The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 23, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, October 23, 1030
Men Prominent In Scottish Rite Circles Attend Reunion
Bill Providing For
Text Subject at
T. Senion
Luncheon And Addrec
Wrre Feature Latt
Outslundtii n tills morning'
pruKnuu fur Ilia Huullmrn Or
you'e rmlonul uuifiirma'o of par
na and li-ailim I ho ddr
ilcllvrrrd hy Mr. William Klul
iir. who luld ( Hio (' I"'1 bm,
iiixamiro lilih olll la up lif"i
Inn olrr l llio Nuvi-nilicr elcc
I'on. Mm. Kllr, wlio rsldu
In rnrllmid, tin niado an oihau.
llrn ludy o( I tin itiittiuirit, and ci
plained all (ilinnoit Of the proposed
Tlil afternoon Dnan Janilrson
of llri'n hlnlo collrito, talkad on
How lu Our Yaiinx I'ooplo Hpond
Thnlr l.elsuro Hours." follow
Ink hrr address a dlsiusslon and
rulllna of "Wlinl Kliall Our Chli
rtrru llrad?" as conducted by I ho
Mainalli Kails Library.
Todiiy'a session n opened by
Invorallnn delivered hy Arrhdea
ron J. Ilonry Tliumaa, whlih ji
followed by rnmiiiunlly sliigltic,
lid hy Mlta Ulllo Darky.
A membership discussion wni
n by Mm. II. M. lihaw, statu
treasurer, and a dlsrim.lon of rid
fiialilp wan led by Mra. William
Ktotmr. presiding vlco prenldcnl.
At noen today a tunrlieon mi
held, at Uh Ih matter or ten
looks was aiialn brought up. K'lnai
tensions of tha conference ara lu
I rojrre.s ttila afternoon. Included
in tho program ara a talk on
"fiafiy." by Hay Conway, Oregon
Ftalo Motor association, and lran
Jamleson's talk Miss C'larlbal
Nyo of Oregon Plato rollece was
scheduled to appear on Ilia pro
jrrntn lain thla uflernnm. and to
l,lr a discussion on school lunch
c, dlota. etc.
Thla arenlns; will mark the
rtrun of I ho two-day session.
Unnl .rents will It a week day
l llila school by Her. Arllinr T.
lnton and musical selections by
Harry llorrl and bla orchestra, a
"li by Howard (Iraham and a
iral selection by Mn. 11. 1 1 In I ( .
Shortly after J o'rloi k the eon
ferenre will ha officially closed.
' Dinner Held
j na proxraiii mat evening was
rarled and una u.tirred In Willi
a "publicity dinner" (erred In Ilia
bamiuet room of (ha Kimt Moth church l the ladlra of
that di'ncimlnatlon. Tha dinner
waa presided orer by Mra. II. c
iewion( riiairman of the state
publicity rommlllra. and waa pra-
reueq wnn aereral arlecllona by
D. t,. Pavldsnn, J!, Vener
atilo Mualnr of Hlaklyou Ixidgo
of rerfoctlnn, Meilford, who la
attending reunion.
rimrli-a O. Will ah Ira, 82
Vaunrubla Maater of Kadoah
Kugone (,'onnlstory No. 2, ona of
Ilia rlaltlng bhrlnma lu Kluinulli
fa I la.
' i sty
Carl II. Young, J2 necordar
Itcglatnr Council and Coualatory,
KiiK'Mie, Oregon, who la attend
ing tha Rcottlah Klta ceremonial.
Walter II. Jonea. 12', Wlaa
Maater of Rli.klyuu Chapter Itoe
Croix, Valley of Modford, Orinnt
of Oregon.
I ho grado arbool band of It
plmea, under tho dlreatlvn uf
Mlaa l.lllla Darby, mualu auper
rlaur of tho city arhoola.
Tho addroaa of tha dinner waa
dnllvared by l."n Tuttlo odliorol
lbs Kreiilng llurnld ttin auhjwl
bulng: "Pulillrlly and Ita Value
to Pnrent-Toai hur Organliatlona."
