THE VEATHEK OREGON: (leueraltr fair to night and Sunday, but local thun der storms In th east parllon la dr: cooler In the east porllun to night. Moderate wst wind iitii fun on lbs coot. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade J'lii'e' Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930 Number 7317 8 Pages Today mm 'Thoughts We've Been Thinking What to do In Vacation Time. . What Ono Writer Thinks of the Furin Situation of tho Future. Whoro tho 13,000,000,000 Tut in Circulation by VucatioulKlH in Spent. Hoy of Today Need En couruglng to Surge Forward and Work. 1VJOVV Hint vacation llmo ! with ill, an easlorn newspaper re late thU lu itt ii n whut tu ilo: A mun Ml tu Hint this year lie's going tu spend hi" vacutlon t houie, and tu enjoy It he plans tu et the alarm tu gu oft at the regular Hint every morning, then villi It In rltiln. he gonna to It out th window nd Hi on IH way I'M It "hat be think of It after which he'll rull over and o to leep for the rent of th day. Thort'a only ona catili to that when a man doesn't bar to get up b wake up about two houra earlier thau usual, and can't get bark to sleep aaln to nt bla life. fkCCA8IONAI.LT writer tan '"'find comfort In anything. With tba farm altuatlon on reryon' Hp thla writer any: Ituy ought to look well to tba farm aa a career. Neil gen eration farmer ar going to be richer than I iday'a. Hindy th lowly cornstalk. 1'aper can b mad of corntalk. aud now cornea th nnouncemcnt that cnrnntalka yield stili.ianc Ilk hord rublier. It will do th work of bard robber. A whol new et of value la likely to be built up for farm cropa befor th century In much older. e Jl'Lll'U KI.KIN, assistant e retary of commerce, tell un American vsratlone pu' IS.ono. 000.000 In circulation. We apend half a billion at hot dog ntandn and such place along lh broad highway. Vacation put Of In a fro and easy mood. They mak pendcr of ua ' all for two works, at lcat. Vacation help business, llul they do more. They build up what Hie lork-atep of th routine teara down. After too long application to on Job we tend to think In groove. We develop no new Idea. Vaca tion oil up th thlnklug ma chine. fllE boya of 'today need n- couraglng to urg forward and work. Th constant talk of all ivunuea being closed la a mlatak. There aro still many rbanroa la good old America for th chap who will apply blm slf. Thirty-five year ago Albert WIlKln, president of America' largest bank, th Chan National. In New York. wa a clerk In Ilostun. II wa obscure. Ho noticed no mor thnn thouand of other young men. How many lull of :0 renllre that at 50 or H they may b th biggest busi ness men In th United Slate;; Nat many r thinking about It And Ihey all have a chance. That la tho beauty of tba American system. W'e re not hold down by a deadly com munistic lerel. tho Russians i. or even held back by too great cln consciousness aa our good friend, th KhkIIIi re. . TAKi: PAH TO MAI.K,U J. r. McClellnn , and Oscar Anderson, who bad rocontly been adjudged Insane were tuken to tho Slut Asylum todny by an atlcndnut from that Institution. Aunt Het "These $8.95 Bilk dresses keeps poor folks lookin" dressed up, but when you see a fresh gingham dress you know it ain't been wore threo weeks without wnshinV Tin ker Interests in Combative mm PREPARE 10 WAGE FIGHT Will Ask Government to Deny Importation of Russian Lumber LENIENCY RESULTOF POLITICAL TIMIDITY Treasury Department' Altitude AxtUmvI lu HuuU'a HuUig ood la 1 1lia Country Three Time the Value of M bat Hhc Hella llerei IHsoa I'rgr I Letter Kaleenianohlp. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 9 (AP) Resolutions call ing upon the treasury de partment and administra tion officials to deny impor tation of Russian lumber ifte expected to be adopted by tho National Lumber men's association here to day. ' Dr. Wilson Compton. eecretary manager of tba association, told the lumbermen lilt night In bin opinion adequate evidence bad been auppllrd to nhnw Russian lumbar admitted recently had been produced by rtueslan con vict In th Whits Sea, region. "We hold the burden of proof that goods 'are .not eonvlrt-made hould bo placed on the Import er." lr, loniploii aald. "The ltusslans ar buying American machinery In order to produce good at a low cost to tell u In coniieiltlon with American Indua try. They ar trying to encour age admlnlitlratlou official ta forget about enforcing th tariff act prohibiting th Importation of good mad In w hoi or In part by convict labor." Treasury Timid Dr. Compton charged "political timidity" waa reponlbI for lb treasury department' action In (Continued un Tag Five) Eight Fatalities In Industries of State Past Week SALEM. Or.. Aug, . (AP) Eight fatal accident out of a total of 70 caatialtle occurring In Oregon Industrie -that operate under tho workmen' compensa tion act were reported tu th ntto Industrial accident com mlRi'.ou fur th week ending A muni 7. Th fatalities were: J. E. 1'roTenrhar. Owyhee, murk er; 8. D. llnniulst, Hllvcrton. qunrrymnn; Nets Swanson, Sllv orton: . Mnngua (illlle. Chltwood. powderman; C Bhortrldge, Cot Ingn Cirovo, thovcler; E.