Monday, July 21. 1030 TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PA"GE"SEVEN COMBINATION HERALD AND NEWS CLASSIFIED AD RATES Three cento word each time ad la printed Same ad run one wulc, 10 per cent dmcount Same ad run one month, 20 per cent discount. Telephone 877 or 88 FOR SALE Reel Estate yon sale KOlU.ROOM bom, full bae iiinnt. furnace, garage, N. 10th ,1 This Is a good buy l 141.00; Only tbuo c,li, bal. Ilk rent. ALSO tHH KB ROOM 8. modern, close In; furnished, IJSOO: lt0 rah " bat 111. Including Interest. ' ALSO rr'K-ROOM hiima on Oregon eve. strictly modern, h.w. flour, full naeement, garage, laundry lulu, lawn. trees, shrubs. Only M'tu. A good bur. i. t. ward co. , HKAI.TOIIH , Til Mala Street. re WANTED bids for nnADiso mii-k uf landanl road la new Alia munt subdivision. Hierl work ' at one. rAVEl.Ul'TMCr"llKAI.TY CO. Italia Peyton. Mgr. Ill I. th at. rhone 1414 Il-lt AR BALK Real bargain: 8 room bout, hardwood floors. .furnace, good location. 11000; ,7 caab. 1151 aacond month; ,176 a month thereafter; buyer to luuml aacond bait of taiaa. '.Two flna lota la Mill addition: on paring. 4-roora houae: hanee old but very livable. 11110; i0 raah. 110 a month. Flna lot In wondarful location In Hot gprlnga addition. I80U caah or "11000 on tarma. Beautiful ' home bulll to aull purchaaer on fine kl In llol Springe. Many other opportttnltlea. Ida B. Mo myer, 11 N. 8th et. Phone IIS. tV . FOR BALK Splendid taoma lota tor build tng or improvement: eloe In: modern, enwer. Ilghta and wa ter; 1100.00 on eay tarma. Double yonr money In a few year. Lai na ahow you. Two of tbla bunch aold In laat weak. PEYTON CO. n a. 7ib. phona IK ll-lf OR BALE OR TRADE for Klam ath Falla clear property, 14.000 equity In 4 f'urnlahed house. .i.l nrlca 17.100: lnroe 1110 ear month: will Uka aa low at ir.nn rath, balance monthly pay- m.nii why nay rent whea yoa can get your rent free. In quire owner, 1431 Orchard ave. rOK BALE Gaa elation, grocer r nhi lunch: new modem building, ltt acraa. on main highway. 1 mllea north of Pell .n ritw Annoalte aun club. li-et i)iSCH 111 acre at Bearer Merah. nirt meadow, trout 'irm. elao Vordnon tractor Karakul aheep, pure bred and grade. Znmbrum llroa.. Che mult. Oreaon. l-(t iOR BALE At a bargain On fin location for a flrt-elaa court apt., where ynu can get natural hot water. See owner. 1-hone 1104-J. l-lt rnn. SALE Eoutty In good I- room honaa In good location: furnlahed or unfurnlhd. In' qulr at 140 Main. 17-t' FOR SALE Hotel In email naw town. Inquire at this office or writ Box 17. Herald, Nw. ' . 17-4t FOR BALE Equity In J-room modern borne, good location will sacrifice aocount alrkneea Inaulro 110 B. 6th at. ll-tf FOR SALE Lot In Hot Springs addition; will aen cnenp n aoia t one. P. 0. Box 13. 18-31 FX5R SALPJ Four-room modern furnlhod home. Inquire 7Si California are. Il-lt TRADE Residential lot on pared treat for light car or tractor Phona 1078. 17-11 f HONB 88. Cofer Broa., for new or old floor aandlng. 