November 7, 1931 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALIS, OREGON PACT NTNT5 17 Real EsUU For SaU 30 ACRES $885 rnur uillas from rlly limits, eicellent location for chicken farm or hog raurh. U0 down, balance lit oio. officio ovks jcveninob 60 down Altamnnt. 100 elosa In I rooms and gsrsge, only I0 mo. (Hr Hihli and aaler. Favull-Uticy Realty Co. LEHLIB I'EYTON, Mgr. Ufal Notlcaa 111 I. Kb HI. I'hona 1414 23 Financial or now. have In and In Ilia follow ln properly, situated In Ilia luuuly of Klauialb, male of orestm, lo-wll: 'I'ha Holltliwnat ouarlnr Of Ilia Hoillliwest ulterior of He. Hull Thltty-lliree, In Township Thlr Iv illlin, Houlll of Hulls flva, Kail of Ilia Willamette Merld Ian, Oregon, containing fori? scree. paled Ihla llth day of October, I.. I.. LOW. Hharlff of Klauialb County. Oregon. Ily ANNK I'HK K. Deputy. H OSt-N 7,14, II. I Lagal Nollcaa Hloul, deceased, and that all persons having clalma agalust aald aalala ara required to pre anl Iham with Iba proper vouchers to ma at tlia offlra uf William (ianong, 714 Main Street, Klauialb fa I la. Oraaon, wllhln all uiunlha from data baraof. Dated Octobar II, 1111. D. C. BTOL'T. II. O. 14-11; N. 7-14. REFINANCING Fluance your ear through Dlnty Moora and pay laical chanaa only for acb day our eervlre It need. Mtar ' Co III Mala 81. I'bona 1144 License! by alate. No Mini KOTU'K OK IKIll-IJTI KM Haatlla, Wnahliigtou, office of Federal I'rolilblilon Admlnlalra tor, 1Kb District, Ortohar II, KM. Nollra la hereby glran Ibal lha following described prep arly, lo-wll: ford Coup, Bio tor No. 116(1111, and eccee orles aa follows: 1 Jack and liamlla; 1 pump; 1 pair pllara; 1 bauinier; I acrewdrlvera; t creeceul wranrbaa; aalaad from II. I.. Andaraou on Octnbar I, lull, Allnmonl Acrea, Klamath Falla, Oregon, for Iba reaaon Ibal Ilia aald property waa balng need contrary to and In vlo. Inn of Iba Revised Statute of Iba I'nllad Hlaiaa la forfaited 10 tba 1'nlted Htatee and will ba old unilar tba proylaloua of Bee- J L . .L- I .. I k . I n kLII. . U . 1 giU ID. Brill. IUUIUIH., WIIIIW l hereby notified to appear ba ll, r a uia at tba offlra of Iba Fed- ral Prohibition Admlnlatrator, 400-Thonipaoa Uulldlug. Haatlla, Waablngton, or bafora Iba Dep- uty rrulilblllon Admlnlatrator, 101 Cualora llouaa, Portland, Oregon, and Ills but claim aa provided by law within thirty 1301 daya from tna data ol tna flrat publication of tbla notlca, lo-wll: October 14, lull. CAUL JACKSON, Prohibition Admlnlatrator. Uy W. K. NBWKLL, Daputy prohibition Admlnlatra tor. II. O. 14-11; N. 1 14 Bueinaaa Opportunities WANTED Lady or gootlemen to tabs balf Inlaraal In photo graph bualnaaa. I'revlrua as perlenre nutaeeaentlal. I will teecb you. Kicelleiit opportu nity In ona of moat Interest log profoeatone In tba world. Klamath Studio, ,11 Klamath Ava. 4140 FOR SALE H Inlaraal la lunch eounlar and coofectlon ary business, 110 cash han dle Call at Sol Main 4 Lagal Notices SlrTlf'K OP KIIKIIII-K'H HA1.K Hy virtue of an eiecutton on Foreclosure duly laauad out of nd andar Iba seal of tba Circuit Court of lha mate of Oregon. In and for lha County of Klamalb. to