- E. Klckard, Salem, ppr mill work er; Ivo Splrl, linker, elRorman; J. 0. Crombli', Eugano,, wool grader. . Endurance Fliers In Twentieth . Day '. ST. LOriSk Aug.' 9, (AP) -Lous than 100 hour, today Mood between Dal Jackson and Forest O'Jlrlne and a now world record tor sustained flight.' They had reeled off 45 hours In their monopluno Greater St. 1oul at 7:11 n. m. (C. 8. T.) wheu they began their twortiotb dny In tho sky above Lambert St. Louis field, and had (8 hour to go to heat, tha 164 hour record of tha Hunter Drolhrrs. Tho Greuter St." J.oula now Is using considerable' mqro gasoline him It did at tho.sturt of Its long grind.' hut' otherwlso little chimes hn been, noticed In. tho plnno. Additions Will Benefit Under City Government While the proposed charter chunge has occupied the atten tion of many people, another im pnhtnnt mutlor, to be "voted upon In Tuesduy'H election, hon, becli lost sight of. This la the ques tion of voting sererul additions Into the corporate limits of the city of Klnmutlt Falls. The Im portance of this la cited by K. M. Chllrote, prominent member of tho Klamnlh Uoalty Hoard, who, In th following article, sayi:. Veteran Pilot To Dare Ocean A' J J (5 llopwiK to IMpeaL Loloucl Lind bergh a feat of a solo flight cross th Atlantic, Capt. J. Er roll Iioyd, above, baa announced ha will take off alvn from Koosevelt Kleld. Long Island, for lAndon soon In a awift Bcllsnca monoplan. Captain iioyd wa lb first Canadian aviator to en ter th World war and waa pilot of th Columbia non-stop flight from New York to Ilermnda last June. Irene Schroeder and Dague to Die in Electric Chair NEW CA6TLE. r.. Aug. . (AT) Mr. Irene Schroeder and W. Glenn Dague. both of Wheel ing, W. Va., today war entene ed to die In th electric chair for the killing of highway patrol corporal lirudy Paul near here last December ST. Judge It. L. Hllderbrand sent enced tbe pair after rafualng to grant them new trials. Th date for (he execution will be let by th governor. With th passing of sentence, th fate of tbe woman bandit and the man who deserted bis wlfo and children to accompany her on a career of crime passed from tha hand of tbe Lawrence county courts. The two were convicted last spring after pro longed trlala following their rapture in Arizona In a gun bat tle ln.whlrh a deputy sheriff wa wounded fatally. The condemned pair heard their doom pronounced without change of expression. Neither had a word to say. Work Starts on Modern Dwelling ' Work has commenced on a modern dwelling In Weatover Terraces for Mildred M. Gyger. The residence Is situated on Al borrparlo Terrace, and will cost In the neighborhood of 13.000. . The goneral contract tor the home ban been let to McDonald, and McNeil, and nb contract have been Utf to the following firms: excavation to Jack Kent; sHnd and gravel, to the Qulnn Construction company; and lum ber,, cement and hardware, to tha Concland Lumber company, Construction will be rushed to completion. DAMAGING KIKE. GALATZ, Rumania, Aug. 9. (AP) Eire today flestroyed a largo block of warehousv in which considerable, foreign goods were stored, tho damage being estimated at more than 200.000 1ft (about $1.180.000) "Only a few day more, Au gust 12th, tho residents of Dixon, Htllsldo, Tho Terrace nd Sixth Street additions .will Tote to do cido whether they will become a oart - of tbe city - of Klamath Falls, and it may be that tbe writer ran throw some light on this question.' ' "Those who live outside want to know what the extra cost will (Continued on rago five) WOMAN TO PAY FOR SLAYING mm HEATWAVE Tl Searing Scourge Even Crotse Rockies and Smite Idaho NORTHWEST RANGES 90 DEGREES AND UP Onty Slight Damage to Late Wheat Cmp LookeJ Fori Southern Illinois and Indiana ' Experience Klv Da of Wi and loe A bote Weather. Illver Dropping Rapidly. CHICAGO, Aug-. 