The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 13, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, Janunry l 1931
MrrlhlK Wedricaiblr I
There will b a meeting et'J
ih Fremont 1'iir.Mii i u. hor I Character ClostvUps
Ullim at I o'clock Wodnea-.l
lav In Ihu I'reinnnt schnol audi
torium In li li li an parents arc
i ui'nl in in aiionn. a
....... r.ain arrnlireil titf Mri. Kv
I.OVelV, Will b given "till ft pliper
in 111 eiiafi i iiiiiiiiiii 11'hii
Kill be given liy Muricurcl Nye,
rniintv lltintrlfin. Hunk char
H-tcrlrutlnna will tin presented
hv Mlsa Aguna Arfatrnin, after
which rofrcahinenta will he serv
On Kilt'inlcd Trip
cherlra Wllllama. county cum
mlaaloiier and accrelary of the
weatern rounllea aaaorlntlnn left
Inil week for an eitnnded (rli
lliriiniili wealern and naalnrn
atatea. from California ho will
in to Wyoming. Oklahoma and
Arlmiia ami thou on In Wuahlnir
Ion. I. C. whom ha haa limn In
Mini by Senator Hlclwnr In ap
pear hefuro Ilia Indian Affulm
Committee. II will ha gone
several Weeks.
Henley P. T. A. In Meet
A meeting of lli Henley Par
ent. Teachers asaoclatlou will he
held Wrdncadiiy at 3 n' lock In
I Iki grade achmi) building. Tim
aiil)ii-l for thn meeting la "Col
Icrtlona ami Hobbles." A epcclnl
musical pmeram will be preecnt
ed and u I k a will he made by
Mm. I. H Hague, Mra. William
Kuril and Harold Dlion.
Ki. lul I Inli im Thursday
I'lnpiirallnna are bring com
pleted for Ihn Kuateru Ktur so
cial rluh dam to b given at
III Mlialr Hot on Tlmradar eve
ning. January 16. Mra. Onrar
IvviMti In rh.ilrnmn of thn rom
tnlitt'd In rhurra of arrangn-
tncnts Him will be assisted hy
Mra. It. I. Klllngaon. Mra O
I. Ilnllnway and Mra.' Wlllard
4 llllHuln t'lrl Wlna Honor
Mlaa llorolhr Wllllsme of Chll
nqtiin, waa awarded flrat prise
In the aU'n of Oregon fr Junior
riivlalnn h Ik h achool student In
l he Covered Wagon rrnleunlal
aav contest recently conducted
a a nation-wide contest.
l"nr llrldu" Party
Tha Oregon Ktal Oraduate
Knraea' association. Plitrlrt .
la sponsoring ft hanefll brldun
pariv lo ba given Vdnedy
evening al the library rluh
moms. Thoa wishing to make
reservations r akcd lo rail
Allr l.awrrure. "til.
fletarned In Piirtlaud
Mra. Robert Hoyle and two
children of Portland were week
etui ul at thn ;. . Thomp
n homo. Tlur rrturnrd homo
Kimduy ftreompanlrd by Mra.
Thomiiaon'a aon. Hobert. who baa
aiiont tha paal all mrrkt Iwth hta
nnrln and uiit. Mr. and Mra.
II. ft Thnmpaon who roalda In
I ha Hi-nlry diatrti l.
I'lr M-lln of Vrar
Thn ladl auilllary of tb
Wtorana of Forrlfn Wara will
hold lia rrxuUr nn"-lin Wd
rradar rvrnlni t oVIock In
llm Kitli-a hall. Ninth and Wal
nut. Thla la to b th firm
mcKllnr of tha year and all
incmhrra are nritd In la prea-
fs rypt-
J. U. Kruliorn all J Ku.l
J. ('. ClialKirn of 2V limn
dtriiit Itift .Monday morn I its lor
Onuwa, lowa In rnnionae to a
Inli'irain which he rrrolvrd at
7 a. ni. Monday aiiliounclm the
ilnuiii of hla mothrr, Mra. Mary
rU'Khnrn, who waa 76 yiara old
No word of lirr lllnraa had bfen
rrx-elred and II la brlla'cd that
Ihe ahork of her brolhxr'a dnftth
whlrh onurrnl frtw werka ano.
iftuarii nr Oram. aira. VAftK'
horn bad vlallrd In Klamalb
Kalla averal Minna with hr aon.
thn laat oiranlcm waa durlnx the
amnmer of lilt. Hhn Inity.a
four children, throe of whom re
tildn In the eaiit. Mr. Cleghorn
waa able to Inave Immedtatoly
la th Alturaa Una, aavlng
dny'i time.
