The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 20, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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Today's News Today
All lb nsw ot lb Klsmstn Basin, fur
nished dslly by spcll oiirrwpouilanti and
t competent alaff of local reporters. Na
tional, alala aud world nawa by Associated
Hraaa ami Unllad Praia laaaad wlraa.
Final City Edition
Harald aubaorlbara who (all lu rciv
their papers by 1:10 p. m. ara requested (a
call tba Herald business offlc, rhona 1900.
and papar will b sent at one by apv
clal earner.
Price Five Cents
Number 6734
on th$
Day's News
nrilB Lagu ot Nation! talla
Japan to fat bar arrued (orraa
oat ot China, Immediately. Than
It talla DOTII Japan and Cblna
to gat toialbar and aatlla their
difference br negotiation.
Wa ara about to a history
made, but at I hit moment no
on ran aay Jut what kind ot
history It will b.
r-pIUS murh CAN ha aald:
It tba Japan heed tba com
mand ot Ih league to get out ot
china, and It Japan and Cblna
than get together and aettl tbalr
difference without war, lha taint
beglnolnge ot lha dawn ot a naw
and mora hopeful day In world
a I (a Ira will ha apparent
war to tha Yorklown victory
eolehratlon, paue at Fortress
Monro and mat, speech. In
which ha sayti
"Thla nation passed through
Valley Fora and cam to York
town." A lot of gloomy people ar
trying to tell ua that thla coun
try la In terrible war right
now. la It In any mora terrible
way, do you suppose, than during
tha wlntor ot Valley 'org?
Ot cours not.
AS tha President says, thla
nation paaaad through Va.ll
Forgo and tamo to Yorktown.
Sometime In tha next tew
monlha It will paai out of th
dark Talley of aconomlo dleron
tent and Into th bright aunabln
of aound prosperity.
a a a
TJERB la a rather lntereatlng
aaggeatlon made to thla
hopeleaa optlmlit by another
hopeless optlnlat tba other dar:
"I boar n lot of talk about
Impending distress bar In Ore
gon thla winter. But aa I look
about by neighborhood, where
I know all th people, I don't
seem to ae many mora THAN
VHUAL who aren't going to hare
enough to aaL
"Of court har will be un
fortunate thla winter. But I
aaani to remember that bark In
HIT and 1121, which w look
upon now aa tremendously pro-
paroua, there wore ALSO un
fortunate! who didn't hare
enough to tat and wear."
ryUIS man may be an exception.
Ilia neighborhood mar be an
unusually fortunate neighbor
hood. Hut suppose you look
round YOUR neighborhood. Bee
bow much more real distress you
find than In normal, avorng
ears, rememborlng that In ALL
(Continued on Page Three)
Music Lovers Give Support
To Community Concert Plans
A group ot about ISO lovers ot
the host In music gathered at a
banquet at the lintel Wlllard
Wednesday evening to pledgo co
operation Id launching tho cam
paign tor membership In the
Klamath Community Concert as
eoclatlon. Tho purposo ot tho
organisation la to aocure a per
manent series ot concerts, pre
sented by th world' artists, In
tho city ot Klamiitu Falls.
Miss Dorothy Granville, ropro
cnlntivn of tho Columbia Con
cert association, who has charge
ot tho campaign, was th chlof
speaker of tho evening, outlining
the, purpose ot Community Con
cert associations, which ro be
ing orgaulicd all over tho United
Tonight and Tomorrow Afford Last Chance to
Flat Jump Is Denied by
I. C. C, But Alternative
Plan Is Advanced.
Large List of Products
Exempted From Gains
in Proposal.
Tha Interstate commerce eommls-
alon today denied the railroad !
request fur a flat IS per cent In
crease. In freight rates, but sug
gested lha roads might apply for
specific Increase on designated
commodities upon certain condi
Th auggeated eperlfla raise
would be for limited period,
and would be primarily to enable
th roads "to meet their filed In
terest paymente aa they mature."
Tha commission attached to a
Hat ot products suggested for lu-
eraneea a condition that In no
event ahould the Increase Inrled
on any carload be In exreaa of 10
per cent of tha carload charge
hlch would b assessed In the
absenc ot th Increase.
