fAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON October 21, 1931 Save Dollars By Reading The Herald And News Classified Stye 4tocning jcralli HUGENtC B. KELTY- Published every afternoon except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company l 101-1 Jl South Fifth Street, Klamath Kills, Oregon tn tared a second clasa matter t Oregon, on August lo. 1904, undor MAIL RATES PAYAlll.K IN ADVAMl'lh By Mull Delivered hv Carrier In Outside In city County County On Month Three Montba .. .11.71 $1.71 Three Months . 1 91 ix Month 1.71 I. la Six Month , 1 40 '.In Year (.00 (.00 Una Year - 1. 10 ASStH IATH PRESS LEASED WIRE MKMHKIt AUDIT Bl'ltKAU 4F t'lltf L'LATIOX Represented Nationally By M. C- Mogenaen A Co Iuc San Francisco Saw York Seattle . -Portland Detroit Chicago Loa Angeles Coplaa of Tha Herald aud Newa. together with complete Information about tha Klamath Falls market, may be obtained (or the asking at any or inee otncca. Meanber of Ilia The Aesoclaled Proas la excluelvely tloo of all newa duipalche credited In this paper, and also the local of republication or special aispstcne n ere in are also reserved Combination Herald and Newa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Telephone 1000 Three earns per word per day. Sane ad rea one week. 10 per oenl discount Same ad run eae month, per cent discount. No book charge made for leaa thaa Waat Ad ladei All classifications are number ed and appear In numerical or der. The following are the asm. here for the more Important Classification!! Automobiles for Sale Business Opportunities Contract Work Wanted Educations! . rurnlshed Apis, to Let furnished Houses te Let rurnlshed Rooms te Let . , General Notices Help Wanted. Male Help Wanted. Female . Livestock and Feed Lodges f Mt inS Pound l I ece I lan sous for Sale . Persons la Real Kstate for Sale Real Estate for Lease Room and Board 4ltuatloos Wanted Stores and Offices Transportation To bxchsnr ro r. k ii.i'i Jnrurnlsbed Houses to Lei lla t 1 Wsntea. alisceiisneooe Wanted to Rent " Lodges Klamath Lodge Ho. 1ft, L a O r. meets every Friday night at 7:10 Id L O. O. F. building at 1Mb and Mara. . Cwanne Encampment No. 4 sects every Tueeday olgbt. Crator Canton No. 1 meet eve l second and fourth Wednesday Prosperity Rebekab lodge No. 14 meets every flrat and third rnorsday. Crater Canton Auxiliary No. 1 sssu every aecond and fourth Wednesday. Visiting member are cordially .anted to all meetings. TEWDiEEK TRIBE 71 Improved Order ol -ilULU' ' , Meeta ver Thursday night, 1 p m., l.O.O.F. hsll. Fifth and Main St. R, O. BEERS. C. of R. KLAMATH LODGE NO. 77 a C .ni4 A M. SUted Communica tion 2nd and 4th Mondays. Visiting Brother Welcome L00M1S BUILDLNO Lost and Found LOST White female toy fox terrier, with brown spot on head. In vicinity of Walnut Apia. Reward lor return io Service Electric Co., 125 N. Sin. 1 pencil set. Owner may have aame oj lusnuiui uw in for this ad. 4227 General Notice Club breakfast, lie and p; Special luncheon, 40o and 40c; Special dinner, 75c and 1.00 Pelksia Grille 722 Main SPIRITUALIST readings; circles Sunday, Tuesday, Friday. 8 p m. Classes. 1121 Walnut street. 3668 lrdhsuatts Lnnini(slbi 15c to 10c for the same food meals. Special steak and chop dinner 40c and up Bnk Crf 111 North 7th St. Open All Night. F) PIANO FOR RENT Thone 19J1. 4280 .Publtsber lb postolilc o( Klamath Fan. act of Congress. March 1. 