The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 26, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday, July 20,
Picnic Planned '
For Monday Eve
At Crystal Springs
On Monday evening member
of the Business and Professional
Women's club will put dull care
behind them, and each member
with a guest, irlll gaiubol on the
greensward, and Hilda about In
the sparkling watcra of Crystal
spring -at the club's annual pic
nic, Watur contests, races, water-inelou-cating
and . pop-drlnklng
rontcrt. and a pot-luck cafeteria
supper will be the features of the
Thanks to lh generosity and
courtesy of Klamath merchants,
those who take part In the con
torts will not spend their ener
gies In vain, for valuable and at
tractive prists are being offered
to the winners.
The first event of the evening
will be free-for-all awlmmlng
race, in wnicn an mem Deri ana
guests are asked to participate.
The first prise offered for this
teal of prowess and skill Is the
choice of a bathing suit In Moe's
Women's store. The second prise
will be a season's pass to Crystal
Springs, donated by Neil Stewart.
A. diving contest will be the sec
ond feature of the evening fes
tivities. Participant may Indulge
In. both plain and fancy diving.
The maiden who makee the moat
graceful and perfect dive will be
blessed with a IS credit, given to
the club through the courtesy of
Charles LaPoint of LaPolnte's
store. The second prise will be
the choice ot any bathing cap In
Maglll's drug store.
The third contest will decide
which maid or matron can atow
away the most watermelon. The
winner of this affair will- be given
as a prise her choice of two decks
of playing cards. Mrs. Clara
Shaw, of Shaw-MacRae'e. pnt up
this prlte as an. Incentive.
Races or Flappers
Races, to prove who Is the fleet
est for her weight, will he next on
the program. The first race, tor
those arelt flappers weighing un
der 125 pounds, will consist of the
complete circuit ot the lake. The
prise for this speedy contest will
he a fuchsia plant, given by Mrs.
O. K. Moeller ot. the Klamath
flower shop.
The second race, no less Inter
esting. It less 'speedy, will be for
the damsel who needs strenuous
exercise for her health and "fig
ger." Those in this class must
weigh In between Hi end 150
pounds. The prize for this race
will be a pair of silk chiffon hose,
presented by G. V. Houston ot
Houston's shoe store.
It Is hinted tbst the distance
tor the third race will be shorten
ed, for only those of over ISO
pounds avoirdupois will be allow
ed to enter. The award to nrge
the plump maidens on will be a
box of candy, given by Margaret
Hardinbrook ot the Bine Bird. -
'The seventh event In the eve
ning's entertainment will be a tug-o'-war.
The, winners will be the
proud r.Kipltnu of a box of Mrs.
YVrightli eomeinade candy.
In the next contest, brains will
take the place ot brawn, and each
member and guest Is asked to
write a., poem, describing her
work or profession. These poems
will be. read and Judged. The
author of the cleverest and most
original will receive as a prize, an
etching, given by May King Con
rad! of the May King studio.
i After a pop-drinking contest,
for which a clever house frock
presented by Miss Bertha Bertsch
ot the Mode shop, will be given as
first prize, dinner will be served
around a bonfire.
-Mrs. Nell Stewart is in charge
of all arrangements, and she will
be assisted- by Mrs. Lee Parker
and Lila Moe. Judges for the var
ious contests will be announced
A large crowd Is expected at
the picnic, and those wishing res
ervations are asked to call Thel
ma 107. - Transporta
tion will be provided for those
who do not have automobiles at
their; disposal. .
Re-Elected Club President
I '
f I
. C: lk ' V k . ' '-rJi1
Country Club to
Be Setting For
Party This Evening
Complimenting Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas K. Dlxou, who are leaving
soon to make their home In
Havre, .Mont.. Mr. and Mia. vl.
Jioyal Sbjiw are entertaining at an
lafia-inal danra at the lleamea
(kilt and C'ouutry club this evu
liW. '
sir. Vttoa Is leaving for Mon
tana the first ot the week, and
Mrs. Dixon is remaining here tor a
short time.