Th auggeated plan of the com
mission provide for exemption
from any Increasea of wheat,
corn, barley and rye, rice, grains
not otherwise specified, flour and
meal of all kinds, bay, straw and
allalfa, cotton In balea, cotton
llniera, nolle and reglna, cotton
seed, fresh apple, freed berries.
fresh grape, fresh pearhea. po
tatoes other than aweet, dried
pea and beans, flaiaeed. an tar
beeta, livestock of all kinds, logs,
wood for fuel, railroad Ilea and
wood eicelslor and sawdust.
Member of th city budget
committee have been called to
meet for the first time Thursday
venlng at 7:30 o'clock In the
council chamhera of the city hall
Th committee will meet with the
council and the mayor.
The bndgot will b discussed
and plana will be outlined for the
work of the council and commit'
to at future sessions. Tha meet
Ing la not expected to b long, aa
only preliminary work enn be
done at thla time.
Members of th budget com'
mltte are Dr, George Merryman
W. O. Smith, James Blair. J. A.
(lordon, M. H.- West and Elmer
nnlslger. They will alt with
Mayor Fred Cofor and Council
men J. E. Van Camp, Ed Vnnnlce,
James II. Drlsroll, Andy Moore
and James Bailey. Eugene 8
Kelty, publisher of Th Herald
and News, haa been Invited to at
tend the meetings.
Slates. Dlfforlng materially from
tho old mothod of concert man
agement, In which t email group
of muslo lovers sponsored nn
artist, guaranteeing concert foes.
and making up a deficit If Bitch
resulted, the now movement
guarantee a aeries ot concerta
without donianda upon a com'
400 Sought
A minimum ot 400 members
must bo secured during the
week'a campaign, or th associa
tion cannot function. It tho
minimum membership, or over,
Is gained, a aerica of concortn Is
presented In th city. Members
(Continued on rag Two)
Italian Leader
Another foreign government
leader who will come to Wash
ington to discuss disarmament
problema la Dlno (irandl, above.
foreign minister of Italy. He
will aall for th United Slat
on November T, shortly after lha
forthcoming visit to this country
of Premier Laval of France.
Identical Notes Sent To
2 Nations; Manchurian
Independence Talked.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. f
America today Joined In Invoking
th Kcllogit-llriand anil-war pact
In Manchuria.
Secretary Stlmson dispatched
Identical notea to China and Ja
pan, reminding them ot their ob
ligations under the treaty to re
nounce war aa an Instrument of
national policy and to settle all
dlsputea peaceably.
The action followed that taken
by five European natlona. Taking
the lead In Invoking the pact.
Great Britain, France. Italy,
Spain and Uermany sent notes to
both countrlos calling attention
to the pact,
lly Associated lres
Launching of a virile move
ment for Manchurian Independ
ence from China waa reported
(Continued on Pag Two)
Washing Machine
Sales Leap Ahead
CHICAGO, Oct. 10. UP) Th
biggest month's sale In three
years waa reported today by tine
Amerlran Washing Machine
Manufacturers' association.
Tho September sales exceeded
th best month of It! by a per
cent and the beat month ot 193)
by per cent. They wero 11.5
por cent above September 1930
and 18.9 greator than In August
Graf Zeppelin
Is In Brazil
rERNAMBUCO, Brnill. Oct. 20
(IP) Tho Graf Zeppelin, Ger
man dlrtslbl.N. was In Hraill to
day for the third tlmo this year.
Tho giant shin Innded last
night after another nonstop flight
from Frledrlchshafon. Germany.
Th previous trips wero ma'e
In August alt September. All
threw have been devoted to com
mercial traffic. Including passen
ger, freight and mall carriage.
Vi' V p '
I j v
Dr. E. D. Lamb Resigns
Health Post; Council
Hears Discussion.
Inability to Have Control
Over Inspection Is
A promise ot rigid enforce
ment of the city milk ordinance
waa exacted from the city coun
cil last night by aom 20 prod
ucers and distributor, following
a lively session featured by
heated argument and .repeated
charge that th ordinance baa
But lMU Sir idly enforced.
Following the discussion, tha
resignation of Dr. K. U. Lamb
aa clly health Inspector, wa
read. Dr. l.amb, according to
hla statement, resigned because
of hla "Inability to have com
plete control of dairy Inspec
tions." There waa no dlacua
alou by the council ot hla re
signation, which waa accepted
with instructions that he be sent
a letter expressing appreciation
of bis work. Dr. Lamb, It waa
reported following the meeting,
baa not been aatlatied with the
dairy Inspection operations.
