The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 09, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    Saturday, Auguwt 9, 1030
-'oon-Day Crowd See
Stranger Drop Bag
With Bomb
((1niillnHl frmri I'sko One)
Knrltislils station. Informing them
ef what wiii happening, and warn.
lug tlimn lo remain uulstrie the
bank anil wall for lb sirs nice lo
some out wltb Ilia inouy.
Her Mttl thai wblle he was
mllliiK lh iploiluu ounurretf.
ilotli I'altun ml the swindler
era klllixl luslanlly. Tns strsng-
era boil y waa lorn to lllere from
tha waist dews and his turau
hurled to tha calling.
Itallk FUluree ItrmolUhrll
All Ilia furniture and futures
of th liank were scattered ami de
molished. Ily a mlrarln, tha re
mainder of Ilia 30 employee ami
rnsiomera were uninjured.
Money and rherke were sirewn
Tha unidentified man was de
errlhed ss having sandy, rod bulr.
Ha waa aald lo have been about 6
fan! I Inches tall, ami welshed
about 1SU pounds.
Tha boy. who la Ilia auu of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifton Maian waa
atamllm Inside tha bank. Klylug
llaaa cut him on tha hesd and
Marahall ha a tiadly cut If).
I'alton'a body waa mutllalad.
tha arma and legs having haan
torn from tha torao.
Tha bank la lorstnd oil El
ehsngs avenue In lha parking
kouaa dlatrlot.
(Continued rrotn Pas-e (tote)
Sourl rivers and Ihalr tcltmtsrle
ara rapidly approaching a aiata
here navlgatlua will ba Impuui
bla. river man said
lUver Kmla'tit s.ndaMgvrMl
tn Ht. Louis a 3.1 stage waa un
usually low fu. August, allhoujrh
allll far aliove iba all-tlma low
etsss of II balow Ito In I la
ram liar. 117, At Ihla point tha
rhannal allll kaa an sight-foot
daplh whan Iba elage la iito. bow
aar. Kiruralon boala ara atlll
rannlni, but (low frolght waa op
denser ed.
la scattered sections of Iba
Qroat IjhM, sree, small hlta ot
woodland warn ablaia. adding
Daw manara to lha midwest
drought, H. . Hchoonover, re
glonal forester In Milwaukee,
characterised cnndltlnna '
tranaly dangaroua."
May t'mil Off In Iowa
Conlar weather waa foraraat
for Iowa, whlrh eweltered yester
day wllh temperatures averaging
100. No rain, hut conter weailwr
sat foraraat by nlgh'fall for Min
nesota, (inn daalli from lha haat
waa reported yeierdny In ft.
In Nebraska, new hopes for a
good corn crop warn si pressed,
dua lo recent showere and es
Iremely high humidity. Lincoln
had another rain yesierday and
tha temperature fell 20 degrees.
In Omaha, lha high waa II.
In New York city It wasn't lha
haat but tha humidity. Tha mag
Imum yesterday waa only 5, but
lha heavy atmosphere dashed
hope of physical relief The
same condition eitsled In Chicago.
Showers splotched scattered
serllona of Ohio, hut not enough
to help rrnps In ganaral. Trm.
peratures ranged yesterday be
tween RS and S.
Three died yealsrdav In Phila
delphia, where the mercury roaa
to .
. Shasta Division
Payroll $63,187
In Month of June
A summary of the Southern
Pacific payroll for tha month of
June waa Isaued loriuv by J. W.
Fltirnriild. superintendent of tha
Slissta Division. The report
showa that l .1 . 1 7 7 . was paid
In salaries to 114 men during
thut month.
t39 employes In the trans-
portiitlon d-psrtn I received
140.7110 11 while 164 employed
tn the maintenance of rusds re
ceived 18. 775.114. Those employ
ed In motive nnd power work
received JU.HKI..11 for their
(Contlliucil from Pane Ona)
benefiting from lha work.
