The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    October 29, 1931
Tlio I'oinotm Oralis roinnilltva
Which presented liellllull lu
tin ami slain lui totniiilaaliiii lu
Huli'iu Mninliiy, taking lor it rom
plntu imvUIuu ami revaluation of
II pmi'i'tlr In Klamath oiiiily,
will iIim'IiIo In it low iluya how the
pit I lion will bo presented lu tlio
Klamath rimuly court.
Karl Mirk la chairman of I hi'
ri in in 1 1 . Mo In luaaier-el'H I u(
III Klamath I'onioim aranae.
HorvliiK Hh Mark r II. J, Tlrh.
mir,"ll Valley, mid A. .M.
Thumaa, KlmnniU Kail.
Tim rciiiuiHIi'u ma)' appear ba
foin Ilia rourl, t tin county xrunxo
rouuril may appear or a commu
te i.f griililtera limy bs appointed
by Ilia I'mnoim sr. nine lo appear
ami auk tliu comity lor lumla lo
alii tlm atato III ilia work or ra
valimllou. Tha inelnlicr of Ilia Mala t.u
commission eapreaaed tlia oplu
Ion Ihut they ara In lor of a ml
wllluiii l umlrrtaka the hum
taak, but that llii-r wlali the toun
y to aiipiopilaia and furniah
too money with whli h lo do tha
work. Tlinnma talil today. Tim
reason for t.o alalia wishing Ilia
county to f nlnti Iho iiiouny la
hecautn avvrlul other counties
bava dona ao. .
Th" governor waa loo 111 to b"
arm by tlio commute Monilay,
but rSialu Treasurer Kufiia llnl
man told tlm coininlllea thai ha
will do all ha ran to further tha
ranuealcd revaluation, Tliovia
Th petition prcaeiitcj aaka
tha aiaia las rommlaalon lo romo
to Klaninih rouuly and ealahllah
an entirely new aal of value mi
all claaaea of properly.
Tha rraaoiia given for III ra
nneat, arrordlng to Thomas, are
that thero baa been a dleaallafac-
tlon wlih valuation lor a number
of year: group are fornied and
uppoae eat h oilier aeeklllg lower
valuation on their rlu of prop
arty; furniera feel tine unbeara
ble, and front a flnamial aland-
point It would be good for tha
county aa a whole, ne argurii.
There would bo lea friction
nilor lo and during election, and
niaiiv other benctll. Thoniaa
The "lal tat commission waa
Baked lo roni In and aet up an
nurelv new aet of valuation and
then order that tlm valuation! aa
mode n uaej aa the haala for -aaaiiieni
of uvea, Thoniaa aald.
Sunshine Breaks
Through Gloom
On Pacific Coast
fi'onllnued fiom Tag One)
ported lo the federal reserye
bank hera that llieir Hepiember
aalea were larger OU. raah haala.
than lor Heptember of I Sill. Moat
tr.nlo urveya. Including lliln
and Uraital reel's, found retail
trade holding even with laat year,
or virtually o. on a bal of vol
ume of good moved.
limlK-rlng IM-tler
Khaft of bualueaa aunahlun
have perntealed the deplha of the
foreaia In Washington, which re
ported aoniu phk-up In lumber
ing. Kiglu morn mill" around
Aberdeen reaunied opcrutlnna this
month, putting i.u men bark to
wink and Inrreaalng the active
mllla In that area to ill. Only
right mill remain cloaed. Addi
tional pulp wood cutter alao
were put lo work.
I'orket checkbook are being
used agnln. for Iho volume of
check handled by bank a
prltno Indicator of general bual
una haa ahown a airenglhonlnl
tendency lately. Virtually all
coast cltle reported lmpreve
gulu In Ihl reanert lu the laal
two weeka. The tola) for 17 rltie
reported by the Kan Francisco
federal reaerr bank, ahowed a
grain of more than IS per rent
laat week over the prevlnu week.
All hiit two of Ilia rltle allowed
S. P. Worker Is
Killed, by Shot
(Continued from 1'age Oue)
took a pair of bloodhounds
Willi them lo aid In the aearrh.
A fur aa run Id he learned tha
handlta entered a aortlon car.
held n) two Mexicans, and fired
aa they made their earape. One
of the bullet entered I he .Mexi
can' buck.
