The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 28, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Monday, July 2ft, 1990
O. O. Crawford-
Pskllaked vry aftaraoga xcpt Sunday by Tb Herald Publishing
Company l lui-lfl South fifth Html, Klamath rail. Oregon.
Kntared u oond ! matter it lb postofflc of Klamath Pall.
Oregoa, August 10. 108, under act of Cougress, March I, 1871.
lj Mall Oelivered by Carrier
In Outside In City
County County On montk it tt
Thf moolba.ll.? II I Thr month 1.11
llx sv-m1U . i i S.I l.X Six month
On Yvrr I.Ott . Un r 1.10
AHStKlAlbO I'lil.MI Uu.SKI Wlllsi
Kepreseuted nationally by
Sn franclsco
Kew York Sltie Portland
Cat roil Ckicago Loa Aagelee
Copies t Tk Herald and Ne, together with complete In
turaiauoa about Ik fclaiaaib Falla market, may be obtained tor
lb asking at any ot Ikeee office.
Mtsabar ul tha Associated Pre
Th Associated Proa it exclusively eeiltled to (k use or republlca
boa ot all naaa despatches credited lo It at not otherwise credited
In Oil oapr, and a too tk total news published therai. All rights
ot republication X special dispatches htraia ar also reserved.
Monday, July 28, 1930
The Glamour Of A Ship
nrHE job of reconditioning the old frigate Constitution
" is almost complete. Photographs showing the ship
hull afloat, with the lower masts all stepped, have been
printed in the newspapers; before long she will be ready
to go to sea, and that triumphal tour of inland and
coastal waters will probably get under way.
The Constitution will be worth looking at. No Amer
ican naval vessel holds anything like her place in public
ecteem. But her tour will bring some of us, at least, up
against a peculiar little problem in comparative values
During tfie last few years most people have made a
genuirie effort to get away from the old attitude
.toward war. Dozens of books have been printed to
prove that war is not glamorous and romantic, as we
used tb suppose, but filthy and cruel and senseless. V
have told ourselves that only by adopting this attitude
can we ensure the continuance of world peace.
But here we have the Constitution glamorous and
romantic, if any ship ever was. The mere sight of this
old 'square-rigger, with her white gun ports, her dis
tended sails and her long, graceful hull cutting through
the blue water is enough to stir warlike emotions in the
heart of the most confirmed war-hater on earth.
Furthermore, the Constitution has a past that is
worth remembering. The men who sailed on her, up
wards of a century ago, did some fine and gallant
things. The ship was not unimportant in the develop
ment of this country. She deserves the homage we give
What is the answer then; Un the one hand we
have this new-born determination not to wrap her in a
false ?'raour; on the other, we have war's glamour in
carnate. The Constitution's cruise will bring the old at
titude and the new face to face. Which way shall we
Probably the answer is that we don't need to jump
either way. The conditions that attended the building
of the Constitution, for one thing, are gone forever.
World civilization has changed- Actions that were neces
sary then are not so necessary now.
In addition, we might remind ourselves that the
Constitution is not a modern warship. She may be
romantic and picturesque but wars aren't fought that
.way now. The modern sailor, instead of standing by
the breech of a carronade and cheering as the enemy
comes alongside, is more apt to be crouched in the
bowers of a submarine, working at e mechanic's trade to
deal out death to a ship that he can never see. What
ever war may have been in 1812, it is something else
atgain in 1930.
. We can honor the Constitution as a relic, but that
does not commit us to the belief that war is either as
necessary or as colorful now as it used to be.
So Far Congressman Fish'
"Red I'rolw" llaa KrUl
XolMHl), but Mr. fr ith tlia-o
It'll U Different IVhn Me
Move Ilia InvosllKaUoa to
New tork Krxt Month.
A scientist predicts we shall some day live on air.
When the time comes we shall probably be a nation of
plane livers.
As far as Primo Camera is concerned, that edict to
rejoin the Italian army is just an ill draft that blows
no good.
If you're feeling in the pink, don't brag about it.
One of those Communist spies might overhear you.
One is Induced to ask that 156-year-old Kurd on
visit to thfs country how he got that whey.