Co-0N'rutlin NwmIiiI
Debler aiild doss oo-operallon
between atntus, districts and the
fadernl government will ba neces
sary for tho future success of such
a project. "Tho apectra of Kasl
aru opposition lo reclamation can
ba mot only by inch united ac
tion." he declared.
Luper declared a publlo mis
understanding exists as to the status of private control
of wator resources. Tha state is
not signing away a public herit
age), he said, hut he urged a new
leasing law whereby the state may
heller protect power sites while
atlll encouraging development by
private capital where this Is ad
vantageous. .
Paul Schnur Opens
Insurance Business
Paul Schnur bus severed hi
coiinoctton with l.ocke .Motor Co.,
nnd has opened an Insurance of
fice at till Klnmiith avenue. Mr.
Schnnr Is repreaontntlng the New
York Lift) Insurunce company.
Having followed the automobile
business In KluniHth r'nlls tor
thraa years. Mr. Rchiiur hug a
hroad acquaintance, which he
finds Is n greut advunliiRe In sell
ing Insurance,
Gas Corporation
Making Survey of
Estimate Service
I. ihi Is i, llust, malinger of tha
Natural (laa Corporation ol Ore-
Ion whlrh haa atnrud construe.
linn of their plant In Ihla elty,
announced Indny that a aurvay
of the city will he Blurted on
Monday to determine tha num
ber of homes and business placea
who will want aus aervlca.
Inalnllutlnn of tho gag mulns
I going ahead rupldly and In
urder lo determine III amount
of business whli h will be band
led by tha company, tha survey
has been alnri.-d. Several aa-
slalanla bava bean engaged for
Ihla work and will go to tha
various eortioua of the city to
call on each hoiua.
Want Knrly llrcialun
"We nop that a decision can
ba reached In each kouie before
our men call. Tboaa who will
want gaa service ran be assured
of obtaining II for this winter
and at the earliest possible mo
ment If they ran let our men
know at tho time ot Ihla raj I,"
Mr, Kust staled.
"We have, bad a number of
Inquiries aa to the illlterent pur
poaea for which gits service can
be used. In gnawer lo tlleeo wa
can say that It la expected that
the principal uses will ba lor, refrigeration, water
beating, bouse healing, garbage
Incineration and laundry drying.
Anyone wishing te una gaa for
one or more of I bene purpoeee
. M ataia what gaa service la
desired when our men rail." ba
( Continued from I'mas One)
h. in coma In and what benefits
ara lo be derived.
"The tai levy In the outside
additions ta 44.1 mllla. and In
side the city la mills.' A home
owner In Hlxoo addtlon who now
paya Ido.oi a year laiea will
..... I?', un when. Inalde the City.
one who now paya 174.00 will
pay 1111. e. Aayona cau
fi.iiraa hv checking the
tat records, bo far aa Uia writer
ran ae. ibera are no oiuer oia-advanlagee.
.t.lveoiagiw ).
-U..I..V. etiiiii(ioi will be
.1. I.l.-I I "
greatly Improved. ' t" tr
will no doubt be .-d t con
struct aewara aa soon aa eroper
peiltlons are presented. A num
ber of ceaapoola bava given trou
ble lately.
Tire protection will ha as-
a . iMaimece raUM Will
coma down. At preeeut. I1WI0
policy oa lllllsiae avenue, or eor
other placa outside the city
where there are three bouaea
less than Si leot apart, cueia
JI06 tor three years. Immediate
ly, if Inside tha eliy, the rata
.....t.t l reriured to S3! for
three yeara. and aa aoon aa fire
hydrsula were put In I he rale
would come down In IJ7.00 for
three yeara. Mro proiecuou
... hurv. for a fire always
destroys many thluga which can
not be replacea wnn
Alw.i m .br aao a auiall bouse
and two garages burned. The
wind waa In tha aoum ana mere
as plenty of clear spare In the
...nh If i he uievalllng wino
from the north bad bon blow
ing, very llk.ily a lot ot nouses
In IlUon addition would have
"IMsou, Hillside and The Tec
k... - aentle alone to the
south and west and aommand a
lallgblfnl tlew of the eeuey.
