The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 08, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    October 8, 1931
VUlt Klawalh Anion th
lureta at tliu Hotel Wlllaril are:
1). (). Ilimd, Portland; T. J.
Ilayea, C. J. CMfor.1, I'. W. mi
nis. W. ('. WllkM, all nt Han Kran.
ilma; W. V. Htavens, Portland;
('. H. Hilar, Heatlla: J. M. Kahlka,
Kred A. J. I'orrolt, W. It. Ilnri,
Mr. aud Mra. II. W. Hllrliy, U. K.
Dennis, J. II. Vullauar, K. II. Jnl
frln if. all of I'orl Imicl ; M. Wur
llnaar, I'lill (lelher, both of l.os
Auaelea; Marry Larry and O. W.
I.linian. Imlh nt Hnsltle; I.. (
(mil, ban Ka'ael, lallf.: ('. II.
tor. an and Hay Woodward ot
KimiIImII Tram Visile Tha
Waahlniton Dial Inulball laam,
nrniita from 1'ullnian. Waah.,
In Anaalna where lliay marl
I ha University of Houlharn Call
Inrnla, Halurday, paaaad through
Klamath Kalla'on Ilia Houtliarn
J'orlllo laat evening. . Their
train aloiord bora (Iva nilnutia
and Ihejr wars mat by aavaral
M. . otfldsla of llila city. II.
II. Holmes, passenger agent of
lha H. I'.. Hrattlr, la accompany
ln( lha Irani.
At Wlltar.1 Amoiif (b gueets
t lha Dotal Wlllard (uday ara:.
II. M. Wnnrratrr, Klamath Kalla;
H. ltoaenlilum, Loa Angaloa; I..
Wh.rlrr. J. foraytha, V. B. I'ow.
ra. M. I), Leh. all of l'orlland;
C. Ilrryland and wife of Aa
geles; ('. K. Nelson of l.umberton,
Mlsa,; C. 1. I'tittrhona. Ilurtu, aud
II. H. Hemingway, l'orlland.
Mra. 'ar llrlurnrd Mra.
Frank C'ary returned Sunday
evening to bar hnma In Marrlll
aflrr apendlng abort lima with
frlrnda and relatlvee rn Htorkton
and Han Vranrlaro. Rha waa ee
rompanlod by Mra (Irady whoa
huaband la a book keeper for
t'ary Waal, promlnant potato
growers and buy ara.
ttaroute to Hoar-bare; Joa
Williams, game wardrn In tha
Diamond I.ak aactlon during tha
pail season, arrived In lha city,
Turaday, anrouta to Itnsaburg
where ha will rerelv nrdara for
tha wlalrr aeeeon. Ha Irft Wad
saaday aftaraoon for lha taflay
lUllrtNMl Mra Here Bert Mil
lar, traveling frrighl agent for
lha ('., H. y. Una. with offlcaa
In l'orlland. and Hoy Blarkburn.
traveling frrlalit and neaaenger
aarnt of tha Mlaaourl, Kansas
Triaa Una, from Hrattlr, ara In
thla city conferring with local
railroad offlrlala.
Marriage IJrraae laawol A
marrlaga llrrnae laaurd Wad
naaday aflarnoon by County Clerk
f. It. tx-Lap. to Wa. A. Mrt'ould.
. of Ilannor, Calif., who gave
hla occupation aa that of me
chanic, and Rathar Johnson, Zl,
of Hprlngf leld. lire.
Critically III MUa Feye Iiraw.
daughter of Mr. and Mra. Chaa.
K. lrw, wall known Klamath
residents, la critically III In
l'orlland hnapltal, according to
word received hrrr, MUa lirew
underwent a major operation
aarrral werka ago.
tlrtarna lToui North Howard
llarnhlarl haa returned from a
abort business trip to Portland.
F.ugana and Halem. Mra, Harn
hlarl remained la F.ugana. whrra
aba will iprnd a frw daya Tlaltlng
frlanda, rrturnlng to Klamath
Falli lha latter part of lha weak.
