The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 19, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Owning, Mem
OREGON: Fair tonlht nl
Sunday, but with fog along tb
roast, normal tmpratur. Mod
rat north and northwest wind!
on the roast.
Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service
Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade
I'rice Kive Cunts
Number 7299
8 : Pages
Thoughts We've
Been Thinking
Fudurul Farm Uourd Con
aultont 8ay Nature
Must Intervene to Save
Wheat Market From
More Than Million and
Quarter Member Will
He Affected by Feder
ation of Seven Bodies
of Lutheran Church
Emancipation of Women
and Lack of Manners
Not Same Thing.
Sciontlnts Should Be
Awarded For Long
Hours Put in in Inter
cut of Government.
pltANK 0. CftOWKI.L, con
ullant on (rain product for
lha Federal farm board, old
that th govrrnmont'a effort to
bold up wheal prices by buylut
up th aurplua will remit Id a
"rulnoua collapae" anleaa nature
Intervene by substantially re
duclug tb 1930 crop.
In other worda, our effort to
vd the law of aupply and de
mand will result In disaster un
leea crop disaster aomewhere
cuta the production of wheat
very materially.
. Wa bap that Mr. Crowall It
wrong, but It mutt be admitted
that a pretty larg section ot It
feara that be la right.
Improved method and Improv
d machinery bar mad wheat
production easier and cheaper,
blrh haa helped the world-wide
drop In commodity prlrea. There
la more wheat now In eight than
the world wanta to buy. for
there la Dot only our own aur
plua but the embarraaalng aur-
plna of the Canadian wheal pool,
and new erupt are coming on.
8o It looka altogether too much
aa though Mr. Croxell were
right, however much w might
wish to find him wrung,
e e
VI Oil- than a mtllon and
auarler melhber will be af
fected by the fed oration ot ven
bod lee or aynoda of th Lutheran
church. St or than 7.000 con
gregatlona nil! be Included. Thla
may not b Interesting to others
than member of th Lutheran
rhureh. but It la Important for
everybody. It la on mor atep
In the march toward tolerance,
toward uully In th major pur-
pore of life, toward better hu
man understanding.
. a
EMANCIPATION of women and
" lack of manner are not 'the
same thine, says Queen Marl of
Ilouman!. 8ho doean't car for
th aelf-aur young women who
sprawl unbecomingly on softs
and grant no respect to their
elders. Tb ,uen. by th wty.
doesn't permit her daughter.
Princess Means, to smoke.
TV7E ought all to be Interested
In th proposal of scientists
to a commute. of congresa for
proper awards or mcaais enu
...- .. i h Ixtnnn and elah-
tnen-hour-a-dey . aclentlsta who
work for th government. These
men toll tinreaslugly, formulat
ing acletitlflo facta or making
.1. t .nui Tit I ne for the
human race. They work on
amall aalariea. inoy are uciuv.
of the common any.
La Grande Business
Men City's Guests
Jack Teare. the old republican
wheel hors of union county, anu
th man who la responsible for
til Eastern Oregon Stat commit
teemen gelling logolher on a mu
" tual understanding lo tome tea
lures of the slate program, la In
Klamath Kails visiting old frltmda.
He la accompanied by rostmaster
Ralph Huron of l.a Ora'nile, who Is
loving. . himself meeting the
members ot Battery D with whom
he Is acquainted.
Aunt Het
"I could take off as
much weight as Ella May
did, but I never did like
the way a toy balloon
looks with half the nir
Warden Denies Statement
Of Bond That "50-50
Split" Wa. Talked
Deputy and Himself Met to
Disease nelnlng of uas ana
(lark Incidentally Injected
Hume Salary Talk Into Con
versation, K'ardra Kays In Un
fitting Bond's Tesllmonj.
PORTLAND. July 19 (A
D Toiwibllity that the
gome commission hearing
of charges of inefficiency
and laxity brought against
Harold Clifford, warden,
and E. II. Clark, chief dep
uty, by aeveral sportsmen s
clubs, miifht be concluded
today, was - indicated as
the hearing re-opened this
morning. Warden Clifford
continued statements begun
yesterday tending to dis
credit unsworn testimony of
witnesses for the complain
in sneaklnx ot the testimony
of J. I'age Bond. Portland, who
said he overheard Clifford and
Clark talking In Clarke house,
(Contlourd on Page rive)
Police Capture
Reputed Slayer
Of Jake Lingle
CHICAGO, July 1 (AP)
Thomaa Abbott, who Bat been
secretly sought at th actual
slayer of Alfred (Jake) ungie,
waa captured early today In
spectacular chase In which hun
dreds lined the atreeta. cheering.