Officer Taylor, I'owtlierer nnd
Fouler of thn alulo police, i
eompnnled by Deputy .McMillan
frnin t h o sliorllf'a office,
lert about 10: 3U for Frailer.
They Joined a group from
the aherlft'a of I Iro and Indian
offlrer from tho reservation.
Thn murdered Mexican haa a
wlilow and three children aoitio
whero In Mexico.
I i '
(Copyright, 1D.1I, Htanduril H'atl lit lia Co.)
IU Ind ia fulllf 20 IT IO Tidal
Toduy 7. 0 7 .4 117.11 0 3
I'rovluu day 7S.I II U K
Week ago kU.X I2i U hi). I
Moulb ago 7 l H (I lll l 7.
Veur ago 134.4 1U7.K '.. 3 l:iu.4
Three Year ago lU.l 124 0 im i 174.7
Five yeara urn 1U3.D 103 2 Jutl.T 103.1
High llllll - 14U3 lull. 2 2113.11 144 3
Low (11131) 47. 4 I D 101 0 70.0
llllll (1V3U) 2U 4 141.4 21.3 200.8
Low :( II2D kH.4 1 44 6 1 14.7
lllgll ( 1U2U) ... 202 lo7 H S fi S . 1
Low (ll!l) 141.3 117.7 144 3 14U.2
Standard Statistics Stock Averages
Today's Potato Marketgram
I. Klilpineule Itcporleil for WiHlneailay
l ulled rllate total 44U; Oregon 14; Wuahlugtou 3D; Iduho 4K;
Maine 2U2.
It. Terminal Market llcported for Tburaday
Chlrago: Carload received Idaho 23; other 4-1; cur on
(ruck, Including broken 274; auppllea liberal, demand and trudlug
moderate, market about aleady on weatern alork; truck aalea, rur
lota nut weight Iduho Netted (irnia I', H. No. 1 II. 2U to 11.30, fow
I.o Augele; Carload recel'rd: Calif. 17; Idaho 1, Ora. 1, 1'leh
4; boat receipt eiiulvulent lo Oregon 1 ear, Wanhliigtoii 3 cara;
rare dlvnrleil 3; car on traek, unbroken 41; car on track, broken
34; uiplle liberal, demand and trading alow, market dull;
Netted (tenia, price ellirhtly lower; rloalng price Wedneaduy,
opening price Tburaday: Nutted tiein sacked per rwt , I!. 8. No. 1
Idaho II llj III XI III. ncrnali.iiaL car lield lilBhec Vuklm 11 nil
IO 41 15.
Kan Kiuuclaro: Carload r elved Cullfornla 1 ; boat receipt
equivalent lo California 1 rare; rare on track, broken 2; dork
noldlnge rimlvalenl to 34 cara; California auppllea light, other I
upplle heavy; demand moderate, market atrady; Waahlngtnn
Netted detiia, eurked per cwl. U. H. No. 1 flic to 11.00, lew 11.10
(u 11.14; Oregon prlrea unchanged, alnca Wedneaday.
n. hblppllia; 1'ollit Markela for TueMlay and Ueflneailay
Yakima and nearby polula: llaullnga moderate, light w ire ,
Inquiry ; demand and trading light, market dull; runilderable j
atork going Into alorage; rarloada f. o. b. raah track Netted ticina. !
utcked per ton. U. H. No. 1 II 1. 00 to 1 12.00. ;
Idaho Kail: Hauling light, light wlio liiqulry; deinund and
(railing alow, market dull; carloada f. o. b. raah track Netted
tiein. aai-ked per cwl, I , H. No. 1 very few aalea ioc to 40r.
(Continued from l'age One)
achool at Kalem and Iho romoval
of .Mra. Ignore I'atleraon aa head
of the I'ortland Inatltutlon: the
dlamluaU of W. II. Ilallllo a
aiiperlntendent of the alalo truln
Ing a.-hool ror bey and the elec
tion of Hrfin 1-aughlln to aurreinl
blm, and tie purebnae of 20
automobile for Ilia Hate police
Tha removal of tha brad of
the two atata lnallluilon wrro
made nlfiM-tiva aa of October 1ft.
In the blind Inatlfuilun rae.
