PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Saturday, April 4, 1931 Open New $80,000 Athletic Club in Klamath Tonight Open House Beginning at 7:30 Will Feature High Cla.. Exhibitions of All Kind of Sports. Public Invited. Another step in th growth of Klamath Falls will be taken tonight when the Klamath FalU Athletic club will hold open house to all residents of this section, begin ning at 7:30 o'clock. Athletic events, swimming and div-'i:3 in the morning and , " ... ... j rives at Tula Lake at 11:11 a. n ing exnioiuons ana uauto tin vn iuc jjiujjmiu. LI BATES 10 OPENING DF NEMNSIT It wae announced today by Southern raclflo company that far th opimlui ol the 1 ule Las lowuslte scheduled to be held at Tula Lake on April 15th an ex cursion rate of 11.00 for tbe rouudtrlp will be wad. Vnder present plnns."the" S. Reclamation Service will etart their auction on the arrival ul Southern Pacific train No. II which leaves Klamath frails at I B. Mark ham haa purehaaed the old Klamath Natatorium, re modeled It, Including tha ewlm mint; tank, built a gymnasium ' addition and haa equipped tha club with the beet athletic equip ment available at a coat of about 180,000. It Is railed the moat up-to-date club la Oregon and ' one of which Klamath may well be proud to boast. Invites All Mr. Murk ham Is giving tha place over to the ettisena of tha rlty and county tonight and in vitee all to come uud enjoy a full evening as his guests, lie has arrauged a complete pro gram (or their amusement and the exhibitions will be topped off with a dance. The dame, alan ine at 9:30 o'clock, will be held In the spacious gymnasium. Dewey Powell will bo master of ceremonies and "Bed'1 Chap man's five-piece band will fur nish the music. Exhibitions will Includo the plunge, fancy diving and abort dashes. In the gym there wilt be box ing, wrestling, tumbling, basket- hall. Toilevball ana nanaoau. Three events will be short, mere ly giving the guests an Idea ol tha various games. Pinnae IKVorateil Tha plunge has been decor ated in alumium, orchid and sil ver grey. r roro the roor trusses several hanging baskets of ferns and flowers will greet the ayes of tha meets. A new and com. plete alteration system, approved bv tha Jantsea people, haa been inatallod and will aaaure the bather pure water for swimming at all times. The water In tha tank will be completely changed at regular Intervals In addition to the filtering which niakea a complete purification ol the water every eight hours. In the gymnasium lines for several different games have bean painted on the waxed floor. Horses, parallel bars, rowing machine, exercise machines, bags, hall and cheat welghta have been Installed. There are two four-wall handball courts open at all regular hoars. In the boxing events Pierre rothler, European reatnerweignt champion and Red Mandotte, one of tha best looking prospects in tha tight game, will box as will Leach Cross and BUI Evans. The bantam champs, brothers, "Bat tling Nelson" Lahey and '"Eom - my Gibbons" Lahey will opear'the show. Thee two boya ara fast and furious, Peterson. Simpson, Stlnson, White, Dlvens, Slminonson, three Wakeman bro there and Robinson will take part in the basketball, volleyball and handball. C. Pnckett will give a tumbling exhibition then the eventa will go to the plunge where the fol lowing boya and girls will take part: Dlrlng, Earl Overacker, Lea Stebblns, Glenn aicWilhey, Tom Robinson and Gordon Brunton. Swimming, Don Dlvens, Les Stebblns, Glenn McWithey, Earl Overacker and Bill Stlnson. Girls awimmlnir are Lois Mor rison, Lavcrue Gravelle, Valeria McCauley, Clara Ziegler and Mrs. Earl Overacker. A demonstra tion of. different strokes will bo given. S. P. DEPOT A BUSY PLAGE RED CROSS IN CHARGE AT MANAGUA (Continued from Page One) unhestltlngly orders to shoot looters, and four despatched Thursday night are understood to have brought the total execnt ed to 10. Another patrol la shooting at sight all dogs caught roaming the streets, for fear that the lack of water and heat may drive some or tnem mad and lead to an epidemic, of hydrophobia among refugees. Several cases or rabies have been rennrtad. Another patrol follows the former ana Dunes the slain animals. Since the daya of the Con qniatadores, who brought mod ern fabric clothing; to Nicara gua, the wonicn of this section navo washed their clothes In the lakes about the city. Forty who were thus engaged Tues day at a smnll lake In the crater of volcano above the city were caught nnawarcs by landslide precipitated by the quake and thrown Into the lake, where they drowned. Marine patrols recovered the forty bodies near the edge of the lake. The Murines reported that other women were washing at the "" or. me lake as they took the