Dr. I.amb Indicated Tuesday
that It condition were made
satisfactory be would resume the
work and continue to serve In
the office. The authority necea-
aary to carry out the responsi
bility of the office must. Bow
ever, be given, if he Is to con
tinue aa city health officer. Dr.
Lamb explained.
It wa understood that Dr.
Lamb, In - hla official rapacity,
had Issued certain order which
had not been carried out.
Permit Withheld
Th argument developed over
the aublect of Inspections and
the enforcement of the new city
milk ordinance, adopted In Jan
uary of laf year. The Immedi
ate cause of hostilities, as Indi
cated at the council meeting, waa
the allege Operation ot a dairy
here by Carl L. Stone without a
elty permit and, allegedly with-
(Continued on I'age Two)
Inquest Into the death of
Ernest E. Ramser who died Mon
day morning In a Klamath hos
pital following his being struck
by a car owned .Dy cianae it.
Davis and driven by Henry
Grimes, Jr., Sunday night near
tho Klamath-Lakevlew junction
on The Dallea-Clltornla high
way, will be held tonight at 7
o'clock at th Earl Whltlock
Funeral Horn.
It. G. Rusk, companion ot Ram
ser. and Claude H. Davis and
Henry Grimes, Jr., occupants ot
the car which struck Ramser,
with Dr. J. Randolph Bnrr, who
arrived at th seen ot the acci
dent a tew minutes after it hap
pened, and Lieut. O. O. Nichols
ot the state police who Investi
gated th case will be th prin
cipal witnesses.
District Attorney T. R. Glllcrv
wators will represent the state
aud Coroner Karl Whltlock will
preside. The autopsy was per
formed today.
The autopsy physician, Dr.
Paul Sharp, who attended Ram
sor In th hospital before death,
found that Ramser died ot in
tornnl injuries, hemorrhage ot
th brain, shock, and two frac
tured lega.
Members of tho coroner's Jury
are James Swansea, Bert Cook,
A. E. Whitman. Henry Lorens,
E. B. Henry .and Frod Houston.
Many Luscious
Dishes Feature
Cooking Event
Ethel M. Hall Conducts
Sessions Tonight,
Tuesday. p. ni. Beauty
chat. Make-up and facial dem
onstrations. Hallowe'en sug
gestions and cocktail break
fast. Wednesday, 2 p. m. Brldg
luncheons, proper table aerr
lc and bridge aet-ups. Proper
preparation of meat, fish and
Orange and creamed pes com
bined, tasty cocktails for the
holiday season, proper prepara
tion and aluffing for turkey,
something new and different for
brldg luncheon thorn are only
a few ot the thlnga that Mrs.
Ethel M. Hall, bom economist,
will Illustrate during the laat
two eesslona ot Tha Evening Her
ald and Th Klamath' Newa free
cooking school, being held In the
h!ih cnoet-ruaittirlnm.'-
At this evening a aeaaion, which
will start at a'clock. Mrs. Hall
haa arranged a holiday program
on of th most Interesting of
th curriculum.
Urauljr Chat Planned
A beauty chat, together with
aa actual demonstration ot make
up methods and facials, will be
given by Mr. Hall tonight. Hal
(Continued on Page Two)
New Building Will
Put Into Use on
Unci Sam's 1:00,000 head
quarters in Klamath Fall, the
new federal building, will be
dedicated at ceremonies which
start at 2 o'clock tomorrow af
ternoon. Postmaster John McCall, cus
todian. Invites sll tba cltlsen of
th Klamath Empire to attend
the dedication and to Inspect the
three-story, granite, marble and
brick building.
Captain C. P. Nelson, United
States Navy, coordinator for the
Seventh Area, will be her from
bl headquarters In Seattle to
give the dedicatory address and
E. B. Hall will be master ot cere
monies and will Introduce the
Th Kismatn union high
(Continued on Pag Two)
Oregon . State Is On
Fordham s Schedule
NEW YO '.K, Oct. 20. (VP)
Fordham university today an
nounced Ha football schedule tor
1932, listing three Intersections!
battles with Michlgaan State, 8U
Mary's of California and Oregon
Stat. The latter gam will be
played In New York Nor. 19.