...u . n,i mniintnlna and a num
ber of excellent houiee hare bean
built, but development haa been
retarded by lack at money for
bulldlug nurpoea. Moat ol lha
loan companies will not go oni
eld tha city llmlla. and looea
hlch do loan ouiaioe require
larger margin ot eecurlty.
Once within the city, money
would ba eaeler and tnis neeir
able residence aectloo would
build more rapidly.
."rhn. hn travel Main atreei
..... the nM Kort Klamath !
bridge and np Hillside avenue
know well ibe condltlona. The
bridge ta narrow and may not
be aafa, and the road la simply
nigh. Very lineiy a measure
111 ba lu Ibe ballot till fall
to vote general onngaiion oonna
tor the purpose of building con
crete bridges on Lincoln, Klev-
ith. Wall and fcapisnauc. an
ihune bridges are bad and
k vetiieeed bv modern
ructiirea. Tha old hrldgn lead-
ig to Dixon and lliitsiiie is now
....I..- .t.. eiiv limits and ean-
uuieiun ... .
not ba Included In this program
lless tha district viuea i"
une In.
"A favorable vole Is a vote
for better things, a vol for
progress, a vote tor a giwiei
Klauialh falls."
(Continued from I'age One)
tended to potlllun for special
puriiilsslon to disregard the umml
raqulrainantg and make amer
guncy rates.
In rlew of that and tha pro
naaiils President Hoovor has
mndc, lha Commission took quick
aotlon to give blauknl autnorua ,
tlun tor such action.
Helen Vule. of Bly. waa arreal-
a hv a nartv of ottlcors Thura i
day night, und charged with po- i
aesalon and aula ot oeor. .noi
than 240 bottles of that beverage
mere deairovnd bv the officers.
At a hearing Detore inc
Justlco of tho peace. Helen Vale
waa assessed a . tine ot $0.
Klnh uhe did not nny. She Is
serving ont the lima In tho
county jail. I
Prominent Chinese Visit
Chin Lung and Chin Fit prom
inent merchnnla of San Francis
co, are spending h few duya In
Kin mat h county looking over
their properties. Next year Chin
Lung expects In plant potatoes
on tha ranch he recently pnr-
(Cuntlnnod from Page One)
food and scarcity of water.
Tha Courier-Journal's estimate
ot 1100,000,000 lose waa arrived
at by accumulating the perrem-
aga of eel I in a ted crop loaaea from
tha weather bureau and other
aourcea aud subtracting It from
tha value of laat year'a crop.
7 b Inae of tobacco waa eatl
mated at from 26 to 60 per cent.
The value of last year's crop was
IIS. 161,000, which would make
lbs loss to that crop alone around
Weather bureau estlniatae were
Iba - corn crop would ba only
from II fo 40 per cent normal.
Laal year's crop waa valued si
I7J.6ZJ.UOO. other crops have
suffered accordingly.
t attle Ills la Klolils.
Itopiiria on conditions collected
by Vo trained observers for J. L.
Kendall, meteorologist, were de
clared hy Mr. Kendall to ha "al
most anhelleveable." He aald
cattle are dying In ths fields,
pastures ara burned out. stock
la oa winter rations sod In many
caaea entirely without food. Km in
Boms sections csme reporta farm
era are cutting. down trees dally
ao alock can eat ths leaves.
Tho Louisville weather bureau
aaw no Immediate geueral re
lief lu eight. Temperatures yes
terday wars ss high ss 10k at
KarllsgtoB and aonllnusd warm
weather waa foraraat for today.
Orala Heavily Deeufed.
County Agent W. D. Button
of Hopkins county wired flscre
lary Hyds grsls srops la the
county srs damaged 70 psr cent,
forage crops to per cent and
1600 families srs suable to pur
chase feed for livestock or aseds
for plsntlng. ,
W. 0. Johnstone. MrCrsrken
agent, wired Secretary Hyds ths
situation there wss "vary acute"
wllh a aeries scarcity of food for
both human beings and livestock,
even baud red families will aeed
food and 1600 are unable to pur
chase feed for livestock, ths tele
gram said.