. For tlM past two ycara they
have been, residing at their beau
tiful old English type home on
Young Midland
People Have Party
Midland A number ot the
youug folks gave a surprise party
at the home ot Mr and Mrs. A. V.
Sbulrulre Sunday evening. .
The erenlug waa speul In play
ing games.
Those present were Mlssoa Ruhr
Streeter, Murgaret Penelll. Cath
erine Uurne't, Opal Hooper, Aunt
lluruett. Margarot Dean: Messrs
Kddle ghuliulre, Elmer and Hub
ert llolcomb, John Hooper, Wa.
Burnett, Orr Hooper. Arthur
Stewart, Arthur Shuliulre. Ber
nard Hooper, Wm, Tiugley, Aud
rey-Ager. Wilfred Rhulmlre, Slim
Woods, Johnny Penelll. Virgil
Stewart and Lyl Hickman: Mr.
Mrs. Leda Parker, who was chosen to serve a second torm
as head ot the Business and Professional Women's club. Through
the courtesy ot Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Neal Stewart, a brief suns
mary ot the work ot that organization since its beginning here,
has been written.
From a small group ot busi
ness women to a well-organized
club of more than seventy mem
bers. Is the brilliant record of the
Klamath Falls Business and Pro
fessional Women's club, one ot the
youngest and most active la the
The club, a part ot the State
Federation of Women's clubs, and
the National Federation as well,
was organized In 1925. Soon the
charter had the names of torty
prominent business women, and
Frances Beatty was elected the
first president of the club. Ger
trude Moore was named secretary.
Loralne Peasley treasurer. Elean
or Boyd Taden vice president.
In the spring of 192. when the
club was but one year old, it be
came a part of the State and Na
tional Federation ot Women's
clubs. Mrs. lrma Dixon waa elect
ed second president ct the club,
Leda Parker secretary, Lena Den
nis treasurer.
The next president was Ger
trude Glover, Leda Parker secre
tary, and Lena Dennis treasurer.
In the fourth year of the club's
existence Lena Dennis was named
president. Leda Parker rice presi
dent, and Helen Spiker treasurer.
Leda Parker became the next
president of the club, in 19J9,
Florence Dreher vice president,
Grace Kintgen treasurer, and
Lena Dennis secretary.
Mrs. Parker was recently re
elected president tor the 1930-31
year, and will be assisted by these
officers: Etta Farr vice presi
dent. Belle Fahnlander treasurer,
ana Thelma McAlpln secretary.
The club meets regularly on
the second and fourth Mondays
ot each month, sometimes In the
Library club rooms and frequent
ly enjoys picnics and banquets.
The largest project undertaken
by the club was furnishing the
new city library rest room, which
Is one of the most attractive rooms
in the beautiful building. Money
has been raised by the club In
various ways, through bridge par
ties, rummage sales, dinners, ba
zaars and recently a large sum
waa realized when the play "Aunt
Lucie" was successfully Intro
duced. The money from the play
was put In the student loan fund,
established several years ago.
Since the tund has been made, two
girls have been assisted during
the past three years. In complet
ing their college courses at one ot
the state schools.
Plans for the coming year are
many. On Monday night the an
nual club picnic will be held at
Crystal Springs near Olene, 'and
merchants ot Klamath Falls have
generously responded with gifts
and awards for the picnic. Con
tests will be held both in the wa
ter and on land.
This fall an active program will
be outlined by the president, Leda
Parker, and with a staff ot busi
ness women. Interested In the
furtherance of the club, a partic
ularly active year Is planned.
New Jersey Guests
Honored at Dinner
' Mrs. W. I. Tingle? entertained
at her home Thursday evening In
nonar or a group t guests who
are r?siung at tne J. U. Johnston
home here from Passaic. New
Mrs. Will Adams and Miss Ln.
dnda Adams and Mrs. H. C. Scott,
formerly Anna Mae Johnston,
were honored guests.