Abbott, driving th tarn type
of automobile used In the recent
attempted assassination of Jack
Zutn. led the police fllrrer njuad
a 10-mlla chat before he was
caught ai th door Ot Ml apart
The chase started at Dlvriey
avonue and extended north
far a Roger park, then south
again. Several timet In doubling
bark on the trail, th AbboU and
police car aped up and down
North Clack, street. 1 Hundreds
of persons, recognltlng th ma
chine by their apeed and con
stant reappearance, lined the
streets and cheered.
Abbott, who was accompanied
during the chase by his wife,
denied having any part la th
murder of Lingle, the Tribune
reporter who was killed June I,
or In the attack on Jack Zuta,
Jury Recommends
Hanging Burkhart
LOS ANGKI.KS. July 19. (A
PI Wlllltm llurkhart. year
old bookkeeper, today la under
conviction ot first degree murd
or for the alaylng March 24 of
hit estranged wlfo Anne Mo-
Knlght llurkhart, nctresa. A
sentence of hanging waa recom
mended by the trial Jury laat
llurkhart waa accused of (lay
ing his wife nfter efforta to el
feet a reconciliation had fulled.
Sentence will be passed Monday,
Capone Denies Statements
Made by St. Louis Star
MIAMI. Fla., July 1!. (AP)
Alphouse Co poneby hit own an
nouncement the chieftain emeritus
ot Chicago'! gangland saya he it
willing to go before any grand
Jury to deny ilatemcnlt attributed
to him that he haa "plenty" of
Chicago newspaper men on hit
payroll, and that ! he and tho
Chicago police 'know who killed
Jnke Lingle, Chicago reporter,
Dlctntes Statement
Cnpnne dictate,) statement nt
hit Palm Island estate lutl sight
i of
Bathing Suits to
Be Discarded on
Michigan Shores
CHICAGO, July 1. (AP)
Lake Michigan bather. If
health rommlsiiloner Arnold H
Kegel haa bit way, may aoon
be able to absorb th sun s
raya without the hindrance of
a bathing suit.
Dr. Kegel yesterday asked
for the establishment of solar!
uma at all b-chre. on for
each sx.
"A solarium," the commis
sioner aald "la nothing but
etretrh of land with a high
board fenr aronnd It."
George Clark, 14, Uses
Shotgun and Rifle
To Slay Mother
HOLBTEIN. Iowa. July 1, (A
P) A It-year old boy confessed
to County Attorney George Clark
Jr., laat night that he knocked bit
pother unconscious with a brick,
dragged her Into the kitchen of
their farm horn, and shot her to
Th youth. Letter Mohr, aald
he bad quarreled with hi mother.
Mr. Gua Mohr, IS, Thursday af
ternoon over some work ah want
ed him to do, and that he threw
bricks at her whll sh wis fa th
taf m Jot.
On of th bricks knocked his
mother unconscious, th youth
confessed, ana then ft dragged
her Into the kitchen and ahot her
with rifle and a ahotgun.
Lester previously aald he bad
worked In a nelgbbor'a oat field
that afternoon, then bad com to
Holsteln, and apon returning
home found hla mother dead, lie
called neighbor.
Th woman' skull had been
crushed. There were ahotgun
wounds In the breast and neck and
a rifle wound In the temple.
July 19, (AP) Blu Larkspur,
1929 1-year-old champion, won
the 1:5.000 Arlington cup by
three lengths today, with Pelt
Wrack second and Toro third.
Blu Larkspur ran th mil
and a quarter In J:04 4-5. Sun
Mean waa fourth and Reveille Hoy
waa fifth In the field of five. The
race wat worth 125.000 to E. K.
Bradley of Lexington, Ky., owner
ot the triumphant 4-year-old.
Thirty thousand sweltering race
fans boiled In the terrific heat, lo
watch the heavily played favorite
Slayer Confesses
To Aunt's Murder
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. July 1.
(API Bernard Thompson, 26,
surrendered to th police early to
day and confessed to the slaying
ot hla aunt, Mrs. K. Edith Wight,
a veteran store detective. In her
Saugus, Mass., home, lnst Satur
day. Thompson aald he had read In
the Boston papers ot the slaying
of his aunt, and that police were
seeking him. At first he denied
knowledge of the crime, but broke
down under questioning.
In a signed statement he admit
ted striking hla aunt over th head
with a blackjack, after ah hnd
made uncomplimentary remarks
about hla mother. He aald he
knew nothing about $7,000 in
Jowela reported stolen from th
home of Mrs. Wight.
regarding a copyright atory writ
ton for the St. Loult Star by Harry
Brttndidge, reporter.
