THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON f AGE THREE ' Balance of Spud Crop of County Now Stored Uncle Sam's Klamath Falls Headquarters :, JO, FOUND TQ BE GREAT ASSET 7 BEST METHODS October 24, 1931 KLAMATH ON-ITLC bflOIflS hi mm ... ' r . I'lgglns ot potatoes, plauted In Klsuiatti eouuty about May first has paaeed lt peak t Hi present llmo, and l the end ot the soa on vvmrr warnliouae end cellar In the basin will- be filled lo ra prlty. according lo olllrUl pre dictions. I'lanllng la Mrllrr Kipsrlinents carried on undar Ilia auspices of Ilia county agont'e urtlra Indicate that baal results aro gains It spuds lu Klainalb county are planted from May 10 lit 3U. Thla la an advance ot about, two warka oer planting time In former yoara, which be gan about J una 1 (iroiind MoUture rrrfcrrtxl Heed potaloee are ususlly plaulad about 11 to It Inoliea apart In rowa, with Hire to four and a half ft between rowa. Irowera always prefer to bate ulflclent crvund molitur to gar- minute eel anil bring up I he po tato b!ore It becnmi'a unceasarjr lo Irrigate. lu dry yean, boweyer. It ! nniellinn necsssary to Irrigate laud bufnro planting the aeed po tatoes. In e-me caaea loo. lb m-d la plaulrd and Irrigated up, but thla. boweyer, la not rated aa t aatlstactory procrdure. Irrigation of the crop may t -urrlivl on throughout the entire growing aeamn or tin Irrlgattuna may Ha required. dcpndlng upon the nature of the soil. In some ra. woi-re there la eub-lrrlgs-un. one or two Irrlgallnga In he growing an are sufficient. In aandy, wMI'nrainra ami, no ever, elgit or nine Irrlgallnga are Urn inquired In a season. 'rop l"olill1 r'reo,ncmly When the potatoes aro up, u, r ra.uauall hilled, or fur- ruwod ouS. and ester ruu duwn '.ha turrowa. They ar then cnl- .uated aa soon a tney ar ary enough, then agalu furrowed Jul. This nroccss la continued until the tin roota ar formed and praad oul. after which they are -.inly lightly cuiuvaieu. Honda Allowed To Mature Irrigation ot apuds la usually llnlahed by September 1. alter hlrh Dotatoe art allowed to ma tur. and ar generally ready for ligglug about Octooer iv. Although many fields ar dug before fat time and put on Uie market for Immediate consump' Hon. lb potatoes ar not mature ruoucli to be stored or kept (or any length of tim. Many times In the past few years, according to authorities, uoialoea hay been dug too early, causing them to become oil and In ery poor condition when held for enteral daya bo- (ura aal In lb southern markets, Thla frequently roaulti In low- ring of price and In breaking dawn the reputation ut Klamath grown potatoes. htornl After Hinging After digging, Dotaloee ar stored either lo farm cellars or In terminal warohooaea where I hey aro graded oul later In the season and sent la markets aa U. H. Number Ones or Tfoe. The principal market for Klam stli apuda la In California. Mechanical IHggera l ard All potato disking la carried on l.y mechanlral diggers, either drawn by horses or power equip ment, l.'n until a few years ago, horaea wura used unlrersslly, but I hoy ar fast yielding their placo lo tractors. Spuds ar usually allowed to II In the field to dry for an hour cr so bufor being picked up af ter dlsgliig. ricking It don ny hand, with tliouauuas ot people employed In this work during luo bunrosl season. In good potatoes, a picker will storage about 100 sacka a day. fucks ar filled from on to two thirds full by pickers, ana ten In the field until trucks pick them up and haul tbem to stor age cullars or grading mac-muss Th storage farm cellar holds 6.000 sacks ot spuds, ana ier mlnal warehouse from 12,000 to 20,000 sacks. lHunlnir At Height Potato digging In the Klamath lluslu, although beguu Into, lias now paaaed tb pouk ot tn sea aon, according to an announco- tuont from County Agont C. A. Henderson. few ahlpmouta ar being made at this lime howeter, and the apuds ar put la storago as they ar dug. Karmor dug aud stored their crop at th rulo ot 1,000 Backs a day, tho agent stated, glflug an approximate total ot loo to zuu tar loads of spuds dug dally. Activity Kliown Nino trucks, loaded with sack ed potatoes, stood In lino ut the railroad siding at Malone on day laat week, waiting to unload their cargoes lor storago lu tho waro lioiiaea at that point. Ureal ac tivity Is also evidenced at other storing and shipping points at Tuln Lake. Morrill. HluKol. lint' Hold, and