(.overs at the dinner were laid
for Mrs. W. Adams. Ltzclnda Ad
ams, Mrs. H. J. Scott, J. C. John
ston, Mr. and Mrs. C. . Frank
all lis and Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Tin
gley, the host and hostess.
Thursday, Bridge
Club Meeting
Two table ot bridge were In
play at the regular meeting ot the
Thursday Bridge club, held Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
C Fagentrom on Walnnt ave
nue. Farther meetings will be
held every two weeks during the
Mrs. A. Oberg was awarded
first prize and Mrs. Sole consola
The next meeting will be held
Folsom, Mrs. Knowles.
Women's Guild
Hold Meeting
Portland avenue, which they pur-I ,nl Mr"- w- Hooper. Mrs. A. B.
chivod soon after their arrival Rhulmlre. Mr. and Mrs.-Andrew
here. Mrs. Dlxiin haa been prom
Incut in tor la I activities, and baa
beem euuertalned on numerous oe-
caakina. . She haa been particular
ry active In Uardeat club work, and
haa sorwd that orfsmlzallon a
secretary for the past year.
The country club haa been
beautifully decorated with profu
stons ot wild flowers for the oc
casion. Huge baskete ot yellow
eunnows-rs. which Wend charm
tnsly with the color scheme cf
the club- house, have been used.
One laraje basket of tlowera haa
been pi wed near the picturesque
stone fireplace, while othera hang
irora ine.oaicony. and have been
placed on table and on the porch.
Holly bonks are also belna nod
tor aecoratfone.
Colorful Japanese lanterns hare
been strung on the porch to af-
iora ugais.t and a few of them
placed in the ballroom.
Dancing will commence at
o'clock, and continue until l..TI
noaiess naa planned . to serve
tuncneoa about midnight.
At The Churches
One of the next projects at I br hom,1 ,0 Teon
which the club will appear is the
Kiwanls luncheon on Thursday,
at which time the members of the
club will preside and serve as
speakers, toastmasters and enter
tainers. The club has been assisted to
ward its successful goal by the
business men of the city, and each
year it is becoming a growing
and more responsible factor ln
the civic growth ot Klamath Falls.
Hawkins Have
Group of Guests
Mrs. Burt Hawkins and daugh
ter Delia are hostesses this week
end to a group of guests.' Misses
Margaret and Alice SchHrl of. Los
Angeles, Ida Bakman oIFresno,
Lillian Layles of Stockton. Freda
Baxter of Coqullle, and Nedra
Ellis ot Portland. .
The girls are enjoyinf-a trip to
Crater lake this week end. and
plan to visit Rocky Point resort
and several other points of inter
est while here.
Harvest Dance Held
Surprise Given
Merrill A surprise party was
given at the home ot Mrs. Jane Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Adams
Mason Monday ln honor ot her ' entertained about forty friends at
83th birthday.
Mrs. H. P. Blanton, Mrs. M. A.
Bowman. Mrs. J. F. Faus. Mrs. G.
W. ortleld, Mrs. R. H. Anderson,
-Mrs. G. H. Carleton. Mrs. Anlce
Andorpon BTid the honor Treats
a harvest home dinner and dance
at their home on the State Line
road Saturday erening.
Honored gueits were Mr. and
Mrs. Green of Pendleton, old
friend of the bnft and hoMef.
Las Amigas Club
At Welch Home
Las Amigas Bridge club mem
bers met on Tuesday afternoon at
tbe home of Mrs. James Welch on
Auburn street.
Pansies and Shasta daisies wera
used as decorations.
High score was awarded to Mrs.
Pete Motscbenbacher and second
to Mrs. William Aklns. Mrs. Jo
O'Neill and Miss Jeannette Schultv
were guests of the afternoon.
The next meeting will be Aug
ust 5, at the Sunset ranch, wits
Miss Joy Maurlne Evans presiding
as hostess.
Robertsons Honored
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robertson
entertained at their home Thurs
day with a dinner in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. C. 8. Robertson and
daughter Janice, and Mr. and Mrs.
ftnnlr Blehn.
nue. The date will be announced
Harmony Circle
At Wirtz Home
Members of the Harmony circle
ot the First Christian church met
with .Mrs. George Wiraz at 529
Jefferson street on Thursday af
ternoon tor a business smd social
meeting. Tie boslneia meeting
was preskded over by Rer. Arthur
Members present Included Mrs.
