PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH r Aia, unrA.UN October fi, 1931 Save Dollars By Reading: The .Herald ' And' -News Classified Combination Herald tnd Nwi ri.ASSlPit;!) ADVKKTLSINU HATES Telephone 1900 This ctni pr word per day Sams ad run on week, 10 Pr cent dlarounU Kama ad rua on month. I" inr cnt dlacount. No book chare mad for . (ban 60 can (a. Want Ad Index All cluantrtratlona ar number ed uni Miliar In numarlrnl or der. Th rollowln ara ih num bi )B fr t ha mora Important classification..: Automobile for Hal liu.iti-. Cofitrn Work Wanted Kducaiionai . A nl a la Lt 1I 14 1 1 I 1 U I I It 17 II It Ua a Airnl-rtrd Hue 10 l-t Kurnlnhrd Kooma to Lat - Flnaitrlal Ucnfml Notlcea .... Heln Wanted. Mala - . Help Wanted. Kemata . Livestock and Feed lafwls; ...... - .. Lost and Found M)irllinoui (or Sala t'eraonaia Ileal t-Xata for Sale Room and Board iltuatlons Wanted Storea and Offlco Transportation - To Mrninit rnfiirntthfd Houaea to Lot 1 Wanted. Mlacallaneou ' Wanted to Kent ' Wa Lodge Klamath Lodge No. is?. L O. O r. oiaeta every mtfij algal at 7:30 In I. O. O. F. baildlnc at and Mala. Iwaana Encampment No. mu every Tuesday nlf hu Cra tor Canton Na T mu ve ry second and foortb Wednesday. Prosperity Rebekn lodge No. 14 meet every drat and third Thursday. Crater Canton Auxiliary No. 1 maeta every aecOQd and fourth Wednesday. Vtaitlng member are cordially tinted to all meeting. TEWINEEK TRIBE 73 Improved Order of Meets every Thursday nlghf., m., LO.O.K. nan. nun ana iain St. B, O. BEERS. C of R. KLAMATH LODGE NO. 77 a a .mi a at. Stated Communica Uoa 2nd and 4th Monday. Visiting Brother Welcome I.O.IWIS BUILDING Loat and Found LOST Ladles' mean band bag. Call 282. Reward. 2747 FOUND Brown suitcase on Lake of Woods highway. Owner may obtain same by calling at News office. 3921 LOST Mink doable choker In Golden Rule Store Saturday afternoon. Reward. Mrs. Glen Krbardt. Ashland Route, Klam ath Falls. 3938 FOUND Female Llewelyn Set ter. Owner may hare same by paying for ad. 1405 Lakevlew. 393 LOST Lower half of fountain pen between Golden Rule store and Academy. Phone 494 or retnrn to high school office. Reward. 3 General Notice Club breakfast; 35a and up; Special luncheon. 40c and 60e; Special dinner, 76c and (1.00 Pelican GnM 7IJ Mala PIRITCALIST readings; circles Sunday, Tuesday. Friday, 8 p m. Cissies. 112L Walnut street. 3 tit ORDER TOUR Christmas cards now for future delivery. Larg et selections In city. Mra. Walter West, 204 8. Riverside. 3842 SPECIAL RATES on magazine subscriptions until November loth. Telephone for prices. Mrs. Walter West, 204 S. Riv erside. Phone 46711. 3841 LADIES Prettiest bats In this city, very cheap. 426 Klam ath, next Moose hall. 3850 Transportation 10H Hours to PORTLAND Dalles-Calif, suites Cadillac sedans bonded carriers. Leave Johnson's Service Sta tion. 11th and Main, 11:45 a. m., dally. . Phone 848 Portland 17.65 Bend 33.65 WILL PAY car expenaea driving to Spokane. Write Herald- News, box 3951 gHBBaBMBagBBHBBnBBBBBBBBBaBSOBa 6 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Youna man now em ployed to prepare tor power station lul. Must be willing to study 6 to 10 hours per wek preparing for position which will tie avananie upon completion ot training. Small tuition cost. Write Herald- 4t News, box 3946. 3916 7 Help Wanted, Female WANTKll Kxpcrteneed ateno iraphpr. Mul bo rapid and accurate Write Horald-Nnwa, box ftuel, irlv.ii; lull dot alia aa to vxperloiifo,, aye, aalary expected, etc. 9 Situations Wanted PAINTER Experienced, Inslds or out. Reasonable. cai ios5J. mo M1DDK-AGED lady wanta ear or elderly laay or eemt-invaua In own home. Referencea. Herald-Newe. boi 3569. lata WANTED Maid work by colored lady; experienced. 