"It he la trying to build hla rep
utation on what he thinks I aald.
and not the truth, he la a deliber
ate liar," Capone asserted. "I
doty, him to say that the state
ments h made are true. I will
face him before any grand jury
and deny them to bit fare.
"It la the truth when he said I
gave Lingle i diamond belt huck
(Contluued va Page live).
Wardens Nearing
Abehier and Roytton of
Lamar Bandit Gang
Put to Death
Canon City, Colorado, Prison,
Scene of Double Hanging of
Confessed Holdup-killers; La
MIouU Ilea for Stay of Ex
ecution for 00 Day Denied by
Governor Adams.
CANON CITY, Colo., July
19 (AP) Three hangings
left the Lamar bandit pack
with only one member alive
Colorado last night ex
acted the death penalty
in a double hanging of
two confessed holdup-kill
ers, George J. Abshier and
Howard L. Royston. ',
Only Jake Fleegle. unappre
hended, survives ot th tour men
that atormed Into the First Na
tional bank at Lamar. Colo., In
May, and took M19.00V
and left four dead men In tbelr
wake. Ralph Fleagle, brother
of Jake and reputed leader of
the pack, waa executed her a
(ortnlcht ago.
Laat minute appeal by at
torney for Royaton and Abshier
(Continued on Tag rive)
Huge Snake Escapes
From Park Exhibit
Tji-icuraTWR. v. V- Jnlv 1
(API .After a, night behind
doora locked with mor than the
nsual caution, resident ot the
lake aide community of Sea
Ureeie. seven ' mile north ot
her, took np th search today
for th : 00-pound. 10-foot In
Hian nvthnn -rhlnti Mraned Yes
terday from the reptile exhibit ot
Edward Hayes, park concession
riti-l-.- lis nlcht. more than
on hundred men with search
lights, led. by police and deputy
sheriff, beat the bruth and
woods In th vicinity ot th park
and neamy iroooequoii nay.
Th Cyclo-Stormagraph at
Underwood' Pharmacy ahowa
an unchanged barometric level
and another fine day la In
prospect for tomorrow.
The Tycoa recording ther
mometer registered maximum
and minimum temperatures
today as tollowt
High 76. low 45.
Forecast for next 24 hnra:
Fair with moderate temperatures.
Last Minute News
PORTLAND. July 19 ' (AP)
i ..vhnm bnhv cirl. dead but a
few hours, wa found today by
attendants In a downtown rest
room. The Infant nao ooen
wrapped In a newspaper and
placed In a shopping bag. An
unidentified woman told an at
tendant where ; th myttorioua
package might be found, and de
parted. , . .
Mra. Mae Sunday, divorced
wife of William Sunday. Jr.. eon
of the evangelist, announced to
day she will marry her attorney.
Wallace Davis, of Loa Angolet,
Sept. 80, the data her divorce be
come final,
ABERDEEN, Wash., July 19
( AP) Believed grlof-ttrioken
because ot th recent death of
hla brother, Joa Pete, 66, lead
ing figure among Chehallt In
dians tor th past quarter cen
tury, took hit own lite late yes
terday by hanging himself from
a tret near Oakville,
July It. (AP) A red monoplane
chrlatened th "Marauett Mis
sionary" and planned for use In
Alaska by . Jesuit missionaries
took off today for Buffalo, N.
Y., en route to Seattle.
At Jhe rontrols of tbe six
passenger Bellanca wa ' George
Plckenuck, pilot, who carried
paaeengera th Very Rev. Philip
L Deloo. 8. J., la charge of
Jesuit mlaslonarles In Alaaka
Brother J. J. relies, Jesuit mis
sionary and a flier, and Walter
K. Kade, Detroit aeronautical
Tb plan will be taken to
Fairbanks, Alaaka. by ship and
flown In to Holy Croaa, th
Jesuit missionary baa. Mla-
alonarle will be able to cover
In a few hours territory that
take weeks and moniha to cover
afoot or by dog sled. Th plan
can b converted quickly Into a
hospital ship.
Large Audiences Hear
Speaker at Theatre
On Friday
ak n
atudy th question." Montavlll
vIamm .M,b ef lha Indenenil-
ent Merchants' Minut Men of
America, pleaded a ne a pox on
.1... DChala DIam" m n. ,k. hfttlfc
et yesterday at the Pin Tree the
atre under ne atrspice vi iw
pendent mercnam oi mamam
L' . 1 1 .