Hecretary of Ktata llo reaerved
hi vole, while Htate Treaurr
llufu llolinau at the vote of
hlmaelf and the governor. r-
ultlug In the action. Hun op
poaeil tbe removal of llalllle,
whli h wa ordered upon the
proty vole of the governor. In
the purvbaae of the automobile
(or the atate police department.
Ilolnian opposed tha vote of Hoaa
and that of Meier, the latter cent
by proxy. The ran have already
been delivered.
Other Heme of bualnew were
alao tranaarted, many of wblrta
will no doubt be corrected by
ehauge of vote by one or other of
Ilia ' two member preven! at
Salem, It waa aited. but on the
major laaues. It la not known
whether a concurrence will be
ef(ec(ed. In that event, auch
anion la not legal. In view of
Van Winkle opinion.
Die 1433 ealon of the leglala
lure aa hi term hav not expired.
tint Vlait lo 4-tly
'l am pleaaed lo be able lo
vial! Klamath Kali and tee the
rounty and the rlty for myaelf.
I hva heard aurb favorable re
port about Ihl community for
a number of year and they are
certainly luatl'led." Wlllard
Mark, president of the Oregon
ftlate aenato ta(ed today,
Mr Marke arrived thla morning
from Albany where he I a prom
inent attorney and vlalted during
the morning with official and
rltlten of thn rlty. It I hla
flrat vllt to Klemaih Kali al
though he baa been In the county
before and ba many friend here.
Willi Major Clarence I'nder
wood, a friend of 20 year, and
Dlatrlrt Attorney T. II. tllllen
water. Mr. Mark will make a
tour of lh county Ihl after
noon. Mr. Mark atate (hat condi
tion In the Willamette valley
are fairly good on Hie whole nnd
that thero 1 not a much relief
needed a gome report have
Tha Albany attorney wa elect
ed to thn Oregon aenate for hi
flrat term In 1927 and waa
chairman of the important re
vlalon of lawa committee of the
aenute during the 1929 seaalnn.
Ha waa elected prenldent of tho
aenato at the 1931 aeaainn of the
legislature and will aln acrve a
senator from Linn county during
(Continued from l'agu One)
ny by a Columbia unlverally pro
feaaor that eventually clvllia
llon'a renter would be In the
Northweat. Oregon, bo aald.
wauia lo be ready lor Hie Influx
of new reaidenta and new Inveat
menl which apell prosperity and
HenKi Mark tourbed briefly
on leglalativ experiment In Ore
gou, and In this connection gvo
the quotation from Tope. "He not
thn flrat by wblrh the new I
tried, nor yet the laal to cat the
old aalde."
Fundamental Important
Hpeaklng of national alfalr.
Mr. Mark aald that the boneat.
alucere. hard-working member
of rongrc, particularly the aen
atora. am being over-ehadowed by
grandatander. and In connection
with both atate and national af
fair urged a sincere eHort on
th part of the public lo aee tho
fundamental and to "keep our
feet on Ihe ground."
The Joint forum attendance
filled .,1)10 Wlllard hotel dining
room. Td tiillenwaters waa
chairman of the day. Ida May
Ktanffer gave two violin selec
tion, accompanied by Mr. Don
A carnival, consisting of a
niualcal program, two play and
clever dancing, will be presented
Friday night at Itooaevelt achool.
Tho Klamath Kails grade school
band will alao prctecul aeveral
number. The public Is cordially
Invited to attend.
Auto Runs 59 Miles
On Gallon of Gas
(('(Hitlnu-! fro.Ji Pug-; Uim-)
imvnrul r wert fru'tyrfti, tliu
kii Hp wan brnkn mid tiU rtftlit !
ttrikltt uruUvn, biu;a oih umlon
of tho bmlu,
(HH'ttttUtUB IVrfuniml
Ur, K, I). LktnU Had lr. Kuli-li
Htnarnw wr uVu from Kin ni
nth KhIU a ii (J pitrfurniffd tho uw
oral tons. I Jr. Ht-arna fturnwl
Wed tiiTMila y n Ik I t l K lu ma I li
('rawfurd la rtiortfd rov-r-ItiK
aatUrui-torllx, aad muy In
atiln lo return Iiuiiih In two or
thr duy, Ir. Htfarug auttd
Tliumday uiornliiK-
( hoytiB waa a proinint-nt Klam
ath KalU hullit-a lnmi. Uting
VrnnUU-ut of thn Mod(x; linn aud
4)11 toiiioany product In thla ter
ritory, Mu own id a nuuitwr of
farm protTll (n thia wlUm.