ma directed and dated oa Iba llth day of October, lull. In a rertain anion therein, wherein H. II. Toft aa Plaintiff, recovered ludgment against Krad Tula and urare I,. Cola, husband and wife, tho defendenta, for Ilia aum of Hi hundred dollara (iiuooo) with Inlaraal at 10 tr annum from January I. 1(11. with rota and dlaburaamanla laved at air I laan and iuluo (I1401 dol lara, and tha further aum of ona bundrad (1 100.00 1 dollara. aa at torney a traa, which ludgmant anrollad and dorkoiad In tha Clark a offlra of aald Court In aald County on tha loth day ot Octo bar, nil. Noika la haraby tlran thai purauant lo tho tarma of Iba aald axacutlon. I will on lha lib dav of Itarambar, 1931. at lint o'clock a. m , at Iba front door of lha Court llouaa In tba City of Klam alb Falla, In Klamath County, or- agon, ollar for aala and will tall ai public auction for raab to tba hlabaat bidder, lo aallafy aald judimant, togathar with tha rnati of Ihla aala. auhlrrl to redemption aa provided by law. all of tba right, tit In nd Inlareit Ibat Iba aald dafandanta. Krad Cola and Oraca L. Cola huaband and wife, tad oa Iba Ird day of April, 1819 POIITLAND, Nor. T, (UB Raymond llarvay and Karnaal Nawall plaailad not guilty In Circuit Judxa Kkwall'a court bora lata today to chargaa of flrat degraa murder In connec tion with tha death of Walter Leanhardt on Hnptamber II. Tba Indictment rbtrgoa Har vey and Nawall with Iba crime Jointly and aeparateiy. Nawall waa abot to death when ha atopued lo Inveatlgeta a ma. rhlna whlrb ba recognlied aa ona which bad bean elolen from a friend of bla. llarvay aaeertedly away. MlTIt K OK HAI.K Notlca la herebv llvan that Iba Klamalb Irrigation lllatrlrt baa purrhaaed lha land hereinafter described on fnrerloaura of cer llfiralea of deliniiuency fur un paid water taxea oa aald landi, and that aald dl.trlct will aall Ita luieraal In eame for cash or on larnia of not lean than one-fifth down and balance In four aqual annual Inatallmenta with Interact at tha rata of 1 per annum. Tha right la reaerved to reject any and all I.Ida. Hlda ahould ba In writing and left at tba office ot aald diatrlrt at the Court llouaa In Klamath '11 a. Oregon, prior to November II, 19 31. Hlda win na rereiveo for all or any part ot aald Ian da. Tba Hat followa: NK H of NK, of B. 4, TP. 40 8., H. I K. . M. NWM4 of NK4 of B. 4, Tp. 40 8.. It K W. M. HK of NR14 of 8. 4, Tp. 40 8., It. E. W. M. KW'i of NKH of 8. 4. Tp. 40 8.. It 9 K. W. M. Btfli of NWt and NWU of gW i of 8. in. and Sf. of HE1, ot H. II, la Tp. I R. 1. E. W. M. NK of N'H ot 8. II. TP. II 8.. II 11U K. W. bl. NW4 of NW, of 8. II, Tp. 1J S . K. II K W. M. HK of NW4 of 8. II, Tp. II I.. H. 1114 M. W. it. tiW of NW)4 of 8. II. Tp. II 8 . K. 11 H K. W. M. MV'i of ftWt4 and NEH of 8W4 8. IS. Tp. 1. It. . r. W.S4. 1.011 17 ana is, . 