The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 19, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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Pennsylvania and West
Virginia Sea Mercury
At New Levels
(OnnllnuNl front I'sil On)
drowned la th Ohio river t
Newi-umoerlaiid. W. V., lu futllu
efforts lu un a sou ud hrollier,
tlrl. bi-I'PIiik lulu hole hi
Ilia IhmI nt tlm MiiuoiiKulinlii
rlvor at llroKiievllle, I'a.. became
Ilia tooth drowning victim In
that smllon llila simson. A
woman collupuml In I liloiitown,
I'a., and Uli'd ln-fora rclIIVis
could aid hr.
l.'IIICAIIO, July l. (Al'l
A withering heal fastened llst'lf
upou America loduy.
r'rora tlraal Luaiia to lull and
from ocaau lu orruo. tlia con
tinent cooked. 'Hire flgur
lirupra!tir readluss wrira i-oui
nioa. Nluely dogrtie or bailor
vara recorded lu virtually ereiy
Un Ilia bails of ottli 11 gov
rnuianl figures. I ha average
niailniuni temperature for Ilia
Lulled Htutea vualerdey aa tu t.
Out of M government weather
buraaua reporting to Ilia Chicago
forecaatsr, t bad temperature,
of to degrone or bettor. Only
nlna at Ilia anllra number re
ported mexlniunia under lu.
Crops Kara llntuglil
Tha nallon'a gransrlcs, baked
by tha paralatant aim, faoad
drouiht. Livestock lu mauy
plsces aaw green pasture turn
russet and dla. Tha danger of
rorn bolni fired In tha field n
fait In Iowa.
Ilesrhee, rapsrlally llioaa paar
large cltlea, awarmed with peupl.
In I'hlcago. where an estimated
quarter of a million took to tha
water to inane oft tna neut, un
Mlrhlian had a temperatura of
a I degrees.
Kansas hlssllng
Phllllpsburg. Kan., bad HI
degree, and Kmporla lot.
Weather propheta were doubt'
ful eoncernlng linnillala relief
for moat of tlie country. I'ossl-
lilllty of Ihundersbower aaa ba
ipokaa In lb central ana norm
net, but forecaitera pretended
to aao bo certain aurceaaa to tha
Tha seed ot rain n felt In
a scor ot atatea. The I'nlted
Slataa weather bureau at aau
Initon laid the dry spell waa
particularly sever In
Alabama. MUalaalppl. Loulaiana
and Arkaneaa. and to a allghlly
leaa deirea In tha middle and
WaUT Hliurtag Kared
Such heat aa III ballon ex
perlenced yeaterday and faced
(la today baa pro Tea a earl-
oua lax upoB pumping alatlona.
Already la paru of Maryland
warning, haa been glvn that un-
leea there la rain aoon, there
mull be to per cent curtail
mnt "f water consumption.
The roileat aertlon of the ha
lion yeaterday waa In Mlrblgah'a
upper penlniula whero Mar-
quelle had an envlahl maximum
of I. The rscinc loasi too,
had tnniparatiirea In the com
fnrtahla seventies with a fa at
Kan Krancleco.
Yrsterdsy's heat raiualltlea In
eluded the death of a man In
ttprlngfleld, 111., from aun airoke.
the death of a Chicago nremaii
who oollapaed at drill, and
drowning and two proatratlona In
New York City, where a tempera
tura of 14 waa eccompnnled by
high humidity.
(Continued from Pe One)
la. Untie wi a dear friend of
mine. Tha buckle wai a Christ
y mil present."
Talked tor 10 Minute
Capon laid Urundldx talked
with him for approximately ten
mlnutea recently.
"I told him I waa through with
tha racket In t'hlcaro, and dldn I
ear to ha mixed up 'n It on way
or a not h or."
Capon alio denied he had
contributed to the aenatorlal cam'
palgn of Huth Manna McCormtck
nf Illlnole, but added ha would
hare been glad lo contribute had
ha been approached.
Village Platform
It Popular Place
Tonight tha Vlllngo Platform
located at Second and Klamath
Annul, will bo operated by
Bnldy Kvnns' orchoatra. Thla
new Idea of dancing In the open
la making a decided hit among
tha yonng dancera of Klamath
Falls, particularly during the
r present warm weather. Dances
. are being held every Tueaday,
Thuraday and Saturday evening
and are aponsorsd by the Elks
Initgo and American .anion.
A Urge crowd attended the
opening dance on Thursday nf
thla week and enjoyed tha out
i donra dancing.