411 S. 9th St. 3863 EXPERIENCED houaekeeper or will do practical nursing. Not atrald o( housework. Call 1601. S5 10 Contract Work Wanted SIGNS, painting, kalsontlntnf , ahoar cards, 'bona 1035J. 8705 PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging. Jack Maasie. Phone x::i II Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Nice bedroom, halt block from Main. 134 N. 3rd. 12 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOMS Steam heated. 325 N. tth. 3463 BOARD and single rooms, M 00 a week. Phone 1330J. 3S9 126 NORTH THIRD First clasa board and room. 3914 BOARD AND ROOM. 1S9 North Fifth, ij block oft Main. 19.00 week. 3873 DESIRABLE boarding house Clean, cheap, close in. Other furnished houaes, 426 Klamath Phone 574. S'S 13 Furnished Apartments Best for the money. Newly decorated. With or without frigldalre. Electricity, telephone, at earn heated garage, $15 and up. Maid service It desired. 11th and Walnut Phone 700. COMPLETELY furnished team heated apartment. Rex Arms. 3399 1 ROOM furnished apt. 204 So. Riverside. Phone 457-R. 3625 YOU WILL LIKE THE EVANS APTS. Because They are close In, modern, well ventilated, roomy, new ly decorated, frigldalre, free current. BIG CUT IN PRICES Phone 144J or ZOO loth and Mala. 6-ROOM furntanea apartment for rent. 330 Jefferson. 3088 FOR RENT Furnished apart menL Also room. Loreni Apts. 123 N. 6th. 3732 STRICTLY MODERN apartment, In center of town, completely furnished. Rent greatly re duced. McCarthy Apts, 7th and Pine. 3750 STEAM HEATED, comfortable rooms and apartments; at re duced rates. Under new man agement Pbone 605. or call Wlntera Apts., 710 Main. 3813 FOR RENT 3-roora apartmenta partly furnished. neat and clean. 2327 Wantland Ave. 3882 4-ROOMS nicely furnished. Close school. Telephone 1248-w. 3928 Out Our Way VJEAK VE.T , FROM BEiNl SlCV GrOU , 1 KMOVS V4f MOST BE. Huv4&-f , But" ME. AiMT EAT Kl m w, mM:,,..n..,,',. rV"W- WtROEfe V.aBLH,afTlf,, i,i ME. AtMT EAT Kl I V.l IV. iK . i. At LILIES Did you notice this ad in yeslerday'a paper "Young man, IS year old. wante home on farm, able and willing to work for hi keep. See George Walton. Seo. Red Cross, 35 Main alreet." If yon did. you'll be glad to learn that the boy was placed with one ot the 20 Herald and Newa readers who answered the ad. Mr. Walton aaid: "We wish ed we bad more boys." Find the silver lining in the clouds ot unem ployment and depres sion through the Herald and New classified Ads. Just phone 1900 and ask for SALLY. 13 Furniahed Apartments 3-HOOM furnished apartment and garage, close In. cheap rent to steady tenant. See .Mr. Ackerman at Klamath Dye Woiks. 3913 FURNISHED Apt. 531 N. Sth. . 3941 3-ROOMS and bath. Reduced rent. 707 Washington. 3942 2-ROOM furnished Apt. Phone 11SJ-J. 3931 FURNISHED Apt. for rent. 2358 nite Ave. 3933 NEATLY furniahed Apt 1737 Menlo Way. 3931 FOR RENT 2 room and one room furnished apta. 812 Oak Inquire 80 Oak. 8955 14 Furnished House t'EWLY furnished clean 3 room modern house, breakfast nook and garage. Phone 2263-W. 3644 FOR RENT 4 -room furnished house. 1236 Divl'lnn. 3 914 13 Furnished CUT UN EEMT! Linda Vista Court Apartments cut in rent to meet present conditions. ' We will be glad to have you visit us and see our newly decorated interiors. Every apart ment individual' First natural hot water heat ing plant in city. Steam heated garages and all other modern conveniences. Good location near school in Hot Springs Addition; city bus line passes door. Four years successful operation our motto is to please. 