Metnlh THE WEATHER 0jj Klfnttt OREGON: Fair tonlgbl and Tuesday but cloudy or foggy on tbe cout, tamperaturea generally above normal In Ibt Interior. Ueutle variable wlnde. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade I'rU-v r'ivr" I'etits KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1930 Number 7312 LY1 Noughts We've Been Thinking 8Pnges 7'oday mm rawing of George 8. Long Takes From Ranks of Largo Lum ber Operator! Ono Whoso Life Was Identi fied With Tine Industry . Directing Force of Weyerhaeuser Building at Klamath Fulls and Looked Upon Local Plant as Most Impor tant of Company's En terprises. How lioys In Portland Are Wrifrgllng and Twisting and Throw, lug Thuir Stink Bom lis They Won't Hurt Anybody But Themselves, tly liiUCE DENNIS J TH8 passing of George 8. Long, which occurred la Ihla city Saturday evening, takea from the ranka o( tha largo lumber oper alora oua mora whose Ufa aa Idonllfled with tha plna Industry Mr. Long bad reached a ratbar rlpa aga In yeara but In mental lly ba waa ona of tha vary keen eat rlllirna of tha nation. When ba spoke at tha auuual chamber of commerce dinner bera, at tha aaina tlma rtalph lluild of tha Great Northern railway apoka, we thought wa had aeon few men In our tlma who handled bla eub Ject ao well, who know. Jutt how to phraee bla nlterancea and who watted no worda. ' Aa tha directing force of tha Weyerhaeuser Timber company be baa beeo Intimately conerted with tha great building operation of that concern In Klamath Falls and baa watched Its progrese carefully. e e e 11 1 R. I.ONO looked upon hie company'a nndertaklng here a tha outstanding ona. Jle held that Klamath plna timber waa or superior quality, that location of Iba plant waa Ideal and that na tore had contributed many Condi' tlona to aid and aall the menu factum of aa nearly perfect lum ber aa la humanly poaalbla. Thla community baa lost a good frlond In tha death of Coorge 8. f.onf. and hie family have tha deep eyaipalhy of ua II. e a a f TOW the boya la Portland are wriggling and twlatlug and calling ereryone who la aupport- lug Mr. Meier barah namea. It la good for tho old city on the Col umbia rlTer to become arouaed. Too long It has amugly aat refue lng to look outside of Multnomah county for aentlment. Their moat prominent cltliea la Jullua Meier because ha haa alwaya lectured ta tlx Portland people that the only thing that will In crease Portland la tha building np of tha entire etato. Those opposed to Mr. Meier are Hunting their torchea and throw ing their atlnk bomba at aome of ua who 'happen to believe Meier will make a good gorernor and do not hesitate to aay ao. KT ua aay to time dear broth era that their brick bata In jure nobody; that their ahota of wrath fall to hit the tenter, and that their or which we uied to enjoy when wo could be of scrr Ica to them la aa eaally forgotten T ua aa It la by thcih. Thla la a time In Oregon to elect our beet men. It la crisis, with wheal selling at 60 cente iil lam tin at nickel: with taxos hlxh " 'I questionable values be ing received for the tux money. It la a time to put a man on the tContluued on Page Eight) Aunt Het "F.lla Mac's girl has got right good manners, except sometimes she for gets mi' pops her gum in" m v J O1 Heart DIES HERE George Smith Long Was ' Vice President of Weyerhaeuser BURIAL TO BE MADE AT TACOMA AUG. 7 Aa Cliairmsn of EiecnUve Com mittee of Great Lumber Con cern, Mr. Long Feul Vlalt Hero to Inspect New lloldlngsi IVrpartng to Vlalt Crater Lake WlM-n Krnl Came. Funeral services will be held in Tacoma Thursday for Georgo Smith Long of Tacoma, vice president and chairman of the executive committee of the Weyer haeuser Timber company. Mr. Long dropped dead fn Klamath Falls Saturday night from a heart attack. He had been visiting here at the local mill and had Just completed an inspec tion trip of the holdings in this vicinity. Mr. I,ong'a two daugbtere. Margaret and Helen, were with him when he died. They had ac companied him to Klamath and had Intended vlnltlng Crater Lake. Mr. Long complained of not feeling well, howover, and an hour or ao later waa stricken. Itettretl na Manager, Until ho retired about a month ago. Long had been general man Kr of tha timber company. He waa 7" years old when he died. Ha waa known aa ono of the most prominent lumber men throughout the entire cation. He retained tha title of vlre-presl-dent of tho Weyerhaeuser com pany and at tho time of bla death waa chairman of tha executive commltteo of tha company. Frlenda who knew him hero, where he haa Watted eevoral I Continued: on faga Sight) Hankow Military Officials Behead Eight Communist HANKOW. Aug. 4, (AP) Eight suspected