Plenty of parking apac. places
tor dancera to rent mid th na
tural moonlight imikns thla plat
form a very popular place.
Panolng la to commence nt
:00 o'clock thla evening and
contlnne until midnight.
Chicagoan Likes
Klamath Activity
F. B. Begur and daughter.
Mine Ruth, ot Chicago, who have
been visiting C. J. SwenHy and
family In thla city, will loav
ihnrlty for southern California,
where they will locate for tha
coming year. Mr. Begur and Mr.
Hweaiey are old-lime Chlrago
friends. Deeply Impressed with
the Klamntb country Mr. Regur
admitted that he might doci le to
Hlay her permanently and change
nil ot nil plana about retiring In
the smith. Ho liken tho activity
of thla city,
Evangelist Preaches Sermon
Z J 4 Ail- .A . ..X
. 1
Pregcjllng from Intlde a caa-
ket mj(,eem inuiual, bat Rev.
WaleoBteArgue, young avangallet.
will bar doing that Sunday night
lo bla - vice In the big wooden
taberuaaaa, comer beventh and
Oak etrerte.
"Ufa. Heath and Where Do
We Un from llure?" will be the
subject.. The cankct will be In a
prominent place on the piauorm
"On to Ilend" Is the alogan of
tha tennla faus today. HI I car
loads of players and rootera have
already notified O. Dixon of their
Intent to Join lb Invasion ot
the northern city, leaving about
o'clock Sunday morning, livery
on I arranging to Join In tha
big plcnlo lunch, an event which
some peraona of do Ideals at all
ay will be Just i Important aa
event aa tha tennla tournament.
The driver of each car haa very
tnougntiuiiy oriereo 10 carry t
10 gallon ran of lemonade. II la
a fin drive of 114 miles to
Uend with a good road and It la
expected that aevaral mors car
loada of happy tennla faoa will
announce their Intention of going
hBe In iJidlea Teeia.
The ladles' team for Sunday
announce eom Chang In tta
personnel. The member wilt be
Mrs. Dixon. Mlsa Pearl Colllster.
Ml Myrtl Collliter and Miss
Betty Johnston.
A few changes have alio been
mado In the lineup of th mn'a
team which la now announced
to be: Robertson, IIuli, Hall,
Dixon, Carter, Rheloro. Merry
man, Austin. Tha position on
Iha ladder of George Merryman,
one of the most promising of
our high school boy, haa en
titled blin to play with th team
in this tournament, and more
high achool playeri ahonld be
able to work up high enough
soon. The 1st and 2nd ranking
players In Portland ar? hlKll
school boy and Jimmy Edmls
ton who won the Southern Ore
gon cup here two weeks ago also
wen th central Oregon cham
pionship which was held at llend
a week ago. lie Is In high achool
at Medford.
Three K rents In Plan.
The plan ot tho Inter-clty ten
nis meet like this on with
lend Include three event. First
each player plays a singles match
with on of th opposing team.
All mute lii'i consist of the best
two out of three sets. Th sec
ond event Is the men's doubles,
and the third la the mixed dou
bles. There are no finals ot any
kind. Karh match counts one
point won or hut In th tourna
ment acor. When Bond played
her a month ago tb tourna
ment score was Klamath . llend
J. showing that total of It
matchwe were played. These tour
numenla, .generally start at 10
o'clock ;.ajid flnlnh iout S
Tha tonnls club plans call foi
match and a return match with
Urant Pass In August, date to
b announced later. Th club
also wishes to annnunr a gala
danc to he held about th mid
dle of August at th W'lllard
Woman Suffering
From Poisoning
Taken to Hospital
Dorothy Ronnott, who has hoen
housekeeper for J. 8. Laxooons.
la In the Hillside hospital suffer
ing from the effects of polmmliiK.
Airs. Henuett ralnses to talk lo I
Iho hospital officials or to othor..
ft Is believed, however, that aim
attumptpri to end her life by tak
ing poison, and that a family
quarrel prompted the action. Fur
ther dolalls of the rase were un- ,
olilainablo. i
Kil Roach went befor Clrcull
JuiIrb William M. Duncan today
to he sentenced tor his part In th
robbery of Chsrlea Rose on the
Midland road some time ago.
Roach received a sentence of three
years In th elate penitentiary at
Salem on a charge of assault and
robbery, not bolng armed with a
dsngnrous weapon.
