The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 05, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesday. August 5, m.'li)
San Francisco Preterits
Real Competition
For Pennant
(By The Associated l'n'wl
Ran Francisco meeting with
the leagu leading Hollywood
Stars at Lo Angeles loomed to
day as an outstanding baltla of
thla week's coaal leagu schedule,
while opening of night hall In
Oakland brought a new eiperl
eoca to bar region fans.
Interest of tana and partici
pants waa to a larga extent direct
ed toward Chicago, however, for
th meeting of tba Faoldr coast,
American association, and inter
national league officials to consid
er the major leagues' universal
draft ultimatum.
Seals la CoueWk
The Scale, aftar loalng close
aeries to Sacramento and Oakland.
oame back to down the Senators
six games, to one last week and
tie with Los Angelea and the Mis
sions for second place.
Hollywood fattened Us arerage
at the expense of the northern
teams and today was three games
ahead of Its nearest rivals.
Los Angeles Journeyed to San
Francisco to play the Missions,
and the second place tie waa due
to be shifted one way or another.
Sacramento prepared to loin
the Oaks in the inaugural artifi
cial lighting game at Oakland,
both turn, fretting at their pre
aent positlona in tba second divi
aion. Seattle and Portland prepared
to battle tor northern honors, with
the Indians' strong showing of
last week making them the favor
It ea.
Turner of Hollywood went Into
first place In pitching rank,
though Zinn of San Francisco had
the most victories with seventeen.
Sheely of the Seals profited by
Sarramento's off-form series, and
took the battling lead from Rev
erted of Hollywood, with .40S to
Big League
Outguessing Batter
Hitting and Pitching Cause
Of Giant Climb Toward Top
f riers To,
s vtBevrf4Wrt"AftJsf -
Maxie Rosenbloom
Wins Hard Fought
Decision From Dix
OAKLAND, Cat., Aug. 5. (AP)
-MaxJa Rosenbloom, light heavy
weight champion, set a stilling
pace to win a ten round decision
over Wills r d Dix, Belllngham,
Wajh.. in ten rounds, non-title
bout, here last night.
The New Yorker had to go at
top speed to win from Dix, a
rank outsider and almost un
known. Dix slugged with the champion
at. every opportunity and had the
better ot these exchangee. Ros
nbloom's ring experience and
boxing ability, however, told In
tba final analysis and there waj
no question aa to outcome arter
the seventh round
Rosenbloom carried six ot the
rounds with three for Dix and
na even.
It was a fast and furious en
counter all the war. Rosenbloom
weighed 177 pounds snd Dix
J78 1-4.
New Orleans Lass
Chosen America's
: Beauty Champion
f AP) A golden-haired, 17-year
old New Orleans school girl Is
. merlcs'g defending champion In
the annual International pageant
of Pulchritude here.
The girl who waa the lodge's
unanimous selection as "Miss
United States of America" last
night Is Miss Dorothy Bell Goff.
She will compete tonight against
aeven European entrants tor the
title "Beauty Queen ot the Unt
Trse." The girl who. In the Judges'
pinion, approached the most
nearly American ideals ot beauty
Is five feet, six inches In height
and wtigha 122 pounds. Her
hair I long, and her figure des
cribed as "girlish."
'Miss New Orleans' two ap
pearances last night with the
II other American entrants, once
la evening gown and one In
bathing costume brought pro
longed cheers. Among the oth
ers approved loudly by the
crowd was Miss Helen Hannan
aa Miss New Jersey.
Miss New Orleans, at times an
amateur radio singer, was
breatbleea after the coronation.
Links Play Opens
At Jacksonville
(AP) Over the well-trapped
municipal golf course lay the
path today of 119 golfers from 29
oltles, striving to qualify in the
36 bole preliminary test of the
ninth annual public links tourna
ment. In the medal play the Warren
. Harding trophy for teams, now
held by New York, waa at stake.
