fie Setting Hi sttxih Do' Your Bit Toward the Red Cross Quota Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1931 Number 7376 rarn 8 Pages Today. mm o) fl jUiyjiyjiiM : - I AWMAKFRR King LniiiimiiLiiu HAVE ONE MORE WEEK Fifth Week Find Only One Major Bill Enacted POWER, TAX BILLS REMAIN FOR ACTION Of Total of 600 Measure Introduced Only 141 Disposed of SALEM. Ore.. Fob. H. (AIM Thi flral bill of major Importance enacted by the Oregon lrslalature !- m a law with the signing of Iho Rogue river rloalng mraaure by Governor Julius L. Meier to day. The rloao of tho fifth week of tho seaaion. ant with on more week offlrinlljr remaining of the 4-day llmlfvd period, left hun dreds of other mraatirea, many of thfm placed In the Important lint, yet remaining fur final action and ronalderatton by tho two houses. I"imer Hill ut The pant week saw the flrat of tho powrr mesaurrs brought onto the floor, while threo other lead ing admlulatratlon meaaurra were yet to he reporlod out of commit tees. .Moal of the taxation mens urea wait action, while appropria tion hills, highway hllla, and the bulk of other Ionization are atlll In vnrloua stages of development. The Impossibility of completing the nooraaary taak before next Friday night vanquished what lit tle hope there may have ben for adjournment on achodulo. The owrMma period la now holiiK I placed between t week' eft if "km n t days. Tax Hlluntlon Muddled Action haa bnon the frature of both houses during the paat few daya, both holding late meetings, and the aenate continued In era alon today. The one-man com mlaalnuer of utilities measure wai reported out of the committee fa vorably laat nlitht, and will per haps be a encclol order of busl nras early next week. The (iratiKo power district bill aud the hydro electric comnilaalon bill are ex pected out of committee! Monday. The taxation eltuntlon, becoming morn entangling during the week by ultimatum! from real property tax payers for relief, have not been definitely formed, although committees have worked late de vlalng some plan of relieving prop erty of much of Its hurde.i. Hon Paaees, Text Hook ftill Another major bill waa dispos ed of by the defeat In the houae of the old age pension meaatire, while the free text book hill has gene half way through, with the approval of the lower houae. The Continued On Page Two Soviet Station Interfered With Pope's Broadcast VATK A.V CITY. Ken. H. (AP) -Franch and Catutdlun wlrelnas station reported to Vatican Cliy today that while the papal cere mony waa being broadcast from here Thursday a soviet station sent out continuous signals on tho same wave length, 19.84 me tres. A similar report was received yeaterdny from French stations, which snld that theae signals In terrupted hndly the broadcast message of Pope Plus, and that a news agency lind to have the text telegraphed from Home, for gen rul publication. According to tho report of tho Canadian stiitlons the Russian signals wera constant, hut the Vutlcun (,'lly stutlnn waa so pow erful that It drowned out the so viet signals,- The Nightly Argument AUNT HET By Robert Quillen "f didn't aven know she was married until 1 noticed her nails wasn't fixed up an' her nock needed washlu'." Alff Facing L.risif Fall of Governmw " ; Premier Berenguer Causes Apprehension. Liberal Element Reported Active. MADRID. Feb. 14 (AP) The government of Premier General Damaso Berenguer, successor to the Primo de Rivera dictatorship, fell today, bring ing to a head a crisis which appeared to be the most dangerous of any faced by King Alfonso in the course of his long reign. Tho kltiK tvceptltiB ih rMlf- nation of (iiiirH Ilrrnxurr and hU cabinet, ram riled parlia mentary rlrttona which wr a-hcdulc4 fr March 1 and JS and lminfdlatflr biKan coiifcr pfiimi with poll Urn I IrJidTi with vlfw to f urination ol a new cabinet. While the ra hi net had bfn under firs for acverul week. Indeed from Ita very Inception lit January, lHSu, tho altuatlou which hroiiKht tin fall developed only lain lant tniclit w.ieit the Count of .tomauoiieg and other important liberal monan hint leader withdrew their aupport of tho cttblnet'a election pro- crem N.ibiidy atlompls to d-ny the (rarlty of this altuallon whl'h nsny resurd ss in moat lornna- able challenge to his political pollrlrs which the king has ever faced. All the lefta and some of the monarchies hsd repudiated the March elections before lie Ho msn.ines announced his stsnd. and the elections hsd become pretty much a farce, constituting wld'orest! rejection or llcren guer's political program. Tbe kings prohlcin now Is to " oina oiner aiopgap rot- rnmnnt until a now elections program ran be worked f"1 ?nd. equally Important, the lasue of a couatltutloual convention ran be decided. There has been nn official