Mra.Klnlry Ibarra Mra. Kunlra
Flnlay of t'oqullle, Ore., who haa
barn flailing hrr brothar-ln-law
and aleteri Mr. and Mra. James
Itoblaon. and Mr. and Mra. Vrrna
Mcl'lrllan. of tha Henley dlatrlrt,
haa Irft or hrr horn at Coqullle.
rt lent at Klamath Valley
Mr . Faul Noel, who haa bran
arloualy III for aarrral daya, la a
patient at Klamath Valley hoe
pltal. Hhe la not yet allowed to
receive rlaltora, according to hoe
pltal authorities.
Visiting Hon Mr. and Mra.
0. Matloun. of Portland, arrived
In Klamath Falla Tuoaday, to
apend a fortnight aa tha gueeta
of their aon. Deputy Sheriff Hale
Matloon, at hla homo In lllver
tlew. Makre Hantlng Trip Lester
linger, who haa been apendlng
hla vacation In Klamath Falla.
haa Joined hla father, Albert han
ger, at Dorrle. Tha two of them
plan lo take a hunting trip In
aearch of their annual buck.
Mra. Henry III Mra. Wllford
Henry, who la employed In the
office of lha county assessor, la
III at her home at 1025 North
Seventh itreet, with a aevero cold.
(lurata at WllUnl V. E. Hunt,
1. C. Hanford. Helen Cooney and
P. H. Hever, all of Portland, and
h. O. Parla, Brattle, are reglatered
at tha Hotel Wlllard.
Here Prom llcml Maude Gra
ham, Itrtta Klrkpatrlck and Al
bert Woallund, all of llrnd, are
among lha visitor In thla city.
They ara reglatered at the Hotel
Take Over Camp tlrountl Mr.
and Mra. II. II. Worley, formerly
of Chlloquln, have taken over tha
management of tha Pins Tree
auto camp, located near Keno.
Ilrturn Home Mra. William
Kane haa returned lo her home at
Keno, after apendlng tha paat
week visiting with frlenda In
Pavrlle In City Mr. and Mra.
K. (I. Favell nnd aon of Lake
view are vlallors. In Klamath
Falla. Mr. Favell la In tho Favell
I'tlry Really company.
Porter Vlalta II. S. Torter of
Silver Lake l In Klamath Falla
for ahort rlalt. Ho la iuet
t tha Hotel Hall.
From Hu'anvllle A. J. Mat
Ihewa la In thla city from Busan
vllle. Ha la a guest at tha Hotel
Butch Smith Here Butch
Smith, cattleman of Paisley, la
reglnUred at the Hotel Wlllard.
Mrs. Parker I-rft Mra. V. K.
Parker left Wednesday morning
for Heattla to vl.ll frlenda. Mr.
Parker, who la Houlharn Pacific
roadmaoter for thla city, la leav
ing thla availing lo Join hla wlfa
In Heallla where they will attend
tha Urrgon-Waahlngton gam
titer Saturday, October 111.
From Haattlo I'arkera will go lo
Portland and Kugnne In apend
aevaral daya vlaltlng frlrnda be
fore returning home. They ra
ped lo be gone a week or 10
Divorce) flranlnl C'harlra K.
Sackrlt waa granted a divorce
from Margaret Hackett by Circuit
Judge W. M. Duncan Wednesday.
The dlvorc waa granted on the
rounds of cruel aud Inhuman
D. II. IMvla In City D. D
Davla of the Hauler Pulp and
Paper company, Hhellon, Waah
lniton, arrived In Klamath Falla
Uctoher j and plana lo spend
several mora daya her visiting
and transacting business.
Sir. Warner III Mrs. O. F.
