, 1031 T Jos Knudsnn wss elected eec-Tstary-lreasurer of district , Tiily-Tblrtlni t the regular merlin ut the loraF club Mou dar noon. the March Issue of lh Twen-ty-Tblrtisn, nstlonal publication of the club, mil. be an "All Ore ion" number and will contain much of lnt-rot to Klamatlillea. The piilillcatlon will be Issued from Sacramento. Knudson geve a report on tha remit district conrentlon at Band, and elated that a almllar meeting will ba held her In February. The local club b alo making plana for Ita tint anni versary, to be celebrated In ! rembrr. At that tlm effort! to estahllrh a club In Medtord will be made. Harrr Bolrln, president of the local club, plana to attend the charter night meeting of the Ontario, Ore., club In the near future. Plane are nearly completed. It wss announced, for the 10-80 relief dance to be held In the Wlllard hotel, November 11. Fonda will be need for benefit purposes. The following arrest were made by the city police depart ment over the week-end, when nearly all thoae arrested put ap ball which war forfeited. Ed Johnaon waa arrested Sat urday night at Mith and Main, and charred with drunkenneaa. He forfeited a 110 ball for non appearance In court Monday morning. Othera arrested Sun day, who were charged with be ing drunk, were Lawrence No t.eo. local cafe. 110 ball for feited: Fred Hagen, atage de 4ot, 110 ball forfeited: Del phine Grant. Seventh and Klam uth, released, and Rody Chock tnot. Siith and Main, 110 ball lorfetted. E. Van Fleet forfeited 1 ball when he failed to appear In court and answer to a charge of speeding on South Sixth street. H M. Cheraldo was fined 1! 50 for making a U turn on Main street. THE ROAD to big profits be gins in the classlllea eecuon. Standard Statistics Stock Averages (Copyright, 1111, Standard Todaf Previous day Week ago Month ago . Year ago 3 years ago 6 years ago High (1J1 Low (1911) . High (1930) Low (11301 .. High (12) Low (1!9) . 10 lulls 87.1 81.1 1.4 81.1 s.i 01.1 40.1 47.8 01.4 11. 1 51.8 411 Statistics Co.) 20 UK's 10 Tt's 10 Total 61 T 61.1 48.1 14. T 17.1 1SS.1 104.1 101.1 41 1 141.1 84.4 147.1 17.T 18 4 11.1 83.4 84 1 113.4 180.1 104. S 144.3 70.0 106.1 114. T 153.6 140.1 Today's Potato Marketgram 8hlnmenta Reported fur Monday. United States total 81, Oregon 11, Washington IT, Idaho 104. Maine 170. Nineteen surplus late potato state (hipped this year 11,411; this time last year 1S.431. Terminal Markets Reported for Tuesday. Chicago Carloada received: Idaho 11, othera : car on track. Including broken. 983; supplies liberal, demand rather alow, mar ket about steady: track salea carlots outwelght Idaho Netted Gems, sacked, per cwt., U. 8. No. 1, 11.16 to 11.40; few higher. San Francisco Carloada received: Oregon 1; boat receipts equivalent to California 1 car. Washington 1 car: can . in,.k unbroken, 1: cars on track, broken, 4: dock holdings equivalent to as cars; lamorma supplies tignt, otners supplies liberal; demand slow, market eteady; Washington Netted Ctmi, sacked, per cwt . U. 8. No. 1. 11.00 to 11.16. Los Angeles Carload received: California 17, Idaho 10, Utah I; car diverted, 1; car on track, unbroken. 61; rare on track, broken, 47; auppllea liberal, demand alow, market ateadv- riruin price Monday, opening price Tuesday Netted Gems, sacked, per sw v. o. i, luaoo mosuy i.iu; Washington 11.10 to 11.16 Shipping point Markets for Sunday and Monday. Yakima and nearby points: Shipments light, light wire Inquiry demand and trading light, market firm; carloads f.o.b. cash track Netted Gems, sacked, per ton. best 114.00 to sisoii Idaho Falls: Loading' light, many warehouses Inactive; Netted Gems, sacked, per cwt., demand light, msrkrt dull: carloads f.o.b. casu iraca. very tew sales, sue to sc; u. S. No. 1 Netted Gems demand moderate, exceeding offerings, market ateadv. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Nov. 10. (P) Cattle 60, nominally steady.. Steers. 100-100 lbs., good 1.00 1 75. medium 4.75-1.00, common SAA-17&- 100-1100 lbs. good 1 00-1.75. medium 4.75-1.00, com mon 1.00-4.75: 11-1100 lbs. .nA 1.75-1.60 medium 1..S- k T5 Heifers 150-850 lb, good 5 00-5. 