Insects ruin a picnic, complains a writer.
Jf they're those durned spelling bees.
Irish women and girls spend more than $3,000,000 a
year on. cosmetics. To show, perhaps, that they can be
just as belligerent as the men folk by using a heavy
lip-stick. . "
NKA Srrvlra Writer
nouse investigation ot tk red
radical, aponaored, launched and
chalrtuaned by Congressman
Hamilton flak ot New York,
will mora In July up ta tht
chairman' own bailiwick, whr
Mr. riak hop It wUI b getting
a lot mora publicity than II baa
bad In it firm few day.
Th country1 complete fallur
to got excited about tkia Invest!-
gallon ot Communist activities,
la a source ot worry not only
to Mr. Fiik but to other mein
bra wko hoped there would ba
rood political malarial In It and
to thoa barning patriot whose
cmer mission I convincing th
nation that It stands In great
danger ot a bolshevik revola
Tbo Forgerlr Hurt
Mr. Fish atarted under aererel
handicap. H lad th anti-red
bus and cry a flax Polio C omnia
alonar Vbalu ot New York had
unarthd "doeumanta from Moo
cow'' purporting to link th Am-
torg Trading Corporation of Naw
Work with Communiat Interna
tional actlvlUe in Amarlca. Tha
moTwacnt lost much tam wbaa
th doeumanta war proved to b
torgwle concoctttd In Naw York.
Than Mr. Flak procdd to
dampen hi own firework hy
calling btor tb committ
aom lnTtrat critics at th
Sonet goToraewnt and commun
ism whoa Tie vi war already
quit well known to th country.
One ot th most distinguished nt
thee wltneaao rather ruined the
effect of hi Tldenc by assert
ing that ao actual was th men
ace to our educational Insulations
that for two houra th red flag
had flown orer tha VnlTeralty ot
Chicago. That Bounded a little
bit too wild to be tru and It
was, aa th commute aoon found
Secret testimony was given by
certain aelactad government of
ficials. Including aom of tn
aatt-rad propagandlata. bat you
cant get much publicity oat of
secret teetlmony. Both tht
Stst sad Justice Departments
bad previously aatd tkey kad ao
evidence ot communiat plots.
Mr. Frjh certainly hope to
put on better abow In hi own
bom town. And It mignt m
tuggasted that th taxpayer
ought to abow more Interest.
They hare invested I2S.000 for
tht thing. Or, at least, th
House has Invested It tor them.
Cnleas something ooexpecteo:
I uncovered and ther a al
ways that chance th principal
discovery in New York la likely
to be the tact, not Quit success
fully conceaed hitherto, that there
ar a few thousand communist
In the country whose Idea or re
volutionary strategy la to stag
a n s m cloyment demonstrations
with a view of getting themselves
beaten over th had by iquaas
ot enthusiastic cops. Any U
saver wbo baa been afflicted by
more eriou suspicions may con
sequently be bl to tlgur thst
Mr. Flab ha given th nation
tii.OOO worth of relief.
On -ot tb most disquieting
thing bont it all 1 that ear
tain member of th House ar
.tin raxiinr Mr. Fish and his
searehins: pro be. In fact. Con
gressman Ramseyer of Iowa goes
o far as to say that th Fish
insaatization 1 mor ot a menace
than th Communist tnemseiTe.
See Help for too ncas
This darned thing Is going to
give the Communists a fin
chance to spread their propa
..nHa un Ramseyer. "Yon
.n't inveatleate anyone without
m.winp them com before th
committee to defend themselve
and be cross-eiaminea. wnen
they do that peopl will begin
to nav attention to the Commun
ists for th first tim. This com
mittee 1 going to investigate th
nailv Worker, tb communist
newspaper, and when It doe that
th Daily Worker'a circulation
will hav a big Increase. People
111 read It Just like tney reaa
uppressed book.
"Someone ought to jail off
this investigation before oar In
stitution really begin to get
undermined. Sick peopl ar al
way looking for patent medi
cine and I don't se why w
must let this propaganda be pre
sented to our - bankrupt farmers
and workmen wbo are unemploy
ed and atarvlng." i
Hather than permit kls wt
to leap to certain death or cer
tain Injury, J. H. Wlgl ystrday
morning guided his hug Old-
mobll to certain destruction
and himself euetatned Injuries
that miraculously will not prove
fatal, according to Or. Merry-
atan, wbo la In attendance.