Communists wero beheaded In the streets here tndny an Military authori ng. ' l(httirl thalr rinfenae against tho growing menace of Ken uprising in ubiipow. Arifttllnnal tronna natrolled tho rltv Kvervnne waa atlhlncted to search. The French community formed a Tolunteer defense corps to function In case of emergency. Burrlradca In tho foreign sec tion were strengthened Saturday when reports said Communist armies, flushed with their suc cess In pillaging and burning Chnngsha, wero marching toward Hankow nnd Its sister cities, Wuchang and Hanyang. Mnrtlal law was declared. Thousiinds of terrified Chinese sought the protection of the for eign quarter. CMKI U lttlMI FIKL ronri.Asn. Aug. 4. ap Hurolil Feu, 16. Olatskanto lum ber camp employe, died In hoe pltnl here lust night from burns received when ho pfiircd gaso line In a store to start a fire. He thought It waa kerosene. All explosion resulted, i PROMINENT LUMBERMAN Gas Corporation Ready To Start Work on Plant Loula J. Rust, who la to lie manager of the Klamath Falls gus plant of the Natural (Ins Corporation of Oregon, has ar rived lu Klamath Fuls to estab lish hla permanent residence here prior to the actual conatructlon work which . the company plana to begin within a few days. At tho present time Mr, Rust and Thomas K. Ilnrtlett, who It commercial nmnaKer of tho fom paay, art lucking evar business a ttack Fatal to Mill Executive Old Motto Work To Discomfort of One E. F. Gilli EVANBTON. III., Aug. 4, (A P) "If at first you don't auc caed, try It later" revised by K. K. (illlla. (Mills, driving home reeter dar attempted to light a cigar. Tolling out bla mechanical cUar lighter ha anapped It It clocked, but there waa no spark, no flama. Changing banda ba triad again with tho aamo reault. Than bo tried both bands; holding over tha lighter to protect tho flame. If any, ba gavo a vlcloue pueU with tha other band. Ha regained consciousness In a hospital whero they told hire bo bad run Into a tree, that ha still held tha lighter when they pulled hlra out and that bo would recover. MEJLHS HOT TO ' GIVEUP TRIP Wreck of Plane Causes Only Temporary Halt In World Flight HARBOR GRACE, N. P.. Aug. 4, (API Despite the wreck of hif plane, Jobn Henry Meara today set about making new plans to regain the world circling record taken from blm by the Graf Zep pelin. Meara' plana, tha City of New York, waa wrecked at l:4S a. m., (B. 8. T.) yeaterday When ho at tempted to take off In tho dark against tho advice of airport offi cials. Meara suffered a wrench ed shoulder, but bla pilot. Henry J. Drown, waa unhurt. The plan waa a total wrack. Temporarily Down "Wo are temporarily down, but not out." .Meara aald. "Wa will try again. It not thla year. Id 1931." TJie plane did not catch fire and thla probably eared the lives of the filers and tholr dog niaecol "Tallwlnd II," who acampered away alter the wreck. Meara (Continued on Page Eight Raffety Asked to Quit Traffic Post SALEM. Ore.. Aug. 4". fAP Secretary of State Hal Hosa haa In hla office the requested resig nation of T. A. Raffety. chief of the atate traffic department since Ha organliatton 10 yeara ago. and haa requested the resig nation of at least three of Haf ferty'a subordinates the Capital Journal, In a signed article, de clares It la reliably Informed. The three offlrere whose re tirement haa been aummarlly asked are Captain Kenneth Bloom, atatloned at Albany and commander of the American Lo glon post of that city; Sergeant W. II. Kllenberg, with hondqunr ters In Orenon City and com mander of tho Legion post there, and Lieutenant O. O. Nichols, stationed at Mvdford. Mexican Journal Lauds Mr. Morrow MEXICO CITY. Aug. 4. (AP) Excelsior, Mexico City dally. today In an editorial lauded Am bassador Morrow and predicted some day be would be1 president of the United States. "Not alnce the days of Am bassador Clayton, who knew how to live In peace wjth himself and with us." the paper au1d. "has there been such a business man who came to Mexico In an at mosphero which ninny of hla countrymen declared erramedl- ably hostile, within a short time winning tho irienitsnip oi every- ono. "It la easy to foresee," the PHper continued, "that the repub lican jfarty will find Its strong est cundldato lu Mr. Morrow when tho time comos to sock a successor to Mr. lloovor." sites. They plan to establish a combination store for the display of their product and aa office for the local manager. A de finite location haa not yet been found.' Mr. Bartlett la returning Tune day evening to hla headquarter In San Francisco, but will prob ably return hore again. Contract Awarded James Itonaran, field repro lUoaUaued oa i'aga bight) Soviet Cargo