1951 Erie. V7 vuE, IF WOUR SOUBCE OF iMCOrWE. was Cut off uve. nsVsi , voo VMOULDeV BE EPN ME.1TWE.R H voo got ' it cut OFF 1KI -TVMO Places. rz -i " "V'Jf "- ... - , .7 ARE MADE - MOT BOOM 14 Furnished House FOR RENT Coir 3-room house, nicely furnished. Ideal plitce for couple. Close In. 718 Jef ferson. 3796 FOR KENT 3-room modern furnished botme, redecornted. Apply 313 Malu SU l'hnne 37. 3905 FOR KENT Five-room partly fiirnlHhed house, with garage. Cloe In. ou pavement, five blocks from Main. Kent rea sonable. 901 Lincoln or Phone 4 43. 925 WASHINGTON St. 3-room house. Wall bed. bath, glasaed In porch, garage. Phone 1324-W. 3937 FURNISHED Five-room bouse. Strictly modern, furnace, fire place, full basemeut, garage. Close In. 655 CalK. Ave., Call 2153 after 6:30. 3924 FOR RENT 4-room section du plex furnished. Cloae In. 526 N. Sill St. Fuel.- light and water supplied. 1'hou 51. 3936 FOR RENT 2-room furnished house. Garage and wood shed. Phone 1927, 2065 Ore. 3944 FOR RENT 3 room furnished house with garage on Port land avenue. (25.00. Also 5 . room unfurnished house with garage, 411 Oak street. 140. Also 5 room unfurnished huuse with garage. 3229 Wantland avenue, 335.00. Inquire Dun ham Auto Co. 3952 THHKK room, modern furnish ed house; bath, breakfast nook fireplace and garage. Phone 443 or call 901 Lincoln. 3949 NEW 3-room nicely furnished bouse. Gas, phone, bath, gar age, water paid. 11 us. Tf23.50. 3424 So. (th. 3937 MODERN, 3 room, furnished: 120.00. Inquire 213 Lewis. IS Unfurniahed Houses A 6-UOO.M, modern house at smppingion boat ianain,t, 32a per month. Phone 1293 or 1S7W3. L. W. Hiitchioson. 3491 FOR KENT New modern four room iiouse, with range. 413 I'pham. SSSl 1S59 Le Koy 5 room unfurnish ed new bouse. Inquire 1527 Oregon avenue. Phono 1504. Mrs. Blair. 3956 FOR RENT Unfurnished 5 room modern house. Plastered Range. Close to pnblie and high schools. 820 per month. Phone j.s-j-i. ir.i asgsa i aaaaaaBswaBassaBswaacagsi 15a Storea and Offices OFFICE SUITE S Loo mis flldg :7j 17 Real Eatate For Sale FOR SALE New 4-room modern house, lot. 11.000. Phone 57. 3068 FOR SALE 4 furnished houses. 35.500. Inquire at 2432 Or chird. 347 Apartments Phone 1023. By J. R. Williams -5asrT o-s ti sy f srevKr. t -i 17 Real Estate For Sale HOT rll'ltlNGS Addition lot for sale. Ideal for home, pear school, 1250 00 for quick sain. Term. Inquire 1S45 Fremont or telephone 101S-J alter 4 p m .1 'i r, 18a To Eachanxe WANTED to trade Equity In 5 room moderu housu for Inte model used car or truck. See Howard Abbey, Motor Inn liar age. Phono 294. 3603 FOR SALE tilt TRADE Will sacrifice 11,100 equilv In mod ern 4-room house, basement, treea ami ahruhliery. on Cali fornia avenue, for I Sun rash, or for car. Phone 1354J. sej 1 19 Automotive WILL SELL YOl'lt CAR for you or will buy It for ruh. Pell can Motor Co. 531 S, 6th. US9S WK PAY spot cash for used cars. Pelican Motor Co. 531 S. tth. 3903 Mr. Car Buyer Do you know that In the purchase ot a used automobile that condi tion, and condition only, means a wis purchase. On our 1'sed Car lots you only find REALLY RECONDITIONED used rare, priced right, sold under a 30-day mechani cal guarantee, and we save you money also, Mr. Car Buyer, with our 11. M. A. C. Terms. Get your Dollar Vulu at Lccx Meter Go. Phone 49 523 So. 6th. 20 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Seasoned body wood (6.00 full cord. Phono 1746.J. 3684 IRISH WATER spnnlel pups for aale. I). T. McKlmena, Olene. 