50. medium 4.00-4.50, com mon 1.00-4.00. Cowa good Ji . en .mmnn and medium. 2.1 i.oo'. low cutter and cutter ;t Bulls vearllnga eiciuaeo. and choice toeew s.vv cutter. common and me-2.00-3.00. Vealer (milk good 1.50. dium NOTICE OP SCHOOL MEETING Notice 1. hereby give ?o the voter, of Cnlo. High School ...... v a or Klamath County. State ol uregou, that a nnlon , v i H rni district win w The total amount of money needed by aald Vnlon High cr iooi 0ra a: utttthSS an Jone IS. X'Z vT.m.lh Vonntv High Includea the amounts to oe receive . , " School fund, and all other m0ejJ,K?n" a'"lu Miniated Receipts: 1 Balance , on hand at beginning of school year (third Monday of June) for which this budget Is made $ - wim nuntv man acoooi xunu -- 1. From- other sources 4. Total estimated receipts (Items 1 to 1. Inclusive) Kstimated Kxpendlturre: 1. GENERAL CONTROL 100.00 1 59,100.01 Personal service, clerk.. Snnnliea Elections and publicity- Legal service (clerk' bond and andit) Other expenses INSTRUCTION Supervision Principal 1,080.00 15.00 150.00 200.00 25.00. Stenographer and other offlc assis tance .. Supplies Diplomas Telegraph and Travel ..... INSTRUCTION Teaching Teachers (31) ! 1,690.00 1.400.00 1,000.00 200.00 100.00 Supplies (Chalk, paper, etc.). Textbook ., 4. OPERATION OK PLANT Janitors ...... Janitors' help .... , ., Engineer Janitors' supplies Fuel Light and power Water . 41.810.00 2,500.00 76.01 1,120.00 115.00 1,120.00 600.00 1,700.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 1.480.00 1 1,590.00 $ 49.465.00 E. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Repair and Replacement of furniture and equipment 1 Repair and maintenance of building and grounds Other expense of maintenance and repairs . AUXILIARY AGENCIES Library (Contract with Klamath Co.). Health service (nurse) . Supplies 400.00 1,800.00 600.00 Transportation of pupils.. SuDDlle tor bosses Repairs and replacement of bosses.... Cafeteria Supplies and other expense.,. . I 7.935.00 I 2,700.00 f 2,100.00 100.00 100.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 100.00 fed) good and choice 7.00-1.00 medium 6.60-7.00, cull and com mon 1.60-5.50. Calvea 150-600 lbs. good and choice 6.50-7.50. common and medium 1.50-6.60. Hogs. 475. Including 187 direct; nominally aredy. Light light 140 160 lbs. good and choice 4 65 5.25. Lightweighta 160-180 Ins. good and choice 61.16-6.25. 180 800 lba good and choice 5.15-5.25. Medium weight 200-220 lbs. good and choice 4.15-6.25, 2 JO ISO lbs. good and choice 4 50 5.25. Heavyweights 250-290 lbs. good and choice 4.25-4.85. 290 350 lbs. good and choice 4.00 4.75. Packing sows 275-500 lbs. medium and good 1.60-4.60. Feeders-stockers 70-130 lb. 4.00- 5.00. Sheep and Iamb 100; mar ket about ateady. Lamba from 10 lba. down, good and choice 6.00-5.50, medium 1.75-6.25. all weight common 3.00-3.75. Year ling wether 10-110 lba. medium to choice 3.00-4.00. Ewe 120 lba. medium to choice 1.76-2.00, 120-160 lba. medium to choice 1.60-1.75, all weight, call to common 1.00-1.50. CHICAGO UVESTOCK CHICAGO. Nor. 10 UP) (0. 8 D. A.) Huge 15.000; 220-300 lba. 6.00-5.10; pig good and choice 100-130 lba. 4.25-4.15. Cattle 1,000; calvea 2.600: slaughter steers, good and choice 600-900 lbs. 1.25-12.00; 100 1500 lbs. 1.25-12.25; vealers 1.00-8.00. Sheep 18,000; good to choice native and fed western lambs 5.50-1.25: beet held above 6.50: lamb 10 lbs. down good and choice 6.50-1.75: medium 4.50- 5.60; ewe 10-150 lbs. medium to choice 1.25-2.76. OMAHA SHEEP OMAHA. Nov, 10 OP) (0. 8. D. A.) Sheep 12.000; native lamba 6.60; best fed wooled and clipped lamba held above 6.75; choice ewe absent; range feed Ins; lamb 4.25-4.15. Woman Held for Operating Auto Without License Charged with operating: a mo tor vehicle during the suspen sion of her drivers' license. Waive Riddle Smith was arrest ed Monday evening on Klamath avenue by state police officers. The woman, whose license wss suspended by tbe Justice of the peace of the Sprague river dis trict, on April 7. 