and had othrr lntrrHta. i wbh
a m.-inhfr of tho Klamath Fail
Jodita of Klki.
obrt Cheyno was born In
K(lliilurKh, Hc-oiland, on Juno
1 M 7 7. aud waa UKd b4 iirt, 4
month, and 16 daya at tin linn
of dt-ath,
Hn waa born In " hou-
ln KillnbuiKli a Slr Walter iS ult,
fuinoua author. Wh'-n h whm
about a yeara old bin panvntd
moK-d to MllwatiktM', Wl,, whtr!
ihfy rnidd for about a year b
(or iiiovIiik to Norlh Liakoia,
wh-r iliy Uvpd for four ywtra.
Tha ftinilly then uiovtd to n-ar
Coldcndalf, Waxh., wh-re ttMy j
hud a Unto rain b. Hobtrt I).
Chryii wat married to Kannluj
Ma U hltn In HartUitd. Wanh..
lu IVUl. and tbry motcd to Klam-
ath KalU In 1 1 10. j
Mr. Cheyite opomted larp
farnm In tbU ae-tion until a(Kut
fi'Ur yt-ara axo, hn hr and Mnr
fthatl (orni'tt nnd (Mar Smttti
fiiruietl tlio Modoc nn and
rompany. of whii-h ( hryn! b-
ranif prhlut. Tho flmt )-iir!
heynw and t'ornHt pun-haned
Mr. Hintth'a 1ntrr't, and Lroti j
Crawford, who holdi a malT
auiouni of aiork In tho company,
biiumn U v prfxlilrnt.
Mr. (h'n! u a innbrr of
th Klkn and Moono lnd(i-. and
prominent In civic and 4 utmn un
ity work.
In addition lo hU widow. Her
u children, two lrolhrn and two
KUicra tiurlvv. Th 4 hll.lrn an
Mrg. l-wy I'olUrd, nt
City, Calif.; Mra. John Takatca Jr..
Mra. Murray irk.iiMn, Vrri
KrancJi Cbync, 6; A. U. Chtip,
K. I'fki-il hyn. ltobert C'h-yni
Jr.. 17: Milo Chn-. 15: law
rni Chyn;, 13; Kllo 1 Icyn,
9; Lalu L'hryn!, h. all of Klam
ath KalU. HI iitTj are Mn.
Mary Thompwm and Mrn. liellfl
lawon, both of thia city, and hu
brotheri r Jamia A. Chryuf,
Z1IUI1. Wanh., aud Alex H. Cheyuc
ot Klamath Kalis.
Committee Makes
Relief Divisions
(Continued from Tace One)
lea baa been, and will rntlnae
to be- carried 011 by tbe Salvation
Thw roTernor'a rommftte li
ron.poed of JudRA Kred R. Ood-
dard, chairman. II. N. Moe, C.
I. luz. II. A. Schiefferateln
and C. It. WlUlama. The com-
niltfe' work In cooperullon with
t !. Kin m Hi h co u 11 1 y f I r boa rd
and all rhunli, Irat'irnnl and
f v(r orKHiiiitiitlftu, central he I iik
rclhf work for tha whole county.
A fanviM of th county to -euro
fiii m product for relief
work will hw madu by K X.
k'..i..UII aat... I.UM r.ilulm.H
by tha coniuilttee. The committee
rei(u"NtH, however, thut any farm
it wlnhlMK to don ill 4i any aort
of BKrlcuKurjil produce report to
tho centrHl officii In tha Klam
ath county court Iiouka.
.?o,y Slayer Given
Sentence for Life
(Coutlntiod from I'aga One;
en l.nng at Id apeclal quarter
would b provided.
Tha yourfa;eit pernon ever aent
to orve lu the prUon. Hubert
mljcht be tranxferred to another
limtltutlon, lAtng aald.
While tha flRht fnr hi life wa
being waved by icray-halred men.
