The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 29, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, July 29, 1930
Sin lEtuminij Wvtalb
O. O. Crawford-
Pabltshad aver aftorBooa except bunday by To Herald Publishing
Company at IIM1I Boulh Villa Hml, kUmU feUa. Urwo.
Eater a eeocmd eluee metier at the poslofflce ot Klamath falls.
Oregon, on August 10. l0. unaer am ot ixmgrose. Mecca .
H Mull IMiUsnrwl by Carrie
in nmsi.le la City
Couuty Coiiour Ou month. 10 It
Three Biontbl.H U Vbro maUii. J
i. nnnlha 1.7 I.le SIX snoBltl i i i
Oa year s.oo Um kr
HwriMiM nationally by
at. C. sUlih.NtifcN At CO, in.
San Kranciaco
s. v.v fcWttla Portlaad
n-.rmt Chicago Loo Aageie
Uvplea ol Too Herald and Neee. together with complete In
lurniouoD about Uo Klamath fall market, way bo obtain for
Iho Baking ol any ot thee oltice.
Member ol ilia Associated ireae
Too Associated free to exclusively oUtlejd to the oeo or republica
tion of oil news despatch credited to tl or not otherwise credited
to tele aapc. ond alao tb local news published therein. All rtabia
oc republloaUoa ot apodal dlspatchca hareia or alao rewrved.
Tuesday, July 29, 1930
Wien Experts Disagree
lENTIOX has already been made of that murder trial
in Ohio where six very eminent pyschiatrwt blew
themselves to opposing opinions concerning the sanity,
or otherwise, of a young wife-murdeivr who was on trial.
At it happened, the jury either decided to believe
the alienists for the state and to disbelieve the alienists
for ths defense, or it put the whole expert- testimony
racket out of its mind and went ahead to use its common
sense; at all events, the prisoner has been convicted of
first degree murder and has beea sentenced to the elec
tric chair.
However, the taste of this thuig lingers. It is such a
typical example' of the fumbling, incompetent way in
which our courts strive to do justice in murder trials
that it is worth extended examination.
This case was right in the accepted pattern-
The murderer's lawyers called three pschiatrista, all
of them very eminent and reputable men. They agreed
that the young man was woefully incompetent mentally;
he was, they said, half way between a moron and an
outright imbecile.
Then the state's attorneys called three other psy
ehiatrists, all of them quite as eminent and reputable
as the three the defense hsd called. They agreed that
th young man was quite normal mentally, fully able of
weighing the consequences of his acts and distinguishing
between right and wrong.
Now we haven't the faintest notion whether this par
ticular killer was. In fact, a lunatic or a normal human
being. But it does strike us that this method of getting
at the truth is about as poorly devised as anything one
could imagine
Why. in the name of ordinary logic, -wouldn't it be
better to hold the sanity hearing in advance of the trials
with qualified alienists hired, not to testify for one side
or the other, but simply to render the truth as they saw
it? If they reported the prisoner insane he could be
locked up; if they found him sane, he could be put on
trial and the case could be decided on its merits.
The present system leads only to confusion. It offers
the hardened, intelligent killer a chance to escape the
punishment he deserves, and it also makes it possible for
the state to electrocute some poor nit-wit who ought to
be in a hospital. The one thing it does not do is offer
a chance for dealing out exact justice.
There is a good deal of talk nowadays about respect
ing the courts. How is it possible to respect a system
that undertakes to get at the truth in a roundabout, in
efficient manner like this?
Toe Trouble with the reroaer,
Key Nerretery Hj-cle, I
That Women Are luelng
Ttietr Waistlines Hoover
Haaa Froal-rorrh Photo of
A hot weather tip from the surgeon-general's office
is to keep the spinal cord protected. We doubt, how
ever, if women will make their frocks conform to the
Walter Damrosch says: "The radio will save family
life from disruption by the automobile." P. S Walter
Damrosch plays for the radio.
A house without doors has been erected in London.
The builders are thought to be amateur bridge fans
anxious to avoid further grand slams. ,
The mayor of a North Carolina town who was ar
rested for drunkenness recently, probably felt it was his
duty to lessen that infernally long time between drinks.