Mr. Flower traced th develop
ment Of me cnain aiore aaiviui.
people and their opportunities.
pointed in ouierence ia puryue
between th chain store and th
lititAtini),tif atnre. and aave hi
estimate on th wage paid and
hours worked in me cnain aioree
aa oppoted to the Independent
"Year ago George H. Hartford,
a Yankee, started a store In a
New York town. He got the Idea
that profit from two would be
. . .Wtl.k.,
better man one, ana wwuhbuou -second,
then a third, fonrtb and
(Continued on Pag fclfbt)
Fall From Apple ,
Tree Fatal to Boy
C0RVALL1S. Or., July 19 (A
P) Ross Coulter, 13, died In a
hospital her last night from In
i i .nrr...J in a fall from an
apple tree. H wa unconscious
when found and it it not auowu
how long be lay under the tree
In that condition. Death resulted
from compound fracture of the
The boy waa the ton ot Mr.
A. H. Coulter of Corvallla. He
was born In Winnipeg, .uanuooe.
Canada, and came to Corvallls
with hi mother a year ago from
Longvlew. Wash. A brother.
Jack. Uvea In Longvlew where
funeral aervlcea will be held.
WICHITA. Kan.. July 19. (A
im Want Rralnv. IS year old
plana designer, waa Injured fat
ally laat night when he fell 100
feet In a glider of hi own con
struction at a field east of Wich
ita. He died in a hospital snort
ly after th accident-
Senator Isaac E. Staples ot Port
land Is confined to his home
with a broken leg suffered
Thnrarinv In an automobile acci
dent on the Grande Hondo high
way. Ho lost control oi tue car
and It crashed from a small
bride Into a creek bed and
LA GRANDE, Ore.. July 19
(AP) Two residences and the
two-story Maccabeo ball at Cove
were destroyed by fir, today.
Loss ot approximately $15,000
wa partly covered by insurance.
Th fir started after a dance In
the hall laat night, probably,
firemen said, as the result of a
smoker's carelessness.
(AP) The war department to-
..inul nl.m n th Or-
gon highway commission tor a
bridge across the Wilson river
near Tillamook to replacs th
existing bridge on th Rooasrelt
coast highway.
Where Bore Blast Killed Twelve
r w , f , , , - j
I i'v!r I .i-u-w
i ,lttaitC
Exploding go that killed II
Thursday at Mitchell tunnel ot San
project bring th death toll to
within five week. Above, miner
explosion occurred: below, the construction camp at Mitchell tunnel.
(Flrat gam)
Cincinnati 1 15 0
Philadelphia . 1 10 I
Benton and Gooch; Hansen,
Elliott. Collin and Rensa.
(First game)
St. Lou'.s 4 8 1
New York - 1 1 ' 1
Haines and Wils.j; Walker.
Pruett-and O'Farrell.
R. H. E.
Chicago 5 8 0
Brooklyn 4 1
Batteries: - Osborn. Teacnout,
Root and Hartnett; Vance, Phelps
Thurston and DeBerry, Lopex.
. . . R. T. . E.
Pittsburgh 9 . 10. 0
Boston . 4 11 I
Batteries: Bram and Hema
ley; 8mlth, Sherdel and Spohrer,
Gowdy. i
(Second game):
Cincinnati 17.1
Philadelphia 4 9 1
Kolp. Campbell,. Johnson and
Sukeforth: Willoughby, Wahl
ben and Danis. -
Boston SCO
Detroit 10 17 .1
MacFayden, Bushey and Her
ring;. Lhle and Seaautels. .
Second game) :
St. Loult 8 12 S
New York 4-9 3
First game R.
Washington 3
Clevjland 5
Batter lea: . Fischer, Hadley and
snnnrer: Ferrell and. Sprint.
Philadelphia 9 11 0
Chicago 10 S
The meeting ot the Klamath
ath County Sportsmen's associa
tion, soheduled for Monday even--
91 kni hnen nostnoned
to July 28, on account of the tight
card at Poole s pelican ineaire.
A. V.a nni.lnlnn of the resu
i mtf(n nn thA nisht
1 Ul ,u9iun, 1 " .
oath v p KtAllmacher. ed
ucational director ot ine uregou
State Game commission, will en
tertain with an lllustratea lec
Italian Papers Object
To Methodist Pilgrimage
ROME, July "18. (AP) La
Trlbuna today protests editorially
against the visit to Italy ot an
Italian-American Methodist Pil
grimage reported to have sailed
from New York today on board
the steamship Conte Grande.
"Undesirable" Says Trlbuna.