MKHRELWITZ. riermanv. July
hil. (AD Oscar Woetxold. pro
prietor of a foundry, despondent,
the pollr said, over Industrial re
verses r.nd credit losses which
wer wrecking hla business, dived
Info a cviiildron nr mnjlen Iron In
his blast furnnro ntid perlnhed.
JL,' -I . ...... . VI
and tha avangetlst will climb In
to It for part of al aermoo.
it will be hi unusual pulpit.
Ia announcing thla aermon.
Rev. Argue atated that In other
cltia where he haa glvea thla
uulqu addreaa. overflow crowds
hav been In attendance and a
record number of converts have
been received.
Arraugemeuta are belug made
for capacity crowd ot 1,900
(Coatlnaed Iroaa Psge Owe)
tor executive clemency war de
Bled by Governor W. It. Adams.
A stay of xcotlon for sixty
days also was denied. Officers
asking tha stay war attempting
to learn from th two condemn
ed men dotal! ot other criminal
activities In which th rieagle
wer thought to have been In
volved. Tb man embraced th Catho
lic tails sod war bapllxed by
Father Regie Barrett, prison
chaplain. They went to their
deaths calmly and quietly.
Prison officials ssked th men
If there was any preference In
the order In which they died.
' 1 11 go. Abahlcr aald elmply.
The trap was sprung for him st
0:40 and be waa pronouncod
dead at 0:13. Tb trap waa
sprung for Rnyalon st 10:17 sod
he waa pronounced dead at
Prisoner Bay ;oodbr
Before going to th executive
chamber, Absbler was taken to
Royston's cell. They said good
bye and shook hands.
Royston made a will loavlnr
his few possessions to his wife
who la In California with tholr
baby daughter.
Royston's body will h sent
lo Richmond, Calif., lor burial
Ha had previously requested he
be burled In th prison cemetery
to "rave nxpenie." A war airv
le organisation waa asked to
supply funds to glr Ahshler a
bo rial.
In th Lamar holdup, A. N.
Parrlsh, president of th bank.
end bis son. John, war slate
by th quartet. Two teller were
kldnnped and lator tha body of
one, K. A. Kessinger, was found.
Royston had been wounded In
an exchange of shot In the
bank betor Parrlsh and his son
were shot dawn, and Dr. W. V
Wlnelnger of Dlghton. Ksus.,
was called to treat his wonnds.
Th doctor's body waa fonnd
soma tlm later.
Your Housefurnishings
Aire Fuel
The interior furnishings of your home
are of just the sort of materials which,
except for their value, one would pick
to make a good, hot fire,
We hope they'll never serve that pur
pose, but it's prudent to have them ade
quately insured in case they do.
An immediately-binding policy can be
had on short notice.
Jas. H. Driscoll
Life, Fire, Automobile and Bonds.
Phone 432 206 Williams Bldj.
Ask About Special Automobile Insurance Rates.
Have Your Life and Accident Insurance Problems
Analyzed by Mr. DeSpain.
Money to Loan at 6 on Improved City Property.
From Casket
to attend Sunday night. Special
mailcal numbers and a song serv
ice lod br the evangelist with a
trombone and Mrs. Argue at tha
piano will precede the aermon-
Bundar afternoon at tnrea orioca
Her. Argue Vlll speak on "Tb
Holy Uplrlt and bpeaklng With
Other Tongue." Next week 1
announced aa the last week of
lb campaign. Her rices will be
eondocted each night.
Ebony Serenaders
Play at Altamont
Pavilion Tonight
W. I. Coodlette's Ebony Ser
enaders. who have been taking
tha dancer ot Klamath Falls
by storm are again to appear
st th Altamont auditorium to
night. The Ebony Serenaders
wer Uken lo Lskerlew this week
by th American Legion who
realized their ntertlntng value
and had s vary eucceaaful danc.
Th danc will start tonight
promptly at t:00 o'clock sod
conUnu until 1:00 with an en
tirely new danc programme pre
td by Mr. Good 11 1. Th
largest crowds of dsnoars ver
aaaemhled at danc nv oecn
attending the popular dance
al th Altamont.
Dobrin Home From
European Journey
Jacob Dobrin, ot tb Guardian
Building and Loan association,
haa returned from s trip to New
Tork and th country or Poland
11 Is heir to a large estate In
Poland, but when he entered the
country he fonnd that laws were
such he could not sssum title
to hla property without actually
residing In Poland. Thla h re
fuse to do. "1 would rather be
s salesman In America and be
happy Ilk 1 am than to b a
landed aetata, owner In Poland."
aald Jacob, and with that he
turned on a full hoad of steam
and began talking about th re
source ot th slat ot Oregon.