The first 32 and ties In the two
day qualifying ronnd will be elig
ible for the Individual matches,
which start Thursday and close
With 31 holes Saturday.
Carl ' Keutfmann. Pittsburgh
James D, Standiah individual cup
three suocFslve years, and was tar
red to repeat,
Mortimer O. Jaffee, New York;
Charles Ferrers, San Francisco;
Wesley Casper, Louisville; Fred
Hanson, Boston, A. O. Sslo, Ban
Francisco: Gordon Denny. Louis
ville and Dr. W. A. Norby, Port
land, Ore., dentist, wars outstand
ing entrants.
A dark horse was Harry Given
f Seattle, who on his last.prao
Uce ronnd carded a 71.
(Former Pitcher N. Y. Giants)
"Two heads are better than
one" is an old saying that Is as
successful in baseball aa other
things. If the catcher Is doing
all the thinking and the pitcher
Jnst mechanically obeys his signs,
tha batter only has one nun to
"outguess." But If the pitcher
Is also trying to outguess him
and occasionally shaking off the
catcher's signs, nntll he gives a
sign for a type of ball he wishes
to throw, the batter has two
men trying to outthlnk him.
Many amateur catchers think
that It is disparaging to them
and "shows" them up to the
spectators for the pitcher to
"shske" off their signs occasion
ally. Nothing could be farther
front the truth. All smart catch
ers In the big league wish their
pitchers to "shake" them off
whenever they feel they would
rather throw a fast ball than a
curve or change of pace. It also
confuses the batter. He doea not
see the catcher'a signs, but when
the pitcher shakes off sign. It
hss a tendency to worry him.
Many major league pitchers
have a prearranged understand
ing with their catcher to shake
tbeir heada negatively to the
catcher's alga when the count is
three and two on the bitter, but
still throw the ball signed for.
It (Ives the batter something
else to worry about.
Portlander Held
Pending Outcome
Of Murder Query
PORTLAND, Aug. t. (AP)
Joel F. Johnson, 62, Portland,
was held on order ot the coroner
today pending investigation of
the death of Mrs. R. Davis, 40.
Tacoma, Wash., whose body was
found in a downtown hotel by
Johnson and reported to polios.
Mrs. Davis had been beaten to
Detectives said there was evi
dence ot a struggle, but the
motive was nnspparent. They
said jewelry and money waa In
tact. Hotel employee said Mrs.
Davis registered there May at
Associated 11-raa Hporta Writer
Extra base hits coupled with
steady, effective pitching, is spell
ing success for the New York Gi
ants as they slowly climb toward
tha top of the National league per
centage ladder.
The Glans have won 12 ot their
last IS contests to mount within
four games of the league leading
Brooklyn Robina In the national
circuit. The persistent climb also
has narrowed down the Tuba ad
vantage over their New York riv
als, the difference today being
Inst one and one-half games.
Defeat Kobina 4-0
The Giants furnished a good
example of why they are pennant
contenders yesterday when they
defeated, the Robins 4 to 0. There
waa not much difference between
the pitching of Fred Fitsslmmons
and Watson Clark of the Robins
but three of New York's hits were
ot the heme run variety.
In the only other national
league game on the books the
Boeton Braves managed to eke
out a 2 to 2 decision over the
Phillies despite Lefty O'Doul's
single, triple and home run. Bob
Cunningham played an Important
role In the Braves triumph, hold
ing the Phlltlee to eight hits and
driving In two runs with a double.
A s tinln Half fame
The pennant cbasa In the Amer
ican league saw the Athletics take
advantage ot the idleneaa ot the
Yankees and Senators to gain a
half-game with a II to 4 triumph
over the Boston Red Sox. Leity
Grove hung up his seventeenth
victory ot the season. Two
triples and one horn run, his
twenty-sixth of the season, were
credited to Al Simmons.