17-11 FOR SALb iT m1 i a a awaawaawawtaaaiawyaaawaaaaaasaa FOR SALE) Beautiful l-roora modern bom , lawn, tree, larce garden. Irrigation water, garage, wood ahad. eblokeo house; a real buy; SH mllea from city. Morrill road. Phone iii-j-a. -tt CALL BAM Hlgheat price paid for second hand furniture, atores. Barn's Bargain House. Ill Broad. Phon 1030-W. 16-lt 1'OR SALE Boat, 18-hnrae out board motor and trallor; will i rarry 4, do 30 with 1 pasaen aera. Call at S4I Martin. l-ll f 11YERS FOR SALE W hare to -more 1200. aa we need room; . from 20c to 40o each; speclnl nrlces on ouantltlea. Lewis farm. Phone 983-W. l-2t l"OR SALE Household furniture OTaratufted davenport and chair bedroom suite, sewing machine. run. etc. 1188 Portland at. ll-4t FOR BALE Four 25-ft. lots close In; 2 or all for 1128 each; also 80-ft on pavement and water front at Shlpplngton. Phone f 41 I . V -J1 FOR SALE rOH SALE OK TRADK Emtrion upright piano: will trada tor look. J. Frank Aduma Jr., Merrill. Or. II 1-31 roll BAI.K Hhaep feed. It arret, lamlaiiiarter paature or hay, U. K. (Irlndrod, Wt Tula l.aka, Marrlll. 81-11 KOH HAI.K Naw Wlndaor oil range, Ilrunaairk phonograph, recorde. rhtap. 41t N. Hub. Phon S4W J. 1131 FOR BALE Two roll-top daaka, bark bar, l-ovn rani, aafa, be ilon book rata, till Klam ath. ' KUH HALE Whlla Legbnrn pul lets. I8n each. Hoi 74, Keno, T. N. Allanby. Il-lt FOK HAI.K Furniture, cheap. 2004 Oregon ave. PhouellliO. ISlt Foil 8ALK Eleventh Hlreol cafe. 117 8. 11th. Hit PAINTING. PAPERINU, Phon 102. paper claanlng. li-et POUTS FOR BALE 20c apiece Call 1880. 14-121 FOR SALE Automobile AVE Bit! BIX Btudebaker acdan good cnndlllon. will trade for work borers; want well broke boraee from 1200 to 100 lb.: raah value of car 1410.00. Write owner. J. K. (Ireer. 1010 Km erald at.. Eugene. Ore. l-lt AHII 8KDAN New, l3l mode 410 terlei, 1 window, 4-door ae dan; new car guarantee and eerrlre: driven few mile, per fect condition: a very pec la I price on tbla tine car. Bos 204 eliy. or 1708 Main at. !t-2t FOR BALK OR TRADE for light closed car. completely turuiin ed l-room bouaa. all modern all fenced off. flna lawn: email payment down, balanca Ilk lmnrovemente oald. Call lima tall rremont. 19-lf mil flAI.KN'w rhrviler road alar lop, iiv. uox ei iiereio. 15-81 FOR SALE 1300 equity la Pon- tlae landeeu aedan for iito.oo. Phone 7. 10-11 FOR BALE Cheap, 11 Ford coupe. Pondoaa Apt. 11. 11-31 BABY CHICKS BABT CHICKS at summer prlcaa; Had. Ill: Lgborns.; Black Glanle. Ill: Whit all norcai. 114: Buff Orplngtone. 114 per 100, prepaid, llart'a Hatchery, Reaverton, Or. l-ti SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED flood bona with reas onable wage In family oi adulta. Call 111 Pine. Phoo 718-J. l- PA1NTINO, Papering and kaleo- mlnlng. Price reaaonabi; work guaranteed. C. C. l.yde, 101 Oak. Phone 1108. 17-131 STENOURAI'HER BEC'x Fire year' first clas general exper ience; legal, civil service. 811 Klamath are. 18-11 WANTED Lawn snd garden Phone 148-J. 18-81 ork; references. WANTED Colored lady wlbe housework or chambermaid. Phone 1280. Il-lt TOR ROOK PAINTING and tmall repalra. Thompion, ill tiign .1. l-8f STENOGRAPHER wants work Im mediately. Alice A la id. Adams ranch, Merrill, Or. 21-31 LAUNDERING, special prices. 208 Martin st. Mrs. J. A. cone. 31-St LADY wanta housekeeping or to for children. 122 Walnut su 21-lt LADY wishes work by day. Phone 876-J. ii-oi- LADY wlshrf housework. 