Mr. Wlgl h Is a liveryman
at PrlnavlU was returning to
kla horn after trip In tbla
section. H waa accompanied In
kia eU-hors power automobile by
hi wit and Mis lidlth Older-
son a achool teacher ot Portland.
Oregon. At a point near th top
ot tb Long Lak hill tk engine
Mapped and th car started down
the hill backward.
Mrs. Wlgl screamed and
stepped out oa th running board
or ta ear. r earing that bl
wit would Jump, Mr. Wlgl
steered Into tb taald rocky
bank when h found tb emer
gency brak would not hold. Th
oar turned over. Mrs. Wlgle
and Mia Oldereo Jumped and
were aaved but Wlgl waa planed
uader th ear.
Injured but i
kl physician.
H wa seriously
'111 recover, ays
Intimating that k Is a victim
of a "put ap Job," Oeorg Mo
Ua took tb staat tbla after
noon in kia ewn behalf In tit
ras la which b la charged
who stealing a mar from M. U
Bo wondrous wa tba dlanlar
oi aoalary oa th band excursion
Sunday that a man from Uonaasa
complained of being lrk.
Oa th way back aeversl aew
wriuklee In oatctlaary and
doatoare-a-damtor-th crowd lov
scene war enacted. Tk auburn-
haired pilot en th Wlnem was
so put oat by th aatloa of sue
eoupl tb apper deck that
ke boxed tk compass) several
time I
Ab Cohen, a commercial man
ox Sua Francisco, left tbla saoro
lng with a (Pleadtd word for
thin ally and It merchaat.
News Letter
The Penitentiary
Its Industries
Self Support
May Be In 1933
Timely Quotations From PeopU
in th Public Eyo
Thirteen Is Heaven
Z j S T 3
5" " IT" IT" ' 3 " "
3 (3 5- 15
a i"
w brpr jrir
53 2S" 3 2S-'
t" 35" TT aiT
ee I -
3T sh-i 3ti "" ""73" 5CT2Tp2'
H 1 II I-1 w 111-
X To aeeer th
bead treaa.
S Flask,
O Wing.
10 Pees.
I 3 RflMfCKfe
10 To stitch.
17 Perfumed
' ointments,
19 Nantknl.
XI Sam.
23 Iniquity,
as Krsita.
SS Te lubricate,
as Llsht talk.
SI Twreaulr.
33 Abullshed.
St Hoaarkeep.
S UrteU grae.
5 To graje.
Fuel. .
T Teke lis
debt ed.
I Shallow dish, 11 Oivalry sol
ing. .
43 Hake.
44 Assist.
43 Welcomes.
49 Dlstribnt
S Deer.
14 Sua.
17 To breath
ie Early.
91 By way of.
53 ToknoC
54 Beer.
XI Toaboejkd.
X Rlnctng
aa Action.
3 Moat beseft-
4 To dee Kith
etax. A,
M Obetractioa.
37 FsreweUI
sa Oolr device.
40 Nothing.
41 Mir.
43 To
Los Angels Tim: At a recant
meeting ot the Chicago Ministerial
Union, Rev. Phillips Osgood of
Minneapolis said that tbe Sunday
achool had outlived Its usefulness
and should b abolished. Ho gav
as hi reason for this strange ut
terance tb charge that tbe Sun
day school undermines th church,
becaua when peopl send their
children to be taught the Scrip
tural lesson they think they have
don their whole duty In a religi
on way and stay away from th
house of worship themselves.
- It Is difficult tor th laity to
a tb logic of inch aa argument,
nd It li not likely that many ot
tb e)rgy would b willing to sub
scribe to It, tor churchmen of all
creeds hav nrged upon parents
far many Tears th Importance- ot
Bin! teaching for their children,
with apparently little thought ot
its diminishing church attendance.