The Cyclo-Stormagraph at Un
derwood's Pharmacy has been
slowly rising since last night and
Indications are tor clearing weum
er and cooler.
The Tyco recording thermo
meter registered maximum ana
minimum temperatures as fol
lows: High .. - 68
Low 35
Forecast for next 24 hours:
Cloudy and unsettled this after
noon and tonight. Generally fair
tomorrow, probably cooler.
OREGON: . Fair tonight; cool
er In north portion Wednesday:
fair, followed by rain northwest
portion; fresh north and north
west winds backing to southerly
Attend Herald -News Home Economics School
Sheriffs, State Police
Participate in
Widespread Search by
Posses in Hills
Is Ended.
PENDLETON. Or.. Oct- 20 (TP)
John Owens and Keith Cross-
wyth. sought for th shooting ot
Amoa Helms, stat policeman, at
La Grande Sunday, wr captured
Shortly afternoon today near
They confessed, officers said.
to bav shot Amoa Halms, state
policeman, hero Sunday. Helm
aa. critically wounded.
A mob gathered around tha
county Jail during the afternoon
but there wa no indication of
possible violence. .
The men were anrprised. and
had no chanc to resist. The cap
ture was made by Jesse Br
vhears. sheriff of Union county;
Dick Robertson ot state police,
and Tom Guardane, Umatilla
county sheriff.
Escaped Sunday
Owens, 19. and Cross wyth. 20,
scaped Sunday after ahooting
and critically wounding Officer
Helms. A 1 .-year-old girl. Or
lean Wood house, of Idaho Falls,
was with them. She was taken
into custody after ah left their
company, and Is held at La
a material witness.
Helma waa ahot as he and Cap
tain Lee No of stat police at
tempted to question the men af
ter receiving word they wer
wanted at Idaho Falls for rob
bery. Gibson Is 25 miles directly east
of Pendleton on the Umatilla riv
er. The bandits, after deserting
their stolen car at Kamala. near
the summit of tha Blue moun
tains, apparently continued down
the north aide ot the slope, fol
lowing a creek to the junction ot
the streams at Gibbon.
WEST ORANGE. N. J., Oct. 20
(JP) To their comrade. Thomas
A. Edison, who turned his In
ventive genius to his nation's
problems ot national defense dur
ing the World war, members ot
the American Legion and Vet
erans ot Foreign Wars paid
tribnte today.
Thirty representatives of both
organliatlons filed through the
softly lighted library where th
dead Inventor lay In state, stood
at attention, and saluted as two
ot their number draped th
casket with an American flag.
The Inventor will be buried In
West Orange tomorrow. Final
arrangements bar not been an'
nounced, but It was thought that
tha Rev. Arthur H. Brown, pas
tor of tha Methodist Episcopal
church ot Orange, would offi
ciate. Final service will be at
the crave In Rosednlo cemetery
here. Tho funeral service hour
Is 2:30 p. m.
President Hoover was still un
decided today on his plan to at
tend the funeral. It was Indi
cated by the White House secre
tary that Mr. Hoover would
reach a decision by tonight.
Meanwhile, a public demand
for a national tribute to Mr. Edl
son's memory has swept the coun
try. .
PORTLAND, Oct. 20 (IP)
Herbert Cuthbert, 66, well known
as Jormer msnager ot the ad'
rertlsing and promotion depart
ment ot he chamber of commerce
here, died at bis home Monday,
Bl 0
Like Eugenie
Bonnie Connelly ot Barnsdall
Okla., who waa named a the
co-ed at Oklahoma A. and M
bearing the cloaeat resemblance
to tha real Empress Eugenie, is
in tha pose she consider th
most trnlr representative of th
real empress.
Policemen and Firemen
On Eligible Lists
Policemen and firemen will be
under civil service appointments
ithin a few day, it waa re
vealed Tuesday when the eligible
lists made up by the city civil
service commission were an
nounced by Roy Fouch, police
judge and clerk of th commis
AH firemen now having perm
anent jobs and all policemen
with the exception ot S. M. Reed.
motorcycle traffic officer, who
had taken the examination passed
It and are named on the eligible
list. Reed did not take the
Police Chief Guy Merrill and
Fire Chief E. A. Taylor will now
send a list ot their appointees
to the civil service commission
for certification ot appointment
by the commission and- the civil
service charter amendment, pass
ed In 192$, will be in full force
and effect.
