The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 23, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, July 2.1, 1930
Committeeman Leaves
Tonight For
Arthur W. Schaupp, Klamath
tat Republican central commit
to, will io to th male commu
te convention unlnatructed tod
Hot committed to any caudldate
for the nomination for governor.
Mr. and Mra. Schaupp plan to
leave tonight for Portland.
A (roup of 17 of the it Re
publican county central commit
teemen last night attended a
meeting of the committee at the
court home and pa&eed a resolu
tion that they will endorie what
ever Mr. Schiupp does at the
late committee meeting, which
opens Krldajr at t p. m. at the
Kiki temple in rortland.
The meeting, which was called
(Saturday, was presided over by
Chairman C. H. I'nderwood.
A nominating committee to till
vacancies on the countv commit
tee was elected last night with I
the (ollowiug membeni: C. J.
Tralher. I'. S. Balentlne. Ralph
SI. Farmer. Glen II. Terrlll aud
Harry Richardson.
It Is understood that petitions
signed by more than 600 Klamath
county voters will be presented
favoring the selection ot Julius
L. Meier, rortland. for the nom
ination since the petitions have
been signed here. Most of the
names of the petitions are those
of th laboring classes and ot
rural cltiiens.
Crater Lake Is located In the
northeast corner of nut mo in
county, 01 miles from Klamath
Calls, over an oiled macadam
highway, tiotng north froiu
Klamath Kails, The Dalles- Cat.
Ifornta highway aklrte I'pprr
klainulli iJikc for npproll
niately 8.1 mllr. The Crater
Lake lilMiny Joins The Dalles.
California :M mi I lea n.irlli (
klamatli Kail, anil paxMH
through the boaullful WimmI
HIvit valley, of Mliiih l-'nrl
Klanmth Is the rrntor, jllhkly
NiMtug Into tho nark itwlf,
UHutrtl in the vrater or "Id
Ml, Miianiiia, 1000 fort below
the rim. the lake, with its won
derful coloring. rovnti a
ntvrr to bo forgotten sight.
Here nature hae created what
man rae failed to properly de
scribe. The elevation at the
rim la T076 feet, a. d the depth
of the lake la over 2!M0 feet.
Considerable work will be done
In on the rim ruad drive.
Hotel and ramp ground accom
modations, cabins, cafeteria,
studio, store, boats, horsea,
fishing and conducted slirht
aeelng trips are all available.
Itumea leave from klatuaUi
Fall and return daily.
Local Merchants
Organize Branch
' Of National I.A.M.
- A meeting ot the Klsmath
members of the National Associa
tlon of Independent Merchants
met at the Public Market last
evening for the purpose of elect
ing officers and perfecting their
C. I. Roberts of Roberta ft
Harvey waa chosen president. E.
L. Crumbled ot th Public Mar
ket will be Tic president of the
organisation and Merland Stroud
of Stroud s Bootery. secretary
treasurer. Directors named were K.
Sugarman. Percy Evans, Mr.
Eyerly. Charles La Pointe, Will
Houston and George Fife.
There are close to 50 members
In the Klamath branch of the
organization at the present time.
Other independent merchants
wishing to join can secure ap
plication blanks at Stroud's
'i' (Continued from race One)
"sternal grandfather, was Mayor
of St. Louis several terms before
the civil war, and his father,
the late James F. How, was vice
president and general manager
of the Vabah. railroad. His
mother's father was James Buch
anan Kads. builder of Eads
bridge across the Mississippi river
at St. Louis.
The millionaire hobo Btudied at
Harvard and later became a li
censed physician, although he
never practiced.
One .half of How's share of
the estate, or 1250,000, was left
by his mother in trust, but be
was said to have spent almost
all of the remaining quarter mil
lion and the Income from the
trust fund on his charitable in
terests. He had been here only since
Friday. Attendants at the hotel
where he was stopping said he
was III when he arrived. Mon
day his condition becamo worse
and he was removed to a ho
'pltal. His body was sent to
Washington to be taken charge
by LotrJa How, a brother.
(Continued from Page One)
Ident Hoover. This same band
also sought unsuccessfully to con
tine tariff revision to agricultural
products aloue.
Up for He-Election
Th Idahoao 1' up tor re-election
this year, and Is ready to take
the stump.
It Is unlUely Borah will get
Into action before mid-September
or October.
Party leaders at th capital are
wondering on th effect the trip
will have In the presidential race
two years hence.
Meanwhile, President Hoover
Is preparing to cross this same ag
ricultural territory thla summer.
However, the presidential trip Is
expected to be confined to sight
seeing alone, and so far Mr. Hoo
ver has no plans for any speeches.