R. H. Dunhur, Mrs. H. C. Wfcker
sham, Mrs. Carl Schubert Jr.. Mrs.
Scovllle, Mrs. AJ Brandt. Mrs. Ray
Wakeman. Mrs.' F. Mattoon. Mm.
Joe Smith. Mrs. McKIra, Mrs. a
11. Judklns, Mrs. George Wirtz.
Linzy-Mullanex' , ;
Wedding Held
Miss Taith N Llnzy of Astoria,
and Alfregl C. Mullanex of Klam
ath Falls i were married in Meil
ford Saturday morning, according
to word received here. The cere
mony was performed at tho Meth
odist parsjunajge with Rer. A. G.
Bennett officiating. Their at
tendants were Miss Myrtle Mulla
nex of Klamath Falls and Douglas
Tasks of Med ford.
Mr. and VMrs. Mullanex will
make their home In Klamath
Falls, where '.Mr. Mullanex Is em
ployed at the Shaw-Bertram Lum-
rer f-qrepany.
Here 's Four Winn ers for A ny Baby Contest
l-j l -a i t f ii r ; ,at"-"i"T' . . ; i rv - v 7 1
It tie-, all jLnmteiiJlm.rKsij, f J
- 1
Tennant The regular monthly
social ot the Wlldwood Women's
Guild was held Wednesday aftst
noon on the lawn ln the rear ct
Mrs. H. T. Doyle'a home. . The
ladles enjoyed a pleasant social
afternoon. The hostesses. Mee
dames J. N. Friend. J. F. Koldt
and Ella Graham, served refresh
ments ot Iced tea, ice cream and
Those who attended this toclsl
were Mrs. Julia Croke, Mrs. A.
S. Cecil and Mrs. A. L. Hammers
ley, guests ot the guild, and Mes
dames Doyle, Dowdney, Beeson,
Counts, Renfro. Henry. Parkei,
Anderson, Murphy. McDonald and
tne hostesses.
e e .
Visitors Leave
Today for North
Guests who have been enter
tained for the past week at the
home ot Mr. and Mrs. Waller West
on South Riverside, left today for
Harold W. Blrkell left early this
morning to return to his home In
Palo Alto, while Mrs. Blckell and
Harold and Gertrude Blckell will
visit In Portland for a time. Mr.
and Mrs. O. R. Williams and
Kathryn and Geraldine Williams
also left this morning for Portland.
The visitors were entertained
continually while here, and were
taken on several trips. Including
Diamond and Crater lakes.
Mrs. Blckell and Mrs. Williams
are the sitters of Walter West.
Surprise Given
Mrs. L. K. Phelps
Mrs. Lawrence K- Phelps was
the honored guest at a surprise
party Tuesday afternoon given by
ladies of the M. M. circle ot the
Mthodlst church.
Those attending were Mrs. P,
Berry, Mrs. L, A. Brannan,
Mrs. Cummlngs. Mrs. W. W.
Floyd. Mrs. M. Hamel, Mrs. Ed
gar X. Kendall, Mrs. D. Mallory,
Mrs. Harry Pelt. Mrs. K. 11.
Smith. Mrs. W. W. Southwell.
Mrs. M. A. Stevens. Mrs. A. Travis,
Mrs. Will Woods. Mrs. John Ts-
lon and Mm. Walter Brown.
Later in the afternoon the hos
tess served refreshments.
Collins ' Entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Victor IT. Collins
are being entertajned at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Barth of
.this city. The visitors hare been
taken on a number of scenic trips.
Including Crater-lake. They are
accompanied here by their chil
dren, Janlor and Evelyn, .
Guests Complimented
MerrlO Mr. and Mrs. II.' O.