1931, U being held In the county (all sending hearing on the charge. Moe's Store Over 100 Per Cent in Red Cross Drive Moe's store waa the first busi ness house In the city to go over 100 per cent in membership In tbe Red Cross, Mrs. Wilbur Jones, manager of the drive, stated Tuesday. The store has been the first to enroll 100 per cent for tbe past several years and this year there were thfe added de partments, the beauty shop, Betty Bushong hat shop, and Green Stamp. 1 PORTLAND, Nov. 10 Mn The -late advance forced In the price of eggs at rortlatid and announced by the 1'artfte co-ona. reflected not only the betli r- nient in the local ettuatlun oa arcount of t'te mot amttiinl selling of fresh slock, but of strength In the country genort ally. liecent adranrea In the east em price have been quickly re flected at Portland. Demand for ens Is again Increasing because of the greater per cent of strict ly fresh goods selling. l p to this time most of the so-called fresh eggs, were out of coolers. Now there appears a fairly abun dant stock of fresh lay to take care of . needs. Again there appeara a fairly steady tone In the open market for butter. Kxtraa continue the only Hue to even suggest slow, ness In the buying wllb 10 to 11 scores fully stesdy. In the market for country killed meata titer waa prer tlrally no change In the geueral price list for the dsy. Veal and hoga are trifle slow but bull beef and lambs are In good call. There is heavier movement of apple Into consumption In the local territory and heavy consignmenta are reported mov ing to foreign countries. Little caih busines is reported at the source. Market for onions la showing a rather firm tone but prices in general are unchanged at 11.10, sacka and twine at Willamette valley primary point generally. Unconfirmed reporta Indicate slight advance over this. Tax League Will Examine School Costs (Continued from Pag One) were wholly uninformed of the channela of operating expense the school funds hav passed for the last five years. The action of both achool dis tricts Not. 1 and 2, In alashlng the salaries of all employe for next year waa approved by tha league, and an official vol of thanka will be sent the boards. Close on the heels of this ex pression of gratitude came an at tack on school officials and teacher for not voluntarily step ping forward and taking an Im mediate 10 per cent reduction instead of waiting until the ex piration of 1931-32 contracts. The agitation of the league de veloped to such a point motion was accepted to appoint com mittee to go before the two boarda and requeat an nndelayed and voluntary salary modifica tion. Jackson Rapped Paul T. Jackson, principal of the high school, who already has taken a reduction In aalary, came under the Informal disap proval of several members of tbe sssociatlon when his present compensation was held out of proportion to general economic conditions of tbe depression. The combined salariea of Jarkton and Mrs. Jackson, who also has been on the Klsmath high fac ulty, were declared far beyond the llmita of a reasonable liveli hood. Reference was mads to the Item covering the principal's traveling expenses for the year, but the aentiment for a general Investigation did not reach the point of a formal notification to the chairman. H. P. Murdock led the rally which reaulted In the motion to look into the school's expendi tures. He Insisted Jackson'a sal ary be brought down to a bssis he considered Justified by the low cost of living. Murdock, who contributed 14 to th league In Its self-styled fight against excessive taxation, said, "Do not permit the boards to Increase their budgets. ' First make them balance their hooka and publish a statement of finances." Opoaes Athletic Murdock expressed strong op position to the athletic system maintained by the high achool. and nrged the league to go on record as out of favor with the employment of athletic Instruc tors and orgsnlxed athletics. Vig orous exercise, he maintained, could be had