1879. Associated Preas entitled to the nse of republics. to It or not otherwise credited newe published therein. All rights General Notice SPECIAL RATES on tnagaalne subscriptions until November lain. telephone for prices. Mrs. Walter West. 104 S. Rtv- emae. rcone 457R. 3841 nnnrp viu n r-1. .4-. . . I BOW foe f 11 ( II HniB I - - - est selections In city. Mrs. ei. 2vs a. tiirerstae. 1842 Transportation WANTED Load or part for Portland or way points, before .Muuusy. rnone luyi. tZbl CHEAP TICKET Destination near Chicago, via Alturas. 425$ 6 Help Wanted, Male Little Classified Ada are bit ueipa so everyoooy. DIESEL ENGINEERS and ME- iriA.ii.s wanted. Thousands of sniinMra n.ut In .11 I . of Industry. Railroads, air planes, irucas ana buses, boats Urom the largest ocean liner to the smallest tugs), don- aera, snoTeis, power plants, etc. Diesel airplanes of 11 different makes now hare ap proved type, certificate Issued be It. ft. Dent nf r'i mmorr. An acnte ahortage of experts eaisis. vt e tram yon to oper ate the latest power plant Diesels and high speed types. Send for new lllnamtjul hA,b. let "Diesel Opportunities of Hemphill Diesel En gineering Schools, Dept. 7-A. n misss ana nepuDiican frasti fiAattlA TtBk fill San Fernando 'Blvd.. Los An- win. i-aiiTomia. 4745 ft Help Wanted, Male WANTED Experienced man to clean furnace and chimney. 41 Washington. .... 4250 7 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Competent experi enced girl lor general house work. 1104 Crescent. 4258 MIDDLE-AGED woman to help with honsework. for room and board. 1530 Lookout 4204 9 Situations Wanted TOUNO MAN wants Job on ranch. Phone 449W2. 4274 DAY WORK wanted, by woman. mono Z340J. 4230 MORNING work and ironing. Phone 2336J. 4217 MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping position or moth er's assistsnL Mary A. Ellis. Herald-News, box 4209. 4209 MAN with drag saw will saw wood by day or boar. Phone 360. Milo Adams. 4195 GIRL mast have work, prefer- aoiy eierxing or walling table, r.oci S, phone f2J. 4171 PERSONS wishing wood sawed call 815W. X993 PAINTER Experienced, Inside or 00 u iteasonaDie. call 103SJ. 3440 Out Our Way T "THE. rum, Situation Wanted M1DDEAOED lady wante car of elderly lady or seml-lnvalld In own home. Reference. Herald-News, dot 319 3149 10 Contract Work Wanted FOR PAINTING Paper-hanging or kalaomlnlng, phone 2387J. Jesse Patterson. 4110 SIGNS, painting, kalsomlntng, show cards. Phone J035J. 1701 PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging. Jack Masai. Phone 113. J771 II Furnished Room ROOM FOR RENT Mao pre ferred. Phone 1111. 4 J til) LIGHT housekeeping room, fur nished, $1.74 a week. Thone 2o7J. 4141 FOR RENT Nicely furnished' oearoom. :otl Melrose. Phone 10U.SR. 37 FOR KENT Nice bedroom, one block from Main. 134 N. 3rd. 4111 12 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM for gentle man; rntee very reasonable, too N. th. Phone 436K. 41(7 BOARD AND ROOM Aliens 41 Pine. 4321 ALLEN'S Strictly home rooked meals. Dinner our specialty. 60c; breakfast. Sic; lunch. 35c. Board per day, $1. 414 Pine. Phono 1547. 4331 BOARD AND ROOM In private family, for one or two gentle men. Also garage. Phone 4R. 4184 BOARD AND ROOM (29 Jef ferson. 4197 BOARD AND ROOM. 129 North Fifth. H block off main. JS71 13 Furnished Apartments FURNISHED apartments. $15. (11 and 20. 419 N. loth. 4270 NEWLY furnished 3-room apart- Mivui. ciu?e in; reaucea rates. Call 1454WX or 1454 J. 4 249 S-ROOM furnished apartment. 