Cox were host and hostess at a
dinner Saturday evening honoring
Mrs. Charles Bunting and her two
sons, Oswald and Lkmond ot G Ion
dale, Calif.
Guesu were 'Mesdamea O. P.
Stewart. E. H. Lowry, Misses Faye
Hlrtton, Nadlne O'KuIllvan. Mas-
nr Billy Sullivan and E. It. Low
Meeting Sunday
At the close of the Sunday mor
ning service at the Presbyterian
ifiiurch. the younc seoole of the
CfJirlstlan Endeavor will take their
lignches and drive together to the
vicinity of Merrill for an after
noon Christian Endeavor service
with the other young people of
thai Klamath-Lake union. . Mlts
Dorothy Kllllan Is ln charge ot arrangements.
First Christian lliurvh, N.
9th and 1'lne Avenue. Worship
Slid Communion service will be
held at 11 a. m. Dr. Arthur T.
Kalon will preach on "Uovt
Jvaus divide or uullo humanity
Sunday school commences at
9:5 a. m. There will be no
evening service until further
- The late rresldont Wilson is
reported is saying: "No study Is
more Iniportaut than the study
ot the Bible, and of the truths
which It teaches, and there la no
more cfflcent ageucy for such
study than tbe Sunday school.
It certainly la one ut the great
est (actors lu our lives In ths
blulding of character and the de
velopment -ot moral fibre. Too
much attention cannot be paid
to the work the Suuday school
Is doing." There Is a data for
everyone In our graded Sunday
school. It you do not know It
all you Deed this school. If you
do know It all this school nccd
you. Come. . j
The First lmblrriaa Church,
Sixth and Plue streets. Rev.
Drury V. Halght. pastor. Sunday
9:t a. m. A Bible school with
a apeclal auumer program and
claaaea for all. 11:00 a. m.
morning worahlp. Mr. Halght
will preach his farewell sermon,
"Successful Christian Life." Mrs
George Mclntrye will be at the
pipe-organ, and will play "Au-
lante" (Tschsikorsky), "I Wsll
ed for the Lord" (Mendelssohn),
and "Finale and Chorale"
(Meade). The tenor solo of the
service will be sung by Mr.
James Grover, "My Task" (Ash-
1:00 p. m. evening worahlp.
The evening service la largely
musical with much congregation
al singing. Mr. Halght will
bring a message of strength and
encouragement. Tbe organ num
bers will be "Lift ' l'p Your
Ilearta" (Broeca). "Ilerreune"
(Faulkes), and "Temple Merrh"
(Lyon), all played by Mrs. Mc
Intvre. Tuesday evening, the Steward
ship club will gather In a fare
well meeting for Mr. Halght.
Wedneaday, 1:00 p. m. church
night gathering for the atndy ot
the latt chapters ot Acts, for
fellowship, and prayer.
Community Cotutreational
Church, Garden and Martin Sis.
Mills Addition. T. Davis Pres
ton, minister, 1037 Wantland
Ave., phone H47-R. Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Bailey, student as
sistants. 10:00 o'clock, churrh
school and young peoples discus
sion group. 11:00 oVIock serv
ice ot worship and aerroon by
the minister. The vacation
school will comnvnre Its third
and , last week, on Monday at
nine ocioca. tsioie instruction,
muslr, play, and uraftwork. The
closing program will be held on
Friday evening bo which all par-
enta and friends are Invited.
Zloa Lutheran Church. 1023
High street. O. V. Hoffmann,
pastor. Sumtay school meets at
9:30. Morning - worship at
10:30. Topic it the sermon will
be, "The RlgbUcouvieae Demsnd-
ed by tbe Law." Strangers and
visitors are Invoted to attend our
services. Mld-week Bible clans
meets Wednesday evening at
7:30. Regular meeting ot the1
Young Peuplea Society neat Frl'
day evening. Neil Sunday, Aug
3, the congregation will observe
Mission Day with special services
III the morning and afternoon
Further unnotiiiccuiont will bo
uiadu licit week.
Flint rrntccoaliil Assembl).
We are now altuated In our now
tabernacle at 3000 Main alrevl.