223 8 5th st. 21-lt LADY wishes work of any kind Phona 868-R. -tf OHM. wlshos housework; wagea deatred. Phone 1134-J. is-sv- WANTED WANTED TO RENT Large un furnished house. Must oe ciose In rAAInnablo. Cull NOW' Herald office. 15-tf wantkd To lease farm on harea or cash; from 20 to iu acres. Address J. It. Jerae, Granta Pass. 21-3t BOARDERS AND ROOMEHS Wanted, by the week. 830 iar. kot st. Phone l43-it. i- HELP WANTED qai rnMiV WANTED for Klarn alh county, by large nnnm-mi concern; experience unnecess ary; will train man with good referenens. Write Box 46, Her ald. WANTKD I-adv to do llgnt . V rnM three nousewora ami - children for room and board: i.i. ' so davs only. Box 88. New. Herald. 21-lt partner wanted, unincumbered ldertr woman with some meana of an lncom property. For par nlara Inquire at 811 AUtned.. 1 8-Z10 WANTED Full or part tlm rP, inr i.ife. Health and Accident Co. Be Oatby, Blsbe hotel. 1U LOST AND FOUND LOST Oaiollne hot bittm Klamath rail and Bonania; suitable reward for return. Phone 1121. Il-lt L08T Three-strand bead neck lace; keepaake. Return Newe, Herald office 21-31 FOR RENT FOH KENT W guarsute com fort and aav you money; ti alngl and double, op-lo-dat apt., eompleiely furnlibad with telephone aervlca; by weak or mouth; we farnlah rry thing but rocerlee. Also rooms with prlvat bath, traoaclant; garag right aoroaa. Arcade Apts.. Phon 700. I t! Full KENT OR BALE Hmall bouse and garage, well built, 2211 barrow at., near Eaat Main; rant 112; aala price, cash 1800; terms 1800. Inquire French Hand Laundry, fcdgur Iseusee. Il-lt FOR KENT Two-room turniinnn 1 - ... apt., 13 montn; ugnis, wooa, water and hot water furnished; bath, use of phone, lawn, lol Alamaila. Pbona 1111. 21-lt FOR RENT Furiilebea apart ment, 1 rooms, modern, neo room, private batb. Simon's ApartuienL 111 I'ommerolal. Il-lt FOR SENT Large furnlahed apt.f lights, water, electric range, lie: also furnlahed room and furnished duplex. 117 B. 7lh. " FOR RENT Moderately priced 3 roomed apU. with garage; close In. furnlebed or .unfurnished. Phone 1111 or call at 111 Bprlng at. H-tf FOR BENT Two-room bachelor apt., ultra-modern furniture; located on Main at.; rent reas onable. Phone 141, or see A. B. Whitman. 13-lt FOR RENT Three-room furnish ed bouse, light, wood, water, garag. 130 month. Call 1828 Wantland are. 21-lt FOR KENT Furnlahed 2-room apartment; wood, water and llthla furnlahed. 822 S. Bth at. Phon 1384-J. 2-121 FOR KENT Eight-room house, psrtly furnished: Rouble 8r- ge: cloee In. fbone 400-J. 11-11 FOR RENT Four-room furnlah ed house, bath, woodahed and garage. 1420 Crecent are. Phone 118-W. 1-1 1 FOR RENT Modern nicely fur nished apt.: alio aleeplng room. Winter Bldg., 710 Mala at. Il-lt FOR KENT. LEASE OR SALE 7-room partly turnianea aoue. Inquire at O. K. Barber ehop. 117 So. Ith. 14-M FOR RENT Completely furnlah ed anL. natural not wsier neat. refrigeration. Hermoea Apia. Phona 11 or 183. Htf FOR RENT Fnrnunea npv. nod. electricity, not ana com water furnlihed. 447 Markot at., nhone 1181. 10-tf FOR RENT Three-room farnlah' mA hnnu. ass waeninnion. Il-lt FOR RENT Two-room furnlahed apt., Xaplanaa uouru, levi Eaolanada at. Il-llt FOR KENT Two-room furnished hnnae: wooa. water. Ilgnia. van Hi Lincoln at. 21-lt FOR RENT Room adjoining bath, private ramuy; eieo gar age. 110 N. 10L Il-lt FOR RENT Four-room uniur- nlshed houae, ji a.aai " Phone 790R evenings. 