The newspaper headllnea the
protest "an undesirable American
pilgrimage." The article says
"this does not seem a very op
portune time to hav this Protes
tanl, lUlo-Amarlcan pllgrlmaga
. at a saaaaBaaBBBieas ai eaaav-.
i t'lJ-A'
9-i "V '
miners and Injured onVmore
Franclaeo Helen. Hetcby water
19 killed on city water projects
lunching In Mitchell tunnel where
CHICAGO.. July . 19 (AP)
Frank Foster, gangster under In
dictment for th murder of Al
fred Ltngt. Tribune underworld
reporter, teds returned from
California in custody ot two de
tectives, and was rushed to the
criminal court, building for examination-
Foster wss tsken from a Santa
Fe train as it paused in an out
lying railroad - ysrds.- A police
squad car met him there ana tne
gunman wss whisked ' under
heavy - guard to the criminal
Th gangster bsd admitted be
bought th revolver found beside
the body of Lingle. : Th lnves
togstors want to know to whom
he gave the gun.
Mrs. Foster, who slready was
aboard the train when Foster
and his guards boarded it at
San Bernardino, left it at Joliet
this morning. ,
Rates on Lighting
. Service Lowered
SALEM. Ore.. July 19. (API-
Over an area extending from van
couver. Wash., to Salem a reduc
tion in residential and commercial
electric lighting rates of the Pa-
cific Northwest Public Service
company Is made, in an order of
the public service commission yes
terday. The aggregate reduction
will be shout 9340.000 a year. The
order becomes effective August
The order fixes the valuation of
the company's property for rate
making purposes at t45.4SO.000
as of December 31. 192S. against
the company's claimed valuation
ot 151.120.000..
The order was signed by Com
missioners Frank J. Miller and O.
C. Bortxmeyer. Commissioner H.
H. Corey concurred In the findings
and rate schedules prescribed, but
dissented relative to the method
used In arriving at valuation.
with . us In the eighth year of
the fascist regime which com
posed dlfterencles between th
church and state."
TV.- Trlhuna article continues:
"Protestants In alliance with
Masonry gladly avauea me -
, r that difference until
tb dsy whea fascism, restoring
the fortunes ot iisiy. r-"-
... ..I,,, of tha Catholic
faith, which It so .larg a part
ot th history, ot civiiiwmou
(Co unoea oa -a-
Pennsylvania and Weal
Virginia See Mercury
At New Levels
Governeat Flgwre Show Aver
age Temper-tor for atetlra
Co-atry Friday Was BOJJl
Crop BarnJag, Range Dry S
Up and Much buffering Fol
low Spread of Heat IaH-ulty.
( AP) Ten persona were
dead in western Pennsyl
vania and West Virginia to
day aa thermometers gen
erally climbed to record
A baby died in its moth
er's arms 'in Sharon, Pa,
where the temperature was
98 degrees, a farvier col
lapsed in his fields near
there, and a 55-year-old
man died of injuries suf
fered in a fall from a porch
roof where he had made
his bed.' .. ' .. .. ,
In Charleston. W. Va.. whera
a reading ot 101 degree yes
terday waa th high mark of
tbia region, a baby died of a
fractured akull after falling from
a window near which it bad beea
placed for sir. .Another baby
died in Pittsburgh aa thermomet
ers crawled above th record ot
93 degree ot yesterday.
A man and bis daughter
(Continued, on Page Five)
Nylander Pleated
With Working, of
Federal Farm Aid
Vmnm K-lanil-e hai returned
from a trip to San Francisco,
where as representative ot tho
Klamath County Dairymen' aao-
iHn h ttnitw! tha eoven-
tton ot Challenge Creamery offi
cials and district representatives.
"I am more encouraged than
K.fnr. with tti fnrm hoard
and its operation," said Mr. .Ny
"At that meeting we were offl
t n t i -nutt-A that th federal
farm board had allocated l00,-
000 for the dairy loan oueiness oi
this coast, with Interest at Hi
per cent. Of this amount $350,
000 will be loaned to wha t is
known aa affiliated units, wnicn
Includes the Klamath county unit.
nftn will h tanned to th
San Francisco and Los Angeles
Prices to Strengthen
rtatrv nroHneta will advance a
little, not much, but a little this
fall, according to me ju-gm mi
ot the men who assembled at that
Hr Anrl tl- the WIT. I nST-'
er realized wha t a tremendoua
business the dairy buemess actu
ally is until I est In that meeting.
If every milk producer could at
tend such a gathering he would at
once realiie tne importance m iu
industry. I am sure onr Klamath
unit Is off to a fine start, for It
was analyied by many of the
-K.itA- ..Air -nd the all en
dorsed every move and every pol
icy of this association. :. .
Poor Pa
"Daisy got a divorce
from Tom an' was given
...ictnriv nf their baby
boy. I guess the court
figured Daisy could find
vtm a now nana, before
Tom could find him a
new mama. -