Sunday services: Sunday school
at :U. classes fur all ages,
Earl J, Davidson, supt. .Morning
worship at 11:00, subject, llolll
nets Without Charily.. Evening
evangelUtlo service at 7:30. sub
ject. Hear, O Israel. Work
night services, Tuesday and
Thursday at o'clock.
Tuesday, subject, Tbe Throe
I'll, lean Spirits. Rev. 1-1J, chart
lecture on Itevelatlona.
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30.
Ilia Woman's I'raver Circle will
meet at I lie tabernacle. I'attor
In charge. Subject, How to
Thurday, Evangelistic, subject
What Were the Methods I ted
by the Apostles to Create a
The Spirit and the Bride aay,
come aud let blru that heareth
aay. come and let him that It
a thlitt come. Rev. 22:17. It
J. It. Stevenson, panlur.
First Uaptlat Church, Corner
Eighth at Washington street,
phone 49-W. Sunday morning
at 1:10 there will be a bsptl
Ing at Crystal Springs. ' All are
Invited to Join the proevttlou
that leave the church at l:ou
We will return In time for the
Sunday arhool which beglna at
9:4. Following the Sunday
school will be the regular morn
ing worthlp service beginning at
11:00 o'clock. We will alto
have a Junior Church service In
the basement at the aatne hour.
The Junior service will lie con
ducted by Brother Burton Rob
The B. T. P. V. service will
he at 0:30 p. m. All depart
ments have well planned pro
grams to offer to those who
wlah to vltlt.
The evening tervlce at 7:43
will be held under the tent
where the revival has been In
progreta tor the past two weeks.
This service beglna the third
week ot effort to reach that aec-
tlon of the city.
Klamath Temple, Church of the
Four-Fold Goapel, corner F.lghth
and Oak streets. Tonight will
be a service for all at jhe big
wooden tabernacle. Rev. Argue
will be speaking on, "The WUs
Men of Klamath." Sunday will
tie the great day ot tbe cam
paign. At 9:44 a. m. Bible
school, with clstses fur all ages.
Mrs. John Llnfwtr, supt. At
eleven o'clock morning worship.
a fellowship meeting. f.vanae
list .Mr. Argue will bring the
morning message at the temple,
and Immediately following thu
sermon there will be a baptismal
aervlre. At 3:00 p. m. the ev
angelist will apeak on, "The
(ireat Weddlug In the Air." At
8:00 oVIock, closing service of
the campaign. Special music 1iy
large chorus choir. and or
eheatra, followed by the evange
listic message. "Hell Discovered
28 Miles From Klamath."
at Hi (tiujiloi Wedneaday, Fri
day and Saturday at 1:00
o'clock. Pastor Our DeVrles,
730 Oak street, phone 1373-J.
Church of the) .asare, Corn
sr ot Garden aud Martin sir ten.
Mills Addition. Sunday school
9:44. Brother J. jiirabruu
charge, classes for all ages. flJu.
duy morning preaching service
It o'rluik; N. V, 1'. 8. :3o;
Kenlng preaching service .7:30
special unulc. I'raer meeting
u.H..i..u .
iu ine tout, milage prayer W
meeting every Friday evening
7:30. You are Invited in all
these services. Iter. James Hole,
liiunanuel lUptltt OninJt, Sun
day school at 9:46. classes tor
all tics; .Morning worahlp 11a.
in. berniou by Evangelist Mason,
lui'lr, "The Crlmsou Stream."
U. Y. P. V., 7:00 p. pi. Popular
etangvllstlc tervlce at 1:00 p,
in. Kev. Msmim will give hit
terlnpticnn leetai on lb "His
tory aud ItoinaiH-e of Sacred
Song" and bring a abort nir
taae on "Tragedies ot Neglect."
Till' will be the -.losing maellug
nf the revival campalta. A COM
lal welcome I" rtieadi-d to all.