Charlie Gehiinger waa the
whole show at Detroit aa the Tig
ers took a ll-lnning pitching duel
front the Chicago White Sox. 7 to
3. His home run In the twelfth
with the bases loaded gave Vlv
Sorrell the best of the hurling ar
gument with Red Lyons. He hit
another homer In the third with
one man on.
Coming from behind In the
ninth with a three-run rally, the
Cleveland Indiana defeated the St.
Louis Browns, S to I. It was
Wesley Ferrell'a eighteenth
mound triumph ot tha season.
111 Hlflll
British Runners
Stage Improptu
Race at Station
LONDON. Aug. S. (AP) Lord
David Brughley, noted hurdler,
and Brooman. lightweight boxer,
were forced to show their athlet
ic mettle when their train pulled
out ot Waterloo station towards
Southampton this morning, car
rying forty-six British athletes
bound tor the empire games In
Hamilton, Ontario.
Brughley and Brooman were
talking to friends at the barrier
when the whistle snnounoing the
trains departure sounded. Dis
pensing with further farewells the
j mea dashed after the departing
train, Brooman sidestepping knots
of people adroitly and Brughley
hurdling two luggage trucks.
After a good sprint they manag
ed to jump aboard the rear coach.
Van Loon Reports
Kingsf ord - Smith
On Way to Health
VERRE. Holland, Aug. I. (A
P) Hendrlck Wlllem Van Loon.
Dutch-American author who waa
host to wing commander Charles
Kingstord-Smith, Australian
transoceanic aviator, when he was
taken 111. said today his friend was
resting well after aa operation
last night tor acute appendicitis.
The author visited the hospital
at Mlddelburg this forenoon, de
claring afterwards: "The pa
tient la resting perfectly happily.
The only complication which can
be foreseen is possibility ot a civil
wsr breaking out in the hospital
over who will have the privilege
of taking care of him."
It was learned the operation
revealed the appendix to have
been inflamed severely for some
time. In view ot his exhausted
condition his doctors advised
keeping him In communicado, us
ing the opportunity to give mm
a complete rest.
McVey Easy Mark
For Mr. Ratzlaff
PORTLAND. Ore., Aag. 5, (AP)
Herman Ratslatt, Minot, N. D..
southpaw middleweight, won an
and had been making hr home easy 10-round decision over Jack
In the hotel sine then.
Met on Street
Johnson told authorities hs
met Mrs. Davis on a downtown
street Sunday, she asked her
way to the poatoffic. He ac
eomDsnied her. he aald, where
she mailed Itter and then re
turned to the hotel with her.
Johnson said be made an ap
pointment with her to meet at
tha hotel last night. Hs re
turned. His knocks were un
answered and he opened the
door to find the body on the
floor apparently beaten to death.
Hirth Sails for
Montreal on Ship
REYKJAVIK. Iceland, Aug. f,
(API Wolfram Hlrth. young
German aviator, who wished to
fly from Iceland to Greenland
and the United States, was bound
for Montreal today aboard the
steamship Mlnnedosa, with his
plane strapped seonrely to the
ship's deck. He will uy nom
Montreal to New York, while his
companion, Oscar Weller, will
take the next ship home to Ger
mny. .
The two aviators aoanuonea
their projected flight when the
rnvernor of Greenland notified
them there were no anitable land
ing places in southern Greenland
and when the Danish government
reouested deposit of luo.oov
kroner (about $2,700) for expense
and trouble (hey might bring to
the government in the event may
made the flight.
Rev. O'Hara Made
Great Falls Bishop
P) The Pope today appointed
the Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara of the
rural life department of tha
National Catholic Welfare Coun
cil aa Bishop of Great Falls,
Mr. O'Hara la a parish priest.
His address is 1811 Mas-
eachuaetts An., Washington, D.