(Ooatiaeed fro as Page Owe)
sdmlttlng lumber and pulp wood,
lis ssld lbs department's attltnds
waa caused by Russia's buying
goods la this eoantry three limes
the value ot what ahe sella here.
A. 0. Olxoo. Eugene, Ore., pres
ident of ths ssBoclstluo, told ths
lumbermen ths Industry "should
not stop st production, but should
go out and get the business." Hs
srged tbs delegates to educate lbs
publlo (o all uses of lumber, and
advtsod "Intsnslvs and modern
methods of salesmanship."
Hume Financing I'roprMcd
M. It. Nelson, Kansas City, pres
ident of ths Long-Bell Lumber
aoaipanr. said horns financing
plana are much tn demand. The
borne financing committee, o'
which he ta chalrmnn, recommend
ed a horns financing department
be made a part of tbe national or
ganisation, Representatives of the Wast
Ooeet Lumbermen's association,
Waetsra Pins Manufacturers' as
sociation, California -Sugar Plna
association, and California Rdi
wood association are here for tbe
meetings, whlrh cloas today.
Rasters Vllt
Dr. sad Mrs. W. X. Meyer of
Brooklyn. New Tork, spent Wed
nesday In Klamath Falls as
gneala of the Hall hotel. Dr. C.
E. Utrnnt- of Long Islaad. K. T.
wss also a visitor bars.
Taxi Man Not in
Favor of Charter
Taxi owners In tbs city are
objecting to ths proposed new
elty charter bersuas tbey think
that If tbs plsn Is. adopted the
same "gang" of officials will hs
holding offlrw ba before. At
leant that is what Jimmy Corn
forth t ths lllark snd Whits
Taxi statod when he waa Inter
viewed loduy.
"I don't think It would be a
good thing for the city If ths
nsw city nmnager form of gov
srnmsnt wsa sdopted. We would
bsvs the sains outfit In efflce
ws bava now, asd I don't think
they ars any good. What we
want ta a man that will do
tbs people some good.
"Ths way It Is now some poor
lambsrjgck comae In town ssd
takes a ilrlnk and they throw
him In the can. All the money
that should slay In Klamath
Falls Is going down to Dorrle
svery csnt of It," hs staled.
C. I. He'kard, another taxi
swnsr, also believes that ths saw
city charter would not bs any
betisr than tha one under whlcb
tbs city la now governed. "I
can't see anything better la It.
Tbey don't give us anything to
go by to tell what It will do.
"Ws don't know what tbey
will pay the niaaaxer. And as
far aa we know there Is a pos
sibility that tbs same bunco
will rnls ths city. They say
tbey' will go ont and rustle a
nan, but ihsy don't say where.
How can ws tall wether or not
tbey will got a man with ths
rtght amount ot ability and
honesty lo yuls ths eltyt" bs
Hundreds Inspect
Audley Apartments
Tbs opening of tbe Audley
apartments at Eighth and Wal
nut held Friday waa attended by
hundreds of Klamath Talle peo
ple, everyone of whom voiced
pleasure at eeeing a building so
perfect In architecture, arrange
aietit and Interior decoration.
Cueats were taken through the
esrtoas a part menu by Mr. and
Mra. Italph Kgger. owners, as
sisted by a a umber of their
Hugs baskets ot flowers deco
rated tha hallways and entrance
vestibule while profusions of
mldssmmsr flowers snd ferns
wsra placsd In ths apartment
Several of tha apartments have
already been ' rented and many
mors spoken for. Mr. and Mra.
Harry Pelts bsvs moved Into
their attractive apartment snd
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Egger srs
now occupying their apartment
on ths first floor.
Crowds Attracted
To Altamont Dances
Baldy Evans and bis PsUeaa
Troubadours ars to play for danc
ing tonight at tbs Altamont. This
popular musical organization have
been entertaining local dancers
for a long tlms with their par
ticular style ot music.