bodies out. Just aa if Mviiuug una Happened. With their wives and children safely at Corinto whore navy Hps will take them to San Frau- cisco ana New York, Marino corps oiiicers Here entered the task of relief and rehabilitation, nappy that their dependents had been spared and further horror i wpiuemic and hardship. Last night the Southern Pa clfle depot in Klamath Falls re minded one of the Union sta tion in Portland and other large cities of the coast. Parking apace was filled to capacity with autoa driven there to deliver people who were boarding outgoing trains, or to receive those ar riving on Incoming trains. The wslks and waiting room were filled and hnnwned with tsi con venation of tha hundreds de parting and arriving., and of their friends there to bid them goodbye or to welcome thsm. The occasion was tha inaugura. lion of the second "cent a mile1 special rata by the. Kapee. Contrary to the belief of many, more people were induced to vis it tnia city as a result ol the special rates, than were lnflu need to visit other points. Ex actly Its passengers arrived on No. It. northbound train, and ST came in from points north. Departing passengers totaled 151). CHICAGO GANGSTER IS GUILTY Continued from Pag One) er'a slaying last June . Ilia mother, Mrs. Rose Jeasen, how ever, became hysterical and hia sweetheart. Miss Betty Cook, cried Bitterly. One Holds for Acquittal Twenty-four ballots in all were taken by the jury whose mem bets said they started out T to 6 for acquittal, gradually reaching it to i ror conviction. H. w. Crotxer said that at no time was the electric chair, demanded by me prosecution, giver any con sideration. The maximum con sidered waa life Imprisonment. Philip Hagerman. who held ont for IS hours for acquittal was quoted by the Herald and Examiner as saying he "still be lieved Brothers Innocent." The trial, lasting nearly three weeks, resolved Into a a u eat Ion Of the Identification of the man seen fleeing from the vicinity of the Michigan svenue pedes trian tunnel in which Llnzla was shot in the back of the head wane en routs to a race course. Graduate Nurses to Meet Wednesday Oregon Graduate State Nnrsaa' association. rj,trtct No, , will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Emma Mason, 34i South Riverside, Wednesday at p. m. Any graduate nurse wishing to Join Is invited to attend tka meeting. It is stated. Kitra coachea will be added to thia train by the railroad com pany, which probably will be cu out at Tula take and remain on the aiding there during the course of the auction, which Is expected to last all day. Return Ing, the excursionista will leave Tule Lake at 4: IS In the after noon reaching Klamath Falls a a:o p. m. The low roundtrip rate offered by the Southern Pacifio gives those who are planning on at tending me auction the opport unity of conveniently reaching tne townsite at low cost, avoiding necessity of traveling over bad roads, In additiou, it will afford pleasure seekers probably tha last cnance there will be in this territory to witnesa the auction ing of a Government townsite. which everyone expects will be come the metropolis and regular sniping center of the rich Klam ath Irrigation District. To care for the large number or visitors expected, tha Siskiyou Tractor and Implement company haa donated their warehouse to lauiea ot tne Tnie Lake Commas- Ity Club, who will serve luncheon and refreshments to the visitors. Many Attend Funeral Of Joe Swindler (Continued from Page One) her counsel. Ralnh W tinea. and that la a direct denial of early rumors circulated and pub- iisnea mat she waa sitting wait ing for her husband with a re. voiver in her hand, and shot him as he came ia the front door af ter taking two guests home. feeveral couples had been en tertalned at the Swindler borne during tha evening prior to the shooting. Liquor waa aerved. ac cording to statements of guests wno attenaea the party. About J. 00 o'clock Monday morning Swindler left with two of the guesta to escort them to their home. What occurred between the time Swindler returned abont 1:15. and the time he waa shot shortly before :00 o'clock Mon- aay morning, ia at present an on solvable mystery. An early trial of Laths Hwiixt. ler, talented and beautiful vouna widow charged with tha murder ot ner ansbandv has been naked by defense counsel, and accord ing to Ralph W. Horaa. tents. live data lor the trial has been set for April 17. A new Jury panel will be announced before iae trial. FORMER. PAirPKR HA8 MOM- V AX HU DEATH WALL WALLA. Wa.h.. Anell 4. (API Once sent to the eonnty poor farm aa a pauper. Mlka Ra oer, 73, waa found dead today in bis shanty here with gold, cur rency and certificates of deposit totalling I4.JU0 bidden in various parts ot the