11, ip. i, R II. K W. M. NWH of WU and BH of IWHi H. 14. TP. 40. K. 10. KI.AMATII IKUICIAT10M DISTHII'T. ny A. L. CKAWFORD. Becretarr. II Oll-N.7 One Flier Will Attempt Sea Hop BAN FRANCIHCO, Nor! I. (UJ0 Ona of flva avlatora who aall ad from hara on tba liner Hraaldent Coolldge today will attempt to return from iba Hawaiian lalaoda ID aa airplane. A all-place Bllaeon-Uetroitor monoplane, with a ito-horee- power Wrlgbt JS motor, waa In tba bold of tha veeeal. Tha pilot of tha plana will ba the aviator who wlna tha hlgbeet rating la navigation toota 10 be held In Honolulu, II waa an Bounced, aad lha other four tllera will coma back to tba mala, land by boat. In tha County Court of tha State of Oregon tor Klamath County. In tha Matter of tha Eitate ot John Walter Stout, Daceaaed. Notlca la hereby given that I have been appointed admlnlatra tor of tba eatate ot John Walter Question on Identity PASSES SUDDENLY I.ITTI.B HOCK, Ark., Nor. I OJ.fO Henntor Tbnddeue II. Car away. Democrat from Arkanaaa, died luddenly bare tonight In lha Ml. Vlnrenla boapllal wnero ba waa undergoing treatment. Tba veteran itateeman, cham pion of drought relief for bla lata In lha laat aaaalon of con grew, died chortly alter I o'clock. Benalor Caraway antered tba boapltal laat weak. He waa Oper ated upon a week ago Thuraday tor tha removal of kidney atonea. Tba operation waa pronounced uoceeaful by attending pby-Iclana. Yeaterday, tba eenator'a con dition became ao Improved that doc tore allowed a few cloaa frlenda to vllt blm. Richard Dix Weds S. F. Belle WAHIIINOTON, Not. (UP) Tha death of Henntor Thaddeua H. Caraway removea from tha aenata onb of tha moat colorful flgurea In that body, a man quirk wltted la Iba rongh-and-tunible conflict of debate. He la remembered bera beat for bl harp queallonlng of lobbying during tba aenata lobby com mittee Inveatlgallon of 1930. When noma of tha blggeat financial flgurea of tha country ware brought before bla com mittee. Caraway quaatloned them In tha name acrid manner be adopted toward nnknowna. Deacl Man Receivee ' Two Thousand Votes RICHMOND. Va., Nor. 7, QJJ9 Virginia rotera call 1710 rotaa for a dead man la the recent election!. W. 8. Cog, democratic candi date for tba office of common wealtb'a attorney, died aeveral week! ago. No ona waa nominat ed In bla place and bla name re mained on tba ballota. eaaaawMM iwh., .iw..-fawaaa , .m er'l-al ' J ew S'"3T' - "rr ) -", - . t9 ' li v . xJ: ' 1 1 5 aaalBmmMBgi2aaaegMammlg BBBfeaBBBBBBBBaaaBaaBBaBawaaBaaaaaaaBBBBaaaaaaBaaj Praaentlng tba principals la Hollywood lateat marriage. Richard Dix. film alar, and Mlaa Winifred foe, ' daughter of a Baa franclaco bualneaa man. They were married In Yuma, Arli. MORGANTOW.V, W. Va., Nor. 7, (U.R) "The blackeet apot In the American penal aystem la In tba county jail," George W. Wlckeraham, chairman of Presi dent Hoover'a commUalon on taw enforcement told lha Weet Vir ginia Bar aeaoclatlon tonight. In a apeech reviewing tba work of tba commUalon. Wick eraham amphaaiied Ita labora In fielda outalde of prohibition en forcement, and deplored tha fact that mora attention haa been paid to Ita finding! regarding tba llth amendment than to equally Important luggeatlon! In other phaaea of law enforcement. Wlckeraham cited ona ot tba committee! moat Important recommendation!, the tuggeeiton that "aa aooa aa proper atate legislation ba gone far enough to make a aound foundation, the gathering, compiling and pub