("amp Klra t.roop to Mi't
The Klamaklulo roup will
ment In the parlor of the Pree
hylrrlan rhurrb Wrdnnaday at
4 p. m. Thla group haa bean
without ft guardian for anion
mnntha and la hnlng tranifnrred
In Mlaa Klvlra Call. Two guar
dlana Mlaa Call and Mlaa Mnnre
are fnrmnr mamb(ra of Uie
original Hunrhnkft grnup. the
flrat ( amp Ire group to be or
ganlmd In Klamath Kalla. Mra.
Hire waa their Inadnr.
Haugrr HlaU-r Hoelvaaca
Ouaeklnle Camp Fire waft en
tertained Saturday ermine at
tha beautiful new hone of Jean
end Hetty Ilauger on Pacific
Terrace. Koll call ahowed a com
plete attendance of member.
The (ub)ert of the meeting waa
"Th Trail to Health." the guar
dian explained the Item on the
baallb chart. Dainty retreau
mnnta were aerred.
frank lonlon Rak
rank Unrdnn baa ret u rued to
Klamath Falla from auutherji
California and Mexico whnre he
apent twn weeka Tlaillng. He re
aumrd hla poaltlnn at the Klam
alb Furniture ator thla morn
ing. Mr. Cordon la eipertnd to
return within a few riaye to ra
gtime her poaltlon at Moe'a.
Initial Kan of Mcmlirm
lultliillon of new membora
will take place at a meeting of
Aloha chapter. O. E. 8.. at the
Maennlc ball thla evening. Wor
thy Matron Catherine Casper and
other new nlllrera will prealde
for Ihe flrat time alnre they were
Il. lumil to lltmanita
Jnniea Fullon haa rolnrneil to
Ilnnania and l.augi'll Vallrr af-.-r
apenrtltiir the week end In
Klamnlh Falla. Mr. Fullon In
aiH'tidlng part of hla time work
ing on the new I-angell Valley
Ilaa k From Port In ml
Mr. and Mra. Walter W'leinn-
danger and daughter. Jeau. re
turned Sunday evening from
Portland, where they bar been
pending the paat week on bual
nee and plraaure.
llaniUloua Return Pruin Roalh
Mr. and Mr. John Hamilton
havo returned from a bualnraa
and plraaure trip to Pan Francla
cn. Mr. Hamilton reaumed her
poaltlnn at LaPolnte' Monday.
Itcii'lyn foiigrrilnlnllona
Mr. and Mra. A. ft. Iteiltnond
of 23S Kaat Main ar receiving
rniigrnlulntlona on th arrival of
a & pound girl, born nl the
Klamath Valley hoapllul Monday
Mr. Slionla to Kilcrtnln
l.ndlna of the Klamath Luth
eran churi-h will meet at the
homo of Mra. F. M. Hhonli. 1!)I9
Mnntanlln. wllh Mm. I.liidgrnn
a ro-hnxtea at 2: IS Wedticailny
Paaae! Tlipough Klamath
Mr and Mra Jamea Htjiwenann
of Tula Lake paaaad through
Klamath Fall en routs home
after apendlng the week-end In
Medfnrd with their daughter.
Zerllne, who la taking nuntn'a
training at St. Mury'a hnapltal.
Buffer llroken IK V
Mr. C. Calendlne la a patient
al the Hlllalile hnapltal receiving
treatment for a broken leg, whlrh
ahe received Inat Snlurdny. Cnl
endinea oprrale the Pellrun City
Vndcrvtcnt Major 0enitnn
Mra. Hawklna. who I em
ployed at th office of Or. Paul
W. Sharp, underwent a major
operation at Ihe Illllalda hoapl
tnl Monday.
I'nlterl Away
Mra. K. II. Crawford, wife of
a lornl f. N. conductor, left re
cently for Helena, Mont., whore
ahe waa called hy the death of
her nicer.
Left for Suolinmlidi
Mra. J. H. Smith left for Htio
homlah, Wnnh., where ahn a
culled hy the aerlona lllneaa of
her molhcr.
Askeil to .Mtcnil MiTllnit
All meinheia of thn Women of
Monai'lienrt are naked In hn prea
enl al llm meetlni; at tho Moose
hall nt S p. in.
.prut Week V.wl Willi Piirenla
Mlaa Mildred llrnna nt Mam
Kill Full apunl Ihn week end In
laiiigell Vnlley with her piirenla,
Mr, and .Mra. Frank (iroha.