ex prertalon, but It Is believed that the king wants no ronatitutlons! convention now even though It Is demanded by most of the lefts snd some of the monarchist groupa. Whatever the makeup of the new government It Is generally believed thst one of Its objec tive will be general amnesty (Continued on Page Two) P055ES SEEK N SAN PlKdO. f'slir, Veb. 14. (API Tho mystery of the dis appearance Wednesdsy of ten-year-old Virginia llrooks remain ed unexplained today as every available officer In the clt searched for a cluo to her fate. Police theorised that the girl might have been kidnapped after sho left the modest home of her parents, Mr. "and Mrs. John K. Ilrnoka, gully swinging her books and carrying a bouquet for -her teacher. She never arrived at the Knrlld school, a mllo and a half dlatnnt. Squads of officer! and posses of volunteers have combed the canyons near the Brooks homo and the school to no avail. They spent Inst night systemlcally searching vacant houses, ditches. culvert and vacant lots In the Hunt University Avenue district, but again they found nothing. "I have no enemies," the girl's father said. "I know of no one who would want to take my little girl." Tho llrooks family came here sovernl months ago from Port land, Ore., and once lived In Indianapolis. POOR PA By Claude CalUn mm Ml "Our daughter Betty acta like she's already married to that Smith boy. They quarrel every lime they're together an' she's slwavs doln' something to spits him." MISSING GIRL ;o Is bravest f Reign T WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. fA. P.) Dr. Hush A. Ilrown, aecre tsry fif President Hoover's pub llr Isnd romtnlsKlon, said the alxnrd report of the group, call ed llltu session to consider whnhvr the remaining ITh.uuii. omo acres o( public domuln ahoiild l trsnnl.-rr.-d to the atslra. t.Kluy 'SS submitted to White llouac. The rrport. ss adopli-d by the .oinmllti-e. ss uud-rstoud to MAKE C REPDR reroninipnd: ;aary for the tuberculosis hospital Tranafcr of the lands to I" employ sll the help used on the stall's that wsnt them, subject 1 '"n. unllka other Institutions. in a requeat from the state le- This meant a lopplnx off of ISO-. lalsture within tn years. 30 from the IJ7H.707 requested Seltlm aside of land, within! ,n "P'- static thut do not aak for title. The committee does not believe a a national rstme to be ad-1'"' much ran be saved by the mlnlalercd by a federal agency. Irhanse. The saving Is estlmsted Itvcogiiltlon Insofar as posnlbloist ir..nou. The sub-rommlttee of I he slstea' meihotls of range recommending th change, was nnd llresto. lt control-while; the (Senators C. K. Spsulding. B. 'W. ininsrvr Is pending. Johnson and Isaac E. Staples, and Ket letentlon by tne go, lPrxJM. K rights II. known mineral area.l0"- """"J?!?8'"?,", ' of r wlih the tut en to be clrea all rlRhta In land not known to con tain mineral-. KfliiitillHhuieut of food control Bynlema. Cuiil In ii a t Ion of ret la mat Ion and federul aid hlRhw.iy pro ject. ru y men t to the reclamation bureau of nil receipt from pow er plant h ou reclamation pro Jcria ittiioad of shiirlnic revenues with the Mule, which the states had axked. KeHemtilnn by the govern ment of acreage that might be netMlrd In the future for nation- for t( m, parka, power projects or other purpOrten. in addition to reservation of land now so allocated. EXPENDITURES SAI.KM, Ore., Feb. 1. (API Iivlah expenditures In Oregon political campaigns, nntwilhatand Ing the Intended limitations of the corrupt practices set. were tho auhject of somo pointed criticism in Iho senate today in the courso of a discussion on Senator Wll llum V. Woodward's bill to repeal the portion of the law relating to expenditures. Tho bill, on third reading, was tabled until Monday. Referring to what he termed subterfuges whereby tho candi date makes his expenditures thru a committee so that he may evade the pennltlea of the act, Wood wurd declnred that "the falsehood, the Ho. tho hypocrisy goes clear up the line, and Involves the high est office in tins lona. i no ricn est man has the edge. ' This was very notloenble in Die last cam paign. Under the law a candidate for governor Is limited to an ex penditure of about $1100, but well, lot s not aiscuss h. Senator Bennett, who wasn't In favor of repealing., but rather amending tne act, said tnnt cam paign expenditures In the last few years hnd been a disgrace, Senator j. u. iintioy tnougnt it wouldn't be fair to vote on the bill with so many members ab sent., and moved that It be tabled. Woodward agreed to this. Weather The Cyclo-Stormagrnph at Un derwood's Pharmacy Is register ing a slightly lower barometric pressure today and Indications are for clearing weather. The Tycos recording thermom eter registered maximum and minimum temperatures as fol lows: High 42, low St, Forecast for next 24 hours: Clearing with probably snow flurries or rain, lower temper atures. .... OHKOON: Rains west and lo cal rains or annws In the east portion tonight and Sunday, nor mal temperature .ModsratS southerly winds offshore, P CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE CUTS-DOWN REQUESTS $50,046.00 Sliced From Demand Of State Institutions FARM ACTIVITIES OF HOSPITAL WILL END Bill to Keep Disbarment Proceeding Secret ' Re-referred SAL KM, Or., Feb. 14. CAP) Th waya and meana cam mil tee In Its deliberations Ian night cut a total of IT'S, 046. 