Tonight dancing starts promptly
st 1:0 'clock snd contuses
throughout tbs sven(ng. Tbs Al
tamont has proven a very poplar
gmneemenl resort on account of
lis superb floor, music snd eool
aasa, Club Women Will .
Dine at Library
Members of ths Business and
Professional Woman's club are
making plans for a supper to be
held Monday evening at the
Library club rooms.
Following the dinner several
games of ministers golf will be
played. Those wishing to mske
reservations ara asked to call
Balls Fahnlander.
Js a Business Man
'pHE modem farmer appreciates the
help that up-to-date farm methods
can give him. He runs his farm m a
business-like manner extending his ef
ficiency through the aid and counsel of
this bank which is ready at all time
to cooperate in solving his problems.
These important members1 of our com
munity are always welcome here.
American National Bank
of Klamath Falls, Ore
Capital $200,000.00
"The Commission Hhall have and exercise EXCLUSIVELY all legislative power
and authority of the City of Klamath Falls, and no legislative powers or authority,
either expressed or implied shall be exercised by any other person or persons, board'
or boards, other than the Commission." .
"He (the City Manager) shall see that the business aff aim of the municipal coiw
poration are transacted in a modern, scientific, and businessJike manner,, and. tha
services performed and the records kept shall be as nearly aa may b like those of
an efficient and successful private corporation; he shall be ACC0UNTAJ3LE to tha
Commission for his actions, conduct and management of the business. NO CON
TRACT of employment of the City Manager FOR A DEFINITE TERM shall ever
be mad but the City Manager may be D ISCHARGED by the Commission at the
pleasure of the Commission."
The above are extracts from the City Manager Charter, covering the authority
of the so-called "One Man Power" or "Czar." This leaves-all authority and: power
absolutely in the hands of the Commission who are chosen directly by the people
themselves. There can be no "passing the buck" as to what i or is not done.
Compare this with the power that now rests in the hands of the Mayor under
the present charter. He makes all appointments of heads- of departments- and em
ployees of the city, with the approval of the Council. If the- Council, doe nob ap
prove he can make five day appointments during the entire length of his- term and
no Council or other authority can remove them from office. He is elected from the
city at kge and if so inclined can favor those sections most thickly populated and
containing the most votes, to the neglect and injury of tbe outlying districts. Through,
his power of veto he can control legislation and force the council to do his will
or remain inactive.
We heard someone say something about a "Bootleggers Privilege" being worth
$100s000. This is a line of business with which we are not very familiar but we are
willing to accept the gentleman's word as reliable authority. We are firmly of the
opinion that the bootlegger would prefer US take his chance on a deal with the
"Mayor-Council" form of government rather than the "City' Manager" form, and:
this is further evidenced by the fact that a local bootlegger stated in a public meet
ing that if the City Manager charter w as adopted he would, sell his property and
leave the city.
Police records show that jitney drivers are notorious for their bootlegging activ
ities. They are at the present time carrying banners on their cars, 'Defeat the
City Manager Plan."
In practically every city, of sufficient size, now operating under the Cfty Man
ager government, the Police and Fire De partments, and in the larger cities all city
employees, are operating under Civil Service. This is one of the outstanding ac
complishments that has been fostered by ' Manager cities. It takes these appoint
ments out of politics and assures the selection of Policemen and Fireman on, the
basis of merit It takes years to train men to cope with the cleverness of crooks and
criminals, and if a man is to be encouraged to train for this, work, he should be as
sured of the permanency of his position as long as he makes good. This is equally
true of the fire department. If your home is on fire you want skilled, trained men.
to protect your property and maybe lives. A man whose job depends on the favor
of some office holder does not remain long enough, to gain the necessary experience.
It has been suggested by an opponent of the charter that if a weak, man waa
selected as Manager he would be a failure, and if a clever man was chosen, l)e would
absolutely dominate .and dictate to the Commission.