Ship Their holda loaded with Russian pulpwood from Archangel, tha Norwegian freighter "Christian Bora." abown above, and a British freighter, were barred from entry by euttome officiate at New York. It waa the first open clash between Soviet and American trade In terests, and the embargo followed proteata that the pulpwood waa of convict, or forced labor, origin. Forty more ahlpa carrylug elm liar cargoes were reported to be on tbelr way to the United Htatea, and theae too ware to be barred by order of Secretary of the Treasury Seymour Lowman, pictured at right. Mrs. Mooney Appears in Court Wearing Suit She Wore on July 22, 1916 tKS FRANCISCO, Aug. 4. (AP) Clad In Che aame black tail ored ault aba wore July J3, 11(, the day of the preparednesa day bombing, Mrs. Kena Mooney appeared today at the supreme court bearing on the Warren K Blllinga application for a pardon. Billings and Mrs. Mooney e husband, Thomas J. Mooney, are serving life aentencea aa the bombers. Tbe current hearing called to permit questioning of John MacDonald, Baltimore waiter, ta In effect a new trial for Blllinga with the aupreme court Juntos acting aa Judge and Jury, . - Mrs. -Mooney appeared that she might ahow he roe It In the aame clothing h was pictured as wearing Prepuodneaa Pay in photographs taken from the root of the Ellera building more than a nilb nway and a few minutes before the bombing. The pictures show Tom Mooney atandlng beside her. Nurse Recalled Eatelle Smith, former puree, whose testimony before the Justices last week Included the statement Blllinga told her he waa an add thrower, guilty of sabotage but not tbe bombing, waa recalled for cross examina tion by Edwin McKenxle, at torney for Blllinga. Before the examination began Chief Justice William Waste read a telegram from Duncan Matheson. former Ran Francisco police captain. In which he told (Continued on Pago Eight) Wife Slayer Faces . Trial for Murder BAKER. Ore.. Aug 4 (AP) George McGlennen, who last Fri day shot and killed hla wife. Hatel McGlennen. In a rooming house here, and seriously wound ed Harold Gllklson, another roomer, waa on the road to re cover here today. He facca trial for first degree murder. Gllklson a condition. . at first thought hopeU'sa. Is now better and be has a fair chance to re cover. McGlennon fold Sheriff Henry McKlnney at the hospital he had nover aeen Gllklson prior to the shooting. Gllklson waa shot when Mra. McGlennen rnn Into hla room to escape her husband after the firat shot was fired. Last Minute News FMRR Jl'Mrs TO DKATH SETE, France,' Aug. 4, (AP) Because he had quarreled with his girl, Jean Casternnd, aviator, Jumped to his death from his plane near Peyrnde. He fell In to tho garden of his mother's home., The .plane crashing to earth g hundred yards further on. Casterand left a note to tho girl tilling her he waa killing himself aa a proof of hla atten tion for hcv- START -WOULD FLIGHT LOS ANGELES. Aug. 4. (AP) Ted Lundgren, Hollywood avi ator bound on a round the world flight, took oft from United Air port at :!, a m. today, headed for Kansas Olt? and ltoosovolt Field, New York. , !,! C.LNMAX 11U:S -SALT .LAKE CITY. Aug. 4. (AP) J. C. Jnck) Yoro, 13 year old prospector and Indian fighter, reputed survivor of 160 gull battles and one of the most colorful characters of the old west, dlod yesterday at Carlin, Nov., rocrt'HRns , received here Jy frlenda of tha aged man aald. , VU Barred by U. S. WESTERN ASSN. County's Cattle Placed In Marketing; Group At Fort Klamath Over twenty thousand head of Klamath County cattle were signed up In the Western Cattle Marketing Association at Fort Klamath, Saturday. August t. In addition to thla amount several thousand head of Lake ' county and other adjoining counties were signed also. This ia by far the biggest sign-up ever made throughout tbe southern Oregon and northern California territory. With the algn-up now in effect In Klamath County, over 11,000 head of Klamath county cattle are now In the marketing associa tion, this being over "5 per cent of all cattle in the county. With the Interest shown by other stock men, no doubt nesrly 100 per cent will soon be marketing through the Western Cattle Mark eting Association. Mne Meeting The Fort Klamath meeting was the best and most enthusiastic gathering of cattlemen that southern Oregon has ever seen. It is said. J. It. Howard, represen tative of tbe Federal Farm Board, waa one of tbe first speakers on the program. Mr. Howard em phasized the fact that the Federal Farm Board waa strongly behind the operations of anch organlxa tlona as the Western Cattle Mar keting Association. He stated that the board had Investigated the (Continued on