Hubert Ml by. Interested at time
in thn prt4- din ten. but more of
ten bored with blrkerlnic he did
not undemtand. Ho played a new
hurnionha durliiff rnnnn, and
d4hed excitedly around the nxim
at play whenever the opportunity
offered. H wept a MorrU Wll
Huru. Jury foreman, read the ver
dlrt. but quickly rKalm-d bin
ro in Mk u rn a ud ni I led at t he
nowd who shook hi band.
On the atund Hubert told a
tralRht-foraurd alory of (Sheriff
WorineH'ti deuth. Armed with a
pUtol loaded with bulled that did
not fit, he mild he broke a window
In 1'eter KJaim' store lat Autuat
6. Hhertff Wormell and tbe then
lepuiy Wayuc fteiona. called by
a telephone operator, entered the
dark room and called for the In
Iruder to surrender.
Divorce Suit Filed
In Circuit Court
tSutt for divorce wa filed In
cln uit court Thursday by Mildred
liower axalnst It. J. Mower. De
sertion wax cited by the plaintiff
aa cause of action. There are no
minor children.
Plan For Debt
Suspension Given
At Idaho Meet
(Continued from Page One)
lion of the I.angelt Valley plan
by onotlng an Item which p
peureit In the Herald and Newt
on October 10, In which I'real.
dent Hoover staled that tha abil
ity to pay la the beat bual for
collMtlon of European war debt.
He stated that the dltrlct
could not aak for a definite lime
limit on a in-raiorlum and
n hun Id not aak for a period of
longer duration than neceaaary.
Hume eel Clianga
He mentioned that the laws of
many (tatea require Irrigation
district to foreiioae on delin
quent land, arnulra' the properly
and then reaell It and plate It
back on tbe paying column. He
auggeated that permlaatou be
given the government to take a
gamble on land delinquent la
the payment of construction
charge in the same manner that
the dlatrlct are required to do.
Tha farmer are willing to pay
a long a they have the ability
to pay, Thompaon elated. Many,
however, find It lmpolble to
pay the per acre debt as speci
fied lu contracta with the gov
ernment, he said, and if relieved
of payment under a moratorium
they will pay the aeamenta In
sofar as they are able.
lngell Valley flan
Tbe Laugell Valley plan for a
moratorium would call for sus
pension of payments whera nec
etwary for a period of lime neces
sary to cover tbe needs for a
Five main points are provided
In the plan:
1. Beginning the next year
after the moratorium la granted
no water ahall be delivered to
land on which charge due the
United States are not paid In
1. Charges due th United
Stale on construction to ba paid
in proportion to the acreage re
ceiving water.
S. Each acre of land on which
the per aire charge as specified
In (he conlract Is pnld m advance
ahall receive it full apportioned
share of all water avaliuble for
Irrigation. .
Itegiinllnff Patineni
4 All delinquent charge due
the United Hlale from lands to
which no water ha been1' deliver
ed; all present pant due Indebt
ednean on contract payments to
the United Htate, and the pay
ment and or payments that may
be deferred, to pa paid by the
district to the I'nltcd Mtalea
after all other Item contained
In the contract between the
United Hlatea and th district
shall hara been paid; provided
further that a lo land delin
quent In the payment of tbelr
per acre charge to the United
Hlate and to which no water
has been delivered, the district
will, at all time. ue due dili
gence In their endeavor to resell
auch land delinquent and that
the minimum price for which
aueh delinquent land may be
old shall equal or exreen ttie
amount due the United Htate.
In the event of such resale of
lands delinquent, or any part ot
them, the money received from
auch reale or aucb part of it aa
mar ba due the United Htate
ahall ba paid by the district to
tbe United Htate and such pay
ment for aald delinquency by the
district to the United Htate ahull
relieve the district from further
obligation to the United Htatea
for such delinquency.
J. A lower rate of Interest to
be charged the district upon
charges delinquent against lands
which bava received no water;
payments that are now past due
and on payment or pavmentt that
may be deferred.
"We were stir-preied to learn
the variety of contracts which
have been written with various
district. We were particularly
Interested In one which permit
land to be classified a non-paying
lands and upon which the
Save the Thrills W
at the Game!
OLD FRIENDS . ; ; tbe crowd , ;
the day's hero. Capture the pre
cious scenes and thrilling events in
Kodak pictures. We hare the right
camera at the price you want to pay; and t fresh stock of the
new Kodak Verichrome Film for dear pictures without bright
sun. Stop in today and get ready for the coming week-end.