Among the places which the
senator intends to visit Is Nebras
ka, where friends of Senator Xor
ris. a candidate for renomlnatlon.
har nrged him to apeak. Norrls
was on the opposite side of th
campaign stump from Borah In
Weatherly Enters
Suit Against Bray
A $6,000 suit was filed In the
circuit court this morning by
Richard Weatherly ot the 'Klara
atb Commercial Service, against
William M. Bray for payment
due on a promissory note signed
on April 5. 1930. and due July
3. 1930. The not was given to
the Oregon Bank and Trust com
pany ot this city.
The plaintiff asks for $6,000
in addition to 8 per cent Interest
for the time of the note and
also for $2,500 attorney's fees.
D. E. Van Vactor represents
tho plaintiff.
Robbers Take Cash
And Slot Machines
Sometime after midnight Tues
day night, the t'eele Club rooms
in the Scandinavian hall were
entered and robbed. More than
$350 was taken. alo tour slot
machines containing a consider
able sum in nickles and dimes.
One of the windows had been
Jimmied, and the door pried
open with a pinchbar from the
Inside, to allow the thieves to
Officers advanced on theory
as to how many robbers pulled
the Job.
A. C. Stlckley. traveling pas
senger agent for the Northern
Pacific Railway, representing the
"Newest of New Trains," the
Northcoast Limited, is in Klam
ath Falls today conferring with
local rail officials.
9 to 11 a. m.
500 Pairs Women's Chiffon and Service Weight
French and Pointed Heels. Regular
$1.95 and $2.25
S ipato $31.95
Buster Brown Shoe Store
Political Commentator of
Station WMBC Had
Opposed Mayor
(Continued from Page One)
political summaries given over
the radio station by liuckley.
The antiiiuiu-er also had unspar
ingly attacked the city's gangster
elements who have carried out
ten spectacular sluylugs in the
past three weeks.
Outiiruwtli of Election
Coming aa It did on th heels
ot the mayor's defeat, th slay
ing waa seen by some aa an out
growth of enmities caused by
the campaign. Police Commis
sioner Thomas C. Wilcox, saw
no connection between the two
and Indicated he attributed the
slaying to Buckley's radio at
tacks on gamblers and gangsters.
Mayor Bowlea characterised
Buckley's slaying as "a terrible.
terrible thing." He welcomed the
assistance of stato law euTorce-
ment agencies.
Part of th attack on the
mayor by the recall forces dealt
wtth his alleged connections
with gamblers, ttm-kley'a radio
speeches had been directed
agaiust downtown gambling re
sorts and other underworld acti
vities long before the recall
campaign was started.
Ouc Susect Arrested
One suspect was arrested when
he was found in an elevator ot
the hotel shortly after the shoot
ing. He was registered aa
Angelo Lirecchl and Is held tor
Investigation. Police said he
waa wanted In Rochester N. Y..
where he Jumped bond while
awaiting trial on charge ot
robbery. Detectives said he has
been a member ot a Detroit gang
tor several months.
Reward Posted
Th hunt for th slayers was
spurred by the offer ot 15,000
reward by the common council.
A similar sum is expected to be
ottered by the county.
Held for investigation was
Angelo Llvecchi, found in an
elevator at the hotel shortly
after the shooting.
Jack Klein, motion picture
operator who was sitting beside .
Buckley In th lobby when the
gunmen opened fire, and a man
whose name has been withheld,
were ordered locked up as wit
nesses. Part of Prosecuting Attorney
James E. Cbenot'a investigation
centered around the movement" ,
of the anuouncer yesterday. A j
rumor that Buckley received a :
telephone call from a woman !
asking him to meet her In the 1
lobby 10 minutes before his;
death was being checked. Hotel
recoras anow mat uucaiey re
ceived but one call and that
from Miss Evelyn O'Hara, his
secretary, informing him ahe
had reached home safely.
Chenot later learned from of
ficials of th atation that th an
nouncer had talked with wo
man tlv minutes before Ml
O'Hara left the hotel for the
ulght. II waa heard to promise
to meet th woman within an
hour. It Is believed th wo-.un
may have been used by the
layer to get Buckley lu a
place wher ha could be ahot.
Audrey Apartments
To Open Doors to
Publfc August 1st
Opening of the new Audrey
apartments, owned and operated
by Mr. and Mra. Ralph Kgger.
and located on Walnut avenue,
will h held on August 1st, It
was annouuetd today.
Practically all th auh-contracts
with th exception ot th plumb
ing have been completed. Inter
ior decorating has been finished
and th furniture and fixtures
are now being Installed.