Now that he has recalled Prirao Camera to the Ital
ian army, Mussolini will feel that war can begin any
It really wasn't necessary to recall Camera for train
ing in the army. He was getting splendid "setting up"
exercises in this country.
NK. eVrvloe Writer
retary ol Agriculture Arthur M
Hr ha epitomised one ot I ha
dui and moat profound truth
about Uo farm alt nation.
"The women are lining their
waistline. " Hyde says, "and tho
Farmer are l.ialnc their antris."
U It weren't tor that, on die.
coTer on checking ud tho figure
ot ta department alallstlcal dl-
vision, about half th wheat
problem would be solved. One
w were a lot of heavy bread
eater, but vn with all ttia
aadwlcb counter tn drug atorea
and caadv atorea todaj w eat
considerably les bread Ulan be
fore toe war.
From 1SI to 101 tho per
capita consumption ot wheat wa
i. aaahela.
from 10I to Ull It wa I I
bush em.
from 1911 to 1II It wa
about 4.1 buahel.
Th exportable aurplut. which
rauae moat of the wheat farm
era problem and keep price
down, U about SOMOV.UvO boaa
la. It th pre-war capita oa
umptlon had been maintained It
would be taking as bout halt of
that wheat. The federal farm
board apparently la not Tory
hopeful ot perauadlng people to
eat more bread, ao It la trying
to get the farmer to cut acre
Senator Keed Smoot ot Utah,
who got hlmaelt married the
other day at tho ag of (S to
Mr. AUc Sheet, wa Invited to
ipend a tow day at tho White
Uouae. but t'realdant Hoover
wouldn't let him bo photographed
with hi bride oa tho front porch.
Of coorao that wa juat where
all th photographer atallonad
at th Whit Houa wanted to
take picture ot the bridal couple.
But word came down from Mr.
Hoover that tho camera work on
U Bmoota con Id bo done eoroe
whoro oa tho td of the White
Hon anywhere, la tact, except
on tho front porch. Th p real-
dent would t poo grecilag th
nappy pair, either.
Washington probably notice
unemployment lea tbaa any city
of It at. Member ot congreaa
have bad to go back to their owa
atateo to find ont about It for
Th District of Columbia has
no Industrie ot It own, ao thr
have bean ao factory layoff. '
About half th population feeds
off the government, directly or
Indirectly, and tho rest feeds, dt-
rlctly or Indirectly, off thos who
feed off th government. Thus, as
Unci 8ata Is UU doing busi
ness without any curtailment ot
operations, the employment sit
uation doe not vary a great deal
from year to year. A dribble of
people Is always coming In. look- J
Ins for Jobs, but never enough to
provide any marked demoastra-
Uoa of depression.
Tho fact that the centu ba
re took oa about 7,01)0 new
heads this rear has helped keep
dowa local unemployment. Most
of these employe wer found la
Washington and la case where
they left other Jobs there ware
ao many more position open for
th jobless. Government build
ing also helped absorb the sur
plus, but wanting bv beea
t out that there la no de
mand hr for more wag cara-r.
Attar deliberating a little
more than an hour, th jury In
th eaa ot th atal agalual
Ueorge Mo Lean brought In a
verttlol of guilty. judge Hen-
soa aunounced that he would
Impose oeatonc Thursday. In
the meantime the aeeuaed waa
remanded to th custody ot the
Tho Jury took but two bal
lots. The first stood ten for
conviction and two for acquit
tal. Tuaa following a brief In
terval another vote waa taken.
It wa unanimous tor conviction,
e e e
Mr. J. H. Wlgle. who wa
throwa from an automobile that
turned turtle oa Long Lake hill
Sunday 1 (till con lined to her
room la the Baldwin Hotel, but
la reported to b much better.
Mr. Wlglo Is abla to bo around.
They will etart tor their borne
la Prlnevllla tomorrow If Mr.
Wlgl la abl to bo ouL
Log itars will ao longer be
ealooiu In court houa euuare.
Id taut, parson who hav uiada
a praotlo ot sleeping oa bench
In th park will b rudely Jest
ed louljtht and doputy aherirti
John tkhsllock will do th eject
Robert Chayue, one ot the
rancher ot thl valley, has gone
to Klickitat county, Washington,
to bring dowa a large threshing
outfit that be and hi brothers
hav atored there.
e e e
Automobile from Cratr Lake
to Medford. Monday, and Thurs
day, (are fit, 1l for the
round trip.
a a a
Th witness lu th McLean
caso from Laiigull Valley re
mained In town ao long that
moat ot them got so they didn't
aby at automobile.