Warner of Chlloquln waa taken
lo lha Klamath Valley hoapltal
Wednesday evening to recelv
treatment for a badly fractured
leg. Her condlllun la Improving.
sorTimn oiiicootf btatb
N'OltMAL HCIIOUL, Oct. I. H pe
dal (Football araaon at tha
southern Oregon State Normal
school will hrgla Friday after
noon at 1 o'clock, when tha laam
will meet Humboldt Slat Teach
ers college In tha first game of
the year.
Humboldt la an old rival of,th
S. O. N. tf., and the game prom
laea to b an Intereatlng on. Both
lines ara fairly new thla year, aa
Coach Telonlcher haa only three
veterane In hla, and MrN'eal of
tha Houlharn Oregon team haa a
completely new line, with plenty
of etrength In It. Tha local Una
will outweigh lha California on
allghlly, and lha coach Intends to
put thla to good advantage.
Frank Hall of Klamath Falla la
playing fullback for the team thla
season, and will probably atart
Friday, although ha haa been In
jured by blocking and la not In
the beat condition. Llllebo and
Frank l-ancaster are tha other
W. S. C. Football .
Team on Train
Washington Stat college's
squad, with Coach Holllngbrrry.
went through Klamath Falla
Wedneaday night on the South
ern Pacific, bound for loa An
grlra. 'whrre they meet the eons
of Troy Saturday. University of
Bout hern California's Trojans are
making special plana and learn
ing new plays for tha Cougar
Frlrnda and relative ot mem
bers of th Cougar aquad wished
them good lurk when thry mrt
th train her for a few minutes
Wednesday evening.
School Board in
Regular Meeting
Th Klamath county school
hoard held It regular monthly
meeting la Superintendent Fred
Peterson' office Thursday after
noon. T. J. Prathrr la chairman of
ihe board and Henry Semon. Jack
Almeter. John Itrher and C. H.
Hrown ar members of th board.
Postal Receipts
for Month Gam
Postal receipts for the month
ot September thla year exceeded
those of a year ago by $154.7 1.
according to Postmaster John
In September, HSO. th re
ceipts touted M.H3.J, while
this year'a total la ,68.J, th
postmaster aald.
PORTLAND. Oct. 8, (P) Grant
High upset the dope here laat
night by holding Washington
High, classed along with Jeffer
son as title contenders for th
Portland lntr-rholastlo football
championship, to scoreless tie.
Th (lenerala not only held the
Colonials, but kept Washington
hack In tha shadow of lta own
goal moat ot th tlrav.
FOIl ItENT Sli-rnom house. 1
lots; carpenter work remodel-
ing aa rent, leut Mansanlta.
Pelican Theatre
Today la Your Laat Chance to Sr
Norma Shearer
In Hrr Greatest Pnuuatlo Production
Pine Tree Theatre
msSSSs"' ' "Just A Gigolo"
The Rainbow
Th Llttl Hons with
The Big Pictures
The program for lha 'three
day Klamath Lake Union Chris
tian Kndeavnr conference which
will b held In th I'raahylerlan
church October V, IV, aid 11,
Friday Krrnlng
1:00 Keglatratlon. Execu
tive dlnuer for officers and
apeak era.
7: SO Hong eervlce, Dorothy
Smith, song leader. Dedicatory
ritual, Thelma Parrlsh.
1.00 Addreaa ' of welcome
Iter. A. Theodora Smith, tl
aponse, Orrln Fraley.
k:30 Solo Wendell Smith.
1:36 Addresa Iter. Aaron
Miller, I-akarlew.
Halurday Morning
: JO Hong service.
1:40 Intermediate demon
atratlon Klamath Falla Pres
byterian Intermediates.
10:00 Addreaa, Thelma Par
rlsh. 10:10 Address, Ross duller.
10:30 Question and answer
10:46 Song.
10:60 Novelty period. Marl
Fraley, Union social superintend
ent. 11:10 MM study. Rer. A. T.
Smith, director.
Saturday Aflmova
1:10 Uroup conference. Ad
dreaa. Roaa Uulley. Addreaa, Joa
3:16 C. K. world remonstra
tlon. Oleta Stanley and Ueren
1:16 Eight mlnnt Ulk,
Gladya Church.