Tho dinner program rloaed
will) aong by a group of glrla
of Ittrcraldo ai'bool.
ITraMrnt heaka
The ( o'clock program waa
prealdud orer by Mra. V. T.
llrke, prraldnnt of tbo Oregon
aaao latlon, and opened with two
uumbera by tho glee club of tbe
aereiilti grade of Kretnonl aehool
under the dlrertlon of Mlaa
A aplmidld fen I uro of tha pro
gram waa tho addreaa by Trnel
dnnt Ilrlro on "rarenlal Co-Oi-erallon
In a Child Wellaro Pro
gram.." In whlrb waa alrermd tha
worth of a llttlo child. Tho
apeaher rniphaal-.d tho aorun
cardlnul prlnrlplea of child de
relopinent, enlarging upon earb
In tha order of Ha promlnenr.
Cloning Hio addreaa, Mra. llrlie
pointed out that tho National
Mra ITrntlaa Hieaka
Tho aerond Interrailug addreai
waa delivered by Mra. Karah W.
I'rvntlaa of Oregon Hiio Colleg
Her aubjert waa: "Tho Family
and tho Homo aa Ilarkgrounda."
Questioning tha atatament r
rently made by a prominent ad
ulator of the atale that tho borne
ran no longer bo dependid upon
In Hie development of tho atti
tude, hitblta and general charac
terlatlra, tho apeuker aald 'the
home mul ronllnun tho work ol
child development."
Tho program cloaed with an
enlightening addreaa by I'aul T.
Jar--nn. prlnrlpal of Klamath
high aehool, oti V-Hntlonal Guid
ance In High Schoola," who ex
plained this syatum of education.
.Morlle Hair Talka
"II. 0. Wells, tho writer, baa
atated that the world must r oae
between fMluratlon and rntaairo
phe. and bo waa not apeak Ing of
the (duration of children, but or
a-" Ita," waa a f 'rment Diade
by Mlaa Moiello Hair of the ei-
tnnslon division of the Uulrorslty
of Oregou, who spoke bitloro the
.at!ri"g Wednesday afternoon
on "Adult Ku-.--lnn."
The speaker pointed out sev
eral Important reasons why adult
education la ao important, name
ly: for citizenship, slmo Inlelll
genre In voting la neeer ry now
adays, and thla means being In
formed: the apparent fact that
the studio of rhllii!r -1 i:ro tut
sufficient for today; (ho n:pon
slhlllty of parcnta to provide
aultnblo bomea for children,
which nocnnaltutea IntelllKcnrn of
an economic and aoclnl order;
and to determine tho nunllty of
Hchnola by being Informed on ed
ucation. lttiiTLAMi mi:s uvnr
Kl'GEKR. Oct 23. (API J. II.
Ogle and C. J. Ogle of Portland
were rut and brulaed laat night
whan their motorcycle crashed
Into a sign post weat of here on
tho Pacific highway. J. II. Ogle,
who waa driving, said lights of a
.ar approaching them blinded
Aura llelle Good, widow of tho
late Iter. Wllmer Klaworth Gooda
and promlnonl resident of Mac
dool. Calif., passed away In this
city Thiirsitoy morning at 4 o'clock
following an lllneaa of aereral
months. She was born In Nebras
ka Auguat 4. 1KS3. and aged 67
years, 2 mnntha and lu days at
the time of death. She Is aurrlred
hy three sona, Arthur K. Ooodo of
Proapert, Ore.; Klaworth and Merl
of Macdoel. Col., and four daugh
ters. Mra. Ilertha Kandy of Crater
Lake National park. Mrs. Mario
Mllltgan of lllrhmnnd. Calif., Mrs.
Kra Young and Mrs. taud Holmes
cl Macdoel. Calif.
The remalna ar In the gold
room of the Kurl WUItlock funeral
homo. Pino at Sixth, where friends
may fall. Announcement of fun
eral arrangements will be made
Kiled In the offh e of tho coun
ty clerk, October 22, 1930:
It. II. Ellis el ux to F. L. Wea
rer. E. M. Chllcote et al to F. 8. Ter
ry et ux.