Or, Osgood's Indictment la - a
terioos one. Ther are fen- church
members wbo never went !o Sun
day achool. Is not the Sunday
school a sort ot preparatory novi
tiate for th church? What
thoughtful adult who attended
Sunday achool regularly during
his youth would exchange wbat he
learned there for any other kind
of knowledge? Ha Scriptural
knowledge In itself kept him away
from church!
Th work of teaching religions
to classes la ot very ancient origin,
and the spirit of It has come down
through the centurlea. Sunday
schools In this country now have
about 11,000,000 members, and It
Is not In th least likely that such
argument against them as ar
mad by Dr. Osgood ar going to
reduce the number to any great
extent. - -
Bangor Commerlcal: Tb teed
ot Jury Justice, found In Franca,
urtnred In England and trans
planted to every continent, now
thrives over two-thirds ot tbe
land area of the world. Employ
ed originally by King Cbarlea
of Burgundy to collect taxes and
later by William the Conqueror
to take th English census, tb
Jury ystem ha finally become,
in this dsy, a symbol of Justice
to men In many natlono.
Japan Is the latest nation to
place tb Jury system In opera
tion. Although th Jury la-w was
passed by tb Japanese legisla
ture six year go. It went Into
effect only a month ago. It was
necessary to rebuild th court
rooms before granting accused
persons tbe rigbt to demand trial
before "twelve good men nd
American do not find trial by
Jury aa perfect as the needs ot
justice demand, but the rest of
th world Is flndlndg it battar
than all substitutes yet devised.
Th Jury system hss msny critic
ot that common species which
has nothing to otter tor tb Instl
tutlon it would destroy.
Th faults ot the Jury ar
th fault ot humanity. A Jury
la only as good aa th men and
woman la th Jury box. Where
trial by Jury breaks down. It is
because of corruption. Th sys
tem merely reflects man's Im
perfect workmaosblp.
For Result Is Herald Clasa Ad
New Railway to
Improve Busine
In Thi Territory
Batter business through devel
opment f unimproved territory
with resultant Increase ot employ
ment, lower freight rte aad
easier handling ot traffic through
uniform control, will result from
th linking of tk Great Northern
with th Western Pacific la con
struction of th naw road from
Klamath Falla to Keddl. Calif.,
according to Eugene T. Olfford ot
Seattle, northwestern manager of
th E. Fltkln company, Ltd., op
erating freight franchises nndsr
th nam ot tb United American
Utilities. Ine.
Olfford. a guest at Hotel Sir
Francis Drake la San Francisco,
la touring th coast. Inspecting
freight condition and probable
revision In rates with the linking
of tha two railroads.
In a persona Interview Mr. Gil
ford stated: "Produce shipper
will b especially benefited by the
new onncUo of th two grat
railroads. Fruit and vegetable
can b shipped to tb Nortkwwt
from Southern and Central Cal
ifornia areas taster, cheaper aad
easier through tb proposed ant
form control ot all freight line."
Wall th construction ot tb
new railway link will provide m
ployraent tor thousands f men,
tb development of new territory
and lncreas In busine also I ex.
peerea to give employment' to eth
er thousands.
B. P. W. Picnic at
Crystal Spring!
Klamath Fall Business and
Professional Women will enjoy
Plcnie at Crystal anrlnia Alana.
thla evening. A pot-luck (upper
and (wimmlng party will be on
me program, in aaaition to many
lntereetlne mmim), fn, wmh
prise ar being offered. IV
A swimming rare, dltlag con
test. watermelon-aatfBs evnataeir.
foot race, tusof-war, a poem eon-
ii ana pop-annKing ecutts are
Included en the program.
mx.0, JONES, YOU
tflN PAPCr?, Will YOU?
.A... t -N f
rhjZJl f, J soon r
A fffioi word toe Somebody.
Ther ar at least tour mistakes in th sbov picture. Tky
may pertain to grammar, klstory. etlquett, drawing or wkataot.
Se If yoo cg fiod them. Then look at tbe scrambled word below
aid unsorsmbl It, by twitching th lattara arouqd. Orad your
self 10 for ach of th mistakes you find, and 10 fortb word It
you unscrambl It, Turn to lb back psg and we'll uplalo th
mistake aad tell you tbe word. Then yon can bow aeer
hundred you bat.
