Friday, July 25, 1930 PARENTS FIND BABIES NEVER E MIXED flamberiffr-Watkini Case In Chicago Comet to Settlement rillCAUO, July 10, AI') The fcili up orer tUe llaintiergor-Wat-klua balilaa waa Irons out at an early morning conference today, at which It wai decided lha bablxe Of Mr. and Mm. Cliarlii Member far and Mr. and Mra. Walklna vara nevor mliod up at all. Thli doclalon, reached by agree ment baiwurii Iba iiaranla, waa dPIKiaod to that ot a gmnp nf an. entlaia who lule yvatnrilny dtn-lilrd Iba bablna bad boon awarded al :nlawonil huanltal, where thy ;wre born. Ir. ki-ipil Aluiidi-d Dr. Arnold Kegel, health com aulaalnnar, aa ailoundad whan In. furmad o( tba dnrlaloo. Ha aald ye would coualilar wbslbar to pureue lha eaae further In lha In terna of public policy. Tba bulimia, apparontly lu com plete accord, took lha babtaa and went home. 1 bay aald lha lack geut waa cloaad a far aa Ibay ara eon'rnel. Tba paranla bad dauiandi'd an Inreatlgalloa followlni tba dlecor ary ot an adboalvo tapa on tba feack of Iba llambariar baby bora tba nama "Walklna" and a itm llar tapa on lha Walklna baby waa tnaraea "iiamnergar. Tbay now ; believe tba lapaa bad born waah- I off at tba hoaplial whan both i bahlra were being balbad and a uraa. In haete, bad put thara bark ! an lha wrong Infanta. , Hhapa of llnula IMarliliai Tba abapa of lha bablna' hnada ! raaponalbla for lha final ; agreement. Tba nambarirara' lubr waa thalr third. Tba War. klne' baby waa a flrat-born. A I Committee of pbyalrlana who mat ! tllh lha paranta lait nlaht agreed temporarily oral aba pad head. ; turh aa lha Walklna' baby baa, la kalural la lha caaa of a flrat-born. i Tba flanibargar bahy'a haad la round. ' John Loughnene, attornay for lha Walklna and lha llambargara, 1 announced I,' t)r. Kagal took any ! Iiapa to forca tba paranta to i-j change bablaa, a writ of Injunc- I jinn would ba filed agalnat him. : Tba agraaniant aa to parentage j e raarhad at a conforonca bald j tt tba Kayalona hoaplial parti-1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMAffl FALLS, OKECfON 1 PAGE SEVEN olpalad In by lha paranla and al nliyalclana. following Iba action of Dr. KnNnl'a couiiulaHlnti yealarday, Walklna announced hlinaolt wil ling to agraa and to awltcb bnblaa. ' limn burger, howevur, ro fuaad and with Mra. Ilamherger and lha baby dlaappnarad. lla a I no anuounracl ba would raatal any altrnipt lo laka tba baby by forca. 'I'hla brought a atata maut from Walklna lo tha affect ha would aork lha child by court action, Whlla Dr. Kegel waa allampt Ing to lorata llambargnr laat night tha paranta mat at tba Kayalnna hoaplial and finally aocuptad Ilia dnclaloa of lha nliyal clana tha bnblaa lhay bava ara roally their vwu. I.tltltAltl A.N NOT I IIOHKN HA I, KM, Ora., July it, (AP) -With tba data for eoleutlon of a atuta librarian mill noma dla lanra In tha fulura tha alata li brary board adjourned yuatarday aflur a maatlng bahlnd cluaad doora. Many appllrallona ara bnforo that board. It la undar tood tbara la eonelderebl dlf faranca ot opinion among tha iiimnbere on Iba matlur of pre paratory training of candidate. KKgt'lHITIONM IHHL'fcID SALKM, Ora., July tt. (AP) Itnqiitalttnna wnra laauad by Uorarnor Norblad yaatarday for tba itradlllon of Irwin Jonaa and Harold Karrall, who ara ID uatody at ttallnaa, Cal., and wanted la Clarkamaa county on a robbery charge. Sheriff Maaa of dragon City baa gona to Cali fornia for tha prlaonara. Three Story Fall Fatal to Logger PORTLAND, Jul If. (AP)--Hurtling from a third atory win dow of a Third atraat rooming houaa tbla morning, Joaapk Keener. t. Woodland, Waah , luggar, waa fatally Injursd. l'ollca aald liquor waa found la tba room. Two companion!, William Kenny and Donald fabarty war bald for quaellonlng by tba dla Irlrt attornay. Vaherty lold pollca that tbay had "a couple of drlnka," Keener then eturlod acroaa the room for eome water, Fahorty aald, "atag garad and fall through tba glaai." WHKAT IjOWKR CHICAGO, July tl. (API Cora averaged higher and wheat lower In tha early dealing! to day. Generally hot ralnlaaa weather prevailed throughout the oorn belt. On the other band. Liverpool report of large offer ing ot Ruaalan wheat war par litant Opening unchanged to ona cent up. corn afterward held oaar lo tha Initial figure. Wheat alerted unchanged to oft and eubaequently underwent a aag all around. Oala ware firm. Provlalon declined. FMKKS OKTTINd AIJI rtfFD ST. VOVia. July 21, (AP) I Tha (tart of their fifth day In I the air today found Dale Jack- ion