aback. Prosecutor Berd J. Lebrer said. Golden eagles were wranned and tied in cloth and newspapers wars folded around the enrrencv and certificates scattered about toe novel. Some Camera Glimpes of Hoover on Vacation u ? lUxnn ,ti j lis After his arrival at San Juan, capital ot i'orto Hico, during his West Indies cruise. President Hoover waa a guest ot Gov. Theodore Kooaevelt, with whom he is pictured here on the balcony of tha governor's palace. There the smiling Chief Executive briefly ad- areasea tne erowds that gathered below to welcome btin. It wis a double holiday for Porto itlcans the second visit there of a l 8. president, aud the 68th anniversary ot the abolition ot slavery, V 1 1 Apparently tar from tha carea of atate as the U. 8. S. Ariiuna cruised through smooth southern waters, President Hoover hers Is shown reading and smoking on a sunny deck ot the dreadnaught. A very weary man when he left Washington, the Chief Executive la reported to have been greatly rested by such quiet noura during his Caribbean vacation and business trip. Even on board, however, ho could not achieve complete solitude. Note the Marina at the right assigned to guard tne President. OREGON T HONOR MISS LIVINGSTON Miss Kathleen (Pat) Livings Ion of Klamath Falls who is a lophomore at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, bajorlng in Journalism, has been jppolnted to the Masthead of the Cardinal," school dally, two jontha early because of superior ork. according to Information received here, , Easter Will Claim Proper Observance All Over the World (By the Associated Press)' ALONG tba avenues and In hell's kitchen among the stalls and carts of South Halstead street and along the babbling sidewalks of Harlem on Pennsylvania avenue, Olive atreet. Market sttwet, Euclid, Commonwealth avenue In all America easier comes tomorrow. lea. since 1773. There will be chorals at 1 a.m. At dawn the uev. j. Kenneth Ffohl, D.D., will appear in the hooded doorway ot the little Moravln Home church. Dr. PfobI, who is 84 years old, waa baptixed, con firmed, ordained and Installed as pastor, in the one church. And In Jerusalem, In the sha llow ot calvary where Christ hung crucified against a black sky. Easter will be celehratoH nnder the muxxles of machine auus, witn taster music provid ed by the rumble of armored cars, mere is rear by authori ties thst trouble m irin Ka twaen the pro-mufti and anti mufti forces from Hebron during .iiuoiero least or naobl Alotta. sa, which is being observed even as ins inristian Easter. In Washington, the ui mo unuen etates win attend a Masonle and a Quaker aervlo new iorg win observe the day n.iu uiku oil. iiasninv raartinna elaborate church services and' thousands ksdIiik at fi.h in h. aquarium, at shooting ferries In " ruers ana at animals in me xoo. Those who wish to h tattous will tav as much am riv dollars each for orchids while others, broken by a winter of iruiuess quest for work, will uius in ins oread lines. In Ctecho-Slovakia Kaster will pivot a throe day period of "di vine peace" for the entire na tion. In Russia where communists do not believe In God it will be Just another day for many, al though thousands of devout members of the eastern rite, still will observe tha day. SALEM, April 4, (AP) Text books ia reading for tba first. socond, third. Fifth, seventh and eighth grades and geographies for the fourth and sixth trades and a civics text for the eighth grade nnder the new textbook law at a meeting ot the state board of education. It was an nounced today. All of these text books ara recent adoptions and are not owned at present by the pupils of tha schools. The new law calls for anTuT. anal levy ot (1.60 per enrolled child in tha elementary grades for the purchase of textbooks until such time as all books are supplied; thereafter this levy will need to be in only such amount as may be necessary (or keeping the supply up to require ments. In these districts In which the fund raised by the required levy Is sufficient to par chsse more books thsn those set forth on tb deslgnsted list, the board was recommended that ad dltlonal copies ot on or more of the text books now in use be secured to supply the classes. The handling of textbook or ders through regional depositor ies of publishing companies at Portland waa decided upon by the board as tha moat feasible meth od of distribution. The books nisy be purchased la this may at a IS per cent discount T. O. B. Portland. FOB WHAT REASON A woman rushed into a police station with a photograph la bar band. "Mr husband haa disappeared " she sobbed. "Hera Is his photo graph. I want yon to find him." The sergeant looked at tha phc- OKrapn. i Why?" ha aiked. Tit-Blte, Tins PENALTY Mrs. Woodet Does year hus band