George It. Llndloy et ox to
Francis E. Green et ux.
ti. V, Key et ux to Leslla Pey
ton. Fred 8. Poege and Mauds J.
Doege to 8. V. Key.
Frances K. Boyd to 0. II. Han
cork et ux.
Hugh Falrey to Julia A. Falrey
of Morrill.
Irene Hector et vlr tt Dora E.
filran of Illy.
Dora Glrin et vlr to Irene Rec
tor. Quit Clnlma
C. T. OXougblln et nx to the
Klamath Recurltlea Corporation.
Imogene L. Hampton to George
Le. et al.
W. M. Myer et ux and C. K.
Brandenburg to Loreui company.
Mounted Police
Seek For Slayer
Of Four Persons
EDMONTON, Alberta, Oct 13.
(AP) Four persons were killed
and a fifth probably fatally shot
today on a farm near &moky
I-ake, Alberta. Police were seek
ing George Dwernychuk of Ed
monton, aa tho slayer.
The dead are: John Walan-
With all eyes turned on Port
and where on Norember 1 the
great football teams of Oregon
State and Washington Stale col
lege will vie. Southern Pacific
haa announced a special round
trip fare of ll'J from here to
Portland for tho event.
Thla special fare will be on
aalo rrl'lay, October 21 only and
tbe return limit will be Thurs
day, Norember 6.
Interest Is running high In
this context aa It will find tbe
Oregon Amies making a deter
mined effort to atem tha march
of tbe Washington Cougars to
ward a Pacific coant and possible
national rhamplonahlp title. Alio
It la being sponsored by the
Shrlnera of Orugon aa a benefit
for the Shrine hospital for crip
pled children. One-third of the
net receipts will go to tbe hos
pital. Shrlnera from all orer !
the Pacific will attend 1
and parades, band concerts and ;
Shrine drills will make Portland i
a gala place before and after
tbe game. :
Another attraction which will ,
center Interest on Portland Sat- i
unlay will be tbe final day of j
tbe 20th annual Pacific Interna- '
tlonal Llrestock Exposition. Tbia '
rant exhibition, which opens Oc
tober 25, will close Saturday '
night, Norember 1, with a brll-:
liant borse abow,
ski, father-in-law of George
Dwernychuk; Mra. John Walan
ski, Mary Walanakl, It, an In
valid; John Darlcbuk, middle
aged farmer.
Mrs. Huchaluk, aged grand
mother of Mary Walanakl, wai
also shot down and la In a hos
pital at Smoke Lake, eight miles
northeast of hnre In a critical
25 Pounds Xmas
Seals Received
"Fifty-five pounds, or five and
one bait miles of Christmas
Seals have arrived at the sale
headquarters at the ch-.aiber of
commerce," Mrs. Hurt Hawkins,
chairman of the Chrlatmna Seal
Sale, announced today.
"In the words of the old
story." Mrs. Hawkins continued,
"these aeala. If placed end to end
would reach from the aale head
quarters to the Klamath Falle
Lakeriew Junction."
Work of folding the seals and
accompanying literature which
the Klamath county health as
sociation will use for weapons
In the fight against tubsrrulosla
la thla county will b start!
soon, and Mra. Hawkins will an
nounce her corps of helper Hi
the near future.
Former Baker Man
Is Suicide Victim
nAKEIl, Ore.. O't. 13, (AP)
D. II. Itlnebart, 40. former
linker resident, shot himself to
death with a pistol at bis bom
In John Day yeaterday. In tha
preaence of hla wife. After bar
ing called her to tba porch, he
told her bo bad placed 1800 In
currency In hla ahooa, and It waa
for her. He placed the weapon
to hi temple and fired. Mra.
Rlnehart aued him for a divorce
a few day ago.
Judges and Clerks who served on
Election boards at the May Primary
Election, and who cannot serve at the
coming election November 4th, please
call the office of the County Clerk.