235 N. Mb. 4J4 Brstton s Modern Apartment Completely Furnished Special Winter Rate Include Light, Wood and Water Ratee: IS.00 per week Single: 114.00 per month Double: 111.00 per month Phone 1917 2041 Ore. Ave. FURNISHED APT. Also sleep ing room. 920 Lincoln. 4324 FOR RENT Well furnished apartment, I rooms and bath. Close in. 711 Jefferson St. 4201 1 ROOM tarnished apt. 204 6a Riverside. Phone 457-R. 8425 (-ROOM famished apartment for rent. 0 Jefferson. 20(1 4-ROOM3 nicely furnished Close school. Telephone 1241-W. 1928 13 Furnished Apartments YOU WELL LIKE THE EVANS APTS. Because They are close In, modern, well ventilated, roomy, new ly decorated, frigldalre, tree current. BIG CUT L PRICES Phone 144J or 200 10th and Main. ROOM with garage. Kitchen privileges If desired. 123 Pine. 1984 STRICTLY MODERN apartment. in center of town, completely furnished. Rent greatly re duced. McCarthy Apta., 7th and Pine. 1760 NEW COZY J -room furnished apartment. Phone 1296W or 145SJ. 4132 CAT MAR ; . a IKgl "TO " VftTCMEM SALLIES A blue ribbon was warded the goat which auppllea milk lor Mahal ma Candhl at an Eng lish dairy ahow the 01 her day. We haven't picked he champion goat In Oregon yet. and (ew of us would care to claim the honor, even for a blue ribbon. Yon mar aomctlmea wonder It you're not at least runner-up. If not the cham pion goat. But you may count on one thing, you're not the goat when yon nse the classi fied ads to get RE SILTS. The following ad ran one time and cost tic: "For rent: 4-room furnished bouse, with garage, paving, three blocks from school. Mills addition. l'boue 1153J." If yoa hare an empty houie. you're playing the goat until It'a rent ed. Why not follow Mrs, Rlchardson'a example, who rented her house through the above class ified ad? Just call 190 say "Charge It." and Your for RESULTS. SALLY. 13 Furnished Apartment sAirs&dfe Mattel Best for the money. Newly decorated. With or without frigldalre. Electricity, telephone, steam heated garage. 131 and up. -Maid service If desired. 11th and Walnut Phone 700. FOR RENT 3-roorn tarnished apt., good location, duplex home, piano, furnace, station ary washtabs, built-in bath: gas, garage, etc., 131 per mo, or 20 and yoa furnish utili ties for house. Phone 203 1-J. 4051 14 FurnUhed Houses FOR RENT Furnished house, 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace: close in, $50. Phone 18SU. 4221 THREE-ROOM modern furnished nouse. nose in. 101 Lincoln et. Cell 1541W or 443. 4251 FIVE-ROOM modern furnished house, close In. References required. Box 4248. Herald New. 4248 2-ROOM furnished house. 235 N. 6th. 4247 SMALL BRICK HOUSE for rent. Phone 738M. 749 N. Sth. 42(8 FOR KENT Apartment cottage. Very close In: suitable for two, 122.50. Get close In for the winter, while there Is a (IPtnKf On, Aa I quire 14 Loo mis Bldg. Phone 2 AND 3-ROOM plastered cot tages tor rent, reasonable. Partly furnished, fuel, lights and water Included. 4550 Blebn SL Phone 2193. 4272 HOUSE with two separata a part- menu, call 4Z4J4. 4279 By J. R. Williams J.PVVllt lM 10-I ..glMISrilMSCSVKt.lHCa. 14 Fuaniahed Houaea FURNISHED house. 411 N. loth. 4117 S-ltOOM completely furnished Home, close In, Phone 1 3 1 3 J 414 J-HOOM furnUhed bouse, ta rs . Inquire 401 Martin. 4261 SMALL 4-room house, partly luruisnea. item reaaotiaoie. Aimlw sex ...... .. u ...... - after ( p. m., or tiunday. 424s FOR KKNT-For the winter, 8 room house, nartlr furnished. hot and cold water. 