The apartment house, on of
th largest and most attractive
in th entire state, has Its own
steam heating plant and hot
water circulating system.
All steam radiators a re con
tied in the walls aud are
automatically operated from the
boiler room by electric theriuo
sata. Lockers In Basement
An extra bedroom has been
built Into the basement for the
accomodation of the tenants
only. Larg lockers for each
tenant have also beeu construct
ed in the basement.
The building couslsta of 1
four room apartmenta with baths.
The cost of the building com
pleted with furniture and fix
tures Installed will be In the
neighborhood ot $90,000 it was
fcvslvn Marl. Infant rfmthu.
ot Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vernon
Stiles, paased away In thla city
Tuesday evening at (:10 o'clock.
Th remains are In the pink
room of th Earl Whttlock
Funeral Home, Pine avenue at
Sixth, where friends may call.
Announcement of funeral ar
rangementa will b mad later.
(Continued from Page One)
graphera If It had reached grade
ten on the same scale tho whole
! city of Maple would have boeu
N .Vniericaua MIMn
I'll to i o'c.ock th:s nltt'i'uoon
tho I'nlted States conatiinto had
no notice ot any American vie
lima In Naplea or any ot the
nearby resorts on the fumoua
hay. At Sorrento, which la
popular stopping: place ot Auier-
icau lourlata two native were
killed by caveln. Klv death
were reported In th nearby
The panic In Naplea waa In.
creased when electricity was cut
on, tne frantic inhabitants rush
Ing about In th darkness, about-
lug and crying.
The panic reached Its height In
the Jail, wher terrorised pris
oner pleaded to bo (reed for
tear the roof would crumble.
Carablnterl quickly quieted them.
Pop Plus, Informed early to-
uay oy i animal I'acelll of the
earthquake disaster In aouthern
Italy, expressed the utmost hor
ror and spent some moments lu
prayer for th repose of th
souls of th victims. Later he
Instructed Monslgiior Cremonesl,
his secret almoner, to have ready
a alieabl sum for relief.
Tb old university etty t;
Bologna was visited by twenty
two shocks In th - month of
April, 1919, though In these In
stances damage was (light and
injuries negligible.
The towns most seriously at
fected by th earthquake as re
ported authoritatively war as
I'elfl, ISO dead; Rionero, 20
dead, 50 injured: Rapollo, 50
dead, 30 Injured: San Sossto Ba
ronl. 14 dead. 100 Injured.
lu addition to these casual
ties there were scattered deaths
In various surrounding towns.
Life Guard at
New Natatorium
Seriously Hurt
You Can't Get
Any Place In The
Country Than At
Give Our New Market a try Ton'll Com Again
Fresh Frulta Fresh Vegetable Staple Grocery
A backward tllve from th
high urlng hoard at th new
liatalorluui almost proved tntiil
to tllaq Max, lite guard, tills
morning. Mux. swimming alone
In leh pool, went to th high
Imnrd to try a back dive. Aa
no one iiiw the accident, delulls
urn largely a mutter of conject
ure, but It la supposed that he
slipped, struck his head a
severe blow, and fell Into the
wuler. where he lay (or several
in i nut cs befor ho was discov
ered. One of th attemlanta at the
Nut sent In a cull lor tho tire
department to bring tho pm
niotor that oxygen might he 1
given to Max.
Tb fir department answered
th call, believing ther waa a
fire, and had to return to the
station for th pulmolor. During
th tint that th deportment
waa foil, asalstsut fir rlilef A.
S. . Uardell used artificial res
piration on th Injured man, re
viving hlin sufficiently to move
him to th Hillside hospital.
.Max Is suffering Iroin a
severe gash on hla head which
may prove to be a fractured
skull aud several fractured ribs.
Lata this afternoon ha waa lying
In a aeml-comatose condition, but
hospital authorities do not be
lieve that the accident will prow
(Continued from Tag One)
Showers Lessen
Heat Intensity
Rain, the first to fall In Klam
ath Kails In mauy weeks, de
scended In copious showers short
ly after 1:00 o clock thla after
noon, lessening th heat Inten
sity, which had reached o
at noon, and briuglng moist at
mosphere to long parched nos
trils. YVull th belated moisture
will be of little benefit to crops
In thla section, It will lessen the
fire haiard In town, country and
of yesterday's balloting have been
duly canvassed and certified. Mve
duya are allowed tor those for
malities. Major to l lulit
That the mayor ami his suit-
porters am plumilng u tight to
the ft ii In It was Indicated by tlio
atntcimiulN or the mayor and his
cuinptilau inauuuer, John tulles
pie. couiiulsHliiiier ot publlo works.