News Letter
School Taxes
Klamath's Share
County Eighth
Oregon System
Timely Quotations From People
in the Public Eye
Question on Sites
r S T j T "" j u""P" 3
7" ;o rr "5
,i " "" 13"
-bp r
Zs jo ict ZG
ZT 3T 37" 35" ji j xj
ZT 4i TT 3T" L
3o Tl 35
I t I 1 1 I I I 1 I I -
HORIZONTAL eSTe hK a ball.
1 Where la
STapltal of
, Alaska,
a To baste.
10 Shore.
IS A acre. .
14 Copper alloy.
1ST letter.
IT To soak
S3 Insulated.
S3 Aa exploit.
S6 To Immerse.
SA To ring,
ta Grain.
SO Conclusion.
ta To attempt.
S8 To coagulate.
SS Trap. '
SS Punitive.
a Eaaaaatiem
4 Pertalnlnc
te air.
3 Joke.
43Hhort letter,
4T I'eU.
' I Second larg- II Where t
' ' . etty. - " "eettlrt
1 Te vent Hate. 14 Oraas of
Barn, cattle.
. .
IS To harden.
IT Joined. .
IS Woolly er-
Snaky flh. ol sloth.
T CoaMctlatloa. WeW.
si nun. '
SS Hons oat.
S Organ of
heariag. '
aw iioiBo.
T Pastry.','
aa Knemy.
at naM la
SS Tw otaO.
54 Aaanal
season (
55 Moakey.
SS Almond,
87 Verb.
SO "either.
40 Dined. ,
41 Shelter.
4S Behold.
44 To exlat.
Among those absent during the
senate special session to cover
tho ondoa treaty wa Senator
Arthur Goo Id of Maine, who ar
rived at th capital la dliruat
and left th same way. Hi en
try to tne senate ta 1117 wa
held np when charge were
brought against him and h re
mained disgustedly oa tho anx
ious eat until a committee In
vestigated and let him In. Last
year there wer published a
couple of letter from th aena-
tor to a wine company which ap
peared to have sent him a kef or
two of unfermented win to be
used for obvious purpose. The
aenator was enthustastls about
the remits. Th Mains Antu
Saloon learua wasn't enthnalaatir
at all when It read the leti..
and Senator Gould, who bad been
regaraea as a dry, subsequently
announced that he wouldn't run
for re-election.
The aenator left Waahlnunn
several weeks before th clue of
the regular session and promised
h elerato. boy that ha wasn't
ever comlbg back. He ! tiii
entitled to lothar social nun.
here, however, beginning with
tho reconvening of congress la
ior tne short session.
BU Loul Pott-Dispatch: It
la Indeed Inspiring to live In aa
ago whoa so much light Is being
spread Into benighted quarter
ot the earth. Nation which
have been existing a best they
could with a lot ot stuffy old
idea and custom are at last
awakening to what blessing mod
ern clrlllUation on the American
plan can bring to them. Take
Australia tor Instance. There's
a great country full of pons I bill
tie, but for a Ions time the peo
ple hav been stodgy and un
imaginative, lacking th Initia
tive to strike oft the shacklea
of tho moldy past and seek new
goals and new ideals, aa our en
ergetic cltlseni bar done.
A better day now 1 dawning
for Australia. The bright rays
ot progress after the American
modal ar gilding th roof top
ad flag pole of th horison.
and oa kaadred ot them, the
Associated Press reports, roof-j
sitters and pol-lttera bow are
perched, doggedly banging on
for new records. Nonstop plane
tournaments shatter th tor
porous calm of thl awakening
nation. Pie-eating contests and
sarsaparllla drinking matches
stimulate tho ambition ot the
dtlsenry. Uance Marathon urge
one complacent youth onward
to distance goals, while nonstop
talker and fiddlers add to the
country's hum of energy.
