PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Wednesday, July lfl, 1930 FARM NEWS LATEST NEWS OF MARKETS POMTLAND. Or., July 1. A P.l Fsmllr patent and raslry flimra have been reduced 20o by the Sperry Flour company. Easy nild-summer price pre vail In won (rulta and vegetables. Qreen coru has gune down to 11.75 a craltt, new potatoes to 2ic a pound. Oregon tomatoes to 2 to J.S!& a lug. The cantaloupe and water melon markets were unsettled because oC the variable weather. A few daye of warm weather would perhaps deplete present supplies. The ecu aud butter markuu were fairly steady, especially for the top grades. FLOl'K (city delivery prlcea): Lower. Family patents, ss, IH.tu; whole wheat. ss. f5.SU; gruham. 4ta, $5.3o; I takers' hard wheat, tits. $.0o; bakers' Wue teni patents, ss, 6.4i; pastry flour, 4 Si. ' Sl'aAIt (sacked basis): Steady. Cane, fruit or berry. $4.90 per beet sugar, I4.7U cwt. BITTER and EGGS: Fairly steady fur top grades. Milk (butterfut), poultry, coun try meats, onions, potatoes, wool, iiuta, hay, tascara bark and hops. steady aud unchanged. HOGS: Receipts 100. Steady to weak. Soil or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded). Light lights, 140-10 lbs., f 1U.2S-11.25; light weight. 1SU-200 Iba. 11.01) II 0; medium weight. 200-220 Ins.. lit). 25-11. 25; medium weight, 220-250 lbs.. $. 75-11. 00; hoary weight, 250-290 lbs., good and choice, 13.0-10.75; slaugh ter pigs, 100-130 lbs., good and choice, 10. 00-10. 75. CATTLE: Receipts 15, calves JO. Around ateady. SHEEP: Receipts (00. Quot ably ateady. Spud Disease Control Book Given Growers Not so many year ago only three potato diseases were con sidered serious la the United States. Today the potato grow er most tight up to a hall dosen bad ones and guard against a score other less Important dis eases which occasionally become serious. Oregon has Its share ot these potato troubles but growers bare been fortunate In baring bad some ot the most comprehensive disease control work in the coun try carried on at the Oregon Ex periment station in co-operation with the United States depart ment of agriculture. This work of many years has lust resulted in pnblication of by far the most complete and au thentic bulletin on control ol potato diseases erer Issued in this state, if not In the west. It is by M. B. McKay, plant path ologist, and T. P. Oykstra, as sistant plant pathologist of the V. 8. D. A. Most ot tbe potato diseases of Oregon may be controlled or prevented by methods varying from the basic plan of crop ro tation to sprayiug or seed treatment. Grower Of Prize Carnations CALIFORNIA Raises Champion Jersey Ity SEA Service .MILFORD, Mass.. July 15. For It years a grower ot choir carnations and new V. 1. How ard Is owner of the natiou.'l champion Jersey Cow. " Howard's Ida CHrtou Kthel. a purebred Jersey, is now chum pion senior So ear-old Jersey fi r both milk and bulterfal produ tlon, and she has Howard to thank for It. For it was on'y through his hard work that sle was developed luto the leader ot her class. Taking time from his florl.'t business and other duties, the coWe owner carefully watrhid her diet and kept her stalls anii pasture Immaculately clean. He kept accurate checks on her pri duction. and experimented wfin her feed null! be had that whlth gave the best recurs. And the cow rewarded, starting the new year by completing the highest Jersey records lor milk and but terfat production ever made in America In the senior S-year-old class. Eight Thousand Quarts! With her yield ot IS. 151 pounds ot milk, the equivalent of 8,433 quarts a year, she sur passed the record of Lass th of Hood Farm. who completed ber record In 1915. yield equivalent of 1.2SS pounds butter, she took champlonsn'p honors from St. Mawes Lad s Pride, an Oregon Jersey whose record was finished in 1925. Eight different supervisor from tbe state agricultural eol- Ida Clifton Ethel broke all the records natltit chwkMl IhA III, f lvvaiw.M V. .-J MA Massachusetts. of ,he cow ,jurng her year t her only a short time before he ler record IB fMt n , inA, mnnth nf hnr rllaH ah Irai tit rhimnlnn. ami uri record year, which was the 13th ship Quality. Of 1.030.. pounds, tro mn,h of the lactation, she nr. In ad.lltlon ta ralstnr erise , duced 99 pounds ot butter tat, rattle, Howard has won mary more than any month during tbe honors In flower shows. He has test. won the sweepstakes prise of the Champ In Three Yean. Americsn tarnation Society a ,.... ,h,, number ot times and la addition Howard purchased the cham- hM bwB unu,u,llT .. pion Jersey at an auction sa'e the international Flower Show leges of Massachusetts snd Con- In 137. He added this cow to held annually In New York. HOW TO