others, according to In formation ffiim over th county. Oul look Tho general pntnlo outlook, ac cording to th federal market ro purt, shows nn Incroimo of 16, 000,000 bushels In tho Unllcd HUles from September 1 to Oc tober 1. This liirrense, however, In montly In tho enstt'rn nd mid wiwlorn slnlnii, wlMi Now York mid Pennsylvania showing th lu rsiPMt liuresnes. This itnln H.ioiilil hnv Utile rftoct on west ern pololo prlrcn, llcmlnrson do olnrcn, as the wont urn crop Is in ii c h shorter than Inst yenr. In l J JQ the woslorn crap was t , v.n'rKltr m a b n' r m. r f i f ill i it. mm Kf wNw f , li iaiiiil i'lSsaaniNiai'ilXits4'li''ii rrlio-wlnnlng spuds grown by 4-11 Hub menilirr May King Studio t&hte . r&m '.-- - t : : - .v . . i. , A , ...,. . , .4f by -. ., ..',, " ..' . , . . J ' ' v f , L ' i-i -J..- 1 - ,' m.-4 Totato digger In anion on klanuiil, llwln ranch ' ; ; : 1 ; . . . ..X ..,.v..'.tv-'.,: :- w :s;rf".u; May King Studio 1'olato pickers following In nrnkn of digger. May King Studio Acres ot nsabl building ma terial waiting for development and eiploltatlon lie dormant 72 miles from Klamath rail In Big and 1,11 tie tilasa Mountalna. Twenly-flv miles of country separata the mountalna which ar both located In northern Cali fornia. Th bulk of both of these phenomenal mountains consists of bcorls, a cellulsr non-metslle substance, which perhaps would make the best losullstlon In th world. . An experiment with Scoria gate tbo following results: a three inch cube ot Iron was heat ed to th melting point. Toe cub was then covered with an Inch and a quarter of Scoria. id the temperature registered on the outer surfsc of the Insula tion was only 100 degrees faren Dig UUtss Mountain contains 6,&ou acres of this material, ac cording lo geologists and other authorities, while I. Glass I Mouulalu contains Z.00 acres. rkorla baa been tested and found to bate greater strength than brick, and could be used ef fectively lu building. Thos who reallie the vast number of uses wblrb Ibis little known ma terial may be put. predict that every pound will be utilised In the not far dintant future. Obsidian. . another material useiul for building purples, is found In huso quantlllea ou l.lttl Glass Mountain, snd banded glass. a very bard and beantllul sub stance, in found in lilg Olaas Mountain. With banded gla.'x. and other natural glss dpoet's found In such quantifies in there two mountains, the Klamath country should turn out. among other products, more and better sand paper than any other locality In tho world. Natural glass registers number C In the Moh scaie ot hardness. Tju scale U repro duced aa follows: 1. Talc; 2. tlypsum; 3. Calrltr; 4. Kluorlte; i. Apsllte: Orthoclase. 7. Quarts, s. Topai; S. Corundum; lv. Dlsmond. Ssndpsper Is made eitber of sand, as the name impliea, or of ground artificial glass. Tb Ut ter commodity Is four times more expensive than that made out of aand. Sand paper made, out j( ground natural glass would be better, because natural class t harder than artificial, and would be mucu lesa expensive. Another natural product found on the west side of Big Ulass Mountain. Is Bentonlte. a perfect natural soap, and also widely used as a soap filler all over the world. At the present time Rus sia holds the monopoly of Ben tonlte. although, geologists de- risre, there is a small deposit in Csllfornla. Even though fie Bentmlle de posit in Big Clsss Mountain should be taken out, the anpply would constantly be replenished by the fumes from the little crat er on the west sido of the moun- ' lain, which convert the other de posits of pummlce. cinder and natural glass Into Bentonlte. This ' soapy substsnce Is a good clesner In ltelf. 11 may be rubbed Into i the bands, perfectly dry. and it' ..1 ; , ' ' l3 Mi; ' .'in si in ; - -4 " ;, V. -1;- rw : j u-ii iT ; i- '" -I . . , 'jiw-swAi- -v, i r.