Married TocUy
Percy McNeil and Myrtlu Mil
lard were united In marriage
thla morning at th Klamath
county court bouse by Justice
ot th Peace V. B. Bsrnes.
Corrections To
(1) Napoleoa met defeat. In
stead of victory, at Waterloo.
(2) Napoleon died at 8U Helena.
Instead ot th Island ot Elba.
(3) Th ar ar missing from
tb horse. (4) Napoleoa never
wore th type ot uniform oap
shown. (5) Th scrambled word
4 '- i , . I
(Continued front Tag One)
and that Urge sums of money
wer mentioned, an well aa B
"fjO-50 spilt," the warden aald
he had gone to Clark's bona to
discus with him purely ad
ministrative matter that of
seining bus from the Columbia
CoaiplrtJned About. Inry
While they wer there. Clif
ford testified, Clark complauuid
about the salary h waa asking
and mentioned th sum aa con
sidered necessary to suoport hut
family. Clifford aald bo recalled
that f 1000 was the amoaat men
Clifford vigorously denied tak
ing as mueh aa a dollar ontsid
bis salary, sine h haa bee Is
office. "If anyvn working for
ma ever said anything la my
presence about my taking a
much as a dollar outside ot air
salary 1 would writ at bla res
ignation at oc." th worda
Deficit Wiped Oat
la discuss Uig th administra
tion ot hla offlc also b ha
been warden, Clifford declared
that under bis direction "to
gam department has palled oat
of s deficit of approximately
eoo.oeo" at th tlm he took f
llc. and bow haa 144. Jul. to
over and above all oststandtnar
claims, sa well aa approximately
ssv.oov additional da tb de
partment from tiO llosaa a 11 lux-
agent throughout th stale.
I hav never Instructed sat
warden not to arrest gam vio
lators." Clifford declared, "nor
hav I vr resorted to intimida
tion or 'framing' of wardens sa
waa charged.
Womem, Chlldrea Kot In I ml
"I hav Instructed virrlin.
that ao minor children or women
wr to be arrested except In
very flagrant cases, bat I hr
Instructed wardens to raqnlr
sach offenders to parch lb
censes. "Th department ha suffered
much criticism on account at tht.
""" wvsra taxing In women
and children."
Commercial fishing violations
n th Rogu rlr.r do not com
ander his Jurisdiction. Clifford
said, bnt ander th Jurisdiction
of tb sut fish commission. He
said be felt charge ot Us en
forcement on th Rogn war
out of plae 1b this nesting.
A night session waa held and
lasted until nearly midnight,
Heau-ixuf AdjoenrisM
Tb stale gam oommlesloa t
day adjourned lu hearts g of
charges ot Inefficiency atld laxity
la th administration f Harold
Clifford, sut game warden, and
R. H. Clark, chief depaty. Thee
charges war mad by rvareJ
sportsmen's club.
Th oommlesloa ordered attor
nys for both sidea to peeper
brief of testimony, whtebj th
commission will study. CommJa
slonor intimated they will do
lotns investigating of their est
befor th Bxt meeting.
The hearing was adjourned un
til call of th chairman. It la es
pecud the next meeting will b
called within a month.
Tuesday, July 22nd, 1930, 1:00 p.
Klamath County Fair Grounds
20 Head of Choice Dairy Cows
All T. K and Abortion Tested
Fresh and Coming Fresh
Terms: One-half cash, balance
in Monthly Payments.
Co. Swigart, Auctioneer.
Henry Gerber of Oregon Bank and
Trust Co., Clerk.
E. D. Trulove, Owner.
We Have Just Put in a Carload of
Half Ground Salt
From the Nevada Pure Salt Co. Owing to the low
freight rate from Nevada we are able to offer this
salt at a
See aa at once
1204 South Sixth Street . Phone 557-J
Each Day of Fair
It Dedicated to
Special Purpose
Each of th three day of th
annual Klamath county fair, to
be held st the fair grounds thla
year, September 1, 1 and 20,
haa bB dedicated to a purpose.
It waa learned lb la morning
from Mr. Ld Perlurr, secretary
and manager of tb fair thla
Tb fair will open Thuraday
morning. 8eptmhr IS. and will
b knows as Klamath Fall Day.