RAISE POULTRY By Dr. L. D. LeGear, V. S., St- Louis, Mo, Dr. LeGear it graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, 1892. Thirty-six year of veterinary practice on diseases of live stock and poultry. Eminent authority on poultry and stock raising. Nationally known poultry breeder. Noted author and lecturer. Calcium Chlorate Good Weed Spray For Eradication OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis. July 15. (UP) Use of calcium chlorate has proved effective In the destruction of almost all ot tbe common varie ties of noxious weeds In trials carried on in Lane county dur ing the year, reports to the cen trsl extension office from O. S. Fletcher, county agent, indicate. Canada thistles and wild morning glories, two of the most serious pests, yield readily where the ground has not been plant ed for at least a year before the praying1 was done,, he said. ARTICLE XLI1I The White Plague In The Poultry Yard The Control ot Avian Tubercu losls ("T. B." Among Chick ens la a serious rroblem That Requires Drastic Action For Its Solution. editor's Mote: This la another story In a series of SI stories on poultry raisins written by tbe wtii snows nauooai poultry euiuoriiy Dr. U LI. LeUear. V. eL, ot SL Louis Tbe anUre series wtli appear ta this paper. Our readers are urad to read tbtm carefully aod dip them out for future reference. I do not wish to be considered an alarmist, yet I do not hesitate to say that the menace of tuber culosis among poultry flocks In certain parts ot the United States is an extremely serious matter. In many states the dis ease is practically unknown, while in others it is very com mon, there being as high as 15 of all flocks affected. T. B. may be divided Into three principal types: The one affecting man, known as the human type; that affecting prin cipally cattle, known as the bo vine type; and that affecting fowls, as the Avian type. Hogs may become affected with either the bovine or Avian type. The annual loss through the havoc wrought In poultry flocks from Avian tuberculosis is enor mous. Add to thst the loss from hogs which contract the disease from contact with chickens and the total will run well up Into the millions of dollars annually. Unfortunately, the disease is not easily recognized in Its ear lier stages, aud the tuberculin test is the only sure way of de termining which ot the appar ently healthy fowls iu a flock sre affected. After T. B. has secured a good grip on a bird. NOiMEN NEED HAVE GRAY .. fS SHE SAYS ill LeaTHair Tonic Did Wonders For My Hair Mrs. Pens . Declares., MAKES ONE LOOK SO v MUCH YOUNGER ALSO '"1 never would and never did use anything on my hair or scalp,' 'but kept reading and hearing so 'imuch good about Lea'a Hair Tonic ' I finallv rot a bottle at the drur 'atore and used as directed in the. '.circular and to my utter amaze Intent it did wonder for my hair. I can guarantee that it will do just :cxsctly as recommended because I 'tried it and know. I was as skep tical as anybody but a fair trial of Lea's works wonders," enthu siastlrally write Mrs. George Penn ef Hardinr. 8. Dak. D Congressmen, doctors, famous judges, great actors and men of imminence in various walks of if have ased Leg's Hair Tonic Tor aa many a ten years. Elder' ly rich women soiouminr In Flor. tda began using Lea's even earlier than that. Beauty shops bought ( ef Mrs. Lew in Tampa, Florida, poured it into bottles of their own and charged fancy price. Todsy Mr. Lt-a 'is iniroouCir.; il a uiug tore because anyone may easily ,apply.trs4rhoiBt,U has never! MRS. CIOBGS FINN harmed or failed to please anyone, except a rare case where for some reason of nature the Lca Tonic fails to bring back the youthful color and beauty and in those rare cases the Lea Tonic Co. cheerful ly guarantees to refund the money. (See circular and directions with each bottle.) Gradually day by day perhaps a slowly as it oriel, nally began turning gray, your hsir goes back to the shade ef eld. the shade no expert could possibly imitate. The shade out of three Iheussnd most suited te your type snd style of beauty. You can defy the barber or hair dresser to de tect the use of Lea's. If desirous of trying Lea's, buy a bottle of druggist. It he won't obtain of his jobber for you, send dollar hill to Lea Tonic Ok, Brentwood, Md r. nn.ln.M. however, there are certain signs which csn be recognized with a fair degree of ease. It la a slow developing disease; therefore, is never seen In young fowls. Birds in advanced atages show a rapid loss ot weight; wasting away ot breast muscles; pale comb, wattles and head; rough, lusterless feathers; and, very often, lameness In one or both legs. Fowls so afflicted usually have normal, aometlmes