United Press Staff Correspond!
ALBM. Ore- July la (I'PI
Tk Oregon aula penitentiary
ran h mails alf-upportlna by
1 33 If th preaaut administra
tion at tb prlaoa St not Inter
fered with by politic.
THIS IS th aaaerliaa ot col.
W. ak Bertram, mauager of In
dustrie at tk penitentiary,
leader la tb flex Industry ot
tb stale, and Ike man wbo first
introduced llaa pulling machinery
lata Oregon.
Pottsir .1 Factor
IF POLITICS aud politicians
will leave th dalu!strallv poll,
clee of tb prison unmolested aad
If U ll lealaialar will ap
propriate tl0,o t be seed sa
a revolving read lor tk prison's
Industrie, Ik Oregon peniten
tiary can b mad th only penal
Institution In th world that la
entirely lf-pportd by tadu
trie competing with tree labor
or ou'.aid commerce, according
to Cotoael Ban ram.
TUB PRISON iaduetriee are
being built upon a I per cent
Increase program each jear, k
tar. Last year sale amounted
to Tb area ear a
lng per taunt vmployed In th
slat Uaa Industry at th prison
averaged for th year,
Tb net profit ot aca lumat
waa tl70, and th mount paid
ta a dally swage ot 10(1 la
nut employed for th year wa
To B 8lf BupputsJag
prison would probably reach Ha
induaimi objecuva in till woea
th plant will ba turning out
1.000 ton of flax libra valued
at (nor than 11,000,000 and
about 140,000 worth ot flaa
WHEN THE abjctlv kt
reached, not only will th In
stitution b self-supporting but a
surplus may be carried forward
each year la tak care ot other
requirement a directed by tb
stst board ot controi. It is
van possible, he said, that this
profit msy be tart eaoagh I
kelp pport otkar stst latt
tntlona or pay tor addition and
betterments, thus relieving tb
tax pave re of a bug sum of
moaey each year.
Not CosnfMCHloa Labor
THE iNDUSTHY at th prleoa
do not tree pas oa ouulde
labor condition In any way. be
ears, but It do aooekrat aad
supplement labor oa th outside.
performing work that I not
undertaken ouUld th prison
wall by any other factory or
"I cannot uuderstaud tb
saeauiug of moat of lb uiuair
Ibal la being wrlttea today."
Ignax Paderewskl, pianist,
"Health I ot tuck vital Im
portance that tbe question el
one ability to pay (lb doctor)
should nerer arUe." Or, Mal
colm U Harris, ret U lug prealdeuL
American Medical aaaoclatloa.
e e
"Just aa last year wa a pe
riod or caution, this year la
t period for courage".
W. Morrow.
"A nfl nswr lei th other
fellow show feluiMlf up." Meror
Jams J, Walker of New York,
e e e
"I hav never been th Instru
ment of politician because I
loved my cuuutry too much."'
Klug Carol II of Rumania.
e e
"Space I deeUued to reiaal
as the only theory representing
reality." albert Klnstsln.
AT THE present Urn 111 flax
growers la six Oregon coon lies.
Linn, Msrloa. YamhlU. Clacka
mas, Beaton and polk, have con
tracted to sell their crop to
tb prleoa wker ft I saaaa
factnred and old lo world mar
kets. Coleae! Bertram Inspects
th land aad astlm) th crap.
eoutreela fur lb eutput, directs
tk llx growing ope rations and
tk harvesting, also It process
us aua to sal or tb product.
Import New Heed
IN 1U17, Colonel llartrant lav
ported 10 pouuds ot "JWS" aaed
from Scotland. It waa found le
yield In excess vt 10 per aoul
roug nor as couDared wltk
between awes and lb per ceul
7 teia ar tne Oregon seed, and
be predicted that br llil ail
flax grown In th tt will be
from "J WW" seed, all from th
original a pounds brought ksre
a hit. None baa sine been
ot tlax is being grown aadr
stal contract this year, b said,
sad In 1111 wbaa lu.luo acre
have been planted wltk pedi
greed "JWS" aaed. ther wlU b
enough profit to pay for th
support ot th Industrie and In
stitution la Itjl and from that
time oa th prison will k ars
lag money for other purposes.