Tlilinlilo Chili to Meet
The Thimble. club of the
Woodcraft loclgn will meet wllh
Mra. Itnlilnaoii, 2181 Wnntlnnil
Wedneaday aftnrnoon.
Ilnjnl .Vi'iulilinr to Meet
A meeting of the drill team
of the Itoynl Nolgbhora will be
kali WednMdigr, 04 f, m.
Receiving ronlralulallnna .
Mr. ami Mra. A. I). Palmer are
receiving eoitgrnlulntlona on the
hlrth of an eight-pound baby ann
at the Hlllaldn hoapllal Monday.
They realdo at 33H Main atreet.
Mr. Talmer I an employe of the
tirrat Northern Hallway company.
Patient at Hlllalile
Mlaa I.ydla Frlcke. county
health nurae, la a patient at the
Hlllalile hoapllal. where ahe la
rocelvlng medical attention. Hnr
condition waa reported laat night
a aomewhat better,
Stanley Jewelt Left
Stanley Jewell, head of preda
tory animal rnnirol In the atnte
of Oregon, returned to hla head
quarter at Portland laat evening
fler a brief btialnnaa vlalt In
Klamath Falls
deft For Ilcil llluff
A. Boarcllffo left thla mnrnlng
for a brief vlalt to Red Bluff.
Calif. Ho export to be gone
several days.
Basketball Head
Will Meet Tonight
Honda of thn tniuna enrolled in
the city basketball league have
been requealml lo meet at 8 MO
innlght at thn Klnmath Sporting
(ionda atore.
ronlght'a meeting Tina been
called for thn ptirpos of complet
ing the arhednle. and to voto on
the admlanlon of two additional
teams, which will cnmplote and
alrenRlhen the league.
Sale Continues
At Golden Rule
The prosperity aalo-bvlng held
nt tho lornl (loltlen little atom
will continue. In all departments.
It was announced lust night. It
wna reported that the anle would
Inst only three days.
Throngs hnve Jammed the
store for Ihn paat thren day
whlrh la lotind proof of the won
derful value being offered
throughout thla large depart
ment (tore.
A Herald CTaaalflrd
all U,
Ad Will
Announcement of the purchase
of the Interest of Horace M. Man
ning In tha law firm of Manning,
MvCollorh and Drlarall and llalpb
V. Koran hy th other three mem
bar of thn firm wna niailo last
night by Mr. Munnlng.
"Our huslncse relations have
been moat plaaaunt and Ihe con
fidence which my frlnnda have
placed In me Is moat appreciated.
For th preaonl, I plan a vacation
In Cullfnrnlu: my future plana are
innenniin. - .Mr. Manning alated.
Mr. Manning haa linen a real'
dnnt of Klamalb Fall since the
'80s. graduating from the public
schools hero In 1S7. Later hn
was gradualed from North western
unlveralty In Chicago and from
Northwestern university law
school. He practiced law In Chi
cngo for a time, returning to
Klamath Falls in 1909. He Is
known throughout th state aa
on of Oregon a foremost criminal
"I sincerely regret leaving the
firm. Only my III health causes
ma to leave my office at thla
tlmn. My former associate are
highly filled tn carry on my
work, Mr. Manning said.
Mr. McCnlloch, who la the
snnlor member of the now firm of
McCnllnch. Drlacoll and lloran. Is
a graduate of Stanford unlveralty
law achool. He has served two
terms In thn alate aenato from
Maker county and la a former law
partner of ei-(iovernnr Oswald
Mr. I'rlscoll la a gradual of
Santa Clara unlveralty law achool,
Hanla Clara, Calif., and la thn aon
nf Jamea II. Drlacoll. prominent
Klamath Falla Insurance man.
Mr. Huraa. junior member of
th firm, la a graduate of Vandor
bllt university law achool, Nash
ville. Tenn.. and la the aon of F.
T. Ilorau nf thn Forest Lumber
company, pin Kldgn.
In New Tragedy
HILPEBRArfn. Ore. Jan. IS.
(Special! Tha Hfldrhrand
grange Inalalled It new officer
Saturday. Deputy State Maater
Arthur flrowa, Installed th of
Mr. and Mrs. William Parker
of Merrill were visiting New
Year' day In Hlldebrand.
Charle Flackus called on Mr.
Frank Nayne Thursday.
Mr. and Mra. Leonard Rltter
and family and Karl Zanilnger
and F.rneat Rltter spent New
Tear day with Mr. and Mr.
Richard Hoefler of Dairy.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Michael
and Mr, and Mrs. Byron Welch
were dinner guest of Mr. and
Mra. 8. K. Ilarttler Sunday.