21-21 FOR RENT One-room furnlahed ... r A nh... ?A.R nonae. ' evening. ' l--l FOR RENT Furnlsnea x-room apt. Coy Apia, ei.mam Phone 13 1-W. Il-lt FOR RENT Two-room caoin; rate for weeK or moniu. lendlne Camp. 18-81 FOR RENT Nice bedroom, use of garage; reasonaDie; wose in. Phone 2112. FOR RENT Modern l-room apt- rent reasonable. n igu FOR RENT Furnlsnea apar ment. rent reasoneoie. ronaw sa Apt. Phone 12 or 88. 18-tf FOR RENT First elssa parv menu, furnlsnea. Evnne ante. Phon 811-M. or 100. S-tt FOR RENT Comfortably turn- lahad apt.: rrigiaair. man t. FOR RENT Sleeping room with private bain: aiso iuruini apt. Rex Arms. 18-lt FOR RENT urnisnea apia.. 828.00 and up. in , iwio.i. Phone 848-J. !- FOR RENT Light housekeeping .Mm. aian aieemna room. Phone 1138-J. lS-St FOR RENT Partly furnished 4 Mm. ami hatn. fnone sob. 18-21 irnn RENT Furnlsnea aperv ment, electric range, not w.ior. new nalnt. 828 Oak. l-8t FOR RBNT New furnished flat, ' 18-2t k,Mnme. ADD r BU mam. FOR RENT Apartment, 811 Oak ave. Inquire 808 Oak. 18-3t FOR RENT Nice room, outside entrance, ao mamatu. FOR RENT New 4-room house Phone 881-W-S. -Jt FOR RENT Furnished ouplex, 811. Phone 1148-W. Il-lt sn b.vt and AAm houses. 115 8. 5th. Sl-lt BOARD AND ROOM 18.00 per week. 801 Oak. I'"1 FOR RENT Mern apt. 1010 Upbam. furnished S-tf FOR RENT rOR RENT Rooms; trance. 825 N. 4th. outside n- 3U-2HI FOR RENT Rooms In Hot 11-21 Bprlnga. Phon 110. MISCELLANEOUS 1IEMBT1TCIIINO Whit Sewing Machine company announcea a hemstitching and aewlug serv ice, in charge of Mary M. Buck, formerly of EveretL Wash. 07 Klamath. Phone 710. lt-ot RADIO SERVICE Repairing, letting, lutH. etc. Win. Long, 1012 Dvnald SL Phon jlM-M. 11-tl BOARD AND ROOM 808 N. 3rd at. Edna M. Bergman. Il-lt Buaineaa Locals a Money UQ appruTeo luaas. ova 4e. H. Orlscoll, Williams Bldg. ad If NOTICK I will not be reapunslble for any bills contracted by Mrs. taau Bnlemaii afier July 18, 1830. JAME3 P. BATEMAN. 1 8-61 LEGAL NOTICES COIWTY TIIKAKTRKK'li . . NOllt.t Notice la hereby given that there are fund . In the county traaaurj for tb redemption of Sbaata View Irrigation District general fund warrants protested on or before July 18, 1830. . Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore goo, the 18lh day of July. 1810. CLARA DE VAUL, County Treasurer. 18.18.21 COVXTr TREASCBER'8 NOTICE VaII la hereby civan that ther are funds In the county treasury for the redemption of Langell Valley Irrigation Dlatrlct O. a M. wsrrante proteated on or before octooer is, lJ. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, tha 15th day of July. 1930. CLARA UK VAUiy. County Treasurer. is.ii.:i TUKAHLHKK H NOTICE Notice la hereby given that (here ara funds In the county ireaaiirv for the redemption oi Bchool District No. 1 bonds, dated August 1. 118. due August 1 is-ta end ontionai alter adihh 4 1828. numbered 1 to 21 Inclusive, In the amount of 11000.00 each. All Interest on above mentioned bonda will cease from August 1 inn Dated at Klamath Fall. Ore gon. Ihla ltn day 01 juit. v. CLAKA VT4 vuw. 11.11.20 County Treasurer, . 