3910 FOR SALE CHEAP 60-bnrse best tractor. Cruiser type, first clasa condition, phone 613-W. 3923 GERMAN Police Dog Pet, regis tered, fine for atud duty. A good watch dog. Very reason able. Phone 892-W. 3933 FOR SALE Pointer. Very good hantlng dog. Choice of dogs, 6 mo. old, or 19 mo. old. 310. Inquire bouse 47, Shaw-liert-rsm. 3 910 21 Wanted Miscellaneous HIGHEST PltlCB paid for aeeond hand furniture and atovea. Call Sam. 448R. 2603 WANTED Desirable Lake o' the Wooda lot. Must have nice beach, preferably lot with Im provements started! If you cannot finish your Improve ments by the time your year la up or must dispose of your cabin for any reason, please communicate with Box 3935 of tbia paper. 3935 WANTED Drag aaw. Cheap. Phone 1746-J. 3926 WANTED So sacks No. 1 spuds. 600 lbs. cabbage. 500 lbs. car rots for family use. delivered to Moore Park. State quality and price. Allien Hnrrelt. P. O. Box, 1075, Klamatb Falls. 3M8 22 Livestock and Feed SHEEP WANTED Will pay 5 3-4c for fat lambs F. O. B. cars here. Can uso any amount any time. Can also use old ewes and yearling wethera. Valley Sheep Co., Woodland. Calif. 2594 FOR SALE 22 bead of well bred Hampshire bucks, 3 yeara old, 315 per bead. In excellent condition. W. E. Flournoy, Bray. Calif. 3863 WANTED Useless livestock. Scott Chemical Works. Phone 683R. 3836 CORRIEDALES FOR SALE I have a few young ram and ewes. Jamea Pelton, Fort Klamath. Ore. 3874 FOR SALE 160 ewes and five bucks, 1400. Or will trade for young rattlo. R, II. An derson, Merrill, Ore. .1880 FOR SALE High testing Jer sey and Guernsey eowa and heifers. Also poultry. Very reasonable. (.'. T. Ruker. As pen Lake, Rocky Point Route. 3!ion 17 Real Estate Solid two Mock ares In tho renter of Klamath Fall, two block from business district, frontogn 209.5 feet on High street, 400 feet on Fifth street, 209.5 feet on School street. Area equals 16 large city lot. Offer an exceptional opportunity for dcslrnlilo horn sites, apartment houses, hungulow rourts or other develop ment In which old Klamath county High school building, 80 x 112 feet, could be utilized. All taxes, paving and aewor assessment paid In full. Price 125,000. Liberal Terms. Msiinifi(S Btaildliinag Affi2c5&tntm ' OSCAR A. SMITH, Secrolary, Telephone ll&O-W. 22 Livestock and Feed FOR BALK Purebred Corrle ilum Mima. A. L. Marshall, tMene. tin, Vina 23 Financial REFINANCING Finance, your car through I Mill y Moore and pay legal charges only (or each day our service la used. Qdids A Fne-siily Service Jtar Iiwtainitt CDo 836 Main St. Phone 1144 Licensed by state. No. M104 CASH MONEY LOANS No security required. Licensed by state. 53 State Loan Co., 303 Oregon Hank llldg. 3330 24 Buaineaa Opportunities CONTRACT for al. Big dl- ronnt 1S7! Fnrllnnrt. aita Amusements Pelican-Now playing' "A Free Soul," with Norma Shearer in the leading role. I'lr.e TresNow playing "Just A lilgolo," with William Haines. ItiilnlKiw Now Playing: "lllg Money," with Eddie gulllsn and Murlam Seegar. New Vox - Now Playing Double bill. "Air Police." with Josephine Dunn: "Arlsona Ter ror," with Ken Mayaard. A Free Soul Grim drama In th underworld spectacular homea of the rich, se cret gambling kails III a great city these are the sellings amid which asve glamoroue Norma Shearer In her lateat drama of the ecrern. "A Free Soul," now playing at Ihs Pelican theater. Aa a novel, the story was a aensatlon. And aa lis heroine, t lies beau tiful girl misled Into sophisticat ed beliefs of "freedom" by a brilliant though dissolute father: a girl lorn between the lore of an honest man that of a gambler and underworld riar; a girl who finds life crashing about her ears when the structure of error top ple. Mis Shearer present what ia without doubt the most grlp plngly dramatlo characterisation of her