19 Main St. 30 per month. Phone lsJ. 4081 3S WASHINGTON ST. l-room nouse. wall bed, bath, glassed in porch, garage; adult onlv. Phone 1S24W. , 4144 FOR BALE New 4-room modern bouse, lot. 11.000. Phone 11. 101 FOR BALE 4 furnished bouses. 11.500. Inquire at 1431 Or. ruara. J547 FOR 8ALK Small house, Stew art Addition. 450. Inquire Link' Grocery, George Mulli gan. 4014 FOR SALE New bouse, well furnished; two bedrooms, liv ing room, kitchen. Modern throughout. Lots of bullt-lns and cloaet space. Large gar age: lawn, trees. Lot r.0.160. Sacrifice equity for price of furniture. Apply 1132 White avenue. 4030 FOR SALE 140 or ISO acre ranch: bordering Lost River: lowest water cost. Pumping plant on place. Fully equipped with machinery: hay, grain and potatoes: sell on terms. HL 1. Box 33. Phone 494-W-l 4041 For Immediate response to your cries for "Help," as the Want Ads. ONE 4-room completely fur nished bouse, close In. and 1 2-room furnished bouse. Call 784. 4014 FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. 1143 Pine. 4254 FOR RENT 4 rooms and bath, furnished house, garage, elec tric range. 131. Desirable location. Phone 1077W. 4351 FOR RENT 5-roora modern fur- BtsDed boas. Phone 1J4. 4071 REAL ESTATE for sale Corner 101. tullon and Lakevlew streets, Falrvlew addition. sewer and taxee paid In full. Price 1250. Terms, Phone 11 or 444. nil FURNISHED Five-room house. strictly modern, furnace, fire place, full basement, garage. ( lose In. (11 Calif. Ave. rail isi7. 1934 2-ROOM furnished house, ga rage, water. 1509 Oregon avenue, jo. rnone I4sw 4111 IS Unfurniahed House 1-ROOM unfifrnlshed house. IIS a montn. inquire 2401 Orrh ard. 4357 t-ROOM modern unfurnished house, furnace, fireplace, elec- ric range, phone 1141W. 4191 LARGE newly decorated duplex apartment, lias range, fur usee, garage. 1100 Blehn. 4090 A 1-KOOM, modern house at Sblpplngton boat landing. 121 per month. Phone 1291 or 187W3. Lk W. Hutchinson 2491 FOR RENT New modern four- room nouse. with rsage. 413 Upbam. 1881 GOOD l-room bouse. Adults 193-J. 4000 FOR RENT Unfurnished, new 4-room. modern house; full bssement. Hot Springs Add. Phone 172. 1988 15a Store and Office OFFICE FUITE 1 Loo mis Bldg 2871 17 Real Estate For Sale FURNITURE, stoves at reduced prices Call 3U.10W, Dick's Bargain House. 1409 Main. 4141 BUILDEES Out-of-town owner wired as to SACRIFICE THREE HOT SPRINGS LOTS For quick sale. They may be bought for less tbnn half their former price. KLAMATH DEVELOP MENT CO. 1401 Main Street Phone 1 IRRIGATED RANCH FOR SALE Consisting of 160 acres, 130 acres under Irriga tion, 10 acres In alfalfa, JVi miles west of Bonania, Ore gon. A good bay or dairy ranch, 6-room house, granary, barn. Price $4,000. . 13,000 cash. Write or call on Chan. II. Failght, Admr., 214 Wllllt building, Klamath Fill. Oregon. PEICE CUT TO $33 Six-room modern borne In cen tral location on pavement. Full site cement basement and furnace. This property Is priced at least 11,000 un der P'l value and can he purchased on terms. Phone for appointment to be shown thla bargain. CMlcdte is. Szsllh Monitors ' '717 Mala Ptuus (4 17 Real Ealat For Sale WANTED Klamath Fella Income unin cumbered properly lu trade for good clear properly In valley, value uol to exceed 14,000. ALTAMONT ACRES Small house well located, ga rage, woodshed, chicken house. Priced at loo, with 60 down and 117.50 mouth. New four-room house, well lo cated In 3rd Allainnnt Acres, with hardwood floors, 1 1 re place, good plumbing, small cellar for I J ton. on easy terms. Thla property foreclosed and ran be bought at a great reduction from Ita true worth. It Is one of the most attractive homes In Alia niont. REALTOR Phone 1050 111 North th FOR BALK 4 Interest In lunch counter and ruulcctlou' ery business, ft 50 cash ban rile. Call at 303 Main. 4 1 it 18a To Exchange WILL TAKE POTATOES for equity In modern 4-room home in si. Francis park, bee Mr. Smart or phone 38. 