Joe Smltb a business visi
tor In Donansa Monday.
Adam Wcldman wan a visitor
at thn T. P. Michael borne Mon
day evening.
Adam Weldman was a New
Tear'a gueat of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Haynv.
Lloyd Low, sheriff of Klamath
county, waa transacting business
In Hlldebrand Friday.
Marvin Michael was a ilon-
ania visitor Saturday.
Mrs. John Miller and two chil
dren. Madge and Richard and
sister Klhel Wllch of Rend. Ore.
were, visitors at the Alfred Lilly
home In Hlldebrand for several
days the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rllter
and two children. Waller and
Clara and F.rneat Riller and Karl
Zanslngcr were Sunday evening
vlaltors at tho T. P. Michael
Mr. F-mll Flackus of Aahlnnd.
Ore. la visiting with relative
" .'v-'.:. ,'"
g aa'siUKW' ; fj
Mrs. Helen Clranf. Carr Thorne-
wlll, nhove. accused of murder
ing Iter husband, Leslie A.
Thornewlll, below, former Ca
nadian Northwest "Mountln" who
figured In tha Cora Mead death
mystery. Thornewlll died in tho
a. nt Crnt Cullf.. boaDltal.
victim of two bullet wounds aa
sertedly fired by Mrs. Thorne-
111. Ha died absolving ner 01
Lba shooting.
Free School
Books Object
Bailey Bill
iivtt i.n ix (API A free
text-book bill, making it manda
tory upon school district In Ore
gon to provide ooog lor
n .. ..n. in th nnhlln achooola. will
be introduced by Eenator J. O.
Italley of Mnltnoman county. A"
r. MTi-hnnk hllla Introduced
at provlona aesalona have made
application of the proposed act
optional with the dlerrlct.
At present eome dtstrlcle In
the atate f urn I ah book for chil
dren of poor families, bat this Is
objected to for the reason that
It is humiliating to the beneft
clrle ot the system. The Port
land school district la said to ex
pend $r.000 or 16000 a year in
this way.
The printing of text-books by
Ihe state ha been under Inves
tigation during the last two years
by an interim committee and an
ndrerse report will be made to
the legislature. This bas no re
lation to the free text-book move.
and frlnnda In Hlldebrand.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Michael
and two children. Marvin and
F.sthrr, pent New Year day
wllh Mr. and Mr. James Good
of Klamath Falls.
Manv people attended the
New Year'a dance at tha Hilrie
lirnnd grange hall.
Mr. and -Mr, llyron Welch of
Rnnanza spent Sunday with Mrs.
Welch' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. P. Michael.
Fighting for Chicago Mayoralty
NRA Chlongo Bureau
Theae men are the leading figures ill what promises tn be one of
tho bitterest and most Involved mayoralty campaigns Chicago has
had In years. Four candidates have filed for the Republican nomi
nation, while tha Democrat are united in one. The Republican pri
mary election on Feb. 24 will find Mayor William Hale Thompson
(No. 1) opposed by these candidates: No. 2, Charles V. Rarrett:
No. S, Alderman Albert F. Albert, and No. 4, Judge John H, Lyl
No, I la tha Ion Democratic candldats, Antoa J. Cermak,
NEW YORK. Jan. 12. (AP
Captured In red pajamas on the
roof of ber aalnn of "culture,
wit and bonhommle,' Mlaa Hello
Livingstone fenced wllb thn law
today for Ihe fourth time In
recent montha.
At the crock of midnight, two
federal prohibition agents from
Chicago, dreaaed In evening
clothe and wearing pink rarna
tlona. aroae from the table at
which they sat with two fashion
ably gowned women and an
nounced the place was In the
hand of th government It la
Juat off Park Avenue In the
mldtown section.
Their word had hardly faded
when eight more agents, almllar
lly attired, burst through the
niftln entrance and the raid waa
on. More than a hundred guests
from the circle of the literati
wnr ordered to leave, eight em
ployees, including a young woman
secretary, were arrested, and a
certain amount of liquor waa
While thla waa going on, Mlaa
Livingstone, warned of thn raid
by ft aecrot alarm In ber fourth
floor apartment, hastily threw a
capn over her night attire and
climbed through a trap door to
the roof, apparently with the
Idea of encapiug down tha stair
way of an adjoining building.
One of tbe raider overtook her
and escorted her to the salon
via tbe street
Changing to what sb called
her ''prison clothes," Mis Liv
ingstone and ber employee were
taken to a police station. The
former actress, clutching a pink
carnation in her hand, greeted
the police lieutenant with:
"Good morning, thla I get
ting to be old-fashioned now."