and Foraat O'Orln "getting uaed to thlnga agalo." At the end of their fourth day aloft at 7:1 1 a. m.. today, tha monoplane Oraater BU Loula, In which tbay ara eeeklng to regain their loat endurance champlonahlp, cruleed lailly above Lambert-8t. Loula field, everything apparently func tioning well. For RreulU I'ae IleraM Claaa Ada Ashland Convalescent and Rest Home Selentltlo aa bathe, a kalldlBs diet, aod teat In lower iltltgde. naar baauUfal Utbla Park, will reatore kaalth and anew oath. Nature'! own ear. WRITE MRS. W. M. BARBER Ashland, Ora. FOR A COOL DRINK ON A HOT DAY USE ' KERR'S BEST Natural Un$wsttened GRAPE JUICE with cracked ice in a punch. Good All Year Round . Oregon Grapes Oregon Labor 04vi I r1-.. a- FULL SIZE PACKAGE OF B,PVLIIDAIL WW (CRISPY, CHUNCHY WNOLI WHEAT rUKIl WITH ALL THE BRAN) FOR Children Adore Wheatieil Children will eat Whbatibs 36J day a war and never lire of them. Whbatibs arewhol wheat In flake that crinkle and crunkle-an enticing new form children love. I:pertly made by th miller of the famou Gold Mhdal "Kitchtn-ttsttJ" Flour to i to retain the health -piving qualitie of. th world' final! grain. Whbatibs combine the bran, mineral, carbohydrate and vitamin of thi nourishing cereal all in one delightful, tempting dish. They've taken nothing out. The bran i there, the minerals art there, the carbohydrates, vit-mins-tll the element that form the world dmitted Staff of Lift. Whbatibs cost but je more than ordinary fljke cereals. Wheat, 11 you know, i the most costly grain. But it contain mor real nour ishment thn other cheaper grain. So for that extra jc you py, you get the best grain food in the world. Try Whbatibs you'll be delighiedl WITH A PACKAGE OF GOLD MEDAL CAKE FLOUR AT THE REGULAR PRICE WHILE SUPPLY LASTS A full size package of delicious whole wheat breakfast flakes for lc! An offer made through local grocers for just a few days to urge you to try this crisp, crunchy, ready-to-eat breakfast delight without delay. Simply purchase a package of Gold Mbdal Cakb FlOUR from your grocer at the regular price. For just one cent more he will give you a full-sire 15c package of Whbaties. Ask your grocer for this money-saving combination offer today. Enjoy a delightful new breakfast cereal children love. And save 14c. OFFER MADE FOR FEW DAYS ONLY ... to introduce new Breakfast Flakes created by Gold Medal Millers. Coupon In every package of Whbatibs and Cakb Flour good on Free Community Silver (Tudor Plate) spoon! IT COSTS LESS TO UVB f YOU r CM W l ' J TaTN. I 1 1 With forty dollars out of artry hundred being ipent for food In tbla country, the up-to-date housewife baa learned that a saving- on foods lower her cost of living-. Careful food buyer are watching the MacMarr ads these days because they find they get more for their food dollar in our stores. Besides, the savings will buy those other things you will soenjoy. Features for Saturday and Monday, July 26th and 28th S UJ A IE 53(2 IF L U IHL iZl:. 011.29 SfW A tm Crystal White Laundry Soap. Car am COFFEE MacMarr Sales Increasing Daily 1 lb. 35c 3 lbs. $1.05 JARS Ball Mason, regular Jars, quarts per doz. 79c SOAP Lux Toilet Soap, Nationally Advertised 3 bars 23c Produce Features for Saturday Only GRAPE FRUIT Medium site Californias, 4 for. 25 C J U C U 11 B E R S 0refn Cukes- medium size, t for Q g ORANGES TZZJ: 59 W E W SPUDS 0reKon ST0WB 10 lbs- 29c APRICOT S Oregon Apricots. 20-lb lugs, each $lJtp C IS TT jy ppuiar"-d 9 R3 A L T gDsgpCe.Bc Jar Rings Vinegar Grape Juice MacMarr Double Lipped Heinz Pure Cider Vinegar, Welch's National Known Red Rings Pint Bottles Grape Juice 3 pIeqs 14c 15c Pts.29C Qts.S5c CA O Wf ATT f4 for OaU or Wheat Flakes, Prize in A Kk Vi A X A J 5M each package, large pkgs., each 35C G1MGERALE 43c ni?7f f Pin IMTIS1 A 1 Very Fine for Lunchea and Pic aa JLaf JBl V A eliaCi MM 11 GlA i nic. regular 5c size, 6 for. Z3C The First Step Toward Economy is the Elimination of Waste Bear This in Mind When You Select Your Meats Buy the Best Use It All Waste Nothing Beef Prices are Off Mac Marr Prices Have Reduced According All Steaks Plate and Short Ribs Shoulder Roasts The Best Meats Oft- 1 ? orv in Klamath Falls 3UC lb. IDC lb. UC lb. For Over 5 Years Smoked Meats Have Advanced But Not at Mac Marr Markets We Feature DENCO BRAND Lunch Meats Store No. 57 Phone 592 836 Main Store No. 75 Phone 1371 East Main Store No. 364 Phone 150 8th & Klamath Store No. 367 Phone 844 423 Main Store No. 380 Phone 83 6th and Main Stoce No. 397 PsM 18 1710 Oe At I