437 7 WILL TRADE apartment rent lor wooa or truck. 419 N loth. 437! LOS ANGELES vicinity modern home for Klamath Falls home, or acreage. Owner at 19tu Orchard Ave. 427 17 ACRES of land adlolulng Rleber, Calif., In trade for Klamath Falls property. J. W. Sauaders, Malin, (ire. 4179 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1700 equity In 4-room modern house In Rivervlew addition, for 300, or light car. Pbone 1402W. 4134 WANTED to trade Equity In 6 room modern house for late model used car or truck. See Howard Abbey. Motor Inn Gar age. Pbone 194. 343 10 'ACRE ranch at Blgga. Butte county. Will lake cattle or sheep. 0. A. Taber, Boi 24. Orovllle, Calif. 291 OFTEN It I more advantageous to exchange property than to sell It. J. w. VAIL 4s CO. 311 Main. 4328 19 Automotive BUY. NOW! NEVER PITH LOW PRICES NEVER SUCH FINE CARS "Buy a Better Car for I .ess and Spend th Difference" 1929 Chevrolet sport roadster $3S-5.5J 1929 Ford sport coupe 1930 Ford roadster $365. 1928 Esse coach 1929 Essex sedan 1930 Durant sedsn ' $S5. 1929 Bulrk coupe $375. 1930 Auburn sport sedan $scs. MANY OTHER MODELS FROM 2u.00 UP A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO 8AVE till A RELIABLE FIRM TO DEAL WITH Mote Iera Garage 115 Klamath Pbone 294 CONDITION COUNTS USED CAES 1928 Bulrk standard coach, new duco finish, good rubber, nnd mechanical ly overhauled. A trial will convince you of Its excellence $490 1927 Chevrolot roupo, a re liable light car with lots nf Unused mlleago for your enjoyment $170 1927 Chrysler 00 sport roadster I45 1926 Pnlg sedan $150 Many other cars. GMAC Terma Trades Automotive FOR SALE '39 model A Ford roadster. Lota of eilraa. In- lulls Haldy Evans, HulnlKor Motor t'o. 4354 CHEVROLET all sport roupo. 13U model, 1 wire wheels, heavy duty lire, flUft, Inrnis. No trades. 6 1 5 M. mil. 4101 CHEVROLET sport coupe, 1931 model, fine condition, llsb, terms. No trades. 415 B. 4th. 4204 ATTRACTIVE 1IUYB FOR TUN FALL SEASON. PICK YOl'lt CHOICE AND COME AND SEN IT. A FEW SPECIALS! Chevrolet 130 roarh $47So(DXD Ford 1930 roup $43So(!MD Chevrolet 1929 coupe . $29S.(D)0 Ford 192S roadster $199.01) Chevrolet 1937 coch $169o(MD Many other exceptional val ues. All cars carry our unusual guarantee. Lodk M!ta' C23 . lh PI. . Phone 49 20 Miscellaneous For Sale GOOD noDY WOOD $6 rord. rnone uijw. 4244 FOR MALE 11-ply glased cot ton twin. 21 renla per pound, by reel. Pcoplo Warehouse. 4131 19 A-B-C of Specialized Business and Professional Service CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Paul C. Long Chiropractor and Nerve Bpecldlst 117 South Seventh Street Phone 140 CHIROPODISTS Dr. Stodswell 201 Stewart-Drew Bldg. 711 Main. Phon 741-W. Limp Id Walk Out. DANCING SCHOOL HOGUE'S DANCINO ACADEMY Moos 1111 Children' Classes Saturday 4:30 p. in.; Ballroom classes Saturday 1 lo 9. Private Lessons all Hours Phone Mrs. llogue, 1601 BONITA SCHOOL OF DANCING Acrobatic, toe. lap, soft tao. ballet, ball room. Mrs. J. II. Duracha Director Class and private Instruction. Moos Hall Phon 143JW DENTISTS DR. W, C. THOMPSON Dentist Special Reduced Price For Summer , Guaranteed Work 210 Winters Bldg. Phon 1111 PORTLAND PAINLESS DENTISTS DR. D. D. HAVENS, Mgr. Evenlnga by Appointment Entrance Mars lintel, corner Eloventh and Main Sta, Klamath Fall. Ore. DRESSMAKING BESS MERANDA Dressmaking Coat rollnlug. Alterations. 