Kat unlay Evening
f :00 Hanquet.
1:00 Addreaa, Roaa Outlay.
1:16 Addreaa. Budget, Har
old Van Duker.
1:30 Addreaa, Geren Tip
ton, :4 Missionary playlet
Merrill C. E. society.
11:10 Executive luncheon at
Pelican r.rllle.
Hunilay Afternoon
1:10 Election of officers.
Special music, Klamath Falls
Christian aoclrty.
1:40 Address, Rer. Aaron
Sunday Kvrnlng
1:00 Prayer eervlce. ,
3:16 C. K. meetings.
Young people. Harold Van
Duker: high school. Eva Mil
ler: Junior. Mary McComb.
7:30 Installation ot officer.
7:46 Talk, Oleta Stanley.
1:00 Song, Klamath Falls
preabyterlan aoclety.
3:16 Addreaa, Rosa Outlay.
Five Negroes Held
After Dock Fight
CORprS CHRIST!, Tex.. Oct.
7 QUO Flro negro dock workers
were held In Jail tonight while
officer Investigated a fight la
which IS atrlklng longahoremrn
allegedly attacked a non-union
Tha trouble marked tha first
major disorder since 3.000 union
longshoremen wrnt on strike
her and at three other Texaa
Quit ot Mexico ports a week ago,
rather than accept wag reduc
tions from (0 to (6 centa an
Sun Plays Tricks
With Mary's Hair
NEW YORK. Oct. 1, (U.B
That bright sun ot Copslra
bleached her one red nalr to
a bright blond, Mary Harden
explained today when ah re
turned on tha liner Bremer after
a summer along the Mediterran
ean. Mlsa Garden aald that aa much
as ah enjoyed cigareta, ahe
would have to quit smoking
slnra It Injures her throat. She
will go on a concert tour thla
season with the Boston and Min
neapolis aymphony orchestras.
She will sing In Minneapolis,
October 10.
Th royal Canadian mounted
police haa an enrollment ot about
1100 men.
Lorraine School of
Beauty Culture
Special Introductory
Rates Now in Effect
"Earn While You Learn"
Day and Night Class
111 Stewart-Drew Bldg.
Laat Showing Today of
"Big Money"
Man of War
1 ' - ' i i
HO.MK MAX Marina rookie
who trembled at th approach of
Major Uen. Smedley D. Butler
won't recognlt their former
chief In Ible unfamiliar role. For
It'a the blade ot th lawn-mower
and not ot th aword that con'
cam Cltlsen Butler aa yon a a
him here, trimming th graaa at
tha Newtown, Pa., bom where
h will llv In hla retirement.
Judge W. M. Duncan waa af
firmed in decision written by
Justice Roasmau and handed
down by th supreme court this
week In th case of I). O. Brown,
appellant, ra. W. W. Jones et
al. In a anlt for approximately
IBOOO damagea.
Brown charged that hla prop
erty waa Injured br' flooding and
won a Judgment In th lower
Th Enterprise Irrigation dis
trict waa denied a rehearing In
It rasa against tha Enterprise
Land and lnvmtment company
on a ault for water charges. Tha
Investment company contended
that becaus It waa already pay.
Ing for 10 acre water charge
In th Klamath district that th
Enterprise district could not col
lect. Harold C. Merrymaa was
attorney for th defenae. Tha
court also held that nnleaa the
water waa of beneficial use they
could not charge for It.
Petition for rehearing In the
case of Drlscoll vs. Berg waa al
so denied.
Stabber Sorry Victim
Evaded .Bread Knife
EVERETT, Waah.. Oct t. (UJ0
-e-Chariea Cotter, 15, waa held
In Jail her tonight accused ot
attempting to atab Mr. Lillian
Cotter asserted I y tried to atab
Mrs. Burt because ha believed
she and her husband wer re
sponsible, for his being deported
to Wales last spring. He waa
raptured In an apartment house.