1- tim.tji la have near ly 1000 aquare mllea of teak for ests, more than iwo-imrue m " .hi.ii la la charge of a government commission. Mello-Glo Prevent Shiny Nose MELLO-GLO Face Powder Is preferred by beauUful woman be cause It leave no trace of pasti ness, flaklneaa or Irritation. Stays on longer no ahlny noaee! Made by a nw French proces pre vent large pore. Spreads mora smoothly lve a youthful bloom. Very pureT Use MELLO-GLO Face Powder. If wonderfuL Underwood's Pharmacy. Adr. Summer Storage, tl Month Washing, 11.10-11.00. Classing, ll.00-U.15. Night and Day Service ARCADE GA3AGE Nw Manager1, Jo Road High Pressure Washing and Greaalng. General Auto Repair and Brake Shop. . Night Mechanic Nash authorised auric. Body, Fender and Olaaa 8bop. 4 Hoar Service In ATI Depte. t fo " &o-h sake; ma, ' s , , . . . a I) ha7rouTof .tarw wes-00 . VJ VH ' PAKJCAwes a& asio -rwey Raw moo -Rno 'wo H-i-- 1 no 6ethr . t er soMt-rniKiCr . J rtAve sometwikict A AMD Htt-P Torni X oveR OOMT. voo vaiiTH yc COMMITTEEMEN ARE ANNOUNCED Democratic Precinct Representative Chosen A list of th Democratic pre cinct committeemen, which In clude a reprasMtatlv from svery precinct in the county xcpt Kirk. Odell, Pelican Bay and Bwep. was announced Saturday. Tb committeemen were ap pointed at a meeting Friday eve ning by a group of elected com mitteemen. Another meeting rss been called for th erenlna of Jaly 30, when member will be chosen from th four preclnrts still open. Tb list follows: Precinct 1. Oarrett Van Rlptr: t, Oliver B. Dews; 3. Louis A. Flnnell; 4. C. U. Merrill; 5. C. F. Stone; I, Mrs. L. B. Hsgua; 7, Arthur McKee; I. A. J. Tracy; 8, Joy Evans, 10, Noble II. Cantor; 11. George I). Gristle, 12. Chris Blanas; 13, Charle R. Potts; 14, H. II. Graham: 16. B. P. Alexan der; 14. Fred Burdette; 17, George Brstton; 18, Claude Mc Colloch; II, Tom W. Delxell; 20, Mrs. Irma Dlxoo; 21, entries Donart; 22, Melvia Cherry; 23, A. L. Graham. Algoma, R. E. Graham; Alta- mont, R. E. Bradbury; Bealty, J. B. Casey; East Cblloquln. Jack Almeter; Weet Cblloquln. Charles F. Coons: Crescent Lake, W. A. Brock: Dairy, Laurence L. Ar- nett; Enterprise, Frank J. Bas klrk; Hlldebrand, Theodora Flackua; Hllleld. Edwin A. Van sickle; Klamath Lake. Chest! Davla; Laniell v., Harry J. Tlcn- nor; Loat River. W. F. B. Chase: Malln. Frank J. Halousek: Mer rill. Clyde T. Bradley; Midland. J. B. Burnett. Modoc Point. C. S. Burton: ML Lskl. James R. Dixon; Orindale, Wayve Hunsaker; Plevna, C. 8. Kerslak; Jo Valley. Jo Taylor; Spragua R., D. R. Glvana; Topsy, Roderick M. Fraln; Tula L.. George Of field; Wood R., Llndsey Slsemore; Worden. Charle W Gordon; Tanax, B. E. Wolford. For Reaolta Use Herald Class Ada Cool Keep Cool witn an Electric Fan. No home or office Is complete without one. We have many site type and designs. See our fixture department before yon buy the fixtures for your new home. We carry the largest stock In town. Service Electric Co. 1S5 N. Eighth Ptnoa fa 4-Room Modern House $100 Down New modern home close to Conger school. Concrete foundation. ' Basement with garage. Plastered throughout Good plumbing. The lot is well located on slope of hill facing east The total price is only $1900.00, $30.00 a month. , Barnhisel & Robertson raoxa low INSURASCB Oat Oar Way 1 1 I (Til Rumanians Think Reconciliation of Royal Couple Due BUCHAREST. Rumania. July 21, (AP) Queen Helen accom panied King Carol today to the rclqtilem memorial services for the lata King Ferdinand, their first Journey together, which the public regarded aa an Indication for their Imminent reconcllla-. Hon. The Rumanian royal pair, di vorced when as Prlnre Carol th husband forsook his uatlv coun try, were together oe the train to Curtea da Agrea. Other on the same train were Queen Marie, prince Nicholas and Prln cms llesna. "One of Your Worst Enemies" So &$ V. 8. PvMie BeaUh StrHe$ ""VP ALL th uteri) tmnim of nuktt, V tbt) A ifl QBM of tbs) WOT." It bin toea tlugjvi gthowii tht bouaa tim cmrrj tb gtma of ehnAVn, typboid fTTf, lnfeUitiU divrrbv, dtt Ury, ud oibatf smmuiufbU tiaiamm. How jrou mdrnnUnA why child errw whom you bt. wauha4 meet crfuUr mtv eocn down with m miia iiinmm which you nonet uiuimtwi. B tomtartMbl utad ml; Ktwp yoaf hoam Rwc.l-4m. 8 pray Hit, which it fumrutd (or tootmy back) to ha quick ! th to tljaws, iivulu, motht, tmehm, bmd bug aU4 othar houshoi4 Iimbms. Yt lu cimiwiiiat vapor is sWoiiaMsi to jwmaias. PUt kflb qvlckm If 70a oat the) api-tI ImattMft mtt 8pryw. lasuaH om ht 4 4om't mompn wuhmttut. tfJUT Wert" Largees SelBsf Inaect DDer Facto Do you realize the Fact that our used cars are really reconditioned? Do you appreciate the Fact that our prices are lower! Do you consider the Fact that we take your old car in as part or all of down payment on a better car 7 Look our cars over and you will understand why Facts mean money to you. 22371811 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan with finish Hka new; five good tires, and la In excel lent condition mechani cally. Don't fall to eee this before yon buy. Only SSSS 2'JJi 1321 FORD COUPE, thoroughly recondition ed, haa good paint and run Uka a million. Only Slo3 Locke Motor Co. Chevrolet Bale and Service 622 South 0th St. Phone 111 NO. 0TB RIAL ESTATE KLAMATH FALLS Business and Professional DIRECTORY The merchant and professional ptopl listed oa this ptg ar known aa Klamath Fall most reliable baslnaae man and women, liar yon will find th firm listed alphabetically who will serve you economically and promptly. They are all skilled In their respective linos. Call ca them today. Please mention that yon aaw their ad In the Evening Herald. aaox'b Btrr.H a (leas Ooodjear Urea Washing, tireasing. Storage Open Ail Mglit ;lt'i and Hlamalb KMI'LOKMtNT AOK.NCI ItVAN'S KLAMATH Employment Office. 181 Bo. 8th. Gen eral employment. Phone lll-W. rttl.vTI.1iU KLAMATH PRINTING CO. Ill N. Fourth 8L Prompt Service TKANavKK evrtlKAUbl PROMPT and courteous aervlca. Standard rate. Western Trans fer Co. 418 Main. Phon 1100. Klamath Falls Lodge Directory LODGE FRATERNAL. NOTICE B. P. O. ELKS Meets every Thursday Night VlaltfLg M sin bars Welcome ELKS TfcMPLS. Srd and Moose Ball 411 Klamath Ave. Meet every Th ore day, 1:1 E. E. BENNER Dictator KLAMATH LOLHia) Na 11 A. F. and A. M. Staled CommualcatlOB lad aad 4Lh Mondays Visiting Brothers Welcome. L00M1S BUILDING Klamath Falls Business Cards DR. E. C. HOWELL, Jr. VETERINARIAN X-Ray Dlagaosla Lamp Treatment Phono 81 UU at