50 from appropri ations requested by aereral actlr Itlea. Icrhap the mont Important ac tion waa adoption of a tub-committee report recommending that the atat tuherrulo'tt hospital at Salem drop tt farming operation and the farm, which tnnudea a jjairy hord. be tranalerred to the hnanllat for the lnni the penlK-iillary. or some otbor Inatl- tntloa. The resison for this rec- ommendatlon was thst It Is neoea- aub-rnmmlttee headed by Senator Colon K. Eberhard the committee alleged the full I2O5.40S request ed by the Kastern Oregon tubercu loids honultal at Tbe IJalles. After much debate the commit tee cut In halt the amount re created by the bureau of naming and child hygiene, which works in (Continued on I'nge Iwo) RISE STATE FAl.KM. Feb. 14. (API The revised program of tho tax cora mitteee of the legislature where hv It wss hoped to wipe out en tirely the state tax on property next year underwent alterations at a joint meeting last night, and under the changes It will not he ponslble to completely elimi nate the property assessment In 1932. It is still the plsn to Increase the rnte of the excise tax on cor porations from 5 to 8 per cent. While it is still planned also to Incresso the Intangibles tsx. It re-enacted from I to I per cent, this tax will not. under the new plan, be collected until next year, and then on 1931 Incomes as a starter Instead of 1930 Incomes. It was further decided, tentative ly at least, not to Interfere with he existing rates of the Income tax. This now ranges from 1 to 6 per cent, and It had been pro posed to increase the range to 8 per cent. Instead of wiping out entirely the property assessment for next year, estimated at 14.428,240.80, the new plan will miss thst goal. It was said, by (1,000,000 or fl, 500,000. TB KIM Three Workers In The Lower House PROPONENT fif CASCADE HIMWAY Sick Young Man Asks For Place To Lie Down "Will you live, ms a place to lie down. I am very III," said a younc man who walked tin steadily into police headquarter this morning. Resitting at first glance that the boy spoke the truth. Peak Rergeant llgh A'k erman railed a physician Im mediately. The condition of the youth, who gave his name as Borge Peterson, of Kokomo, Ind.. wss pronounced very serious border ing upon pneumonia. He was taken to the county Infirmary where he will receive treatment Peterson gsve his age as 19 lle has been sleeping In box cars snd rude shelters, he said since leaving bis home. Relatives In Kokomo have been notified of the boy's condition. He stated that be was on his way back home when he was taken sick. MOSCOW. Feb 14. (AP) Moscow newspspers. commenting todsy on an American embargo on Russian lumber, reiterate as sertions that charges of forced labor In the aovlet union are "ridiculous" and threaten retal iatory measures. Pravda. asserting that Amer ica's action will be felt as keen ly by American business as by Russian, asserts the embargo "will endanger future Industrial relations between the two coun tries and -certainly will affect the balance of trade' which In XtQ Jas.yre. thaa 1'1.004,OOU in America's favor." Says Isvestla: "If the Ameri can government will Consider the bulk of aovlet trade with the United States, it will ' soon be- convinced tbst if - we need America, she also needs us. Ante soviet measures adopted by for eign governments were foreseen months ago by the council of peoples commissaries, which au thorised tbe commissariat of trade to adopt corresponding measures." . "In the past." says Economic Life, "American anti-soviet out bursts were based on forged documents; now they consider It wiser to base them on charges of some anoymous observer who probablv doesn't exist at all. These lumber embargo charges obviously are part of a conspir acy to defeat the five-year plan." DATE SET FOR HIl.LSnORO. Ore.. Feb. 14. (A P) Circuit Judge George H. Fsg ley today announced Nelson ('. Bowles and Miss Irma Loucks will go on trial here Monday, Match 2, for the murder of Mrs. Leone Bowles. The date was decided upon af ter a compromise had been reach ed by state and defense. Lotus b. Lsngley, district attorney of Mult nomah county, and