Australia, patterning 'after
American enterprise, 1 finding
herself In an antipodean renal
ance. Soon ah will hav hot
dog standi and modern lit furni
ture, love nest murders and
peakeasles, contesalon m a g a
ilnes and crooners of jar.. Aus
tralia, w aik you, ain't progress
great T
Lot Angela Tim; BighUe
empty jails In EngJsnd to let, sell
or junk, is the startling fact made
known by the home secretary of
England recently. The last SO
year has seen th population of
England and Wale increase ta
per cent, while th number of pris
oners has deoreaaed to per cent.
This in face of th crime ware
and racketeering In various parts
of the world! Cause are said to
be fewer wrongdoers, fewer jail
sentences, more time llowd for
payment of fine Instead of Im
prisonment and the plan of placing
the offender "under supervision"
until th fin 1 paid, if hi sge Is
between IS and 21. In the cases of
minor of fense, while In more seri
ous crimes detection and punish
ment follow with such relentless
efficiency that potential criminals
do not choose the ollmat or tree
hotels of England.
HORACE: What makes you
think that girl you'v been taking
out taxieab driving I playing you
tor a fish?
HERBERT: I Just found out
she wa married to the driver.
Meeting of Property
Owners Postponed
The meeting ot Hot Spring
and Elvath aueet property hold
ers, which was formerly called
for Wednesday evening, July 10.
ha been Indefinitely postponed
la order to giro am pi time for
securing Information on the pro
posed erection of new city bridge
and widening of Eleventh street.
A committee composed of Paul
Johnson, Cliff Dunn, Percy Mur
ray, Percy Evan and J. A. Oor
don waa appointed si th last
meeting to confer with th city
engineer oa th project, obtain
estimate on expenditure necee-
aary and decided oa the ranel
feasible way of proceeding with
tho matter.
Work Started on
New Lighting Unit
Work starts thl morning on
the Klamath avenue lighting sys
tem whloh Include new street
light from Second to Eleventh
streets. Th California-Oregon
Power company ha th eon tract
for th project, which will be
completed thl fall.
Although thl la the second
lighting lmprovmnt unit
planned by the oily. It la th tlrat
that ha reached the staee ol In
stallation. Main street merchanta
started actios for new street
lights, but th project wa
dropped before bid wer ovaa ad
vertised. Klamath svenu Is rapidly be
coming en ot th main business
thoroughfare ot th city, and
merchant on th itree' pushed
th matter rapidly a aoou as It
got under way last May.
SALEM. Or. July II (AP
Th Northwesters Electric com
pany today filed with th public
service commission a schedule ot
reduced rstes conforming to th
recent order of th commission re
ducing rate ot the Pacific North
west Service company, Tee) a
schedule Is effective August IS
la the Northwest compsny' Ore
gon operations In Multnomah and
Colombia counties.
(tovrort tea fa
ry. it wppwep
ll" 1705 -THC HW
Pl ' l J -ANP TKtT ." I
N.I 111 K V OV I AllP TMT J
'vlS. V JL.' ll TtA fttTr.'
Jourrieyif. eni,
Tlier r st least four mistakes In th above picture. They
may pertain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot.
tie If you cso find them. Then look at th scrambled word below
and unscramble it, by switching th letters (round. Urad your
self iv tor each of the mistakes you find, and 10 for the word If
you unscramble It. Turn to th back page and wa'll explain th
mistakes and tell you th word. Then you can aee how near a
hundred yoa bat.
failed I'reeo Htaff Ourvaponriput
SALEM, Or., July II. (UP)
Aa eatltuat ot Klauialh eoun.
ty'a apportionment to It lmn,
lary and high auhoola for lb
neat achoole year, might be found
lu (chool census figure juat re
leased by the atat deportment of
The tai. annually levied by th
county nd, according to law.
never leaa than Ilu per school
child, I distributed oa a school
census basis.
KUuuaUh Unlnlng
Whtther th county shall re
ceive a larger or smaller share
for next year'a school budget,
waa predicted la eompartlv cen
sus figure fur ltll-IS and 12K
10, today oa III In th Stat de
partment of education.
The county bow etaade In Ilh
place la attendance among those
euunltee of th slat aa compared
to 11th place which It held laat
year. Census figure .show that
4.111 boya and I. Ml girls at
tentisd classes throughout I US
IS, whll 111-11 rupert die
eloeed that 1.401 boy and l.TII
girl wer rvgletered la th coun
ty s achoola.