lishing of nation-wide criminal statlatlca ahould be committed aa a whole to tba bureau of the reniua." i.ionh omcKR hYre Fred Walker, of Springfield. Ore., Governor for District at of the I.lom club, la apendlng Fri day In Klamath Falla conferring with local officers. THRIFTY people daaalfied ada. read tba WASIIINnTON. Nor. 7. (UP President Hoover today an nounced appointment of Chance A. Lindbergh to the national ad visory committee tor aeronautlra. The committee wai created by congreaa In 1111 to aupervlaa and direct scientific study of avl atloa problems. Two army officers, two naval offlcera, one repreaentatlva each of tha water bureau, the burean of standards and tha Smithsonian Inatltutlon, and eight dtttens not connected with tha govern ment compose tha committee. False Statement Brings Arrest Of William D. Comer SEATTLE. Nor. 7 fU.FJ Wil liam O. Comer tonight .bad Joined tha group of former of ficials of the defunct Pnget Sound Bavlnga and Loan associa tion who have been convicted on cbargea resulting from tha association's failure. Comer waa found gnllty of pobllsblng a falsa statement In connection wltb the affairs of tha Institution. He facee a maxi mum sentence of 10 years la prison or a IS.000 fine oa the conviction. Flames Destroy Chiloquin Home The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davla In Chiloquin waa to tally deatroyed by fire Wednes day night wbila tha DavUes were In Klamath Falla. Tba flra la thought to have atari ad from an overheated furnace pipe. Moat of Davla' furniture waa lost la the fire. The Chlleautn flra depart. ment, under Chief Peppard. saved surrounding buildings. One horse waa bnrned to death and another so badly burned thai U kad be aVjt whea the William Moore nam burned la Chiloquin on Tuesday nlaht. The fire waa thought, to bare started la the hayloft. Rev. Sigle Will Preach Tonight Rer. Leonard B. Blgla, Flrat Baptlat church pastor, will prearb at the Ralretlnn Army hall, 41 Walnut at reel, tonight at I o'clock. Ha will be accom panied by Mrs. Blgla who will alng. T-la will be Mrs. Hlgls's flrat visit to tha Army ball. It la dealred that a large erowd of Army frlenda as wall aa lha public la general come lo Ibis special service. Ensign and Mrs. C, Ford and workera will aaslst la the meet ing. Tax Levy Voted For Chiloquin Chiloquin voters passed a spe cial tax levy of 11,117.11 Tues day by a rote ot 10 to 15. ae cording to the poll made Wed nesday by Mayor Casey and tba board of aldermen. Three new councilman vera elected for tha city at the elec tion. Tha board of aldermen Is composed of J. E. McCain, who was reelected for the third time; Riley Powers and Dava Black more, two new councllmen; and the three holdovers, George Bell. George Flury and Carl Walla. . Lumber Business Shows Increase SEATTLE, Nor. 7, U.B Aa Increase of 11 per cent over tha previous week's total buslneea waa reported for the week end ing October II by 11 mills re portlng to tha Weat Coaat Lum bermsa'a asaoclatloo, Tha 11 per cent Increase rep resented 15, 100.000 board feet more lumber than waa baodled by tba mills dnrlng the preceding week. Tha Increase waa by far tha largest of any dnrlng recent months. CRINGING UP FATHER JSjU-rtt 3f I AH! I By George McManus WASH TUBBS By Crane rRovJB WJNPDS.V SMteZIMI TROOPS UOPCN FIR- A.WP WASH PROMPTLY QUIT WS TRAIN. I WHEN I'M tICKElV HOrmONTAI. I Pertaining to Jaalr. t Basket! wltb. band boles, l K buying. 