Oak Office Honrs: a.m. to 1:10 p.m. Evening by appointment PORTLAND PAINLESS DENTISTS Dr. D. D. Havens, Mgr. Entrance: Mara Hotel Corner 11th and Main Sta. Phone 14 Klamath Falla. Ore. CH1HOPBACTOR OR. PAUL C LONG. Chiroprac tor and nerve specialist. Ill So. 7th Su Phone 1148. CIVIL E.NGLNKER8 J. C, C LEGHORN Civil Engineer and Sarveyor lit High Strvet C c. KELLET Consulting ClvU Engineer 11 So. 5th. Thou 1076 Excellent Care In Confinement 5lcanes or ohiiw valeacence CENTRAL SAFE Cor. 4 th and Pine Sta. KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL RED BALL STAGE LINE Starting April 10th. Two Stages Daily for Lakeview, Oregon Uave K. F. 8:30 a. Leave K. F. 2:00 p. Office 6th & Main PHONE 999 Auto Body and Fender Wrecks repaired like new. Plate Glass installed while you wait Authorized Harrison Radiator service and re pairing by experienced men. All work guaran teed by BOB RYAN AUTO TOP SHOP 1415 Main St. Phooe eM Klamath Kails, Oregon Peyton & Co. Wood to Burn" Local Agenta You can't go wrong with QXSjgSflC th m0lt COBom" leal oil burner made. Call on us tor Wood, Coal, Fuel Oils, Hog Fuel. 120 S. 7th Phone LANDSCAPE OARDENER L a w n a Thompaoa Sprinkling System Rock Oardana Work Guaranteed. W. M. PALMERTON 711 North 2nd BL Phoo 111! fta-Seae aepewellaar ttaraaeate Made-le-Meaure Ouaraatee mm aiosB OBNarr wakuall W Waiaal ave. rkeae aae-w Window Cleaning, Windows Waahed, Hoe Cleaned, Palata Waahed. LET CAL DO IT Klamath rail Houae ana) Window CTeaaing Co. Pboaa 5o KLAMATH FLTLNO SERVICE Aerial Taxi atadaat laatractioa Aerial Pbotograptiy PHONE 181 We Repair LOCK AND KETS Also w aaafce daplirate keys for yoa. TUB OIIN HTOKat Cor. Ttat and Klamath CLARK aad LANDRET H e Qualified Architect Pelicaa Theatre Itldgu, aUaasatb rail Medford BMg Medford DENTISTS DR. BL O. WISKCABTEB 7th aad Mala over Under wood' Pharmacy WHITE Sewtag M chines aad Bepplle Beat, Sell aad Repair W. H. ELATE Local Repreaentatrr 107 Klamath Ave. Phone It PHO.VK H RC KARD-R T AN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY "We Aim to Please" 110 Klamath Avno CHARLES J. CIZEK Mercfaaa Tailor Make Good CTotbee 100 Sooth aevrath at. Edward B. Aahurst Attorney aad Coaaeellor at Law BoUcttor la Cbaacary Loomia BaUdlng Klamath falla, Oregon LEARN TO DAN Cat Mr. B. M. Hogne TaL 1101 Mrs. Boanse' School et Iajclng All Modern and Old Time Step Ballet. Acrobatic, To. Tap and Characteristic Dancing. Moose Hall Klamath Kelt PIONEER TRANSFER Pay Cash and Pay Lead Office 17oe-Phone Rea. ISM Boxing and Crating and Garden Soil. Martin Eltlns Geo. Eltlng Prop. K CAFE SOI Klamath Avenue W Serv for 500 An Appatlilng Dinner From 5 to S Every Evening FLOOR WORK Finishing, Waxing and Polishing Sanding New Sanding Machine Prices Reasonable Real Workmanship Phone 1840 0. H. FRALEY SPtt'lAL REDUCTIONS) LIMITED TIME ONLY Plates That Fit Absolutely guaranteed aad lifelike to appearance, g pedal reduction In Gold Cmwa and Biidgawork. Free Examination Open Wed. and SaL Evening DR. THOMPSON "The Best for Lean' Phone laaa T10 Mala M. S8S aalitnht wlttl .? iua unjRnlcna. 820 OLD PAPERS FOR SALE At . i.j.. ai hnnkkeenlng and liuumftivo . ee Washington Herald and Kw C-ttlce, II tvnlng. Box 80. Herald, - ownor, 1171. 11-1