The mayor said thu ten days of
cnininilKnlng waa insufficient to
"overcome Iho prejudice pruduceit
by misrepresentations during the
lust seven months,
Waller II. Cary, chairman ot
tho recall committee, announced
Ills orgauliallou la going out of
exliteuco with Its purpose of "r
buklng an uufatthful administra
tion" accomplished.
Itoso From tihaciirlfy
Mayor Bowles, who ros from
political, obscurity to th head of
th fourth city lu th lultid
Statoa within tlv yours, waa elect
ed last November as a reform can
didate, with tho auppurt ot the
anti-saloon leagu and similar or
ganisations. II appointed Harold II. Em
mons, prumluvnt attorney and
busluess mail, poltc commission
er, and later mad Ulllesiilo com
missioner of public works. Tills
latter appoiiitmetit waa said to
have tunned many of Mayor
Howies' supporters agalust him.
The mayor returned from at
tending the Kentucky derby
last May to find his pollc com.
nilsslouer had authorised a sweep
ing serlea of ralda on race hand- !
book agencies, against rwhlcb a
newspaper crusade had been
waged tor weeks. .t i !
He discharged Emmuva
This precipitated the recall
movement with charge of "toler
ated lawlessness" and "Jlred Em- !
mous for enforcing lb lsi Bead
ing th list ot accusation. '
Th randle-power ot th sun Is
expressed by staggering flgurea
333 followed, by Zi noughts, or
3330 quadrillions.
Corrections To
(11 Hwlisorlaiid I republic,
not a kingdom, (I) Wlllluut Tell
shot Ilia uppla with a crossbow.
lustouil of a rifle. (3) Alpen
stock, la th conversation ot th
girl at th right, la spelled In
correctly. (4) Th girl at th
right la holding a ski stl k, not
an alpenstock, I The girl at the)
left has an alpenstock. (51 1" i
scrambled word la INVITATIt
Kor lleaulla I s Herald I loss Ait
, i.
wr::r- r 1
SW J. , afaV'.tr."
ri ' S "m tit t in v
I 'Z ' B til H' n
She thoughts
"I'd like you so much If It
weren't for'B.O.' "
Yet, to be polite,
She said:
"I've had a delightful time, but
I must get home. Mother's
Girls seldom went out with
him tWlCe-all because of 'B.O:
GO HOME noicf Why, the evening
had barely started. Did she really
have to leave so early? Was anything
wrong? Had he offended her?
lie had unknowingly Just as he
offended everyone he came in contact
with. Yet he never suspected the truth
until one day a young doctor whom he
knew dropped a friendly hint about
"B.O.", the polite name for a condition
people dislike even to mention body
odor . . . Girls enjoy going out with him
now. He's popular with everyone, wel
come everywhere, since he learned this
easy way to keep perspiration odorless.
Hotter weather coming
beware "B. 0."l ,, ,
Broiling days. Close stuffy nights. The
least exertion makes us perspire freely.
And even a hint of "B.O." is so quickly
noticed by others. Adopt this simple
Sootbet at you ibvt-
tndi "Ttndtr Spots"
M 9ur ttnuia't
safeguard and be sure of not offending
wash and bathe with Lifebuoy. , ,
Nothing o refreshing as a Lifebuoy
bath on a hot day. Oceans of billowy
lather even in hardest water. Banishes
fatigue, leaves you freshj full of pep
gloriously, satisfyingly clean. No fear of
"B.O." now. Lifebuoy's creamy, pene
trating, antiseptic lather purifiet pores
removes all odor.
Great for complexion
Is your skin clear, fresh, glowing with
healthy radiant beauty? That's the kind
of complexion Lifebuoy has brought to
millions of women. Its bland, search
ing lather decp-clearuies pores gently
frees clogged pores of impurities that
stifle natural skin beauty. Its pleasant,
extra-clean scent that 'vanishes as you
rinse tells you Lifebuoy purifict. Adopt
Lifebuoy today.
-stops body odor-
HEAT2.P Of LAWTZENCe $ wJt&t'l
' jitlifs.x '" SUCOISS STORV NO. T
The hlithcr they come, the harder they
fall . . . was Hollywood's greeting to
Lawrence Tlbbctt. Then came "Tho
Rogue Song" and Tlhbett landed, In Just
one jump, amors the half dozen lead
ing stars of the screen. A quick triumph
for Lawrence Tlbbctt? Not at all!
Nature gave him that glorious voice.
That's why old gold makes no claims
... of factory skill ... or secret processes.
For Nature alone deserves the credit.
The sun, the rain, the fertile soil simply
produced better tobaccos. That's why
old golds thrill your taste. That's
why old GOLDS give you throat-ease.