9 (AP) Heat and .high humidity ruled jointly over most of the nation today. Parts of middle America were .wilted. The searing scourge even skipped far into the northwest, across the continental divide.' In Idaho, Orofino was burning up, experiencing a high yesterday, of , 111.5. Temperatures . in most of the northwest: ranged up wards from . 90 degrees. .Only, slight damage the late . wheat crop was re ported, however. . , , In Southern Illinois and Indi ana. In th valley of the dwind ling Ohio and .Mississippi rivera, the intense heat bung on. For the fifth successive day. Evansvllle. Ind., yesterday roasted with the thermometer at 10S. At .Wash ington, Ind., It wa 106. Ill at ("aroondale At Carbondal. 111.. It w 111. Johnston City reported 110. The Utter town broadcaat a report a setting ben deserted her brood a week ago because of tbe beat; J ea ter day the egg hatched. To tbe west. In Missouri and Kansas, th beat ware centlnned. Lamonte, Mo., reported 1104 yes terday. Kansas City bad 103. Farmers felt concern for their stock due to the shortage of wa ter. Th Kansas City weather bu reau held out hopes for rain by Monday. Six died from the heat in SL Louis yesterday and today. The Ohio, Mississippi and MIs ' (Continued on rage Five) Volcanic Eruption Submerges Island BATAVIA. Java. Aug. 9. (AP) The Island of Anak Krakatao. or, translated Into English, Child o: KreKatao, wnicn yesteraay had a height of 170 feet, today disappeared beneath tbe surface of the sea during Intense activity of nearby Krakatao which is throwing out fountain of fire. Krakatao is a small Island of the Malay Archipelago, In Sunda Strait, between Sumatra and Java. From . May to August, 18S3. .there occurred there prob ably tbe most tremendous vol canic eruptions of modern times. by which two-thirds of the island was co'mtiletety blown away. A gigantic war waa formed by which 20.000 people perished tbe wave boing' noticeable aa far away aa the English channel. CON NUES UNABATED iJast Minute News 1 rijir jxnj-L-ir n .'' SHARKS .ABE SHiHTKU MAJ18HFIELD. Aug. 9, (AP) .Sharks 30 to 33 feet in length have been sighted by fishermen off thla "coast. . Ono boat crew, which returned to dock today, anid' they, .hud- been worried by fn,,e larrn nhnrks which nearcd their boat with, nn eye to raiding. Fishermen sola snarus seinom follow fishing boats when lines are draws up and another fish ing spot Is located. I'F.R CAl'lTA WKAI.TH I.K88. WASHINV.TON. Aur. 9. (AP) Treasury department estimates today show-ed money In circula tion In tha United States July 31 amounted to J4.-tS6.611.703, equivalent to S36.48 per capita. These figures represent de crease In per capita circulation nf Hl.M,ni,"nvnr Inst month. and loss of 12.86 over the cor responding period 01 last rear, What's One's Loss : Is Another's Gain KANSAS CITY, Aug 9, A P It'e an III drouth thut doe nobody good, take It from Dr. W. W. Duke, hy fever pclallst. It tha ragweed, which : th ncineal of hayfever suf ferers. Dr. Duke says, aad due- to the drouth tbe crap is unusually short. Enema this year, be aald, will lack their oiual force. . c.c. LOWER RATES Emergency to Be Met in . Drought Areas of - East and South WASHINGTON, Aug. . (AP) Th Interstate Commerce Com mission today ' Issued an ordei authorlrlng reduced freight rates by Tallroads In drought stricken areas. Tbe Commission asserted an emergency bad been created b tbe long dry spell and tbat all Interstate carrier were authoris ed to lower tarlffa "on livestock, teed and water and upon such other article of traffic a may ha found necessary to and from atrfeken areaa." without observ ing the usual requlremeLU aa to nuhllcatloa and notice In rate cbangea. Thai authorlxatlon ex nlrea Oct. 11. The commission bad been In formed tbat a number of rail roads, eastern ' and western, iu (L'ontlnned on Page Five) Trio Arrested on Arson Charge for Burning Sawmill CORVALLIS. Aug. . (AP) The distriot attorney's office has announced that Kudy It. Norton of Derltt has revealed In a signed statement his part in the burning of the Shanghai lumber mills at Devitt on the night or August x. Norten. with W. J. Merrick, man ager of the mill, and 31. L. Schus ter, watchman, waa arrested yes terday on a charge of arson. Schuster signed a statement de claring he knew when and where tha fire waa to be set, out aid noi see it done. He said Merrick aid ed aid conferred In the destruc tion of the mill, but was in Port land at the time, by a pre-arranged plan. Four fires were started In t tempta to destroy tbe mill, Nor ton's ststement ld. Th first was started June 1. two othera were set June 10. and tbe final