Visitor Depart
For Indiana Home
CPRLNO LA EE. J air 11 (Baa.
cldl) Mia Oeborae aad Mlae
Johnson kav retaraad te tkebr
hoarb ta Indiana after aa axtaad-
ed vlaU with Mr. Aadarssa.
Walter FobMW ealled e the
Stewart boy Tnasday.
Marjori Cberne called en Us.
rl Bcbre&Mr Monday.
neverai rrem thla aelghborbood
attended tbe abowwr give lor
Mrs, Welter Enmen at tha home
ot Mr. Burr el I Short.
Mrs. J. r. Triplet m ealorlnc a
visit from ker ilsce, wbo arrived
her recently from her aom In
Mr. aad Mrs. a. P. Deal I gar
were visitors at tha Stewart heme
oa Suaday.
Mrs. Floyd McMillan waa visit
ing her father, Frank Stewart,
wbo Is quite Ul. lb past week.
Mra. Wa. Cby aad aoaa.
WllUaat aad Lelaad. ware bop
ping fn town Monday.
TrlkH waa tb of the
Laoa-raa la all Cburcbe of
t'hrlat, IcIentUlt, oa Sunday, July
Tk Oolde Tut waa. "I will
Praia th, O Lard, amoug tb
peoplet aad I 'will slog prsles '
aalo the among th aauoas. For
tby msrey Is greet above tbe bear-
ad thy truth reacbeth unto
the clouds" (Ps. 101:1.4).
Among Ike HaUoa wklek ma-
prlaad Ik Leaaoa-eTermea wa Ike
followlag from tba Bible: "Tkeu
said Jesus ta those Jaw which
believed oa klsai If eoatla lii
my vrerd. Ihea are y my disciples
isdeed; ad y sksll know tbe
trntb, aad th truth shall mtk-
yo tree" (John 1:11.11).
Tb Lessoa-aermoa ala laalud
I the followlag passage froo.
th ChrlMlaa Soleoo text bock
-clan aad Heart wltk Key to
tk erlptarea," by Mary Baker
Eddyi "Ta reduce latiammatloa
dlaaoiv a timer, r cur orgenl'
disease, I kav feaad divine Truth
more point Uaa all lower rem
die. Aad why set, slsee Mtn'
God. I lb orr aad coadlti'
ol all eaUuncat" (p.110).
nnx n i (xi rap her outs
ST.PAUL, Mlaa July II. (Al
Joeenk O. Pyle, T7 year vi
former editor of the Selt
Poevlatelllagaaeer and It. P"
aiob and tb authorised bi'
grapher of th let James .'
Hill, railway operator, I
here. II wa librarian of th
Jams J. Rill reference llbrart
k mi am ill muo rroan
lummer ttorag. II Moatb
W.sklng. I1.IMI.I.
Urea si aa. II. 10-11 I
Night and Day
New Manager, Jo Reads
High Pressure Washing aad
0aral Aato Repair s'.j
Brak Shop.
Nlgkt Maokaalo, Mask
aalharlaad ervie.
Body, Faadar aad Alas
kep. 4 Hoar aervtce k All
costs yom mo moire
then why bug a lesser ear?
Do ytra realize that the bril
liant Eeeex Qudlengcr axtnal
y coeta Uttle more Ham em
which are known chiefly for
low price ?
Just forget "list prices" and
get the facta. ' Get the actual
coal trade-in, firinnciiig and
extra cwrjuddercd. Yon wQl
be astonished at how little, if
anything, niore it costs fur
the oAlsTtaTjdtng aAmtBe
ot the Eaaex Cjiailenger.
Now that the eoet for an
Essex SopeivSix QuBtagat
b not in any senae a martter
of mnaUeratJofi, ne leMer
ear can meet its ehJlenge
either in appearance, cpalir
or raloe.
O ll9D raes es euieetlvel
S.lee4. Viae eels
P.eVa, aniilsfiisjil slil i si
AcmfflQ Motton4 Co.
400 So. 6th Phone 680