page timt) K1I.LKD BY LIGHTNING LA GRANDE. Ore.. Aug. 4. (A P) Andrew Blokland, about 40. owner of extenalre farming land near Island City, waa killed today by a bolt of lightning. He was In an open field. Blokland was a member of a pioneer family here. His was the second death of this kind in Eastern Oregon recently. Lightning killed a man near Baker two weeks ago, MISSING YOUTH FOUND noSKBURG, Ore.. Aug. 4, (A P) Ben Otis, missing sixteen ynr old boy, lost since last Fri day morning while on a fishing trip, was found this forenoon four miles balow Toketee Falls. Otis was In somewhat exhausted condition, but had had some food having carried two lunches with him. SOUTH FXJOY8 SHOWERS ATLANTA, Ga.. Aug. 4,, (AP) The South today was-experiencing charactoristle t August weather with the Atlantic sea board from Florida to North Carolina enjoying the effects of refreshing showers, tbe Atlanta weather bureau reported. STOCKMEN JOIN Treasury Official f: . VI i. J; -k .-. H i? d-yr TODAY'S MAJOR LEAGUE SCORES National: New York 4 ( Brooklyn . 0 ( 0 0 Batteries: Fltxslmmona Hogaa; Clark and Lopes. and Philadelphia 1 I Boston , ... , 3 10 Batterlea: Sweetland and Dav is; Cunningham and Spohrer. American: Boston 4 II t . 11 IS and Berry; Philadelphia Batteries: Smith Grove and Cochrane. Chiloquin's First.; , Annual Rodeo Set' . For August 9-10 Chlloouln's first annual rodeo will be ataged next Saturday and Sunday. Aug and 10, at the Chllqnln Rodeo grounds. Mr. Gibson, an experienced rodeo and race meet man and Jack Crlra. Cbiloquln rodeo star, and arena manager, are taking an active part in outlining tbe various events. The Chlloquln ahow will pro ceed tbe Penedleton rodeo about three weeks. A large number of riders and horses are ex pected to take part in - both rodeos. Hundreds of bead of racing stock will be on hand to make the show one of the finest ever staged In this part of the country. i Calf roping, bareback riding with loose rope and other sen sational features will keep the crowd Interested during tbe two days. Blooded horses will race as well as some cf their local stock. , Flan Annual Show The promoters-are planning to make this an annual event If the first one should prove a success. In addition to the race events a baseball game to d !de the championship of the southern Klamath county league will be played between Bonama and Beatty. The game will be called at ll a. m. sharp. Friday night, Aug. S. 32 rovds of fast boxing will be featured at the boxing arena. The final event la to be a Round-Up dance' to 1 3 held at tbe Chlloquln dance hall. Special prixea will be offered for the best dressed cowboy and cowgirl. Kansas Wardens Try to Save Fish PRATT. Kan.. Auk 4. (AD Deputy fish and game wardens throughout Kansas have been In structed to devote all efforts necessary to save fish which are dying by thousands in the streams which have fallen far below normal In the drouth. ' The deputies equipped with seines are capturing fish from shallow streams and transferring them to deeper waters. The present condition of streams was characterized by tne atate waraen as the worst In his experience. Zuta Killed Too Much CHICAGO. Aug. 4, (AP) Jack Zuta was killed, police said today, for telling what he knew about the assassination of Alfred (Juke) Llngle, Tribune reporter. ' And It was a woman, tho po lice were convinced, who arrang ed tbe slaying of Zuta Friday night In a lake resort dance ball near Dolatield, Wis. Zuta, the head of the northslde Moran-Alello gang's vice business, "talked plenty" when he waa Children Burned At Picture Show SAO PAULO. Braill, Aug. 4, (A P) Twenty three children were burned, ten of them probahiy fat ally, alter their clothing had caught (Ire from a motion picture film at a cblld'a ahow this after noon. The children had paid three cents each to attend the ahow given In the home of Carlos snd Armando Scllnachl, who used a small projector. One child struck a match and Ignited a pile of films In a corner. The Inflammatory material biased up and their clothing caught fire. Both the Scllnachl brothers were burned In trying to beat ont the flames. Gordon and Smith Say Commission-Manager Form Best That the proposed change In the city charter, calling for the commission-manager form, which will be voted upon next week may be given due publicity, the Herald has Interviewed numerous prom inent citizens and secured brief expressions from them. Tbe first two expressions, both from mem bers of the charter committee, are submitted today. J. A- Gordon, one of the active members of the charter commit tee which worked night after night studying every phase of the proposed new form of govern ment, stated today: . - "1 am very much In favor of the proposed change, In city gov ernment.