205 Htewurt-Drew llldg. Phone 140GJ. 731 Molo ELECTRICAL SERVICE Electrical Repairs of all kinds. Wiring. Fixtures, Huppllcs and Radios. Dependable Hervic at a Reasons hie Price. Service Electric Co. 121 N. Eighth Phon 71 FURNITURE FURNITURE Hep 1 lied mil lleflnlslied. , Called for and delivered. Phone 894 KLAMATH FUnniTUV.I CO. 20 Micellnou For Sat) FOR BALK Pure bred llnuse. alralu while leghorn cockerels. II. II. Thiiiiipsou, lileue. 4127 8ORIIEI.I. rolorett Nhellnnd pony with saddle for sale. Well broken. Fln Christina ! enl: 475. lernis, Dr. Houle, 1411 Main. FOR MALE Wlncbesler ham. merleas 12 game, rllihed hr rel and rubber bull plate) iiraeilcally new. Half I'rb. fmiulro 14 l.oomls 1 1 1 J at . I'hoit 721W. 42' FOR HALE 4 Heel Irm-tor, cheap. V. A. Ilujlnus, Msllu. Pbone 1 1. 4-'l FOR HALE-Franquelt walnul. Urge, eslr quality: dlre-l from ranch, I On a pouud J. E. Reach. Jr . Auderaou, Hhaa. la county, Calif. 4I1 GOOD 14-Inch block wood. II per cord. Shady Plus C,JJ' FOR HALE Seasoned body isond, 14 full cord. Phone 1744J. 4131 IRISH WATER spaniel pupa for sale. II. T. McKlmena, Ol.n. 41I MASQUERADE costumes at 111 While avenue. 4041 RED APPLES 10 lug: on bog or a carload. Bring your own container, 1 ti miles north nf Eagle Point. H mile west of Crater Lake highway, old Crandall ranch, M. WUninrs, Eagle Point. 403( 21 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Small truck or Dodge louring car. Must be cheep. 424 8. 4lll. 4314 HIGH EST Pfiirn natd for second hand furniture and stoves. Call Ham. 4411. 1401 WANTED Desirable Lake o' Ih. Wooda loL Must have nice bearb. preferably lot with It" proveiuenta alerted t If you caunot finish your Improve moots by the lime your year I. up or must dispose ol tour cabin for any reason, pleas communicate with Box 19.11 "t this paper. 1131 WANTED Useless lite. lock, hrnit Chemical Works. Phone 44311. 2411 SHEEP WANTED Will par 1 I-4e for fat lambs F. O. II. cars bare. Can use any amount any lime. Can also nse old ewe and yearling wetbsra. Valley btieep Co., woodland, Calif. 1194 HATTER T11E MOROAN HAT SHOP Look at your hat everybody els does. And bring jour ball lo a Hitler. JUy Early, Prop. IIS Klamsth Ave. Phon 1910 HOSPITALS "KLAMATH'S CMEROENCf HOSPITAL THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Cor. Fourth and Pin St. MEAT MARKETS Msjrkeit 1111 South Sixth BL All Steak lOo lb. Shoulder roast of beet l!Vt Open evenings and Sunday Phon. 1281 OPTOMETRISTS DR. GOBLE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Eiamlned. Glasses Fitted . No Drop Used Phon til. 701 Main St STENOGRAPHERS E. J. DUNIVAN Public Stenographer anil Notary Publlo Lootnla Bldg. Room Office: Phon 371-W. Residence: phon 1171-W. TAILORS ORRES & WARD Tailor Better Clothns for Lea Money Klk Hotel Bldg. rnone 1787 1117 Main UPHOLSTERING Upholstering and Repairing of Furniture. Reasonable Price. TIIURM AN (Formerly with Klamath Furniture Co.) Ill Commercial, phon 1071 WAREHOUSING KlnRiHth Warehouse Co. ( Young'ai A Business Built and Growing On a Boiler Storag Servlc Phon 1097. 444 Sprint. saaa........ 1230 Mala I'lion 41