career. "Just A lilgolo" She slapped hi faro and so they were married. Whlrh la how the effervescent William Haines Is catapulted Into romance In "Just a Gigolo.' his latest talkie now showing at the Pine Tree theater. Adapted from the brilliant New York stage play. "Dancing Part ner." the atory baa lialnea In the role of a young English noble man with a flirtation complex and an Idea that no woman can make a faithful wife berauae all can be misled. The slap In the face teaches him differently. In a vivid Utile drama which also abounds In comical altuatlona. "lllg Money" For the first time sine they appeared In "Oh . Yeah," Rob ert Armstrong and Jamea Gleasnn are teamed In strong roles In "lllg Money," ahowlng today at the Italnbnw theater. Eddie Qull Ian and Miriam Seegar are fea tured In the leading role. Russell Mark, who directed Qulllan In "Night Work," also directed "Big Money." The orig inal story, by Walter De Leon offer a comedy slant on the highly popular gangster storlea. De Leon and Russell Mack are credited with the continuity and dialogue. An excellent cast of stage and screen playera waa chosen for "lllg Money." The list Include Margaret Livingston, Robert Eds son, Robert Glerklor, Dorothy Christy. Myrtla Crlnley, Mona lilro, Ed Deerlng, Maurice Black, Kit Guard and Lotila Nalheaux. "Air I'ollre" Josephine Dunn, tho platinum haired blond who appear In the only Important feminine role in "Air Police." t,ho latest Thrlll-O-Drama now being presented at the Vox theater. Is another aluiunu of Florcni Xlcgfelds tarn oua training school for screen stars. Horn In New York, and For Sale educated at III Sacred Heart convent In that rlly, Mlaa Dunn was among th first of I he Para' mount "'junior alara" anil later waa a contract player with M. U. M. Her role In "Air Police," that of Dolores, a dancer In a border canllus, offer her exceptional op purlunlllea In display her talents as an emotional actress. "Arlsona Terror" Nona Uuarlaro who play Lola the Mexican girl with Ken May Hard In the "Arlsona Terror," at th Vox theater, doe not have t oart the role. Nena la all Max lean and proud of II and lust a word In passing, never make lb mistake of ot railing her a Span lard unlesa you are prepared to prove to yourself tho famous "spoutaneoua combustion" of Ihe temperament of thla lady iroui down below lbs Itlo Grande. 01 hers In tills western thriller Include such popular playera aa Michael Vlsarofr, Hooper Atrh ley. I.lnu llasquelle, Charles King. Murdoch Man yuarrl and ono of the moat convincing bands of cowhand ever seen on the screen. Fir Losses Coat More Than Taxes SALEM. Or. (UP) Oregon- la lis pay more In fire losses than In taxes, alate fir roarshsll A. II. Avarlll aald. Figure prepared by the fir marahull'a office on comparative per capita tax payment and fir (oases In Ornion show that th latter losa la sbo'it 1 per ret ; higher than the total tax burden. "Tag money, although It may be hard to pay, la the lone run goea to benefit aomeone. What la burned up Is Irretrievably loat. Carelessness csuaee by far the greater nun. ar of fire. Thoughl fullneae in preventing flroa. It would then appear, ia the way to lower roata. aa rell as agitation for tax reduction would lower them." Auto Accidents Natural to Some SALEM, Ore. (UP) Automo bile accident just com naturally to aom drlvera, state police com mented. A study ef commercial flee operators baa revealed that about oae-thlrd of aom 1.200 operators bad no arcldenta at all. Another one-third had two each, and the last third from three to 10. A-B-C of Specialized Eiisiness and Professional Service AUTO PAINTING J. A 8. AUTO PAINT SHOP Match any Color Body and Fender Work Workmaoshlp Guaranteed Don't spoil Ihe stream line of your car with ohsolel color matching. 