On this day It I expected that
all ronldanu of Klamath Folia.
Including boainee house and
store, will partlclpat In th
observance of th fair which la
as exposition of Klamath, coun
ty's product and sccompllan
Bsols of tb past year, and th
result ef jreara of study and re
search. Childrwa' Day Chaagadi
Tb second day. Swptamoer II,
will b dedicated to chlldrea of
th entire county. Instead ot
Saturday, th 20th, aa previous
ly announced. At this tlm
teacher sad hue drivers will be
oa th payroll of th county sad
each teacher will bring la her
group to attaad tha fair. Tb
"matt sboW and other diversi
fied entertainment plana will be
carried oat.
Th third sad last day, Sep
tember 20 th. will b kaowst aa
Klamath county day, aadl th o
ura eounty will taava part at to
Dslc Race, of eoarae, will eon
Uno tor tha thre daya and th
xhlbiu will b st display dar
ing th entire time
Mgdaa- rtss Day.
Judging will start a boat It
"clock os th morning ot th
first day sad lot that Branriiar
ribbon and other awards may b
ataxia and displayed during th
rwmalnder of tha fair. Judge
bav not yet been announced.
Mrs. Parker staled tola roorarng,
however. t hi thought that to
majority f Jadga would he
member at tba achool f agri
culture. Oregon. Stat coUags. at
Caw ReeulU Csa Herald Class Ad
To all poimli North
East and West
tosaosaj. aautetf aad
Phont 999
Terminal Stage
830 Klamath Ave.
Union Stage
Low Price
for your needs.
(Continued from Pag Oa)
tuly. and dismissed all adultera
tions which la darkn and In
light war poisoning th Ufa of
our country."
Visit Memo rati la Hpota.
Referring to a staleuiwnt that
th Bllgrlmag InUnded vlaltlng
spou la Italy "memorable to
Protestantism.'' Tribana ironical
ly adds:
"This news teaches us soma
thing w did not know- that
there ar In Italy place awnsor
abl to Italian Protestantism. Ia
trutb w did not know nntll now
there was Italian Protestantism
and much leas that it had me.
nioraolo sputa oa oar soil."
Leavlag With Family
Raw. A. O. Broylaa, pastor of
th lm man oat Baptist church
leaving with bla family early
Sun7 morning for Otkaloosa,
Iowa. Th Broylos family was
called east by th serious Illness
of Rev. Broyle father. They
will b loos at tout a avanta.
Daring Raw. Broyla a bee at.
Her. IL . Lorsnx will tlU th
pulpit or th Immannel Baptist
Outdoor Dancing u Plenty Fun
Baldy Evans' Haywire Orchestry
Real Moonlight Waltzes
Klamath Avenue and Second
Brand New Chevrolet Roadster, ONLY RUN
Mr. Buyer can take advantage of the other
fellow's misfortune.
Buy this car with $100.00 off new car price.
BUT YOU will have to HURRY.
ANOTHER real buy in a 1930 MODEL 400
Nash Coupe. Twin ignition, 6 cylinders and a
beautiful job and you can buy this car for less
than the lowest priced new six on the market,
and hurry for it won't be long now.
630 Klamath Ave.
Whether It's for th children'! panla. mother"
odd chance, or father's surplus dollars, a savtnsi
account at thl bank provide safe and profitable
Investment. Not only does It allow for the de
pool ta ot widely varylnc amoants, tut It also pro
vide an Immediate Interest return on each deposit
retard! ot sis. That aiclnaiv leatarea ol a
saving oeconnt hav mad It th preferred method
ot eiTing .... and truly, a family affair. f
American National
of Klamath Falls, Ore.
Capital $200,000.00
page nvi
Cedar Lined Steel
Fur Safa Installed
A large, dar-lrse tt tut
aafe. tha rjrat of lu kind en b In
stalled la Klamath Fell, haa ba
ldd to the equlpmaBt f th
rummlngs Fur Shop, at 110 South
Ninth street.
Th safe, mad by tha Itwwab
enmpaus, la guaranteed fir proof,
burglar proof and vermla proof, aa
well a to hav a sapaelty of hold
ing between 7 and 100 fur cos is.
Thar, ara also, three eadar-llned
aompartmeou fur th aocommoda
tloa ot smaller fur place.
At cording to Mrs. Cammiojs,
many raluabla fur wrapa or al
ready scored tor tha summer
avmiha la the nvr aaf.
sr5T.T OStTf
Auto Co.