Currin's For Drugs
9th and Main Phone 80
Kree Orange Prrniiuin Stamp with Every Purchase
department require i payment
hy th district," Thompson.
"Wa found a difference la Ihe
rales of Interest charged vari
ous districts on pat due pay.
men!, ha said.
Th delegate and guent were
tendered a luncheon by tha Uol
chetnher of rnmmerca, Those re
malning until the close ot th
conference were guesta ot tha
cily of Dulse on a trip to Arrow-
rock dam and over tha various
district and were dinner gueaia
of the Nainpa chamber ot com
merce. "Ureal credit la due The Hon
orable (I. M. Grebe for calling
the conference and tha work ac
complished," Thompson atated.
The I.angcll Valley plan as
proponed ha been endorsed by
Superintendent. H. K. Haydon of
the Klamath project of tha recla
mation service; Senator Charlea
Mr.Nary; and I In tha handi of
Commlnaloner KIwood Mead, com
missioner of reclamation, Thomp
aon stated.
The Truth About
Tha truth Is that within 24
hour after you alart taking tha
efficient prescription called Al
lenru uric aeld poison starts to
leave your body.
Within 48 hours pain, agony,
and distress are gone you'aa
happy againand back en the
You're simply fooling' yourself
when yov silik to makeshift
pain deadeners and reliever
unleaa uric acid toea rheuma
tism atays with yon.
Allenrn la positively guaran
teed by Htar Drug Co. and drag
giata everywhere to do Just as
this notice atate or money back
a generous bottle for 45 cent.
Automobile engineer who
worked for year in an effort
to reduce gollne consumption
have found the solution In a
marvclou Invention that fits all
cars. An actual test made by
one of the engineer showed f9
miles on a gallon of gas. Thous
and of car owners have already
Installed this new invention.
They not only report amailtig
gas nnviiiga but are also sur
prised to find quicker pickup,
Instant Blurting, smoother run
ning motors and more pnwer.
The Whirlwind Mfg. Co., Dept.
1939S, Station ('. .Milwaukee.
Wise, for a limited time la offer
ing a free device to those who
will help introduce It. They
also need nien everywhere to
make up to 41U0 weekly In their
own territory Inking care of
local business. Writo them at
once' for tree sample nnd big
money making offer. Adv.
This Ik a Hurlou akin- disease,
usually of a aluhliorn nature and
cause nn end of trouble to
folk who nrn uiifortuimte enough
to contract It.
Tim antiseptic Kmnriild OH
treatment Hikes right hold with
thn first aipllriitlon and good
result continue daily.
K powerful ant Inept Ic. Kmnrnld
Oil doesn't conquer your droiihlo
Htnr Drug Co. or nny live drug
gist nnywhoro will return tho
purchase price. , , .
A I'hliiulnlphln limn spent
thousand, nf dollar trying to
get rid of Psoiinsl Nothing
helped until hn got Kmnrnld Oil
soon ho wa well ukiiIii freo
from thin Rtulillorn dlseasn.
Mnntifl'n Kniernlil Oil costa hut
ST cents a bnltln and lis so
wonderfully helpful for oilier n II
nienta auch n Kcxontu, Actio,
Itching Hkln, Old Sores, broken
Vnrlcosn Vein. Itching Toe nnd
Allileteii Foot ll'a a grout
homo ceiuuily.
Foursome Oxfords
'SJbM1,' j
Combined in these Black and Brown Calf Ox
fords for men. A variety of styles to choose from.
Lowest prices since 1915.
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Underwood's mm
"Of course, it's Schilling's"
Someone has to
specialize in fine
coffee for those
who want ifi
The one who attempts it," dares not
attempt to make cheap coffee also
for cheapness is contagious.' It's as.'
true of coffee as of anything else. Yet
strangely enough, only one coffee
roaster specializes in fine coffee
exclusivcly-Schilling! 'Jgg
It is a tcmptauon to Hmm
turn nut different H13
grades of cheap and good coffees to
sell to different kinds of peoplebut
that's not the way the best things arc
made, for cheapness is contagious.
There arc many good coffees but
Schilling is the only exclusive roaster
of fine coffee.