Mm Chunk of tsarlet Urtre-H-t,
loth aad Washington. Sun
day school at 9:43 a. m. Sunday
servlre at II a. ni. Subject
"Truth." Wednesday eveau-g
meeting at I o clock. Free read
ing and free lending library
upen afternoons, on week days
from 3:30 to 4:30 except on
Wednesday and holidays, alio
before and after the Wedneaday
evening meeting. The public it
cordially Invited to attend the
tervicea and use the reading
Nt. Paul's Kplaropal Ctiurrh,
corner 9th and Jefrersoa Bis.
JotepU S. Ewlng. rector. 1:41
a. in. church school; 11:00 a.
m. Morning prayer and aermnn.
Thme: ' l.o.t Through Living
a I'seleia, Life."
Witness Fearful
Of Jail When He
Signed Affidavit
DETROIT. July 20, (API
The Detroit News today says that
Frank Chock, whom It Identities
as a bootlegger. In an affidavit
todav accused Police Commission
er Thomas C. Wllcnx of tricking
him Into signing sn affidavit ac
cusing Jerry llncaley, alaln radio
announcer, uf an attempted
The News says that Chock s
affidavit repudiating the original
statements tald to be hold by the
police commissioner was maile
public by Thumaa F. Kennedy,
Buckley's Isw partner.
Chock's News affidavit It's
forth that he waa unable to read
Kngllnh, was unaware of the con
tents of the staleraeut he signed
and only afllzrd his signature lo
this statement when he feared
he might be tent to jail.
SALEM, Ore., July 3 (API
A burglar who entered the Mor
rill Davla home here list night
evidently waa a person of cleanly
habits. Ho chauged socks before
he left the place. Hen ides Mr.
fiavla' footwear he took so vera P
Week night preaching servlres I pieces of jeaelrr.
(Photos by Kennell-Ellls)
, Even tbealrlrteat judge would pick these four laughing young
lera aa winners. From left to right are shown Barbara June
Hershlicrger, 17 months old danrttqr -ot Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Hersb
berger of North Tenth street: "Klchard Hardin." months old eon.
of Mr, and Mrs. Hnrdln C.' Blackmer of the Walnut apartments, ret
cent arrivals In Klamath Falls; Shirley Carr Dalton, year bid daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dalton of North Sixth street Is shown in
her sun-suit, and Mary Ann Mills, 11 months old daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. c. Frank Mills of High street. Mnry Ann In the only
granddaughter of J, C. Johnstone. y
Ladies Aid Met
A meeting of "all circle of the
Methodjst Ladles'. Aid wts held
Thursday afternoon at the church
parlors, with members of the 111a-
liee circle presiding ns hostesses.
Following the business meat Inn
a social hour waa enjoyed and re
freshments served to the many
guests present. Several Import
ant business matters were taken
up at the meeting,
e . e
Attend Anniversary
Among the Klamath Falls peo
ple who wore ln Med ford tha first
of the week to attend the 60th
nnnlversary celebration, of the
Adarel chapter. Order ot Eastern
Star, wore Mr. and Mr. R. E.
Wattenburr. Mrs. L. F. Willitts.
Mrs. Jennie Hum, Mrs, Fred H.
Cofer, Mrs. Elmer H Balslger
and Air. Esther Dnnlyan.
e .
Picnic Saturday ;, i
Member ot tha California Ore
gon Power company, and. the
member-of Oielr f am Miss from
all part of Southern Oregon and
Northern California were in at
tendance at a, delightful picnic
held yesterday at Elks creek, , "
Service Is
The men who
our profession
make outstanding suc
cesses therein learn early in their careers
that service is the nil-important factor in
determining the measure of their achieve
ments. i '
Far this reason, the 21 years that Whit
lock service has been known to the people
of; Klamath Falls and vicinity, huve been
davoted to improving our service.
IN AVt. ATCilfl t.
, AG '
T 97 I fa. T t A W a g m . V
iPiSlincth'e Juneral Service J tdS-ttJt
Mil ffl Pllllll
y, THE Lk
k Jivu jAif
D wight A. Bowe
Our Expert Chef is Personally in Charge of Preparing
All Foods For