Ueorge Mow ry, chief deputy, said their office was burdened with other cases, and asked that the trial date-In the Bowles rase be set ahead. The defense professed resdiness, and declared Bowles and Miss Leucks, confined In Jail since the middle of November, are entitled' to As speedy action as tbe court can al low. , , lASTtRN DHS - SOUS DENY OUR CHARGES BOIES TRIAL TRAIN BILL RECALLED BV SENATE Change Of Four Votet Assures Measure Will Lose IMMEDIATE VOTE IS BLOCKED BY UPTON Hot Debate Precede Vote For Reconsideration of Measure SALEM. Ore., Feb. 14. (AP) Prior to the day's adjournment the senste recalled tbe 70-car rail road limit measure, after having passed It tbe day previous by a 1 to 14 vote. It waa placed on special order for Monday after noon -on the motion for reconsid eration. Four members declared ready to change their vote from yes to no. virtually assuring de feat for the measure. Tbe hill would limit railroad freight trains to 70 cars and passenger trains to 14 cars. Nearly every rule in the parlia mentary book that governs the senate waa utilised before Jay Co lon got a vote to make bis rail road bill a special order Monday at 4 o'clock, instead of going on final passage immediately. Cplon Champions Bill Upton pleaded with the senate not to carry the motion to recon sider the measure, declaring there was no reason why the members should change their votes in re sponse to telegrams from the chamber of commerce at heme. 1 Senator J. E. Bennett said mat "vi.ltmtly Ihott who- want to.xe- conslder tno bill, are airem oi what the house might to with it, or afraid of what the governor might do." Senator Joe E. Dunne scored them as lacking in back bone. "It seems to me ridicu lous." he said, "that men of the mature Judgment of this senate would pass a measure today ana change their votes tomorrow." Senator kurk said that be bad (Continued on Page Two) WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. (AP) A formal report recommending enactment of the compromise pro posal for additional loans to vet erans was submitted to the hon-e today by its ways snd means com mittee. The report estimated the cost range from 37S.000.nut up wards. It said "there was unan imity on tho part of the committee that some kind of legislation bearing upon this question should be enacted by this congress." Representative Bachsracb. re publican. New Jersey, drafted the report after the committee or- deded It by a vote of 17 to 4. The bill Is expected to be brought up under suspension ot tbe rules on Monday. A complete scale of Increases In personal Income sur-taxes was proposed In a bill Introduced by representative, rrenr. repuDncan, Wisconsin, to meet the prospect ive treasury deficit. He said the levying of Increased taxes on personal incomes will go far toward relieving apprehension and In some degree meet criticism levied against the (160.000,000 decrease in personal Income taxes granted by congress last year. REC01U BONOS LOAN Remnant Of 'Vet Army' Sleeps In Baker BAKER. Ore.. Feb. 14. fAP) Ten members of the "1U01 Veterans," marching from Seal tie to Washington, D. C, stop ped in Baker today, for a mass meeting on city streets. They were given lodging In the city hsll last night and fed this morning ty the municipality. Others of the group of 145 that left Seattle are going by the northern route. They hope to have S0O.000 veterans of the World war in Washington be fore March 4 to work In the In terest of passage of tbe bill al lowing payment of adjusted com pensation certificates . In full. They are making the trip by freight train. HOAX' PLOT CENTRALIA, Waxh.. Feb. 14 (API Held In connection with an alleged murderous Insurance "hoax" plot, -Hugh Bowen. alias Henry Boss, alias Hugh Allen. 29. waa being questioned here todav la connection with the murder of W. R. Kington. 26, near Chickamauga, Gs., last De cember. Officers declare they arrested him and John Eddlngton Just In time to prevent a murder in Hood River by which the men hoped to obtain payment of a $10,000 double indemnity policy. Eddlngton was 'sires ted In Pendleton, Ore., and is "being held as Bowen's alleged accom plice. ' Both men have waived extradlctlon. , Sheriff Charles 0. Taylor of Hamilton county. Tennessee, said evidence indicates Bowen and Eddlngton killed Kington, muti lated his face .and left papers on tbe body tending to Indicate the dead man was Bowen in an attempt to collect insurance. The body, however, was finally iden tified as Kington. The two fled. Taylor said a letter from Bowen waa found in Eddington's car, indicating Bowen planned the northwest murder at Hood River. Taylor quoted the letter as saying "bring tools and we will pull the Job there and then we will go to Helix and live on ranch."