Re. O'Hara was located at
Eugene, Oregon before going to
Washington as director ot tha
rural life department of the Na
tional Catholic Welter confer
McVey, claimant of the negro mid
dleweight title her last night. It
waa a tame affair with MoVey
covering sp to evade Ratslarf's
rushes snd remslnlng on the do
tensive throughtout.
Eddie Edleman, Alaska portaldV
er. made short work ot Kaaie
Graham, knocking him out In the
first round of the scheduled semi
final. Swede Nelson, Vernonia
logger, technically knocked out
Jimmy Murray In th foartk
ronnd when th referee stopped
the battle to ear Murray from
further punishment. Jack Evans.
Kansas City flyweight took a lour
round decision from Tony Sen
man, and George Hval won a four
round decision from Johnny Car
rey In th curtain-raiser.
State's Hatcheries
Increased in Size
Due to extensive Improvements
hatcheries ot the state game
commission have been increased
in ail approximately one-third
during the past year. New ponds
have been built, pip line of
larger volnm Installed and new
water systems put into opera
tion. Capacity of th Fall river
hatchery in central Oregon has
Use Tysmol for Relief
Knife-like jabs of pain In the
vicinity ot the shoulder blade are
generally due to nenritls,
brought on by exposure to
draughts or sudden change of
weather. In some cases there
Is stiffness or soreness In the
muscles, making it difficult t
raise th arm.
The safest snd easiest war to
relieve such an attack Is to ap
ply a small quantity 'of Tysmol
over the affected area. This
soothing, healing preparation Is
quickly absorbed through the
pore and carried to the throb
bing aching peripheral nerve.
Th pains usually stop nt one,
snd Id very short time th
last trace of soreness should
Tysmol i absolutely harmleea
free from don. Recommended
for all forma ot nerve pain,
whether caused by neuritis, neu
ralgia, sciatica or rheumatism.
Sold by leading druggists, Al
ways on hand nt Star Drug Co.
been doubled. At Hebo. Oak
Springe and Rock creek hatcher
ies Improvements have Increased
the possible production of fish
by almoat one-half. A new pump
ing system. Installed and oper
ated at municipal expense, has
been put la operation at the Me
Kenite hatchery by the rlty of
Eugene. This Is du to th fsct
that la th building of th new
power aystes tor Eugene the
ponds of the Mc Kenite hatchery
were flooded and damaged.
Where there Is available water
it la th policy of th commis
sion to hatcheries st
least one-third In sis.
No-Visitor Order
Fails to Stop Fire
LEXINGTON. Ky.. Aug. I. (A
P) Th day after Miss Elisa
beth Dalngerfleld. manager of
Faraway Farm, tssned an order
that no more visitor wsr to
be permitted to view Man 'o
War, "th bora of th century."
nntll the Kentuckv dronsht
ended, fir destroyed n rearllnc
barn on the farm.
Th no-visitor order waa -
sued because ot th danger that
a carelessly tossed cigarette
might Ignite grasa In th famed
sire's pasture. Similar orders
bare been Issued at other thor
oughbred farms In th bias
Th fir yesterdsv reanlteA
lost estimated at 10.000. Tweo-ty-one
yearlings had been led
from th barn Into a pasture Just
before th bias waa discovered.
Klamath-Weed Road
Construction Nearer
Bids for ths constrnclfA,.
3 miles ot the Weod-Klamath
Falls highway will be advertised
thla month and will b opened la
Redding, Call!., August It, ac
cording to word received at th
Klamath chamber of commerce,
Monday, from Carl Phelps, presi
dent of the Weed-Kiamath Fall
Interstate highway association.
Although the improvement
planned la only a smsll portion.
It Is on of the meanest sections,
covering broken hills near Pine
land. In the report received her
it was stated that bids would ba
advertised la th glsklyo Daily
It also appears assured that th
government bureau of public
roads will budget th construction
of 13 mile of th road to be built
next spring, Mr. Phelpa stated.
It has been recommended by
the director ot public works In
California that the entire project
be taken Into th highway system
as a secondary rosd, which Mr.