The civil service commission
will also certify to the appoint
ment ot all firemen and police-
continued on Page Two)
Calles' Daughter
To Wed American
Secretary of War Plutarco Ellas
Calles turned temporarily today
from thoughts ot state to assist
in the marriage of his 17-year-old
daughter, Artemtsa, to Dr.
Joseph Jordan Filer ot New
York. The wedding will be at
nine o'clock tonight. A wedding
dinner will follow, and the cou
ple will leave shortly afterward
for New York, from where they
will sail for Europe on an ex
tended honeymoon.
. H '
i ' ' V
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. (AP) Onler have been Issued bf
the Internal revenue bnrean to place lien for back Income Uxr
on the property of Al Caoone, convicted Chicago g;ngcT.
LOS AXGKI.KS, Oct. ISO. (AP) An airplane carrying Everett
Frank Lindsay, alleged wife slayer, left hero at 10:03 a. m. today
for Seattle, where he Is accused of killing; Mrs. Ellxaheth Lindsay.
Lindsay was accompanied by two deputy sheriffs.
WASHINGTON, Oct, 20. (AP) Secretary Adams today author
ised construction of tho airship ZUS-5 and ordered that tho Akron
be accepted.
MENOMINEE, Wis., Oct, SO. (AP) An assistant eaalilcr and
a bandit wero killed today as four machine gun raider looted the
Kraft State bank here of an undetermined amount of money.
WASHINGTON, Oct. SO. (AP) Mrs. Herbert Hoover will at
tend the funeral of Tlioma A. Edison at Orange, X. J., tomorrow
and President Hoover will go If possible. Mr. Hoover today sug
gratrd that tile people, of tho United Hlatc extinguish light In
their home for one minute tomorrow night at 10 o'clock, f.aten
Standard time, to honor tlio memory of Hie Inventor.
Positive Statement Is
Definite Clue in Sen
sational Case.
Mrs. Judd Disappears in
Traffic; Murder Story
Sweeps Country.
L08 ANGELES, Oct, 20. UP)
An admission that hla sister had
confessed to him the killing ot
two companions In Phoenix.
Arlxona. waa made today to th
Associated Press by B. J. McKln
nell, Los Angeles University stu
dent, and brother of th suspect
ed slayer, Mrs. , Winnie Ruth
McKlnnell mad a positive
statement after a storm of report
had been circulated la which
police denied the young mans
alleged statement.
Tells Story
Stopping in a corridor of the
homicide bnrean of the police
department as detective took
him to breakfast. McKlnnell told
hi version of the discovery of
th bodies ot- Mr. Ague Lerol
and Mis Uedvlg Samuelson, em
ployes of a Phoenix. Arizona,
clinic, in two trunks and a valise
at a railroad station her yes
terday. A baggage master, who saw
blood seeping from on trunk,
demanded that it be opened.
Mrs. Judd. who had arrived in
Loa Angele a abort tim before
on another train, cam to the
station with McKlnnell to claim
th baggage. Eh told th agent
that aha did not bar the keyes
and would get him. The sus
picion of the agent led him to
not th license number ot Mc
Kinnell's automobile and th
student was arrested.
Knew Wnat Wa In The T-ualc
"I knew what was In those
trunks." th young man said.
"She told me, I can't understand
why she did It. I drove her to
Sixth and Broadway and ah got
out. I gave her S5 and she dis
appeared in the street crowds.'"
Dr. W. C. Judd. husband of
the woman, who appeared calm
and composed under the grilling
ot detectives and who was taken
Into custody with McKlnnell, said
"I believe she was mentally de
ranged." Sheafs of letters were selxed
by detectives and scanned for
lines that might unfold a motive.
They were taken from the trunks.
Dr. Judd's home and the rooms
where McKlnnell. a university
student, lived with a friend.
Killed Friday
A cursory search of their con
tents produced nothing that
seemed ot major importance.
One, written to Dr. Judd from
his wife during the week-end,
told of her lonesomness and ex
( Continued on Pag Two)