-. ! T5 L xkiz- z.Z' '' - ' ; i r;'r- 1: -v. , ri a ;' --v May King Latest picture of tb new federal building taken th day after the dedication 11 per cent ot the total national crop, while this year yields In th west are loss than 1$ per cent of the national crop, lumper Crop Hero folato futures for January 1 delivery, as quoted In th Chi cago market, are from SO to 36 cents higher than October de livery prices. Indicating that dealers In general expect a bet ter price later In the season. Also the percentage ot U. S. Number I spuds Is much greater this year than normal, which would Indicate that the price on IT. 8. Number l's should be mora favorable lator In the season. Rtatlstlcs show that 10 years ago Klamath county did not figure as a potato shipper, while 1 low IVIrt on Kui'l IHroct from flm Worn. to You. BODY WOOD Dry Pino and Kir body wood cut from dry trees In 1 and 24 Inch lengths. Fine for furnace, fireplace or heater. ( Fir Body Wood Pep Cord $7.00 Pine Body Wood Per Cord $6.00 Special Price on Large Order. PEYTON & CO. "Wood '.o Burn" 120 8. 7th. . I'hono 5.13. shipments In 1530 totaled over although the total crop value will 2,200 cars. Trosent predictions I be somewhat less than last year, are that tho 1931 crop wfll due to low buying power In the slightly exceed that ot 1930. 1 nation. Just Turn a Valve This Is All 1! The mere turning ot a valve that Is all Mint Is necessary to heat your premise when you have Klamath Heating Compant sorvlce. Think ot all the bother you cllmlnato no fires to build, no fuel lo ordor, ad Infinitum KLAMATH .HEATING COMPANY KLAMATH j- FALLS, ORE. lit ' absolutely disappears. However, If the bands are moistened after ward, the Bentonlte re-appears and with It any grime that may have been on the bands. IMace a small piece of Ben tonlte In water, and It gradually swells to two or three time Its original site, at the same time giving off a clean earthy smell. It cleans by a solving principal. These substances In Big and Little Glass Mountains are classi fied as Non-Metallcs. This classi fication Includes all substsners except ores that cau be reduced to metal, as a mater of fart, to metal. As a matter ot fact, thst baa not a melallc base; bow ever, those classified as aon meta lbs bare so little melallc content, that It would not only be unprofitable, but practically im possible lo reduce the metal from the other substance. Suggestions Made For Slug Control The first and perhaps roost Im portant step la controlling next year's crop ot gsrden slugs Is to mske their life miserable by cleaning up boards, sacks, brush, plant remnants and general de bris in the vicinity of the garden patch. Dr. Don C. Mote, ento mologist at Oregon State college, says be knows of several cases where a general and Intelligent cleanup carried on for several years left places practically free ot these slimy pests. What be considers Is a clean up 1 first ts born or clear tb fence rows and other waste areas next to the garden. Then r move or plow under tb crop real dues, and finally clean th prem ises ot th year's accumulation of trash, boards, bnrlap and other unsightly material. HODER FIREPROOF Hoteluttir wrru JuT QWsg (tftV. Sas Francisco sees wwsosv asm ooMwcrasws tmwxaau Hoottm Red Ball Stage Line One Stage Daily for Lakeview, Oregon Terminal Stage Depot 830 Klamath PHONE 999 eave K. F. 8:30 a. m. Cream Separator Ad Na 177 Japanned Finish Close Slimming Durably Built Easily Walked Increased Capacities Sc(Ki!inf ft lLsnri' A s5f V EM In sll sbt sties of ths McCormlck-Deerlng Cresra Separator, four high-grade ball bearings sr. used st points 1, 2. & snd 4. shown above, rSKOOHiaOCIBINC k rSBM MACHMCS j The man who has a few cows and a McCormick-Deering Bail-Bearing Cream Sepa rator on his place gcti paid regular. The cream checks are -fattened by the McCormick-Deering s simmng efficiency .... " and the fattened checks come in mighty handy in every household. If your family enjoys having things and you enjoy providing them let us show you how easily you can own a McCormick-Deering Separator .... and get paid regularly. J. W. KERNS McCormick-Deering Dealer 734 South Sixth. Klamath Fafe ask, odUucf Worry is a disease of the mind. Fire Insurance is a remedy. Insure now and rest easy. Put it off, and the Fire Devil may play you an evil trick. To be Sure, Insure wtth JAS H. DRISC0LL 206 William BIdg. Phone 432. FLOZON AT ANY TEMPERATURE) Anti Freeze ' A new and different radiator anti- . freeze. You can keep it in your radiator the year 'round. Does not evaporate, cools better than water; cannot freeze. . $4 .50 Per Gallon At All Service Stations The following table will show the amount needed for your car to 20 degrees below zero: Radiator Flozon Capacity Needed Quarts Quarts 10 4 12 5 14 6 16 7 20 8 24 . 10 Do not let this balmy weather fool you. Be prepared!' Dislrlhuted br Loii'eims C. 1XVS South Klxfh. Klamath Falls. 55