Phelps said, appears logical at
this time as the highway commis
sion has re-arranged proportions
of such roads between southern
and northern California. Further
more, It makes th road eligible
as federal aid road sad help
ean b received from that source.
Colonel Airatmith Led
Long' March Against
Lapans in 1872
8AN LEANDRO, CI., Aug. t,
(AIM The death here of Col
onel James M. ArrHsnilth, I). S
A., retired, famous Indian fight
er and hero ot two campaigns
abroad, became knowu today
l olonel Arrasiulth was ,4 years
old aud had lived her since his
retirement 10 years ago. He
died Saturday.
Arrasmtth distinguished him
self in aa expedition on the Mex
ican border In li2 In the Lapan
Indian uprising. Depredations
ot the Lapan band had inflamed
the border and Ueueral McKlu
aey was sent to quell the dis
turbance. Arratmlth served as
a lieutenant under McKlnsey,
The Lapana fought savagely
but war subdued alter Arra
smtth led a march which cover
ed 120 miles In 20 hours. The
march became famous In Ameri
can military annals. Arrasmtth
waa on ot th tew men to rome
through th expedition without
scratch and thus earned the
Sobriquet "Lucky Jim."
During the I'billpplue Insur
rection Arrasmtth distinguished
himself by the way tn which he
bolstered the morale of his men.
who hsd been losing their con
fidence In a bitter engagement.
Arrasmtth walked the entire
length ot the haul front, expos
ing himself to enemy fire to
encourage bis command.
Arrasmtth ale commanded the
American expedition to China In ;
1913. fie fought under General '
Crook In the Wyoming and Moa-i
tana campaigns against the In- i
dlans and helped to avenge the
msasatre ef Oeneral Custer and
bis men at th battle ot th
Little Big Horn In 1375.
Mrs. Arrasmtth and a son.
James, survive,
LONDON. Two street car mo
tormcn here bar an enviable
safety record. C. J. Grantham
holds the record for having piloted
hla car for 12 years and 2S0.0OO
miles without an accident. T. W.
Manley has driven 10 years and
200,000 miles without an accident.
Bickerstaff Boys
Have a Managerial
Complex it Seems
While Jos (Tex) Bickerstaff la
handling boxing bouts In Klnuinth
Falls, hla brother, Tom lllckor
staff, of Mill Valley, Calif., Is
playing a little hand Ot his own
In th sport world,
Yeetorday, Teg was visited by
Kid Caplav, a tiiiiFh-talksd-aboul
welterweight of the Hay section.
Sports writers of San Francisco
proclaim this youth th greatest
prospect sine the days of Oak
land Fraukle Burua. lie hails
from Mill Valley an.! was alveu
hla start by Tom lllckor.iaff. or
al least much of his promotion to
the rsuk ot contender has bean
the result of lllckerstaff's efforts.
And while Tom has been knock
ing arouud the sporia world lie
has kept hla eye upon baseball
lalenl and Sacramento baa him to
thank for sending Tony Freltaa
to th Senators. Tony, also. Is a
native of Mill Valley. Bo while
Tex la busy putting Klamath Falls
on th map as tho greatest tight
town, his brother Tom Is dotug a
little advertising for Mill Valley
as the producer of champions.
Cspley was Induced to put on
the gloves last night at the Legion
arena where the fighters an nee p.
lug on Wednesday evening's card'
were having their final workout.
He waa given a big hand on his
workout with Roy Smith.
Mr. Capley I accompanied by a
Mr. Burton and they are motoring
to Crater Lake.
Lightning Sets 29
Fires in Umatilla
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Aug.
5, (Al') Lightning aet 2 tires
In the northern halt ot the Uma
tilla National forest over the
week end, Albert linker, ranger
in rnnrge, reported, lie added
nous of th firs wore ot major
Importance and most t thsm
were brought under control.