11 Eucharist TMMla IS To follow. II Ring of two aeparabla hoops. 17 Carter. U Slater'! daughter. It Sooner than. K Hlgheit known " mountain, lo cated In tha Himalayas. II Bcarlot 11 Mother. ' 81 Thick ahrub. . 84 Sun god. 14 To entertain. MTo minimise. SI Dormant. ' 84 Physician. 5. Epoch. 14 African herb. YKMTKRf.Y'fl ANSWKIi 10 Divided Into four or mora equal parts try stripes. IS Seeds similar to tonka beans. 44 Utile devils. .47 To concede. 40 Work of genius. 80 Path made by a atar In Ita revolution around an other body. ''ill High priest of SI Tethering rod. Israel. oa uiaiviuia. , 0 Pacified. S! Rennla. 84 Harmonised, tt Insertion. VERTICAL- 1 Boy attendant In D. & Hons ot Represcnta lives. 1 I One who frosts. t Crippled. 4 Dined. STo liberate. a) Terete. 7 Black bird. 8 Consumer. t Full-grown pike. 10 Embryo plant. 11 To Instigate. 11 Parson of low mentality. ' 14 Inspired 1 reverence. It 8peechlesa. It To put up 8 poker stake. II Wing. 17 Fernando Portuguese navigator and explorer of oar hemisphere? II Growing out i Skin spots. 10 Discoverer of America In 1491. 11 Silkworm. SS CharacterlstlO of tribes. 14 To expunge. 17 Brilliancy. 40 Time gone by. 41 Ringing voice. 41 To couple, 44 Metal. 41 Heap. 4 l,et It aland. 48 To marry. 60 Kimono ansa. vr 'F1 3T PT it li M r TV K5" I Wi SURPRtSE VJHEM HE IANDS ON VlM.R.0A0 TRACK. AND TWEM SEES HI? TfeWM COMINCi eVROUKP OKE OF tVVOSE CRAZV LOOPS. - I'm ronei S VOCCESS SEEMS ASSURED. THE LAST Of ' HIS ENEMIES ARE LEFT BEHlMP. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser LOOKMRSl L.STS Hi J. NelHy, VMV...OH! DO Yf TVUB LICM MSB POO. THAT ) Lleaie? Vxl VfAeJTA I PoeJ Of YtlOQt) . j- I SSff TUS UCSMSbt H ? yooBt pot, '7 W 00a ? . t cawT Sl-iealKJJ Ual.cWayrmrt POUClrhl ) Wj jFhP 7 I HANBMT Arl - y I'LL 8 Aoaesrao AKl' ViAFTA SOTO J TUS PolicC M M STATlOrl . -g SAl I SHtXXO THIUK.IUSTSAO CP AOOSSTIK LITTLE BcrS, yUfO 86 OUT CATCHIM COaOkS AH' PBoptfi VIHO fhaw: VJEAR. firs PIUSQ, AM' SANK RPB8ERS AM' BooTLSeKBRS AM' 1 PCKPOCUT5 r 1 ' Lam' oaoiJM oqjvsqc vwwo sou i oohm boos im tu' srwfcisis 'eftty; ) , n TW IPEA OP "XX) TJV1M' Tt PiMCH ( gopp A LrTTLfi KIO VWTM A HABM.LE9. Vos'-J. K XT "5tJ OoaHTA Bfi OUT LOOKIM1 FOR n 7 I0 J Q. ML v wi3 trr mA taiwvetx we. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin 5 s "1 voo woo ! vxVo , - f ., ooj MK..frrr! vow ' vA.o '. viv. atvvofcyr. wo 1 1 oexra tKI mev I tn ov' yrj'. w f AAuaAO'.'. fj vww! ri- - - ' - ewriUTi I V YO To t-VllT Oo V0OMCRfO V TS. VeW. UVX , B bCAV Vt viOH tv t t ' U CU. V i f T" li MR. VJTT CORe., J VOO ' CatQX vj VuXBWtO , ycHXi. INTB!WIN I a)PWW FAPxiOl WJVT 1 r 'sLrV'-.' rgsy.; a xvrry ' gfi ,oo: 1 loquo unV tn6 rotiut I vw avavra. thw v cvauy lve OxrUT " ' j.--: fc-irrr-; -, ::- M fsHTyd i' , vaucM AoO t-- A Tovo ab ywj STWV TsVUmmc., H Mn,M 1 - ' ' ' '' . , " '''' ' ' ' '