one on August 1. LIVED TO RIPE AGE BOISE, Idaho, Aug. . (AP) Civilisation doesn't eeerd to hae brought premature deaths to In diana on tbe Fort Hall reserva tion. Of group of death certlf lcatea received by the bureau of vital statistic today, one wa for Jane Eagle, widow of Eagle By, who lived to the mturo ags of 111. Bronchial pneumonia caus ed her heath. ...... .. XO BAIN I.V SIGHT 1 " Tbe Cyclo-Stormagraph at Tn derwood'a pharmacy registered slight upturn In baromterlc pres sure this afternoon, which may re lieve the humid conditions pre vailing but otherwise little change may be expected. . ... The Tqcos recording thermom eter registered maximum and minimum temperatures today- as follows: : ' High. 8 Low. 81 Forecast for the next 14 hours.: Fair and warm.' . ' - . H .XKOW I'XEASY WASHINGTON', Aug. 9. (AP) The exlstenco of "much unoasl- noss" in the city of Hankow was reported to tbe state department today by American official sources In China. The messages said the concern was growing, despite aug mentation of the local garrison and the arrival of 150 Japanese marines and the preparations ol 130 British soldiers mid addition al Japanese troops to depart from Shanghai for Hankow. Tne city ot'Changsha was reportod quiet. TttM)TI,KO5IXJ WATWt FKKDBUICK, Md.. Aug. 9, (A P) With the - drougtit In it forty fourth-day, the-wuter short age bere baa' become, ao acuto that the police aro making night ly patrola looking for "water bootleggers" persons suspected of violating tbe city edict, hg.ilnst nse ot water for purpose except In th household. KENTUCKY HARD HIT BY Louisville Paper Puts Loss to Crops High As $100,000,000 GRASS BURNED OUT AND CATTLE DYING Coonty Agents, la Respooae to Inquiries From eVcretary of Agriculture, Mak nnrvey and ' Estimate Loasen a Compare,! to 1029 Crop When Condi tions Were Considered Normal. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 9 (AP) As seared crops. burned pastures and dried streams gave mute ' testi mony to the extent of the drought damage in Ken tucky, estimated today by the Courier-Journal as al ready in excess of $100, 000,000, state and county officials were busy collect ing data to determine what steps should be taken to relieve the stricken areas. At Frankfort. Governor Flem D. Sampson announced he would go to Washington next Thursday to attend with governors of other drought stricken states the meet ing called by President Hoover. In response to telegrams from Secretary of Agriculture Arthur M. Hyde In Washington, county agenta throughout the state were making surveys of drought con ditions, and tbe early reports termed the situation as "serious," "very acute" and "alarming."- "Dumping" Livestock. . Officials have received reports from various localities of the "dumping" of livestock for from one to three cents a pound be cause of lack of pasturage and (Continued on fage Five) FOREST FIRE 3200-Acre Blaze Near Chewelah, Wn., Routs Dozen Families CHEWELAH, Wash.,' Aug. 9. (AP) A doien or more -families were out of their homes today while men Joined crewa of several hundred to fight a 3200-acre for est tiro that menaced this region. The blazo. fire days old, sprang Into a conflagration yesterday be fore a brisk northwest wind. Leap ing down a valley. It licked up several miles of a magnasite com pany's tramway, several miles of high power electric line, and de stroyed at least one farm home. The fate of other homes, hemmed In,' was uncertain. ' ' W. T. Smith, deputy state fire warden, said it was possible about SS00 acres were afire, but it was Impossible to tell the conflagra tion's extent. Farmers and their families col lected at the John Savage ranch, heiievinr therflre would not reach there, but a few houra later they von, driven awav. From the Deer Park side of the hinm came renorts one home was destroyed and at least nair a oos nn nlhnr, were threatened. Klrhl men were lost lor several hnnra hut at midnight the" work- -i ai-niinH the flames to safety At first it was feared they had perished. Ira Mauann, a iigmoi, was badly burned. 