Show KiBejtalon Polity
Th state total tor thl year
waa 140,111 ehlldrea aa com
poeed to 114.141 la 1111-10.
Tho sln I commensurate with
Oregon educational eipanalon
policy, atal authorities said.
Controeersy has beea waged
A really fascinating crime I
one commute! Iy a pillar of
the church or a apinstur noted
rnr nr marines."
H, H, Van Dlue, mystury story
"The younger gwiivratlwu la al
ways disturbing old tellowa."
Calvin Coolldga
"A chubby ltnineo offends the
sense ot fliti.we " Kdna Perliar,
"Overcrowded prison condi
tions, with Inability to separate
and classify cilmliiala properly,
are responsible for rioting and
gmieral unrest In penal Inatllu
lluua." Dr. John It. Oliver of Johns
"Liberty I Ilk sealtb In
thai It should be carefully used
If It I to fulfill Us purpose."
.premier Itameay MacDouald
of Ureal Britain.
during legislative sessions ot th
laat few yeara, on the valu ol
th stale chon approprlatloa
fund sytm. Hunt bold th pres
ent plau I good as caa ti
had. Other claim It contains
many unfair ailvaulugea, that pro-
portions ar not eveuly dlstrl
buted aud th alat dou oot con
tribute a Juat aUare of fuuda to
school auppuru Many hav urged
luni closer equalisation In distri
bution of funda he Inaugurated.
IHetrltiuUoa rneatlafartory
Distribution ot th countv
school tax aald by C. A. Mow
ard, atal superintendent ol puu
lls instructrou, to be unaatlefao-lory.
A an example, Howard ailed
the school district with 10 pupils
oa lb ceusu rereivlug only
halt a much a district In th
aaia county with 10 ehlldrea ot
school age. lioth schools must
maintain ciaaaea at approximately
th earn expense, Howard de
'Th method provided by law
tor distribution of th two-mill
elementary acbool Us. I more
equitable than for any other
school fund In the stale," Howard
This tax. which I tpporttoned
to th counties sccordmg to as
sessed property valuation, I
levied by the atat and distri
buted by th eoeaty a tees.
r-pupll basis.
"Th stsl Irreducible acbool
fund I of lllll valu to tat
school at present," Huward de
clared. "Itevenue derived from
Ihla fund last year amounted to
only 1111 per pupil and will
hardly exceed that figure this
Some educator hav suggested
Ible fund a left unused, lor
period of tea year during whloh
lime It uilght b substantiated by
adillllona and Interest thereby
having some real value to future
Oregon education. It I aald th
fund might be doubled and the
disbursement per pupil raised a
high as II or over.
Th bulk of acbool funds la
Oregon la raised through the dis
trict lax, elate figure show. This
method of acbool financing I roe
eldnred by students of education
to be the least reasnnabl of y
aow la operation la th stale.
It I claimed that acbool district
vary la some couatla In th ratio
of on to II or area more, la lb
ability to educate their children.
Some eubstanttal fund might
be appropriated by lb state to
relieve the kurdea oa om ot th
poorer school district. H la aald.
A movement la bow under way la
eeek support for such action dar
ing th 111 (eesloa of th slat
fa aWOveean
see see
V in addition to the famous Standard Pabst-ettyou know so wetl
Now yoa can buy Pabst-ett Pimento, Pabst-ett Swiss and Pabst
L ett Brick as well as the Standard Pabst-ett. Keep all tonr on hand. A
Full size
They're here! Three New Pabtt-ett Varieties Pimento, Swiss
and Brick. The same smooth, creamy whole-milk cheese food as
the Standard Pabst-ett that women and chefs everywhere use
every day but NOW you can get it in 3 distinctive new vari
eties instead of only one.
With the New Pabst-ett Varieties you can cater to the individual
tastes of each member of your family. Now, you can easily have
delightful variety in luncheon sandwiches.
Get Two Packages at the Introductory Price!
t For a limited time, your dealer will sell you two 25 packages of Pabst-ett,
one Standard and one of any Variety, for 35. Don't miss this unusual ehanc
to get acquainted with the New Pabst-ett Varieties. Buy some today.
Sold by all dealers.
Ealllbitt MstMifoMttnimg Co.
41 Front Street, Portland, Ore.