remember tha anniversary of your marriage? Mrs. Wise: Never! so I remind him of It In January and Jqne, and get a present each time. Passing Show. natlan canals; and Vnder Den Linden and in Paris; in the shadow of tenements where bread la a luxury; and in green- rolling meadow lands where they feed milk to the dogs Eastar comes, In San Francisco thousands will wind np the foot trails ot ML Davidson to stand beneath the lighted cross that tops it and greet the Easter aun. Organ music will flow to them from below on telephone wires and tbe ceremonies will be rsdlocast to those who greet the anniver sary of the risen Christ in their homes. Arizonas Ysqul Indians will dance In paint and masques to shrill piping ot flutes and the wtera roll ot thunder drnms. making the observation ot Eas ter a week-long instead of a single day's event. Tlnv crosses of white In Indian villages will mark the Via Doloroso Christ trod. Four hundred white-robed children, grouped In a Greek cross, will send their voices ring ing through Hollywood (Calif.) bowl in "Christ, the Lord, Is risen today" after trumpets have sounded the dawn and 30,000 spectators have Joined in the aluging ot hymns. In Red Rock canyon, southeast of Bakerstleld. Calif., In the heart of the desert flower area Kaster will come with cere monies; and the traditional ser vices, conducted annually since 1909, will be held at Mt. Roubl doux, at tha edge ot Riverside, Calif. Forty thousand neonle If the day la fair will crowd "God's acre" at Winston. Salem. N.C.. where Easter Sunday haa boen Winner of Grand National isaaaaa-ia.aaaaiwaxxax.-a. ' 4 H H " Af . i Gallant winner of Enaland'a historic Grand National ntaonla. chase, Grakle, nine-year-old English-bred fencer pictured above, raced to victory over tha gruelling Alntree course In the record time of 9 minutes and 34 seconds. A crowd ot mora than 350,000 persons gathered to witness the ninety-second renewal ot the famoua event. Grakle. a big bay ku dine- owned bv C. It. Tavlor. nald odds p 00 to J, Only, .eleven starters finished the race, I MEIER REFUSES TO PAROLE UN PORTLAND, April 4. (API Indicating a policy of "hands off" as far aa aentencea passed by (ounty rourte are concerned. Governor Molar, In a letter to District Attorney Langley, today refused to pardon Robert Wlii tersteen, Sit, father of soven chlldreu, who la now In the county Jail here aervlug time for liquor violations. Wiiilerstren waa aenlenced on March I to pay a fine of 1100 and aarvs 30 days. The time of sentence will plra tomorrow but he will be unable to pay tha fine and must aerva It out. It came to Ihe attention ot the district attorney that Win rateen a wife and children are destitute and another child Is expected soon. The govemor replied lo the district attorney's letter: "Every day there route to my desk aoveral requests, for tha exercise of executive clemency for prisoners who are serving terms la the various county Jails of the stale. A majority of these come from those who are Interested In prisoners who have been convicted ot violating tha prohibition act. My experience thus far has convinced me that I mu't not over-rlda the Judgment of tbe local offlrera who are In a much better position than I am to be fully advised regarding tba circumstances connected with these esses before sentence is imposed. At The Vox AT TUN WV The V li I led Htulen boasts of an unique aud unusual geiiro of peo ple In lla Virginia and Tennessee REITERATES OPPOSITION TO pAi WIMSHIP ILL' FILED: Hi PROVIDED FOR SAX FRAKCIKCO. April 4. (A P) The will of Emory Wlnshlp. former naval officer who commit, led suicide hare, filed in Marnn, Ga today, provides a llsO month allowance (or the widow, Mrs. Dorothy Blount Wlnshlp, a copy of tbe document released here revealed today. ansa Helen Elisabeth Thomp son of Los Angeles, attractive actress who declared aha bad lived with Wlnshlp a long time, was not mentioned in the testa ment. Two-thirds of Wlnsbln's property is left to be divided eqnelly between two children by a former marriage. These are Emory Dillon Wlnshlo and Kath. erlna Mary Wlnshlp, who aro In New York. J. W. Preston. Jr.. flan Fran. Cisco attorney, Is named executor and trustee to admlntstrater a rust tuna created for the son of Wlnshlp'i latest marrlara Vmnn Jr., who Is to receive tha net Income from a third of tbe tat. , Tba Will IS dataut March IT last, four days before Wlnshlp shot himself. Hli act, accord ing to the coroner's Jury was due to Jealousy over hia wife's suspected conduct with the fatn 11 chauffeur. Ray McQnnagle,' Liquor Runners Caught With 150 Gallons Alcohol ROSEBURO, Ore. April 4. (AP) Two men who aald they were Lewis Gutfante, J5, and Jnmea Pacbello, If. both of San Fran cisco, were nnder arrest bare