Now any one of you voters is eligible as. a candidate for the Conunissioo, and
many of you from time to time will be chosen to serve the city. I wnt you to ask
yourself this question: If your neighbors and friends in your ward had eonfiden e
m you and you were elected as a Commissioner, would you permit yourself to. be
dominated and dictated to by a man whom you hired and whom, you could fire?
We do not think you would be. Then why should we believe that your neighbor,
who is well enough known to secure the majority vote of his local neighborhood,
would be a weakling?
Under the riew charter only five men are elected to office. Each of the fiv.
wards, whether outlying or in the heart of the city, has an equal voice in the man,
agement of the city. Each ward selects its own representative, without outside in
fluence. He goes to the city hall independent, without any strings on him and under
no obligation to any entrenched organization for support With a hired Manager to
see that the machinery keeps moving in an efficient way, these men are. able to a.o
complish far more than is possible under the mp?t favorable conditions with our
present system.
It seems to be a human trait that if y ou give a person a title, that almost invar
iably he discovers that he needs an assistant to do the actual work. Under the new
charter as many titles and positions as possible luive been eliminated The five
Commissioners are the governing body. They employ a manager to see that the
work is properlv done. The manager and all others are hired to work, and not just
to "hold office. The purple and gold braid are severed from city jobs.
Many of you have visited in California and particularly the central and southern
part of the state. There is Alameda, Bakerefield, Berkeley, Long Beach, Monterey,
Pacific Grove, Pasadena, San Jose, San Mateo, Santa Rosa, Stockton and others,
(thirty-three in fact). You have been impressed with these beautiful cities, clean
streets, and well lighted, with well lawned parking. Attractive home and yards in
the residence sections. In fact you sense, an atmosphere of beauty and orderliness.
All these cities have business management under the City Manager charter. Wouldn't
vou like to see Klamath Falls a more sanitary, clean, attractive city. One you. could
feel justly proud to brag a little about
. Space will only permit a few of the results obtained in other cities since, 'adopt
ing busine&e management under the City Manager charter.
Kenosha, Wis., (pop. 46,662) Established central purchasing and open bidding
saving 40 on paving costs amounting in two yeara to $421,000 on 15 miles of pav.
ing compared with old prices. Saved 120,000 in street cleaning costs without lower
ing standards. , t
Beaumont, Texas, (pop, 46,841). Converted overdraft of $20Q,QQQ to surplus
of same amount in four years. .
Alameda, Cal. (pop. 28,806). Adopted modem zoning ordmanc excluding busi
ness from residential areas. Enlarged parks. Cleared streets by direct labor at one
third of the old contract price. Makes a profit on garbage. In 1919 carried through
street construction at 10 per cent less per mile than under the old form of govern,
ment at pre war prices. .
Lynchburg;, V., (pop. 30,277). In three years bmH nine miles of pavnant and bvul
aeven miles, without a bond issue, transforming the town. Similar progress in every de?
'""Cohi'rabus, Ga., (pop. 33,110). In two years reduced general fund from an ovdaft
of $150,000 to a credit balance of $10,000 and increased the service.
San Jose, Cal., (pop, 39.604). Ran after the war wjh less expenditures than previous
to 1916 despite doubled costs. Fire loss only 50c per capita.
Alhambra. Cal., (pop. 10,564). Purchas ed the water system and ran it for $14,000 a
year less than the private company did. Red uced the per capita cost of government from
14Wichita!" Built sewer with direct labor for $214,000 when lowest
contractor's bid was $316,000. Began long needed flood prevention work. Tax levy not
increased despite modern costs. Lowest tax rate ia state.
Watertown. K Y (pop. 81,263). New government found $75,000 of unpaid accountc
some of them five years old; decentralized and questionable purchasing and bookkeeping;
police department 50 undermanned; fire department unduly costly; all of which prob.
TX&TL insunces of accomplishments under th, '
management of cities, all of which are available to anyone who wishes to know the truth.
You do not need to take the word of anyone as all these facts are matter recora,
Geo. A. Canning, Secretary.
Paid Adv.)