11 MENACES TOWN Oregon Warned of Need To Save Wafer Supply BURNS. Ore., Aus. 9, (AP) A warding to Oregon that there Is a paramount -need of conservation of water through wise use of "this greatest remaining natural asset." was given by both federal and state authorities at the concluding session of the Oregon reclamation congress here today. E. B. Deb ler, representing the federal bu reau of reclamation, and Rhea Luper, state engineer, wcro the principal speakers. MoodSfRANGER Editor, Author to Be Wed One of ffenry L. Mencken's "prejudices" no longer Is against matrimony. The engagement of Baltimore's . fiery . editor-critic (below) and Miss Sara Powell Haardt (ibx)r ttwiujtm een tributor to bis magaOne, the American Mercury, and to other Journals -has been - announced. They are to be married on Sep tember 3. when Mencken will abandon the bachelorhood which he baa praised , in numerous writings. TODAY'S MAJOR LEAGUE SCORES NATIONAL R. H. E. Philadelphia 17 3 Cincinnati 3 t 2 Battarles: Smythe, Hansen and Rensa; Lucas and Gooafa. R. H. E. New Tork 10 15 1 Pittsburgh . 15 2 Batteries: Fiusimmon and Hogan; French, Spencer, Pru ett, Swetonic, Kremer and Bool. ' - AMERICAN' First game - - Chicago 111 Philadelphia 9 1 I W alsh ana rate; ttommeu ana Cochrane.- ' ..." ii . r. it. e. Detroit. 3 6 0 Boston . 0 9 0 Batterfea: i Sorrell and Hay worth; Lisenbee and Berry. First game R. H- -E. Cleveland .... 13 .14.3 Washington - 7 13 3 Batteries: Miller, Bean and Mratt; Llska, Burke, Child, Fish er, Brown and Rucl. Second game Chicago ... Philadelphia -.. H. 7 S H. 11 12 St. Louis New York Airplane Crashes Through Gas Tank CHICAGO. An. 9.' (AP) An airplane cruising through a sud den electrical storm crashed into a huge gas tank northwest of the Loop late today, bored lta way through the top of the container, and fell into forty feet of water. The number of occupants of the plane was not immediately ascer tained, but' one witness said hn saw the pilot attempt a parachute Jumv Just before the crash. First reports said tbe pilot was killed. With Increasing demands for Irrigation, power, cities. Industries snd recreational areas, the Colum bia river Is the only river in the west with a water supply greater thau the Indicated needs. Dehler told the congress. He said Irriga tion cannot stand the full expeuse of development of thla river, and suggested power companies, pri vate or public, should share in tho expense, as should other projects (Continued on Page Five) r':'''J 1 -js : w -' ) DROPS BAG WITH BOMB Noon-Day Crowd in Ft, Worth Bank Sees Two Men Die . MAN WITH PRICE ON HEAD TRIES HOLDUP, Approaches President and De mand f lo.ouo and While Waiting for Cashier to Count Ont Money Drops Hstrbel Con taining High plolvee Kill ing; Himself and Cashier. FORT WORTH, Texas. Aug. 9 (AP) Fred L. Pel ton, vice president and cashier of the Stock; Yards National bank, and an un identified man were killed, several other persons were injured and the bank waa practically wrecked today when the stranger dropped a bag containing nitro-gly-cerine after demanding 110.000. L. W. Marshall, assistant cashier, was seriously, wounded by the explosion. Clifton Magers, 8, was bad ly cut by flying glass. Th blast occurred shortly Be fore noon. A man carrying a satchel came to the desk ot W: L. Pier, president ot the bank, and demanded 414,000.' - , "I'm desperate."' hi ' said, "X -want the money autck. There Is a price on my head, and I don't care what happens to me. There is nitroglycerine in this sntenel." H warned Pier not to notify th police. Demands 910,000 While Pelton. whoae desk ad joins Pier's, engaged the man la conversation the bank president went behind the cages and told the tellers to count out 1 10,000 in currency. Then he went to a telephone and called police at th (Continued on t'age Five) State Police Help To Restore Order In Indiana Town MARION. Ind.. Aug. 9, (A P) State police aided local of ficers today In guarding against fresh outbresks of the mob Vio lence which Thursday night was climaxed by tbe hanging ot two negroes dragged from their cells In the county Jail. Fear existed ot possible retaliatory action by young negroes for deatba of, Thomas Shlpp and Abe Smith. Colonel George H. Healey ot Indianapolis. In command of two companies of the Indiana Nation al Guard arrived from Camp Knox, Ky., last night by plan in advance ot the troops. . Yesterday and last night pass ed quietly except for curious throngs which crowded th courthouse square wher' tho mob lynched Shlpp. accused o( fatally shooting Claude Deeter, 23, of Falrmount, and Smith who admitted attacking . .Miss Mary Ball, 19, of Marlon, Deeter's girl companion. Miss Ball was to have selected her engagement ring today. : In stead she will attend the funeral ot her fiance at his father's home at Falrmount. '. Poor Pa "Our daughter-in-law left without sayin good by.' Her feclin's was hurt because I give her baby my old watch to play with instead of lettin him break ray good one." llil