A bread knife waa found hidden
in his clothing when ha waa
"It'a too bad I didn't get
her she did me a dirty trick."
Cotter aald after his arrest, ac
cording to police,
England make use of about
610,000. 000 pins every week.
Best Sound la Towa
"The Arizona Terror" and "Air Police"
' , with
Ken Majmard Kenneth Harlan
And Hi Hone Tarwn Joaephine Dunn
Action Thrill
Coming Sunday; "THE SQUAW MAN"
1 MS S
Victor Record Band
of Seattle
. Great Artists
Admission: Gents,
How a telephone operator can
within a very few seconds .
connect one telephone with An
other la Klamath Falla or bow
she can ' get someone In New
York, Paris or Stockholm with
equal ease ar among th mys
teries of th telepbon science,"
which will be explained at aa
open house being held Thursday
and Friday at Ibe telephone of
fice. 137 H. Heventh atraet.
"A telephone call to a foreign
country or even to a ahlp at ara
la not much different from out
standpoint than a call to Chllo
quln or Chicago," said A. fl.
Ooehrlng, manager here for the
telephone company. "But the
handling of a call to Chlloquln la
very Intereatlng, and require
alert and trained operators and
th us of Interesting equip
ment." Mr, Goehrlng explain that a
trana-Atlantlo rail requlrea not
only the usual long distance
transmission by wire, but the
most elaborate telephone equip
ment has been perfected to carry
voices on the long voyage across
the sea. . .
All features of th office such
switchboard, power plant, and
cable vaults will be open to In
spection during th two daya
open hovse, to which all residents
of Klamath Falls and vicinity are
Invited. Visitors will be receiv
ed at tha company'a busineas of
fice, lit 8. Seventh street, then
conducted across th street to th
operating quarters, which bona
the equipment.
Tha hours of tha event will b
from a. m. to p. m. both on
Thursdsy and Friday. .
How Much Would
You Pay To Be) Rid
. of Rheumatic Pains
In 48 Hour.?
Would Yoa Pay Tea Dollar?
Would You Pay 85 Cents j
Wall: Hare'a a chance for yoa i
to be epry once more to do
yonr work cheerfully without
one twinge of pain. 1
Her' a positive guarantee !
that ao rheumatism sufferer can
afford to pass up yon can be ,
free from agonizing rheumatism '
and keep free from It
Get one IS rent bottle of j
Allenrn from Star Drag Co. or t
any progressive druggist with
th positive and distinct under
standing that your paina and
torture will all be gone In 3
hours or money back.
And when paina are gone
keep right on taking Allenrn Hill
every bit of harmful nrie acid
la out ot your body Happineaa
cornea with thla wonderful pre
scription thousands know It
yon ought to know It.
And You'll Jump Out ef Bed in
fie MorniojJ Rarin to Go
eat mlai 1 lot d olta.
oral wur. o. laiaara eaa ar eaewing
i aad aipwt tiwai to auka Taa -llrtiaiT
lal aad rail al awnahiaa.
Fat tier aaat It. Tear eacr ante the
umi eaon. TSa rtaaati tor yoa ewaaVoiit
lertina la rear llnr. It abewi pour out two
pouaaa of Ueaid bus lata nar boanai dally.
II Udi bile la art bibi treat, year food
doaaa't digaat. It rat daoors la the bmrala.
Oaa Moete up roar eomaa. You ba, a
One, bed taata aad not beau ta toaL
akin oftaa bfaaka out la hlaartabea. Yoar bead
aebaa and eeu teal dova aad eat. If oar waol
rod. eld CARTER'S
FILLS to gat tbaaa rwe
suaada of Klo Bevlac haaiy aad saabe ra
leal "up and up," Tby cuataia WOBdarfuL
baraUoaj, eaaUe varatabht extracts, ataastraj
wbaa It eoaaa to ausiac tba bue Bow Inetr.