Crews war sent out by th
olty and the federal forest serv
ice to control a small fir which
broke out on th Mill Creek
wal.tshed. which supplies .vails
Walla with water.
Florence Low llarnes, San
Marino, Cel., flyer, today holds
the women's speed record for air
plunes. Vho traveled 190.19
miles per hour lu her Trarelalr
Mystery ship to hreak the former
record of 14. mile per hour set
by Amelia Earhart,
v, k. (xtxvKvriny opkmi
UkiltLIN, Aug. , Un
christian eudeevorora from ti na
tions, Including U0 from tht
Hulled States aud Canada, cams
to Berlin today to open the eighth
International convention of their
The business sessions will start
tomorrow with an address by Dr.
Daniel A. Poling, International
president, In the evening.
iiiisr gvt NicHf
Mia Man'mn
Ruawta furnUhM mor than
on-f north of all rnw tun In :h
Simple Home Remedy at Last
Banishes the Trouble. Now
Feels Like a New
"I Mferrd ' snd aoctered lot
years with piles and soma sort ef
Intestinsl trouble. The I Jesraed
sheet Cola Pii Pills as y atom
ach treaMe disappeared piles cult
bleeding sad halting, and I feel
like a aew mask They are 10
per cent Meieat, and I cast rec
ess mend them enegh, write
Joseph Schindlcr, Brick Masse ef
Ghent, Min.
Taoaaand et me an women In
agony with livable et this sort
hav fesrad Celae Pile Pills step
lb psia and banish every eign of
their trouble almost as if by magic
Just a couple pills with awallow
f water at each meal for a few
days dec the work. Down deep
inside t th root of tneble where
a sappository r salve ran Id reach
ga thee remarkable pills, harm
lea, healing, soothing and effect
no ether port f th body. Doctor
enders nw internal way. Ob
tain f draggiat est guarantee f
osmplet relief r money back, r
end 76 far regular botll postage
paid return eaaiL Calec Chemical
Caw Brentwood, Md.
Water service, electric service,
telephone service all these make
real horn comfort and nJoy
mant. Add to them steam heat
ing service and the comfort and
enjoyment is complete.
When cylinders need regilnd
lug, when anything gets out of
alllgumeut, whan the repalrlua
of parts ot auy kind ot niauhlu
ery requires Immediate aud e
pert attention bear la uilud that
our machine shop and lie un
usual facilities are at your serv
ice. We are prepared to do your
work at our shop or e will go
to your plaul and put things
right, on tha spot.
Now Open
Vnder Mew MaaagevneBt
Largest, finest pool In South
era Oregon, with water con
stantly circulating through
latest approved filtration and
purifying system.
Adults 35c Children 25c
Spectator Free
at Ease Mala
Auuttrr a
Open to all ages.
Worth-while prises.
Hpectatora free.
32 Round Fast Fighting
Frankie Warneke
Jack Kentworth
Arthur Jackson
American Legion Hall
August 6th, 8:30 p. m.
And the Big Used Car Sale ia being continued, until our stock
is reduced by one half. And we still maintain that the North
west Used Car Manual quotations
so below we are quoting their Resale Prices, also our Special
Sale Prices which are
1926 Buick Sedan Northwest Used Car Manual Price,
$385; Our Price : $355
1928 Essex Coach Northwest Used Car Manual Price,
$345; Our Price ... $325
1928 Pontiac Sedan Northwest Used Car Manual Price,
$490; Our Price , $445
1928 Buick Sedan Northwest Used Car Manual Price,
$775; Our Price $745
1929 Nash Coupe Northwest Used Car Manual Price,
$900; Our Price $745
1929 Chev. Coach Northwest Used Car Manual Price,
$475; Our Price $450
And Many Others; All Standard makes and at Prices that Will
Surprise You
A Full Year's License Free with Each and Every Car Sold dur-
v ing this Sale
. .
KeHcoim Awitto Co.