- Tavtor said Eddington told him "the Job" was to kill a man, cut oft his head and ship the body back to Tennessee as Bowen and collect tbe insurance. Gov. Meier Signs Rogue River Bill SALEM. Feb. 14. (AIM Gov ernor Julius L. Meier today sign ed the Rogue river bill, which prohibila commercial fishing on the stream. The measure passed both houses last week, and the executive retained the bill until his five day period was up. The measure was the first bill Introduced In the senate and was supported by the Southern Ore gon sections, while Coos and Curry delegations opposed it. It brought forth debates at the pub lic hearing and when it was pre sented for passage In the senate and house. The vote was close in the senate, it having two more than the constitutional majority. LATTE NVEST GATED EARTHQUAKE SHOCK CAC8ES DAMAGE. I.ISBOV, PortUKal. Feb. 14. (AP) Reports from the A sore reaching Lisbon saiil that nn earthquake shock caused some mate rial damage today but rceultori in no loss of life. The Lisbon ob servatory reftistereil the shocks which bail their center in th Island of Sao Miguel. FLOOD CLAIMS TTMA. .Aria.. Feb. 14. (AP) Cel., was drowned laat night rains rushed through Wellton. flat mile and a natr from the flood-swept town this morning. LIXCOLX CLOCK CHIMES FOR HOOVER. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. (AP) A strange noise heard over the air as President Hoover started praising Lincoln haa been Investigated and explained. It was clock In the Lincoln room of the White House, where Mr. Hoover spoke, and was nsed la Lincoln's time. It wns six minute alow and chimed 10 o'clock. SENATE CONFIRMS EVANS NOMINATION. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. (AP) The senate today confirmed the nomination ot Walter H. Evans of Oregon to be Judge of th United States customs court. EXTEND TIME FOR BRIDGE BI ILDINO. -WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. (AP) President Hoover today signed ' a bill to extend the time lor commencing and completing bridge aero st he Colombia river at or near Arlington, Oregon. FARM BOARD CHAIRMAN TO RETIRE. CHICAGO, Feb. 14. (AP) Alexander Legge will retire from the chairmanship of the federal farm board shortly after March 4a to re-enter tbs international Hart eater enapsaj, --' - CONGRESS lAPPROVES MEASURE Relief to Drought Area Is Assured Through, Today's Action $20,000,000 IS AMOUNT TO BE AVAILABLE May Be Used To Purchase Food According to . Secretary Hyde) . . WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 (AP) President Hoover today approved the ?20 000,000 drought relief com promise, signing the inter ior department appropria tion bill to which it was at tached as an amendment. WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. (AP)' Final congressional approval was given the $20,000,000 drought loan compromise late to day when the house accepted the proposal. WASHINGTON. Feo. 14. (AP)' The senate today accepted the 1 20,000,000 drought loan compro mise 'on relief legislation. ., . Supported by both democrat! and republican leaders, the substi tute for the 125,000,000 Red Cross relief fund was given approval al ter six days ot debate, in which republican independents ana some democrats severely condemned it. The compromise appropriate $20,000,000 as a loan fund for "arricnltnral rehabilitation." Sec retary Hyde, who will administer the fund has Informed the senate there could he no prohibition against the ue of the money by the farmers ror tne purcnase oi food and clothing. - - It arida to the $45,000,000 al ready appropriated for loans for purchase of seed, livestock leeu. and fertiliser. Tha Interior hill carries a total of almost $90,000,000. ot whloa mora, than S20.000.000 would o available immediately, for publlo Inprovements in government pro jects in the West. ' ' The vote for approval ot the compromise was 67 to 15. Eight republicans, six demo (Continned on Pace Two Gandhi Request Conference Which" May End TroubU ' ALLAHABAD, India. Teh. 14. ( AP) Mahatma Gandhi todar requested an interview with th Ciceroy of India, Lord, Irwin, and settlement of India'a troubl ed political situation waa believ ed In msny circles to be withla sight. Tbe Mahatma was understood) to have sent the Viceroy a formal letter today asking for an Inter view and It was virtually certain that Lord Irwin wonld invite bin to Delhi Immediately. It Is expected that Gandhi and his associates will ask general amnesty tor all political prison ers as the first condition to ac ceptance of MacDonald's propos als and the the Viceroy, with MacDonald's approval will (rant amnesty It Gandbl will call oft his civil disobedience campaign. NEWS t, ANOTHER LIFE. f Mrs. K. P. Llewelyn. Stockton, when flood waters from torrential Her body was picked up on a mud.