vora cious appetites but gain no weight. Whenever these symptoms are noticed In any flock several of the more seriously affected birds should be killed and examined. If they cave tuberculosis numer ous round yellow spots varying from the size of a -plnhead to that of a pea will be found In the liver and spleen. There will be whitish or grayish nodules on the Intestines or the mem brane which holds the intestines in place. These nodules vary in size from that of a pea to as large aa a walnut- The ye'low spots or lesions as they are call ed may also appear In the kid neys and lungs. Once you have definite proof of T. B. In your flock, take im mediate steps to put an end to it. If the birds are of no par ticular value it may be advisable to kill the lot of them; burn the ones that are noticeably under weight. Those that are up to standard welgnt may be used for food or marketed, as cooking de stroys the germs. The next step Is a thorough cleanup, burning ot all rubbish, droppings and litter, and thorough disinfecting of all houses and poultry runs with a good dip and disinfect ant. All houses where such fowls have been shouM be thor oughly cleaned and disinfected each week ' for several weeks. Plow the runs often and plant to some Qulck-growlcg grain. If yon should decide to restock st once, chicks may be secured, from healthy flocks but should be raised in quarter well re moved from those of the former flocks and on new ground. In making such a start, it Is not necessary to kill off the old birds at once it they are yarded and the new broods are also confined. If your flock Is sufficiently valuable to Justify tbe extra work and expense, you may, after destroying the birds that are plainly affected, subject the remaining ones to the tuberculin test. Birds that prove to be entirely free from Infection should be put to themselves on clean, fresh range where they cannot come in contact with In fected birds. Remove droppings frequently and dispose ot them st some point remote from the quarters. Burn tbe carcasses of all fowls that have died of any kind of disease or bury them deeply. Since It can only be spread by the passage of germs from one bird to another. It is easy to see how the danger of Infection Is greatly reduced by eliminat ing those affected. if you bring in breeding stock (OFFERS MARKET OREGON STATU COLLEOK, Corvallis. July 15. (UP) Cali fornia markets are the nstural and most satisfactory outlet for Orison's surplus lamb crop and should be cultivated by western Oregou producers. In tbe opiuluu of animal huabanriay apuciallsu here who haw Just made public the tlnuiugs of a two-year luvea ligation ot the lamb marketing situation. While Pordand usually will lake care ot the early crop aud handle a uniform supply throughout tbe season, gruwera must look to San Francisco and loa Augelea for dlspoaltion of the surplus, the investigators said. Lambs received at these mar kets from southern and western Oregon so far have beeu gener ally satisfactory, and rumuiaud top prlcea when lu good condi tion. However, they have been discounted In many caaea . be cause of serious shrinkage, lona talled and bucky ronditlous, or overweight animals. Such couditlona cau be over come for both the home and Cal ifornia marketa through adher ence to a program outlined In the report. Including early lamb ing, proper care ol ewee, good breeding, marketing of lambs when they are fat aud at the proper weight, and careful cull ing so that only prime animals are sent to market, the special ists said. A policy ot this type would Increase the value ot 47 per cent ot Oregou lambs approxi mately 13 per head, and add fltu.OOO to the annual Income from this source, according to the report. .'EDEKAL FARM FACTS Hanting Pointers Garden Tools IIV II. VltTtllt UMNHKN Bureau of Plant Industry, I', H. 1 Itrimrtmi'iit of Agrl uliuro Time is Important to many gardeners whu are occupied away from home during the day and whu depend upou the early morning, Isle afternoon and hol idays for the upkeep of home grounds aud gardens. Many labor-saving devlcea help to speed the gardening. - With hedge slieara nlnne. hedse trimming Is laborious. For those wlih limited llmo anil who delight In a neatly trimmed hedgu there Is nil sutoniallc trimmer e. lint operutee oil the same principle as a farm hay mower. One person cau use it and can trim a hedge much more rapidly than with shears. Automatic lloea For cultivating the gnrdeu, there are many styles of wheel hoes that do the work much faster than hand cultivators. Wheel-hoes are equipped with one or more wheels and an arm so roustructed that hoes, culti vating teeth, plows and rakes may be attached as condition require. Some are even