to day while police held their auto mobile and Is five-gallon cans of alcohoL Police baited the blc roadster when they became usplcloua of It. The liquor cargo. a H. Bennett, deputy sherltf said, was found in tha rear ot the car, and weighed over one thous and pounds The ear waa equip ped with special springs to carry tha load. Police said the two men told them they were run ning tha liquor to Seattle. tKJlABD ClMTai-iroirn,ll mountaineers. These people are entirely different from any other suet or group In the states. A particularly clear-cut charac ter study of those, hardy Illiterates, with tliuir peculiar moral codes, their si tuple living standards and uniailng liruvery. ia found In I ie liiuibla Pictures production of Tol'ablo David,'' wlilih opens at the new Vox Ihealre tomorrow lor four da) a. Director John Blyntona depicts In stark and vivid fashion what happens In the niunulaln country when the nierab.r of any family Is wronged, revealing Ihe workings ot Ihe ensuing feud and the man lier in which tha family's men measure out Justice without tha aid of law conns. They are a law unto themselves. A newcomer, a young artist named Richard Cromwell, depicts tha role of 'Toi'abla David." He poseee that naivete that makes hita Ideal In the role ot tha sim ple, nature-loving lad depicted In tbe story. Olhera In the cast are Joan Peers, Noah Beery, Henry n. Walthall and George Duryea. John 0. niystane handled the direction of this production with artistry. THOUSANDS AT FUNERAL DEAD ROCKNE (Continued from Pag One) the sports world. As it passed the Notre Dame football stadium, which Kockne himself made pos sible, tbtre waa a pause for a raverent salute. It was Ilka a 8anday morning, till and peaceful, but the touch o sadnees was everywhere. All buslnesa waa suspended and trains running Into South Band paused tor one minute aa a mark ot respect. Only 1400 ot tha football eoacbs friends and Intimates were able to squeese Into the church for Ihe services hut other thousands, bareheaded, beard the services through the amplifiers. A SWEET TIP PORTER: I carried his bsg np three flights ot stairs, and at the top ha slipped something Into my hand and aaldi "Thats for a cup Of tea." Bootblack! And what was It, a dime! Porter: No: It wa sa lump of sugar. Answers. SALT I.AKB CITY. April 4. (At')- Opposition of Ihe Latter Day Saints' church to plural mar riage waa rolt.raled by lleb.r J, Grant, president of the church, In op.nlnx lla 101st auuuul confer once bora today. Offenders, he aald. are excom municated from fellowships In the church aud "should he dealt wliu as the law requires." "We bsve men among us." ha added, "who will be glad In fur nish the legal talent and assist la the enforcement of law," Desplle the repeated oppn.llloa of the i hurt h tu plural marriages, lie aald, "wllh sorrow aud deep res ret." that It waa necessary for hi in lo call attention tu It publicly and be deplored the fact that some members of the rhurrh "are per. uuded to coutract such by destining lueu." Tha president then lurned hia nltiick upon defamatory literature which he aald had accused prom inent churchmen with Indulging III Ihe practice of plural marrlaae. "They have charged me and my brothers with the loinmlsslou of erline," be said. "There Is scarce ly one among tha general authori ties of tha i-hun-h who has not been defamed by this literature." IV fit Kill IIAMIH Old I.adri Little boy, ara job good? Hoy; Tea, ma am. "do to Similar school f "Yes, ma'am." "Than I think I ran trust you. Run wllh this penny and get me a kM anfl HmaahalWlh. lni,!i can see you." Tlt-lllls. Perhsps stunt flying helps aviation. It eliminates those who - qj make It aeein dangerous. The Bin Trail" Starting; Tuesday at tba PELICAN ATTENTION J Knights Templar. Church Services Sunday, April E. First Bupttot church. Alio Journtyinjr Knights are cordially invited to at tend with us. PLEASANT VIEW DAIRY tor (nuto A pure raw milk front ' les lax Jersey aad (Jeftrnae rows. pro. dnrd aad bottled la a plant that haa conformed to re quirements Call IS7Wa We Dellve (Joe Keller) MERCHANTS' LUNCH Served from 11 a. m. to 9 p. m, 52 OWL CAFE 497 MAIN rrHE First National Bank keeps continually in tho forefront of progress in financial affairs .... It ia equipped with facilities and men to meet the new conditions that each day brings .... Its service is de pendable, complete and courteous .... It is interested in every financial transaction, no mat ter how large or small .... It can meet your financial requirement..,. This is what has made The First National Bank oufc. standing in this community. Isn't it worth your whilo to transact your financial affairs with a bank of this kind?. . The First National Bank Member Federal Keserve Bank