by tbe use of two legs tramping the hills of the Klamath area. Instead of "scrap ping" at a football game. F. O. Small, representative of the Klamath county grangers, appeared before the league, to advocate tbe selection of a com mittee to join a similar commit tee of grangers who will appear before the county court Thurs day to ask for an appropriation of 15.000 to carry the state tax commission through one year of work In a two-year program to revalue all the property In the county. Sntnil wis oao of the Total ... FIXED CHARGES Insursnee , CAPITAL OUTLAYS New furniture and equipment Assessments for betterments.. Total DEBT SERVICE Principal on bonds.. Interest on bonds... . 15.000.00 . 21,600.00 Total debt service... 10. Emergency RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year. .1123, 940. 00 Total estimated receipts, not Includ ing proposed tax 64,385.14 1,600.00 ! 750.00 1 t 2,000.00 ' 2,000.00 ; 4,000.00 26,500.00 I 6,000.0.' Dnlnnre amount to ba raised by Dig. trlct tax 1 JJ,5jl.3S INDEBTEDNESS Amount of bonded Indebtedness (in clude all warrant Issued by Tot of electors Amount of other Indebtedness.. Total Indebtedness (Sum of Items 1 and 2) 1470.614.3.1 Dated thl 1th day of November, 19.11. LESLIE ROGERS, Chairman of Board. Attest: W. S. WILEY, Clerk. I Nov. 10-11 J AMOUS for hospitality ' for foods for service otel Multnomah PORTLAND, OREGON Every facility for evtry taste of every traveller I : : new decorations, new furniture, r.ew lobby lounge and NEW LOW RATES. Fireproof KATE! $ 2? WITH ATH Hunt for Poisoner Addition of Mills Dog Is Under Way It wasn't any ordinary dog'a lire that "Hob," a five-year-old bulldog, led. When a liny, but homely pup, Hob was adopted by the Roland Andrews family, who then lived In Minnesota. When they moved to Klamath Kails, four years ago, they had become so attached to the rsnln Hist they brought htiu West with tlHm. Andrews resided on Wanlland street for several years, and a tew short weeks alio moved to an other part of Mills addition. Hob went with them, although reluct ant lo leave Hi neighborhood where he had become a pet of all the neighbors. Yesterday he waa poisoned, and died, lie was burled In a pin coirin, Hi 1 11 inlirr for the coltln being from his birthplace. A sesrrh Is being made for tha poisoner, who will lie punished to (he fullest eilent of the law. Severs! other elmtlsr com plalnls from Mills adilliloti bavs bru'n nmdn 10 the humane socluiy of Klamalli Kails, lo the Jury until lats this after noon. Mltchall, former potato digger for Lynch, claims that h suf fered severs Injury whsn his Us ml csuiht lu th driver, which waa not propsfly guarded. Th accident occurred on October 11, 11311. Twelve Juror were accepted by the plaintiff and defense at 11 o'clock Mondsy morning, at which opening alalements were msils hy His counsel, Three witnesses, II. VY, Lynch, Henry Hemon and Percy lilaon, were called by T. II, (illleliwater and Carl Dobler, slturimys . for ihe defense, Mondsy. and flv or sli more will b called loilsy. J C. O'Neill represents I he plaintiff. men who ippeared before the state tax commission (wo weeks ago lo undertake the movement. To t.o llefor t'ourt The stale commission, accord ing to Small announced I hat at present It waa unable lo ap propriate Ihe necessary $10,000 livr the work, but wss willing lo share th espcue with the county. County Tsx Assessor Lee, who recently deelered his Intention of mailing a general reduction In tasea, started the moitta accepted hy the body 10 aend i group of membera lo t?ie counl court along with th grangers, Ceorge D. Grlssle, named tem porary chairman - of tha tax league at Us first meeting last week, waa unanimously elected permanent bead. A. O. Morri son was elected secretary, and W. T. Lee. treasurer. A committee will he appointed to organise a constitution and by-laws. Th league will meet again next Monday. AT CRATER LAKE Snow and rain tell Intermit tently In Klamath Palls last night, beginning shortly after 1 o'clock and lasting until this morning, creating