equipped with a seed drill which la con venient where large quantities ot vegetable or flower seeds are to be sown. A seed drill permits uniform rowing with minimum effort. Farm catalogues offer a wide variety of spralug and dunlin devlcea for control of Insects and plant dlseasea. The prin ciple of them all la to break up the liquid or powder Into miuiite particles so 'that whatever ta sprayed reccitra a thorough1 coating. ' Compressed Air 8praer For a limited amount ot sp rar ing a device built on the prin ciple of the bicycle pump wl'l suffice; (or a mure extensive op eration, however, rompressd air sprsyers which deliver a contin uous spray sre more sstisfsrtorr. One precaution Is Iniportsnt always rlesn spray guns thor oughly afler using ilicui. Lawn sprinklers, pruning shears, trowels, plain slakes, hand rulilralois, various klm's of flower pots and cut-flowor vasea alo oilier garden conveni ences. One ran have tiiui'b mora time to enjoy his ganliii snd grounds If he Is familiar with and ues the lalmr-savlug devices now available. B When rogulng potatoes; lhat Is, removing lh diseased plants, care Is necessary In Inking from the field so as not to allow dls-tase-iurryliig Inserts to scalier In oilier planta. One gond way, ears Hie Oregon fciperlnieiif sta Hon, l to place the rogued plunl directly lu a sound gtinuyanrk, which may ha left for disposal at His end ot llio row or when full. The Unlverslly of Utah owns Ilia only glider III Ihs stale. II was hulll lir sluilenls. VKr a wn n r. to MOSQUITOES ALSO FLIAS ANTS 1I0BUGS ROACHES MOTHS FLIES Mosquitoes, tKow cruel lints car riers ot infection, sre vjrkuiltctl in tlie tint ikimmh.'1'hrycan'tentrra bf Jroomwhcrcl'trloxiiiprjvf J. I larmlru to people. Ux it rcculsily for comfort, lite plcttant odor lingers only long enouc,fi to do the work. Not a py-prod-IKt. I W 1 a formula Jot lscd 41 Mellon liminc of lnJustrisl Krscarih by Hen Kc search Fellowship. Kefuse tubtliluics. SoU at grocery, drug and hardware stores. Fiy-TOX Is leld all ear Ui world CALtPOSNM SIX SI-SAT CO., SINICIA, CAUP. Ill C ItrSC-a s CO. hJ h'W mm Lira 1 fllM.HOIHt I i UBU4t.AKI KILLS THEM ALL A new legume for the south, developed by the V. 8. depart ment ot agriculture, is crota larla, which la rapidly finding favor as a summer clover crop. It Is a native annual to Africa, Ondia and South America. It was brought to the tolled tHalet from Africa In 190, and experi ments have been conducted with It alnce in Florida. I Sheep raisers can control the I quality and quantity of wool. ! according to the I'. 8. depart-1 ment ot agriculture. J. I. Hardy aud J. B. Tenuyson have com piled a report, available to all sheep men at the Washington office ot the department, on "Wool Fineness as Influenced by Rate ot Growth." explaining bow this can be done. Hog tuberculosis has declined 20 per cent during the past year, j according to federal meat In spection records. In the past year hog 'arcasses condemned as ' unsuitable because ot tuberculo-1 sis waa 8.170 leaa than the pre vious year, while the number j ot parts ot carcaises condemned was 115. 9S5 less. from some other flock, and It Is not practical to have them tu- j berculln tested, do not put tbero at once with tbe other chickens. Carelessness of some breeder), In sending out Infected stock Is believed to be largely responsi ble for much of the gain In tu berculosis which has been noted In late years. (Capyrlght, 1929, by Pr. L. D. LeGear, V. 8. IPUM? Scored in Even Blocks Full Weight Drive Up to Our Platform at 661 Spring St. or Phone 58. Kflainmaillhi Ece asudl Storage Go. Freckles and His Friends Easy, According to Oscar By Blosser -WC CCCTAINLY It THIS IS TUC KIND Of ' awC OSCAR All A SOQPOlse I SOOPQIS6, jf . TOO. WONT waCcas ffYjT JatcicLeS And o&cas ae j Y .' f ... PiCkCO op & RiufcY.eiWO I y'l VV IS D6 LIVE BINS a PLANS 1 Y', y ih TW6 pab sesT- i nem -m can just 66TTL6 BACK IN OOQ. StWS A NO EMJoy H J 1 TUOU6WT M0 ; feOONTAINS OCT jl -OL fWS VIAY INSTEAD ' 1 I T -J " . t Z? i- - ft . "- cu.vjiEu- see lots of mountains later on "most Ace Tue Plains That tug Ponstas Took, JMJNTHS AN WONTMS TO CROSS, ON THEIR VJAY To CAUFOttMIA... 666, THEY MAO A UAB.D TIME CQOSSIN8 . TrtoSS .7 -5 V$j?!tS8i3Zt. me. V ASTWYi i ''fr SHOCKS! 1 DON'T 66.4 NHY THEY OlONT TAlcfs AlOPuANES AN' MaMTc 17 OM6R OOICV1, Line uv it &'-Sj''iUjm Mom'n Pop a tot i evte if M.L tue - DOTTECMNG OLT FOSSIL PATX Me ABOUT t-W THl&D'EVCBWOW. I I'LL CALL, GLADYS AND T J JHC CWC4 IT THC THUMB' y DOVttl VLL, AMVUTATt -u 1 1 1 - jrau:tiu Turr.' Cmcit'i?? r - 7 IONAL TO MCtT frv; WIM UNSF.R THC OLD ygg Proof By Gowan JTA jT YOUR H MB l COULDN'T Jp JL- - .... I jm j't are u s esT.orr. CLOOPV n i sao s sis ssavict. IM. J