Bat doa't aak (or Urar puU. Aab tor Carler'a
tlttla Liaw Pllla. Look lor tba saiae Cartar
Little Liver PuMa oa tba tad labaL Raaaat a
aabautala.tte at aU stone. OlBSlCaLCe,
Pro (ram
$1.00; Ladies. 25 Cts.
Girls Quit Work
When Dean Sends
Them Off to Bed
EVA N8TO.V. III., Oct. 3, (U
P) Th freshman girl ot
Northwestern university, 110
of them, refused to study
their lessons todsy In pro
test against rulea forcing
them to go to bed at 10:10
p. m. nightly.
And they're going lo do
no mora atudylng, said th
residents of France Wlllard
hall, until the rulea are re
scinded ao that tbey may re
main up until midnight. Tbey
said In a petition to tha
dean of women, Mlsa Flor
ence Itobnett, that tbey could
not atudy properly if they
bad to be In bed at 10:30 p.
ra., hence they weren't going
to atndy at all.
Premier Laval Urges
World Disarmament
PARIS. Oct. 7. (UP) Pre
mier Laval, on bla forthcoming
visit to President Hoover in
Washington, will carry a pro
poaal for a "consultative pact"
which may b a long step to
ward solution of th world dis
armament problem.
A Special lot of Suits that the
maker never tailored or materia
aled to have retailed under $30.
But he needed the business and
we had the cash. It's your lucky
break. Good variety of models,
patterns and sizes.
A Fine Selection of All-Wool Topcoats.
Finest of tailoring and materials. All new,
just arrived. Featured at
One lot of Topcoats. All
tailoring;. Made to sell
Special for Friday and
Friday and Saturday Only
Pajamas and Night Shirt
2 to a
Oregon Woolen Store
New Location 627 Main Street
il-.irnisr Location of Connolly Bros.)
Mr. and Mra. K. Fagernaa bav
returned from a vacation trip to
Wasa, Flndland, where they vis
ited with friends. Tbey left
left Klamath Falla on May 14
and sailed from New York on tha
Swedish-American steamer Kungs
holm, returning on th same vea-
i ael.
It waa th flrat visit that Mr.
j and Mra. Fagarness have made
! ta their former homeland In 16
j years. Tbey have been residents
of tbdla city since 1311, Mr. Fa
i gnraa being employed in tha lum
ber basinesa In tbla city.
Condition are Ihe same In
Finland aa tbey are In the
United Statea with the farmers
being th most fortunat class
of persons today, much better
than In tha United States, Mr.
Fagernaa atatea. However, he
say, Klamath Falla atlll heads
th list as th best plac In
which to live.
Fourteen million pounds ot
blu clay ar required to yield on
pound of diamonds.
4 .
- wool; good
for ?17.50.llQ fC
Saturday af J
AH Sixeai
The Regular Price of
this merchandise was
$1.45 to $2.45
Wins Wager By
Split Second But
Loses One Foot
WINONA, Minn., Oct. I, f A
P.) Alfred Sherman, 13, won
hla wagrr by a split second
but lost by a fool a he ex
plained it.
Ha and Joseph Singer, II,
after visiting a roailhouso.
near here, mad a bet on who
could alt on a railroad track
th longer hrfor avadlng aa
oncoming train.
Thry sat down. The train
bora down upon them. They
leaped. Sherman waa a apllt
second alow In getting away
and ha won. But In so doing
ho Inst a foot, severed by the
And. come to think of II.
Sherman said, neither man bad
staked anything on th outcome.
GLASGOW, Scotland, Oct 7
(UP I John Mctlovern, lahorll.
member ot parliament, now nn
der suspension, and 11 other
Including one girl, were balle.
out ot Jail today but must far.
trial on chargea ot Inciting th'
rioting In Glasgow last week.
2 Days
Fri. and Sat.
Our Regular Stock of
Night Shirts and Pa-jama.