a haiardous condition along Ihe streets and highways. Slushy streets msde driving dsngerous and motorists proceeded with caution to avoid accidents. The lowest temperature of the year was reported Mondsy morn ing when the mercury dropped to 26 degrees above sero. Reports from Rudolph Luerk at Crater I-ake national park last night-stated that a anowfall of almost two feet was eipected hy early thla morning. The snow started Just before noon Monday and fell steadily for many hours. The roads wer cleared ahortly before dark last night, but It waa eipected that they would be covered again this morning. Tha snow plows will be out again to day In an effort to clear the roads. The temperature at th lake waa not any lower than usual at this time of the year, Luerk said. The view of th lake was completely obliterated by the snowfall. PAIN IN YOUR SHOULDER? Use Tajrmol for Relief Knlfe-Uke sub of pain in th vicinity of th aboulder blade are generally due to neuritis, brought on by exposure to draught or sudden change of weather. In soma esses there Is stiffness or soreness In th muscle, making It difficult to rals the arm. The safest and easiest way to relieve such an attack is to ap ply a small quantity ot Tysmol over the affected area. This soothing, healing preparation is quickly absorbed through th pores and carried to th throb bing aching peripheral nerve. Tha pains ususlly stop at once. and In a very short time th laat trace of soreness should disap pear. Tysmol 1 absolutely harmless free, from dope. Recommended for all forms of nerve pain. whether caused by neuritis, neu ralgia, aclatlca or rheumatism. Sold by leading druggists. Al ways oa band at Star Drug Co. lowest Coach Fares in Rail History I TO CHICAGO NEW YORK . 73.20 KANSAS CITY 33.00 ST. LOUIS . 39.00 ' NEWORLEAN330.00 mnd many mart. Good is coaches and re dining chair cars. Ftilut service to Chicago, St. Louis and maov other, ! places. . Choice of routs. Stop over anywhere. ' Low one wsyfsrcj good in touritt deeping can provide additional com fort. Example one way fare to Chicago good in tourist sleepers it (Berth charge extra). rGwd nn Southern ricific Mnmtts Iron Nrw OrWini to Nrw Yak. fitil Cldil fKnh tr4 swiU oe uaan iods4r4 is UM pries. Southern Pacific Psuengtr Stsiinn, Spring snd Oslt St. City, XkkOfficcM5 Main St TCHELL CLAI Suit for 11,600 damages for personal Injury tiled by Charles Mllchell versus Herbert V. Lynch, Chsrles J. Lynch and John Po Kinney, went lo trlsl Mondsy morning, opening Ihe November term of circuit court. Th rs will probsbly not go rich in flavor Compar s spoonful of Schil ling, ground Cloves with sny other. The difference is marked.' Schilling's is ditk brown in color. The other will be a red or yellow brown. Schilling's n so rich with oil thit the tiny granules cling; together in clots. The other will look dry snd loose. Most ground cloves come in a sifter-top tin. But Schilling's is packed in s tin with a lirge opening. It is to heavy with fragrant oil that it will not shite through sifter. SchUUmj e x tra'ct p t m We Will All Be Closed Day Armistice Day Wed., Nov. 11th Balsiger Motor Company Main and Esplanade touched Eock For Streets and Driveways We have some crushed rock that la not clean enough for concrete that we will deliver in two cubic yard quantities or more at $1.75 per cubic yard catth on delivery. This material is about 1-lnch with some over size but is very good for this purpose. This offer will expire Nov. 15th unlesi the material Is exhausted before that date. TLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Pwiraim&IBakei? Phono 052. ARMISTICE DAY Each November 11th we pause in the Nation' business to pay tribute to the courage of those who have made this world peace possible. 1 Each Armistice Day we re member those who have not re turned . . . and place a wreath upon the Unknown Soldier's grave . . . it took courage for him to go ... it took courage to let him go . . . let's keep that courage and CARRY ON! Montgomery Ward & Co. STORE CLOSED ALL DAY NOV. 11th'