Mis Livingstone i at liberty
under bail on two chargea nf
violating the prohibition law as
a result of three previous raids.
Two of her clubs wnr padlocked
and tbe present one waa visited
by federal agent as recently as
December 4.
11 HART wanla othera to
know nf wonderful health
building powers of Hargon.
"Sargon brought me health,
strength and happiness and I am
only too glad to tell others what
it did for me. For tha past four
yoara my stomach was terribly
acid, my food disagreed with me;
and I waa weak, bilious and run
down. My nerves were so shat-;
tered I seldom ever had mora !
than ft few bourn sleep at night. ;
It' just wonderful tbe way Sar- I
gon and Sargon Pill took bold .
of my troubles! I eat anything I
want now, and my biliousness '
and stomach tronble have entire- I
ly disappeared. My nervousness i )
over and I sleep good all night.
I feel better and atronger than 1
I hare in years." Mr. Barn-1
hart lives at W. 2321 Dean Ave.. I
Spokane. Sold by Maglll Drng
For Results Can Herald Claa Ada
By Ikirla Portf
"I feel that I have been relieved
of a great deal of responsibility;
while I enjoyed being mayor and
considered It a high honor to he
chief executive, I am glad to be
out of politics," state Mr. T. B.
Watters, the only man who was
elected mayor twice.
When asked th most Important
department of thn city, Mr. Wat
ters states that although there is
more comment on tbe police de
partment, the most Important de
partment handles thn city finan
ces. "An amusing Incident during
the time I waa mayor was a letter
which I received from lady In
Wyoming, saying that she had lost
a black and wbita cat abont three
mllea eaat of the city whlln ahe
aa an ft trip through tha enna
try, and she wanted mo tn find It.
However, I was not able lo local
tha animal."
Mr. Wallers Is In ths real estate
bualneaa. II ta extending hi of
fice, and will move to a new loca
tion thla week.
'! do not believe that thn un
employment situation la aa aerl
oii here s In other places." says
Mr. Watters. "the fie employ
ment agency haa donn ft great deal
tn aid In finding work. However,
anyone having a dny'a work, or
even a few hours work, should
call thn agency.
Famous Tamalcs
Delivered Anywhere In
Klamath Falla. Day or Night
Hot Ready to Scrv
Special Rates to Parties and
Tel. 884.
MO Spring St., Corner of Oak.
RAINBOW Last Showing Today
With Esther Ral
iton, Warner Oland
Jay Cpton. Joint senator repre
senting Klamath county in tbe
present session of th state leg
islature, fared well in committee
appointments, having been named
to soma ot the most important
assignment In the upper house.
Upton waa named chairman of ;
the committee on Irrigation and
Drainage, ann recciTiru jjmm.cs uu j
in a oiner louowuia .in mj mm
committees: Banking. Judiciary,
railroads and utilities, and roads
and highways.
P. O. DcLap, representative
from Klamath county was named
chairman of th committee on
insurance, and assigned to tbe
resolutions, and irrigation and
drainage committee. DeLap was I
one of the house member who j
m.uI ih I.ciTicrran for sneak-!
er camp early In the game.
A. W. Schanpp, representative
from this connty. waa made ft
member of th Important com
mittee on game, and was accord
ed a place on th resolutions
committee. Schanpp waa ft Gor
don anpporter tor the speakership.
i.iu'VFr fv.hoa client Is un- !
der arrest): You say you ve a per
fect answer to this wife murder
charge. What is it?
CLIENT: sue wasn i my wiie.
-Tbe Humorist.
-ffrW fWr! AtklowDraccM A
IO a. Bloe-nos-M' rl avttaosaj J
irttctailtjC UIM. Mfetd wtth Mm "
Kihho. T . Bar V
r Mr lrtrH't. Uh for
cni. rat:-fF.IW m&MSTT
BBtKD I'lLJ-. ! rrr Lacv
U U-Mt. SxV-t. Rfl.iIL. Itar Howl
t At PXA
g0ltuf r I
Pine Tree
Starting Today
"Anybody War
CL Qaramount Qicture
Absolutely new and original from
first scream to last! Rndloland's
fun favorite as yoa've never seen
or heard them before:
CV 'r' I News Comely jf - " Sl
at i aai i . i , --...v . -ijm i'' ii it. l , . Sj -M-r. ' " :
- Til 11 1- .......
NT : - .. 1 , -I
.m.I "aalAwW-Hjl
Yi .