- oosmeg or. conse quence la handled by the city manager, under the manager form. A man who haa no other business than to look after the needs of the city should be more beneficial, than a business man who has to devote a large part of his time to his own interests. You cannot expect a man who Is elected to office to serve a two year term, to give up all his other Interests and devote all hla time to the city's needs, for at the end of that time, he Is out of a Job and has neglected his work of a lifetime. Many questions are now being (ConUsund on Page Eight) Man Who Scorns ; Marriage to . Wed BALTIMORE. Aug' 4 (AP) H. L. Mencken, prospective bene dict after writing jibes at the tender passion for two decades, had but one comment today on the announcement of his engage ment to Miss Sara Powell Haardt, writer for magastnes. "I formerly was not aa wise as I am now." be said. Mencken, editor and critic. said plans for the ceremony were very Indefinite." On one point he is consistent. The man who wrote that ''being married with all your friends about you Is as private and dis criminating as eating In the win dow of a restaurant," said bis wedding will be very quiet. "It will be very refined." he said with a laugh. Germans Halted On Ocean Flight REYKJAVIK, Iceland. Aug. 4. (AP) Wolfram Hirth and Oscar Weller, German aviators, in dicated today they probauiy would abandon the remainder of their proposed trans-Atlantic (light from Berlin to the United Statea. They have been notified by the Governor of Greenland that there Is no suitable landing place for them In the south part of the country, where they had plan ned to holt en route to Labrador, and this morning they were con sidering sailing tor the United Statea aboard the Can-dlan Paci fic liner Mlnnedosa. for Telling A bout Slaying ouestloned several weeks ago about the Llngle slaying, Pate ' Roche, chief Investigator for the atate's attorney, said. The vice chieftain feared an attempt on hla lire. Talked With Woman Zuta hid ont In Wisconsin. He had eeveral telcphoae eenveraa tlons with a Mrs. Laura Nelson, living on the northslde. One waa Just a few hours before five men (Continued on Tage Uigbt BUS NESS IN FAVOR CHARTER HEAT WAVE ON HI! Serious Losseg to Crops In Middle We.t Will Be Experienced : HEAT RECORDS FALL IN MANY SECTIONS From New England to tbe Booth and From tbe Atlantic to the Rockies, Highest Marks Ever Recorded Feature Suuday'a Weather; Emporia Kaa., ' Re port a 113 Above. CHICAGbTAug;. 4 (AP) One of the long-eat arid most intense heat waves of recent years held the ' na tion in its merciless grip to day. The effect of the blister-ing- sun and wind were felt , in nearly all sections of the country, but principal crop damage was in the middle of the continent where three weeks of drought have made serious inroads on the cornfields. ' Government forecasters saw no permanent relief In atght. There n aome chance cf local thunderstorms ' and very alight rainfall, they aald. bpt tbe heat is not expected to ' be broken (or at least another week. -Com Damage Heavy. To tha farmer whose principal crop la com. thla meant aerious hardship. -Aaother week aa hot and dry as the last two. would seriously damage even late plant ed corn. The earlier part of the crop has been hurt to such an extent private estimates suggest loss of around 400.000.000 bushels already. Pasturage has also bees burs- (Conunuea on Page Eight) Democrats Name ' Donaugh to Guide . Party's Destinies PORTLAND. Aug. 4. (AP) Carl C. Donaugh will guide th destines of the democratic party In Oregon through the next year. He waa elected chairman of tbe democratic ataie committee Sat urday at the best attended meet ing the group has bad in years. . Donaugh won the chairman ship over Joseph K. Carson 'Jr., by tliree votea. ' Carson then took tbe secretaryship over Jack Summervllle by two votes. Mrs. Rosemary Schenck of Lin coln' county was elected .vice chairman. Treasurer and the executive committee will be ap pointed later. Twenty committeemen, attend ed and 13 others were repre sented by proxies. The absent counties were Harney, Malheur and Yamhill. HOUSE RAX AWAY PORTLAND, Aug. 4, (AP) Police were called i- yesterday to help out In a case of a run away house. Contractors were moving the building up East Ninth street. A cable broke and the building rumbled down Ninth a block before It crashed Into a light pole. Damage wai slight. Poor Pa says when I wps prayin so eloquent in church Sunday she though of the language I used Saturday night when I found she had taken the light bulb out of my room." "Ma