C. R. DeLAP, County Clerk.
with sciatica, rheumatism, gout
ind similar complaints. Let
chiropractic, nature' way, cor
rect the cauje and remove the
teat of the suffering. A visit to
nur office will rcmore all doubt.
Why not consult ns today?
Fieri rlc Treatment
T8I Main SI. Klewart-Drrw Bide
Office, 404-W. Ree.. 404-"..
A Possible "Conspiracy"
A conspiracy that a very pleasant conspiracy. So many people have said to me
'You have certainly had some fine shows lately, Harry" that I wondered if it was
a pre-arranged system but when I think over our line-up for the past few weeks 1
entirely agree with them. However, like Al Jolson I want to say to you "You ain't
seen nothin' yet."
CAN Theatre because we are featuring what I honestly believe to bo tho greatest
ail- picture yet made "THE DAWN TATR0L." I saw in Los Angeles Howard
Hughes' four million dollar air epic, "Hell's Angels" which took three yearsto make
and cost the lives of four men; it is a wonderful production but in no way does it
exceed "THE DAWN PATROL" and in some details it does not equal it. Notably
the story in "Dawn Patrol" Richard Barthelmess is again, the magnificent artist
that he was in "Tol'able David" and "Broken Blossoms" and the supporting cast is
perfect. I wish I knew enough words to convey to you what I think about this pic
ture you will have to see it to realize tHe inadequacy of an ordinary man's voca
ONI 0LSEN PLAYERS will present on our stage "THE SHIP." We have had Mor
oni Olsen, Janet Young and their company with us several times before and it is
with deep regret that we have to announce that this is their farewell tour and af
ter this season they disband for an indeterminate length of time. The Moroni Olsen
Players are in a class by themselves and we are looking forward to their appear
ance as a real treat.
TURES that I would need a whole newspaper to tell you about them, but here are a
few of our immediate bookings: The inimitable Amos 'n Andy in their first picture
"CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK" Ann Harding in the surprise of the year,
"HOLIDAY" Wheeler & Woolsey in "HALF SHOT AT SUNRISE" Bebe Daniels
in "DIXIANA" darling Marilyn Miller in "SUNNY" Wallace Beery in "THE BIG
HOUSE" 1 could go on indefinitely with this list but these will give you some idea
of the entertainment we have in store for you. Anyway, you know the old adage
that Beeing is believing, so it's your move next.
Yours for Bigger and Better Pictures,
"You hove Icoid irhe fiirinfiiesft
of ffouE iidjcatfioinis For success
i n
using the
Ultra Violet Ray
in the 'Toasting7
of Lucky Strike
Noted Industrial leader and philanthropist.
President Electric Auto. lite Company.
Director Willys-Over land Company
'The demand of Americans for
and safety has made the Electric
Auto-lite standard equipment in
many of the finest of American
automobiles. In using the Ultra
Violet Ray in the 'Toasting of the
LUCKY STRIKE tobaccos you
have laid the firmest of founda
lions for the success of your prod
ucU Because you are rendering
Americans a service which they
appreciate most the benefit of
modern science."
?' X'
- ? . ...."" f .
Everyone knows that
sunshine mellows-that's why TOASTING
includes the use of the Ultra Violet Ray.
LUCKY STRIKE the finest cigarette you
ever smoked, made of the finest tobac-cos-the
Cream of the Crop-THEN-IT'S
TOASTED." Everyone knows that heat
purifies and so TOASTING removes harm
ful Irritants that cause throat Irritation
and coughing. No wonder 20,679 phy
sicians have stated LUCKIES to be less
Your Throat Protection ogalnst Irritation against com
CoiudaUnt with It policy of layimr tha facta before th. public. Th. Amarjcan Tobarco "-W h'jj" "'uSrrSce;
Minifrer to review the report of the distinguished men who have wilnoaaed LUCKY STRUti. S lamou ioaung rroceaa.
The statement of Mr. Miniger appear on thi lee.