3227J. 610 Spring SL CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Paul C. Long Chiropractor and Nrv Specialist lit South Seventh Street Phone 140 CAFES BRICK CAFE 111 No. 71b SL W serv only the best ot food t th right pries. MERCHANTS LUNCH 11 a, m. lo I p. m. CHIROPODISTS Dr. . Stodkwell 301 St.wart-Drsw Bldg. 711 Msln. Pbone 749-W. Limp In Walk Out DENTISTS OR. W. C. THOMPSON Dentist Special Reduced Prices For Summer Guaranteed Work 210 Winters Bldg. Pbonll23 PORTLAND PAINLESS DENTISTS Dn. D. D. HAVEN8. Mgr. Evening by Appointment Entrance Mar Hotel, corner Eleventh and Main Bta. Klamatb Falls, Ore. DRESSMAKING BESS M ER AN DA ' . Dressmaking Coat rdinlng. Alteration!. 205 Htewart-Drw Bldg. riiono 1496J. 731 Main ELECTRICAL SERVICE Electrical Repair of all kind. Wiring, Fixture, 8upplle. ' Dependable Servlc at a Reasons hi Price. Service Electric Co. 126 N. Eighth Phon 76 FURNITURE FURNITURE Repaired and Reflnlshed. Called for and delivered. Phono 894 KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. HKATTLK. Oct. T. (IP) Harry H. Iiy. Klrkland Jeweler who recently waa ordered to leave Inwn because lie bad "dis posed of a prominent rlllsen" when lie shot and killed Lou la Todd, today had decided that no "clique could run him out of Klrkland" and that ha would remain until he was "good and ready to leave." A group of business men call ed upon i.ny last Monday night and ordered Itlm to leave Iowa. At that lime Hie jeweler agreed to leave as aoon aa hi alor waa sold. After conferring wllh his lawyer today, however, he do- M elded lo remain. "Nobody' going In run me oul," ho eald. "Ill slay aa long a I Ilk and I may never leave." l.oy wa acquitted by a Jurr. whlrh tried hi in on a charge of murdering Todd, tin shot Todd because Ihe latter was "running around with" Mra, Loy. ' It I believed that some ef Todd' frlenda led the movement to tore Loy from Klrkland. SALEM. Ore.. Oct. I. (UP) The alate board of education III hold a hearing on November 6, at which lime charge against David Lee llyers, Sutherlln school prlnrlpsl, will be aired. Tho rhargea against liver were filed by Mr. Edllh Arkerl. a Douglas county school euperln- I tendent, on tha ground that he waa too familiar with women Ira 'tiers In his scbool Bver'a leaching rertlflrate waa revoked after a hearing held here, bnt he wa granted a new hearing today by C. A. Howard, atal auperinlendent ef pnblie. Instruction. Four teacher testified t the hearing held her that Brers had been "overly friendly" In hla attitude toward them. HATTER THE MORGAN HAT SHOP Look at your hat everybody else does. And brlag your hata to a Halter. Ray Karly, rrop. 612 Klamath Ave. Thon 1996 HOSPITALS "KLAMATH 8 EMEROCNCT HOSPITAL" THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Cor. Foortb and Pin Bta. MEAT MARKETS Mger'a Me&t 1315 South Sixth BL For Highest Quality and Service Open Evenings and Sunday Phone 1281. OPTOMETRISTS DK. GOBLE OPTOMETRIST Ey Examined, Olasse Fitted No Drops Used Phon 561. 701 Ualo St. STENOGRAPHERS E. J. DUNIVAN Public Stenographer and Notary Public Loomls Bldg. Room I Office: Phon 373-W. Residence: phon 1171-W. TAILORS ORRES A WARD Tailor Bttr Cloth for Lea Money 744 Klamath At. Phon 1717 UPHOLSTERING Upholstering and Repairing ot Furniture. Reasonable Price. THURMAN . (Formerly with Klamath furniture Co.) Ill Commercial. Phon 1071 WAREHOUSING Klamath Warehouse Co. (Young's) A Business Built and Orowlng On a Better Stores 8rvlc Phon 1097, 444 Sprint.